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Ran 1

Spark Aid Design



Ran 2

An Abstract section
To find an idea to solve the problem in the disasters. For this report, tilt sensor and its
system can adjust aircrafts position and avoid the error which pilots did. Use UML model
and AHP chart to determine which criteria is the most important.

An Introduction section

Hurricane Irma, which was category five hurricane, was happened two months ago. As we
know, Florida is hurricane zone. There was great loss of property in Florida. How to use
the limit time to avoid most of loss?

Local government and schools in hurricane zone is worried about their students, residents,
historical relics and transportable property. What kind of aircraft is suitable as solution to
this problem. It is huge helicopter. Pilots who work for government or schools have to keep
driving this aircraft with people to the safety place, but they need a system to monitor
aircrafts operation and to give some suggestions for pilots about routes, especially in
hurricane. Also, some components of aircraft will be affected by strong wind. This system
can check these components automatically before and during flying. For aircraft, if a
component did not work, it would be a disaster for people to lose their lives.


Specific data
Big screen (show the data)
Voice (system)
Weight (maximum capacity)
Surface texture (adapt extreme environment)
Magnetic properties
Ability to modify to work in other spoken languages (system)
Customizability (system)
Impact resistance (adapt extreme environment)
Bending strength (prevent some components broken)


Safety (Criteria 1)
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Comfortable (Criteria 2)
Large Space Capacity (Criteria 3)
Large Tank Capacity (Criteria 4)
Flexible (Criteria 5)

For this helicopter, its mission is to transport people and properties before and during hurricane.
Due to this mission, it is to keep people and properties safety. Otherwise, this design is useless.
Comfortable is designed for people. If they feel uncomfortable in this helicopter, it will disturb
peoples minds, especially for pregnant women. To perform a task, general helicopter cannot
take many goods and people, so large space capacity is very important for this design. Large
tank capacity is for helicopter which has long-distance flight. During the hurricane, this
helicopter should have flexible characteristic. Otherwise it will be in the air crash.

Criteria Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4 Criteria Total Weight

1 5
Criteria 1 6 3 9 6 25.00 0.44
Criteria 1/6 1 1/3 3 1/6 4.67 0.08
Criteria 1/3 3 1 1/3 1/5 4.87 0.08
Criteria 1/9 1/3 3 1 6 10.44 0.18
Criteria 1/6 6 5 1/6 1 12.33 0.22
Total 10.50 16.33 12.33 4.67 7.7 57.31 1.00

Above the chart, the stakeholders could know which criteria is the most important. We should
be knew which criteria they care about. For this design, we know criteria 1safetyis the
most important in these criteria.

My aircraft is designed for hurricane or tornado scenarios. All of us know the effects of
hurricane, especially for pilot. This design has tilt sensor which can help pilot adjust the
position of aircraft. It is very useful for pilots to avoid their mistakes during strong wind.
Otherwise, many of people would be died.
Ran 4

A Background section
Before the problem I was solving, we should know what hurricane is and how it forms.
Hurricane is large, swirling storms with winds of 119 kilometers per hour (74 mph) or
higher. (NASA 1 ) There are five categories of hurricane.
Speed (km/hr) Speed (mph)
Category 1 119-153 74-95
Category 2 154-177 96-110
Category 3 178-208 111-129
Category 4 209-251 130-156
Category 5 252+ 157+

There are four parts of a hurricane: outflow, feeder bands, the eyewall and the eye.
Outflow: The high level clouds moving clockwise out away from the hurricane at
heights of over 35,000 feet. These clouds are indicative of air spreading out over
the top of the storm, which is essential to its development.
Feeder Bands: These are squally bands of showers characterized by strong gusty
winds and heavy rains. (Accuweather)
The Eye Wall: The eye wall is a ring of thunderstorms swirling around the eye.
The wall is where winds are strongest and rain is heaviest.
The Eye: The eye is the hole at the center of the storm. (NASA)

Hurricane is always starting out as a tropical disturbance. From a satellite, it has some
rotation at a low-pressure area in the center of a group of thunderstorms. If this storm
develops strong rotation, and the wind speeds exceed 74 MPH, we have a hurricane. How
to recognize it? There are distinctive shape and the eye in the center of hurricane. (abc7)

For instance, Hurricane Irma was the first category 5 hurricane to strike the Leeward
Islands just two months ago. It caused almost $200 billion in Florida (abcnews) while the
death toll was about 72 (firstpost). This design is for protecting peoples lives and
decreasing their loss of property.

General aircraft is not suitable as rescue aircraft in the hurricane. Although people set up
early warning system to predict the path and category of hurricane, this design aircraft has
Ran 5

the highest motivation in all of airplanes. This huge helicopter should be adjusted its
position to avoid pilot error, which means it has extreme flexibility.

This design is about huge helicopter. The main group of helicopter is for military
transportation. There are several types of helicopters: attack helicopters, transport
helicopters, observation helicopters, maritime helicopters, multi-mission and rescue. For
this problem, transport helicopterpersonnel and cargo can be moved to and from
locations without requiring a runway for takeoffs and landingsis the basic model in this
solution, like Mi-17. Currently, the issue is what is the difference between transport
helicopter and this design. Part of local government and school thought military transport
helicopter can deal with it in hurricane, but it is not true. If there was a large hurricane on
island or mainland, military transport helicopter would not get there to rescue other people.
The price of military transport helicopter is larger than this design. They do not want to
make a risk to lose their aircrafts. However, if there was only school to buy this aircraft, it
cannot undertake the bill of aircraft. Local government should support these schools.

A Design Overview section

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This is similar to transport helicopter. However, the size of design is small, it could be large
size. This helicopter has flexibility. The main point is there is one system to adjust its
position to avoid the error which pilot do. Also, if this design is very large, it will have
higher efficiency to carry cargos and people.

This missions of this huge helicopter are various. It can transport troops, goods and
materials and people. The helicopter is flexibility. It has its own system to avoid the
mistakes they always did. I am in Auburn University now. It is close to hurricane zone
(Florida) This is why I want to focus on the solution in hurricane. After I decided which
disaster in my project, I thought aircrafts have to transport people and goods to safe place.
However, there is strong wind around the eye of hurricane. General aircraft cannot perform
the task during this environment. In this situation, school and government staffs need the
new design to solve this problem.

Before we talked about maximum range and so on, we need to know the relationship
between power and fuel flow. The maximum range is the distance an aircraft can fly
between takeoff and landing. It is for each pound of fuel burned. It is connected with fuel.
For maximum endurance, we need to maximize the amount of time that we can stay in the
air. In other words, we have to minimize the fuel flow. As we know, the fuel flow is
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proportional to the power required, the fuel flow would be minimized at the point where
the power required is a minimum. For cruising speed, the optimum speed would then be
the speed where the derivative of a parameter is fuel flow per knot. If people increase the
velocity, the parameter would increase.

The automation of aircraft is adjusted its position by sensor. It is very useful for this aircraft
during the hurricane. There is always strong wind at hurricane zone. Wind can impact the
position and the slope of aircraft. This sensor can adjust if the incline angle is more than
certain degrees, it could operate the aircraft until the angle is less than safe angle.

For any aircrafts, safety is always the first one. I thought large capacity is more important
than comfortable, because this helicopter need to transport people and goods. Also, the
most important is to upgrade the new device, especially for tilt sensor. It will be flexibility.
Otherwise, it is very hard for pilot to perform the task.

A Subsystem Description section

The hardest stuff is to make its own system to measure the incline angle is within safe range
or not. If not, this system will operate this helicopter until it is within safe angle. Although
it could be large to waste fuel a lot, it would take much more cargos than general helicopter.

Aircraft Performance:

Cruise Speed: 172.67 m/s

Rate of Climb: 3.86 m/s

Take-Off Weight: 314.85 KN

Range: 3778.31 km

Endurance: 6.41 hrs

OEW: 166.85 Kn

From this data we can see, this helicopter can take a lot of stuffs.

This helicopter, however, is designed for hurricane and tornadoes. It could still perform
other mission, like wildfires and earthquakes. From above data, the maximum range is
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For hurricane scenario, the interior layout should have large space area because this
helicopter need to take many cargos and people. For wildfires, this interior layout should
not be luxury because helicopter need to take chemical materials to wildfire. For
earthquakes, the interior layout should like hospital. Many people would be dead or injured
in earthquakes.

Culture and policy. Interior layout of aircraft is almost difference in each country. The
world has many regions with several cultures and policies. Although the equipment in
aircraft is the most same, there is still human factors to disturb interior layout of airplane
to be united.

o A subsection for wing design

Span, area and sweep. As the span is increased, the wing structural weight also increase
and at some point the weight increase offsets the induced drag savings. The selection of
optimum wing span thus requires an analysis of much more than cruise drag and structural
weight. Area is connected with cruise drag, stalling speed, wing structural weight and fuel

For sweep, it permits greater thickness, at a given Mach number without drag divergence.
Also, it will increase the structural weight due to increased tip loading and structural span.

For the wing shape I choose in this design, it is for helicopter.

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Generally, this type of wing shape is for helicopter. The wing shape of helicopter,
especially transport helicopter, cannot use the shape of jet.

I refer to many examples of helicopters from military in various countries. After that, I
need to understand why this wing shape is suitable for helicopter. Also, helicopter could
fly without runway.

o A subsection for automation

For solving the problem, aircraft in the hurricane should be safety. As we know, wind in
this disaster will affect pilots to operate their aircraft. If pilots who have less experiment
for their flying did any errors, helicopter would be in air crash. If so, many people and
cargos would be dead because of pilots mistakes. To prevent this case, sensor can help
these pilots a lot. This sensor can measure what the incline angle is. If the angle is larger
than certain angle, it would be adjusted its position until the angle is within safe angle.
Local schools and government do not want to lose a lot. They will put an end to this stuff.
Otherwise, part of people will stay at hurricane center to wait for death.

Use Case:
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There are four rolesschool manager, government staff, passenger, and pilotin this use
case diagram. From this case, we should know which requirements of each role. Its very
useful for engineers to analysis their requirements.

Sequence Diagram:

This sequence diagram shows the interaction between objects in the sequential order that
those interactions occur. For this case, government and school are pilots bosses.

Activity Diagram:
Ran 11

Activity diagram presents a series of actions or flow of control in a system similar to a

flowchart visually. For this solution, the only choice for pilot is yes. During hurricane,
many people will escape their houses. However, part of them do not know where and how
they go.

For this design, I build the sensor, which can measure that aircrafts incline angle, called
tilt sensor. This feature to keep the balance of aircraft during the hurricane (strong winds)

For my circuit diagram, tilt sensor is input; play speaker and set built-in LED are output.
Tilt sensor can measure the degree to tilt is larger than specific degree or not. If aircraft is
not in the line of balance, LED will be lighted and speaker will be played. It can cause the
aircraft make itself keep balance. But for Arduino, I did not find a connector to make
aircraft be balanced.
Ran 12

A Testing and Evaluation section

After I almost finish this project, I knew I need to go back and to check the process again,
just like testing. The problem in this project is that pilot could make several mistakes during
hurricane. Many experiments verify pilot make a few mistakes in strong wind with large
incline angle of aircraft. So for this design, testing this system could keep aircraft balance
or not. From this testing, I learn I need to check every step in my design process. It is very
helpful for me to do each project. People cannot avoid their mistakes every time. Testing
and evaluation will be good way to check my project process.

From this FAT procedure, people will check it easily. Pilots can press this functional button
to open this self-balance system. If they want to turn direction with large tilt angle, they
could turn off this system.

A Conclusions section

Several weeks to study how to design my own aircraft for disaster is useful for my career.
First, my major is aerospace engineering. I have to know these knowledgeable points about
aerospace design. Teachers in this course introduce many engineering skills for us, like
UML model, FAT and so on. From this final airplane design project, I know what thought
engineers should have and what the key points are for engineers. Also, I have my short-
term goal is to make my own aircraft. This project gave me a chance to know what points
I should care.

After completing this aircraft design, go back and check all of the requirements and criteria.
For solving this problem, the key point is that system. To complete this complicated system,
we need the tilt sensor. After that, we have to make codes in this system. It is for preventing
pilots error during their operation.

If I have more time for this final report, I would improve the details of interior design and
system design. Maybe I could write the specific codes in this system. There are a lot of
points need to improve, but the due day in this project is the day end of Thanks Giving, I
did not have enough time to write specific details in this project.

From this project, I know what important of requirements and criteria, AHP and several
skills for engineers are. These skills are very helpful for my major. After completing this
Ran 13

final project, I have to review the contents in this course again. The most important stuff
for engineers is money. If engineers have not enough money, they cannot do any perfect
stuff. Via this course, I want to know more knowledge in different fields. I think it will
enhance my knowledgeable level.
Ran 14

Work Cited Page

Allen, Karma, and Maia Davis. Hurricanes Harvey and Irma may have caused up to $200 billion in
damage, comparable to Katrina. ABC News, ABC News Network,

Dunbar, Brian. What Are Hurricanes? NASA, NASA, 9 June 2015,

Hurricane Irma: Death toll rises to 72 in Florida, 112 in Caribbean. Firstpost, 27 Sept. 2017,

Kabc. When does a tropical storm become a hurricane? ABC7 Los Angeles, 7 Oct. 2016,

Mummey. What Are the Parts of a Hurricane? AccuWeather, 30 Apr. 2010,

Wing Design Parameters,

Ran 15

Appendix A: Arduino code

Ran 16

Appendix B: FAT Procedures

Test title: Testing for adjusting incline angle of aircraft.

Scope: This test will verify that tilt system works successfully during flight time.


The aircraft is not balance, which means it has incline angle.

Test Procedure:

Step Instructions Expected Requirement Pass/Fail

1 Press the button From yellow light Pass
called self-balance to green light
2 Use aircraft The alert will be Pass
simulator to have touched to warn
incline angle pilot & red light
3 Do not touch any the aircraft Pass
button simulator turn its
to be balance &
from red light to
green light
4 Turn off this From green light Pass
functional button to yellow light

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