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Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1997; Suppl 526: 43-46

Physiopathology of H, -Receptors and Pharmacology of Betahistine

From the Depnrtmenr of OtorhinoIrrynRoloR~~~
University Hospirril of Ghenr. Ghent, Belgium

Van Cauwenberge PB, De Moor SEG. Plzy.~ioprrtl~olog~~

qfH,-receptors rind pharmncologj, of hetuhistine. Acta Otolaryngol
(Stockh) 1997: Suppl 526: 43-46.
This article reviews published research on the physiology of histamine H,-receptors. The function of this inhibitory
autoreceptor. its localisation and influence on histaminergic neurones as well as histamine-controlled processes are
presented together with the role of H,-receptors in the vestibular system. In addition to a summary of the properties of
the main H;-agonists and -antagonists. the pharmacology of betahistine and its place in the treatment of vertigo are
discussed. Key words: H,-receptor. histamine, hetuliistine, imnpromidine. thioperamide. histnminergic neurones. vestihulur
Acta Otolaryngol Downloaded from by RMIT University on 08/18/14

INTRODUCTION H , -receptors
Histamine plays an important physiological role in H,-receptors are associated with an adenylate cyclase
the human vestibular system, as it does in other system which uses cyclic adenosine monophosphate
organs. It is a rather simple molecule that performs as a second messenger (4). The central functions of
the functions of a local hormone as well as a neuro- H,-receptors are not well characterised although anti-
transmitter. nociception and prolactin secretion are two of the
The first antihistaminic compounds to be discov- identified roles (3). Both H I - and H,-receptors are
ered were the diphenhydramines which initially were found on the postsynaptic membrane.
For personal use only.

used only for the treatment of allergies. However,

they had no effect on other histamine-related pro-
cesses such as increased gastric secretion and cardiac The first discovery of presynaptic H,-receptors in rat
stimulation. We now know that the reason for this brain was made in 1983 by Arrang et al. (1).
anomaly is the existence of three different types of In general, presynaptic receptors are involved in
histamine receptors. the release of other neurotransmitters and, by impli-
cation, the propagation of a nerve impulse. A presy-
naptic receptor which influences the release of a
HISTAMINE RECEPTORS neurotransmitter from the terminal is called an au-
In the 1960s, the presence of two types of histamine toreceptor. At high concentrations, further release
receptors ( H I and H2) was proposed and selective of the neurotransmitter is inhibited by negative
ligands-agonists and antagonists-were identified. feedback on the autoreceptor. Presynaptic autorecep-
The H I-antagonists (e.g. chlorpheniramine) are used tors are therefore considered to be important in
in allergic conditions while H,-antagonists (e.g. cime- the fine regulation of neurotransmitter release. His-
tidine, ranitidine) are important anti-ulcer agents. tamine is known to inhibit its own release, indicating
Although H i -antagonists were known to have a the existence of a presynaptic inhibitory autoreceptor
marked sedative effect on the central nervous system (5).
(CNS) it was not until the 1980s that histamine was The results of autoradiographic and membrane
shown to act as a central neurotransmitter (1). binding studies have shown that the distribution of
H,-receptors is heterogeneous; furthermore, the re-
H , -receptors ceptors are not restricted only to histaminergic neu-
H , -receptors are stimulated by histamine but very rones (6, 7).
close structural analogues of histamine may have H,-receptors have been identified in human brain
diminished affinity for the receptor. These receptors in a density greater than that found in the periphery
are linked to a phosphatidylinositol pathway which (8). They also have a physiological role in controlling
mobilises calcium ions via a second messenger (2). peripheral circulation and the motility of the gas-
The physiological role of H,-receptors in the CNS is trointestinal tract. In the lungs, low concentrations of
only partially understood: receptor blockade pro- histamine can reduce neurotransmitter release from
duces sedation and even sleep, whereas centrally ap- cholinergic nerves. The latter potency is due to the
plied histamine induces arousal that can be anta- greater affinity of histamine for H, - than H I-recep-
gonised by H I - but not by H,-antagonists (3). tors (3, 6).

( 1997 Scandinavian University Press ISSN 0365-5237

44 P. B . Vrrn Ccrumvrnher,~rund S. E. G. De Moor

Stimulation of C N S H,-receptors reduced the syn- cytes and blood vessels suggesting that the released
thesis and release of histamine from histaminergic histamine diffuses into the brain; and they co-express
neurones, while blockade of H I- and/or H2-receptors other neuroactive substances (7, 9).
did not significantly change histamine turnover in the
brain (5).
Some close analogues of histamine which display C E N T R A L E F F E C T S OF H I S T A M I N E A N D
reduced activity at H , - and H,-receptors do, how- BETAHISTINE
ever, have a potent effect on H,-receptors (3). Al-
though the natural agonist of the H,-receptor is His t urnine
histamine, the R-isomer of alpha-methylhistamine is Histamine is both a local hormone and a neurotrans-
fifteen times more potent than histamine yet has mitter. In support of its effect on the arousal state
about the same effect on H , - and H,-receptors (9, ( 1 2). depletion of histamine ( b y alpha-methylhis-
10). tamine) increased the amount of slow-wave-sleep and
lmpromidine is a strong H,-receptor agonist (48 decreased wakefulness ( 12). Furthermore. thiop-
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times more potent than histamine) as well as a potent eramide-induced neuronal histamine release de-
H,-receptor antagonist. Thioperamide is a competi- creased slow-wave sleep and enhanced wakefulness.
tive antagonist of H,-receptors and betahistine is a The involvement of neuronal histamine in arousal
weak HI-agonist with moderate antagonist activity control was also demonstrated by a histaniine-in-
on H,-receptors. duced decrease in glycogen levels of the cerebral
The role of H,-receptors in the C N S is still specula- cortex in vitro.
tive. Centrally acting histamine agonists and antago- Intravenous injection of histamine causes vasodila-
nists affect histamine-controlled functions. Histamine tion in the microcirculation. As the cerebral vessels
has been demonstrated to affect hormone secretions, are very sensitive to the vasodilatory action of his-
energy production, sleep and waking, and regulation tamine, the result is a rise in intracranial and cerebral
For personal use only.

of the cerebral circulation. Thioperamide increases pulse pressures. In the past, the vasodilating proper-
the turnover of histamine in rat brain (10). ties of histarnine were frequently used for the treat-
ment of vertigo and inner ear disorders as they were
thought to have a vascular pathology ( I 3).
The cell bodies of histaminergic neurones are concen- Betmliistinr
trated in a very small area of the brain: the tubero- Betahistine ( N-alpha-methyl-2-pyridylethylamine)
mammillary nucleus of the posterior hypothalamus has structural a n d pharmacological properties similar
(7). These neurones receive afferent input from fibres t o those of histamine. It has weak H,-agonistic activ-
originating in the prefrontal cortex and the medial ity, virtually n o effect on H,-receptors, and is a
preoptic area, as well as those containing neuropep- potent H,-receptor antagonist (14).
tide Y, substance P. adrenaline and noradrenaline. Experimentally, betahistine produced cerebral and
Histaminergic neurones reach almost all parts of the peripheral vasodilation with an increase in blood flow
brain but the distribution is heterogeneous. There is a within the vertebrobasilar arterial system of up to
high density in the thalamus and hypothalamus. an 54% following intravenous administration ( 1 5). In
intermediate density in the telencephalon. and the addition, some investigators found a n improvement
lowest concentration is found in the brainstem and in the microcirculation of the internal auditory. coch-
cerebellum (7). lear and vestibular systems including the capillaries.
Histaminergic neurones exhibit well-developed arterioles and arteriovenous arcades of the stria vas-
dendrites and express several neuroactive substances cularis and spiral ligament (16, 17).
and enzymes including histamine, histidine decar- The circulatory effects of betahistine have also
boxylase, glutamate decarboxylase, adenosine deami- been demonstrated in humans. For example, be-
nase, monoamine oxidase B, galanin and substance tahistine increased regional cerebral blood flow in
P (11). patients with cerebrovascular disease (18) and signifi-
There is evidence that histaminergic neurones affect cantly improved mental function in elderly patients
a variety of brain activities simultaneously. F o r in- (19).
stance. they constitute a single neuronal group with- The advantage of betahistine over histamine in the
out any topological division; they send fibre therapy of vertigo is its easier administration. More-
collaterals to almost all parts of the brain; they have over. unlike histamine, betahistine is effective when
few synaptic contacts with neurones because their administered orally. and the therapeutic margin is
varicose fibres run in parallel with neurones. astro- wider.
Hisruniitie titid crytigo alpha-methylhistamine did not block the positive ef-
There is a striking paradox in that both hlocknde ( o f fect of betahistine on C B F (23) although it is possible
H I-receptors) and .stitiiul(rtioti of histamine receptors that the H,-agonist is not able to reach the site of
( H I- and/or H,-receptors) result in a n anti-vertigo action.
effect. Thus, while histamine has a therapeutic effect Another interpretation of these findings is that
mediated by H , - a n d H,-receptor stimulation, the betahistine acts on different receptors. For instance, it
H I-receptor antagonists. flunarizine and cinnarizine, has been demonstrated that atropine blocks the
also improve vertigo. Nevertheless, it is possible that effect of betahistine on CBF, thus implicating a
the latter agents niay act by other mechanisms (e.g. cholinergic component (23). As promethazine did not
blockade of calcium) and may not even cross the inhibit the activity of betahistine it was concluded
blood-brain-barrier. that no H , -receptors were involved, but this premise
If it is accepted that HI-receptor blockade is an may be insecure because promethazine also affects
effective approach for the treatment of vertigo, then muscarinic, dopaminergic and alpha I -adrenergic re-
betahistine (weak H I-agonism) must act by another ceptors. Further experiments are needed to clarify the
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mechanism. namely H,-receptor antagonism. As the effects of H,-agonists and -antagonists on cochlear
H,-receptor is an inhibitory autoreceptor, betahistine blood flow.
inhibits the auto-feedback mechanism, thus prolong-
ing the effect of any histamine that is released. The CONCLUSIONS
most important anti-vertigo effect of histamine is
thought to be its action on the cerebral and internal Histamine and histamine receptors are important me-
auditory blood flow. diators in the mammalian vestibular system. During
the last two decades our understanding of the thera-
Hisrtrniitir iti the tiirrlirrl wstihulirr. t i i i c h s peutic effect of histamine-receptor agonists and an-
Histamine has been shown to depolarise three types tagonists in vertigo has greatly improved.
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of medial vestibular neurones in vitro, and increase It seems that the anti-vertigo effect of H I-receptor
their spontaneous firing (20); this effect is mediated antagonists cannot be attributed to blockade of H I -
by postsynaptic H,-receptors and capable of inhibi- receptors; instead they may be effective by virtue of
tion by H,-antagonists. Furthermore, one study has their calcium antagonism and thus ameliorate vomit-
demonstrated that H,-receptors are involved in his- ing.
tamine-induced firing of neurones in the medial Because H,-receptors are involved in the firing of
vestibular nucleus (21). H,-receptor activation proba- nerves in the medial vestibular nucleus, the develop-
bly down-regulates the vestibular neurones by de- ment of an H,-agonist capable of penetrating the
creasing histamine release. brain yet lacking any stimulation of gastric acid
Local perfusion of the medial vestibular nucleus secretion would be a major advance.
with the H,-antagonist, cimetidine, and the H,-ago- H,-antagonists constitute a n appropriate treatment
nist, N-alpha-niethylhistanlilie, caused oculomotor for vertigo since they enhance cerebral and vestibular
and postural disturbances which mimicked a lesion of circulation by auto-inhibition of histamine release.
the horizontal canal nerve ( 2 1 ). lntraperitoneal perfu- They have the advantage of increasing alertness. The
sion with thioperaniide in guinea-pigs resulted in a anti-vertigo effect of betahistine is probably due to
reversible. dose- and frequency-dependent vestibulo- the drug's mixed H I-agonist and H,-antagonist ac-
plegic effect since it strongly depressed the horizontal t iot i s.
vestibular-ocular reflex ( H V O R ) gain. The effect was Further studies with more potent H,-antagonists
H,-receptor mediated as it could be blocked by N-al- are warranted because of the interesting therapeutic
pha-methylhistamine. Interestingly, betahistine has potential they offer.
also been shown to depress HVOR gain (22).
BtJtahistit i r (11 it1 cochlrtr r. blood f to 1I'

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