Ophthalmology: Causes of Blindness Worldwide

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Causes of blindness worldwide:

Main causes of blindness:

Developing countries:

1. Cataract age related blurring of vision (caused by clouding of the lens of the eyes).
This causes the light cannot enter fully to focused on the retina, thus create a blurry
2. Glaucoma occur when fluid in the eyes cannot drain properly in which cause the
increase intra-orbital pressure. The increase in pressure causes damage to the optic

3. Trachoma infection of the eye from Chlamydia trochomatis and the most common
infective cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Infection spread through
personal contact (hands, sexual, clothes) or through flies from infected to new

4. Onchocerciasis aka River Blindness. infection with the parasitic worm Onchocerca
volvulus. Symptoms include severe itching, bumps under the skin, and blindness. It is
the second most common cause of blindness due to infection, after trachoma. 4

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