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Throughout his strongman career Pudzianowski has attracted attention not only for his
impressive physique but also because of his irregular diet regime. Whenever he has been asked
about his diet Mariusz has always replied with comments such as I eat everything. I do not
follow any particular diet. I eat anything I want, anytime I want and No diet. More
training!. In an interview with Muscle & Fitness magazine Mariusz was quoted as saying;
My energy comes from my diet. Breakfast is 10 eggs and 2-3 pounds of bacon. Between
meals, I eat lots of candyI need it for energy. Lunch, at 1 or 2 p.m., is a double meal of a
Polish pork chop, sauerkraut and potatoesAn hour later, I work out, then take lots of
supplements: magnesium, creatine, amino acids, all that stuff, and more chocolateDinner is
whatever meat I can get: steaks, pork chops, bacon, plus more sauerkraut and potatoes.
[After I work out] I have a protein shake and more chocolate At 3 or 4 AM, I wake up and
have more chocolate, then go back to sleep until morning.
However, although his diet may not appear to follow a strict routine, his training regime is the
complete opposite. At the height of his strongman career Mariusz trained 5 days a week for
between 3 and 6 hours. He would often train two times a day; during which time he would
demonstrate a formidable combination of muscular power and endurance.
For example, when training with two time Americans Strongest Man Champion Steve Kirit,
Mariusz revealed that he lifted weights every single day in the off-season even before he began
his diligent strongman competition training. Mariusz demonstrated to Kirit that, when
preparing for a strongman competition, he will carry out squatting exercises on day one, dead
lifts on day two, front squats on day three and then return once again to squatting exercises on
day four. In addition to this gruelling regime, Mariusz also admitted that he would also train
his shoulders with behind the neck jerks three times a week. In a singular 90 minute training
session Kirit reveals that Mariusz was able to carry out the following exercises:

10 sets of pull-ups and chin-ups (7 to 10 reps for each set)

5 sets of lat pull-downs (10 reps for each set)

5 sets of lat rows (10 reps for each set)

5 sets of good mornings (6 to 10 reps for each set)

5 sets of standing triceps skull-crushers (10 reps for each set with 155kg weights)

5 sets of triceps push-downs (10 reps for each set)

5 sets of deadlifting (working up to 655kg for several reps)

In a separate interview, it was confirmed that Mariusz often trained twice a day in preparation
for the Worlds Strongest Man competitions. During this time he adopted a training regime
that is commonly known as pyramiding; wherein Mariusz gradually raised the weights he used
for each set but kept the amount of reps completed the same. An example of this technique is
evident in Mariuszs execution of the following exercises:
Standing Military Press: This exercise would usually be carried out by placing a barbell on a
squat rack and adding discs up to your preferred weight. You would then slightly bend your
knees and place the barbell on your collar bone. You would then lift the barbell up, keeping it
lying on your chest, take a step back, position your feet shoulder width apart and then lift the
bar up over your head, locking your arms. After doing so you would hold the barbell at shoulder
level, lower the barbell back down to your collar bone and then lift the barbell back up again for
the allocated number of reps.
Alternatively, Mariuszs technique was to place the weight plates onto a barbell, place the
barbell on the floor and spread his feet at shoulder width in preparation. He would then pick up
the barbell with an overhand grip and position the bar under his chin by the front of his neck.
From here, Mariusz would push the barbell upwards, extend his arms, lift the bar back down to
his neck and repeat. He would carry out this exercise according to the following pyramid

60 to100kg warm-up sets

4 to 5 reps at 110kg

4 to 5 reps at 120kg

4 to 5 reps at 130kg

4 to 5 reps at 140kg
By carrying out the exercise in this manner Mariusz was able to isolate his shoulder muscles
and tire them out to exhaustion without having to work his chest at all.
Barbell Squat: By carrying out these power lifting style workouts at a rapid speed, Mariusz
was able to efficiently build significant muscle mass. For example, when training his lower back
and quadriceps, Mariusz would use barbell squats. This exercise would involve Mariusz loading
weights onto a barbell that rested on a rack, spreading his feet shoulder width apart, standing
underneath the barbell and positioning the weight to rest on his shoulders behind his head.
When squatting, Mariusz would bend his knees forward all the while keeping his back straight
and continue bending until his thighs were practically parallel to the floor before lifting the
weight upwards. This particular technique helped Mariusz develop an extremely stable core
and formidable lower back strength throughout his career. Consequently, by combining
pyramiding techniques with power lifting exercises Mariusz was able to develop the strength
and skill needed to excel in strongman events.
Sample Training Workouts
Listed below is an example of a Mariusz Pudzianowski pyramid training workout. Although the
individual exercises may have varied throughout the course of his strongman career, the core
structure of training twice a day, five days a week according to a pyramid regime remained
Day One
(Morning Training Session)

Back Squats: 8 sets of 6 to 2 reps

Leg Curls: 6 sets of 20 reps

Leg Extension: 6 sets of 20 reps

Pull ups: 6 sets of 15 reps

Chin ups: 6 sets of 10 reps

Behind The Neck Pull down: 4 sets of 15 reps

Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 15 reps

Abs Exercises that include Hanging Leg Raises & Side Raises amongst others: 6 sets of 30
reps each
(Afternoon Training Session)

Sandbag Carry (130kg on back): 3 sets of 170 meters

Conans Wheel (290kg): 3 sets of 5 revolutions

Tire Flip: 3 sets of 10 flips

Day Two
(Morning Training Session)

Leg Press: 4 sets of 15 reps

Calf Work: 6 sets of 15 reps

Standing Military Press: 7 warm-up sets of 5 reps (60kg to 100kg), followed by 6 working
sets (pyramiding up from 110kg to 140kg) of 5 to 4 reps

Deadlifts: 6 warm-up sets of 5 reps (working up to 200kg), followed by 6 working sets of 5

reps (pyramiding up to 300kg)

Good Mornings (100kg): 8 sets of 15 reps

(Afternoon Training Session)

Bushmans Walk: 3 sets of carrying 300kg for 15 meters

Presses with Machine Used in Strongman Competition: 3 sets of 10 reps (working with

Parallel Crucifix Hold: working with 40kg weights for 30 seconds

Day Three
(Morning Training Session)

Bench Press: 8 warm-up sets of 8 to 2 reps (working up to 180kg), followed by multiple

working sets of 8 to 2 reps (pyramiding from 150kg up to 220kg)

Barbell Triceps Extensions: multiple sets and reps, working up to 80kg

Standing French Press

(Afternoon Training Session)
Sandbag Carry (130kg on back): 3 sets of 170 meters

Conans Wheel (290kg): 3 sets of 5 revolutions

Tire Flip: 3 sets of 10 flips


Parallel stairs
As well as this vigorous weekly weightlifting routine, Mariusz also carried out 15 minutes of
skipping rope every day, participated in karate practice twice a week, medium distance running
throughout the week and swimming practice three to four times a week!
The arduous nature of this routine would exhaust even the most advanced of weightlifters, but
Mariusz was often able to carry out these training sessions in 90 minutes or less! When asked
about how he could train so rapidly without sustaining injury, Mariusz explained how;
The reasons Ive never injured myself are probably because my reps are smooth, not
explosive, and because I work so hard on conditioningI do lots of swimming, three or four
times a week, jump rope every day, and I run a lot, even while carrying heavy resistance: I
grab a 200-pound bag of sand and run back and forth with it.
As a result, it is no surprise that Mariuszs strongman success was fuelled by his dedication to
improving his form and his strength. As Steve Kirit revealed when he trained with Mariusz, the
strongman shows, in all his movements, champion formextreme discipline and precision in
the weight room and that Mariusz stresses proper form and technique at all times. He never
sacrifices technique for more weight, ever, he says.
Kirit went on to describe how Mariusz uses his extensive knowledge of correct weightlifting
form and technique to instruct other athletes. He conveyed how;
The one big thing I can say that earned Mariusz a bunch of new fans at my gym is the way
he carried himself, simply like another gym member giving respect and props to others in the
gym. At one point my friend and bench press competitor Mike Barravecchio was doing board
presses with 700 pounds and Mariusz shook his head and smiled at him and said too much!
On another occasion two high school kids where front squatting with horrible form, Mariusz
ran over and offered assistance and a demonstration of proper technique to themOverall,
the experience was very positive and memorable for myself as well as many others in the
gymI learned that you can never have too much knowledge, whether it be about training, or
your fellow competitors.
All in all, it is evident that Mariuszs gargantuan diet, intense training regime and long term
commitment to perfecting his weightlifting form culminated in significant strongman success
and the well-earned nickname of The Dominator!

Mariusz Pudzianowski
Strongman Training Workout
Dec 30,2010 / By Iron Hercules / 1 Comment

Monday Morning Gym Session 9 am
Back squat Warm-up: 8 sets, pyramiding from 60 to 160kg.
Squat working sets Pyramiding from 160 to 280kg, reps going from 6 down to
2. Mariusz performs his squats Olympic-style, he uses knee wraps and a belt.
Mariusz Pudzianowski leg curl (for hamstrings) 6 sets of 20 reps.
Leg extension (for quads) 6 sets of 20 reps.
Pull up 6 sets of 15 reps.
Chin up 6 sets of 10 reps.
Behind-the-neck pulldowns 4 sets of 15 reps.
Barbell rows 4 sets of 15 reps.
Abs 6 sets of 30 reps. Exercises include hanging leg raise, bends, various.
Monday Afternoon Event Training 7 pm with Strongman
Sandbag carry (130kg on back) 3 times 170 meters.
Conans wheel 290kg 3 times 2.5 revolutions.
Tire flip 3 sets of 10 flips.
Tuesday Morning Gym Session 9 am
Mariusz strongman front squats work up to 250.
Calf work 6 sets of 15 reps.
Standing military press Warm-up sets 7 sets of 60 to 100kg. Work sets 6
sets pyramiding up from 110, 120, 130, 140kg for 5-4 reps.
Deadlifts Warm-up sets 6 with 200kg. Work sets work up to 300kg.
Good mornings 8 sets with 100kg.
Afternoon Session 7 pm
Bushmans walk 300 kg 3 x 15 meters.
Presses with machine used in competition 3 sets of 10 reps with 120kg.
Parallel crucifix Hold 40kg weights for 30 seconds.
Wednesday Morning Gym Session 9 am
Bench press Warm-up sets work up to 180kg in 8 sets. Work sets work up
from 150kg to 220kg, going from 8 down to 2 reps.
Barbell extensions work up to 80kg.
Standing french press.
Afternoon 7 pm
Same as Monday plus powerstairs and so called parallel stairs.
Strongman Mariusz Pudzianowski Tribute
Bio Mariusz Pudzianowski

Official Site:

Mariusz Pudzianowski has been involved in

strength sports since the December of 1990.
At the young age of 16, he entered his first
national bench press competition and
managed to press 160kg (353lb). Two years
later, Mariusz joined the four-wheel club with a
205kg (452lb) lift. His domination of the Polish
Championships in the four years that he
entered would be the beginning of a pattern of
victories that would lead him to become the
Word's Strongest Man in 2002.
Aside from being a world-class strength athlete, Mariusz maintains and constantly improves his
agility, conditioning, and general physical preparedness through other athletic endeavors. He is an
exponent of Kyokushin karate (fourth kyu), which he has been practicing since the age of 11. He
was also a competitive boxer for seven years, three of which were spent in the Kosedowski League.
On May 1, 1999, Mariusz entered his first Strongman competition, which was held in Plock, Poland.
Mariusz is a favorite every Strongman competition he enters, having been defeated only twice in
Poland through 2002, and his worst placing being a respectable second.

Strong Man's World Records held by Mariusz Pudzianowski:

- The clock
- The parallel stairs (carrying 3 weight on the stairs)
- The walk of lumberman (carrying of 180kg heavy block)
- Over - rolling of tire (8 turns)
- Run with suitcases of 125kg each
- The walk of farmer
- Combined competition (embarking of sacks and run with an anvil)

The measurements of Mariusz Pudzianowski:

- Biceps 56 cm
- Nape 54 cm
- Waist 92 cm
- Thigh 80 cm
- Weight 132 kg
- Height 186 cm
- Chest 148 cm
- Forearm 45 cm

Own records:

- Bench Press 275 kg

- Squat 360 kg
- Deadlift 395 kg
Mariusz Pudzianowski's Sample Training Cycle Workout

As one of only a handful of Strongmen, Mariusz trains twice a day, five days a week. Below you'll
find a sample workout routine as well as the loads used for various exercises.
Warning! This is a very demanding schedule even for Mariusz's closest friends and fellow Polish
strongmen. Dear reader, if your aspiration is to become a strongman, remember that Rome wasn't
built in a day. Train with utmost intensity, but know your limits. (...)

Python's Training


Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Back Squat
Warm-up: 8 sets, pyramiding from 60 to 160kg
Work sets: pyramiding from 160 to 280kg, reps going from 6 down to 2
Mariusz performs his squats olympic-style, he uses knee wraps and a belt.
Leg Curl (for hamstrings)
6 sets of 20 reps
Leg Extension (for quads)
6 sets of 20 reps
Pull Up
6 sets of 15 reps
Chin Up
6 sets of 10 reps
Behind-the-neck Pulldowns
4 sets of 15 reps
Barbell Rows
4 sets of 15 reps
Abs: 6 sets of 30 reps
exercises used (haging leg raise, bends,
Afternoon Event Training (19.00) with
Strongman Equipment
Sandbag Carry (130kg on back)
3 times 170 meters
Conan's Wheel - 290kg
3 times 2.5 revolutions
Tire Flip
3 sets of 10 flips

Tuesday Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Front Squats
work up to 250
Calf Work
6 sets of 15 reps
Standing Military Press
Warm-up sets - 7 sets of 60 to 100kg
Work sets - 6 sets pyramiding up from 110,
120, 130, 140kg for 5-4 reps
Warm-up sets - 6 with 200kg
Work sets - work up to 300kg
Good Mornings
8 sets with 100kg

Afternoon Session (19.00)

Mariusz Pudzianowski's Training Cycle

Mariusz Pudzianowski's Sample Training Cycle

Mariusz trains twice a day, five days a week. Below you'll find a sample
workout routine as well as the loads used for various exercises.

Python's Training
Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Back Squat
Warm-up: 8 sets, pyramiding from 60 to 160kg
Work sets: pyramiding from 160 to 280kg, reps going from 6 down to 2
Mariusz performs his squats olympic-style, he uses knee wraps and a belt.

Leg Curl (for hamstrings)

6 sets of 20 reps

Leg Extension (for quads)

6 sets of 20 reps

Pull Up
6 sets of 15 reps

Chin Up
6 sets of 10 reps

Behind-the-neck Pulldowns
4 sets of 15 reps
Barbell Rows
4 sets of 15 reps

Abs: 6 sets of 30 reps

exercises used (haging leg raise, bends, various)

Afternoon Event Training (19.00) with Strongman Equipment

Sandbag Carry (130kg on back)

3 times 170 meters

Conan's Wheel - 290kg

3 times 2.5 revolutions

Tire Flip
3 sets of 10 flips

Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Front Squats
work up to 250

Calf Work
6 sets of 15 reps

Standing Military Press

Warm-up sets - 7 sets of 60 to 100kg
Work sets - 6 sets pyramiding up from 110, 120, 130, 140kg for 5-4 reps

Warm-up sets - 6 with 200kg
Work sets - work up to 300kg

Good Mornings
8 sets with 100kg

Afternoon Session (19.00)

Bushman's Walk
300 kg 3 x 15 meters

Presses with Machine Used in Competition

3 sets of 10 reps with 120kg

Parallel Crucifix
Hold 40kg weights for 30 seconds
Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Bench Press
Warm-up sets - work up to 180kg in 8 sets
Work sets - work up from 150kg to 220kg, going from 8 down to 2 reps

Barbell Extensions: work up to 80kg

Standing French Press

Afternoon (19.00)
Same as Monday plus powerstairs and so called parallel stairs

These are just excerpts of Mariusz's training program. Each of his training
sessions is precluded by 15-min of skipping rope (of course, he used to be a
boxer). He finishes every workout with abdominal work. On top of all this,
there is twice-a-week karate practice and recovery work which includes
swimming. (...). You can also find Mariusz doing his medium-distance runs.
300 kg 3 x 15 meters
Presses with Machine Used in Competition
3 sets of 10 reps with 120kg
Parallel Crucifix
Hold 40kg weights for 30 seconds

Wednesday Morning Gym Session (9.00)

Bench Press
Warm-up sets - work up to 180kg in 8 sets
Work sets - work up from 150kg to 220kg, going from 8 down to 2 reps
Barbell Extensions: work up to 80kg
Standing French Press
Afternoon (19.00) Same as Monday plus powerstairs and so called parallel stairs
These are just excerpts of Mariusz's training program. Each of his training sessions is precluded
by 15-min of skipping rope (of course, he used to be a boxer). He finishes every workout with
abdominal work. On top of all this, there is twice-a-week karate practice and recovery work which
includes swimming. (...). You can also find Mariusz doing his medium-distance runs.
"Sport dla wszystkich. Kulturystyka i fitness"

Mariusz Pudzianowski Workout Video

Mariusz Pudzianowski's Pics

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