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Day 4 Tasks

Scientific Resources in the Classroom

Note: No science classes

This week you will look at science in the classroom

If your class do not have science lessons talk to your teacher and try to
find out what scientific concepts are taught (table 7)
Find out what the main scientific concepts are taught for your age
group. Write down a list of the concepts covered throughout the year.
(for example floating and sinking)
Find all the science resources in your classroom and take photographs
of them. Label all the photographs of the resources. The labels must
include the name of the resource and what scientific concepts it is used
to teach
Find out how the enquiry approach is used in the classroom to teach
science. Ask your teacher how she uses an enquiry approach to teach
scientific concepts and write down her response

Learning styles task

Make notes about activities you observe in the classroom which use
VAK learning styles (see table 5)
Which learning styles did all the children seem to enjoy and why?
Why do you think the teacher incorporates a variety of learning styles
for the children?
Notice which activities are repeated with a variety of learning styles e.g.
read a story, listen to a story, act the story, and draw the story. Can
you find other examples e.g. math or science?
How can teachers improve student learning by using a range of

Reflections for Journal 4

(Choose one or two of the following starters): When I reflected on observations or


It made me think about..

When I thought about it

When I reflected I thought ..

I believe

When I teach I want to

Table 5: Learning styles

Make notes about activities you observe in the classroom which use the
learning styles below:

Math Science Reading Other

Auditory Giving the No Sound out the

instruction for letters

an activity

Visual They used No Using words

Flash cards on the wall

Kinesthetic They did a No Acting the

counting story

game using

their body

Answer the following questions:

Which learning styles did all the children seem to enjoy and why?

Kinesthetic, because it is interesting for them and they learn easily as

they move their body.

Why do you think the teacher incorporates a variety of learning styles

for the children?
Because it encourages and benefit all the children.

Notice which activities are repeated with a variety of learning styles e.g.
read a story, listen to a story, act the story, draw the story. Can you find
other examples e.g., math or science.
Math activity: sound out the numbers, listen to the instruction of the
math activity, using their body as if they are numbers, draw a group of

How can teachers improve student learning by using a range of

learning styles?

Differentiating between the learning styles.

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