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Maryam Mohammed H00250004 Practicum 4b: 4909

Goal 2 I would like to create a rich and vibrant classroom environment.

Rationale - I believer the learning environment of the classroom must be attractive

because it helps the children to increase their outcomes in a positively way,
the main reason it can easily keep extending the students learning, and let the
child gain new information to feed their brains. Clayton & Forton (2000)
states that it is very important to let students feel that their works are valued
and feel important, which that helps to let students increase and develop their
self-esteem and focus more while learning to achieve better outcomes.
- I think teachers need to clarify the students interests because it can reflect a
significant role to grab students attentions to keeping an eye on some
learning concept even if it's on the class wall or display. I admit that the
visualized things can make the overall looks of the classroom environment
become nicer and also it can take students attention quickly, so, in the school,
I noticed that this new generation likes the visualized things more than
reading and other stuff.
- I think if the display will be as a learning wall in the class is useful, because
students will observe their curriculum concept around them in attractive way
to take the students attention easily. I admit if the display includes the
important information for students will help them to memorize it, so,
students will be able to look at it anytime they want. According to my TP I
tried to do my display as a helper tool to communicate others of what
children have been studying in their literacy lessons.
- Moreover, the classroom that included a good environment, can be named as
print- rich. One of the definitions that can be attributed to the print-rich
environment is a classroom whereby young children are given many
different opportunities to interrelate with many dissimilar forms of print, so,
a display can be a part or print-rich (Neuman, 2004).

Competency - CLO3- Sub-outcomes 5&7

Areaa I think this goal linked with this competency because:
1. I will decorate the class with student works to motivate and
interact with learners plus promote a positive learning
2. Students will have print-rich learning environment instead of
having empty boring class.
- CLO4- Sub-outcome 3
I think this goal connected with this competency because students will
have print-rich learning environment instead of having empty boring

Implementation 1. Try to provide creative and simple activities

Strategy 2. Try to add a part of Art in the activity

Resources - Student finished works

- Lesson plan
- Pictures
- Classroom pictures + Display
- 2 student opinions about the changes happens in the classroom.
- A part of the lesson plan that included the activity which I used in the
Maryam Mohammed H00250004 Practicum 4b: 4909

Evidences of PDP goal 2

Description: Those pictures are the students works when I taught them during my semester 7. I used students works to
decorate the classroom. The display included two different activities. I applied it when the English lesson of grade 4
was about the Dinosaurs The pictures in the right side of the display while the pictures that are in the left side of the
display were when the lesson was about the Invention. I created the activity and added a part of the art on it.

Description: Those corners included students projects. The first pictures shows the project of grade 1 which it was
about the robot. The second picture in the right side shows the first project of grade 4 which it was about codes. During
semester 7 I observe my MST usually used the students project to design the empty areas in the classroom.
Maryam Mohammed H00250004 Practicum 4b: 4909

Why? Display is an important element in the classroom because the teacher stuck the main important information,
displays can be used to show the new teaching topic clearly, Created the displays can be useful because it stimulate and
create learner interest, ready display can be a good tool to communicate others of what the class is doing during the
normal lessons. Although, creating the display can take the form of helpful reference material thats can easily support
the students learning and displays shows as a part of some on-going work in the classroom (Yang, Badri, Al Rashedi,
Almazroui, Qalyoubi & Nai (2017).

Description: I collected students opinion at the sixth week of my teaching practice, so, those picture shows the
students opinion after applying the display in the classroom.
Why? My MST told me that taking students opinion is profitable way because through this way we can make a
connection of communication between the student and the teacher.

Description: This is a mall part form my lesson plan that I delivered it while Im teaching in front of my MST during
second week of my TP. This part included the description of one activity that I applied it and I used the students works
to establish the class display.
Maryam Mohammed H00250004 Practicum 4b: 4909
Why? I believe that I used a very fun activity, because it includes the art part that students need to create it according to
the activity concept, which through that way students will think that it is an enjoyable part to do during the lesson thats
voiding the daily class routine.

Evaluation 2
I achieved this goal during my TP because the class now looks nice and students benefit from the decoration because it
covers their unit concept. I chose this goal because of three important reasons. Firstly, I would like parents and visitors
to see the students achievement of students that uses it to decorate their class to have an attractive classroom
environment, so, they will be able to know some activities that students did it during the lesson. Secondly, whatever
students had been done shouldn't be kept Clayton & Forton (2000). Thirdly, also I would like to encourage the students
to do more beneficial and creative activities for students to brake the daily routine. In addition to that, it can motivate
students to their works in neat and best way. To sum up, I will try to create various activities and make it simple to
benefit me while I'm using it to decorate the classroom. However, I added a part of art to the activities because I believe
that adding a part of art can be a useful way to enhance students to work more through letting them feel that this
worksheet is not a bored one like the routine one.

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