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Day 4 Tasks


Scientific Resources in the Classroom

This week you will look at science in the classroom

If your class do not have science lessons talk to your teacher and try to
find out what scientific concepts are taught (table 7)
Find out what the main scientific concepts are taught for your age
group. Write down a list of the concepts covered throughout the year.
(for example floating and sinking)
Find all the science resources in your classroom and take photographs
of them. Label all the photographs of the resources. The labels must
include the name of the resource and what scientific concepts it is used
to teach
Find out how the enquiry approach is used in the classroom to teach
science. Ask your teacher how she uses an enquiry approach to teach
scientific concepts and write down her response

Learning styles task

Make notes about activities you observe in the classroom which use
VAK learning styles (see table 5)
Which learning styles did all the children seem to enjoy and why?
Why do you think the teacher incorporates a variety of learning styles
for the children?
Notice which activities are repeated with a variety of learning styles e.g.
read a story, listen to a story, act the story, and draw the story. Can
you find other examples e.g. math or science?
How can teachers improve student learning by using a range of
Table 5: Learning styles

Make notes about activities you observe in the classroom which use the
learning styles below:

Math Science Reading Other

Auditory Singing a - Listening to While
song about the teacher learning
the number. while she litter
read the sounds, the
book, more teacher
than one keep on
time. saying the
litter, and
the students
say after
Visual Counting - Watching the The
using live version students
building of the story see on the
blocks. on YouTube, screen
where either a
characters of video or
story move pictures
and talk. represent
the litter
Kinesthetic Practicing - The
Writing the students
number. write the
litter while
doing their
activities in

Answer the following questions:

Which learning styles did all the children seem to enjoy and why?
Depending on what I saw, children used to enjoy the (visual & auditory)
learning styles, like watching a video and hearing a song.

Why do you think the teacher incorporates a variety of learning styles

for the children? Because she knows that all students have different
learning styles, so instead of asking them how they prefer to learn she
use all learning styles in her lesson.
Notice which activities are repeated with a variety of learning styles e.g.
read a story, listen to a story, act the story, draw the story. Can you find
other examples e.g., math or science. Most of the activities done in
classroom are repeated with a variety of learning styles. You can rarely
see an activity done in one learning style.
For example (in math): After teaching a new number, she put in each
corner 4 students. 1st corner include worksheets to teach how to write
the number. 2nd corner include puzzle to teach how to reach the
missing number. 3rd corner include building blocks to teach how to add
the number and so on

How can teachers improve student learning by using a range of

learning styles? By using different learning styles, students can adapt
while the teacher teaches in any way and will be able to understand the
lesson with all different styles provided to them, and also will
understand deeply.
Table 7: Scientific resources in the Classroom
Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer

A List of resources that target specific scientific skills and concepts in the

Resources for Science Scientific Skill(s) / Concept(s) that can be Exploring on possible activities to develop
teaching classroom: developed with it. mathematical skills and concepts using these

Magnets Magnets are made of iron or steel and can attract

other pieces of iron or steel. They do not attract any
other material.

Magnets can attract or repel each other (make them

move away) depending on which way the poles are

Magnets can attract other pieces of iron or steel

though various materials (including glass and through
water) depending on the materials thickness.

We can use magnets to draw pictures on magnet


Magnifying glasses

Magnifying glasses make things look bigger.

We can see all the small details of an object or part of

the body using a magnifying glass.

When we look through a magnifying glass our eye

looks bigger.

Water Tray

Properties of water; wet, hot, cold, we can see

through clear water; can be poured, falls through any
holes, can make things move (pouring; squirting)
can turn wheels; big containers full of water are
heavy; small ones are light; water cleans things; can
be coloured; makes bubbles when mixed with soap;
can dissolve some things; can freeze; makes a
splash; some things float in it; others sink. etc.
Sand Tray Properties of dry sand; feels smooth; can be
poured, falls through most holes, can make things
move (pouring) can turn wheels; big containers full
of sand are heavy; small ones are light;

Properties of wet sand; sticks to hands; is heavier

than dry sand; is cold; feels rough; not easy to pour;
doesnt fall through holes; moulds itself to containers
and retains that shape when emptied out; holes dug
are more solid.

Colour Paddles

When two or more colours are mixed, new colours are


Colour is a property of light. We cant see colours in

the dark.

Handheld Mirror

Mirrors generally look silvery or shiny.

We can see ourselves in mirrors.

Mirrors reflect light shine a torch on a mirror.

Mirror reverses left and right e.g. writing. Try to write

your name or draw a face whilst only looking in a

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