Hamlet by William Shakespeare

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Hamlet by William Shakespeare


NIM : 1400004038

Comments & Review

In my opinion, I have to say that few of the Shakespeare plays that I have read, I
enjoyed this one the most. This only the second Shakespeare play that I have read by
the way, Macbeth being the first. I liked Hamlet but I dont like the way he acted, but
I did like sort of what he stood for. He wants honestly and honor. I think thats
something that everyone should stand for. I dont like his method of revenge though,
and some of the methods that Shakespeare used in the writing of the play sort of
bugged. But I like the details and the way that Hamlet died, was not very datailed.
Hamlet is ht with the poison first and lives longer, yet Laertes who is hit second dies,
faster. That just doesnt make sense to me. But whatever the revenge has been
avenged complished. Beside, Hamlet I dont really have any specific questions, but I
am curious to see if the play will go into further detail of why Ophelias brother and
father dissapprove of her having relations with Hamlet. From the first act it appears
if they are trying to protect her by warning her to stay away from the young prince.
But I am wondering if they have anyhidden motives that will be revealed later on.
And also the setting there were some interesting themes that were portrayed in the
play, described abaout civilization in Denmark kingdom. Revenge, betrayal, love the
whole internal life and external life in the castle. Its all problems caused by political
tendention between Denmark and Norwaya and the desperation for power and how
the characters will do anything to gain the power. The development of the conflict
between these two states is going to show a lot about each characters. So far it has
shown how Claudius wants to be the ruler of the country and even commits tmurder
in order to have power and run Denmark himself. After Hamlets father died, why
was Claudius choosen over king ?, why not prince of Hamlet.

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