I. Read and choose the correct answer - Прочитај и заокружи го точниот одговор

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Welcome 2

5th grade

Test A

Name and surname _______________________________Class ______ Mark ______________

I. Read and choose the correct answer .

1. We _______ from Mexico. 4. Where _______ they from?

a) are b) is c) has got a) are b) is c) have
2. She ________ fair hair. 5. She ________ a brother.
a) have got b) are c) has got a) havent got b) hasnt got c) isnt
3. This is _________ ball. 6. I _______ twelve years old.
a) Manuel b) Manuels c) Manuels a) is b) are c) am /12p

II. Read, choose and complete- ,

slim My from fair 10 blue eyes

1)______ name's Bill. Im American and I'm 2) _______New
I'm 3) ________years old. I'm tall and 4) _______
I've got 5) ________ hair and blue 6) ________.
My favourite colour is 7) ______.
What about you?
Your e-mail friend.
Bill /14p

III. Look, read and put tick ( ) or a cross (x)- , x.

1. This is a cooker ______. 2. This is a sofa. ______

3. This is a wardrobe. ______ 4. This is a table. _______

Welcome 2
5th grade

5. This is a bathroom. ____ 6. This is a dining room. ____ /18p

IV. Look and answer .


V. Translate the sentences- .

1. Martin can dance and play tennis. _________________________________________________.

2. There is a bank next to my house. _________________________________________________.
3. Can I ride your bike, please? _____________________________________________________.
4. Would you like to dance? _______________________________________________________.
5. Jill is tall and slim. ____________________________________________________________.
6. How old are you? Im ten. ___________________________________________________. / 36p

:______ /100p

00 19 = 1 20 39 = 2 40 59 = 3 60 79 = 4 80- 100 = 5

Good Luck!

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