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aa rn S.a8b B.C Feat No, i REPUBLIC OF TMF PHTTeINEs nsearenien oF OMIECE aXD INDUSTRY Secutviftes and Cxpyange Comission ere ’ : wit i To Att To Wom Tues Presents May Coxe, Gnestmvcs: Wines, Articles of Incorporation duly signed and acknowledged for the organization of the under and in accordance with the provisio:is of -lct of the Philippine Commission Numbered Fourleen Hundred and Fifty-nine, enacted March first, Niveteen, hun- umbered Fifteen dred and six, as amented by Acts of the Philippine Legistature, hundred and six, Fifteen hundred and sixty five, Sixteen hundred and thirty, Sev- enieen hundred and forty-four, Eighteen hundred and thirty-four, Eighteew hun- dred and ninety-five, Twenty hundred and three. Twenty hundred and twelve. Twenty hundred and thirty-seven, Twenty hundred and ninety-two, Twenty-one hundred, Twenty-one hundred and thirty-five, Twenty-four hundred and fifty-two. Twenty-seven hundred and twenty-vight. Tientii-seven hundred and ninety-two. Awenty-nine hundred, Twenty-nine hundred and sinety-four, Thirty-five hundred and eighteen, Thirty-six hundred and ten, Thirty-seven hundred and forty-one Thirty-eight hundred and forty-nine and Thirty-eight hundred and fifty, and Commonwealth Acts Nymbered Two hundred aud cighty-seven, and Four hun- dred and thirty-seven, were presented for filing in this Commission on . afaphenbyt 1.5.0 attacked. bh and a copy of which said Articles is hereto Now THEREFors, by virtue of the powers aud duties bested in me by law, 7 do hereby certify thot the said Articles of Incorporation were, after due examin- ation to determine whether they gre in accordance with la, duly registered in this Commission on the igs day of SaptamMber..u ,, Anno Domini, Nineteen hundred and .£iity Is testimony waentor, T have hereunto set my hhand and eaiused the seal of this Commyssion to. be afficed at Manile, Philippines this... 28 day of Qo Bente nigeteen hundred and , in the year of our Lord ftyrfoun......., and of the Independence of the Philippines, the Binth........ NR Ce Pages ee CERTIFIED MACH Page snp of We ied By: oe ie have this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the pur- pose of forming a corporation under the laws of the. Philippines. SECOND:, That the purpose or purposes for which said poration is formed are as follows: { 1/To produce, manufacture, sell, distribute 7 (ese, fs. 4 at wholesale'si corn starch, and its by-products 4 such as corn oil, corn steep liquor, feed, gluten (pro- tein), syrup, etc.; 2.To agquire by purchase, manufacture, or oth- » erwise,all machinery, devices, boxes, packages, wrap- Ss pings, materials, supplies and other articles hecessary \ or convenient for use ia carrying on the business here- Z {US immentioned; * i , com "3. To purchase, build, lease, construct or other- oe \ : nd, buildings, factories, warehouses, “S " wis acquire such lar S S| ee s vom TET ae ry out the objects and purposes of this Corporation; + 4, To buy, lease, acquire, own, hold, sell, let Ohi cone. \e \. or otherwise dispose of, property of ell kinds, both ® deat and personal, that may be necessary, incidental or convenient to the carrying on of the business of this Corporation; 2, Saat ae “ ) pot \ j 5. To buy, acquire, purchase or otherwise, corn grains and all other, direct and indirect, raw materials necessary for the production and/or manu- facture of corn starch and sts by-products; 6. To import machinery, direct and indirect, raw materials necessary in the production and/or manufacture of corn starch arte beegroduets and to export production ineucboe sible on Sanaa. i ‘ Honpend be & : 7. To apply for, obtain, register, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire, and, to the extent author- ized by law, to hold, use, own, operate, develop and introduce, sell, assign and otherwise dispose of, and traffic in, any trade marks, trade names, distinctive marks, patents, inventions, improvements’ ard pro- i i i i; cesses, used in connection with or secured under let: “ters patent of the Philippines or elsewHere or.other- mae »~ wise, and to use, exercise, grant Meenses in respect. . of, and otherwise turn to account, any patents, inven- ri acs cory | ar Eee : ieee FS a he veomagraemeeress tions, processes and the like, or any such property \. or rights. — 8, To do and perform any and all things rea- * sonably and usually appurtenant and relative to the for roomy purposes, necessary or proper for the ; = peecemmpSicseP carrying out of the foregoing ob- jects and exercise and enjoy all the powers, author- ites and privileges granted and conceded by the laws of the Philippines to corporations organized under and in accordance with said laws, and, in par- A, ticular, unto corporations of like nature and kind. THIRD: ‘hat the place where the principal office of the cor- _. 4 poration'is to be located is at the City of Cebu, but it may, establish S. £ ws factories and branch offices elsewhere as the necessities of the busi- ness may so demand. “S FOURTH: That the term for said corporation to exist shall be for a period of fifty (50) years, from and after the date of its in =.) FIFTH: That the names, nationalities and residences of the we 8 incorporators of said corporation are as follows: 4 Name Nationality * Residence ry 1. Felisa Go Filipino Comercio St., Cebu City i : | E28 7—~2, Juanita M. Lim Chinese 4749 Borromeo St., Cebu City, 4 3. John Go Kong Wei, i ar. Chinese 4749 Borromeo St., Cebu City CERTIFIED MACKEY: | Paso vefnn off | Verified By: Se ee = yet er = ae ome as pe ine e J | KP OR - i NS | xX . 1 SS ¢ 4 . mo ; Name Nationality Residence | ‘ e _~'4, Henry Go Chinese 4749 Borromeo St., Cebu City | BRS wh \ < \ 5. Benito Lo Chinese Jones Ave., Int, Cebu City | < } | NY | <\ SIXTH: That the number of directors of said corporation shall |, | i 5 be five (5) and that the names, nationalities and residences of the dir- i \ . ectors of the corporation who are to serve until their successors are eelected and qualified as provided for in the by-laws are as follows, | to-wit: i I Name tionality Residence ) 1, Felise Go Filipino Comercio St., Cebu City 2, Juanita M, Lim © Chinese 4749 Borromeo St, Cebu City | t } 3, John Go Kong Wet, . 7 : ar. Chinese 4749. Borromeo St., Cebu City | | | 4, Henry Go Chinese 4749 Borromeo St., Cebu City 5. Benito Lo Chinese Jones Ave., Int., Cebu City jf . \. SEVENTH: ‘That the capital stock of said corporation is o 7; MILLION PESOS (P1,000,000.00) and said stock is divided into TEN / ak . ITHOUSAND (10,000) shares of the par value of ONE HUNDRED PESOS > eer00. 00) @ share. N EIGHTH: That the amount of said capital stock which has.been vw {/ /| actually subscribed is SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND PRSOS ¢2¢06,c00.0) / and ‘the following persons have subscribed for the number of shares 2 * 3 m fs | Poge Verified No. of Name Residence Shares Amount “TI. Felisa Go Comercio St., Cebu City 4,800 480,000.00 2, Juanita M, Lim 4749 Borromeo St., Cebu City 400- 40,000.00 “} 3, John Go Kong _4749 Borromeo st., i Wei, Jr. , Cebu City 400 40,000.00 “ 4, Henry Go 4749 Borromeo St., Cebu City 38; 38,000.00 ZL 5. Benito Lo Jones Ave., Int., Cebu City we 20. 2,000.00 « | 6,000. 600,000.00 App -—\. NINTH: ‘That the following persons have paid cn the shares of |, ~ the capital stock for which they have subscribed the amount set out af- ter their r respietive names, to-wit: ‘oa ko] 4 Name . Residence Amount tof | 1. Feliga Go Comercio St., Cebu City 120,000.00. i ! ide Tanita M. Lim 4749 Borromeo St., Cebu City 10,000.00 3. John Go Kong Wai, Ir. 4748 Borromeo St., Cebu City 10,000.00 4, Henry Go 4749 Borromeo St., > Cebu City 9,500.00 . 5, Benito Lo Jones Ave., Int., foe | i Cebu City 500.00 | 150,000.00 \ TENTH: That JUANITA M, LIM has been elected by the sub- cribers as TREASURER of the Corporation and to act as such until -6- her successor is duly elected and qualified in accordance with the by-laws, and as such Treasurer, she has been authorized to receive ww * for the corporation and to receipt in its name for all subscriptions <* - we paid in by said subscribers, \ : x IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Felisa Go, Juanita M. Lim and Benito", ‘ september Lo have hereunto set their hands on the astway of egy at the City of Cebu, Philippines; John Go Kong Wei, Jr. and Hehry Go, on the i day of August, 1954, at the City of Manila, Philippines. a aaa | 1 { REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ] cIry OF CEBU 1 38 Septemier * In the City of Cebu, Philippines, on this 15th day of 1 1954, before me, the undersigned Notary Fublic in and for the sal v oy, personally appeared Felisa Go, with Residence Certificate | A- 1600532 issued at Cebu Clty on aprai 8, 1954; Juanita Me Lit, with Residence Certificate No, A= 1593350 issued at Cebu City ‘on February 23, 1954, and Alien Gertificate of Registration No. A-73927 (issued at_ Cebu City oanov. 25, 1950 and Bonito Lo] with Residente Cerlvicate No. A—1S93632 —TaSied at Cebu.City on Bebruary 22, 1954, and Alien Cériificate of Regis- tration No, A 76371 issued at Cebu City 29, 1959 all of whom exe known fo me and to me known to be the persons whose names are subscribed to and who executed the foregoing articles of incorporation, zad each of them acknowledged to me that he or she freely.and voluntarily executed the same. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year irs, Se 28 op item. ’ HER = L£& | « aie al. . | Notary’ Publi a Until desea ber 31, Doc, No. 366 u i Page No.720 | NX F Book No.v | : } Series of 1954! { ‘HE PHILIPPINES | MANILA 18-3 : . au te In the City of Manila, Philippines, on this ()”" day of August, 1964, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for’ the said City, personally appeared John Go Kong: Wei, jr., with Residence p Certificate No, A- Oa¢eree issued at Manila onQhiue Bo! , 1954, and Alien Certificate of Registration No. A-7s issued ab, . i sf; and Henry Go, wit eee Certificate No. A- e fez o issued at Webile on’ 42008, 2 and Alien oerhe fF isa iFieate of Bagistrat tion No. A-t3 ta’ fs, 446, both of whom ar Town to me ae tome fade nto bee persons Whose names are subscribed to and who executed the, |) foregoing articles of incorporation, and each of them acknowledged | : to me that he voluntarily executed the Same. . | i (CeaTiFieD oop COPY, \ i | : : REPUBLIC OF 7 CITY OF Docs No. 64 Page No. 9 Book N Series of 1954, te mee el ee Saree HA {| IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 uh vave hereunto set my hand and aifixed my official seal the dey nd yeah fir \ above written, A \ he Notary 10 :, Until December 31, 195! = | CERTIFIEL sing i Page wun oF esrose | Verlied By: SSE | REPUBLIC O# THE PHILIPPIN! | |) GHEY oP CEBU File eal it | i hao ay ceca and guatttied ty sccomarce with the “Hi rake te c Whe 5 for tay ope stoe! 1 Aa ® er of stocks, ae ia D 'TEOUSAND Besos (ma i i ry iu Bou actly cot i, Ke a Bate Ln one Hobe FIFTY THOUSAND ¥ PESOS | cus received by her in rh ior the benefit and to be credit i hn z ila re comporation; whi le { ] es, and se at more se per centum n (20) of of ‘dh hes boon aewally raid | et beh in trust and received uy an Sioeerined a an ¢ this [5% day of Adashq 054, affidnt exhibiting to Be hh it | Cortifi cate No, A- (543360 - issued ae Cebu u, Cay fi Z, KE Ceseonie é

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