Personal Goals

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Aaron Crawford

Dr. ODea
UHON 2000
29 August 2017
Personal Goals Statement
This year I would like to mainly focus on two things. One, my academic standing and
advancement. And two, my involvement with the honors college community. Contained in my
academic standing is my personal advancement in major related activities that are not classes.
Particularly this year I would like to engage in research as well as attend a conference or two.
The research may have fallen into my lap by coincidence. A professor of mine this year Dr. Bao
is starting a team of several undergraduates to help him with cutting edge research. I plan to
move forward with this and hopefully continue for several years eventually getting paid with an
official title and possibly an internship with Oak Ridge National Laboratories (The sponsor and
overseer of Dr. Baos research). This research is still in very primitive phase but I hope that I
will be able to present it at both engineering conferences as well as honors conferences. In
Ashville at SRHC I fell in love with conferences however I would like to present work that I am
more involved in, more confident in, and more related to my field. Secondly my plans for this
year are to be more involved with honors activities particularly as a TA for the freshman. In this
role I have the opportunity to interact with and mentor the new brock class as well as lead several
classes. Also, I look forward to helping with the combined ham/brock freshman counsel. Again,
this would be a great opportunity to help drive change within the honors college especially at
such a challenging and pivotal time. Lastly with the honors college I would like to mentor any
and all engineers that come my way. I have had a great honors upperclassmen, especially
engineers to help me and I would like to continue that tradition for the class below me. Now that
Im mostly settled in college my goal is to make this the year I start doing things.

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