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Computerised Learners Licence Guide Page |1

Copyright 2013

All rights reserved.

Since this document is still in draft format and not yet signed over to the Department of Transport, copyright vests in
Tasima until such time as the document is signed over to the Department.

No part of this document may be transmitted, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language
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This document is the property of Tasima (Pty) Ltd. It has been issued for the information of persons who need to know
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above address of Tasima.
Computerised Learners Licence Guide Page |2

Document revision control

Revision Date Author Summary of changes

.001 2013-09-26 Coenie Basson Drafted document
.002 2013-10-27 Clancinah Baloyi Reviewed document
.003 2013-10-02 Ashley Reddy Reviewed document
.004 2013-10-03 Coenie Basson Updated document
1.00 2013-10-03 Ashley Reddy Released document
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Table of Contents

1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4
2 Logging onto the system ......................................................................................... 4
3 Categories of test questions ................................................................................... 5
3.1 Duration of the test.................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Begin demo test ........................................................................................................ 5
3.2.1 Touch Start ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2.2 Select ID type and enter the ID number ................................................................ 6
4 Screenshots and narratives depicting the process ............................................... 7
4.1 Language selection ................................................................................................... 7
5 Navigating through the demo .................................................................................. 8
6 Begin test proper ...................................................................................................... 9
7 Conclusion of the test ............................................................................................ 11
8 Procedure once the test results have been viewed ............................................. 13
8.1 For the applicant ..................................................................................................... 13
8.2 For the examiner ..................................................................................................... 13
9 Issue of Learners Licence..................................................................................... 14
9.1 Cashier procedure ................................................................................................... 14
9.2 Examiner procedure ................................................................................................ 14
10 Transactions 76C and R724 ................................................................................... 15
10.1 Transaction 76C Learners Licence Test Result Query ..................................... 15
10.2 Transaction R724 Computerised Learners Licence Test Results Report........ 17
11 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 20
11.1 Power failure ............................................................................................................ 20
11.2 Power returns .......................................................................................................... 21
11.3 Workstation freezes ................................................................................................ 21
11.4 The applicant could not finish the test .................................................................. 25
11.5 The applicant was absent on the day of the test ................................................... 25
11.6 The applicant has a valid reason for being absent ............................................... 25
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1 Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview for both learners and examiners of
the Computerised Learners Licence Test (CLLT). An applicant who has a learners licence
test appointment is eligible to take a learners licence test. The test is administered via the
use of computer touch screens, which facilitates the capturing of tests results to the eNaTIS
data centre.
The system will randomly select sixty four (64) questions for the applicable test for each
applicant terminal from a database of 1200 questions. The questions will be temporarily
downloaded to the test terminal. After the test has ended, the questions will be deleted from
the memory of the terminal. The answers for the questions, together with the test result is
processed and validated via the eNaTIS.
To prepare for the test, applicants are advised to use the manuals available on the internet.
The address where to find it is: Go to Downloads and then click Learner
Driver Manual. There are three files, and preparation for the learners licence test must be
made using information found on all three files. Each file contains specifically categorised

2 Logging onto the system

The incumbent preparing to take the test must have a valid Learners Licence appointment,
i.e. the person has been identified, an eye test was performed, the application fee was paid
and a booking date was confirmed.

The applicant will present his/her booking confirmation/receipt of application

together with his/her ID on the test appointment date.

The examiner will compare the applicant before him/her with the photo of the
applicant that appears in his/her ID book.

The applicant will be allowed to enter the test room and will be directed to a terminal
by the examiner.

The applicant will use his/her ID number to log in.

The system will validate the ID entry and indicate if a valid booking exists for the
specific date and code.

The examiner will brief the applicants, providing explicit instructions. This will
include being talked through the demo test. The test proper and the post-test
procedures are also discussed before commencement of the test.
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The test proper will start after the briefing session (a predetermined time period is
allowed for the examiner to complete the applicant briefing).

3 Categories of test questions

The categories on which an applicant will be evaluated for the requirements of a learners licence
are: the rules of the road, road signs and the motor vehicle controls. The table below provides a
breakdown of the number of questions per category as well as the minimum requirement for a

Categories Number of questions Pass mark

Rules 28 22

Signs 28 23

Controls 8 6

Total of questions 64

Failure on any one category will render a Fail result.

3.1 Duration of the test

The applicant has 1 hour to complete the test. The hour does not include the test
administration and test demo. The timer on the screen is a guide to the applicant indicating
the period remaining within which the test must be completed. The end of the test duration
will however be determined and indicated by the examiner.

3.2 Begin demo test

3.2.1 Touch Start

You can use your knuckle or tip of your finger to touch the screen. When a key option has been
touched, the key option will appear as though it is depressed (pressed down).
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1. At the instruction of the examiner, the class will begin the test (this will prevent the
dilemma of staggered starts).
2. The applicant must touch the Start button.

3.2.2 Select ID type and enter the ID number

1. Select the ID type and enter the ID number. If the applicant enters an incorrect ID number the system
allows the applicant to make use of the Backspace button to erase the erroneously entered digits.

2. If an incorrect ID type was selected or incorrect ID number is entered, or if there is no booking for the
entered ID, the error message will indicate: Invalid ID number entered, or A valid test-booking does
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not exist for the applicant for the day referencing the ID document number.

3. Once the correct ID number is entered, the system will allow the applicant to select Continue.

Note: When a particular option is selected, the option button when touched
will turn green. Non-selected options will remain black.

4 Screenshots and narratives depicting the process

4.1 Language selection

The system allows the applicant to choose one language from the eleven South African official
languages, as shown below:

1. The applicants surname, initials, test type and identity number are displayed. The applicant is requested to
verify that his/her details and the test type is correct.

2. The applicant can choose the language in which he/she wants to complete the test.
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3. The language selected must be determined by the applicants read and write ability in that language rather
than the fluency of speech in that language. Note: Once a particular language has been selected, and the
demo has started, the language may not be changed.

4. If any language other than English is selected, the applicant has the option of having the questions and answer
options translated into English. The translation option is however only available for one question at a time.

5. The applicant must touch Start Demo to start the demo test.

5 Navigating through the demo

There are four demo questions which the applicant is required to answer. This will
provide the applicant with an opportunity to get a feel of the touch screen, as well as
familiarise himself/herself with the various options (buttons/keys) that he/she can

Should an applicant choose a language other than English, the option to translate
the question and answers to English is not available in the demo.

If End Demo Test is

touched, the
confirmation pop-up

To end the demo test touch Yes.

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Options and their descriptions:

Option Description

< Previous Go back to the previous question

View in English Translates a question and its answer options in English

Review Questions
Displays the question numbers answered (green) and not answered (black)

Continue Go to the next page

Go to the next question

Go back to the previous page

Start Demo
To start the demo test

End Demo Test To end the demo test

End Test
To end the test proper

Done Touch when exiting the test

Touch to start the test proper

6 Begin test proper

1. Once the demo has been completed, the start screen for the learners test proper
will be displayed.

2. At the instruction of the examiner, the applicant touches Start to commence with
the first of the 64 questions for the learners test.
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Displays the number of the current question

Touch for the

translation in
Indication of the
time remaining

The selected
answer turns green

1. The system will display the test question with the possible answers, and where necessary, a graphical aid will
be displayed in reference to the question.

2. The applicant will be required to select the correct answer from the options provided.

3. The applicant will be able to move back to a previous question (Previous) and change the answer at any time
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during the test. (This will only be applicable within the duration of the test).

4. The applicant will be able to skip a question (by touching Next) and move to the next question.

5. The applicant will be able to view a translation of the question in English by selecting the View in English. The
translation option is only available for languages other than English to be translated to English. There is no
translation option when English is the chosen language

questions green

questions black

Return to the question screen that

the learner was working on before
selecting Review Questions

The applicant can use the Review Questions option to view and access unanswered questions, or to view and access
answered questions for correction/change before he/she ends the test. This option is also used at the end of the test to
verify that all questions have been answered.

This can also be done within the duration of the test. All questions that have not been answered will be marked in black
while those that have been answered will be marked in green.

7 Conclusion of the test

1. Once the applicant has answered all the questions, or decided to end/quit the test, he\she
can select the End Test option. It is advisable for applicants to make use of the Review
Questions option to ensure that all questions have been answered, as a review or change
of answers is not possible once the test is ended.

2. The applicant will be prompted to select Yes or No to end the test.

3. The system will mark the test (answers) and determine the test result. This system
functionality replaces the manual marking of test sheets by the examiner, as well as the
manual capturing of test results onto the eNaTIS (transaction 726).
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4. The system will display the test result.

5. The applicant must pass all test categories to obtain a Pass result. Failure of any one of
the test categories will render a Fail test result.

6. No print out or hard copy proof/statement of results is provided, unless the applicant
informs the examiner that he wishes to appeal his/her test result.

Once End Test is touched,

this pop- up appears

To confirm the End Test, touch Yes.

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1. The test outcome is displayed.

2. Touch Done to exit.

Once Done is selected, the test Start screen will once more be displayed. The system is
now ready for a new test.

8 Procedure once the test results have been viewed

8.1 For the applicant

If the test result is Fail, the applicant may make another learners licence test

If the test result is Pass, the applicant must, at the examiners instruction, go to
queue in the banking hall for the issue of the Learners Licence. The fees, photos,
thumb print and signature will be required from the applicant for the issuing of a
learners licence.

8.2 For the examiner

The examiner may view a single applicants results using the following transactions:
76C Summary of test results or R724 Detailed information of test results.

Upon request by the applicant, and only for the purposes of an appeal, the
examiner may print the confirmation of a fail test result (transaction 76C) and hand
it to the client. The examiner will also explain the appeals process to the applicant.
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9 Issue of Learners Licence

The applicable test results will be updated on the eNaTIS.

9.1 Cashier procedure

Receive the LL1 form from the examiner.

Perform transaction 722.
Request the fees and conclude 722
The Learners Licence prints.
Affix the photo.
Get the thumb print and signature.
Issue the Learners Licence to the applicant.

9.2 Examiner procedure

The examiner signs the Learners Licence.

Important note: The Management Representative may appoint another person to

sign on behalf of the examiner.
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10 Transactions 76C and R724

10.1 Transaction 76C Learners Licence Test Result Query

1. Enter the search option 1, 2, 3 or 4 and press Enter.

2. Press F2 to select the identification type code:

3. Press Enter.
4. Enter the ID number.
5. Press Enter.
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1. The test results are displayed.

2. Transaction 722 will only be performed by the cashier to issue the applicant with the learners licence, when the
test status reads: Pass and Authorised. The prescribed fee must be paid by the applicant.
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10.2 Transaction R724 Computerised Learners Licence Test Results Report

1. The default execution mode is Immediate.

2. Enter banner comments, if any.
3. Enter the identification type code.
4. Enter the ID number.
5. Enter the test date.
6. Press F10 to submit.
7. Do RQU1. This transaction displays that the R724 has been done.
8. Do RQU2. This transaction displays information about the report requested by the logged-in user.
9. To view a particular report, select it (highlights blue) then press F6.
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Transaction RQU2

1. Particulars of the requested report is displayed.

2. Click in the block under the Action field. The cursor must flash in this block!
3. Press F6 on the key board.
4. The report pages will display, as shown below.
5. The user can print the report, if needed.
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Question number

Correct Answer
Candidates answer

Motor vehicle
controls section

Road traffic signs

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Rules of the road


11 Troubleshooting

The following section of the document addresses some of the problems that could be
experienced in a CLLT classroom, and provides some basic troubleshooting guidelines.

11.1 Power failure

In the event of a power failure, the UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) continues to
power the CLLT PC for a period of 2 hours. Should the power failure continue
longer than 2 hours, the UPS will then switch off, removing power to the CLLT PCs.

If a power failure interrupts a test the examiner must, on his/her discretion,

determine additional time.

If a power failure occurs prior to the commencement of a test, it is advisable to

reschedule the test as a precautionary measure, due to the limitations of the UPS.
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11.2 Power returns

Once power is returned, the UPS needs to be switched on. Press and hold the On
button. A light indicates if it is on, depending on the model of the UPS. Note that
there is a trip switch at the back. There is no indicator on the UPS showing the level
of charging. The Call Centre can be contacted to verify information on the charge
level of the UPS.

Once the UPS is on, all CLLT PCs should automatically be switched on. They will
connect to the production environment and display the CLLT start page. Please
ensure that the UPS is allowed to recharge for at least an hour (should there have
been a power outage), before starting the next test. It takes the UPS up to 8 hours
to fully recharge.

If the CLLT start page still does not display, turn off the CLLT PC power at the DB
(Distribution Box), and turn the power on again (note that each circuit breaker
powers 3 PCs).

The examiner should ensure that all CLLT PCs display the CLLT start page before
a test session is initiated.

If the CLLT start page is not displaying on the CLLT PC, there should be a message
on the screen stating Unable to connect. Press the Try Again button displayed on
the screen.

11.3 Workstation freezes

If a workstation freezes, the examiner may reboot the PC that has frozen. The
session of the applicant will be restored after the re-boot and the applicant will be
allowed to continue with the test. The applicants test time must be adjusted
PC Re-boot procedure is explained below:
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2) Click to see the

options 3) Options

1) Start

Rebooting of the terminals is done via the examiners computer (stand-alone

computer situated in the front of the classroom)
To access the Reboot Icon on the examiners desktop, the examiner is required to
click on Start.
Click the small arrow to the right of the Shut down option button. The options (see
above) will display.
Click Restart.
The Reboot icon will display.
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Click the Reboot Icon.

Enter Password: user1

Press Enter.
Icons representing corresponding numbered PCs as per user will be displayed:
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Double click on the icon of the PC that needs to be rebooted.

The PC will reboot and display the CLLT Start screen:

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11.4 The applicant could not finish the test

In the event where an applicant could not finish the test due to illness during the
test, the examiner must perform transaction 726 and mark the test as Deferred.
The applicant will be reissued with a new test appointment.

11.5 The applicant was absent on the day of the test

Where the applicant did not present himself on the day of the test, the examiner
must perform transaction 726 and mark the applicant as Absent.
The decision to reschedule the applicants test appointment or to request the
applicant to make another booking, for which he/she will make payment, is done
solely at the discretion of the examiner, based on the evidence provided by the

11.6 The applicant has a valid reason for being absent

In the event where the applicant has a valid reason for being absent the following steps
must be followed:
Perform transaction 728. This will change the status of the test result into a state of
Test pending.
Transaction 708 can then be performed to reschedule the applicant. Take note that
the two transactions must be performed on the same day.


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