RNchat Transcript August 28, 2010

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EllenRichter: Thoroughly enjoyed reading this one!

"Assumptions in medicine can inhibit care |

KevinMD.com" http://j.mp/cH53Mn #RNchat #doctors
8/28/2010 09:47

EllenRichter: I wish there was an #MDchat that went along similar lines as #RNchat Think thats gonna
happen #doctors? C'mon, join in the chat fun! :)
8/28/2010 09:49

EllenRichter: Just awesome! >> An #MDchat that goes along similar lines as #RNchat seems to be in
the works!! #hcsm @hjluks @Doctor_V (via @MeredithGould)
8/28/2010 10:26

ctsinclair: RT @Doctor_V: Are there enough doctors interested to consistently feed an MD chat on
Tw? '#RNChat, #HPM chat do it why not #MDchat"
8/28/2010 11:25

EllenRichter: Wow, check out the high-tech nursing school! Boy did I miss out! "SUNY nursing students
get high-tech 'patients'" http://j.mp/9jy2DE #RNchat
8/28/2010 13:49

rcondep: @arbeiza take a look at this RT @HealthIsSocial Estimated Number of Doctors & Nurses
on Twitter - http://bit.ly/duGggx #rnchat #hcsm
8/28/2010 15:54

TweetTrailAnnou: Someone just searched for ' #RNchat ' here are the top tweeters:
8/28/2010 16:12

rnchat: Welcome to #RNchat! If you're new follow along (try http://TweetGrid.com or

http://TweetChat.com) We'll start but first introduce yourself!
8/28/2010 21:00

EllenRichter: Hello there. Signing into Tweetgrid.com for the chat tonight! #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:01

rnchat: OK, our first topic will come up in two minutes - when answering, please prepend your
tweet with T1, T2, etc. Good luck! #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:04

EllenRichter: I am from the humid state of Florida! I am an ICU nurse & a legal nurse consultant.
Happy to spend and hour with you all tonite! :) #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:04

nursingpins: Hey Ellen et al, Vernon, Critical Care in New Orleans. #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:05

rnchat: T1 Postpartum Depression: What post-discharge resources work the best for
detecting/treating PPD? Are facilities doing enough? #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:06

EllenRichter: Hi Phil, hi there Alana. Welcome Vernon. Hang on a sec. My coffee just finished perking
& I need to get a quick cup! :) #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:06

HauteSingleMama: I'm searching for #RNchat live on TweetGrid Search - http://tweetgrid.com/search?

8/28/2010 21:09
nursingpins: T1 worked L&D years ago - too far out to comment on PPD - listening. #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:09

EllenRichter: T1 Good question. PP depression is way out of my area of expertise but I would imagine
RNs in that area need to screen for S/S @ D/C #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:09

Dorieisms: I am a Cardiovascular ICU nurse in Illinois. Nice to meet you. #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:10

jtknowles007: Hi all, John Knowles here. I'm a nursing student in Indiana. !fb #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:10

TorontoEmerg: we could probably do better in EDs, we see enough neonates.Part of holistic practice
ought to be the whole family, right? #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:11

EllenRichter: T1 Its got to be difficult for a new mom to get out for therapy for PPD but there must be
support groups they can be led towards #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:11

Dorieisms: T1, sigh as Butterfly McQueen would say..."I know nothing about birthin' babies Miss
Scarlett!" but I am super interested to listen. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:11

TorontoEmerg: Oh and I'm in Toronto, ED Charge Nurse and general gadfly #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:12

EllenRichter: @Dorieisms LOL #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:12

mcgaula: home care clinical supervisor in MI #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:14

EllenRichter: T1 Are there online support groups run by professionals available to join from home? That
would be one way to target at-home moms. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:15

EllenRichter: Woo hoo. Nice turnout, Twitter nurses! Good to see everyone! Glad I'm not the only one
with no life! LMAO~ :) #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:17

TorontoEmerg: @EllenRichter yeah, we're pathetic, aren't we? :) Or old. #rnchat

8/28/2010 21:18

EllenRichter: T1 I like the idea of treating the whole family when there is PPD diagnosed in the mom. I
guess none of us are post partum nurses? #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:19

nursingpins: T1 glad to see Doulas becoming more popular. #rnchat

8/28/2010 21:19

EllenRichter: @TorontoEmerg Maybe pathetic AND old! But hey, someone's gotta hold that title! :)
8/28/2010 21:20
TorontoEmerg: TI post partum only by 2 or 3 removes #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:20

TorontoEmerg: @EllenRichter I think the post is getting crowded #rnchat

8/28/2010 21:21

EllenRichter: @nursingpins T1 Is a Doula covered by insurance? Or do you pay for one out-of-pocket?
8/28/2010 21:21

EllenRichter: Yes! Its so true!! >> RT @mcgaula: @EllenRichter eat, sleep, breathe nursing :) #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:23

EllenRichter: Phil, you posed a topic that has stumped the panel tonight! We are novices in PPD! :)
8/28/2010 21:25

bthenextstep: just pokin' my nose in saying hi-dy ho! #rnchat

8/28/2010 21:26

nursingpins: T1 stumped me for sure with PPD #rnchat

8/28/2010 21:26

EllenRichter: @nursingpins T1 Now, OOP is a new one for me! What is an OOP? #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:26

EllenRichter: @bthenextstep Hi there! Set a spell! #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:27

bthenextstep: wow.. just read T1 : drawin a blank there gang. Yes, Phil seems to have pulled out all
the stops here. :) #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:27

nursingpins: T1 out of pocket - lol #rnchat

8/28/2010 21:27

rnchat: Next topic coming up in a moment. #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:28

TeriRNBSN: T1: After OB clinicals I decided that end of the spectrum wasn't for me. =) But from
watching my sis more needs 2B provided for PPD #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:28

bthenextstep: T1 are we handling PPD as well as we handle everything else these days? (sorry for the
sarcasm) #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:28

EllenRichter: @TeriRNBSN First of all, I LOVE your new Twitter account name! Congrats. It looks
terrific! #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:29

TorontoEmerg: @TeriRNBSN I'm with you, too many boggy fundi #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:29

mcgaula: @TeriRNBSN T1. PP most definately outside of my scope of expertise #rnchat

8/28/2010 21:29
rnchat: T2 Product Recalls: What technologies are being deployed to ensure products safety? e.g.
Tag Readers; real-time alerts. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:30

bthenextstep: T2 are we talking medication admin? or equipment in general? pt specific? #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:31

TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter Thanks change was out of necessity due to being hacked. Now it is on to
my DNP next fall. #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:31

EllenRichter: T2 Where I work, its still done the old way--human actually goes around & circles every
expiration date on sterile products & drugs #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:31

TeriRNBSN: @TorontoEmerg It's been 16 years but I still have nightmares of boggy fundi. =D
8/28/2010 21:32

EllenRichter: @TeriRNBSN OMG DNP! I am so excited for you. That is just terrific. U go girl. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:32

bthenextstep: RT @EllenRichter: T2 Where I work, its still done the old way--human actually does the
checks #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:32

TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter Thanks #RNChat

8/28/2010 21:33

TorontoEmerg: well definitely low tech: pharmacy has started using "Tallboy" lettering #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:33

bthenextstep: no fancy electronic alarms .... hmmm.... #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:33

EllenRichter: T2 Product recalls are tougher. Once an item is dispensed, its hard to assure that the
item gets pulled out of circulation again #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:33

mcgaula: RT @TeriRNBSN: @TorontoEmerg It's been 16 years but I still have nightmares of boggy
fundi. =D #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:33

TeriRNBSN: T2: For med recalls we have a Pharmacist that sends out the alerts 2 the RN's then we
check our pt meds for any that are on the list #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:34

EllenRichter: T2 The FDA does a terrific job of emailing recalled or unsafe product news. Anyone can
get on the email list. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:34

bthenextstep: T2 #RNchat the Alaris IV pumps are advanced for patient safety with built in 'guardrail'
technology. you can't enter in ridiculous gtt's
8/28/2010 21:35

bthenextstep: T2 #rnchat The alaris iv pump won't allow unsafe gtt entered. although human
intervention can bypass all the 'safety' feat.
8/28/2010 21:35
EllenRichter: T2 I think nurses are the eyes & ears of product safety for the pt. We are ultimately
responsible to pull defective products away #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:38

TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter What's the web site to get on the FDA email? #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:38

bthenextstep: @EllenRichter I would agree at being the detectives. I guess my question would be how
do you advance that process?? #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:39

EllenRichter: @TeriRNBSN Try this shrunken link http://j.mp/dnAmY0 to sign up for FDA email list
8/28/2010 21:40

EllenRichter: @bthenextstep T2 I guess barcode scanning would be a help if we had that technology
connected to a national product recall center #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:41

bthenextstep: @EllenRichter T2 that would be a huge effort, for all parties involved. But would be
interesting to see. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:43

EllenRichter: T2 Is it just Florida or is everyone still low on Propofol, IV Lasix & Morphine? We have
had to substitute other drugs all summer #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:44

rnchat: RT @EllenRichter @TeriRNBSN Try this shrunken link http://j.mp/dnAmY0 to sign up for
FDA email list #RNchat /via
8/28/2010 21:44

TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter Thanks got it. #RNChat

8/28/2010 21:45

mcgaula: RT @rnchat: RT @EllenRichter @TeriRNBSN Try this shrunken link http://j.mp/dnAmY0

to sign up for FDA email list #RNchat /via
8/28/2010 21:46

EllenRichter: @TeriRNBSN If I recall, you can choose @ the FDA site exactly what types of things you
want to be notified about from them #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:47

nursingpins: T2 See very little Propofol ordered now as opposed to pre MJ - used in the office more
now. #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:47

jtknowles007: @bthenextstep T2 Huge effort and cost but shouldn't the benefits outweigh the costs by
reducing chances of using recalled items? !fb #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:47

EllenRichter: Exactly! RT @mcgaula: RT @coffeyjulie: To err is human. To standardize processes for

patient safety is heroic. #hcsm #ptsafety #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:48

bthenextstep: @jtknowles007 absolutely, but you try and argue that for your budget and your cost
projection. LOL #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:48
TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter I saw that. Wow lots of stuff on there. #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:48

bthenextstep: @EllenRichter not happening in my state to my knowledge T1 #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:49

jtknowles007: @bthenextstep Oops! Forgot about the real world for a minute! :^) !fb #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:49

bthenextstep: @jtknowles007 heh heh #RNChat

8/28/2010 21:50

EllenRichter: @philbaumann Maybe next #RNchat we can discuss the safety issue from the news last
week with the tube feeding being given IV
8/28/2010 21:51

rnchat: Last topic coming up! We may go over a few minutes. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:52

EllenRichter: @coffeyjulie One of my passions too. I get to see the legal ramifications of patient safety
problems. Would love to see that stop. #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:52

philbaumann: @EllenRichter I actually had that one in my mind to put on this #RNchat - so yes, we'll
focus in on that one next week! :)
8/28/2010 21:52

jtknowles007: @EllenRichter Doesn't the overload of emails make the whole think kind of useless? Too
much info causes one to ignore it all. !fb #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:52

EllenRichter: @philbaumann GMTA? ;) #RNchat

8/28/2010 21:53

TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter I'm still trying to figure out how they made the 2 connect. They are such
different tubings. #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:53

rnchat: T3 Continuing Education: How are emerging media changing CE? Do you see CE being
achieved via Social Media? #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:54

EllenRichter: @jtknowles007 No actually the FDA information is easy to see. If its not relative to my
area I just delete. I'd rather know too much #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:54

nursingpins: Good topic Ellen - real issues - saw ampho-b bladder irrig connected to I.V. - real safety
issues. #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:54

TeriRNBSN: T3: Need to get all states to require CE's first. GA still doesn't have it for RN's but CNA,
LPN & SW have to have them. #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:55

EllenRichter: @nursingpins Ohh boy. Theres another nightmare. Bladder irrigation put IV! Yes, we have
chat topics that could last a lifetime! :) #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:55

bthenextstep: T3 I've seen more CE's offered via webcast, podcast and interactive online courses with
the changes, although nothing frm social med #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:56

TeriRNBSN: T3: I think SM would be a good place to have CE's available. #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:56

EllenRichter: @TeriRNBSN T3 I am shocked to hear that some states dont require RNs to have annual
CEs! Not for license renewal? #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:56

mcgaula: Online courses these days are geared towards the working professional; we have the
ability to go at our own pace #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:56

jtknowles007: @TeriRNBSN No state required CE's for nurses in Indiana either. !fb #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:56

bthenextstep: T3 #rnchat the availability of CE's has increased exponentially - but nothing via social
media avenues I've seen?
8/28/2010 21:57

EllenRichter: T3 Well, webcasts are a form of social media. Many webinars allow 2-way communication
for Q & As too! #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:57

TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter Nope. The only state I have to have CE's for is CA. I currently hold GA &
CA license. #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:57

bthenextstep: @EllenRichter PA just started their mandatory CE's in 07?? i think. 07 or 08?? #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:57

EllenRichter: @TeriRNBSN T3 Boy, nursing still has such a long way to go in its evolution as a ranking
profession :( #RNchat
8/28/2010 21:58

alana_ngo: Hi all. I'm Alana. I'm a new graduate nurse, starting on the job next week in a
rehabilitation hospital. Any advise? #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:58

bthenextstep: T1 #rnchat have 2 admit, not maintaining CE's really weakens our profession.
8/28/2010 21:58

nursingpins: T3 From here most CEU's are online now - hospitals have almost no education budget.
Online CE is better also. #rnchat
8/28/2010 21:59

mcgaula: @jtknowles007 wow really? #RNChat

8/28/2010 21:59

bthenextstep: @alana_ngo welcome and good luck alana. a very broad question. LOL #RNChat
8/28/2010 21:59

TeriRNBSN: @EllenRichter @bthenextstep I so agree with both of you. #RNChat

8/28/2010 22:00
mcgaula: @bthenextstep and we are not staying UTD on what our practice has changed and what
not. we could be come ineffective cgs #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:00

EllenRichter: @alana_ngo Good luck! Go slow, watch others, ask questions.You will gain speed &
confidence over time. Patient safety is primary. #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:01

bthenextstep: @mcgaula absolutely. I always used the analogy - is all our medication still in bottles? we
still counting gtts?? #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:01

alana_ngo: @bthenextstepThank you. Well,for those more experienced. Anything you think you
should've known first time on the job. #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:01

jtknowles007: @mcgaula Yep. I personally know an "RN" who doesn't have any CE's at all. Got license
in the 70s and just renews before expires !fb #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:02

bthenextstep: @jtknowles007 yeah - and those RN's give us a bad name. They started the 'eat our
young' practice/myth. #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:02

nursingpins: T3 could have a whole chat about how hospitals have changed the definition of what is a
nurse. #rnchat
8/28/2010 22:03

alana_ngo: T3 also find it surprising that other states dont require CEs. I'm currently licensed in MA
and NH. MA needs 15 CEs and NH 30 CEs #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:03

jtknowles007: @mcgaula Talk about not keeping up to date. This individual is terribly out of date - and
dangerous. !fb #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:03

tcoss: Before anyone goes, I need help on a Labor Economics study I'm doing on Nursing and
specialty certifications at http://bit.ly/cnRNzQ #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:03

EllenRichter: @alana_ngo My advice is to know your limitations! Thats the most important! You will
gain experience no faster by rushing yourself. #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:04

nursejaclyn: @EllenRichter Colorado doesn't require annual CEs for license renewal. Most facilities
require it for their employees. #rnchat
8/28/2010 22:04

mcgaula: @jtknowles007 eek. dont we have a duty to protect our pts? #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:04

bthenextstep: @EllenRichter @alana_ngo well said Ellen. #RNchat

8/28/2010 22:05

EllenRichter: @tcoss Interesting topic my friend! We need to make that yet another #RNchat topic!
Many of us have certifications no one recognizes
8/28/2010 22:05

mcgaula: @bthenextstep @jtknowles007 that is also true and eating their young I have seen many
times. #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:06

EllenRichter: @bthenextstep Thanks! ;) #RNchat

8/28/2010 22:06

nursingpins: You are right Ellen - takes years before you know what is really going on - "limitations"
8/28/2010 22:06

alana_ngo: @EllenRichter Thank you! =) #RNChat

8/28/2010 22:06

rnchat: OK, we're coming to a close! Give us your parting thoughts for the night! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:07

TeriRNBSN: T3: I have 2 admit I haven't "officially" done CE's yet but I do read them & answer the
questions Now will B "officially" doing CE's #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:07

EllenRichter: Funny about experience....each year I gained another notch of experience I realized just
how little I really knew! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:07

bthenextstep: @EllenRichter as an ATC 10 + years ago we HAD to maintain CEU's even back then. a
shame nursing hasn't followed the lead. #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:07

mcgaula: @EllenRichter sadly its those who dont know their limitations that could potentially give
the nursing profession a black eye #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:07

EllenRichter: @alana_ngo Keep us posted on how you are doing on the new job! OK? :) #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:08

bthenextstep: #rnchat in the end the only one that suffers from a lack of knowledge and skill is our
patients. no excuses.
8/28/2010 22:08

mcgaula: @EllenRichter that is sooooo true! #RNchat

8/28/2010 22:08

nursingpins: True Ellen - in a few years I will know nothing - lol #rnchat
8/28/2010 22:09

Trybarefoot: Hi #RNChat nurses - looks like a good chat happening tonite!

8/28/2010 22:09

alana_ngo: @EllenRichter Ok, I definitely will. I learned very interesting stuff from this chat. Is this
going to happen again anytime soon? #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:09

EllenRichter: @bthenextstep Yes I tell you, I'm blown away to hear how lax so many states are in
mandating RN CEs!! Its a disgrace! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:09
bthenextstep: @alana_ngo you're just scratching the Twitter surface! come back again! #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:09

EllenRichter: @nursingpins LMAO!!!!!!! #RNchat

8/28/2010 22:09

dlwdillon: RT @nursingpins: T3 From here most CEU's are online now - hospitals have almost no
education budget. Online CE is better also. #rnchat
8/28/2010 22:10

EllenRichter: @alana_ngo We do this every week! Just watch for our tweets each week with a date &
time!! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:10

rnchat: THANK YOU everybody for participating tonight's #RNchat. Transcript will be up soon.
8/28/2010 22:11

mcgaula: @bthenextstep @alana_ngo I am a relative newby to this as well. Its been a pleasure and
cant wait until next time! #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:11

bthenextstep: @RNchat glad i made the tail end of this chat. It's been a while! I miss it. #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:11

nursingpins: Thanks Phil - GN all. #rnchat

8/28/2010 22:12

EllenRichter: Great chat this week, @philbaumann even though you stymied us all with the post partum
depression topic! Nice way to spend Sat nite! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:12

Trybarefoot: Wisdom! -> RT @EllenRichter: ...each year I gained another notch of experience I
realized just how little I really knew! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:12

bthenextstep: #rnchat Always fun gang. I love the sparked conversation.

8/28/2010 22:13

TeriRNBSN: Glad to see the newbies. Please come back. Lots of great nurses here & some lurking
docs. =) #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:13

Trybarefoot: Sorry I missed it....... RT @RNchat: THANK YOU everybody for participating tonight's
#RNchat. Transcript will be up soon.
8/28/2010 22:13

philbaumann: @EllenRichter :) Cheers, Everyone! #RNchat

8/28/2010 22:14

EllenRichter: @Trybarefoot Actually I liked @nursingpin 's interpretation better! He said "True Ellen - in
a few years I will know nothing - lol" #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:14

EllenRichter: @bthenextstep Yes nice seeing you again! You've been missed at our chats! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:14
TeriRNBSN: @philbaumann Another great job. Great topics. Even if the PPD brought back clinical
nightmares. =S #RNChat
8/28/2010 22:14

Trybarefoot: ;) RT @EllenRichter: @Trybarefoot I liked @nursingpin 's interpretation better! "True Ellen
- in a few years I will know nothing" #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:16

EllenRichter: Great catching up with you all! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, folks! Remember if you
know any nurses on Twitter, send them to us! #RNchat
8/28/2010 22:16

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