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A&R : Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

A : good morning everybody, to the honourable adjudicator (Miss Rensita, Mr Budi, Mr Tata),
participants, thank you for coming

R : I hope all of participants still have big spirit although its weekend. So keep up your spirit

A&R : Welcome to Elevator Pitch 2016

A : This event is organized by Departemen Pengembangan Wawasan dan Keilmuan HMTI and
sponsored by Waroeng Spesial Susu Segar

R : Before we begin the event, lets pray. Pray begin, thank you.

R : let us introduce ourselves. My name is Rani

A : my name is Ago and we will be your master of ceremony on Elevator Pitch 2016

R : Go, I wonder what elevator pitch is? Can you explain?

A : To answer your question, lets watch a video!

Kasih teaser elevator pitch

R : Wow, great video! I start to have an idea about how we deliver our pitch. I can not wait to
watch how the participants deliver their ideas!

A : yeah me too! before we proceed, we will tell our agenda for today. First, speech from our
Head of Committee, Miss Ramadhani Nur

R : Then we will introduce you to our adjudicators and also our speakers

A : Next is Elevator Pitch competition that will be explained later

R : evaluation session from the adjudicator

A : Accoustic performance from batch 2014 and 2015

R : Seminar including Q&A session

A : And last is rewarding that will close this event

R : Without further ado, please welcome Miss Ramadhani Nur as our head of committe.

Mbak hani ngasih speech

R : Thank you Ramadhani for the opening. Next let us introduce our honourable adjudicators.
First, we have Mr. Tata lecturers from,

A : We have Mr.

R : Last but not least, we have

A : To explain the rules and mechanism of the competition we happily to call miss paulina. To
miss paulina, the stage is yours

Sesi Mbak Paul

R : That wil be the end of the competition and lets

R : Lets call the first team, TEAM 1. Please come forward. For team 1, you have 2 minutes to
deliver your idea. Starts from... Now

Timekeeper is urgently needed hereeee

A : Thank you team 1, is there any coments from the adjudicators?

R : Thank you for all teams that have presented their pitch and also critics and advices from
adjudicator. Now each adjudicator will evaluate your pitches generally. Please welcome, our
honorable adjudicator

Adju ngasih general advice

A : Thank you adjudicators from such an insightful comment! Hopefully, all of the pitchers can
improve the ability to present their idea effectively.

A : Selamat pagi semuanyaaaaa

R : Loh kok pake bahasa indonesia?

A : Teirma kasih kepada peserta atas kesabaran menunggu. Sekarang kita akan ada evaluasi
dari juri untuk pitching yang sudah dilakukan. Kepada dewan juri dipersilahkan

R :Terimak kasih dewan juri. Utk mmeperseingkat waktu langsung masuk ke seminar sesi
pertama yang akan diberikan oleh Mr. Tata. Kepada Mr Tata dipersilahkan

A :Terima kasih mr tata atas materinya. Kepada mas budi kami persilahkan.

R :Terima kasih mbak rensita atas materinya. Selanjutnya, adalah sesi tanya jawab. Di sesi
pertama kami akan memberi kesempatan untuk tiga penanya. Kepada peserta yang ingin bertanya

R : Untuk mengakhiri acara ini, kami akan memberikan kenang-kenangan kepada dewan juri.
Kepada dewan juri dipersilahkan untuk maju.

A :Pertama, kenang-kenangan untuk bapak Tata akan diserahkan oleh Saudari Ramadhani Nur
selaku Ketua Panitia Elevator Pitch 2016.

R :Sel anjutnya, kenang-kenangan untuk Mas Budi akan diserahkan oleh Saudara Christian
Mario selaku ketua departemen PWK HMTI

A :Terakhir, kenang-kenangan untuk Mbak Rensyta akan diserahkan oleh Saudari Paulina
Nainggolan selaku kepala divisi Bahasa Inggris

R&A :Dengan demikian, selesailah acara Elevator Pitch 2016. Saya Rani dan Saya Ago, kami

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Sebelum meninggalkan ruangan diharapkan berfoto bersama terlebih dahulu

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