Connections For Supported MMDVM Boards

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Connections for Supported MMDVM Boards

These are the connections for the different hardware supported by the MMDVM firmware as of 21st December 2016. The pin assignments have been taken
from the MMDVM firmware source code comments and may not reflect reality.

Function I/O Arduino Due Arduino Due STM32F446 STM32F407 Teensy 3.1/3.2 Teensy 3.5/3.6
ZUM board NTH board Nucleo Discovery
Audio I A11 A0 PA0 PA0 A0 A0
RSSI I A6 A6 PA1 PA1 A17 A16
Ext. Clock I PA4 PA4 PA15 PA15 13 13
Flashing LED O 13 13 PA5 PD15 3 or 13 3 or 13
Decode LED O 22 A11 PB14 PA7 6 6
PTT O 23 A8 PB13 PB13 5 5
COS (Unused) I 52 A7 PB15 PA5 4 4
D-Star O 9 9 PB10 PD12 9 9
DMR O 8 8 PB4 PD13 10 10
P25 O 6 6 PB3 PD11 12 12
System Fusion O 7 7 PB5 PD14 11 11
Nextion O 17 17 PC12 PC12 8 8
Nextion I 18 18 PD2 PD2 7 7
Host Serial O Programming Port Programming Port PA2 PC10 USB Port USB Port
Host Serial I Programming Port Programming Port PA3 PC11 USB Port USB Port

Not included are the STM32F4 Pi-Hat or the original Arduino Due PAPA board.

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