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Forest Ecosystem Oral Presentation

Teacher Name: Kelly Toomey

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Forest Ranger Field Research Assistant Boy/Girl Scout

Preparedness 5% Student has screencast Student has screencast The student has begun
downloaded prior to downloaded prior to the download during
presentation and has presentation. other's presentations.
sent to committee chair
before the presentation.

Comprehension 25% Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to

accurately answer accurately answer most accurately answer a few
almost all questions questions about the questions about the
about the forest forest ecosystem. forest ecosystem.

Enthusiasm 10% Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Facial expressions and
body language generate body language body language are used
a strong interest and sometimes generate a to try to generate
enthusiasm about the strong interest and enthusiasm, but seem
forest ecosystem. enthusiasm about the somewhat faked.
forest ecosystem.

Collaboration with Peers Always listens to, shares Usually listens to, shares Often listens to, shares
25% with, and supports the with, and supports the with, and supports the
efforts of others in the efforts of others in the efforts of others in the
group. Tries to keep group. Does not cause group but sometimes is
people working well problems in the group. not a good team
together. member.

Evaluates Peers 20% Fills out peer evaluation Fills out almost all of the Fills out most of the peer
completely and always peer evaluation and evaluation and always
gives scores based on always gives scores gives scores based on
the presentation rather based on the the presentation rather
than other factors. presentation rather than than other factors.
other factors.
Listens to Other Listens intently. Does Listens intently but has Sometimes does not
Presentations 15% not make distracting one distracting noise or appear to be listening
noises or movements. movement. but is not distracting.

Created by Kelly Toomey using Rubistar on Oct 05, 2017 09:42 am (CDT)
City Slicker
Student has not
downloaded screencast
before presentation

Student is unable to
accurately answer
questions about the
forest ecosystem.

Very little use of facial

expressions or body
language. Did not
generate much interest
about the presentation
on a forest ecosystem.

Rarely listens to, shares

with, and supports the
efforts of others in the
group. Often is not a
good team member.

Fills out most of the peer

evaluation but scoring
appears to be biased.
Sometimes does not
appear to be listening
and has distracting
noises or movements.

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