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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2014; 18: 287-302

Substance abuse and psychosis. The strange

case of opioids
Vincent P. Dole Dual Diagnosis Unit, Santa Chiara University Hospital, Department of Neurosciences,
University of Pisa, Italy
AU-CNS, From Science to Public Policy Association, Pietrasanta, Lucca, Italy
G. De Lisio Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Pisa, Italy

Abstract. BACKGROUND: Psychoses corre- trum. In the bipolar disorder, manic or depressive
lated with substance abuse prove to be more episodes, as well as mixed states, are frequently
common in cases involving cannabinoids, stimu- marked by psychotic symptoms. Moreover, psy-
lants, hallucinogens, alcohol and polyabuse. chosis may set in after substance abuse, often inter-
Among substance abusers, it has not been ascer-
tained whether opioids have a psychotic effect. vening with the effect of making the clinical picture
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this review is to inves- indistinguishable from that of a primary psychosis.
tigate whether, among substances of abuse, a Psychosis induced by substances of abuse is most
distinction can be drawn between pro-psychotic commonly developed by cannabinoids1-7, stimu-
and anti-psychotic agents on the basis of the re- lants 8-11 , hallucinogens 12,13 , alcohol 14-16 and
lationship between these substances and psy- polyabuse17. Among substance abusers, it has not
METHODS: Studies were identified by search-
yet been ascertained whether opioids exert a psy-
ing through multiple literature databases, in- chotic effect, but some authors have supported the
cluding PubMed, Scopus, Web of Knowledge. view that opioids have antidepressant, antipanic
Hand searches through reference lists of rele- and antipsychotic effects18-20. The aim of this re-
vant reviews were used to complement the com- view is to investigate the relationship between sub-
puter searches. stance abuse and psychosis using as variables of in-
RESULTS: Looking at the relationships linking terest (a) vulnerability to psychosis, (b) the devel-
substances of abuse with psychosis, a distinc-
tion can, in fact, be drawn between pro-psychot- opment of psychosis during an intoxication or
ic and anti-psychotic substances. Even if there withdrawal state, (c) the clinical presentation, (d)
are no differences in the addictive processes in- the role of gender and (e) the neurotransmitter path-
volved, opiates are the only sedative drugs that way involved. More specifically, this review in-
possess an anti-psychotic effect. tends to shed light on the various correlations be-
CONCLUSIONS: The whole topic of opiate ag- tween opioids and other substances of abuse in de-
onism merits is due for reconsideration: it is not
only the anticraving action of opiate agonism,
veloping or acting against psychosis.
but also its effectiveness on the psychopatho-
logical level that qualifies it as to be viewed as a
powerful tool in treating mental illness. Materials and Methods
Key Words: Studies were identified by searching through
Substance abuse, Psychosis, Opioid, Antipsychotic multiple literature databases, including PubMed,
effect. Scopus, Web of Knowledge. The key words psy-
chos* cannab* alcoh* solv* inhal*
opio* amph* cocain* LSD Ketamine
Ecstasy onset gender vulnerability in-
Introduction toxic* withdr* psycho* clinic* presen-
tat* were used in various combinations. Hand
The presence of psychotic symptoms is wide- searches through reference lists of relevant re-
spread in psychiatric disorders. Delusions and hal- views were used to complement the computer
lucinations, which are among the main symptoms searches21-26. All our research strategies were car-
of psychosis, belong to the schizophrenic spec- ried out between February and December 2012.

Corresponding Author: Icro Maremmani, MD; e-mail: 287

A.G.I. Maremmani, L. Rovai, F. Rugani, S. Bacciardi, L. DellOsso, I. Maremmani

Cannabis and Psychosis Vulnerability

Converging lines of evidence suggest that
Clinical Presentation cannabinoids can produce a full range of tran-
Cannabis-induced psychoses were distin- sient schizophrenia-like positive, negative and
guished by unusual thought content, excitement, cognitive symptoms in some healthy individuals.
hallucinatory behaviour and uncooperativeness. It is also clear that in individuals with an estab-
The least common symptoms were anxiety, guilt lished psychotic disorder, cannabinoids can exac-
feelings, depressive mood, motor retardation and erbate symptoms, trigger relapse, and have nega-
blunted affect. Cognitive dysfunctions were de- tive consequences on the course of the illness.
scribed, too. Those with cannabis-related psy- The mechanisms by which cannabinoids produce
chosis presented with a predominantly affective transient psychotic symptoms, while still unclear,
psychosis and prominent thought disorder, excite- may involve dopamine, GABA, and glutamate
ment and violence, and later presented with an im- neurotransmission. A variety of factors have been
provement in symptoms if there had been absti- proposed to mediate an individuals vulnerability
nence from cannabis27. Another study similarly to the harmful effects of the drug, one of which is
reported the presence of less blunted affect, more their proneness to psychosis. Smoking cannabis
clastic aggression and violence towards others, in a naturalistic setting reliably induced marked
with respect to functional psychosis6. increases in psychotomimetic symptoms. Highly
psychosis-prone individuals experienced en-
Intoxication or Withdrawal Psychosis? hanced psychotomimetic states following acute
The relationship found in some patients be- cannabis use, which suggests that an individuals
tween cannabis use and earlier onset of psychot- response to acute cannabis use and his/her psy-
ic illness can now be more clearly under- chosis-proneness scores are related, and that both
stood1,3,4,28-32. A significant gradual reduction in may be markers of vulnerability to this drugs
age at the onset of psychosis was found as de- harmful effects36. Schizotypy, for instance, was
pendence on cannabis increased, consisting in a associated with more frequent psychosis-like ex-
progressive fall in number of years for users, periences and their after-effects, and high-scoring
abusers, and dependents, with respect to non- schizotypes reported more pleasurable experi-
users. For psychotic symptoms, a dose-related ences when smoking cannabis, so suggesting that
effect of cannabis use was seen, with vulnerable cannabis use may reveal an underlying vulnera-
groups including individuals who used cannabis bility to psychosis in those with high-scoring
during adolescence, those who had previously schizotypal traits37,38. Looking now at the rela-
experienced psychotic symptoms, and those run- tionship between cannabis use and psychosis, the
ning a high genetic risk of developing schizo- role of affective disorders is often undervalued.
phrenia. Cannabis seems to be an independent Bipolar I resembles the schizoaffective disorder,
risk factor, both for psychosis and for the devel- in its schizo variant, and substance abuse is rather
opment of psychotic symptoms33. In addition, common in bipolar subjects, especially those
studies on sibling pairs have provided further with a chronic relapsing course, so that chronic
support for the hypothesis that early cannabis psychosis may be an artefact of enduring sub-
use is a risk-modifying factor for psychosis-re- stance use. The proneness to abuse shown by
lated outcomes in young adults34. bipolar subjects across the whole bipolar spec-
trum may be a crucial link with atypical bipolar
Gender pictures involving chronic psychotic symptoms.
Gender did not seem to be involved in the onset On this view, a trait-dependent abusive behaviour
of psychosis; this highlights the finding that of taking psychotogenic drugs may justify the in-
cannabis is a dangerous, unspecific drug in young dependent chronicity of bipolar I subjects with
people at risk of developing psychosis 5,7,28. It comorbidity for substance abuse; if correct, this
must, however, be pointed out that Arendt et al. 35 perspective would tend to assign schizoaffective
demonstrated that men who consume cannabis disorders to the bipolar spectrum, as an extreme,
run a higher risk of developing psychosis than atypical variant39. In schizophrenic patients the
women. Their three-year study assessed a total of risk of developing cannabis dependence is six
535 people with a cannabis-induced psychosis, times what it is in the general population. De-
and the rates for developing schizophrenia were spite this, only a very small proportion of the
47.6% in males versus 29.8% in women. general population exposed to cannabinoids de-

Substance abuse and psychosis. The strange case of opioids

velop a psychotic illness. It is likely that symptoms, so providing further support for the
cannabis exposure is a component cause that hypothesis of the antipsychotic potential of
interacts with other factors to cause schizo- cannabidiol47.
phrenia or a psychotic disorder, without this be-
ing either necessary or sufficient by itself to in-
duce this result33. In the absence of known caus- Amphetamines and Psychosis
es of schizophrenia, the role of component caus-
es remains important and warrants further study. Clinical Presentation
Dose, duration of exposure, and age at first ex- Aggressiveness and violent behaviour are the
posure to cannabinoids may be important fac- most common effects related to the use of Ecstasy,
tors, along with genetic factors that interact with and these issues have been explored in some in-
exposure to cannabinoids to moderate or amplify quiries48,49. A higher level of violence seems to be
the risk of a psychotic disorder are all beginning present not only in active Ecstasy users, but in ab-
to be elucidated40,41. Debates on the real chronol- stinent users, too50. Methamphetamine (MA) use
ogy of the appearance of psychiatric disorders is associated with hostility, aggression, and posi-
and addictive cannabis behaviour are on-going, tive psychotic symptoms. This pattern of findings
and cannabis continues to appear as a risk factor suggests that MA use leads to greater hostility by
for psychotic disorders, because it interacts with increasing positive psychotic symptoms that con-
a pre-existing vulnerability42. tribute to a perception of the environment as a
hostile, threatening place as well as by increasing
Neurotransmitter Pathway Involved impulsivity. Those who had high scores for posi-
While the epidemiological signal between tive symptoms and impulsivity were the most hos-
cannabis and psychosis has gained considerable tile51. Regrettably, these studies often fail to reveal
attention, the biological mechanism through whether patients only used Ecstasy. Acute psy-
which cannabis increases the risk of psychosis re- chotic users showed less blunted affect and
mains poorly understood. The endocannabinoid more clastic aggression and violence towards
system plays an important role in fundamental others than psychotic non-users, while verbal
brain developmental processes such as neuronal aggression and self-harm behaviour were pre-
cell proliferation, migration and differentiation. sent with equal frequency. Despite the fact that
As a result, changes in endocannabinoid activity Ecstasy users take the substance in view of its
during this specific developmental phase, induced supposed empathetic/entactogenic effects and to
by the psychoactive component of marijuana, achieve a heightened sense of closeness with oth-
Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (9-THC), might er people, in asymptomatic patients Ecstasy caus-
lead to subtle but lasting neurobiological changes es an opposite effect to that being sought, by in-
that may affect brain functions and behaviour, so creasing impulsive and violent behaviours52. Last-
increasing the risk of contracting certain neu- ly, amphetamine use is associated with increased
ropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia43. positive symptoms of psychosis, particularly
Animal research that has been focused on the psy- paranoia, which contribute to a perception of the
chotomimetic effects of cannabis44 suggests that environment as a hostile, threatening place53.
9-THC increases dopamine levels in several re-
gions of the brain, including the striatal and pre- Intoxication or Withdrawal Psychosis?
frontal areas. On the other hand, Cannabidiol Psychotic symptoms attributable to an inten-
(CBD), the main non-psychotropic component of sive use of Ecstasy have been widely document-
the Cannabis Sativa plant, has shown therapeutic ed9,54-61, and persecutory delusions are the most
potential in several neuropsychiatric disorders45,46. common presentation62,63. Psychological compli-
Different types of cannabis (i.e. marijuana and cations following the use of ecstasy are rare, but,
hashish) have distinctive proportions of 9-THC when they do occur, they are really severe64. In
and CBD. In a sample of subjects who had used some cases there is the persistence of psy-
the same type of cannabis on most occasions, an chopathology, even when the substance is no
inverse relationship was found between CBD con- longer being taken65-68. Persistent psychosis is a
tent and self-reported positive symptoms, but not common finding in heavy, chronic abusers of Ec-
with negative symptoms or depression; the use of stasy, but some authors have documented cases in
cannabis with a high CBD content was associated which psychotic symptoms occur after a single
with a significantly lower incidence of psychotic recreational dose of Ecstasy64,69.

A.G.I. Maremmani, L. Rovai, F. Rugani, S. Bacciardi, L. DellOsso, I. Maremmani

Gender ing evidence that amphetamine use is related to

There were no significant differences between the impairment of executive functions (including
men and women with regard to age, ethnicity, self-control) that are regulated by the prefrontal
years of use, route of administration, or amount cortex. Taken together, these findings suggest
used in the most recent period before the onset of that amphetamine users may have an impaired ca-
psychosis. During drug-use periods, women were pacity to control or inhibit aggressive impulses. In
more likely than men to report delusions of addition, high levels of impulsivity related to am-
grandeur, paranoia and tactile hallucinations, phetamine use may also play a role53.
while in non-use periods, women were signifi-
cantly more likely than men to report the feeling
that something was wrong with the way a part of Cocaine and Psychosis
their body looked, olfactory hallucinations and
dressing inappropriately70. In reviewing the gener- Clinical Presentation
al picture, women seem more dependent on and In a clinical setting, it may be difficult to differ-
committed to MA, but show diminished (amphet- entiate a cocaine-induced psychotic group from a
amine-stimulated) dopamine responses and a less schizophrenic one; both of these groups feel fear
severe degree of toxicity, as indicated by a lower that individuals or organized groups may harm
incidence of emergency department-related them in some way, but, the delusions of paranoid
deaths involving MA26. schizophrenic subjects are more often bizarre than
those of cocaine abuse subjects. Cocaine bugs
Vulnerability (parasitosis) were a perception more often found
Patients who have already developed psychosis in cocaine abuse subjects. Command hallucina-
are probably more inclined to experiment again tions were found in both groups, but in the schiz-
with the use of amphetamines. Moreover, Ecstasy ophrenic group the commands perceived were
is frequently used by youngsters, in whom psy- more often related to harming or killing others.
chopathological symptoms will inevitably occur Cocaine abusers had a more frequent sensation of
regardless of whether they continue to use it. The visual hallucinations, distinguished by shadows,
presence of a personal or family history of psychi- flashing lights (snow lights), objects moving,
atric disorders is important in determining the on- and bugs crawling on their arms. The most dis-
set of psychosis63,71, although some authors have tinctive characteristics were identity delusions,
reported cases of psychosis that occurred in indi- possession delusions, grandiosity delusions (be-
viduals who had no history of psychiatric disor- sides those involving identities and possessions),
ders or positive precedents in their family59,66. It and delusions in which family members were
must therefore be concluded that the relationship impostors (Capgras Syndrome) reported by para-
between ecstasy use and psychosis onset has not noid schizophrenics. Cocaine abusers did not re-
yet been clearly established. Ecstasy could direct- port any such delusions73.
ly induce psychotic symptoms or act as a trigger
on susceptible individuals. The severity of psy- Intoxication or Withdrawal Psychosis?
chotic symptoms, including negative ones, ob- Psychotic symptoms and experiences of para-
served in psychotic and in schizophrenic patients noia and suspiciousness are reported during the
taking Ecstasy is very similar8. use and the withdrawal of cocaine. Furthermore,
although psychotic symptoms were found to be
Neurotransmitter Pathway Involved common among substance users, there was also a
MA psychosis, with rapid onset and poor prog- risk of a chronic psychotic disorder developing9.
nosis, seems to be related to genetic variants of the
D2 but not the D3 or D4 dopamine receptor Gender
gene 72 . As previously mentioned, ampheta- Among cocaine users, there were no signifi-
mine use is related to higher levels of aggression, cant differences between men and women with
but the underlying processes or mechanisms re- regard to ethnicity, years of use, route of admin-
main somewhat elusive. The neurotoxic pharma- istration, and amount used in the past week,
cological effects of amphetamine on the dopamin- though they differed significantly in terms of
ergic and serotonergic systems are related to ag- age. During a period of non-use, women were
gressive, hostile behaviour in both animal and hu- significantly more likely than men to report ex-
man studies. Of particular interest is the converg- periencing auditory hallucinations and tactile

Substance abuse and psychosis. The strange case of opioids

hallucinations, whereas men were more likely to ceptual changes and a wide range of other symp-
report delusions of grandeur. During a period of toms including disorganization of thought, nega-
drug use, women were significantly more likely tivism, apathy, withdrawal, poverty of speech,
than men to report delusions of grandeur, tactile perseveration and catatonic posturing82. In stable
hallucinations and olfactory ones70. In a study schizophrenic volunteers, ketamine is able to in-
that examined subjective and physiological re- duce a dose-dependent, short-lived increase in
sponses to cocaine smoking, those who reported psychotic symptoms, often reminiscent of their
feeling paranoid/suspicious were more likely to own acute symptoms. With regard to functional
be elderly and male74. psychosis, patients taking ketamine seem to have
a significantly shorter stay in hospital, and were
Vulnerability treated more aggressively with conventional an-
Experiencing transient paranoia in heavy co- tipsychotics13. Comparing these kinds of symp-
caine abusers during intoxication could be the toms with stimulant-induced psychosis, PCP-in-
highest risk factor for developing psychosis; this duced psychoses were less strongly associated
danger does not exist with cocaine users who do with suspiciousness and more strongly associated
not experience paranoia75. Factors underlying the with delusions of physical power, altered sensa-
development and severity of cocaine-induced psy- tions, and unusual experiences (e.g. out of body
chosis (CIP) are still poorly understood 76. To date, experiences, experiencing religious figures or
it has been reported that an early age of initiation of events directly, as in a patients report of being
regular cocaine use occurring during vulnerable with Noah at the time of the Ark)83. On some
periods of brain development may lead to the in- occasions acute PCP psychosis in normal persons
creased severity of these paranoic events11,77. Of is indistinguishable from an acute episode of
course, an onset of cannabis use during adoles- schizophrenia84.
cence can increase the risk of CIP in cocaine-de-
pendent individuals78 a risk that may be present Intoxication or Withdrawal Psychosis?
too in cases of the antisocial personality disorder 21. Ketamine appeared to have four main effects:
(1) a general depressant and/or intoxicating effect
Neurotransmitter Pathway Involved on the central nervous system; (2) perceptual al-
Amount and duration of use are related to the terations often referred to as dissociative, but not
development of psychosis, in which a kindling hallucinations; (3) referential ideas or delusions,
model of cocaine-induced psychosis seems to be plus other subjective changes in thinking; and (4)
implicated79. The fact that paranoia became more negative-type symptoms85. Even in healthy volun-
severe and developed more rapidly with contin- teers, ketamine induced psychotic symptoms82.
ued drug use is consistent with a sensitization There is a close relationship between phencycli-
model of cocaine-induced paranoia80,81. In vulner- dine (PCP) and psychosis. Low doses of PCP pro-
able individuals, limbic sensitization may under- duce symptoms of inebriation and mild stimula-
lie its expression, but the hypothesis of localiza- tion, while at higher doses it causes perceptual al-
tion in a specific brain region is still speculative75. teration, depersonalization and disturbances in
cognition86,87. The psychotropic effects of keta-
mine range from dissociation to psychotic experi-
Hallucinogens and Psychosis ences, and include a sensation of feeling light,
body distortion, absence of any sense of time,
Clinical Presentation novel experiences of cosmic oneness, and out-of-
Phencyclidine (PCP)-induced psychosis incor- body experiences. Abuse of ketamine has typical-
porates both positive (e.g. hallucinations, para- ly been reported in individuals who use multiple
noia) and negative (e.g. emotional withdrawal, drugs, and it seems to activate significant toler-
motor retardation) schizophrenic symptoms. ance to the substance without prominent with-
PCP-induced psychosis also uniquely incorpo- drawal symptoms88. The most likely risk of keta-
rates the formal thought disorder and neuropsy- mine consumption is overwhelming distress dur-
chological deficits associated with schizophrenia. ing drug action (a bad trip), which could lead to
Hallucinogens are capable of producing florid potentially dangerous behaviour. Prolonged psy-
psychotic states in individuals who have misused choses triggered by hallucinogens are less com-
them, and it should also be noted that, when given mon, and, even if rare, persistent adverse reac-
to healthy volunteers, drug-induced paranoia, per- tions can occur as well89,90.

A.G.I. Maremmani, L. Rovai, F. Rugani, S. Bacciardi, L. DellOsso, I. Maremmani

Gender ceptor may be particularly important in enacting a

Few studies have been dedicated to the role of blockade of this receptor by the dissociative
gender in hallucinogen use. Some studies have anaesthetics that reproduce in normal subjects the
shown that female rats tended to self-administer symptomatic manifestations of schizophrenia, in-
ketamine more rapidly and took more of the drug cluding negative symptoms and cognitive impair-
than male rats91,92. ments, while dopamine release increases in the
mesolimbic system94.
In some individuals who have affected family
members psychosis may be predictable, but the Inhalants and Psychosis
specific symptom profile may not. A placebo-
controlled study on healthy individuals investi- Clinical Presentation
gated whether individual variability in baseline The long-standing use of inhalants may evolve
physiology, as assessed using functional magnet- into severe psychosis resembling schizophrenia.
ic resonance imaging, permitted the psychosis Clinical presentations may be marked by serious
elicited by the psychotomimetic drug ketamine disturbances, such as delusions of persecution, a
to be predicted. Brain responses to cognitive task bizarre delusion (e.g. that of having a five-headed
demands after a placebo had been taken predict snake inside ones body) and auditory hallucina-
the expression of psychotic phenomena after tions98. This clinical condition was shown in a
drug administration. Frontothalamic responses young man who had no family history of schizo-
to a working memory task were associated with phrenia; it was observed in the sober period when
the tendency of subjects to experience negative he was not under the influence of the thinner.
symptoms when taking ketamine. Similarly, bi- Thus, it was difficult to diagnose this case as
lateral frontal responses to an attention task were schizophrenia or as a flashback phenomenon due
predictive of negative symptoms. Frontotempo- to thinner dependence99,100. The symptomatologi-
ral activations during language processing tasks cal characteristics of solvent-induced psychosis
were predictive of thought disorders and illusory and schizophrenia have been comparatively stud-
auditory experiences. A subpsychotic dose of ke- ied. The two conditions did not show any differ-
tamine administered during a second scanning ences in age of onset, nor in family history. These
session resulted in increased basal ganglia and clinical observations lead to a very complex psy-
thalamic activation during the working memory chopathology, but they seem to stress the fact that
task, in parallel with previous reports on schizo- the amotivational syndrome may be a character-
phrenic patients93. A personal or a family history istic feature of patients suffering from solvent-in-
of psychotic disorders and other severe psychi- duced psychosis, and suggest that solvent psy-
atric disorders is considered to be a risk factor chosis should be recognized as a discernible syn-
for the development of psychotic symptoms dur- drome, to be distinguished from psychotic symp-
ing the use of ketamine89. toms of typical schizophrenia101. To better under-
stand the effects and the damage done by in-
Neurotransmitter Pathway Involved halants, animal models have been used. Exposure
The psychosis-inducing effect of ketamine pro- to toluene in adolescence leads to social deficits
vides important evidence in support of the gluta- and cognitive impairment in adulthood, as well as
mate hypothesis of schizophrenia94-96. The dis- neurochemical dysfunctions in mice, which corre-
criminative stimulus effects of LSD in rats occur late with the symptoms observed in patients suf-
in two temporal phases, with the initial effects fering from solvent-induced psychosis102. Inhalant
mediated by the activation of 5-HT(2A) receptors users with or without an inhalant use disorder
and the later temporal phase mediated by (IUD), according to DSM-IV criteria, had greater
dopamine D2-like receptors12. This behavioural levels of suicidal ideation and substance use prob-
effect is not blocked by haloperidol a finding lems than non-users. Youngsters with IUDs have
which supports the idea of mediation through the personal histories marked out by high levels of
NMDA receptor97. Glutamatergic neurons are the trauma, suicidality, psychiatric distress, antisocial
major excitatory pathways linking the cortex, the behaviour and substance-related problems. A mo-
limbic system and thalamus, regions that have notonic relationship between inhalant use, abuse
been implicated in schizophrenia. The N-methyl- and dependence are known to lead to serious ad-
D-aspartic acid (NMDA) subtype of glutamate re- verse outcomes103.

Substance abuse and psychosis. The strange case of opioids

Intoxication or Withdrawal Psychosis? Alcohol and Psychosis

Solvent-induced psychosis has been clinically
identified among patients suffering from depen- Clinical Presentation
dence on volatile solvents and those in a psychotic The psychotic manifestations of alcohol physi-
state as a result of chronic solvent use. Positive cal and psychiatric disorders have been well doc-
symptoms of schizophrenia have been reported, es- umented; however, the distinctions between the
pecially first rank symptoms, such as auditory hal- various disorders remain less well defined. Indi-
lucinations, and delusional perceptions, but not viduals often have comorbid elements belonging
negative ones. Even if not in an intoxication phase, to several disorders, and the psychotic phenomena
psychotic symptoms have been also been observed are often differentiated. Psychotic manifestations
in a period of abstinence, in the form of a flashback of alcohol withdrawal are delirium tremens109-111,
phenomenon99,100. Besides this, by studying the alcohol hallucinosis, Wernickes-Korsakoffs psy-
symptomatological differences between solvent-in- chosis, alcohol pellagra and hepatic encephalopa-
duced psychosis and schizophrenia, it seems possi- thy, Marchiafava-Bignami, central pontine myeli-
ble to recognize solvent psychosis as a discernible nosis and alcohol dementia15. It is characterized
syndrome to be distinguished from the psychotic by an acute change in cognition and a disturbance
symptoms of typical schizophrenia101. of consciousness that is usually related to alcohol
withdrawal but that may be associated too with
Gender the presence of a hallucinatory state109,110,112-114.
Using the current research methodology, no da- One striking case reported was of palinacousis
ta pertinent to gender were found in the relation- during alcohol hallucinosis after remission from
ship between solvents and psychosis. the acoustic hallucinations that are typical of the
disorder115. About 30% of chronic alcoholics seem
Vulnerability to suffer from morbid jealousy, which takes vari-
A family history of psychiatric disorders seems to ous different forms. Some of the patients exam-
be a risk factor in the development of psychosis due ined expressed it only when intoxicated, others
to inhalants. In any case, fewer than 10% of these de- even when sober, and in some their jealousy took
pendent patients had a family history of schizophre- the form of a delusional disorder. One conclusion
nia, and the development of inhalant-induced psy- to be drawn is that alcoholism appears to have an
chosis appeared after about 6 years of continuous etiological role in the development of morbid jeal-
use. These considerations suggest that chronic psy- ousy116,117.
chiatric symptoms are caused not only by inhalant
abuse, but also by each patients genetic factors, Intoxication or Withdrawal Psychosis?
which may predispose him/her to psychosis104. Psychotic symptoms during alcohol use may be
associated either with continuous use or with a
Neurotransmitter Pathway Involved withdrawal state. Psychotic manifestations of
The neuropharmacological effects of these continuous use could lead to a jealousy delu-
solvents do not appear to be limited to modula- sion116,117, while delirium tremens and halluci-
tion of the GABA receptor. Drug-discrimination nosis were involved in alcohol withdrawal psy-
studies using laboratory animals105 have shown chosis15,109-111.
that toluene can induce subjective effects similar
to those of the psychedelic anaesthetic phency- Gender
clidine (PCP), suggesting that toluene, like PCP, Women had a longer duration of illness before
may block the NMDA receptor. It should be not- treatment and exhibited a greater number of affec-
ed, however, that toluene failed to induce subjec- tive symptoms, while men were more socially iso-
tive effects similar to those of dizocilpine, anoth- lated and had a greater number of negative symp-
er selective NMDA receptor blocker, in a similar toms. Alcohol and drug abuse appeared signifi-
drug-discrimination study 106 . Exposure to cantly more frequently among men. Women re-
toluene increases dopamine levels in the rats ceived comparatively more heavily medicated
prefrontal cortex and striatum and increases neu- treatments than men118.
ronal firing in the ventral tegmental area in a
manner similar to that of other drugs of abuse Vulnerability
effects that could be intrinsic to the rewarding ef- Only a few epidemiological findings on alco-
fects of toluene107,108. hol-induced psychotic disorder and delirium (al-

A.G.I. Maremmani, L. Rovai, F. Rugani, S. Bacciardi, L. DellOsso, I. Maremmani

cohol-induced psychotic syndrome, AIPS) are Opioid and Psychosis

currently available. In one inquiry on a sample of
8,028 subjects drawn from the general population Clinical Presentation
of Finland, the topics chosen for investigation Ultrarapid opiate detoxification is a procedure
were the epidemiology of AIPS, the risk factors that uses high doses of opiate antagonists to pre-
for developing AIPS among people with alcohol cipitate rapid opiate withdrawal and could devel-
dependence, and mortality associated with alco- op into a psychotic episode123. Even if uncommon,
hol dependence with or without AIPS. The life- psychosis occurring after the discontinuation of
time prevalence was 0.5% for AIPS and was high- buprenorphine has been described. The clinical
est (1.8%) among men of working age. Younger presentation was characterized by mystical and
age at onset of alcohol dependence, low socioeco- paranoid delusions, and intense auditory halluci-
nomic status, problems with fathers mental nations124.
health or alcohol abuse, and multiple hospital
treatments were associated with an increased risk Intoxication or Withdrawal Psychosis?
of AIPS. Participants with a history of AIPS re- The initial hypotheses formulated on a causal
ported a considerable level of medical comorbidi- link between chronic morphine intake and the on-
ty14. Some studies have shown that the major dif- set of psychosis125,126 were not confirmed by later
ferences observed between alcoholics and con- studies127,128, and most studies on the epidemiology
trols, in terms of psychopathology, and represent- of dual diagnosis have shown the low frequency of
ed by symptoms pertaining to mood, anxiety, and psychotic spectrum disorders in heroin-dependent
externalizing disorder domains, fall below the di- patients, and those in methadone treatment pro-
agnostic threshold119,120. AIPD seems to be a dis- grammes. To the best of our knowledge, no studies
crete clinical entity that can be differentiated from have been published on psychosis due to opiate in-
schizophrenia and uncomplicated alcohol depen- toxication. On the other hand, there have been re-
dence; its reported features are: a significantly ports in the literature on psychotic episodes related
lower educational level, later onset of psychosis, to opiate withdrawal123. The gradual elimination of
higher levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms, methadone in subjects affected by previous psy-
fewer negative and disorganized symptoms, better chotic episodes was followed by psychotic relaps-
insight and judgment, and less functional impair- es129,130. Even if uncommon, psychosis occurring
ment compared with patients with schizophre- after the discontinuation of buprenorphine or other
nia16. Proneness to alcohol use has been studied at opioids has been described124; it usually disap-
the temperamental level, where alcoholics turned peared after buprenorphine reintroduction131.
out to differ significantly from controls in terms of
cyclothymic traits, including a depressive compo- Gender
nent121. In studies relying on the current research
methodology no data pertinent to gender were
Neurotransmitter Pathway Involved found in the relationship between opiates and psy-
There is good evidence for a direct involvement chosis.
of the cortical GABAergic system in the long-
term administration of alcohol. An indirect genet- Vulnerability
ic link between the GABA A receptor and schizo- In several studies the prevalence of psychotic
phrenia or other psychoses has been reported. One symptoms associated with opiates, covering a
important implication of considering GABA in- spectrum going from users with no diagnosis to
terneurons as playing a pivotal role in psychotic those with severe dependence, ranges between
disorders like schizophrenia is the potential exci- 6.7% and 52.2%17,132. A recent study on 574 pa-
totoxicity which release from GABA inhibition tients with dual diagnosis showed a diagnosis of
might generate through increased glutamate trans- chronic psychosis in 15.5% of heroin-dependent
mission to the cortex. The profound and enduring patients133. Premorbid conditions such as tem-
memory impairments and the progressive enlarge- peramental assets, hyperactivity, impulsiveness,
ment of lateral ventricles that accompany chronic sensation-seeking, subthreshold and/or full-blown
schizophrenia may be a consequence of GABA mental disorders related to mood, anxiety and im-
imbalance, which is not necessarily reversed by pulse-control dimensions could increase vulnera-
the anti-psychotic drugs that act on the dopamine bility to substance use and/or progression to ad-
and serotonin systems122. diction134. Temperamental profile seems to play a

Substance abuse and psychosis. The strange case of opioids

crucial role at the beginning of substance use. Cy- methadone maintenance is responsible for the pre-
clothymic, and to a lesser extent irritable traits vention of psychotic relapses in individuals who
(the dark side), may represent the temperamen- have a history of psychotic episodes. In these
tal profile of heroin addicts, largely irrespective of same subjects, the gradual elimination of
comorbidity, and tend to cohere with previous methadone was followed by psychotic relaps-
conceptualizations that hypothesize sensation- es123,129. This therapeutic finding is in line with the
seeking (and novelty-seeking) as the main per- antidopaminergic activity of methadone, as docu-
sonality characteristics of addiction135. mented by the increase in serum prolactin after its
administration136,137. Moreover, the low frequency
Neurotransmitter Pathway Involved of any recurrence of psychotic episodes makes it
A dose of morphine blocks dopamine receptors hard to recognize schizophrenic disorders, possi-
and stimulates prolactin secretion, creating a signif- bly related to substance use disorders, in patients
icant elevation in basal serum prolactin136,137. Opi- who are receiving methadone treatment150-154. The
ate agonists are known to induce acute neuroleptic- use of methadone has been proposed as a treat-
like effects on the endocrine system, such as hyper- ment in cases of schizophrenia that have turned
prolactinemia and the suppression of surrenal ac- out to be resistant to traditional medications, and
tivity. Sedation may also take place when the toler- again in cases of the early development of dyski-
ance threshold is exceeded during the induction nesia 155 . In addition, when combined with
phase136,138. On neurochemical grounds, typical an- methadone, low dosages of antipsychotics such as
tipsychotics and opiates both act on the same neu- chlorpromazine, flufenazine and haloperidol are
ronal targets, and interfere with dopaminergic needed to control psychotic symptoms139,156,157. In
transmission, though they move along different heroin addicts admitted to hospital for an acute
molecular pathways139. Buprenorphine has shown psychotic episode, an increase in methadone
it is active against hallucinations and delusions over dosage or the initiation of methadone treatment
a time-span of four hours in a small group of het- was effective in achieving control of psychotic
erogeneous psychotic patients140. Selective k-ago- symptoms by prescribing lower treatment dosages
nist receptors (such as pentazocine), on the other of antipsychotics and antimanic drugs, even when
hand, have psychotomimetic properties141,142: this the period spent in hospital duration of hospital-
toxicological property is in line with the finding ization was the same157. The profile of psychotic
that the levels of the endogenous selective k-ago- heroin addicts at their first treatment attempt dis-
nist dynorphines are related to the severity of plays a higher level of global symptom severity,
symptoms in schizophrenic subjects143. Opiate an- even when coupled with less severe addictive
tagonism was also considered in relation to psy- symptoms and a shorter duration of addictive his-
chotic symptoms. For instance, naloxone adminis- tory than their non-psychotic peers. We may spec-
tration did produce an improvement of symptoms ulate that the presence of a psychotic background
in selected schizophrenic patients, but the results underlying opiate use leads to an early worsening
were not homogeneous144. Subjects who were suf- of global mental status through fast-acting opiate
fering from independent psychotic disorders were use, and may thus benefit from opiate stabilization
more likely to drop out of naltrexone treatment by by agonist treatment. Apart from the resolution of
the end of the first year145. withdrawal-related exacerbation of psychotic
symptoms, the positive impact of opiate agonism,
which may have been the reason for the transition
Discussion to regular heroin use, may be recovered by slow-
acting, stable dose agonist treatment, but in a
The relationship between substance abuse and restabilizing form rather than a destabilizing
psychosis is far from having been completely clar- one158. In other words, the long-term use of opiate
ified. Even if there is evidence of causal correla- agonists may be effective in treating psychotic
tions between substance use and psychosis onset symptoms in former psychotic patients who later
for most substances of abuse, this connection is became heroin addicts through a self-medication
less clear for opiates. Some authors have hypothe- habit158,159. Psychotic heroin addicts may be in-
sized a direct involvement of opioid neuropep- cluded among those who resort to street
tides in the pathophysiology of psychotic disor- methadone as a regular practice before entering
ders146. The antipsychotic effectiveness of opiate treatment, and this decision should be regarded as
agonists 19,147-149 is supported by the fact that a self harm-reducing behaviour rather than a

A.G.I. Maremmani, L. Rovai, F. Rugani, S. Bacciardi, L. DellOsso, I. Maremmani

polyabuse pattern. In fact, those patients may have

Opioidergic system
an independent motivation to look for treatment

earlier and stay in treatment longer, which may
overcome addictive ambivalence and improve


Presence of
Not clearly
compliance160. In the evaluation of a psychiatric
diagnosis of patients entering treatment, we have
tried to distinguish between patients who had

started heroin use after the onset of psychiatric

tremens, hallucinosis
disorders, and those who had suffered from psy-

Jealousy, delirium

Intoxication and
chiatric disorders after the onset of their drug-us-

ing habit. Among the former, psychotic disorders

Presence of
and anxiety disorders were those best represented,
and they were linked with a trend towards less se-

vere addictive symptoms. The latter group mostly
comprised patients suffering from mood disor-
ders, who have more severe addictive symptoms.

psychotic illness
Family history of
Bizarre delusion

Intoxication and
This time sequence does not stand as a definite

proof of self-medication dynamics, but it is broad-


ly consistent with the idea that some disorders,
rather than others, may lead to heroin use in a self-

medication manner133. The same patients would
then suffer from early impairment of their psychi-
Unusual experience

atric disorders, due to acquired opiate imbalance,

psychotic illness
Family history of
Intoxication and
when the severity of their addictive disease is still

lower; and they will benefit more directly from the

opiate-balancing effect of agonist treatment161.
Through the recent use of an exploratory factor
analysis of the 90 items in the SCL-90, a five-fac-
tor solution was identified for 1,055 heroin addicts
Intoxication and

who answered the SCL-90 questionnaire at treat- Paranoicism in

cocaine use

ment entry. These factors were named on the basis



of items that showed the highest loadings. Worth-

lessness and being trapped, somatization, sen-

sitivity-psychoticism, panic anxiety and vio-

lence-suicide were the five dimensions that were
Table I. Substance abuse and psychosis (intentionally simplyfied).


extracted. On the basis of the highest z-scores ob-

Family history of
Intoxication and

tained on the 5 SCL-90 factors (allowing identifi-

mental illness


cation of a number of dominant SCL-90 factors),


subjects could be assigned to 5 mutually exclusive


groups. These five groups were sufficiently dis-

tinct, and fail to reveal any significant overlap162.
As to current knowledge, a variety of opioid med-
Schizotypy, genes


ications seem to have a specific action on psy-


M=F (M>F?)

chopathological symptoms. Using the SCL-90 5


factor solution, heroin-dependent patients with


prominently psychopathological sensitivity-psy-

choticism characteristics showed a better level of
retention in treatment when treated with
methadone163. Methadone dosage would partially
pathway involver
Intoxication or

work as a psychotropic stabilizer, regardless of ad-



dictive symptoms, so that the eventual stabiliza-



tion dosage is higher than in non-psychotic heroin

addicts. Once both psychopathological grounds
(addictive and psychotic) have been neutralized,

Substance abuse and psychosis. The strange case of opioids

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