Manifest With The Power of Thought and Attraction How To Manifest

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Manifest with the Power of Thought and Attraction (How to

Manifest) /manifesting-using-your-subconscious-mind/

All of us have things wed like to change or bring about to make our life better or easier. If only we could make a
wish and it happened. Unfortunately, theres no magic genie, or is there? Is it possible for you to manifest your
desires into reality? Manifesting thoughts into physical being is possible, but theres more to it than just thinking.

In order to manifest something, you have to go through a process which includes thoughts and taking action. You
are in control, you make it happen or not happen. Universal laws are there to help you, but you need to
understand them or they can have the opposite effect to what you want.

Its very important that you believe this process can happen. Theres no room for skepticism because any doubts
will destroy the possibility of you manifesting your desires. Its about staying positive, no matter what. Youre
either in or out, whichever you choose is fine. Here at iSharedThat we have a guide to help you understand the
concept, so read on!

What is Manifesting?

The Cambridge Dictionary says manifest means something that becomes clear through signs or action. The
word is derived from the Latin manifestus and is thought to originated around the mid 16th to 17th century when
it was taken from the Italian, manifesto, denoting a manifestation.

To manifest, is to bring something about and manifesting is the procedure you go through to make it happen. It is
a power which is within you and it can be used in any way you want. The problem is, most of us dont realize
we have the ability to manifest because were not taught how to do it.

Sometimes we do it without knowing weve done it. This can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing, so
we should take time to study it. By learning about the power of manifestation, we can work with it to benefit us
rather than causing it to respond to our negative thoughts. There are a few manifestation techniques, its almost
a secret to getting what you want in life.

Universal Laws

Universal laws are natural laws or laws of nature, they are constant and cannot change. They are the root to our
existence and apply to everything, without exception. Although referred to as laws, they are better described as
principles and there are many of them, but there are 12 immutable universal laws.

Divine Oneness

Everything is connected, what is thought, said, done and believed will have an effect on others and the universe.
Think about it, if you say something to someone, you might change their beliefs or affect their mood. This might
have a knock-on effect to how they treat other people, who in turn are also affected and so it spreads.


Everything in the universe vibrates at a particular frequency. Its not just the physical things, our thoughts,
feelings and desires also cause vibrations. Energy is what makes up the universe, the speed and frequency at
which things such as a rock or building vibrate, make them seem separate to us, but everything is connected at
the lowest level of vibration.


In order to manifest anything into our life, we must take action. Our words, thoughts, dreams or emotions are not
enough, they should guide you towards the action you need to take.


Our physical world of energy, light, vibration and motion, governed by principles of physics, have corresponding
principles within the universe. Its often said our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. For example, if
youre feeling really happy, it has an impact on how you act, perform and treat others.

Cause and Effect

Nothing happens by chance, every action we take (the cause) will have a consequence (the effect). This is
probably one of the 12 laws thats easiest to understand. If you cause yourself to put your hand in a fire, the
effect will be to get burned. We reap what weve sown!


This is similar to the law of cause and effect, but is more to do with blessings and abundance, you get back what
you give to others. If you smile at someone, youll feel good and hopefully, so will the other person. This energy
will then spread, but it can work the other way. If youre miserable and in a bad mood, it can bring those around
you down too.


Most of us already know about this law, its been widely written about and is to do with attracting similar energies
or vibrations to those we are giving out. What we think, feel and say, together with our actions, sends out energy
and vibrations at different frequencies. These attract like energies and vibrations back to us.

Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

Nothing in the universe is standing still, there is continual motion through vibration. Because of this, energy will
keep moving from one form to another. Everything is constantly changing and we can tap into this energy,
making it into any form we want. Higher vibrations will always dominate lower ones, so by focusing on the higher
ones (positive), we can change our world for the better.


Everything in our world is only real because of how its related or compared to something else. For example, hot
and cold, good and bad or positive and negative. One cant exist without the other. If there was no cold in our
world, how could hot exist, how would we know what hot was? Everything is relative to something else. When we
have problems, theres always someone with worse problems. Relativity gives perspective.


Everything has an opposite, near and far, left and right, strong and weak etc. If the distance from A to B is 10
feet, then from B to A must also be 10 feet, that is to say, opposites are equal. Two opposites are extremes of the
same thing, its not possible to say where one ends and the other begins. By understanding this, its possible to
change your polarity. You can do this by keeping a balance, focus and detachment from distractions.


As already stated, everything vibrates in patterns, these are cycles of development. This can be seen in many
forms, such as the seasons, our relationships, health and the ups and downs of our economy. We all have highs
and lows in our life, but can choose what we think. If we concentrate on positive thoughts, even in bad times, it
will help to move us towards better times.


Everything in the universe has masculine and feminine within. Creation of anything requires a coming together of
male and female energies. The word gender is derived from Latin, meaning to create, generate or produce. This
law says that everything needs time to grow, like seeds in the ground or a baby in the womb. Our hopes and
dreams are similar, they rarely happen instantly, we have to tend to them, nurture them and help them to

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Sigmund Freud said there are three levels to our mind, conscious, pre-conscious or subconscious and
unconscious. Its important not to confuse the subconscious mind with the unconscious mind because often
when people refer to the subconscious, theyre really talking about the unconscious mind.

Your conscious mind is where youre aware of whats going on outside and inside you right now. Youre aware of
your environment and your current thinking. You control it, can take actions and make decisions. It processes
information sent by your senses and keeps you aware.

The subconscious mind, which Freud identified as the pre-conscious, is the part of the mind where accessible
memories are stored. For example, you may have learned to drive a car many years ago, but can still do it
without thinking about it. Im sure youve driven somewhere and when you arrive, dont remember the journey.
These memories dont need to be brought into consciousness in order to use them.

Then theres the unconscious mind, which is difficult to access. Its where everything we have learnt and
experienced is stored. Although we cant remember most of whats in there, it has shaped our life since early
childhood. They form beliefs and patterns which drive our behavior.

These beliefs and patterns are so deeply entrenched in our unconscious mind, that they make up who we are
and it isnt easy to change them. Freud believed that psychological problems could be helped by using
techniques to bring them from the unconscious mind into conscious awareness where they could be dealt with.

Of course, many experts disagreed with Freuds theory on the mind, but one took it a stage further. Carl Yung,
the Swiss psychiatrist believed the unconscious mind is made up of two parts, the personal unconscious and the
collective unconscious.

He believed the collective unconscious mind contains a collection of universally inherited thoughts, ideas,
actions and images which affect all humans in the same way. How do we know how to breath? How does our
heart know how to beat? We dont learn these things, but we all instinctively know about them. Jung believed
our minds share a collective unconscious which is essential to our survival.

Power of Thought

Both Freud and Jungs theories came in for criticism, but it should be remembered, as with science, psychology
works with logic and what can or cant be proven. Anything that falls outside of this is difficult to be accepted.

Its widely accepted we have conscious and subconscious parts to our mind. The subconscious encompasses
the unconscious too. The unconscious mind communicates with conscious mind via the subconscious. If we
have deep rooted thoughts and beliefs that affect our life, can we change them?

They can be changed, but it isnt easy, theres no room for procrastination. Its not just a case of changing our
mind about something. We can do that easily in our conscious mind where we have thoughts of here and now,
but to change our beliefs and perceptions deeply rooted in our persona, we have to tap into our subconscious
mind power. The power of thought is the route to change, but it takes time, attitude and commitment to
reprogram your mind. Its worth remembering the famous quote from Norman Vincent Peale: change your
thoughts and change your world.

How the Subconscious Mind Works

The subconscious mind protects and helps us to get through life, it is the control center of our thoughts and
actions, but it does exactly as instructed. It can only deliver what is stored within it without question or prejudice.

It nurtures and works to bring to fruition what has been instructed, which is why you have to take careful note of
the instructions you send to it. Think of it in a similar way to the soil, it will nurture and grow any seed thats
planted and watered.

Theres no distinction between a seed that grows into food to sustain life or one that grows into poison that can
destroy life. Each of these seeds are treated equally and helped to grow without discrimination.
This is why its important to send precise instructions to the subconscious and to pay attention to your thoughts in
your conscious mind. The subconscious wont discriminate between positive and negative thoughts, each will be
treated and implemented equally.

Im sure you can think of negative thoughts youve had or said out loud that get reinforced through actions.
Things like, Ive never been any good at sport or Im hopeless with relationships, these types of thoughts go
into the subconscious and its mind power turns it into a belief which then influences how you act. Also, think
about when you might complain and the negative effects it could have on you.

Of course, it works in this way for positive thoughts too, but its the negative ones that need to change and here
lies the difficulty. It takes time, focus and perhaps most importantly, belief. To change the way our mind is
programmed needs commitment and persistence.

The first step is to stop negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. This takes continual monitoring
because its easy to slip back to the negativity as thats what youre used to. Positive thinking exercises such as
affirmations and visualization with repetition is the key to change. The subconscious accepts what its being told
and gradually turns thoughts into beliefs, then actions.

Dont look on negative thoughts as something bad because theyre actually useful to us, even though you should
work on changing them. They can be a sign, what are they telling you? Allow them, so you can see where you
can make changes. If you focus on them or even ignore them, theyll get bigger. Use them as a tool to create
positivity. You might also want to consider what youre grateful for as it can help towards being positive.

The Law of Attraction

As mentioned earlier, the law of attraction is probably the most known of the universal laws. It helps us to attract
to us what we want. You can probably already see how the subconscious mind plays a large part of this.

Much has been written about the law of attraction, with it appearing in print as a phrase towards the end of the
19th century, but at the time it was more about health and our attitudes to it. The 20th century saw a huge
growth in interest towards it and perhaps the best known book and movie about it, is The Secret by Rhonda

The Secret was inspired by a book published in 1910 called The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles.
This book is about how to get rich by using the mind to send out positive vibrations to attract like vibrations of
abundance back to you.

Its a short but fascinating book about the law of attraction, before it was being widely used as a term. It explains
how at the most basic level, everything on earth is made from one original substance, its invisible and
inexhaustible. It becomes form and constantly develops into new form, to adapt and satisfy the needs of the
earth. We are all a part of this and because there is no lack of what we need as a collective, we are rich. If a
person is poor, its because they are not following the certain way of doing things, which makes an individual

Another well-known book on the subject to come later, was Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, published in
1937. Although about personal development and self improvement, its about getting rich.

Hills break came when he was asked to interview the worlds richest man, Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie then
asked him to interview 500 millionaires to find out if theres a formula anyone could use to get rich. The book was
the result of 20 years research and although about gaining wealth, the principles in it are about improving your
life in any area using the secret of attraction.

All three of these books are about using the law of attraction with various techniques to bring into your life what
you want, or to put it another way, manifest your desires. Theres nothing spooky about it, the power of attraction
works by using manifestation techniques.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is about having the ability to attract what you want. Its very easy to dismiss its credibility
because science can produce arguments to show that it doesnt exist. Well let me tell you, it does exist. Ill share
some personal stories later.

A lot of people misunderstand this law of manifestation. It isnt just a case of thinking about what you want and
youll magically manifest your desires, or that a bit of abundance meditation will do the trick. It does involve doing
these things, but theres much more to it than that.

If you want something, you have to really, really want it. Imagine yourself being almost possessed with the desire
of what you want, thats the level to which you need to go. That doesnt mean you have to become a freak, just
that you have to be immersed in your desires. Once its explained, the LOA can be seen as a simple, yet
powerful process.

There are many law of attraction tips, but each of them require action. Say youre looking to attract money, doing
some abundance meditation will help to give you focus. As you concentrate more and more, it will lift your mood
and youll get the good feeling as if the money was already yours. But it wont just arrive in your bank account.

Using creative visualization, meditation and affirmations, youre creating a mindset. This is the power of
attraction, your new mindset will bring about different subconscious thinking. Your new thoughts lead to new
actions, which in turn, lead to new situations. Its a chain reaction. Your conscious and subconscious mind work
together to make this happen.

Law of Attraction Stories

Now you may be thinking, this all sounds a bit far-fetched, but think about it. Has there ever been a time in your
life when you wanted something so badly that it changed your life? Its happened to me and I didnt realize at the
time that Id tapped into the Law of Attraction, I didnt know how to manifest, I just did it.

I wrote an article about it for the Huffington Posts contributor platform called, Does the Law of Attraction Exist . In
this article, I recount two different times that Id used my mind power to set in motion this secret of attraction. The
first example worked in my favor, but the second one didnt. Having said that, if it had gone differently, I might not
have discovered a new string to my bow and be writing this article!

My mum said to me many years ago, Whatever you do, you always come up smelling of roses. I dont know
why she said it and Id not thought about it before, but it made me really think about it. I realized it was true and
that it was one of the beliefs that had been implanted in me which I didnt know I had, but it continues to work in
my favor.

I remember my dad telling me that when he and mum started a family, he became obsessed with owning his
own home rather than having to rent. He believed that owning a property was the route to security for his family.

He wasnt earning enough to buy a house, but thats what he focused on. It became his mission in life to provide
for his family. He began working longer hours, then changing jobs to earn more money and eventually being
able to get a mortgage.
When he was telling me this story he told me that hed focused so much on getting a mortgage, that when at last
he did so, he had no idea how he was going to make the monthly repayments. He managed to do so of course,
and the house turned out to be a fantastic investment.

I believe this is an example of using subconscious mind power where dad became obsessed with providing
security for his family. He believed that getting a mortgage would provide that security and having that belief he
could achieve it, made him take action which brought about results. He really worked on his money blocks.

A skeptic might say that this is just a man taking up his responsibility to do all he can to look after his family.
Whilst thats true, isnt it also the case that many people only dream about what they want, they never really
believe its a possibility, therefore never totally commit to it or take action? Manifesting your dreams takes belief,
commitment and actions. The Law of Attraction wont improve your life , only you can do that by tapping into it.

How to Manifest

When you read that to make this work you have to believe, visualize, meditate, create a vision board, imagine
you have already achieved it, etc, it all sounds a bit away with the fairies, but it isnt.

How do high achievers get to the top of their game? It all starts with a dream and a belief that dream can
become a reality. Those two factors are crucial to to have before manifesting can take place.

You need to be clear about what you want, detail is very important. Dont generalize, you need to be specific. Our
thoughts are powerful, they are vibrations of energy which can affect what happens to us. Our inner world
(thoughts) and outer world (what happens to us) are connected.

Because what we think can affect what happens to us, we can take control of our life. The reason were able to
do so is simple, we control our thoughts. Maybe this doesnt seem like a big revelation, but think about it, you are
in control and you can bring about change.

The secret to how to manifest what you want, is to use both thoughts and emotions together. A thought with
emotion becomes supercharged and this is how the magic happens. Think about what you want, but imagine
you already have it and feel the emotion this creates.

Its the emotion that feeds subconscious thinking, the powerful feelings you project set in motion a process to
make it a reality. Repetition is important in the same way as we form a habit, we create a new pattern which
eventually becomes the new reality. Its the process to manifest anything.

Reciting affirmations, creating vision boards or sticking post-it notes with our desires written on them where we
can see them are some of the tools you can use to reinforce the message. It takes commitment and focus in the
same way as a sports person becomes a world class champion. It takes time, a few setbacks along the way, but
sticking at it and not doubting, youll start seeing signs showing proof its working. Manifesting love, wealth, a
house or anything else, takes belief, focus and persistence.


Remember, your subconscious mind takes everything you send it literally, without questioning it. Its natural to
have negative thoughts and because they wont get questioned, they can become a reality. You can choose your
thoughts, choose positive ones. Acknowledge any negative thought but replace it with a positive one.

Concentrate on what you want, not what you dont want. If you want to set about manifesting abundance, focus
on how much youll have and not on how much you dont have. Dont think, I dont want to be poor, instead
concentrate on how good it feels to have an abundance of cash.

The important thing is, you cant just manifest something into your life. You need to work on yourself first, to
become the person you want to be. Its only then, that you will be able to start attracting what you want.

If youre poor and in debt, you need to look at your beliefs that have kept you there. Work on those, change
them, become a person who believes in abundance. Once your thoughts, beliefs and actions change, you begin
to become that person who attracts the abundance.

Its really important to remember that you are part of the solution or result, youre the one that makes the
manifesting happen. The magic is created by you and your thoughts and the actions resulting from them. You
are the genie in the bottle!

Further Reading:

Mind Power into the 21 st Century John Kehoe

The Strangest Secret Earl Nightingale

You Were Born Rich Bob Proctor

The Magic of Believing Claude Bristol


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