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Example: Team Mindset Progress Track

We want every progress to be clear and traceable. Every goals should have a measurable (either
quantitative or qualititave) and a reason why a goal couldn't be executed.

For example: Interview

Let's say your goal is supposed to interview 11 teachers. Everyday's goal is to interview 3 a day. Fit a
schedule that works for both teachers and interviewers. If there's a day that only 1 interview occurs,
then reflect and adjust/correct schedule accordingly.

Also, a clear agreed conclusion should also be made between interviewers (as there are more than one).
After filling out your interviewee answers to the interview guideline made by Pak Yanto, you need to
report the findings of two interviewers as one. Hence, please make a summary sheet (for records and
for everyone's information). There should also be a vision rubric for guidance (please refer to Pak JD's

Example of Summary Sheet: Clear Summary with The Next Action Plan

Teacher's Name:
Year of Stay:
Concluded Vision

What interview moments made you mapped this teacher to the chosen vision?

What are his or her main concerns about the reform?

Possible way to help his/her to achieve his/her true potential?

Follow-up urgently needed? Y/N

What's the action plan?
Example: Team Mindset Progress Track

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