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Learning Outcome Example Course

Written Communication ENGL 106 First Year Composition Extensive practice in writing clear
and effective prose. Instruction in
organization, audience, style, and
research-based writing
Information Literacy LING 201- This course is an introduction to the
study of human language and
language diversity. Its aim is to help
you think critically and scientifically
about language, using your new skills
as a linguist.
Oral Communication COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of A study of communication theories as
Speech Communication applied to speech; practical
communicative experiences ranging
from interpersonal communication
and small group process through
problem identification and solution in
discussion to informative and
persuasive speaking in standard
speaker-audience situations.
Science CHM 111 General Chemistry This class is a study of the metric and
S.I. Units; dimensional analysis;
density; the atomic concept;
elements, compounds, and mixtures;
the mole concept; equations and
stoichiometry; atomic structure,
spectra; the periodic table; chemical
bonding, gases; descriptive chemistry
of the common elements.
Science, Technology, and ANTH 201 - Introduction to Introduction to the ideas and
Society Archaeology and World Prehistory practices of archaeology used in the
study of human prehistory, from the
earliest stone tools to the
development of agriculture and
states. Emphasis is placed on the
objectives and methods of
contemporary archaeology.
Mathematics/Quantitative MA 15555 Quantitative Reasoning This course will cover important
Reasoning mathematical ideas, including
proportion, weighted averages, linear
models, exponential models, basic
probability and statistics, and some
algebra, by using concrete real-world
problems. It will not be a prerequisite
for any other mathematics course
Human SOC 100 - Introductory Sociology A survey course designed to
Cultures: Humanities introduce the student to the scene of
human society. Fundamental
concepts, description, and analysis of
society, culture, the socialization
process, social institutions, and social
change. Students of junior or senior
standing should take SOC 31200,
unless they are sociology or law and
society majors.
Human HUMA U1010 - Introduction to This course examines the approach to
Cultures: Behavioral & Humanities attending live performances including
Social Sciences opera, symphony, theatre, and dance.
Topics include protocol and traditions
of the audience, criteria for critical
listening, and discrimination of basic
elements of performance. Students
will attend live performances and
engage in discussions of
performances by genre, and develop
critical listening skills.

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