Role Steroid

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Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg (1991) 5:211-217

C: SpringGVerlag 199 1

The role of different types of corticosteroids on the inflammatory mediators

in cardiopulmonary bypass
N. J. G. Jansen q2, W. van Oeveren I, M. van Vliet 3, C. P. Stoutenbeek 3, L. Eysman 3, and C. R. H. Wildevuur 1
Departments of Cardio-Pulmonary Surgery, Research Division, and Pediatrics, University Hospital Groningen. The Netherlands
3 Departments of Anesthesiology and Intensive Treatment, Hematology and Cardio-Pulmonary Surgery, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Abstract. In a placebo-controlled double-blind study on patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) we studied the
inhibiting effects of dexamethasone, a high dose of methylprednisolone, and a low dose of prednisolone on the inflammatory
reaction induced by CPB. During CPB two episodes of blood activation were noticed. First, the blood-material interaction
caused a significant increase in complement C3a and elastase concentrations after the start of bypass (p c 0.01). Secondly,
the reperfusion of the ischemic heart, lungs, and peripheral tissue, after release of the aortic cross-clamp, caused an
additional increase in C3a and elastase concentration and a statistically significant increase in leukotriene B, (LTB,)
concentration and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity (p < 0.01, p < 0.05, respectively). Dexamethasone treatment
effectively inhibited the increase in LTB, concentration and t-PA activity after release of the cross-clamp (significant
differences to the placebo group, p < 0.01, p < 0.05, respectively). High-dose methylprednisolone treatment was almost as
effective as dexamethasone treatment, whereas low-dose prednisolone treatment was less effective than methylprednisolone
in the inhibition of the inflammatory mediators (DM > MP > P). None of the corticosteroid regimens was able to inhibit
the increase in complement C3a and elastase. We therefore conclude that corticosteroids do not have an effect on
complement activation during CPB. However, leukocyte activation and t-PA activity after release of the aortic cross-clamp
are effectively inhibited by corticosteroid treatment, in a dose-dependent way. The inhibition of this inflammatory reaction
will have a favourable effect on the postoperative course in patients who have undergone CPB. [Eur J Cardio-thorac Surg
(1991) 5:211-2171
Key words: Inflammatory reaction - Reperfusion - Corticosteroids - Cardiopulmonary bypass

The extracorporeal circulation of blood during car- by receptor down-regulation on the PMNs [28], and has
diopulmonary bypass (CPB) induces a whole-body in- a direct inhibitory effect on the leukocyte arachidonic
flammatory reaction [18], which might lead to a postper- acid system, by inhibition of the phospholipase A, activ-
fusion syndrome (PPS), a syndrome comprised of pul- ity [15]. For this reason, corticosteroid treatment is rec-
monary and renal dysfunction and hemorrhagic diathesis ommended during CPB to inhibit the activation of the
[34]. The activation of the complement system by blood- different plasmatic systems and blood cells and reduce
material contact is considered to be one of the most im- the risk of a post perfusion syndrome [2, 221. However,
portant mediators of PPS [3]. However, in a recent study there is little agreement as to which corticosteroid regi-
we showed that the release of the aortic cross-clamp is men is the most effective. This can be explained by the
followed by a strong leukocyte inflammatory reaction fact that the corticosteroids investigated are of different
which plays an important role in the hemodynamic insta- types (dexamethasone or methylprednisolone), that dif-
bility after CPB [16]. ferent doses are used, and that the observations were
In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that cortico- made at different moments during CPB [2, 4, 22, 231.
steroids are able to inhibit the inflammatory reaction by Although corticosteroids act in a dose-dependent man-
inhibition of the complement [14, 331 and fibrinolytic ner, a high dose may be disadvantageous because of
system [ll]. Corticosteroid treatment also inhibits poly- simultaneous inhibition of the host defense against infec-
morphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) aggregation, especially tion.
The purpose of this study was to determine which of
Received for publication: October 30, 1990 the selected corticosteroid regimens most frequently used
Accepted for publication: November 15, 1990 in CPB had sufficient inhibitory effect on the release of

inflammatory mediators during CPB. Patients were CPB, 5 and 30 min after the start of CPB, at the end of CPB, and
therefore treated with dexamethasone, high-dose methyl- 30 min after protamine sulfate administration. In addition, blood
was collected 5 min before and 5 min after release of the aortic
prednisolone, low-dose prednisolone, or a placebo.
cross-clamp. On the first postoperative day an additional blood
sample was collected for determination of leukocyte and platelet
count and CRP concentration:
Patients and methods
- 2 ml blood, anticoagulated with EDTA (0.01 M final concentra-
Patients tion), was collected for hematocrit, platelet, and leukocyte count
using a Cell Counterj. Cell numbers were corrected for hemodilu-
tion, the hematocrit values after induction of anesthesia being used
Forty-eight patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass
as a standard.
grafting procedures were studied in a randomized double-blind
- 3 ml blood, anticoagulated with EDTA (0.01 M), was centrifuged
trial. All patients gave their informed consent. Patients with insulin-
and stored at -70C for C3a assay. C3a des arg concentrations were
dependent diabetes mellitus or chronic obstructive disease or who
determined by radioimmunoassay7.
had used corticosteroids preoperatively were not included. Twelve
- 4 ml blood, anticoagulated with 0.318% citrate, was collected for
patients (group 1) received dexamethasone (Department of Phar-
determination of the leukotriene B4 (LTB4), elastase, and C-reac-
macology, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Amsterdam) 1 mg/kg
tive protein (CRP) concentration and tissue plasminogen activator/
body wt., 12 patients (group 2) received methylprednisolone
plasminogen activator inhibitor (t-PA/PAI) activity in plasma.
30 mg/kg body wt., 12 patients (group 3) received prednisolone
LTB4 generation was determined by radioimmunoassay
1 mg/kg body wt., and 12 others (group 4) received a placebo (sa-
(Leukotriene B4 (3H) assay reagents system)*. Prior to the assay,
line) after induction of anesthesia.
plasma samples were acidified to pH 3.5 and extracted with ethyl-
acetate. The ethylacetate fraction was collected and dried under
nitrogen. The extract was solved in 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer
Technique of cardiopulmonary bypass (pH 8.6). These specimens were used for the radioimmunoassay.
Elastase release was quantitated in complex with cc,-proteinase
The extracorporeal circuit consisted of a Bard hollow-fiber mem- inhibitor by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
brane oxygenator (Model HF 4000) 3, a Bard cardiotomy reservoir CRP was determined by an immunoassay (Melisa C-reactive
with filter (Model-H-705 F) and a Bard arterial line filter (Model protein kit) lo with a spectrophotometer at 492 nm.
H-625). Polyvinyl chloride tubing was used, except for the pump t-PA and PA1 activity were determined by the conversion of
tubing which was silicon rubber. The extracorporeal circuit was plasminogen and by the amidolytic activity of plasmin on chro-
primed with 2.2 1 Ringers lactate, 0.2 1 20% human albumin4 and mogenic substrate (Coa-set t-PA/PAI) I1 with a spectrophotometer
50 mg heparin5. A nonpulsatile flow of 3.0 l/min/m at normother- at 405 nm.
mia and 2.4 l/min/m during hypothermia (28-30C) was used.
Heparin (300 IU/kg) was given intravenously before cannulation of
the aorta and repeated at a dose of 25 mg whenever the activated
clotting time was shorter than 400 s. Heparin was neutralized by an Statistical analysis
intravenous injection of 300 IU protamine sulfate within 5 min after
the end of perfusion. For comparison of values between the four groups the Mann-Whit-
When the distal coronary artery anastomosis was established, ney U test was used. Students paired t test was used for comparison
the aorta was cross-clamped and cardioplegia was achieved with a within groups. Statistical significance was assumed when thep value
0C isotonic solution containing 15 mmol K+, 15 mm01 Mg + and was less than 0.05.
1.5 g procaine HCI. Cardioplegic fluid was administered every
20 min. On average, about 2 1 cardioplegic fluid was used.

Technique of anesthesia
Anesthesia was induced with a bolus of alfentanil (50 lg/kg per
minute) and etomidate (0.1 mg/kg) followed by pancuronium The characteristics of all 48 patients are shown in Table 1.
(0.1 mg/kg). Prior to CPB anesthesia was maintained with a contin- No significant differences in age, body weight, bypass
uous infusion of etomidate 10 pg/kg per minute and alfentani13 pLg/ time, or aortic cross-clamp time were observed between
kg per minute; during and after CPB the maintenance dosages of
the four groups. None of the patients developed infection
these drugs were 5 pg/kg per minute and 1.5 pg/kg per minute re-
spectively. When blood pressures increased the alfentanil concen- postoperatively.
tration was changed and a nitroglycerin infusion was started. At
termination of CPB inotropic drugs were given if necessary. All
patients were ventilated to normocapnia (PaCO, 4.5-5 kPa) with Complement activation
an air/oxygen mixture (FiO,) of 0.5.
After the initial drop in C3a concentrations, due to
Methods hemodilution at the onset of CPB, C3a concentrations
increased steadily during CPB in all four groups, reach-
Blood samples were taken from the radial artery or arterial line of
the extracorporeal circuit after induction of anesthesia, 5 min before
Hemolog, Coulter Electronics, UK
1 Solu-Medrol, Upjohn, Puurs, Belgium 7 Upjohn, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
2 Di-Adreson-F aquosum, Organon, Oss, The Netherlands * Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK
Bard Inc., William Harvey, Santa Ana, California, USA v Merck, Darmstadt, FRG
4 CLB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands lo Walker Laboratories Ltd., Angel Drove, Cambridgeshire, UK
5 Leo, Emmen, The Netherlands I1 Kabi Diagnostica, Stockholm, Sweden

Table 1. Characteristics of the patients in the four groups (n = 12 in

each) 12cNl1 _ T, T
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Steroid DM MP P Placebo
Drug concentration 1 30 1 _
Age (years) 64k3 59+2 55+4 61+3
Body surface area (m) 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
Body weight (kg) 78k3 76k4 76+3 81+3
Bypass time (min) 115k9 93+10 93*9 109&-11
Cross-clamp time (min) 72&6 60*6 59*5 67+8 200 - P
DM = dexamethasone; MP = methylprednisolone; P = prednisolone
Data are means + SEM , I I I I 9
-30 0 30 60 90 120 150
There are no sig&icant differences between the four groups
Time (min)
Fig. 1. Complement C3a concentration in plasma during and after
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in patients treated with dexa-
ing a plateau after about 70 min CPB. No significant methasone (w), methylprednisolone (o), prednisolone (n), or a
differences were seen between the four groups (Fig. 1). placebo (0). During CPB, C3a concentrations increased steadily,
reaching a plateau after about 70 min CPB. No significant differ-
ences were seen between the four groups
The leukocyte numbers (corrected for hemodilution) re- 1
mained stable during the cross-clamp period but in-
* *
creased at the end of CPB in all groups. At the end of 16 - *

CPB and after CPB the leukocyte count was higher in the 0
l *

three treated groups than in the placebo group, with a =h

significant difference between the prednisolone and the I 12-

placebo group (~~0.05). At the 1st postoperative day ::
leukocytosis was seen in the three treated groups, with a s
significant difference between the dexamethasone and the 6-

methylprednisolone group and the placebo group

(p<O.Oi in both cases; Fig. 2).

Platelets X-clamp 1
0 1 1 I
-30 0 30 60 90 120 Ii0 'Ida;l
At the onset of CPB there was a slight increase in platelet
numbers (corrected for hemodilution) to a similar extent Tiye (min)

in all four groups. The platelet numbers did not change Fig. 2. Leukocyte count in blood during and after cardiopul-
upon release of the cross-clamp. After release of the aor- monary bypass (CPB) in patients treated with dexamethasone (m),
methylprednisolone (o), prednisolone (o), or a placebo (0). At the
tic cross-clamp and at the end of CPB there was a signif-
end of CPB the leukocyte count rose in all groups and remained
icant difference between the prednisoione and the higher in the three corticosteroid-treated groups than in the placebo
placebo group (p ~0.05). At the end of CPB and after group. At the 1st postoperative day leukocytosis was seen in the
protamine sulfate administration the platelet numbers three corticosteroid-treated groups. * =p < 0.05; ** =p < 0.01
were significantly higher in the dexamethasone group
than in the placebo group (p < 0.05). On the 1st postoper-
ative day platelet numbers slightly increased in the dexa- baseline values again in all groups. After release of the
methasone group (Fig. 3). cross-clamp LTB4 concentrations increased significantly
in the placebo group (p < O.Ol), whereas in the corticos-
teroid-treated groups concentrations decreased and were
Leukotriene B4 significantly lower than in the placebo group 0, < 0.01 for
the dexamethasone group, ~~0.05 for the methylpred-
Upon start of CPB the LTB4 concentrations decreased nisolone and prednisolone groups). LTB4 concentrations
in all four groups, but most obviously in the dexa- remained significantly lower in the dexamethasone group
methasone-treated group, which was significantly differ- until the end of CPB (p ~0.05; Fig. 4). The LTB4 concen-
ent to the placebo group (~~0.05). During the cross- trations at start of CPB were expressed as loo%, to focus
clamp period the LTB4 concentration reached about on the effect of the start of CPB and of the release of the


01 X-clamp
X-clamp 1
100 , I 4 I I I I I I I I
-30 0 30 60 90 120 do 'G -30 0 30 60 90 120 150

Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 3. Platelet count in blood during and after cardiopulmonary Fig. 5. Elastase concentrations in plasma during and after cardio-
bypass (CPB) in patients treated with dexamethasone (m), methyl- pulmonary bypass (CPB) in patients treated with dexamethasone
prednisolone (o), prednisolone (o), or a placebo (0). During CPB (m), methylprednisolone (o), prednisolone (o), or a placebo (0).
the platelet count was higher in all four groups; it dropped again After 30 min CPB the elastase concentrations started to increase
after the end of CPB. At the 1st postoperative day the platelet count until 30 min after protamine administration. There were no signifi-
was highest in the dexamethasone group. * =p < 0.05 cant differences between the four groups


g 100




25 I I I I I
0 30 60 90 120 150 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150

Time (min) Time(min)

Fig. 4. Leukotriene B, (LTB,) percentages in plasma during and Fig. 6. Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity in plasma dur-
after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in patients treated with ing and after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in patients treated
dexamethasone (w), methylprednisolone (o), prednisolone (o), or a with dexamethasone (N), methylprednisolone (o), prednisolone (o),
placebo (0). Upon start of CPB, LTB, concentrations decreased in or a placebo (0). After release of the cross-clamp, t-PA activity
all groups, most markedly in the dexamethasone group. After re- increased significantly in the placebo group, with a significant dif-
lease of the cross-clamp, the LTB, concentration increased in the ference to all the corticosteroid-treated groups. At the end of CPB,
placebo-treated group, whereas it decreased in the corticosteroid- t-PA activity decreased further in the dexamethasone and methyl-
treated groups. At the end of CPB, LTB, remained lower in the prednisolone groups, remaining lower than in the placebo group.
dexamethasone group. * =p < 0.05; ** =p < 0.01 *=p<o.o5; **=p<o.o1

cross-clamp, and because of some individual variation in end of CPB were in all groups significantly higher than at
baseline values (range 2.4-12.9 ngjml). the start of CPB (pt0.01). No significant differences
were seen between the four groups (Fig. 5).
C-reactive protein
The elastase concentrations started to increase after
30 min CPB in all groups and increased further after re- The CRP concentrations remained stable during and im-
lease of the cross-clamp. Elastase concentrations at the mediately after CPB in all four groups. At day 1 there was

Table 2. Comparison of CRP and PAI concentrations (mean + SEM) during and after CPB in the four groups

Time CRP (mg/I) PA1 (AU/l)

DM MP P Placebo DM MP P Placebo

Anesthesia 4_tl 5*2 4+2 2+1 163kll 16Ok18 158& 8 158k13

5 min before 4*1 3*1 4+2 2,l 153*11 156+ 6 137*13 155+12
5 min after 142+10 141+ 7 129+ 10 142+11
30 min after 311 2*1 4*1 2+1 139113 139+ 7 1305 8 145*11
Before cross-clamp 138+13 145+ 5 123* 10 142kll
After cross-clamp 135*14 14Orl: 6 121* 7 136k 13
End of CPB 2+0 2+1 3+1 I*1 138+11 151+ 6 125k 6 127+ 14
30 min of protamine 2*1 1*1 4,l 2*1 156kll 159k 6 153k22 153512
Day 1 32&-8 47$11 52+8 62k6

DM = dexamethasone; MP = methylprednisolone; P = prednisolone

Data are mean f SEM
There are no significant differences between the four groups

a significant increase in CRP concentrations in all four activation in CPB [2, 141, but we and others have been
groups, with the highest concentration in the placebo unable to confirm these findings [8, IO]. The failure to
group and the lowest in the dexamethasone-treated inhibit complement activation in this study may also be
group. There were no significant differences between the related to the ineffectiveness of the corticosteroid regi-
four groups (Table 2). mens in preventing release of elastase. It can therefore be
concluded that corticosteroid treatment is not able to
inhibit the material-dependent blood activation seen
t-PA activity upon start of CPB. However, corticosteroids were able to
inhibit the leukocyte inflammatory reaction after release
Five minutes before start of CPB there was a steep in- of the aortic cross-clamp, as is shown by the inhibition of
crease in t-PA activity in all four groups, followed by a the leukocyte arachidonic acid metabolism, as quanti-
rapid drop 5 min after start of CPB. After release of the tated by LTB4 activity. Of the three corticosteroid regi-
cross-clamp t-PA activity increased significantly in the mens, dexamethasone treatment had the strongest inhib-
placebo group (JJ< 0.05) and remained high until the end itory effect on the inflammatory reaction. Dexameth-
of CPB. In the corticosteroid-treated groups t-PA activity asone is the glucocorticosteroid with the strongest anti-
was significantly lower after release of the cross-clamp inflammatory response and longest duration of action
than in the placebo group (p<O.O5 in comparison with [21]. Methylprednisolone and prednisolone both have a
the dexamethasone and prednisolone groups and p < 0.01 shorter duration of action, but because of the high dose
in comparison with the methylprednisolone-treated administered, methylprednisolone was almost as effective
group). At the end of CPB t-PA activity decreased further as dexamethasone. Low-dose prednisolone inhibited the
in the dexamethasone and methylprednisolone groups, inflammatory reaction less effectively than dexameth-
both to significantly lower activities than in the placebo asone and methylprednisolone, which could be due to the
group (~~~0.05; Fig. 6). dose-related shorter half-time [21].
The leukocyte inflammatory reaction seen after reper-
fusion of the heart, lungs, and peripheral tissues could be
Plasminogen activator inhibitor due to washout of release products of PMNs that were
activated in the stagnant circulation during the period of
Upon start of CPB the PA1 concentrations decreased cross-clamping [7], or due to leukocyte sequestration in
slightly in all four groups and remained stable until the the lung, which occurs after release of the cross-clamp [9,
end of CPB. After CPB, PA1 concentrations increased 251. Corticosteroid treatment can inhibit leukocyte aggre-
slightly in all groups. No significant differences were seen gation [28], which also explains the leukocytosis on the
between the groups (Table 2). 1st postoperative day, and can decrease the superoxide and
hydrogen peroxide production of activated leukocytes
[18]. Together with the inhibition of LTB4, this could
Discussion prevent plasma leakage through the endothelial barrier
[19, 271.
None of the corticosteroid regimens in this study inhib- The higher platelet numbers at the end of CPB and on
ited either complement activation or elastase release dur- the 1st postoperative day in the corticosteroid-treated
ing CPB. High-dose methylprednisolone treatment in groups can also be explained in part by the inhibitory
particular has been described as inhibiting complement effect of corticosteroids on activated leukocytes; the re-

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