Marketing Management - Marketing Plan Assignment - Final

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Opal Ruiz

Terryann Bodden-Bravo

Marketing Management

International College of the Cayman Islands

Professor Dr. Alicia Law

March 26th 2017


Marketing Plan Overview

The company that a marketing plan is being proposed for is Tortuga Rum Cake Co.

According to Winer and Dhar (2011), a marketing plan is referred to as a written document

which outlines the various guidelines for a companys marketing strategies and programs

throughout the planning period. In reality, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMSE)

such as Tortuga Rum Cake Co. do not have a proper marketing plan in place. However, the

needs of society are ever changing and hence the methods needed to increase brand awareness

are also different from what was done traditionally (Parrott, Muhammad, & Holliman, 2010). As

a result, it is necessary to have a culture that prioritizes the needs of customers if a small business

wishes to be effective and successful in the market (Parrott et al., 2010). Furthermore, a strategic

marketing plan is principally centered on gaining a competitive advantage (Verma, 2012). Winer

and Dhar (2011) states that a competitive advantage in the market refers to the strategic

development of factors whereby customers prefer to purchase a companys goods as opposed to

purchasing similar goods offered by a companys competitors. Therefore, the proposed

marketing plan can enable Tortuga Rum Co. to develop or maintain a competitive advantage in

the bakery industry.

The company has to establish itself in the market and develop strategies to ward off

possible competition in order to maintain its competitive advantage (Verma, 2012). Some of the

strategies which may be used by Tortuga Rum Cake Co. to ward off competition include

developing effective product differentiation, competitor pricing, competitor analysis, as well as

competitor targets (Winer & Dhar, 2011). Furthermore, this plan will focus on the companys

rum cakes as a product differentiation strategy due to Tortugas rum cake being unique in the

industry; however, some of the marketing may also encompass the wines and spirits. The main

aim of this marketing plan is to coincide with the companys goal of maximizing profits and

market share in the bakery industry. If the company can get the products seen by more

customers, there is a better chance that they will actually buy them. The plan also seeks to utilize

both a market penetration strategy and market development strategy to increase product

awareness within the target market (Winer & Dhar, 2011). A market development strategy is an

effective approach as it will enable Tortuga Rum Cake Co. to segment the target market in order

to specifically target potential customers who have not yet purchased the companys product,

thereby increasing product awareness (Winer & Dhar, 2011). Furthermore, the market

penetration strategy will also be an effective marketing strategy as it will enable Tortuga Rum

Cake Co. to further penetrate the current target marketing by specifically targeting existing

customers by getting those customers to purchase more rum cakes, thereby increasing customer

loyalty (Winer & Dhar, 2011). Therefore, this marketing plan seeks to outline various strategies

that will enable Tortuga Rum Cake Co. to increase product awareness which entices more

customers to purchase rum cakes and this ultimately translates into increased productivity and


In order to enhance its marketing mix, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. has developed various

objectives. According to Winer and Dhar (2011), the marketing mix is a particular set of

marketing decisions in relation to the price, product, distribution channels, communications, as

well as customer relationship management which implements the marketing strategy. In a similar

manner Khan, (2014), states that the marketing mix is the primary idea of marketing and it is

described as a set of maneuverable marketing tools used to bring about a particular action from

the target audience (Khan, 2014). In 1953, the American Marketing Association presidential

speech invented the term, marketing mix, which is also referred to as the Four P's i.e. product,

price, place of distribution, and promotion (Khan, 2014). The aforementioned factors are the

basis of a marketing strategy which is used to implement a marketing plan (Khan, 2014). It is the

aim of the company to have Tortuga Rum Cakes as the number one selling cake in the Cayman

Islands. It is also the companys objective to have the cakes featured and sold by all

supermarkets and liquor stores on the island. According to Winer and Dhar (2011), slotting

allowances is an effective approach for increasing product awareness in retail areas such as

supermarkets and other retail outlets. The company also has intentions to open for limited hours

on holidays so that customers can buy fresh cakes to enjoy on various holidays throughout the

year. The company aims to sell 150 cakes on a daily basis. Cakes are to be made in clean

hygienic workspaces. The customer base needs to be continually developed and expanded by at

least three to five percent each year over the next five years. Furthermore, Tortuga Rum Cake

Co. will strive to increase target sales by the same percentage for the next financial year and

open an additional three stores in different districts throughout Grand Cayman and will also look

into the feasibility of having a location in the sister islands, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac.

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. intends to attract a myriad of customers from all over the Cayman

Islands and tourists from all over the world.

Section 1: Executive Summary

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. is a local bakery that makes rum cakes with stores located in Jamaica

and the Cayman Islands. The company was founded in 1984 (Tortuga History, n.d.). The plan

of Tortuga Rum Cake Co. is to attract and retain the interest of its customers by offering various

different flavors of the rum cake product. The target customers are locals as well as tourists who

visit the island. In order to achieve its goals, the company endeavors to offer its products at

competitive prices and made with the best quality ingredients. The company prides itself on the

uniqueness of the products that they offer to its customers. Different sizes of the rum cake

products are sold which also includes variety packs. As part of this marketing plan, the company

will outline its marketing strategy. Various tools will be used to advertise and market the rum

cake products. These include the companys website, brochures, and advertisements in local

magazines. The company will develop its referral strategy in order to convert more potential

customers into buying customers. The aforementioned factors will enable the company to

establish a strong presence on the island and appeal to potential buyers overseas.

Section 2: Target Customers

Winer and Dhar (2011) states that the target market describes a particular segment or group

of customers that the firm has decided to pursue and focus its marketing strategy on. The target

market or target customers for whom Tortuga Rum Cake Co. focuses its marketing strategy are

locals as well as tourists that visit the Cayman Islands. Therefore, the two distinct segments that

Tortuga Rim Cake Co. seeks to attract are local people and tourists. It is crucial for the firm to

identify its core target segments as different customer segments have different values and are

looking for specific benefits from the product (Winer & Dhar, 2011). Therefore, both the local

customers and tourists have different values and are looking for different product benefits.

Hence it is these perceived values and benefits that guide the marketing strategy. However, there

is no focus on specific income brackets. The company wishes to provide its products to as many

people as possible by using quality products and good customer service as a backbone for

everything that they do. This philosophy is also supported by Winer and Dhar (2011) who states

that strong customer service is the backbone of any business.


Section 3: Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

The unique selling proposition of this company is the uniqueness of its rum cake product.

As a result, the unique selling proposition of Tortuga Rum Cake Co. is the uniqueness and

quality of its rum cake and hence focuses on a product differentiation approach. As mentioned

by Winer and Dhar (2011) the differentiation approach is an approach to developing a

competitive advantage which is achieved by emphasizing on noticeable differences in value in

which customers are willing to pay for. Furthermore, Tortuga Rum Cake is one of the only

products that are made in the Cayman Islands for export. Tortuga Rum Cake Co. positions itself

in the market as a competent, innovative brand who strives to please its customers. The

company feels that the rum cake brand attracts a variety of people over different classes. The

rum cakes being sold are what differentiate Tortuga Rum Cake Co. from other local bakeries.

This has earned them a niche position in the market.

As mentioned, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. seeks to use product differentiation as a key

unique selling proposition/marketing strategy to drive increased product awareness, customer

loyalty, and increased sales. The unique factors of Tortugas rum cake enable Tortuga Rum Cake

Co, to have a differential advantage in the market. Winer and Dhar (2011) states that a

differential advantage is one of the three aspects of the core marketing strategy which consist of

a statement of how a particular product is different, unique, and better than competitor products.

Therefore, the unique selling proposition of Tortuga Rum Cake Co. is that its rum cakes are

unique and made with the finest quality Tortuga Rum and other fresh ingredients hence Tortuga

Rum Cake is second to none.


Section 4: Pricing & Positioning Strategy

The pricing and position strategy is an essential component of the overall marketing plan.

Furthermore, the price of a product is often what makes or breaks a sale transaction hence the

pricing and positioning strategy must be appropriately designed according to customer

expectations and the overall target market (Winer & Dhar, 2011). The company sells 32 and 16-

ounce size rums cakes as well as variety packs with small 4 ounce cakes inside (Our Best Selling

Products, n.d.). In terms of prices, a 32 ounce cake typically sells for CI$32.95 and $24.95 for a

16-ounce cake (Our Best Selling Products, n.d.). It is important to note that price is a notable

aspect of the product which can result in a customers decision to make a purchase, and by the

same token price is directly linked to margin per units sold (Winer and Dhar, 2011).

While the prices displayed may seem high to some customers, it should be considered

reasonable due to the ingredients that are utilized especially the Tortuga rum being the most

expensive. Tortuga Rum Cake Company sells quality made cakes with only the best ingredients.

The company proposes to review pricing on an annual basis to ascertain whether increases are

needed. However, as much as possible the company attempts to meet revenue goals through

volume and not necessarily by raising prices. It is the belief that if customers notice too many

increases in prices they may be turned off and sales may decline as a result. Therefore, Tortugas

rum cakes must be appropriately priced and positioned according to the target market as well as

perceived customer expectations.


Section 5: Distribution Plan

Tortuga has a well-structured website that allows customers to go online to purchase its

products. Customers can also visit any of the stores to buy rum cakes. Additionally, they have a

store at the airport for anyone who wants to purchase something at the last minute, especially

tourists. They feel that this will create a positive experience for the customers and cause them to

spread the word to friends and family. The company is considering introducing a home delivery

to customers in the George Town area. Additionally, Tortuga has redesigned its distribution plan

in order to include major cruise lines such as Carnival Cruise Lines that come into Cayman as a

distributor or distribution center for its products. Moreover, the redesigned distribution plan also

includes airlines that fly directly to the Cayman Islands such as American Airlines and others.

Thousands of visitors come to the Cayman Islands via cruise ship and airlines. Therefore,

incorporating these agencies into the Tortuga distribution plan can maximize the companys

potential to reach a greater number of customers within the tourism target market.

Tortuga would also seek to use hotels such as the Westin or Marriot as channels of

distribution which would enable the company to reach more tourists. This theory is supported by

Winer and Dhar (2011) who advise that channels of distribution are advantageous as such

structures enable consumers to have greater access to buy a firms products and or services. The

benefit that the original company receives is that distribution channels are beneficial to increase

the distribution of product and therefore are a value-added chain (Winer & Dhar, 2011). In

addition, the original company has some level of confidence that the distribution center will

invest money and time to persuade greater quantities of end-consumers to buy goods or services

(Winer & Dhar, 2011). Additionally, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. should widen its distribution

channels. This would be consistent with the push feature of channel management in which the

company focuses on getting more intermediaries or distribution channels to sell or carry its

products (Winer & Dhar, 2011).

Section 6: Your Offers

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. recognizes that bonuses, discounts, and special offers are an

effective method to retain existing customers as well as attract new ones. The company has

various specials and discounts. As mentioned by Winer and Dhar (2011), relationship building

promotions such as sweepstakes or games can be beneficial as it enables the ability to increase

consumer awareness of a product or service instead of increasing short-term sales (Winer &

Dhar, 2011). In particular, if a customer buys any 16-ounce rum cake they qualify to receive

half-off the second cake. All first time buyers are offered a ten percent discount on the most

expensive item purchased. This type of customer-oriented promotion can be effective in

encouraging a long-term effect on the purchasing behavior of customers (Winer & Dhar, 2011).

The offers are also applicable if a customer only purchases one cake, as he or she

qualifies for the same discount. Any customer that refers someone to our store which leads to a

purchase will receive a free 16-ounce cake of their choice. Additionally, the company will host

quarterly promotions to attract customers. This will include giveaways such as cakes, t-shirts

and other merchandise. In the annual promotion, customers can also enter to win raffle prizes

such as a weekend airline ticket to Jamaica, flat screen TVs, and restaurant and movie gift cards.

Moreover, tie-in promotions such as offering a free movie ticket for a product purchase can

improve the product image thus developing a relationship with the customer and this can

translate to a long-term effect on buying behavior as well as customer loyalty (Winer & Dhar,


Section 7: Marketing Materials

The marketing materials used by this company include its website, printed brochures,

business cards, and advertisements in local magazines. Tortuga Rum Cake Co.s website is a

great forum to market its products. However, it needs some redesigning in order to make it more

user-friendly and in line with other websites. Digital marketing is considered to be one the

biggest shifts seen in traditional marketing (Baltes, 2015). This change is monumental and

necessitated marketing strategies to be reevaluated if companies wanted to maintain

competitiveness in a new digital arena (Baltes, 2015). As a result, content marketing has become

the main part of an effective online marketing campaign and the major tool of digital marketing

(Baltes, 2015). According to Baltes (2010), content marketing products can include various

dimensions and marketing mediums such as online or print newsletters, custom magazines,

electronic/digital content, microsites or websites, webinars or webcasts, white papers, podcasts,

series or portals, videos, road shows, roundtable events, online interactive, events, or email.

Furthermore, the objective of such information is to inform and increase brand awareness among

the target market and potential new customers in relation to the companys products (Baltes,

2015). As a result of this Tortuga Rum Cake Co. will capitalize on online marketing and content

to bring greater awareness of its products and also to maximize the efficacy of its marketing


Section 8: Promotions Strategy

There are various ways to reach new customers including television ads, trade show

marketing, press releases, online advertising, event marketing, and word of mouth. Because of

the cost involved, the company does not feel it would be worth it to invest heavily in television

ads. These days, if a company wants to be competitive digitally it is vital to have marketing

content that is suited to the target audience by utilizing the right social networks (Baltes, 2015).

As such, efforts will be focused on online advertising through the use of the companys website

and social media sites. Additionally, there will be strategically placed billboards throughout the

island. The company will also engage in event marketing at shows such as the annual business

expo or other shows where they can showcase its product/s. Additionally, what has worked and

they will continue to use is somewhat of a traditional marketing approach. Nothing surpasses

word of mouth. If tourists come to the island and experience the rum cakes and then take some

home for their friends and family, this spreads and attracts more people to buy the products.

Section 9: Online Marketing Strategy

The four key components to Tortuga Rum Cake Cos online marketing strategy are as follows:

1. Keyword Strategy: identify what keywords the company would like to optimize its website


As part of Tortuga Rum Cake Co.s online marketing strategy, the company will identify

what keywords it would like to optimize its website for. Search engine optimization increases

consumers awareness of the companys website making marketing efforts more effective

(Castronovo & Huang, 2012). There are numerous ways that Tortuga Rum Cake Co. can utilize

online marketing. Firstly, companies pay search engines to have websites come up as an

advertisement when people search for a particular word (Castronovo & Huang, 2012).

Furthermore, there is also the option to strategically get the companys website listed when

specific searches are made by consumers (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). The company will pay

Google to ensure its website shows up when consumers search for the word cake. An advert

will pop up from Tortuga Rum Cake Co. featuring its products when people go online and search

for cakes.

2. Search Engine Optimization Strategy: document updates that the company will make to its

website so it shows up more prominently for top keywords.

There is an increasing trend whereby consumers are shifting more to the internet to view

information about products. Due to this, search engine optimization is becoming even more

critical to the marketing approach (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). A good search engine

optimization normally starts out with a keyword analysis because the company needs to ascertain

the right keywords to be used (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). After this point, the companys

website will need to be formatted to show the keywords in titles and other information

(Castronovo & Huang, 2012). Moreover, as mentioned before companies can also utilize paid

search advertisements where search engines such as Google are paid to deliver messages once

certain keywords are used to search for products or services online (Castronovo & Huang, 2012).

In order to ascertain whether such an undertaking is effective, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. will

scrutinize how its website ranks among competitors and the frequency of visitors, clicks, and

referrals (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). This information can be freely obtained from visiting the

same search engine that is paid to advertise for the company from using keywords (Castronovo

& Huang, 2012). Therefore, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. will utilize search engine optimization to

drive more traffic to its website.


3. Paid Online Advertising Strategy: write down the online advertising programs the company

will use to reach target customers.

As a result of the internet, potential customers now have increased opportunities to build

relationships with each other (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). This creates a strong medium that

rapidly disperses product information enabling products to be readily adopted by the market at a

cheaper cost (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). Companies can utilize online networks and

communities to enhance the awareness of products via search engine optimization which is

actually an electronic form of word-of-mouth (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). As a result of this

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. will use a paid online advertising strategy to a greater number the target


4. Social Media Strategy: document how the company will use social media websites to attract


Social media plays a pivotal role in a companys communication program. Once it is

utilized properly, social media can produce tremendous benefits for a business (Castronovo &

Huang, 2012). When developing a social media strategy various tools can be used. In order to

determine the variation of social media that will be utilized, the company will need to conduct

some sort of research to ascertain what social media sites are used by the target audience

(Castronovo & Huang, 2012). According to Castronovo & Huang (2012), social media is

normally utilized to attain certain business objectives which include enhancing awareness,

boosting sales, or increasing loyalty (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). However, it is important to

measure whether or not a social media program is actually effective. In order to determine this,

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. will need to constantly evaluate the amount of interactions and interest

among key stakeholders (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). Relationships and content are two factors

that are derived from social media (Castronovo & Huang, 2012). The company will be able to

decipher if the social media marketing program is effective by looking at its ability to create

positive chatter in regards to its business, products, and services. This will create results that the

company can measure through heightened awareness, increased sales and customer loyalty

(Castronovo & Huang, 2012). Consequently, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. will actively use social

media platforms as a tool for increasing brand and product awareness.

Section 10: Conversion Strategy

In order to build the conversion of prospective customers into paying customers, the

company should improve its customer service. This strategy will also be enhanced by the

performance of other areas such as the referrals. A customer may buy a product and then turn

around and tells his or her friends or family about their experience. The chances are at least one

of the people that heard about the product will come into a store to buy something. To assist

with the conversion strategy, the company has devised a customer comment card that customers

can fill out and leave in drop boxes and locations throughout the island.

The questions that will be asked are as follows:

1) Are you are returning customer or is this the first time you are buying from us?

2) Do you live in the Cayman Islands?

3) Do you feel that the rum cakes made by Tortuga Rum Cake Co. are too sweet?

4) Are there any specific areas that you would like to see us improve?

5) How is our customer service?

6) Can you think of any other flavors you would like us to introduce?

7) Can you think of any other way that we can use the recipes (i.e. Cupcakes)?

8) What do you think about our prices?

9) What do you think about our product packaging?

10) Would you recommend us to friends and family?

Section 11: Joint Ventures & Partnerships

The company aims to partner with local supermarkets and stores to carry its rum cakes.

Each of our partners will receive a discount for buying the cakes. Additionally, the company

feels that it would be extremely beneficial to have small banners strategically placed in the

supermarkets or stores to entice people to buy rum cakes. Furthermore, Tortuga also aims to

develop partnerships and joint ventures with local organizations who share a similar target

market. Particularly, Tortuga will seek to develop a partnership with the Cayman Islands

Department of Tourism. The Department of Tourisms mission is to attract and retain visitation

to the Cayman Islands whilst promoting the Cayman Islands as a premier sun, sand, and sea

destination (O. Richards, personal communication, February 28, 2017). There are a number of

ways in which Tortuga could partner with the Cayman Islands Department of Tourism based

upon a common interest in the tourism sector as a target market. The Department is responsible

for facilitating familiarization trips and such trips could include tours of the Tortuga factory as

well as demonstrations and free sampling of Tortugas Rum Cake, parties and other Tortuga

products. The Department could also include Tortuga under where to stay & eat section of its


Section 12: Referral Strategy

Every customer that refers another to our store will receive a discount on their next

purchase with the company. This is discussed in more detail under Section 6, The Offers. A

referral strategy is necessary as the company needs to find ways to spark the interests of

customers. Tortuga Rum Cake Co. wants customers to walk away and say good things about the

company and share positive experiences with friends and family. The company is hopeful that

the revenue that they will make will surpass anything lost on giveaways. According to Winer and

Dhar (2011), good customers often speak to their friends and family about companies that they

purchase goods and services from. As a consequence, companies receive additional business

from referrals or word of mouth from customers who are satisfied (Winer & Dhar, 2011). This is

particularly a great source of new business (Winer & Dhar, 2011). Therefore, the goal is to

develop an official referral strategy to spread the word and to create a positive buzz about

Tortuga Rum Cakes in such a manner that people will keep coming back and new people will be

attracted based on the referrals of others.

Section 13: Strategy for Increasing Transaction Prices.

The company feels that its products are priced fairly. While there are a number of

bakeries on the island, there is no real competitor in the arena for rum cakes in the Cayman

Islands. Therefore Tortuga Rum Cake Co. is left to set prices. The company is still cognizant of

its customers and wants to offer the most reasonable price possible and still make some sort of

profit. As the company increases its sales, it would like to be in a position to raise prices. The

company acknowledges, however, that in order to raise prices they need to have a suitable

amount of loyal customers. They need to be able to predict sales and have steady revenue

streams. In order to achieve sales goals, the company needs to look at creating more repeat buys

and turning one-off customers into loyal customers. However, the company will seek to develop

increased transaction buyers such as tourist passing through the Cayman Islands in transit or for

short trips. According to Winer and Dhar (2011), transaction buyers are one-off customers who

are simply interested in the specific purchase at hand as opposed to creating an ongoing

relationship with the company. Hence it would be a feasible approach for Tortuga Rum Cake Co.

to seek to increase transaction buyers, such as people passing through the Cayman Islands on

one-off visits.

Section 14: Retention Strategy

Competition is the bakery business is very stiff in the Cayman Islands. Customers have a

choice to buy other kinds of pastries and not necessarily rum cakes. As such, the company has to

find creative ways to retain customers and attract new ones. Tortuga Rum Cake Co. has come up

with several retention strategies. The company will introduce a monthly newsletter and customer

loyalty program in order to retain customers and further build its market share. There will be

giveaways such as those mentioned under Section 6, The Offers. Additionally, the company will

use an up to date customer relationship management (CRM) system to coordinate information

and manage the customers it serves.


Section 15: Financial Projections

The financial projections of the company are dependent on certain underlying

assumptions. Firstly, the company assumes that the economy will continue to grow at the same

pace as in previous years and that the Cayman Islands will not experience any major recessions.

The company does not anticipate any unforeseen changes in technology which will significantly

affect its operations. Additionally, it is assumed that Tortuga Rum Cake Co. will have access to

and be able to obtain capital to finance its operations and ongoing developments to its product

line of rum cakes.

Tortuga Rum Cake Co.s financial year is the same as the calendar year, January to

December. The cost of sales includes the average cost of ingredients used in the cake. Sales

forecasts factor in costs and they are subtracted from any projected sales figures. Based on its

target market and its sales over the last five years, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. anticipates receiving

approximately a four percent growth in sales in the next financial period. The profitability of

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. is dependent on keeping costs as low as possible while simultaneously

increasing sales. The last five years have been good for the company as it has received steady

sales with notable increases every year.

General Overview:

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. has been on the local scene for many years. The company

recognizes that the behaviors and buying habits of consumers are changing. Today, most people

use the internet to view products and information prior to making a purchase. Additionally,

people use their mobile phones to do research and often times this is how advertisements get

seen. As such, marketing needs to evolve to suit these changes and in order to reach the most

people possible. The idea behind this marketing plan is to enable the company to look at current

processes with fresh eyes and reformat the website and marketing tools used in order to assist the

company in meeting its sales goals and objectives. The company has seen that they can promote

its brand and retain its customers through search engine maximization, social media marketing

and word of mouth.

Tortuga Rum Cake Co. has also decided to revamp the promotions it is currently offering

by giving discounts and doing monthly draws for customers to win free stuff. Additionally, the

company has looked at partnering with supermarkets, liquor stores, cruise lines, airlines, hotels

and even the Department of Tourism. By using these modes of advertising and offering the rum

cakes at a reasonable price with quality ingredients, Tortuga Rum Cake Co. strives to meet its

sales targets for the next five years. Looking back, the company has managed to keep a steady

influx of customers and sales. It anticipates a four percent growth in sales in the next financial

period. With all of the new marketing measures that are being implemented, Tortuga Rum Cake

Co. feels confident that it will meet or surpass its objectives.



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