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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

CVC Words

Abigail Chilcoat
Kindergarten Reading

Common Core Standards:

RL.K2.9a Actively participate in supported grade- level/age-appropriate adapted literature materials.

Lesson Summary:

The purpose of this lesson is to further work on the mastery of reading CVC words.
Estimated Duration:

I will work on CVC words for 20 minutes each day for a week for a total of 100 minutes.

Commentary: I expect that there will be confusion when I am switching from one rime to the next. Such as
working with pat, mat, cat, sat, and then changing to pig, wig, rig, dig. I will grab the students attention by
showing them pictures of the words they are looking to read. The students will enjoy getting to use their iPads
throughout this activity as well.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
First 5 minutes: Introductory activity- Students will get their individual iPads out and use quizlet to look
through flashcards. They will have their headphones plugged in to look at the work and listen to the app read
the word to them.
Next 10 minutes: I will call the students to the carpet and work on the at word family using words like pat,
sat, cat, mat, fat, rat, bat and teach them to focus on the first letter sound. I will pull up the at word family
flashcards on the smartboard and the students will have the opportunity to practice writing the letters on their
iPads using the Whiteboard application by Shun Sato.

In the last five minutes, the students will work with a partner using one iPad for flashcards and one for writing
the words. They will be taking turns reading and writing the CVC words from the at word family. I will walk
around and supervise. I will be interjecting and correcting as necessary.

Day 2:
First five minutes: introductory activity the students will review their at word family flashcards on quizlet
on their iPads from the day before with their headphones in to help them hear the words that they are reading.

Next 10 minutes: I will call the students to the carpet and we will go over a new word family, the og family.
This is a good word family to choose following at because their sounds are not similar. I will have words like
bog, dog, fog, hog, log in my flashcards on quizlet and I will pull those cards up on the board. I will have the
students read the words aloud with me and write the word on their iPad using the whiteboard app by Shun

In the last five minutes, I will have the students work with partners each of them with an iPad, one for
practicing their writing and one for reading the words from the og word family. They will take turns
practicing each skill. I will walk around to supervise the class, and I will correct if necessary.

Day 3:
First five minutes: introductory activity the students will review their at and og word family flashcards
from the two previous days with their headphones plugged into their iPads so they can hear the words as they
are reading.

Next 10 minutes: I will call the students to the carpet and we will go over a new word family, the ig word
family which includes words like big, dig, fig, jig, pig, rig, and wig. I will pull up the quizlet flashcards onto
the smartboard and the students will practice writing the words on their iPad on the whiteboard app by Shun

Last five minutes: The students will work with a partner, each with an iPad, one with the whiteboard app up to
practice writing the flashcard words from the ig word family, and one for reading the flashcards from the ig
word family on quizlet. They will take turns using each iPad and reading the words aloud. I will walk around
and supervise, correcting when necessary.

Day 4:
First five minutes: introductory activity students will review their flashcards from the at, -og, and ig word
families with their headphones plugged into their individual iPads so they can hear the words being read to
them as they click through.

Next 10 minutes: I will call the students to the carpet where I will introduce the ot word family. This will
include words such as cot, dot, hot, got, tot, rot, jot, lot, pot, and not. I will display the quizlet flashcards from
the ot word family on the smartboard and the students will practice writing the given word on their iPads
using the whiteboard app by Shun Shato.
Last five minutes: The students will break into pairs and quiz each other on words that are in any of the word
families that have been taught on day 1, 2, 3 or 4. They will each use their iPad to pull up a word for the other
to read to them. If they are stuck, they can use the read aloud tool in the app or they can ask me as I walk
around the room supervising and making necessary connections.

Day 5:
First five minutes: introductory activity the students will review their three flashcard decks from days 1, 2, 3
and 4(-at, -og, -ot, -ig). They will have their headphones plugged into their iPads so they can listen to words
that are still tricky for them.

Next 10 minutes: I will call the students to the carpet and introduce to them other common CVC words that are
not already found in our flashcard word families. Like dig, pig, set, pet, get, and leg. The students will use their
iPads to practice writing the words I have displayed on the smartboard. They will use the whiteboard app by
Shun Shato.

Last five minutes: The students will break into pairs and use their iPads to find words that they think are tricky.
They will see if their partner can read the word to them and teach them how to read it by stretching out and
sounding out all the letters in the word. If not, they can click on the word to have quizlet read the word to
them. I will be walking around the room supervising so I can answer any questions or give additional help as


To determine if students are ready to learn CVC words, I need to know that they know what sounds each letter
makes. To test this, I can administer a letter sound test where each student is shown a letter and they have to
tell me what sound it makes.

Scoring Guidelines:
I will determine whether or not the class is ready to be taught CVC words. If they have not yet
mastered consonant and vowel sounds, then I need to reteach that before moving on to CVC words.

The students will be given five CVC flashcards to read to me so I can see if they can sound out the word and
recognize the sounds that each letter is making in the word.

Scoring Guidelines:
If a student gets 4/5 correct, they have mastered CVC words. If a student gets 3/5 or less correct, they
will need to spend one on one time with me learning how to stretch out words and listen for each sound
made by each letter.
Differentiated Instructional Support
I could create a harder set of flashcards for students who are accelerated that includes short vowel words with
blends clog, slug, plug, and drag.

the students can watch this at home with their parents

Homework Options and Home Connections

I will email the parents a link to access the quizlet flashcard collections so they can review the words with their

Interdisciplinary Connections
I can ask students to find CVC words during the morning message and I can ask the students to find two
examples of CVC word objects in their house like a rug, pet, or cup.

Materials and Resources:

For teachers Smartboard

Internet access to get to

For students Class set of iPads

Whiteboard app by Shun Shato

Key Vocabulary

Word family group of words with the same rime, but different onsets
Additional Notes

I dont think I have any!

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