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Global Marketing Logistics

We deliver marketing efficiency.

The old saying think globally, act locally We deliver marketing efficiency.
gets a new dimension. Worldwide.

Make more of your budget. Make more of your brand

with Global Marketing Logistics.

How to establish consistent marketing How to keep all marketing units worldwide
communication across all disciplines? up-to-date at any time?
Marketing departments have to do the splits. They have to think in global dimen- Global Marketing Logistics provides you with a With Global Marketing Logistics, the information
software-driven one-stop solution that concentrates and data for each marketing activity are available
sions while simultaneously adapting to local circumstances. These small adapta- all marketing activities in a cloud-based platform. from a single source to all parties. Every access to the
tions can quickly turn into immense handling, production and carrying costs. And offers a great opportunity to easily adapt, platform is an access to up-to-date data. Extensive
handle, produce and supply print media wherever it email correspondence or important information lost
is needed. in the shuffle thus becomes a thing of the past.
Marketing plans have to work globally. All these procedures complicate and slow down pro-
And need to be coordinated locally. cesses that have to be efficient, transparent and flexible
How to combine consistent global brand
in fast-moving markets. And what becomes clear is the Global Marketing Logistics
management and efficient local marketing?
The brand consistency has to be preserved globally. need for platforms that accommodate both a global is a synthesis of two areas of competence:
Global Marketing Logistics improves the speed to
While regional customers are best approached locally. mindset and local execution across the organisation.
market by enabling employees to localise and DHL Global Mail is a part of the Deutsche Post DHL family,
customise creative materials for their specific needs which is the worlds leading mail and logistics group.
The quality of advertising has to be assured globally. Global Marketing Logistics helps you to overcome these
while maintaining compliance with brand and
While its cost-efficient printing has to happen locally. contradictions efficiently.
corporate identity. From postcards to catalogues all BrandMaker is the leading provider of
your marketing materials are printed cost-efficiently Marketing Resource Management (MRM) systems in Europe
and delivered to their destinationsthus making with well-known customers worldwide.
your marketing team more responsive to your
customers and your company more responsive to the
Process management Creation Production Distribution



Global Marketing Logistics accompanies the entire marketing process continuously In times of high market pressure, a Time to market is critical. It tips the In the final step, we take care of
from planning to creation, development and asset management, on through to software-driven process optimisation scales either in favour of or against your print advertising and ensure
advertising production and efficient distribution. Our services cover solution con- creates space for substantial issues: ones competing power. Therefore, we its cost-efficient production and
sultancy, implementation support, international vendor management and much more. strategic, content-related and support you with services that help to on-time delivery.
creative marketing tasks. save time. By doing things efficiently.

Marketing Planner M aximum control over marketing budgets and Marketing PIM I mmediate availability of information via central Being the worlds leading mail and logistics service S ingle point of contact for all your requirements.
A central marketing resource management platform ensures your
Coordinate teams, plans and activities. Centralise your product data in one product data storage and Web-based access. provider, you can count on us for local expertise while Cost optimisation through reduction of distribution
Process management planning, review and reporting are based on the latest and most
budgets at the push of a button. Multidimensional structuring, any desired granularity, marketing-oriented tool. Simple linkage of product data, product-related entrusting us with your international business. costs, operating expenses and optimisation of print
As a one-stop service provider accurate information.
With our Marketing Planner module, your team can multi-currency, direct switch between calendar and Our Marketing Product Information Management pictures, media and advertising texts. and postage.
we do both initial implementa-
instantly see what campaigns, programs and plans budget view. (PIM) system helps you to consolidate all product Helps to save costs and shortens communication time. From postcards to posters and booklets to catalogues, Improved time to customer through use of electronic
tion of technologies and
are going on when and where. Everybody is on the High-quality reports, based on defined key perform information relevant for marketing purposes. Thus we make sure your advertising gets printed and channels, print at destination and same-day production
processes as well as day-to-day
same level, and details are just a click away. ance indicators. making it easy to create marketing assets across any delivered to your intended recipients worldwide as using state-of-the-art technologies.
campaign and program
media. quickly as possible, cost-efficiently and in a way that is Delivery anywhere in the world using a worldwide
beneficial to the environment. network of DHL Global Mail and our local distribution
Job Manager I mproves project coordination, workflow control, partners.
Increase productivity with clear and delegation of tasks and adherence to deadlines. MEDIA POOL E fficient access to media assets for everyone involved Your documents are printed as close as possible to Full transparency on end-to-end process.
structured processes. Shortens lead times with expedited processes. Your media assets are exactly that in marketing processes. their destinations and inserted into the local mail
A good job management system masters the flow of Transparent vendor management, traceable contract your brands capital. Manages all types of media: images, graphics, complete stream. This process, which we coordinate with
work so you dont have to. Our Job Manager makes it placing. Our Media Pool ensures that your media is repre- slide decks, Web banners, master artwork, PDFs, video printing and fulfilment partners worldwide, signifi-
easy to create, move and overview marketing jobs sented clearly and stored safely. A multidimensional or audio files. cantly reduces delivery times and postage costs.
through the organisation and beyond. search engine makes it easy for employees, Includes preview functionality, approval workflows,
subsidiaries, partners and service providers to find licence management, automatic adoption of formats Your reliable partner:
and properly employ media assets to build demand required, monitoring of usage, and much more. DHL Global Mail is the largest network for mail and
Review Manager Everybody involved is kept up-to-date at all times. and market share. parcel distribution worldwide. With direct connec-
Track your progress. Defined and transparent approval process. tions to over 210 countries across the globe weve got
The Review Manager is an interactive matching tool Simplifies also the verification of translations/ the world covered delivering marketing efficiency
in the production workflow. It will help you produce localisation of marketing content. Web-to-Print R educes costs and dependency on expensive and worldwide.
A worldwide network of reliable
seamless documentation of notes or additions in the Your shortcut to efficient local area marketing. time-constraining creative resources.
printing and distribution partners
form of virtual Post-its. Our Web-to-Print tool enables you to adopt print- Improves speed to market by enabling users to localise
as well as our global presence
ready, customised and/or localised marketing and customise creative materials.
Production ensures cost-efficient processes
materials internally without the use of expensive Maintains compliance with brand and
Our innovative, browser-based technologies and minimised delivery times. Please contact us. We are here to help:
service providers and without the need for complex corporate identity.
enable automated cross-media advertise-
layout software. email:
ment material production to save money
and reduce the time to market.
powered by powered by
Process management



Global Marketing Logistics accompanies the entire marketing process continuously

from planning to creation, development and asset management, on through to
advertising production and efficient distribution. Our services cover solution con-
sultancy, implementation support, international vendor management and much more.

A central marketing resource management platform ensures your
Process management planning, review and reporting are based on the latest and most
As a one-stop service provider accurate information.
we do both initial implementa-
tion of technologies and
processes as well as day-to-day
campaign and program

A worldwide network of reliable
printing and distribution partners
as well as our global presence
Production ensures cost-efficient processes
Our innovative, browser-based technologies and minimised delivery times.
enable automated cross-media advertise-
ment material production to save money
and reduce the time to market.


In times of high market pressure, a

software-driven process optimisation
creates space for substantial issues:
strategic, content-related and
creative marketing tasks.

Marketing Planner M aximum control over marketing budgets and

Coordinate teams, plans and activities.
budgets at the push of a button. Multidimensional structuring, any desired granularity,
With our Marketing Planner module, your team can multi-currency, direct switch between calendar and
instantly see what campaigns, programs and plans budget view.
are going on when and where. Everybody is on the High-quality reports, based on defined key perform
same level, and details are just a click away. ance indicators.

Job Manager I mproves project coordination, workflow control,

Increase productivity with clear and delegation of tasks and adherence to deadlines.
structured processes. Shortens lead times with expedited processes.
A good job management system masters the flow of Transparent vendor management, traceable contract
work so you dont have to. Our Job Manager makes it placing.
easy to create, move and overview marketing jobs
through the organisation and beyond.

Review Manager Everybody involved is kept up-to-date at all times.

Track your progress. Defined and transparent approval process.
The Review Manager is an interactive matching tool Simplifies also the verification of translations/
in the production workflow. It will help you produce localisation of marketing content.
seamless documentation of notes or additions in the
form of virtual Post-its.

powered by


Time to market is critical. It tips the

scales either in favour of or against
ones competing power. Therefore, we
support you with services that help to
save time. By doing things efficiently.

Marketing PIM I mmediate availability of information via central

Centralise your product data in one product data storage and Web-based access.
marketing-oriented tool. Simple linkage of product data, product-related
Our Marketing Product Information Management pictures, media and advertising texts.
(PIM) system helps you to consolidate all product Helps to save costs and shortens communication time.
information relevant for marketing purposes. Thus
making it easy to create marketing assets across any

MEDIA POOL E fficient access to media assets for everyone involved

Your media assets are exactly that in marketing processes.
your brands capital. Manages all types of media: images, graphics, complete
Our Media Pool ensures that your media is repre- slide decks, Web banners, master artwork, PDFs, video
sented clearly and stored safely. A multidimensional or audio files.
search engine makes it easy for employees, Includes preview functionality, approval workflows,
subsidiaries, partners and service providers to find licence management, automatic adoption of formats
and properly employ media assets to build demand required, monitoring of usage, and much more.
and market share.

Web-to-Print R educes costs and dependency on expensive and

Your shortcut to efficient local area marketing. time-constraining creative resources.
Our Web-to-Print tool enables you to adopt print- Improves speed to market by enabling users to localise
ready, customised and/or localised marketing and customise creative materials.
materials internally without the use of expensive Maintains compliance with brand and
service providers and without the need for complex corporate identity.
layout software.

powered by


In the final step, we take care of

your print advertising and ensure
its cost-efficient production and
on-time delivery.

Being the worlds leading mail and logistics service S ingle point of contact for all your requirements.
provider, you can count on us for local expertise while Cost optimisation through reduction of distribution
entrusting us with your international business. costs, operating expenses and optimisation of print
and postage.
From postcards to posters and booklets to catalogues, Improved time to customer through use of electronic
we make sure your advertising gets printed and channels, print at destination and same-day production
delivered to your intended recipients worldwide as using state-of-the-art technologies.
quickly as possible, cost-efficiently and in a way that is Delivery anywhere in the world using a worldwide
beneficial to the environment. network of DHL Global Mail and our local distribution
Your documents are printed as close as possible to Full transparency on end-to-end process.
their destinations and inserted into the local mail
stream. This process, which we coordinate with
printing and fulfilment partners worldwide, signifi-
cantly reduces delivery times and postage costs.

Your reliable partner:

DHL Global Mail is the largest network for mail and
parcel distribution worldwide. With direct connec-
tions to over 210 countries across the globe weve got
the world covered delivering marketing efficiency

Please contact us. We are here to help:

Deutsche Post AG
Head Office Global Mail
53250 Bonn

valid: September 2013

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