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Week / Day / Date 40 Sunday 5th November 2017

Class / Time / Subject 5 Rajin 08.00 a.m.-09.00 a.m. English Language
Theme / Unit / Title World of Knowledge
Unit 15 Real-Life Heroes
Learning Standard 1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. Listen and answer five questions correctly
PDP Activities Introduction
SC : Pupils will be success if they are able to 1. Teacher introduces the topic of the day
answer five questions correctly Presentation
Module: Listening and speaking 1. Teacher shows some words
2. Teacher explains some difficult words
1. Teacher shows the picture
2. Pupils respond with words based on the picture
Production/ Closure:
1. Pupils complete the task given
Curriculum Implementation
6.1 : Knowledge / Value Moral Education / Kindness
6.2 : EMK / KB / BCB Sociocultural / Creativity and Innovation
Teaching Aids Text book
Evaluation PDP / Pentaksiran PDP Observation
Reflection / Effect and Homework Learning objective is achieved successfully

Week / Day / Date 40 Sunday 5th November 2017

Class / Time / Subject 2 Pintar 09.00 a.m.-10.00 a.m. English Language
Theme / Unit / Title World of Knowledge
Unit 18 Feeling Happy, Feeling Sad
Learning Standard 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. Listen and answer five questions correctly
PDP Activities Introduction
SC : Pupils will be success if they are able to 1. Teacher introduces the topic of the day
list down the words correctly Presentation
Module: Listening and speaking 1. Teacher shows some words
2. Teacher explains some difficult words
1. Teacher shows the picture
2. Pupils respond with words based on the picture
Production/ Closure:
1. Pupils complete the task given
Curriculum Implementation
6.1 : Knowledge / Value Moral Education / Kindness
6.2 : EMK / KB / BCB Sociocultural / Creativity and Innovation
Teaching Aids Text book
Evaluation PDP / Pentaksiran PDP Observation
Reflection / Effect and Homework Learning objective is achieved successfully

Week / Day / Date 40 Sunday 5th November 2017

Class / Time / Subject 3 Bijak 11.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. English Language
Theme / Unit / Title World of Knowledge
Unit 16 Its Concert Day
Learning Standard 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations: (a) express good wishes
Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. Listen and answer five questions correctly
PDP Activities Introduction
SC : Pupils will be success if they are able to 1. Teacher introduces the topic of the day
list down the words correctly Presentation
Module: Listening and speaking 1. Teacher shows some words
2. Teacher explains some difficult words
1. Teacher shows the picture
2. Pupils respond with words based on the picture
Production/ Closure:
1. Pupils complete the task given
Curriculum Implementation
6.1 : Knowledge / Value Moral Education / Kindness
6.2 : EMK / KB / BCB Sociocultural / Creativity and Innovation
Teaching Aids Text book
Evaluation PDP / Pentaksiran PDP Observation
Reflection / Effect and Homework Learning objective is achieved successfully

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