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THERMO FLUIDS SYSTEMS DESIGN AND ANALYSIS (ME4V03) Fall 2012 HOMEWORK #8 Due: Thursday 15, 2012 Steam boilers sometimes use a continuous blowdown of water to control the amount of impurities in the water. This high-temperature water is capable of heating feedwater, as shown in Fig. 6-18. A flow rate of 0.2 kg/s at a temperature of 340°C is blown down from the boiler. The flow rate of the feed water to the heater ig 3 kg/s and its entering temperature is 80°C. The UA value of the feed-water heater is 10 KW/K. Equations for the enthalpy of saturated liquid and vapor are, respectively, hy = 4.19t and hy = 2530 + 0.40 Where # is the temperature in °C. The sjstem is to be simulated and the following variables computed: f2,to,¥4 and wy ‘Set up the governing equations and determine the value of the variables. 6.13. A centrifugal pump operates with a bypass as shown in Fig. 6-22. The pressure drop through the bypass line is given by the equation Ap = 1.260%»)? the characteristics of the pump are expressed by the equation Ap = 50 + 50, eet p= 40KP —-—_ Pump FIGURE 622 Centrifugal pump with bypass line in Prob. 6.13 ‘and the equation for the pressure drop in the piping system is P2~ py = 0.0180? ‘where the flow rates are in kg/s and the pressures in kPa. Use the Newton- Raphson technique to determine wp, yp and p> 6.16. A helium liquefier operating according to the flow diageam shown in Fig 6-26 receives high-pressure helium vapor, liquefies a fraction of the vapor. and retums the remainder to be recycled. The following operating conditions prevail Point 1 (vapor entering warm side of heat exchanger), T = 15 K, hh = 78,3 kilkg, w = 5 g/s, p = 2000 kPa Point 5 (vapor leaving turbine), 7 = 8 K, = $3 klfkg, w = 4 ls a 7 6 Spas wasps 1A = 100Wi "oo kPa re Seh va = 100WIK ea fi 2 3 qs J} trrontine 3 wags valve Task we Shige FIGURE 6-26 Helium liqueier in Prob. 6.16 Separator, p = 100 kPa, saturation temperature at 100 kPa = 4.2 K, 10 kulkg, fi = 31 KiRg Heat exchanger, UA = 100 WIK Specific heat of helium vapor [64 kMKg* K) av 2000 KPa Using the Newton-Ruphson method, simulate this system, determining the values of wy, To, Ty, and Ts. Use as the test for convergence that all variables change less than 0.001 during an iteration. Limit the number of iterations 1010. Wp 6S, x —| : te | Sendenser ] gore ORME C24! pel 0.2 Kqls Separator f Variables: Wa, We, bo, te Wa, Equations © “Mass balance Wa + Wy = 02 ® DE ig valve Oz (HGH) = wa (ld) + We 2550 40.4%.) @ Energy balance (te 80)(3)(4.09) = wi flesz0 +04) 4.14] at condenser @ Rate aguation b= e+ (e,- ao)fi- eo BGT O,SHET 6-5. Cont.) @) Bessible Flow diagram Let Trial values: te Ft O1o0e | hia | 60726 95.53 o.1o74 | 10630 14.0918 45.48 | 6.1082 | (0g.28 |o.oFi7 L446 | 0.1083 | 108.17 |o.0die 1 -6O- Wor 6-13 Mass balance, f Wp-W-Wyp = 0 Pato Up aw Bypass, Fy 12(Wy)"— Ap eo Pomp , +, 50+ wp - b.lwe- Ap =o Pipe system, Fe bolgw*- Apso Partial derivatives We w Wyp | Ap +, 4 = =I om Zt aT fs [50.20 =1 Pt f 6.036 w) =I Usi Newton -Raphson, solutions are “Jue FSAI egls, we Het, Wy, 25.66, Ap: 388n%m ¢ & @) {© OJ\O Helium, ik Separate That eek we Fa/s we Om te @ he 53 wlfg Cp, high press = ct edhe &) Cp, low press + GS ” Equations 1. Heat balance, 5-6-7 4 4h)(53 xh) + (5-uy 1) = (4-meJhy 2Heat balance, separator leypsth) (ufo why) + (5-ty (31 Ye) 3, Relation of hy ¢ ty hy = 76.3 - G4(is-t.) 4 Relation of hy dt, hy = ano + .8(t,- +2) 5, Heat balance about heat exchanger G 9/is-LNO#) = (4-4 X58 byt) &. Heat exchanger (4,.-t,)- (is- ty) (SRS - ts) = vo ot; Sey] Unknowns t t, hzhy, Wey hy d t,, be «6=. 6-16, (Cont) Eguations rewritten t RU) = (4- Wah, — (S- wa) = ZIA Ra) = 1Owy + (S-We)31 -— Sha Rl) = 7a3- GH(I5-t2)- he RU) = Bho + S.8(ty- 42) -hz RG) = 5.8(tg -t,)(4- wy) - (s\ea)lis- t,) Re) = oo|easte) Uso) ~ (6 Xeut Ste) (52) Partial derivatives” SRL hy +31 oh. dy aR 2 os ee =-2| 2 .u4 Re - a =-1 oR 258 ar. ORs ORs _ 5 f4-w, REL (seu) BE--saltyt) SEE e-sat-m) FE se) aR eae | \ = (so) a Ls hee) iG a) Gat) oR al ex loo . Ae t,)-(is-te)] EB) Tey JE - 66° 6-10, (Cont) Se oo fot t) acta] | ote, (tacts 3-t2))~ (Us-* the [32% )] (ero Results . 1.=7,3l hs #129 hae 8412 4, 2 5474 wy = OHS tgs 143

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