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Running head: CAUTI PROBLEM 1

CAUTI Problem

Jamie Myers

University of Saint Marys


CAUTI Problem

This paper is about a problem that I wanted to look into that my organization is having

issues with. The problem is the rise in the number of catheter-associated urinary tract infection,

also known as CAUTI, within my organization. There are a few problems with organizations

having a high number in CAUTI related incidents. The number one reason organizations started

trying to reduce the number of infections associated with indwelling catheters is that Medicare

and Medicaid services deemed this problem a potential preventable infection and would no

longer reimburse for CAUTIs as of October 2008 (Meddings J. , et al., 2013). A catheter-

associated urinary tract infection could cost the organization $3744 per admission when

associated with a blood stream infection according to 2007 results (Meddings J. , et al., 2013).

Besides cost to the organization, another reason to want to focus on reducing CAUTI is to have

higher quality of care given within the organization.

The greatest risk factor for CAUTI is prolonged catheterization (Meddings J. , Rogers,

Macy, & Saint, 2010). Other risks for increasing catheter infections are placing unnecessary

catheters, catheter remains in use without physician awareness, catheter is not removed promptly

when no longer needed, they decrease mobility, and delay hospital discharges (Meddings J. ,

Rogers, Macy, & Saint, 2010). There are measures that can be taken to help prevent CAUTI.

One way is to make guidelines within the organization to limit the use of indwelling catheters;

there should be a list of what patients meet the criteria to have an indwelling catheter (Author,

2012). Have alternative devices available to limit the use of indwelling catheter such as condom

catheters, penis pouches, bladder scanner, or incontinence pads. Another way to help prevent

CAUTI is to develop a standard way and training program for catheter insertion and

manipulation (Author, 2012).


The literature that I reviewed for this problem was Catheter-Associated Urinary

Tract Infections, Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Reminder Systems to Reduce Catheter-

Associated Urinary Tract Infections and Urinary Catheter Use in Hospitalized Patients, and

Including Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in the 2008 CMS Payment Policy: A

Qualitative Analysis.

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