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Reference for Lab report

1. Book
Family name, first initial(s). year. Title. City of publication. Publisher.

Fogler, H. S. 2006. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering. 4th ed. USA: Prentice Hall.

2. Website with no author

Title of website (year as appearing on site) [online]. [Date accessed]. Available from World Wide
Web: <url of site>

Example with no author:

Acids and Bases (2004) [online]. [Accessed 9th October 2012]. Available from World Wide Web:

3. Website with author

Family name, first initial(s) (year) Title of website [online]. [Date accessed]. Available from World
Wide Web: <url of site>

Example with author:

Sibert, G. (2004) Acids and Bases [online]. [Accessed 9th October 2012]. Available from World
Wide Web:

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