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Venus Descendent

Written by:
Fbio Caludungo

Revision by:
Cythia Flor, Ins T & Leonel Semedo
Everything felt so realsurreal
Imagine this
Youre floating inside a forest. Youre eyes
closed, but you can hear some voices far
ahead. The more you get closer the better
you can hear the voices. Theyre women
voices and theyre laughing.
Your eyes are still closed. Why? You dont
know. Until that a woman grabs you by the
arm and the touch of her soft hand makes you
open your eyes. And then you see a lot of
pretty women. Each one of them pretty at
their one way, so unique that even YOU know
that if you would pass the characteristics
of each one of them to each other both of
would lose their beauty their singularity.
Some have a long nose, other ones are short
and right now a skinny young girl and a
older fat woman just passed you by. They
were talking to each other really loud but
you didnt pay attention (typical man
problem ?) Across the river there is a group
of girls meditating there is a redhead with
freckles and other two girls. One black as
midnight and other one white as marble. The
perfect juxtaposition.
And if you pay enough attention you will
notice that the sun kissed some of them so
much and yet so gently that they skin
complexion looks like cinnamon (shout out to
Neil Young) and they got they hair so curled
that resembles an eternal spiral. Gives a
certain hypnoses feeling
Each one of them so different so singular
.That uniqueness should make get you confuse
because you are still trying to figure where
you are, how did you end up in this place,
who are they and what you should do next.
But you are just letting all of this sinking
in, in your mind. Just contemplating all of
them and thinking if the bible is really
right. If they really came from your rib
(But YOU were brought into this world from
them, maybe the CHICKen came before the egg)
To the most of them you are still unnoticed
and it isnt like they are ignoring you or
something like that is more that theyre in
their own space. Some look at you with the
same perspective that you see them. Trying
to figure out who are you as you are trying
to figure out who are they.
Until one of them just go straight to you
and ask whats your name. And you take a
minute to give her an answer because her
smell is so captivating and it isnt
something strong but definitely it cant be
When you are about to answer her question
you can`t really make eye contact so you
start looking to other side. And in a quick
glance your eyes lock with another woman.
She is sitting under a shadow of a tree (an
apple tree), but you can still see her face.
She has small nose, a deep look in her eyes,
a small mouth that seems used to smirk
instead of really laughing but she smiles at
you and you can see a couple of imperfect
teeths, you can also see her long dark hair
and her delicate skinny body. It seems shes
been kissed by the sun She seems to be a
little bit older than you but younger than
the women that is trying to talk to you.
Her lone figure under the apple tree it
transmits to you loneliness, solitude but
isnt the type of loneliness that is close
to deep sadness is more a loneliness made by
choice, one that demonstrates peace of
spirit. But in instant that you and her
locked eyes in seems that she was calling
you, it seems that she wanted to share your
loneliness with you in order to create
Having that feeling of indecision or not
knowing what to do always been something you
hated. It stops you from doing something
new, risking a lil bit and creating new
memories but truth be told it also stops you
from making mistakes or feel bad about doing
something or even say something. But in this
particular scenario its almost killing and
for making things worst the women that came
to talk to you DIDNT STOP TALKING her voice
doesnt stop rising but that isnt a problem
no more you already know what to do.
You start slowly walking towards the girl
sitting beneath the shadow of the apple
Once you got there you just sat down. Nobody
said anything for a while. The silence
between the two of you it isnt the awkward
silence or something like that you are just
quiet. I mean the both of you are quiet you
are just appreciating the moment,
appreciating each other
Until the night comes and the first word she
says is: hot
Before you start to think in the word that
she said, you were caught up by surprise she
has a voice so deep, it wasnt what you were
expecting. But that doesnt make her less
And right after you finished that thought
another comes right to your head.
The word that she said. What she did meant
with heat? Is that shes hot and if there
any way to help her? That she might like or
not like hot temperatures? That is hot
because is summertime?(shout out to Ella
Fitzgerlad and Mungo Jerry)
Even though that what she said didnt
implied your response, you feel like you
have to. The only reasonable response and
the only one that allows you to extend the
conversation is to ask her if she likes
She says no.
You ask why.
She says because is too hot.
So you ask whats her favourite season.
She says that winter is her favourite
And after that you spent the rest of the
night talking to her, you talked about
everything. Things about the present, future
and past.
And then it gets you, each one of the woman
in these forest are like an Island ready to
explore and to go on an adventure and if you
could put them together in one place they
would form an archipelago. But not her, she
seems to be different, she seems to be much
more. You dont why does she make you feel
like that. Is because she was the only one
to awaken inside of you a genuine love
interest? You cant really explain why she
stands out when she stand up.
You really feel that she is more than a
Island you feel that she is in her own
universe ready to get discovered but you for
sure would get lost.
A few days pass by and so time.
Your body didnt stop aging progressively
(like in the real world") but the same
isnt happening to her. Although the rest of
your necessities seem that dont exist
anymore. You dont need to eat, sleep or
even go to the bathroom (in this forest you
only feel the need to love).
But if you notice three years already flew
by and you are still talking. That means
that you are still discovering her universe.
Your conversation switch between hugs and
At last you take the next step, without any
You are so addicted to her, you want to
explore her universe even further so lost in
her that it annoys you. You want to be sure
that she feels the same about that, that she
is also exploring your universe. But you
also want to explore the world with her, you
want to see her (and even yourself) in other
situation beside these one where you and her
are always comfortable. Basically you want
to grow with her.
So you ask if you and her could be together
forever and explore in another place
She asks: Why change?
To which you respond: why stay?
For the first time she cries.
She said that she cant.
You keep on insisting.
But then she tells you something, she is
bond to stay in this forest
How much time do you have to stay here?
you ask.
Until I die. Our pretty nature is what
allows this forest to remain pretty.
Each one of us is needed here
And like in every corny romantic movie you

Ill die with you

*******(PLAY: Pinback-Loro.ON LOOP UNTIL

Now you know that you said something stupid,
you know that she will live much more than
you. So even if you would die in her arms
you would never have her totally and beside
that it would probably hurt her a lot seeing
you lifeless in her chest
It seems that your journey in the universe
is getting close to the end. It seems that
her universe is starting to show some limits
and its slowly starting to shrink
The same way that you didnt knew what to
say to her when you first saw her now you
dont know what to say or do.
The feeling of indecision always bothered
Staying is the only thing that comes up in
your mind but knowing that you eventually
will hurt her if she sees you slowly aging
and dying and not being able to help will be
You try to act like nothing had happened
like you never had that talk but you know
that you are only fooling yourself. There is
certain stuff that you just cant simply put
them under the carpet and pretend that they
were never there.
The time that you pass by with her has a new
meaning now. Because now you know that your
time with her is finite. In good terms or
bad all this will end. Your time together,
your conversations they will cease to exist
and will turn into memories until the she
dies in last place. You will die in 30 years
and she from 200 years from now. But you
still smile, because you are happy that ALL
OF THIS HAPPENED. You are happy that found
her and spent some time with her. You come
from a place that you were never allowed to
have expensive things or good ones so having
her in your life was the best thing that you
ever had.
You already know that you dont want
anything else in your life beside her. But
you have to convince yourself to learn how
to let go. Otherwise it would be worse for
you and her.
So you make love, one last time in a starry
night and a full moon (all this light helps
you to save each curve and detail of her
body in your mind)
Next morning you give her, her last kiss.
And tell her that the only way that you
found to be with her forever is to save her
in your mind so you will try to have dreams
about her every single day and erase every
single memory that you had before you met
She calls you crazy but she agrees (while
shes whipping down her owns tears)
When its almost time to say goodbye you
turn your back to the place you came from in
order to stay face to face to her. You
obviously want to look to her face until you
fade away.
So you start moonwalking (trying to act
cool) until you get to the exact spot you
arrived. You begin to close your eyes the
same way you opened them for the first time.
And even with your eyes closed you can still
see everything since the first day that you
arrived to this forest, every memory that
you have from this place. The landscapes,
the pretty women and their pretty smell, the
harmony that this place gave you and finally
her, your universe.
Every conversation that you had ,everything
that you experienced with her. It comes back
to your mind and hits you on your brain
violently, like a car accident. The first
thing that you want automatically to do is
cry but you feel ashamed for some reason
(maybe because boys dont cry?)But you later
change ideas and embrace it. Crying its part
of being an human being. It means that you
feel something it means that you felt
something. All this time that you spent with
her you never hold back your feelings, why
should you do it now?
When you feel that you are almost falling
on your knees and you are about to crawl to
her feet and cry you start to levitate. Your
body goes back to the same state it was when
you first came here and you start to get
further and further from the forest. You
hear the same voices laughing when you first
came. But when you are almost fading away
the universe talks to you ONE LAST TIME.
Her deep voice stands out as she shouts the
last words that you will ever heard from
I love you until I die
(damn thats a lot of time maybe till
These words resonate deeply in your soul.
Maybe because of the weight of these words
or maybe just maybe because of her deep
voice. But it doesnt really matter. Now you
know that she felt the same as you. And you
want to say it back but you cant is too
Your body is already levitating and its far
away from this forest.
But your mind is carrying every image, every
sound, every memory that you spent with this
girl that you met here, forever.

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