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MARRIAGE the marriage was not entered into for the purpose of evading

the immigration laws of the United States.

Rep. of the PH v. Albios (Oct 16 2013 Mendoza, J.) o At present, United States courts have generally denied
FACTS: annulments involving limited purpose marriages where a
Daniel Lee Fringer, an American citizen, and respondent Liberty couple married only to achieve a particular purpose, and have
Albios were married at by Judge Ofelia Calo of the MeTC. upheld such marriages as valid.
Albios filed a petition for declaration of nullity of her marriage with Under Article 2 of the Family Code, consent is an essential
Fringer, alleging that immediately after their marriage they separated requisite of marriage. Article 4 of the same Code provides that the
and never lived at husband and wife because they never had any absence of any essential requisite shall render a marriage void ab
intention of complying with the essential marital obligations. initio.
o Albios claimed that their marriage was made in jest and is null o For consent to be valid, it must be (1) freely given and (2)
and void ab initio. made in the presence of a solemnizing officer.
The RTC declared the marriage void ab initio since it was of the view o A freely given consent requires that the contracting parties
that the parties married each other for convenience. willingly and deliberately enter into the marriage. Consent
o Albios testified that she contracted Fringer to enter into a must be real in the sense that it is not vitiated nor rendered
marriage so she could get an American citizenship and defective by any of the vices of consent under Articles 45 and
agrred to pay him 2,000 dollars. 46 of the Family Code.
o Fringer returned to the US and Albios never paid him o Consent must also be conscious or intelligent, in that the
because he never processed her petition for citizenship. parties must be capable of intelligently understanding the
The CA ruled that the essential requisite of consent was lacking and nature of, and both the beneficial or unfavorable
that the parties did not clearly understand the consequences of the consequences of their act.
marriage and that the situation was similar to a marriage in jest Consent was not lacking between Fringer and Albios.
because it was for personal gain. o There was real consent because it was not vitiated. It was
The OSG argues that even if the intention was for Albios to get also conscious and intelligent because they understood the
American citizenship and for Fringer to be paid, both parties gave nature and the beneficial and inconvenient consequences of
their consent as they knowingly and willingly entered into that their marriage.
marriage and knew the benefits and consequences of being bound by o That their consent was freely given is best evidenced by their
it. The motive is inconsequential to the validity of the marriage. conscious purpose of acquiring American citizenship through
o It also argues that the case is not a marriage in jest since the marriage. There was a clear intention to enter into a real and
parties intentionally consented to enter into a real and valid valid marriage so as to fully comply with the requirements of
marriage. an application for citizenship.
ISSUE: W/N a marriage contracted for personal gain is void ab initio. A marriage in jest is a pretended marriage, legal in form but entered
HELD: NO. into as a joke, with no real intention of entering into the actual
Marriage Fraud in Immigration marriage status, and with a clear understanding that the parties would
o In the United States, marriages where a couple marries only not be bound.
to achieve a particular purpose or acquire specific benefits, o Fringer and Albios marriage was not in jest since they had
have been referred to as limited purpose marriages. the intention to be bound in order to create the bond
o The case Bark v. Immigration and Naturalization Service ruled necessary to allow Albios to have American citizenship.
that a marriage is a sham if the bride and groom did not The State does not and cannot dictate on the kind of life that a couple
intend to establish a life together at the time they were chooses to lead. Any attempt to regulate their lifestyle would go into
married. This standard was modified with the passage of the the realm of their right to privacy and would raise serious
Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendment of 1986 (IMFA), constitutional questions.
which now requires the couple to instead demonstrate that o Marriages entered into for various purposes, provided that
they comply with all the legal requisites, are valid.
Their marriage cannot be considered voidable on the ground of fraud o The crime of bigamy was consummated from the moment he
under Article 45 (3) of the Family Code. contracted the second marriage without his marriage to
o (1) nondisclosure of a previous conviction involving moral Patingo being first judicially declared null and void, because
turpitude; (2) concealment by the wife of a pregnancy by at the time of the celebration of the second marriage, his
another man; (3) concealment of a sexually transmitted marriage to Patingo was still deemed valid and subsisting due
disease; and (4) concealment of drug addiction, alcoholism, to such marriage not being yet declared null and void by a
or homosexuality. court of competent jurisdiction.

Lasanas v. People (Jun 23 2014 Bersamin, J.) Abbas v. Abbas (Jan 30 2013 Velasco, Jr. J.)
Petitioner Noel Lasanas was married to Socorro Patingo without a Petitioner Syed Abbas filed a petition for the declaration of nullity of
marriage license. They did not execute an affidavit of cohabitation to his marriage to respondent Gloria Abbas, alleging the absence of a
excuse the lack of a marriage license. marriage license as a ground for the annulment.
Lasanas and Patingo reaffirmed their marriage vows in a religious In Syed and Glorias Marriage Contract, is is stated that a marriage
ceremony, and was able to submit a marriage license. license was presented to the solemnizing officer.
However, Lasanas and Patingo separated de facto (not legally Syed, a Pakistani citizen, testified that he met Gloria, a Filipino
recognized) because of irreconcilable differences. citizen, in Taiwan and they were married at the Taipei Mosque.
Lasanas subsequently married Josefa Eslaban in a religious o After arriving in the Philippines, Syed was told by his mother-
ceremony, and their marriage certificate reflected Lasanas civil in-law that he was going to undergo some ceremony to be
status as single. able to stay in the PH, but was not told of its nature.
Afterwards, Lasanas filed a complaint for annulment of marriage and o During the ceremony Syed and Gloria signed a document.
damages against Patingo, alleging that Patingo employed deceit, Syed did not know that it was a marriage until Gloria told him
misrepresentations, and fraud in securing his consent to their later.
marriage, and that psychological incompatibilities and her infidelity Syed also testified that he did not apply for a marriage license.
had caused him to suffer mental anguish, sleepless nights and social o He went to the Office of the Civil Registrar to check on their
humiliation warranting the award of damages. marriage license. He was asked for a copy of their marriage
Patingo charged Lasanas with bigamy and the latter was charged for contract where the marriage license number could be found.
bigamy by RTC. In the meanwhile, Lasanas complaint for annulment The Municipal Civil Registrar found that the marriage license
of marriage was dismissed. number in the marriage contract was issued to another
The RTC found Lasanas guilty of bigamy. Lasanas appealed to the couple, Arlindo Getalado and Myra Mabilangan.
CA, contending that he was not legally married to Patingo and was o The Civil Registrar issued Syed a certification which states
not guilty of bigamy. However, the appeal was dismissed by the CA that no marriage license was issued to him and Gloria.
for lack of merit. o Syed went to get the certification because Gloria filed a
ISSUE: W/N Lasanas ig guilty of bigamy. bigamy case against him.
HELD: YES. o Norberto Bagsic, an employee of the Municipal Civil
The elements of bigamy are (1) that the offender has been legally Registrar, brought documents to the trial which showed the
married; (2) that the marriage has not been legally dissolved or, in marriage license that was issued to the other couple. He
case his or her spouse is absent, the absent spouse could not yet be testified the serial number of the marriage license was not
presumed dead according to the Civil Code; (3) that he or she issued to any other person.
contracts a second or subsequent marriage; and (4) that the second Gloria had her own witnesses.
or subsequent marriage has all the essential requisites for validity. o Reverend Mario Dauz testified that he solemnized Syed and
o The first and second elements were present in view of the Glorias marriage and that the witnesses were Atty. Lorenzo
absence of a judicial declaration of nullity of marriage Sanchez and Mary Ann Ceriola.
between Lasanas and Patingo.
o He testified that Atty. Sanchez gave him the marriage license had probative value, as the duty of the Civil Registrar is to
the day before the wedding. maintain records of data relative to the issuance of a marriage
o Atty. Sanchez testified that he was asked to be a sponsor by license.
Glorias mother, Felicitas. He requested a certain Qualin to o Gloria also failed to explain why the marriage license was
secure the marriage license, and that he didnt know where issued in Carmona, Cavite where neither of them resided.
the license was obtained. She failed to present Qualin, the one who actually obtained
o Gloria corroborated the testimonies of the other witnesses, the license.
and said that she filed a bigamy case against Syed because In Carino v. Carino, it was held that the certification of the Local Civil
he had married Maria Buenaventura during the existence of Registrar that their office had no record of a marriage license was
their marriage. She also stated that she and Syed were adequate to prove the non-issuance of said license.
married in Taiwan but did not know if the marriage had been o It further held that it was the burden of the party alleging a
celebrated under Muslim rites since the one who celebrated valid marriage to prove its validity. Gloria failed to discharge
their marriage was Chinese. that burden.
The RTC ruled that no valid marriage license was issued for Gloria o It cannot be said that there was a simple irregularity in the
and Syed. Their marriage lacked a formal requisite, and that it was marriage license that would not affect the validity of the
void ab initio. marriage, as no license was presented.
Gloria appealed the case to the CA. The CA granted her appeal.
Syed elevated the matter to the SC. Kho v. Kho (Jun 1 2016 Peralta, J.)
ISSUE: W/N Syed and Glorias marriage is void ab initio. FACTS:
HELD: YES. Petitioner Raquel Khos parents summoned one Eusebio Colongon
Under Art. 3 of the FC, the formal requisites of marriage are: (1) (deceased), then Clerk in the Office of the Municipal Treasurer, to
Authority of the solemnizing officer; (2) A valid marriage license arrange and prepare the papers for the intended marriage between
except in the cases provided for in Chapter 2 of this Title; and (3) A Raquel and respondent Veronica Kho. The marriage was to take
marriage ceremony which takes place with the appearance of the place around midnight of June 1 1972 to exclude the public from
contracting parties before the solemnizing officer and their personal witnessing it.
declaration that they take each other as husband and wife in the Raquel never applied for a marriage license and did not sign any
presence of not less than two witnesses of legal age. papers in connection with the procurement of the license.
Under Art. 4, The absence of any of the essential or formal The RTC ruled that the marriage was void ab initio due to the lack of
requisites shall render the marriage void ab initio, except as stated in marriage license.
Article 35(2). A defect in any of the essential requisites shall render o Raquel presented a Certification from the Municipal Civil
the marriage voidable as provided in Article 45. An irregularity in the Registrar, which states that no marriage license was issued to
formal requisites shall not affect the validity of the marriage but the Raquel and Veronica.
party or parties responsible for the irregularity shall be civilly, o Veronica contends that she and Raquel personally appeared
criminally and administratively liable. before the Local Civil Registrar to secure a marriage license.
Under Art 35, marriages solemnized without a license shall be void The CA held that Raquel failed to prove the absence of the marriage
from the beginning. license and that the absence of any indication in the marriage
The Court agrees with the RTC in ruling that no valid marriage certificate that a marriage license was issued is a mere defect in the
license was issued to Gloria and Syed. formal requisites and does not invalidate the marriage.
o Gloria failed to present and actual marriage license and only ISSUE: W/N Raquel and Veronica obtained a valid marriage license.
relied on the marriage contract and the testimonies of the HELD: NO.
witnesses. The marriage was celebrated on June 1, 1972, prior to the effectivity
o Syed, on the other hand, obtained a certification from the of the Family Code. The Civil Code governs their union.
Municipal Civil Registrar which states that no license was o According to Art. 53 of the CC, the essential requisites of
issued. In Republic v. CA, it was held that such certification marriage are: (1) Legal capacity of the contracting parties; (2)
Their consent, freely given; (3) Authority of the person HELD: YES.
performing the marriage; and (4) A marriage license, except Under Art. 349 of the RPC, the elements of bigamy are: (1) that the
in a marriage of exceptional character. offender has been legally married; (2) that the first marriage has not
o Article 80(3) of the CC also makes it clear that a marriage been legally dissolved or, in case his or her spouse is absent, the
performed without the corresponding marriage license is void, absent spouse could not yet be presumed dead according to the Civil
this being nothing more than the legitimate consequence Code; (3) that he contracts a second or subsequent marriage; and (4)
flowing from the fact that the license is the essence of the that the second or subsequent marriage has all the essential
marriage contract. The requirement and issuance of a requisites for validity.
marriage license is the State's demonstration of its The prosecution presented sufficient evidence to prove the existence
involvement and participation in every marriage, in the of the first marriage between Tenebro and Villareyes.
maintenance of which the general public is interested. o (1) There was a copy of a marriage contract and a
Raquel was able to present a Certification issued by the Municipal handwritted letter from Vilalreyes to Ancajas which informed
Civil Registrar which states that there was no record nor copy of any the latter of the marriage.
marriage license ever issued to him and Veronica. o Tenebro contends that there is no record of the marriage in
o This Certification overcomes the presumed validity of the the NSO and the City Civil Registry of Manila. However, the
marriage. It is now the burden of Veronica to prove that the documents presented by the defense cannot adequately
marriage is still valid as she is the one who alleges such assail the marriage contract because such contract was
validity. She was not able to do so. already sufficient to establish the marriage. It should be given
In addition, their marriage certificate does not contain any entry greater credence than documents testifying merely as to
regarding the marriage license. It could have been obtained from the absence of any record of the marriage since the law does not
National Archives and Records Section, but Veronica failed to do so. require that a marriage contract needs to be submitted to the
The law requires that the absence of such marriage license must be civil registrar.
apparent on the marriage contract, or at the very least, supported by o (2) Although Tenebro claims that he took steps to verify the
a certification from the local civil registrar that no such marriage non-existence of his marriage to Villareyes by asking his
license was issued to the parties. brother to validate its non-existence, the certifications issued
by the NSO and the Civil Regristry were dated after the
Tenebro v. CA (Feb 18 2004 Ynares-Santiago, J.) marriage of Tenebro to his second wife.
FACTS: Tenebro argues that the judicial declaration of nullity of his second
Petitioner Veronico Tenebro contracted marriage with complainant marriage to Ancajas on the ground of psychological incapacity
Leticia Ancajas. They lived together continuously without interruption retracts to the date of the celebration of the marriage. He claims that
until Tenebro informed Ancajas that he was previously married to since the marriage is void ab initio, he is not guilty of bigamy.
Hilda Villareyes. Invoking this said marriage, Tenebro left Ancajas to o This declaration of nullity does not affect the States penal
live with Villareyes. laws.
Tenebro contracted yet another marriage to Nilda Villegas. When o As a second or subsequent marriage contracted during the
Ancajas learned of Tenebros third marriage, she verified from subsistence of petitioners valid marriage to Villareyes, his
Villareyes if she was married to Tenebro and Villareyes confirmed. marriage to Ancajas would be null and void ab initio
Ancajas filed a complaint for bigamy against Tenebro. completely regardless of petitioners psychological capacity or
During the trial, Tenebro admitted to living with Villareyes but denied incapacity. It is not an argument for the avoidance of bigamy.
that they were validly married due to the absence of a marriage o A plain reading of Art. 39 of the RPC indicates that it
ceremony. He alleged that he merely signed a marriage contract to penalizes the mere act of contracting a second or a
enable her to get allotment from his office in connection to his work subsequent marriage during the subsistence of a valid
as a seaman. marriage.
The RTC convicted Tenebro of bigamy. o The declaration of the nullity of the second marriage on the
ISSUE: W/N Tenebro is guilty of bigamy. ground of psychological incapacity is not an indicator that
petitioners marriage to Ancajas lacks the essential requisites o She claims that Jaime is a compulsive liar and had a bad
for validity. Said marriage still has legal effects. There is temper. He also took drugs. They had no fixed home since
therefore a recognition written into the law itself that such a they partly lived in Spain. Carmelita worked as an English
marriage, although void ab initio, may still produce legal teacher while Jaime, who was supposed to be studying
consequences. Among these legal consequences is incurring medicine, did nothing.
criminal liability for bigamy. o Jaime allegedly physically and verbally abused her, and they
broke up. Later, Jaime married one Angela Garcia in the US.
Sevilla v. Cardenas (Jul 31 2006 Chico-Nazario, J.) The RTC declared their marriage void ab initio for lack of a marriage
FACTS: license.
Petitioner Jaime Sevilla filed a complaint before the RTC, claiming ISSUE: W/N the marriage is valid.
that thru machinations, duress, and intimidation employed upon him HELD: YES.
by respondent Carmelita Cardenas and her father Col. Jose The Certifications from the Local Civil Registrar stating that no
Cardenas, caused him and Carmelita to sign a marriage contract marriage license was issued are insufficient to declare the marriage
before a minister of the gospel. They also never obtained a marriage null and void ab initio.
license. o The Civil Code was the law in force at the time of the
Carmelita refuted these claims, stating that she and Jaime were marriage.
married civilly in a church ceremony and Jaime is estopped from o The first two certifications bear the statement "hope and
invoking the lack of marriage license because they had already been understand our loaded work cannot give you our full force
married for 25 years. locating the above problem." It could be easily implied from
Jaime testified before the RTC that the marriage license number in the said statement that the Office of the Local Civil Registrar
their marriage contract was fictitious. could not exert its best efforts to locate and determine the
o Jaimes counsel, Atty. Jose Abola, testified that he made existence of the Marriage License.
inquiries with the Office of the Civil Registry where the o This implication is confirmed in the testimony of Perlita
supposed marriage license was obtained. The Office issued Mercader who stated that they cannot locate the logbook
certifications that the marriage license number used was because the person in charge of it had already retired. This
never issued by that office. The church also issued him a belies the claim that all efforts to locate the logbook or prove
certificate of marriage wherein it was noted that it was a the material contents therein, had been exerted
purely religious ceremony, having there been a civil marriage o The presumption of regularity of performance of official
under the alleged marriage license number. function by the Local Civil Registrar in issuing the
Carmelita testified that she and Jaime had a steady romantic certifications is effectively rebutted since it did not exert
relationship after they met. utmost efforts to locate the logbook.
o She claims that she and Jaime eloped to Baguio. Upon return It is a settled rule that every intendment of the law or fact leans
to Manila, Jaimes mother assured them that she would toward the validity of the marriage, the indissolubility of the marriage
support them. Jaime and Carmelita had a civil wedding bonds.
without the knowledge of her family. They also had a church Semper praesumitur pro matrimonio Always presume marriage.
wedding wherein her family had no participation.
o She claims that there was no sex during their honeymoon People v. Dayot (Mar 28 2008 Chico-Nazario, J.)
and it was only after 2 months that they had sex. She learned FACTS:
from Jaimes physician that he had been undergoing In 1986, Respondent Jose Dayot and private petitioner Felisa Tecson
psychiatric therapy since he was 12 due to trauma were married at the Pasay City Hall. In lieu of a marriage license,
compounded by a drug habit. they executed a sworn affidavit attesting that both of them had
o She also found that Jaime had an unusual sexual behavior. reached the age of maturity and being unmarried, lived together for 5
He was obsessed with her knees and preferred to have years.
intrafemural sex with her.
In 1993, Jose filed a complaint from annulment before the RTC of to the good-faith reliance of the solemnizing officer over the
Binan Laguna, contending that his marriage to Felisa was a sham for falsity of the affidavit.
lack of a marriage ceremony, that he did not execute the Jose filed a motion for reconsideration, stating that the requisites for
aforementioned affidavit, and that his consent to the marriage was proper application of the exemption from a marriage license were not
vitiated by fraud. fulfilled. He maintained that the affidavit of marital cohabitation
o According to Jose, he was introduced to Felisa in 1986. He executed by him and Felisa was false.
came to live as a boarder in Felisas house. 3 weeks later, o The CA granted the motion and reversed its decision.
Felisa requested him to go with her to the Pasay City Hall The OSG filed a petition for review, praying that the CAs decision be
under the pretense that she was claiming a package sent to reversed and set aside.
her by her borther in Saudi Arabia. ISSUE: W/N the marriage is valid.
o Upon arrival, Felisa signaled to a man bearing 3 folded pieces HELD: NO. It is void ab initio.
of paper to approach them. The man told Jose to sign the Art 58 of the CC states that a marriage license is a requisite of
papers so that the package can be released to Felisa. Jose marriage.
refused, but Felisa told him that her brother could get them The marriage lacks the requirements of a valid marriage in which the
both killed because he had learned about their relationship. sworn affidavit that Felisa executed is merely a scrap of paper
o Jose signed the papers. It was in Feb. 1987 when he learned because they started living together 5 months before the celebration
that he had contracted marriage with Felisa. He saw the of their marriage.
paper on a table in Felisas house and when he asked her The 5 years shall be computed back from the date of the celebration
about it, she feigned ignorance. of the marriage, and refers to a period of legal union had it not been
Felisa denied Joses allegations and defended the validity of the for the absence of a marriage. It covers the years immediately
marriage. preceding the day of the marriage, characterized by exclusivity,
o She claimed that they had a relationship in the early part of meaning no third party was involved at any time within the five years
1980 but did not marry him due to their age difference. and continuity that is unbroken.
o She also claimed that during their subsisting marriage, Jose
married a Rufina Pascual. Felisa filed for bigamy against Santiago v. People (Jul 15 2015 Sereno, C.J.)
Jose. FACTS:
The RTC dismissed Joses complaint, ruling that his testimony was Four months after the solemnization of the marriage of petitioner
implausible. It also ruled that an action for annulment must be Leonila Santiago and Nicanor Santos, they faced an information for
commenced within 4 years after the discovery of the fraud. bigamy. The former pleaded not guilty while the latter escaped the
The CA applied the CC to the marriage. It observed that the suit.
circumstances constituting fraud as a ground for annulment of Santos was allegedly married to Estela Galang.
marriage under Article 86 of the CC did not exist in the marriage Petitioner asserted that she cannot be included as an accused in the
between the parties. Further, it ruled that the action for annulment of crime of bigamy because she believed that Santos was still single
marriage on the ground of fraud was filed beyond the prescriptive when she married him. She also argues that Santos first marriage
period provided by law. was void due to the lack of a marriage license.
o It also did not accept that the marriage was void ab initio for The RTC rejected Santiagos account that she did not know that
lack of marriage license, ruling that it was solemnized under Santos was married, as Galang already introduced herself as Santos
Art. 76 of the CC as one of exceptional character, with the legal wife prior.
parties executing an affidavit of marriage between man Santiago moved for reconsideration, contending that her marriage to
and woman who have lived together as husband and wife Santos was void ab initio for being celebrated without complying to
for at least five years. Art. 34 of the FC, which provides an exemption from the requirement
o However, even if the couple misled the solemnizing officer of a marriage license if the parties have actually lived together as
into thinking that they lived for 5 years, the CA gave credence husband and wife for at least five years prior to the celebration of
their marriage.
o She asserted that she and Santos had not lived together as urgently requesting the celebration of their marriage right then
husband and wife for five years prior to their marriage. Hence, and there, first, because complainants said she must leave
she argued that the absence of a marriage license effectively that same day to be able to fly from Manila for abroad as
rendered their marriage null and void, justifying her acquittal scheduled; second, that for the parties to go to another town
from bigamy. for the marriage would be expensive and would entail serious
o The RTC refused to reverse her conviction. problems of finding a solemnizing officer and another pair of
The CA affirmed the RTC decision. witnesses or sponsors; if they failed to get married on August
ISSUE: W/N Santiago is guilty of bigamy. 28, 1997, complainant would be out of the country for a long
HELD: YES. period and their marriage license would lapse and necessitate
Santos and Santiago made a misrepresentation in their marriage another publication of notice; fourth, if the parties go beyond
certificate by stating that they were eligible to contract marriage their plans for the scheduled marriage, complainant feared it
without a license. would complicate her employment abroad; and, last, all other
Santiago relies on the fact that her marriage to Santos is void ab initio alternatives as to date and venue of marriage were
for lack of a marriage license. However, they themselves perpetrated considered impracticable by the parties
a false marriage certificate by misrepresenting their exemption from o Beso and Yman already had the documents for a valid
such license. marriage
Santiago cites the case of People v. De Lara involving an acquittal for o Beso was an OFW, and he realized that she deserved more
bigamy on the ground that the second marriage lacked the requisite than ordinary attention under the present govt policy
marriage license. The Judge also contended that he solemnized the marriage in good
o The accused in the case did not cause the falsification of faith.
public documents himself. The Judge explained that his failure of registering the duplicate and
o In contrast Santos fraudulently secured a marriage certificate. triplicate copies of the marriage certificate
o A few days after the wedding, he gathered the papers relating
Beso v. Judge Daguman (Jan 28 2000 Ynares-Santiago, J.) to the marriage but after searching diligently for them, the last
FACTS: 3 copies of the certificate were missing.
Petitioner Zenaida Beso charged respondent Judge Juan Daguman, o Yman said that he saw Beso put the copies in her bad during
Jr. of solemnizing a marriage outside of his jurisdiction and of the wedding.
negligence in not retaining a copy and not registering the marriage o The Judge cannot contact Beso since she was already out of
contract with the office of the Local Civil Registrar. the country.
Beso and her fianc Bernardito Yman got married before Judge The Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) found the respondent
Daguman in his residence in Calbayog City, Samar. Judge committed non-feasance in office.
o The ceremony was attended by Pacifico Maghacot (sponsor) o It found that there are only three instances under Art. 8 of FC
and spouses Ramon and Teresita Dean. wherein a marriage may be solemnized by a judge outside his
o After the wedding, Yman abandoned Beso for no reason. chamber or at a place other than his sala. The circumstances
o Yman went to Calbayog City and inquired to the Civil are not present.
Registrar about her marriage contract. o The Judge also violated Art. 23 of FC, wherein it states that
o She was informed that her marriage was not registered. "It shall be the duty of the person solemnizing the marriage to
o She wrote to Judge Daguman to inquire but he informed her furnish either of the contracting parties the original of the
that all the copies of the marriage contract were taken by marriage certificate referred to in Article 6 and to send the
Yman. duplicate and triplicate copies of the certificates not later than
Judge Daguman contends that the marriage had to be solemnized fifteen days after the marriage, to the local civil registrar of the
outside of his territory because: place where the marriage was solemnized.
o He was physical indisposed and unable to report to his ISSUE: W/N the respondent Judge could solemnize a wedding outside of
station. Beso and Yman came unexpectedly to his residence, his jurisdiction.
HELD: NO. Marriages, A petition for declaration of absolute nullity of void
Under Art 7 of FC, marriage may be solemnized by any incumbent marriage may be filed solely by the husband or the wife.
member of the judiciary within the courts jurisdiction. Fujiki contends that the Rule the RTC used was only for ordinary civil
The reasons proffered by respondent Judge to justify his hurried actions, and that the petition for recognition of foreign judgment is a
solemnization of the marriage in this case only tends to degrade the special proceeding, which "seeks to establish a status, a right or a
revered position enjoyed by marriage in the hierarchy of social particular fact," and not a civil action which is "for the enforcement or
institutions in the country. protection of a right, or the prevention or redress of a wrong."
An elementary regard for the sacredness of laws let alone that o He also contended that the Japanese judgment was
enacted in order to preserve so sacrosanct an inviolable social consistent with Article 35(4) of the Family Code of the
institution as marriage and the stability of judicial doctrines laid down Philippines on bigamy and was therefore entitled to
by superior authority should have given respondent judge pause and recognition by Philippine courts.
made him more vigilant in the exercise of his authority and the Marinay and Maekara individually sent letters to the Court to comply
performance of his duties as a solemnizing officer. with the directive for them to comment on the petition.
Considering that respondent Judges jurisdiction covers the o Maekara wrote that Marinay concealed from him the fact that
municipality of Sta. Margarita-Tarangan-Pagsanjan, Samar only, he she was previously married to Fujiki. Maekara also denied
was not clothed with authority to solemnize a marriage in the City of that he inflicted any form of violence on Marinay.
Calbayog. o On the other hand, Marinay wrote that she had no reason to
oppose the petition. She would like to maintain her silence for
Fujiki v. Marinay (Jun 26 2013 Carpio, J.) fear that anything she say might cause misunderstanding
FACTS: between her and Fujiki.
Petitioner Minoru Fujiki is a Japanese who married respondent Maria ISSUE: W/N the court can adopt the foreign judgment.
Paz Marinay in the PH. Since the marriage did not sit well with Fujikis HELD: YES.
parents, he could not take her to Japan and they eventually lost Art. 26 of the FC confers jurisdiction on Philippine courts to extend
contact. the effect of a foreign divorce decree to a Filipino spouse without
Marinay met another Japanese, Shinichi Maekara. They married undergoing trial to determine the validity of the dissolution of the
without the first marriage being dissolved. Maekara brought Marinay marriage.
to Japan. However, Maekara abused Marinay and the latter left to o Par. 2 provides that "where a marriage between a Filipino
contact Fujiki. citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is
Fujiki and Marinay were able to reestablish their relationship. Fujiki thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse
helped Marinay obtain a judgment from a family court in Japan which capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall
declared the marriage between Marinay and Maekara void on the have capacity to remarry under Philippine law."
ground of bigamy. o This is only a corrective measure to address the anomaly that
Fujiki filed a petition before the RTC, praying that (1) the Japanese results from a marriage between a Filipino, whose laws do not
Family Court judgment be recognized; (2) that the bigamous marriage allow divorce, and a foreign citizen, whose laws allow divorce.
between Marinay and Maekara be declared void ab initio under The principle in the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Family
Articles 35(4) and 41 of the Family Code of the Philippines; and (3) for Code applies because the foreign spouse, after the foreign judgment
the RTC to direct the Local Civil Registrar of Quezon City to annotate nullifying the marriage, is capacitated to remarry under the laws of his
the Japanese Family Court judgment on the Certificate of Marriage or her country. If the foreign judgment is not recognized in the
between Marinay and Maekara and to endorse such annotation to the Philippines, the Filipino spouse will be discriminated the foreign
Office of the Administrator and Civil Registrar General in the National spouse can remarry while the Filipino spouse cannot remarry.
Statistics Office (NSO). Philippine courts already have jurisdiction to extend the effect of a
The RTC dismissed the petition foreign judgment in the Philippines to the extent that the foreign
o It contended that under Sec. 2 of the Rule on Declaration of judgment does not contravene domestic public policy.
Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages and Annulment of Voidable

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