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2.1 -

.[3] 1942. ,

.[4] ,

, .[5]
, , ,
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1946. .[7]
. ,
.[7] XII "
".[8] ,
, .[9]

(en: Pontificio Istituto Teutonico Santa Maria dell'Anima),

[10]. ,
. 1944. ,

, ,
, ,
, ,
, .
, ,

: "

" ,
. ....
- " "[12].

Unholy Trinity[13],
, ,
, - .
. 16 , ,
, , , , [14].

, .
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, , .
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. "La Vista Report"
1984. , - ,

. , ,
, [16].

. .
XII 1943. .
, .
. , (
. . 500 kg
, . ,
- .

80.000 . .
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1947. . 1950. ,
3 [18]. ,
, : " ,


, .
( (Keelhaul)),
: "
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( ).

" "[19] ,
. , ,
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. 1946. ,



[22] .
. ODESSA (nem. "Organisation der ehemaligen
SS-Angehrigen"; prevod Organizacija bivih pripadnika SS-a). ,
, ,
, .
. 10.000

"The Odessa File",

"Spinne" () i
"Sechsgestirn" ( ).
, , , ,

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11. Gitta Sereny, Into That Darkness, (Picador) (1977). . 289.
12. Hudal Rmische Tagebcher (English translation quoted in Aarons and Loftus). . 37.
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