Austin Czachowski Key Assessment Template

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Technology Integration Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Austin Czachowski School:

Subject Area(s): Grade Level: 11 Cool Tool Used:Story Bird

ELA-American Lit

Lesson Title/Topic: Write a short story using Story Bird. Story must be
What is the topic? What is the title? 250-400 words long. Needs to include at least 3

Lesson Georgia State Standard: ELAGSE11-12W5: Develop and strengthen writing as

needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or
trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what
is most significant for a specific purpose and
audience. (Editing for conventions should
demonstrate command of Language standards 13
up to and including grades 11-12.)
Learning Goals: Given a topic students will strengthen their writing by
What specific curriculum learning writing as needed by planning, revising, editing,
outcomes will be addressed in this lesson rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on
or project? (Broad statement of expected addressing what is most significant for a specific
learning outcomes.) purpose and audience.

Lesson Objectives: (3)

What will students experience and be able Level 1: Able to write at least one paragraph that
to do as a result of this lesson or project? demonstrates staying on topic.
(Specific statement of observable student Level 2: Can develop well thought sentences and
behavior(s).) ideas.
Level 3: Can write fully thought out paragraphs with
well developed structured sentences and correct
grammar. Is able to convey ideas and stay on topic.
Webbs DOK Level: Level 1: Recall elements and details of story
structure, such as sequence of events, character, plot
and setting. Describe the features of a place or
Level 2: Organize, represent and interpret data.
Identify and summarize the major events in a
Level 3: Support ideas with details and examples.
Use voice appropriate to the purpose and audience.
Apply a concept in other contexts
Differentiation: For some students we will predetermine the subject
Explain how you could differentiate this and plan out storyboard for lower level. Higher level
activity to meet the levels of all students. students will be more self guided.
How will you meet the needs of your gifted
learners? How will you meet the needs of
your students that are not performing on
grade level?

Technology Addressed: Use of word processor and computer typing.

What technology skills and/or goals will be
addressed in this lesson or project?

Technology Required: Computer, internet

What software programs and hardware
are needed for this lesson or project?

Technology Enhancement: Allows students to post stories online where they can
Identify the chosen technology(s) and be evaluated and viewed by peers. This allows
describe how it enhances the learning students to be able to see peers thoughts on their
activity(s): Check Out SAMR Resources creative writing.

Other Materials/Resources: Computer, internet access.

What other materials will be needed to
carry out the lesson objectives? What
resources will be needed including books,
web page links and/or outside speakers,

Student Prerequisite: Computer typing, general computer knowledge.

What skills and technology experience will
students need to be successful in this
lesson or project?

Lesson Starter: Begin by showing them an example of a story I have

What will you do to introduce the lesson or written and that has been peer reviewed, along with
project? Are the connections to the the comments made by those who have read it.
curriculum, technology, and the research
process clear?

Student Focused Activity: Writing a short story that helps the students develop
What activities will your students do during their writing skills.
this lesson or project? Have you identified
the technology activities the students are
to participate in?

Extension Activities: Students would be able to continue the writing

What activities could your students do to process through peer editing of others stories.
extend the knowledge gained from this
lesson or project?

Student Assessment: Following a rubric designed to grade students on

How will you assess the extent to which ability to follow directions, and creating meaningful
the students have achieved the goals and content.
objectives (including the curriculum and
technology standards)?

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