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Getting Started Preliminary Design Aspen

HYSYS Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

A Brief Tutorial (and supplement to training and online documentation)
By Tom Ralston, Product Manager; Steve Noe, Marketing Manager, Aspen Technology, Inc.

2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 11-538-0611
About AspenTech
AspenTech is a leading supplier of software that optimizes process manufacturingfor energy, chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce
products from a chemical process. With integrated aspenONE solutions, process manufacturers can
implement best practices for optimizing their engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain operations.
As a result, AspenTech customers are better able to increase capacity, improve margins, reduce costs,
and become more energy efficient. To see how the worlds leading process manufacturers rely on
AspenTech to achieve their operational excellence goals, visit
Getting Started Preliminary Design
Aspen HYSYS Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

1. Business Background
Conventional workflow employed in the design of heat exchangers introduces both inefficiency and design handicaps. The
design cycle involves several iterations of manual data transfer from process engineer, back and forth to the thermal
expert, to a mechanical expert and possibly a cost estimator.

This manual transfer of data is prone to transcription errors, requiring a labor-intensive data-checking step, often resulting
in project delays. Also, this sequential approach removes the process engineer from the exchanger design process, which
limits visibility and therefore the investigation into multiple process scenarios. The result of this process is that the design
is frequently not optimal.

To overcome these handicaps, AspenTech has introduced an easy-to-use integration between process simulators and heat
exchanger design modeling tools. These enable the use of the Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating (Aspen EDR) product
family the industrys most comprehensive suite of programs for heat exchanger design with the Aspen HYSYS and
Aspen Plus simulators. Run time integration with Aspen HYSYS combined with Aspen EDRs unique capability of
automating the exchanger design to least cost allows process engineers to be actively involved in the equipment design
process. Supervision of engineering decisions by appropriate expert engineers is easily achieved with electronic data
transfer. The entire engineering cycle is simplified through the use of a single integrated framework of programs for all of
the engineering processes. As a result, companies deploying these solutions are able to reduce capital equipment cost,
reduce engineering man-hours, and improve their overall processes.

2. Scope of this Document

This document serves as a simple getting started guide, taking you through the most common progression of how we
envision the process designer to use this integrated functionality. This guide is not meant to be used as the only reference
source for documentation. We recommend that a range of other resources be called upon to give the new user a
comprehensive view of how to use this capability. This may include:

Online documentation which can be accessed through the Aspen HYSYS and Aspen EDR software user screens.
AspenTech support website (, which contains a wide range of knowledge base items with
answers to frequently asked questions.
AspenTech courseware available in classroom and on-line versions, which provide formal training on process modeling
and heat transfer technology.
AspenTech business consultants.
Pre-recorded tutorials and webinars that provide another view of the information contained in this document. You will
be required to enter your AspenTech support id and password (go to the animated tutorial section on the following for
many of these resources:
This document covers integration with Aspen HYSYS. This guide assumes that the user has Aspen HYSYS V7.2 and Aspen
EDR V7.3 installed.

2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 11-538-0611

Getting Started Preliminary Design
Aspen HYSYS Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

3. Problem Overview
Process engineers need to determine quickly if a process is viable and potentially estimate the cost. Being able to produce
a preliminary design of an exchanger to evaluate its size and weight within the simulator is a very valuable tool. Our
aspenONE integration makes it easy to do this pre-design using the full rigor of the Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating
(EDR) tools. It is also a good starting point if the data can be passed to the thermal specialist who might undertake a full
design. Once the exchanger has been pre-designed (or fully designed), the process engineer can check the full flowsheet
using the geometry and the rigorous calculation of Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger. Based on the conditions and the geometry
defined, the duty and pressure drops of the heat exchanger are calculated in Aspen HYSYS using the rigorous model.

4. The Step by Step Guide

Open the HYSYS simulation file. Double-click on the icon associated with heat exchanger E-103 to view the details for the
heat exchanger (Figure 1). The original Aspen HYSYS run used the Exchanger Design Endpoint shortcut method for the
HYSYS calculation and the heat and material balance.

Figure 1. HYSYS PFD Exchanger E-103

Figure 2. Utilities option from the Tools command

We will now use the Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger rigorous program while still
in the HYSYS run time environment to obtain a preliminary optimized heat
exchanger to least cost. Use the Utilities option from the pull down Tools
command (Figure 2) where we will add the Utility for Shell & Tube Exchanger
(Figure 3).

Click on the View Utility button and the Shell & Tube Design Utility will
appear (Figure 4).
Figure 3. Shell & Tube Exchanger
Utility Added

2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 11-538-0611

Getting Started Preliminary Design
Aspen HYSYS Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

Figure 5. Exchanger E-103 selected

Figure 4. Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

Click on the Select Heat Exchanger button to select heat exchanger E-103 from the list of exchangers (Figure 5).

Figure 6. Exchanger Type set to AET Figure 7. Process specifications

We will use the Shell & Tube Design Utility to specify desired geometry specific for a crude pre-heat exchanger along with
some process information such as fouling factors and allowable pressure drops. The exchanger type is set to a TEMA style
AET exchanger (Figure 6).

The allowable pressure drop will be set to 0.5 bar on both hot and cold sides. The hot side fouling will be set to 0.000055
C h-m2/kJ on the hot side and 0.0000833 C-h-m2/kJ on the cold side (Figure 7).

2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 11-538-0611

Getting Started Preliminary Design
Aspen HYSYS Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

The Bundle section will be used to further define

the desired parameters desired for a crude pre-heat
exchanger. We will select a 90 degree square
pattern to allow for proper cleaning of the bundle
(Figure 8).

Figure 8. 90 degree square tube pattern

In the Design Options window, force the design to 2 passes by setting minimum and maximum tube passes to 2, and limit
the maximum number of exchangers in series and parallel to 2 (Figure 9). We will use the program defaults for any
remaining parameters.

Figure 9. Minimum & maximum parameters

2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 11-538-0611

Getting Started Preliminary Design
Aspen HYSYS Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

Go back to the Exchanger section and click on the RUN button to have the Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger program design
the preliminary heat exchanger (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Shell & Tube designs the exchanger

Once the Run button becomes active again, you have options for a number of things you can now do with the newly
designed exchanger. You can view the details of this new heat exchanger by clicking on the EDR Results button, and
understand how it will operate within the overall process by clicking Update Design. Click Export to create the Aspen
Exchanger Design and Rating standalone file. The standalone EDR file can then be run with the Aspen Shell & Tube
Exchanger standalone program to fine tune the design or turned over to a thermal expert to develop a final design.

Once the final design is selected, it can be imported back into Aspen HYSYS to simulate how a real exchanger will perform
in your process. This allows the user to get a better understanding of the operation of the heat exchanger and its impact
on the overall process for changes in throughput or crude composition.

Pauls, Jeff (2010). [Dow] Importance of Economic Analysis During Conceptual Design. aspenONE Global Conference, Boston
Whiteside, James (2005). [ConocoPhillips] Increasing Project Performance Using Aspen Kbase. AspenTech Worldwide User Meeting, Houston

2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 11-538-0611

Getting Started Preliminary Design
Aspen HYSYS Shell & Tube Exchanger Design Utility

5. Further Resources
For further information on this workflow, or any of the individual products or elements covered briefly in this written
tutorial, please consult:

Public website:
The following web page provides information on Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating:

Support website:
The support website provides an extensive and growing knowledge base on Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating.
The following knowledge base article provides a getting-started location:

2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence are trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners 11-538-0611

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2011 Aspen Technology, Inc. AspenTech, aspenONE, the Aspen leaf logo, OPTIMIZE, and the 7 Best Practices of Engineering Excellence For a complete list of offices, please visit
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