Data Analysis Project

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Student Work Analysis Protocol

Subject Area: Algebra 2 Grade Level: 9-12

Teacher Evaluator: Rachel Drago
A. Reaching Consensus about Proficiency
Read the assessment task, performance, and/or rubric, and:
1. Describe what the students were expected to do?
The students were expected to complete an exit ticket, which consisted of four questions which
were similar to ones we had gone over in the notes that day. It was a formative assessment to
show that if they were able to use the different tools they had learned throughout the past
week to assess a problem and determine what they would use to solve it.
2. Which standards (CCSS or content standards) or curriculum expectations are being assessed?
These should already be listed on your CEP Lesson Plan Template.
3. For exponential models, express as a logarithm the solution to = where a, c, and d are
numbers and the base b is 2, 10, or e; evaluate the logarithm using technology. (CCSS: F-LE.4)
4. Describe what you would consider to be a proficient response on this assessment? Exactly what
would students need to say, write, or perform for you to consider their work proficient?
I realized I was not specific on how they should round their numbers, so some answers varied
and because of that I took a range as stated below.


Lesson 6.6 Exit Ticket

Solve each equation using any method. Please show your work!

1. 10 82 = 12 2. 9 44 = 16
.044 1.144
3. The number of students at Rocky has grown according to the mathematical model
= 1005(1.04) , where x is the number of years since 2000. When will Rocky reach
2,500 students?
23 24
4. You are trying to save for a new bike. If the bike costs $250 and you put $10 in an account that
earns interest by being compounded monthly with a rate of 10%, how long would it take you
buy your bike?
33 34

B. Diagnosing Student Strengths and Needs
Next, read student work and without scoring, do a quick sort of students work by the general degree
of the objectives met, partially met, not met. You may need a not sure pile. After sorting, any papers
in the not sure pile should be matched with the typical papers in one of the other existing piles.
Student names should be recorded in the columns in order to monitor progress over time


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially met) (Objectives not met)
Isaac-Shows all work Matt- Missed 0.5 due to Oscar-Missed third problem
with no algebra errors. an adding error. due to confusion on equation.
Logs both sides to Otherwise provided all Wrote problem as 2500 =
show the conceptual work shows that he 1005(1 + .0104) Otherwise
process. Doesnt round conceptually his process was correct.
until the end. understands the process. Missed 4th problem writing
Logan-Doesnt show all Haley-Missed 0.5 formula as 250 = 10(1 + .10)
of work but skips steps because she copied the and thus not having a variable
that he did in his head. problem down wrong. to solve for. His first two
Clearly labels answers. Otherwise showed her problems were correct.
Emily- Clearly walks work and understands Levi- Missed problems 2, 3,
through all of the steps that logs and exponents and 4. I was unable to read his
including algebra and are inverses. work in #1 and he did not get
logarithmic ones. Clearly Will-Missed 0.5 due to a the wrong answer. He did not
labels answers. the fact that he wrote finish #3 and tried to divide to
Christian- Shows all the decimal in the wrong bring the exponent down
work. Doesnt round until spot. Otherwise had the instead of using a log. In #4 he
end. right process and showed clearly wrote out the formula
Michael- Clearly shows understanding fully on and its components. However
log steps including how the three other he had a division error and
logs and exponents are problems. again tried to get rid of an
inverses. Clearly labels Jayden-Missed 0.5 of a exponent with division later
answers. point because she on. He was able to do the first
Alex- Shows process that rounded on the 4th problem correctly though
logarithms and problem in the first step,
exponents undo each which caused her answer
other. Doesnt round to be about 8 years off. ___7_____% OF CLASS
until end and writes Otherwise showed she
down information before understood conceptual
putting in in the formula. process and showed
Walker- Clearly shows work clearly.
algebraic process and Madi- Missed 1 point
labels answers. Doesnt because she made 25 =
round until the end. 1.0112 25 = 1.13 .
Grace-Clearly showed all From there she took
work and clearly circled used a logarithm to get
answers. Rounded at the rid of the exponent.
end. However, her mistake
Sage- Shows all work and shows there was
has no algebraic errors or confusion somewhere.
misconceptions of logs. Her other 3 problems
Maddie- Shows all work were correct.
including how to undo Ben-Missed 1 point
logs. Clearly labels because part of his work
answers. was not legible. He also
Jackson- Skips a few got the wrong answer on
steps which he did in his the 4th problem. He
head including addition showed he understood
and division. Work is very the concept on the other
neat. problems.
Josh- Does some work in Andrew- Missed 1 point
his head, but lays work on the last problem due
out in a clear manner. Is to a log error. In his step
very good about of 25 = 1.00112 he
providing units. divided by 1.001 instead
Caroline- Does a great of using a logarithm to
job of showing work and bring the exponent
is very neat. Labels all down.
numbers with units. Alex- Missed 1 point on
the last problem due to a
division and addition
___46__% OF CLASS error. Otherwise he
clearly showed his work
and understanding on
the first three problems.
Sam-Was not able to
finish last problem due to
time. He also has an IEP,
so Ms. Drago usually cuts
problems for him if need
be. Otherwise he showed
full understanding on
first three problems.
Nico- Did not finish the
4th problem but had the
correct formula written
down. Her other 3
problems had all of the
correct work and
Jayla- Did not finish last
problem. Also had the
correct problem written
down, and also has and
IEP so usually has work
cut down for her. Work
was fully shown in other
three problems.
Sarah- Missed 1 point on
last problem because she
did not use the correct
formula. Otherwise, her
process was correct. Her
work and answers were
clearly labeled on other
three problems.
Carl-Missed 1 point on
last problem. Used
correct formula but did
not plug in the right
values for the missing
___46____% OF CLASS

C. Identifying Instructional Next Steps

Discuss the learning needs for the students in each level considering the following questions:

1. What patterns or trends are noted?


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially met) (Objectives not met)
These students are usually Some of the students in One of these students is not
very engaged in the class this column needed a few very engaged in the class. The
and have a high level of redirects during the other one is very quiet and
participation. A few of lesson. A few of them never speaks. I would say I
them though are very quiet
asked for my help a lot on need to spend more time with
and keep to themselves. All
some of these problems these students and get to
of them are usually eager
to get their work done and
and arent very confident know them better so that way
have never vocalized not in their mathematical I can have them be more
liking math. They are all abilities even though engaged in the class. One of
either freshman or when I would ask them them is a sophomore and the
sophomores. Even though what to do next, they other is a junior.
this class has more males could answer it one-on-
than females, there were one.
only three girls out of the
thirteen students in this

2. Based on the diagnosis of student responses at the high, expected, and low levels, what
instructional strategies will students at each level benefit from? List those instructional
strategies in the table below:


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially met) (Objectives not met)
1. Think, Pair, Share. 1. Think, pair, share. 1. Think, pair, share.
This would allow This would allow Could even do this
the students who the students who activity where they
are more involved made an extra have to write their
in the class hold
minute, or the one thoughts down so I
their thoughts so
who rely on the know theyre
that the students
who might need an
others to answer participating.
extra minute can the questions have 2. KWLQ- To know where
have it. to think on their these students are at
2. Chalk Talk- This own. before the lesson and
could allow these 2. KWLQ- To see to see what they
students to help what questions learned that day and
teach their peers students may still what questions they
and prove their have at the end of still may have.
understanding as the day. 3. Chalk Talk- This could
3. Chalk Talk- Have allow students to get
students up and more involved
collaborate and in the activity.
work with one 4. Cold Call- To get these
another while students more
being active. involved.

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