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The journey to Kailash and back, over lifetimes

and over centuries, has resonated within .About

. . .Mohanji
countless souls. Over a fifth of the worlds Mohanji is an everyday man with whom
population finds the echo of Kailash in its different people connect differently. Some say
deepest aspirations and purest goals. Among the that He is a mystic whose presence turns you
thousands of the devout who ever tread this inwards, while others are completely at home
ground, this year only a small group will have and feel natural around Him. The essence of
an opportunity to experience something truly Mohanji cannot truly be put into a frame. He is
special and life-transforming. This August, a what you make of Him. At the essence,
small group of people will open up to the Mohanji is a mirror. Like any mirror, He is
profound mystery of Kailash in the presence of empty and reflects back the aspirations,
Mohanji, allowing the mighty Kailash to perceptions and concepts of the person so they
envelop them on the most sacred journey of the perceive themselves as they are in a non-judg-
lifetime! mental way. Mohanji s nature radiates that of
a loving mother, a best friend, a devoted family
Team Mohanji lovingly invites all who feel man, a lucid philosopher and an uncondition-
ready for this challenge to participate in the ally loving guide.
Kailash with Mohanji 2016 pilgrimage. This is
a truly rare opportunity as it is highly unlikely Always spontaneous, living fully in the
that Mohanji will travel to Kailash again (at least moment, childlike yet firm, His friends,
not in his physical form..) associates and followers have witnessed many
of His shades but like the quintessential fable
of the blind men and the elephant, he is all the
below and yet beyond these frames.

In his own words, I am just an ordinary

human being just like every other being, with
all the expressions, emotions, strengths,
weaknesses and requirements that every being
on earth are unavoidably attached to. This
incarnation is called Mohan and will die as
Mohan. I am not another person or a principle.
Do not connect to me as someone else.

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 1

I am as perishable as all incarnations will be. I Mohanji is also an active philanthropist who
walk this earth for a duration, for a certain set up Ammucare (India, worldwide), a global
purpose just like you, and once the purpose is charitable foundation that serves as a platform
completed, this incarnation will end. I am for selfless service beyond all man-made
nothing special. I am indebted if my incarna- barriers supporting and uplifting the helpless
tion becomes useful to the world and its and needy by providing resources and services
beings. For you, I am what you make of me. such as food, clothing, shelter, medicine/medi-
Many people connect to me in many ways. I cal treatment and education.
am all that and not that too because each
incarnation is multi faceted. One can see or Kailash Yatra (Pilgrimage)
experience only a few facets of each incarna- in Mohanjis Words
tion as per their frequency and consciousness.
As consciousness, I am never born and will
never die and will serve the universe as long as Kailash! The world of Shiva! The world that
it takes beyond life and death. encompasses all worlds! Only one thing really
matters in this journey - GRACE.
Kailash stands in the middle of many moun-
tains, like the eternal Shiva Linga.

Clouds constantly perform abhishek (ritual

bathing of the deity) on the Linga. The Shiva
Linga represents the Supreme Lord, The Eternal
Parabrahma. Only when Shiva calls can one
touch the soil surrounding Kailash. It is the
ultimate destination of every man. It is the
abode of salvation, the ultimate dissolution.
Kailash reflects everything that makes life on
earth. Being one with Shiva! Being Shiva!
The abode becomes the Lord. In front of the
eyes of a true devotee, Kailash attains the
Mohanji travels extensively around the world, numerous bhaav (flavor) in accordance to the
conducting satsangs, wellness retreats, leading constitution of the one who witnesses it. The
pilgrimage trips to power places such as evershifting clouds form its costume. They also
Mount Kailash, Kumbh Mela and the Bosnian display the faces of celestial beings who come
pyramids. He makes it a point to always be to worship the Mighty Shiva, as if welcoming
available to all those with a sincere desire to them. The rare vermillion sky becomes the
evolve spiritually. His writings and messages bindi between the eyebrows of Goddess
are available both through his own blog and Parvati (Lord Shivas consort). In the moonlit
on a Q&A blog that contains transcripts of his night, the garlands of the unpredictable winds
Q&A sessions with seekers during satsangs. become Shivas exhalations. Every stone, every
Experiences by various followers are available cloud, every bit of air chants aloud Om
on an experience sharing blog. Namah: Shivaaya!

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 2

Only those who have the eyes to see and Around 40 kilometers from its southern base
ears to hear will witness the glory of Shiva lies the beautiful Mansarovar, the worlds
everywhere. Every breath is His grace. Only highest freshwater lake. Famed for its excep-
Grace Matters. tional beauty, its sacred waters change color
from a clear blue around the shores to a deep
emerald green in the center. It looks positively
magical in the moonlight. Together with
Mansarovar, this mountain is surrounded by
innumerable myths, stories and legends that
add to the mystique of this most inapproach-
able place on earth.

Mount Kailash is one of the most important

energy portals of the earth as it has been
consistently accepted as the Earths crown
chakra or Sahasrarachakra in many ancient
The whole earth is important. Yet, Kailash, just historical references. The tantric masters of
like our third eye, is supremely important, as India, through their correspondences of As
the pillar or a key control point of the eternal above, so below, state that the Supreme
universe. When a man touches the soil of Consciousness in a human being or Lord Shiva
Kailash with his feet, his journey of life resides both upon the physical Mount Kailash,
becomes meaningful, fulfilled and his life as well as upon the Mount Kailash within the
becomes complete. Happy Journey! May the body, that is, the human crown chakra.
Supreme Lord Shiva make your journey of life
successful and fulfilling! The spiritual importance of Kailash dates back
to the Bon and Hindu religions. Sacred to five
The Location major religions of the world, the Hindus,
.................. Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains and Bons, the Kailash is
Up north from the vast plains of the Ganges the physical aspect of the spiritual Mt. Meru, a
valley in India, beyond the Kingdom of Nepal tangible aspect of divinity on Earth.
and north east of the great Himalayas lies the
roof of the world, the land of snows - Tibet,
home to the holiest mountain in the world -
the abode of Shiva - The Mt. Kailash.
Sacred to a fifth of the worlds population, a
journey to Mount Kailash is the ultimate
pilgrimage for Hindus, Buddhists, Tibetan, Bon
and Jains. Mystical, magical and sacred,
Kailash and Mansarovar have a place in the
human ethos, seldom given to any other
pilgrimage destination.

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 3

What its About and o Besides the group sessions, you will have an
Why You Should Attend opportunity to have some private one-on-one
.................. time with Mohanji to field your most personal
The focus of the Kailash with Mohanji pilgrim- questions and address specific issues in your life.
age is intense spiritual transformation and o Pilgrimage and visits to places of sanctity and
purification. Transsformation and purification power have a lot of value in this cleansing. As
happens on all levels - physical, emotional, we imbibe the energy of those places, especially
intellectual and spiritual and on various in the presence of a Master, they affect subtle
aspects and dimensions: transformations in us.

Participating in Kailash with Mohanji

pilgrimage is a rare opportunity for any spiritual
seeker; while many yearn for this throughout
their lifetime, only a select few are able to fulfill
this desire
Further, to take a holy dip in the Manasarovar
(the lake built by Lord Brahma for the Gods) in
the presence of a Master is an enormous
In a small group, you will be in close
proximity to Mohanji for the duration of the Throughout the pilgrimage, Mohanji works on
program and bask in his energy and loving diluting and burning accumulated karmic
grace that flows through him in abundance baggage, and elevating and raising our frequen-
You will get to experience the grandeur of cy. The constitutional changes are extremely
Kailash from a different perspective, thanks to potent and intense. The wisdom and clarity,
Mohanjis guidance and presence which can only come from the consciousness of
The emotional and spiritual cleansing from a true Master, go a long way towards helping us
this pilgrimage will alter your approach to life, maintain a peaceful, stable and happy internal
depending on your receptivity. A new perspec- space, regardless of which circumstances and
tive will help you understand how to blend environment we might find ourselves in, long
spirituality into your daily material life, and after the pilgrimage is over.
appreciate that spirituality does not necessarily Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Map
mean an ascetic existence

o First level of awareness building and cleansing

is through daily discourses and Q&A sessions
with Mohanji. While his presence alone has a
very intense purifying effect, satsang is a
beautiful medium for this transfer and connec-
tion. He delivers knowledge and guidance with
directness and simplicity, perfectly tuned to
each individuals requirements.

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 4

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Tracks In this track, the group travels to the holy
.................. Mansarovar lake and has the sight of holy Mt.
In earlier years, we had only one track for the Kailash. A dip in Lake Manasarovar in sight of
Kailash Mansarovar Yatra the Outer Kora Mount Kailash is intensely purifying and this
parikrama - which was a 3 day circumambula- most sacred of waters cleanses a great deal of
tion trekking around the holy Mt. Kailash. accumulated karma. Although the lake is at a
During this 3 day trek, the pilgrim had to trek high altitude which can be physically challeng-
uphill for about 4 to 5 hours to reach the top of ing, it is far less demanding than the Outer Kora
Dolmala Pass (5800m) then trek down to the circumambulation around Mount Kailash as
valley floor. This is challenging and tough for there is very little walking and no climbing
many people and requires a good level of involved.
physical fitness inspite of the option to ride
mules and have sherpas carry the baggage. We The group travels on till Yama Dwar (literally
had several requests from people that wanted to The Gates of the Lord of Death) the start point
experience the grandeur of Kailash and visit the of the Outer Kora Parikrama and then heads
holy lake of Mansarovar but who could not back to the holy Mansarovar lake and
undergo the physical rigors of doing the completes the Mansarovar parikarma (circum-
parikrama (circumambulation) of the Outer ambulation) by road driving through the scenic
Kora. Hence, we introduced an additional track panoramic routes of Tibet.
for Mansarovar this year.

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 5

Testimonials Disclaimer
.................. ..................
Before Mohanji went to Kailash, Shiva was only Kailash is a very demanding pilgrimage both
a deity for me somewhere outside of me. When physically and mentally. As you are traveling
He was there, I started feeling Shiva inside me. over high terrain, you are likely to experience
Ekta Mehta, India, 2012 symptoms and discomfort of altitude sickness
(headache, loss of appetite, nausea, exhaustion,
sleeplessness, breathlessness etc.) until your
body adjusts to the elevation. This can take a
couple of days or more depending on the
individual. It is recommended to consult with a
doctor regarding the participants fitness to be in
those altitudes.

Further, Kailash is an energy powerhouse that

The havan on the banks of Mansarovar turned will effect powerful spiritual transformation that
out to be a very profound experience for me. I may manifest as physical symptoms such as
cannot describe it in words. As I sat for the havan pain, body ache, etc. or emotional upheavals.
and closed my eyes, my entire consciousness Hence, the participants must ensure that they
shifted and moved to Kailash. I lost all body have the requisite fitness levels and the flexibility
consciousness. It was as if I was in one big and agility to navigate such terrains as also the
embrace of the consciousness, one with Mohanji, mental fortitude to deal with the travails of
one with the universal consciousness. My entire intense spiritual transformation. While grace of
being had merged with One whole conscious- Mohanji and Lord Shiva will be there and so will
ness. There were no separate identities.! help from the Sherpas, we request the partici-
Sumit Partap Gupta, India 2012 pants to bear this in mind when they decide to
embark on the Kailash with Mohanji 2016
The ease of the journey is proportionate to the pilgrimage.
degree of surrender and of faith, Guru does
everything for you, everything is delivered. It is so
at Kailash and it is so in life. The only indispens-
able prerequisite is grace!
Hein Adamson, South Africa 2014

Ultimate pilgrimage done. It is what happened

on the outside. What happened inside I cannot
explain. I did what I thought I couldnt. The
thought that its beyond my possibilities lost its
authority, and THAT was liberating. Besides that,
I live with new, fresh, deeper tranquility now.
Biljana Vozarevic, 2014

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 6

Risk & Liability cancelled when we get the Tibet visa here in
.................. Kathmandu.
We will do our best to make the tour safe and The Chinese/Tibet visa that we get in
smooth. Our tour operator conducts all the Kathmandu is a Group Visa and is not
tour programs strictly under the rules and entered in travellers passports but on a
regulations of Tibet Tourism Bureau (TTB). separate sheet of paper - be it one person or a
However, we will not be accountable for any group consisting of two or more persons.
changes due to change of official rules and
laws of Tibet. Moreover, we will also not be
liable for any changes in the itinerary due to .Pricing
unavoidable circumstances such as landslide, Outer Kora
road blockage, flood, snow, political unrest, Indian citizen: 245000 INR
cancellation of flight, sickness and accidents. US citizen: 245000 plus $198 USD
Any extra cost arising due to the above Other nationalities: 245000 INR
circumstances shall be borne by the clients on plus $114 USD
the spot.
Pilgrimage Logistics Indian citizen: 220000 INR
.................. US citizen: 220000 plus $198 USD
Outer Kora Other nationalities: 220000 INR
Date: 9th of August till 18th of August 2016 plus $114 USD
Length: 10 days
The pilgrimage package includes the
Manasarovar following:
Date: 9th of August till 16th of August 2016
Length: 8 days Accommodation
2 Nights accommodation using 5 star hotel in
General Kathmandu on sharing basis
Maximum altitude: 1350m to 5850m 1 Night accommodation using best available
Mode of Trip in Nepal: By coach, air, hotel in Nepalgunj on sharing basis
helicopter Accommodation in Tibet using Guest Houses
Mode of Trip in Tibet: By coach on sharing basis
The trip starts from Kathmandu and ends at Mineral water throughout Kailash Yatra
Passport should be valid at least 6 month
after the completion of the trip.
Participants SHOULD NOT apply for the
Chinese visa in their country themselves if
they are intending to travel to Tibet via
Kathmandu (Nepal). If they had applied for the
Chinese visa in their country prior to arrival in
Kathmandu, it would be automatically

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 7

Transportation Complimentary
Kathmandu airport arrival and departure Windcheater Jacket
transfers by coach. Duffle bag
One half-day Kathmandu sightseeing Trip Certificate
covering Pashupatinath & Budanilkantha by
Kathmandu / Nepalgunj / Simikot / Nepal-
gunj / Kathmandu transfer by Air.
Simikot / Hilsa / Simikot by Helicopter.
In Tibet, land transfer by luxury bus
Supporting truck to carry luggage, food,
equipment etc
Yak & Yakmen for trekking equipment and
food during Kailash Parikarma
The pilgrimage package excludes the
Staff following:
Highly qualified and experienced Sherpa
staff throughout the trip Airfare from native country to Kathmandu
Tibetan Guide. and return
Nepal visa for NRIs & foreigners.
Others Equipments All personal expenses like telephone calls,
Table & Chair tips, shopping, laundry, cold/hard drinks etc.
Sleeping bag & Mattress Personal call from mobile phones, there will
All necessary equipments be charge as per the use.
Personal use of pony/porter during Parikarma
Rescue Equipments [Kora].
Air compressor bag [Gammo Bag] Single room supplement in Kathmandu.
First Aid Kit Any extra services such as extra vehicle /
Oxygen Cylinder hotel nights / sightseeing tours than mentioned
in the itinerary.
Permit / Fees Evacuation cost
Tibet & Simikot [Nepal] permit Travel Insurance
Normal Chinese Visa fee Extra cost such as extra night stay than
mentioned in the itinerary, ill health, cancella-
Communication Facilities tion, changes in itinerary that are incurred due
Satellite Phone (will be charged as per the to unforeseen reasons such as road blockage
use) due to landslide, heavy snowfall, strikes, flight
Local Mobile [Chinese] (will be charged as cancellation etc.
per the use) Visa splitting charge and extra transportation
Walky Talky cost, if returning early from Tibet
Any service that is not mentioned above in
inclusion part

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 8

Registration Application Process In keeping with that objective, the registration
.................. process for Kailash with Mohanji 2016 will be
as under:
The Kailash Mansarovar yatra is a very sacred
pilgrimage People who have gone to past We request the applicant to fill up the
Kailash trips with Mohanji can attest to the application form that will accompany this
spiritual transformation that it has brought document in the email and send it to
about in their lives. It is important that people
with the right attitude and bhaav (devotion) The Kailash Team will go through the
join the trip so that the group energy is application and evaluate it for selection. In case
conducive to everyones spiritual upliftment. of queries or doubts, they may request the
Also, the Kailash experience is tough both applicant for additional information to
physically and emotionally which further supplement the application
outlines the need to have the right group Based on the answers given in the applica-
synergy. In particular, it is our endeavour to tion, the Kailash Team will decide on the
create a encouraging spiritual space in the suitability of the applicant to join the group and
spirit of sangha (spiritual family) where the inform the applicant accordingly.
participants support each other in their Once the applicant has been approved, the
transformations to derive the maximum registration process can proceed towards
benefit from this pilgrimage. payment and registration completion.

Hence, we would prefer to avoid tourists Payment Terms and Conditions

(spiritual or otherwise) since there are several
avenues available outside that cater to that
segment. People deeply connected to Mohanji 1. On selection, an initial booking amount of
through his various activities conducted INR 100000 per participant [non refundable] to
globally or people deeply connected to Sai be deposited by 15th March 2016 to confirm
Baba, Shiva or other masters who, repeating participation.
again for emphasis, are focused on their 2. The payment should be cleared by
spiritual growth. 30th April 2016.

Please contact Due to

high global demand, we have a limited set of
spaces for the Kailash and Mohanji 2016
pilgrimage. Places will be allocated strictly on a
first come first served basis.

Kailash with Mohanji 2016 Page 9

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