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Instructor: Puan Norzila Mohd

Group: EH110 5A (A1)

Planner: Mohamad Thaqif Alif Husin 2012245942

Experimenter: Iffah Syahirah Adli 2012404364

Analyzer: Ammar Zakwan Azman 2012605374

Consultant: Izzati Syahirah Mohd Salikin 2012495006

Date of experiment performed: August 6, 2014


The Flowmeter Measurement experiment was conducted to obtain the flow rate

measurement by utilizing three basic types of flow measuring technique which is

rotameter, venturi meter and orifice meter and to investigate the loss coefficient of fluid

through 90 degree elbow. The apparatus was placed on bench. The inlet pipe was

connected to bench supply while the outlet pipe into volumetric tank. Pump supply was

started up when bench valve was fully closed and the discharge valve was fully opened,

then bench valve was slowly opened until it is fully opened. The reading on manometers

(A-J) was recorded and the flowrate was measured. The steps were repeated for

different rotameter.

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Theory

4.0 Diagram and Description of Apparatus

5.0 Experimental Procedures

6.0 Results and Discussion

7.0 Sample calculations

8.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

9.0 References

10.0 Appendices

In the industries, flow meter is used to measure the volumetric flow rate of fluids

by introducing a constriction in the flow. The pressure difference caused by the

constriction is correlated to the flow rate using Bernoullis theorem.

In this experiment, SOLTEQ model FM101 is used to measure the different of

pressure across the venture and orifice plate flow meter by measuring the value of

indicated by the multi-tube manometer meniscus from A to J. if constriction is placed in

the pipe carrying the fluid stream, there will be increase in kinetics energy at the point of

constriction. Thus, the change of the fluid velocity will effect the pressure drop in the

pipe, this pressure change will automatically affect the level of the manometer meniscus

which is if the value of manometer indicated is higher thus the pressure in the pipe is

also higher.

SOLTEQ model FM101 is also consist of three different types of volume flow-

meter. It contains a venture type flow meter, an orifice plate type flow meter and a

Rotameter. All these three flow are connected in series and control valve is installed on

this model to regulate the flow rate desired by the students to achieve their task. The

flow rate of the fluid is easily measured by regulating the control valve because the flow

rate is readily shown by the Rotameter.


When the venture meter is placed in a pipe whose flow rate need to be

measured. There will occur the pressure drop between entrance and the throat of

venture meter. This is because Bernoullis theorem has state that there must be a

corresponding reduction in pressure drop, so, as the fluid flows through constriction

pipe, the velocity of the fluid will increase and if the velocity increase, the pressure of the

fluid will decrease. As Bernoullis theorem state there must be a corresponding reduction

in pressure drop. Can consider that the loss of energy will regain the kinetic energy of

the fluid. This pressure drop will be measure by the multi-manometer and the pressure

collected will be used to find the flow rate.

For orifice plate, the law of conversation energy applied to a fluid under the

condition of steady, uniform flow and the total energy of the system s remain constant.

Thus, the sum of potential energy, pressure energy, internal energy and kinetic energy

downstream of the constriction, assuming that no heat goes in or out from the system.

The orifice plate installed on the pipe will reduce the cross-sectional area of the flow

stream, thus the velocity of the fluid must be increase as it flows through the orifice

plate. Increasing in velocity of the fluid will increase the energy used by fluid which is

kinetics energy. So, increasing in energy will accompany with loss of energy as the

assumption state no in or out external energy, the loss of energy is indicated by a

decrease in differential pressure between entrance and the exit of the orifice. can

conclude that as the fluid flows through the orifice, it losses the pressure energy and the

kinetics energy of fluid will gained.


The objective of the this experiment is to obtain the flow rate measurement by

utilizing three basic types of flow measuring techniques which is Rotameter, venture

meter and orifice meter by observe the value from the multitube-manometer from A to J.

a) b)

Fig-1 a) Flowmeter measurement apparatus b) flowmeter schematic diagram

This flowmeter measurement apparatus consists of a venture meter, a rotameter, a 90

degree elbow and an orifice plate. The supple line is connected to a gravimetric

hydraulic bench. A flow control valve is provided to allow for variation of the flow rate

through the circuit. Pressure tappings are incorporated so that the head loss

characteristics of each flow meter can be measured. These tappings are connected to

several manometer tubes incorporating a manifold with air bleed valve. The levels in the

manometer tubes have to be adjusted to a convenient level using the air bleed valve.

The discharge from the apparatus is returned to the hydraulic bench.


General Start-up Procedure

1. The apparatus was placed on top of a suitable hydraulic bench.

2. The hydraulic coupling was connected to the outlet supply of the hydraulic bench.

3. The discharge connect of the flow apparatus hose was connected to the

collection tank of the hydraulic bench.

4. The apparatus was ready to be started.

Starting up the Apparatus:

1. The flow control valve of hydraulic bench was fully closed and the discharge

valve was fully opened.

2. The discharge hose must be ensured to be properly directed to volumetric tank of

fiberglass before starting up system. The volumetric tank drain valve also must be

ensured to be left opened to allow flow discharge back into sump tank.

3. The pump supply was started from hydraulic bench. The bench valve was

opened slowly. At this point, the water flowed from hydraulic bench through to the

flow apparatus and was discharged through into the volumetric tank of hydraulic

bench and then was drained back into sump tank of hydraulic bench.

4. The flow control valve was fully opened. The bench valve was started to be

closed when the flow in the pipe was steady and there was no trapped bubble to

reduce the flow to the maximum measurable flow rate.

5. The water level in the manometer board began to display different level of water

6. At this point, the flow was slowly reduced by controlling the flow discharge valve

of apparatus; this discharge valve may be totally closed.

7. The water level in the manometer board began to level into a straight level. This

level maybe at the lower or maybe at the higher end of the manometer board


8. The trapped bubbles must be looked out in the glass tube or plastic transfer

tube. The bubbles have to be removed from the system for better accuracy. To

do this, the plastic tube can be pressed slowly to push the bubbles up or the

glass tube can be lightly tab to release the bubbles upwards.

9. If above method fail, the system has to be flushed by bleeding to air out.

General procedure

1. The apparatus was placed on bench, the inlet pipe was connected to bench

supply and outlet pipe was connected into volumetric tank.

2. With the bench valve fully closed and the discharge valve fully opened, the pump

supply from hydraulic bench was started.

3. The bench valve was slowly opened until it is fully opened.

4. When the flow in the pipe is steady and there is no trapped bubble, the bench

valve was closed to reduce the flow to the maximum measurable flow rate.

5. The water level in the manometer board was adjusted by using the air bleed

screw. Maximum readings on manometers was retained with the maximum

measurable flow rate.

6. The readings on manometers (A-J) and rotameter were noted and the flow rate

was measured.
Note: The readings A-H was recorded for demonstration of the operation and

characteristic of three different basic types of flowmeter while the readings I-J

was recorded for determination of the loss coefficient when fluid flows through a

90 degree elbow.

7. Step 6 was to be repeated for different flow rates. The flow rates was adjusted by

utilizing both bench valve and discharge valve.

8. The bench and flow control valve was adjusted together to demonstrate similar

flow rates at different system static pressures. Manometer levels was adjusted as


9. The table for both experiments was to be completed.

General Shut-down Procedure

1. The water supply and venture discharge valve were closed.

2. Water supply pump was turned off.

3. Water from the unit was drained off when not in use.

Safety Precautions

1. The apparatus should not be exposed to any shock and stresses.

2. Protective clothing, shoes, helmet and goggles must be wore throughour

laboratory session.

3. The water from the apparatus must be drained off when not in use. The

apparatus should be stored properly to prevent damage.


Demonstration of the operation and characteristic of three different basic types of flowmeter.

Manometer reading (mm) Rotameter Vol Time Flowmeter, Flowmeter

(l/min) (l) (s) Q calculated using
(l/min) the Bernoullis
A B C D E F G H I J Venturi Orifice

241 240 234 237 236 237 237 229 233 232 5 3 49.565 3.63 4.73 3.25

221 215 187 203 207 210 178 163 177 176 5 3 19.45 9.28 10.433 4.46

217 206 146 183 191 197 196 94 131 129 5 3 13.135 13.71 15.0762 11.619

245 227 121 190 206 221 221 27 101 97 5 3 8.475 21.25 19.9242 16.02

Determination of the loss coefficient when fluid flow through a 90 degree elbow

Volume Time Flowrate, Q Differential V V2/2g

(L) (sec) (l/min) Piezometer (m/s) (mm)
Head, h
Elbow (hi-hj)

3 49.56 3.63 1 0.1140 0.66

3 19.45 9.28 1 0.2919 4.34

3 13.13 13.7 2 0.4300 9.42

3 8.47 21.25 4 0.6671 22.68


0 5 10 15 20 25

Graph h against V2/2g


Experiment A- Demonstration of the operation and characteristics of three

different basic types of flowmeter.


Q = Cd At [ 1 ( ) ]-1/2 [ 2( )]1/2

Cd = 0.98

At =2.011 10-4 m2

A1 =5.309 10-4 m2

For rotameter 5 (L/min)

2.011 104
Q = 0.98 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.241 0.234)]1/2

3 1000 60
= 7.883 10-5 1

= 4.73

For rotameter 10 (L/min)

2.011 104
Q = 0.98 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.221 0.187)]1/2

3 1000 60
= 1.73883 10-4 1

= 10.433
For rotameter 15 (L/min)
2.011 104
Q = 0.98 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.217 0.146)]1/2

3 1000 60
= 2.5127 10-4 1

= 15.0762

For rotameter 20 (L/min)

2.011 104
Q = 0.98 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.245 0.121)]1/2

3 1000 60
= 3.3207 10-4 1

= 19.9242


Q = Cd At [ 1 ( ) ]-1/2 [ 2( )]1/2

Cd = 0.63

At =2.011 10-4 m2

A1 =5.309 10-4 m2

For rotameter 5 (L/min)

2.011 104
Q = 0.63 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.237 0.229)]1/2

3 1000 60
= 5.4167 10-5 1

= 3.25
For rotameter 10 (L/min)
2.011 104
Q = 0.63 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.178 0.163)]1/2

3 1000 60
= 7.433 10-5 1

= 4.46

For rotameter 15 (L/min)

2.011 104
Q = 0.63 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.196 0.094)]1/2

3 1000 60
=1.9365 10-4 1

= 11.619

For rotameter 5 (L/min)

2.011 104
Q = 0.63 2.011 10-4 [ 1 (5.309 104 ) ]-1/2 [ 2(9.81)(0.221 0.027)]1/2

3 1000 60
=2.67 10-4 1

= 16.02
EXPERIMENT B Determination of the loss coefficient when fluid flow through a

90 elbow


4 ()

13 1
Q = 3.63
1000 60
= 6.05 10-5 3

6.05 105
1000 1
V2/2g = 0.11402
1 2 (9.81)
= 0.66 mm

13 1
Q = 9.28
1000 60
= 1.5467 10-4
1.5467 10

1000 1
V2/2g = 0.29192
1 2 (9.81)
= 4.34 mm

13 1
Q = 13.7
1000 60
= 2.2833 10-4
2.2833 10

1000 1
V2/2g = 0.4302
1 2 (9.81)
= 9.42 mm
13 1
Q = 21.25
1000 60
= 3.542 10-4
3.542 10

1000 1
V2/2g = 0.66712
1 2 (9.81)
= 22.68 mm

The objectives of the experiment are to obtain the flow rate measurement by utilizing

three basic types of flow measuring technique which is rotameter, venturi meter and

orifice meter and to investigate the loss coefficient of fluid through 90 degree elbow. The

result shows the differences in flowrate when three different types of flowmeter are used

which are rotameter, venturi meter and orifice meter.


It is recommended to ensure there are no bubbles in the flowmeter, because the

bubbles can highly interrupt the reading of pressure in manometer. Proper flowmeter

installation is also recommended because it can disturb the profile and degrade

measurement accuracy. The eye also must be parallel to meniscus of manometer to get

the accurate reading.

1. Lab Manual CHE 331 (Chemical Engineering Laboratory), UiTM (Terengganu),

Kampus Bukit Besi




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