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ISSUE: 20171127- Re: Australias shameful hidden holocaust involvement history, etc & the constitution

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

When it came to the unconstitutional murderous invasion into Iraq I thought that the cowardice of soldiers
to bomb another country back into the Stone Age was a once off. However, now becoming aware of the
cowardice e of the British troops assisted also by Australian troops there appears to be absolutely no limit
to the disgraceful conduct involving Australian soldiers also.
While the British may have gone to war against the Boers the moment the Commonwealth of Australia
came into existence Australians soldiers could only continue to fight if the Governor-General had
published in the Gazette a DECLARATION OF WAR. This I understand never eventuated. As such
Australian soldiers were caused to fight an unconstitutional war and participate in cowardice to mass
murder women and children in the holocaust that was created in the process. We need to hold trials
(regardless if the political participants are already death) so that any other politician ever con templating
to invade another country in an unconstitutional manner is warned he/she can face life imprisonment if
convicted and all assets confiscated, etc.
Australian soldiers died in Viet Nam and for what? A war based on lies, as was with Iraq.
Next time it may be some other country who in kind will destroy Australia and then what can we
complain about without miserable cowardice politicians good for nothing only to rort the system?
November 26, 2017November 26, 2017 renegade 0 Comments
The Real Goal of The Anglo-Boer War & How It Was Achieved
By the Editor of WearsWar
Goodson in his article titled Holocausting the Boers, (The Barnes Review Journal March/April 2017
issue). This war is more accurately characterized as the Rothschild-Anglo Empire vs Farmer-Boer
War a war conducted largely against women and children.
Despite having signed the Hague Convention on July 29, 1899, the British proceeded to contravene
every article therein. The Rothschilds and the British imperialist designs to acquire total control of the
newly discovered Transvaal Republics gold mines was the sole true motivation for instigating the
attack against the independent-loving Dutch settlers.

Left & Right: Australians with their imported artillery. All these forces were combined with English &
other foreign regiments to defeat a standing army of 6,000 farmers at any given time.

The Scorched Earth & Concentration Camp Holocaust Policy against Boer Women & Children:

The failure of the British to defeat the part-time Boer commandoes in the field resulted in the cowardly
decision to implement a scorched earth Holocaust policy encompassing massive sweeps right across their
territory, together with the forced removal into approximately 50 concentration camps of mostly Boer women
and children.

As a cultured people, the Boers possessed finely crafted furniture, libraries and pianos, Goodson states.
Troops entered the family homes and gave the women and children 10 minutes to evacuate, after which all
the contents of the homesteads were destroyed, including childrens toys and bibles. The British, Australian
and other colonial troops would smash everything which was then piled up and set alight. Homesteads and
outhouses were set on fire and dynamited.
p1 27-11-2017 G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
All farming implements, transport wagons, crops, orchards, farm animals, vegetable beds were completely
destroyed. This ensured that even after the war, there would be no means for these Farmer-Boer families to
sustain themselves. Furthermore, the Holocaust policy was designed to create extreme emotional and
psychological distress to the men at war in the field as well as to their women and children.

The Rothschilds troops showed unbelievable cruelty towards farm animals. Cattle and sheep were either
bayoneted, shot, dynamited or burnt alive. These horrific events would be witnessed by the distraught women
and children. In addition to farmsteads, 25 towns and 20 villages, including all churches, were destroyed. The
countryside was turned into a desert.

Sons as young as 8 years old were considered a threat to the British so forcefully separated from their
mothers and transported on ships overseas with the adult POWs.

The women and their little ones were carted off on a journey that in some cases lasted 16 days. When the
troops ate, usually no food or care was provided them. The women were even used as human shields as
documented by Davitt (pg 516):

These Farmer-Boer men were so brilliant in their discipline, strategy & tactics, a Holocaust of their families
was necessary to even the odds of approximately 1:74 Anglo soldiers.

Life in the Death Camps for Women & Children

The death camps were euphemistically called Concentration Camps. Some historians incorrectly state these
were the first concentration camps; in fact this style of camp, including scorched earth and blockhouse
systems was initiated by the Spaniards in Cuba just 3 years prior to the Boer War all then repeated by the
British against the Farmer-Boers. Byron Farwell in the Great Anglo-Boer War 1990 pg 393:


Mrs Meyer to her sister Mrs Louis Botha (wife of General Botha) Aug 1901:

I can never describe the life we had in camp. Bitter was not the name for it. The most essential was our
food, which.was so little, that we often retired with an empty stomach. Shall I ever forget the death
scenes.never in all my life have I seen such hardships, heard so much wailing.daily 10, 12, 14, 16
and even 20 children and people died, daily that same number of coffins carried out..

The food we got was bad; flour, coffee, and sugar for the week which only lasted about two days, and
the meat was so dreadful because they killed sick sheep for us. So many of our people have died in
camp; during the four months I was in the Volksrust Camp 587 people died. Is that not a terrible
number in four months? This I was told by our superintendent, Mr Carter.

We (arrived) at 2 oclock am. The children cried with mothers heart bleeds to think of
such a treatmentwe were set downwithout a roof over our headssome have lain out there 2
whole days in sunshine and rain.

As for the camp life, it is, in a word, slow starvation and defilement. 1 medical doctor, Dr Limpert,
and 2 nurses attended the camp, far too little for a population of 6,000 people, and sickness in every

The mortality was very greatmothers with small children have had to wait 3 days before being able
to speak to the doctor; and when at last their turn came, they simply were told to go away, for Did they
not know all children under the age of 5 must die?

p2 27-11-2017 G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
The rations are very small. In six weeks I was three times given a pound and a half of almost uneatable

A woman who ran away from Mafeking Camp, on oath before General Celliers:

I am the wife of Adriaan Van Staden.Children under 12 years of age got half rations. The doctors
treated us very roughly. Sometimes they assaulted us when we applied for medicines. Many a time we
were told: If all those in camp perished it would not matter

The cases of mortality in the camp were very numerous. Last month we had 580 deaths, mostly children. I
have these statistics from my brother, Johannes Smit, who has assisted in making the coffins.The
cases of mortality varied from 20 to 30 a day.We got nothing but tinned meat.once we were
warned not to eat the meat as the animals had died from lung disease. The tinned meat is very
unhealthy and causes diarrhoea

Before I escaped, two women from Lichtenburg ran away, who were, however, arrested and brought
back [by natives]. They were then punished, with 8 days rice-water. They got no other food.I had a
child when I was taken a prisoner; it died in camp. [Shockingly, the British armed and paid natives to
hunt and round up Boer women.]


Whereas 9,908 Boer soldiers died, more than 34,000 civilian concentration camp inmates, mostly
women and children, lost their lives

In stark contrast Davitt evidences the Farmer-Boers humane treatment of their adversaries. The Boer
commandoes, unable to contain and provide for the Empires POWs in detention, would disarm and release
them despite realizing they would always rejoin the war against them. Private correspondence from a private
in the Derbyshire Regiment to his father Patrick McCue of Sunderland, published in the Daily News stated:

The Boers behaved like men, never shooting when they could take prisoners, and even apologized
because they had to take our rifles and ammunition.

After a victory by Boer General De la Rey who took 555 men of the Northumberland Fusiliers and of
Imperial Yeomen as prisoners, Davitt records their fate the 555 men had surrendered and were
subsequently released. These Northumberlands had been captured at Stormberg once before. After a
victory at Helvetia Boer General Louis Botha took 200 prisoners of the Liverpool Regiment. The Liverpools
were disarmed and released after a few days. They had been captured and released once before. On another
occasion, Boer

Ben Viljoen led the attack and captured the Royal Irish who garrisoned the town. His son was killed in
the encounter. Viljoen held the town for two hours and then retired, releasing his prisoners.


Try to find this at:
Researching Australian military service: South African War (Boer War), 18991902

See also for further details my 27-11-2017 correspondence at:

This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL (Our name is our motto!)
p3 27-11-2017 G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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