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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Katie Valencia Date of Activity: 8/17/2017 and 9/9/2017 Faculty name: Beverly

1. Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with

(be specific about the purpose and your role):

The first activity I did was volunteering in the SILC lab at school. I took groups of 3rd semester
students and read off the list of supplies they had in their lab bags to make sure they all had
everything they needed. I also restocked gloves in the rooms and sorted SILC bags. There was
also a donor coming to take a tour of the lab and I was able to go on the tour with them and
answer their questions they had for me about the lab and my experience in it.

The next activity I did was the St. Lukes nutrition screening for the elderly. I was in a group
with another nursing student, a pharmacy student and a nutrition student. We all did nutrition
assessments on a few members of St. Lukes and met with those in charge to discuss our

2. Where was this held and what was program/activity length?

First activity was held in the SILC lab at school and lasted for 4 hours. The second was held at
St. Lukes and also lasted for 4 hours.

3. Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

I enjoyed volunteering in the SILC lab. I used to volunteer here before getting into the program so
it was nice to reconnect with Yvette. I liked being able to help out the SILC lab and those working
there because they have done a lot for us.

I also enjoyed going to St. Lukes. I liked that we were able to help the elderly at St. Lukes and I
felt like we actually made a difference in their lives.

4. Would you recommend this specific community/professional experience in the future;

why or why not? (Describe)

I would recommend these activities. The SILC lab is a great place to volunteer and I think its
good to give back to them for all they do for us in the program. St. Lukes is also a great place to
volunteer. We got to actually help those there and we hopefully made a difference.
Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? Signature on validation of clinical hours
form obtained?

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