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Generalized second law of thermodynamics in black-hole physics*

Jacob D. Bekenstein
Center for Relativity Theory, of Texas at Austin, Austin,
The University Texas 78712
(Received 17 September 1973)

In previous work we introduced the concept of black-hole entropy, which we identified with
the surface area of the black hole in question expressed in units of the Planck length squared.
We suggested that the appropriate generalization of the second law for a region containing
a black hole is that the black-hole entropy plus the common entropy in the black-hole exterior
never decreases. Here. we establish the validity of this law for the infall of an entropy-
bearing system into a much larger and more massive generic stationary black hole. To do
this we determine a general lower bound for the increase in black-hole entropy, and an upper
bound for the entropy of the system, while allowing for quantum effects at each stage. In
passing we show that the generalized second law is a statistical law which becomes over-
whelmingly probable in 'the limit of a macroscopic system. We also consider briefly more
general situations. Finally, we give two simple examples of predictions made by the gen-
eralized second law for black-hole formation processes.

I. INTRODUCTION constant 4= 1 are used so that 4=2. 6x10 "em'.

The QSL is the only guise in which the second
Black-hole physics mirrors thermodynamics law has a chance of retaining both its validity and
in many respects. For example, Christodoulou' its usefulness for regions of the universe near
has shown that the efficiencies of processes for ex- black holes. The OSL is inapplicable just to the ex-
tracting energy from a black hole are limited by terior of the holes since they are sinks of entropy.
their irreversibility;the most efficient processes And if applied to both interiors and exterior, the
are the "reversible" ones. This result has a clear OSL is not useful since there is no may for exterior
thermodynamic ring to it which has been well observers to measure the interior ordinary entropy
brought out by Carter. ' Further analogies between and so to apply the law. We say that the OSL is

noted by the present author, '

black-hole physics and thermodynamics have been
by Carter, ' and by
Bardeen, Carter, and Hawking. ' The formal black-
transcended. '4 Not so the QSL, since black-hole
entropy can be determined without delving into
black-hole interiors. Thus by generalizing the con-
hole analog of the ordinary second law of thermo- cept "entropy" to include black-hole entropy, one
dynamics (OSL), "the entropy of a closed system can hope to make the second law valid and useful in
never decreases, " is Hawking's theorem, ~ "the the presence of black holes. One also hopes that the
surface area of a black hole never decreases. " QSL mill provide the sort of rapid and effortless
We have conjectured"' that this last analogy is solutions to certain problems that the OSL is noted
more than formal, namely, that the area of a black for in more ordinary contexts. But first it is clearly
hole expressed in suitable units may be regarded imperative to establish the general validity of the

as the black-hole entropy entropy in the sense of GSL beyond reasonable doubt; some progress in
information about the black-hole interior inacces- this direction is reported here.

second conjecture, "'

sible to exterior observers. Logically related is a
the generalized second law
of thermodynamics (GSL): The sum of the black-
Considering first the case of a system entering
a far larger and more massive generic stationary
black hole, we show in several steps that the as-
hole entropy and the common (ordinary) entropy sociated increase in black-hole entropy, &Sbh, is
in the black-hole exterior never dec~eases. Argu- at least as large as the maximum entropy 8 that
ments and examples supporting these conjectures the system can carry down the hole, as required
are set forth in detail in Ref. 4 (henceforth called by the GSL. In Sec. II me find a general lower
paper I) together with reasons for taking the black- bound for ~Sbh by treating the system as a small
hole entropy as perturbation on the hole, while making allowance
'n. for the system's nonzero dimensions which, in the
Sb=(~ln2)N final analysis, are dictated by quantum effects.
Here u is the rationalized black-bole area (event- The result agrees with a less general one obtained
horizon surface area divided by 4e), and K is in paper I. In Sec. III me obtain an upper bound on
P)anck's constant. Units with C= c= Boltzmann's ~~ for a macroscopic system by thermodynamic

and quantum considerations, and show that it is in a (real) convergence p and shear &. The proper
general smaller than the corresponding &8. In 2-area 6A. of an element of horizon changes ac-
Sec. IV we compute 8 for a simple microscopic cording to
system by quantum and statistical arguments, and
show that in the mean &S~S . Statistical viola-
tions of the GSL are possible, but they become
highly improbable as the system grows large. In
where v is the affine parameter of a typical local
Sec. V we consider situations more complicated generator. In turn p satisfies
than those studied earlier, and we elucidate the
physical factors relevant to the operation of the
=p'+ )oP+4nT~ &

GSL by means of an example. We also consider

the prospects for a general proof of the GSL. Fi- where Tg& is the stress-energy tensor of the
nally, in See. VI we show with two examples how matter at the horizon, and =dr /dv is the (nuU)

one can make predictions with the GSL. tangent vector to the local generator (as well as
the outgoing normal to the horizon). We assume
II. INCREASE IN BLACK-HOLE ENTROPY the weak energy condition~: Ts&l I ~~0.
We require a lower bound on the &8 associated
If we calculate d'5A/dv' from (2), eliminate
with the absorption of a generic system by a much
first derivatives with (2} and (3), integrate (over
larger and more massive stationary black hole. area) for given v, and then over v from v to v= ~,
we get
Before we begin, it is worthwhile pointing out the
inadequacy of treating the system as a point par-
ticle in our context. If we did this, we could argue, p2 g~ v I
with Christodoulou, ' Isxael, ' and Bardeen eI; gl. , '
V u H

that the increase in black-hole area ean be made (4)

arbitrarily small (Christodoulou's "reversible"
process). The argument is simplest for a Schwarz- Here & is a spacelike section of the horizon for
fixed v and A(v)= JoA(v} is the total area of this
schild hole: imagine the system deposited at rest
(in stationary coordinates) arbitrarily near the
section; we have assumed that dA/dv-0 as v- ~.
horizon. Its energy (as measured from infinity) is Thus far the formalism can describe both a sys-
red-shifted away so that in absorbing it the hole tem collapsing to form a black hole and one fall-
experiences no change in mass or area. Indeed, ing into a pre-existing hole. To make the problem
Israel, and Bardeen et al. , have inferred from tractable we specialize to the latter case and con-
such arguments that &S can be made negligible
sider only a stationary black hole (possibly more
compared to the entropy of the system, so that the general than Kerr) and a system which makes
GSL cannot work. However, as already recognized only a small perturbation on it, i.e., one of small
mass and moderate density. We may then regard
by Christodoulou, a reversible process is an ideal
whose perfect attainment is prevented by the atom- Tez as a first-order quantity. Now both 0 and p
vanish for a perfectly stationary hole. 7'o Thus
icity of matter. This may be unimportant in other
for our perturbed hole both & and p will be first-
contexts, but when the subject is entropy, whose
order quantities, so that ~&P-p' may be neglected
very meaning springs from the atomieity, it can-
in (4) to first order.
not be ignored. Specifically, if one allows for the
The system first makes contact with the horizon
nonzero dimensions of the system x equired by the
at some v, say v=0. We obtain a lower bound for
quantum nature of matter, then the center of mass
the total increase in area by integrating (4) from
of the system cannot be deposited at rest nearer
v= 0 to v =~ (Ref. 11):
to the horizon than the typical "radius" of the sys-
tem, and the increase in area will no longer van-
ish. We shall now obtain a very general lower ~~)2 dv dv' Tgylal&5~ v' .
bound for this increase and show that it suffices
to make the GSL work. An alternative but less Here a=A/4n is the rationalized area. Let us now
general discussion leading to the same results has reexpress (5) in terms of the rest mass and dimen-
appeared in paper I. sions of the system.
We first recall some facts about black holes. ~' We assume that the system is small in size com-
A generic black hole is a region of spaeetime en- pared to the hole. Then we may work in a locally
closed in an event horizon (one-way membrane), inertial frame (not necessarily the rest frame)
which is a null hypersurface generated by a con- whose origin lies within the system as the latter
gruence of null geodesics charactexized locally by crosses the horizon. Let the frame be equipped

with an orthonormal tetrad ~, such that ~,"~,=g
(Minkowski metric). The"&0, the time axis, is
T, n'6A= Tppd V Tpp6A, (8)
the 4-velocity of the frame; &,". for i = 1, 2, 3 is the
space triad. For a generator which intersects the where we allow for the facts that V decreases in
system we may write (for the interval encom- time, while dt=dh for the interval between H sur-
passed in the frame) faces.
Now consider fT& n'n 6A. It is consistent with
I "= K(A.O" + n
,"), 'A. (6) our earlier remarks to regard the n' as constants
where K and n are four appropriate parameters. everywhere inside the system at a given time.
Since l" l=0, n' n'= 1. Now in our particular Using T, ~ sT-/st and repeating the above pro-
frame &'=K, &'=Kn', and the Christoffel symbols cedure we get
vanish. Then the geodesic equation for a generator
shows that K and ' are constants along each gen- T, n' e'6A. =
T, n' dV T, pn'6A. 9
erator. Due to the smallness of the system, they
will also be constant from generator to generator
inside the system to within fractional errors of the But
order of the size of the system divided by that of
the hole. Tn'dV= dh' T, n'dA, (10)
We shall choose ~p to be orthogonal to one of the
(constant v} H surfaces at an event within the sys- where &A is the area element on a 2-surface Z(x'}
tem. To the same approximation used above, ~p parallel and simultaneous to H, h' measures dis-
will be orthogonal to the H surface at all points tance normal to such surfaces starting from h'=0
within the system (if H is not pathological) so that at the innermost point of the system, and the in-
H will be a constant-time surface. Now on a given tegral over &' goes from the H surface (at &'=x)
generator two H surfaces differing by dv are sep- to the outermost point of the system. As before,
arated by the interval dh"=& "dv. By the constancy we transform the surface integral in (10) to one
of K, the time difference between them, dt=dh over the volume V' of the system lying outward
=Kdv, is constant within the system. Hence, all of Z(x'). Since dr= dt we have
relevant H surfaces are constant-time surfaces
within the system (and Ao is orthogonal to all) in
our approximation. Since &" is the null outgoing F
T, n' dV = X
TppdV' T~d V.
normal to the H's, it is clear from (6) that the n'
are the components of the unit spacelike (outgoing)
normal to these surfaces. Thus the normal dis-
Substituting (8) and (9) into the integral of (7)
tance dh between H surfaces differing by dv is also
and eliminating all reference to Tby means of
Kdv, and the surfaces are parallel within the sys-
tem. (8) and (11) we get
We now introduce T= Ts&&8kjf, the ordinary
components of the stress-energy tensor in our TBy l l 6Q K 2
dh TppdV 12
frame. In terms of these

T8& l l = K'(T + 2 T,n'+ T, ~n' n &), To integrate over v as in (5) we replace Kdv by dt
8 &

in accordance with our earlier remark, and the

which we substitute in (5). Consider first
integrals become trivial. After an integration by
JTn'oA. Since T=O outside the system, the
parts we get
integral is unchanged if extended to a closed con-
stant-time 2-surface enclosing that part of the
system outside the horizon, and coinciding with H b, n ~2 hT~dV ( 13)
inside the system. On &, n' is the inboard normal V

to this surface; we redefine n' to mean this same where the integral is evaluated at &=0, i.e., at
normal for the rest of the surface, and 6A to mean the moment when the system first makes contact
the corresponding area element. Then by Gauss's with the horizon; h=0 labels points of the system
theorem the integral is just f&T,dV, where V right at the horizon. In making use of an inertial
denotes the volume of the part of the system out- frame in the calculations, we have assumed im-
side the horizon at the given time. Conservation plicitly that the self-gravity of the system is neg-
of energy as expressed in our frame implies that ligible. Then Tpp represents the energy density
To~ s Too/s t. Thus of the system, and according to (13) 4a is at least

twice the product of the system's relativistic define a characteristic temperature T, =S'(hln2) '.
energy 8 and the normal distance x from its center If our system is odd-shaped, we take for 5 the
of mass (c.m. ) to the horizon at v=0 (t =0), all smallest "radius" of the system. Since for a mac-
quantities measured in the inertial frame. roscopic system b is large compared to the Comp-
The 4 exceeds the system'8 ~est mass p by a ton length of any of its constituent nuclei or ele-
Lorentz factor y ~1 corresponding to the relative mentary particles, T, /m1, where m is the rest
motion between the c.m. and the frame. We can mass of any such particle. Hence for absolute
make this motion have no component in the x di- temperatures T ~ T the thermal motions within
rection (normal to the H surfaces) by applying to the system are nonrelativistic. (The case of mass-
our frame an appropriate Lorentz boost in that less particles is treated later. )
direction. This does not affect the constant-time We may express the entropy of the system at
character of the surfaces, or the argument lead- absolute temperature T as
ing to (13). Because there is no Lorentz con-
traction of the system in the z direction in the
S=SO+ C(T') T' 'dT',
negro inertial frame, g =b where 5 is the normal 0
distance from the c.m. to the horizon at the in-
stant of contact as measured in the zest frame
where S, is its ground-state entropy (at T=0}, and
C(T) &0 is its heat capacity at constant volume and
of the system. Thus we get our final result,
analogous parameters. Likewise, the rest-mass
energy p. is just
hg &2p, b. (14)
Equation (14) agrees with the less general result g=E + C(T')dT', (17)
(A15) obtained in paper I by a different approach. 0
Here the result does not depend on specific pro- E, is rest
perties of Kerr holes (applying also to holes sur-
masses). " From
the ground-state energy
Eqs. (15)-(17) have we

rounded by massive disks, etc. ), on the shape of

the system, or on its motion (it may be subject to T,

forces). We have already shown in paper I that nS ~E /T~-S + C(T')(T~ ~-T' ~)dT'. (18)
the lower bound &0.=2pb is actually attainable.
Combining (1) and (14) we get The last integral reaches its absolute minimum at
T= T&', thus for any T,
b, S ~p, bS 'ln2. (15)
For a macroscopic system b, which is essentially aS ~E /T~ S+ C-(T)(T~ ' T')dT. - (19)
an effective radius, must be enormous compared
to the Compton lengths of the constituent particles,
This new integral involves only the range O~T~T~
which themselves are large compared to &/y.
for which the thermal motions are nonrelativistic.
Therefore &S1. Thus, while the minimum
We now show that S, is negligible compared to
increase in black-hole area [Eq. (14)] can be quite
minute (10 "
cm' for the typical automobile), the E,/T, . IngeneralSo=lng, whereg is the degree of
degeneracy of the ground state; in practice one deals
corresponding increase in black-hole entropy [Eq. with (nuclear or particle) spin degeneracy. Suppose
(15)] is always large in natural (4= 1) units (=104' we have to do with N"nuclei" of spin , '8; then
for the automobile}. Failure to allow for this point g=N' and S,=Nln2. If m is the mass of a nu-
on the part of Israel, 9 and Bardeen et al. , ~ vitiates cleus, then E, ~Nmsince other particles, i.e.,
their final conclusion. We now go on to compare
&S to the entropy carried by the system down the
electrons, may be present. "
As mentioned earlier
m/T, 1; thus S, EO/T, . If we try to circum-
hole. vent this condition by considering nuclei of large
spin sg so that SO=Nln(2s+ 1), we are soon thwart-
III. CHANGE IN GENERALIZED ENTROPY: ed. For s1 the spin is quasiclassical. We may
then apply the result of Mf(lier" that a spinning
We call the sum of Sand the common entropy particle of mass mand spin sS has an effective
in the black-hole exterior the generalized entropy radius no smaller than s8'/m. By implication
S,. For the process in question bS, = AS-S, where bs8/m, m/T, s, and so E,/T, Ns. For
S is the common entropy carried by the system large s, s &In(2s+1) so that again S, E, /T~. Thus
down the hole. The following demonstration that we neglect S, in (19).
&S~&0 applies to a closed macroscopic system de- Now consider the integral in (19). For moder-
scribable by ordinary thermodynamics. We first ately high T, C(T) varies slowly over each range
of T corresponding to a given phase, and is of the
order of the number of effective degrees of free-
dom of the system at that T. This last number
will never exceed the number of elementary par-
ticles in the system by more than a factor of order
unity. For low T various degrees of freedom be-
come ineffective or are "frozen out" (a strictly
quantum effect), and C(T) drops, ultimately van- C(T)
ishing as T-0 in harmony with the third law of
thermodynamics. " It is consistent with all known
results to assume that C(T) vanishes at least as
rapidly as T. It is then possible to define an "en-
velope" for C:

Tc =Tb, Tp c Tb

FIG. 1. Typical heat capacity C(T) (solid line) and

its "envelope" t'(T) (dashed lines) for two choices of
Here C is the largest value of C in O~T&Tand Ty' Tp is the point from which C(T) starts its final drop
T, is the largest parameter for which 8(T)&C(T) to zero.
in that range. Depending on the value of T, two
basic cases are possible, one with T,=Tb, the sec-
ond with 0& T,& T, . Both are illustrated in Fig. 1. We may regard a degree of freedom as some
Now the integrand in (19) is negative; hence by re- motion involving an effective mass m, and confined
placing C(T) by 8(T) we obtain a lower bound for to a region of dimensions a. Order-of-magnitude
it. Thus estimates via WKB or uncertainty-principle argu-
ments indicate that the energy spacing of the low-
' er levels is of order g (m, a') '. Moreover, com-
nS, &E,/T, -C [ , T,/T, +ln(T,/T, ) j . (21) parison with precise results shows that this esti-
mate is correct for such varied degrees of free-
First we consider the case with T,= T, . Let m dom as translational motion, rotation and vibration
be the mean mass of an elementary particle defined of molecules, electronic motion, etc. It is clear
by E,=Nm, where N is the total number of such that for our system a ~b so we may take T,
zh'2(m, b') ' Since. T, aTT,/T, s(ln2) 'm, /T, .

particles. As before m/T, 1 so that E,/T, N.
We remarked that C/N is bounded from above by As usual m, /T, 1 so that C ln(T, /T, )s(C /N)
a number of order unity; likewise for C /N. Thus Nln(m, /T, ). This last term is seen to be small
we see from (21) that nS, &0 since E,/T, ', compared to E,/T, =Nm/T, if, as in ordinary sys-
The same argument will clearly go through if tems, the effective masses m, of the last effective
T, /T, exceeds 1 by a not very large factor (say up degrees of freedom do not exceed m by more than
to 10; 1n10=2.3 only). This case is relevant when a few orders of magnitude. Then according to
the graph of C(T) is concave downward and T, lies (21) ns, &0.
below the leveling-off point T, . What if m, /rn is sufficiently large to upset the
Now consider the other cases under the label last part in the previous argument P Consider a
T, & T, . Just as above we see that D -=jC T,/T, series of systems with fixed Ep m, and b, but
Eo/Tso we neglect D in (21). We now obtain with successively larger m, . It is qlear that the
an upper bound for T, /T, . Examples such as that number of degrees of freedom in question, which
in Fig. 1 show that T, is either near the point Tp roughly equals C(T,), must scale like m, ' if m,
from which C(T) takes its last plunge to zero, or gets really large. Then Fig. 1 shows that T,/T,
else is much larger. The final drop in C(T) re- will scale as m, . Since Tp~m, ', T, will be es-
flects the freezing out of the last group of degrees sentially unchanged as m, is scaled up. It follows
of freedom. It is well known that a degree of free- that increasing m, cannot affect any term in (21)
dom is frozen out when T becomes comparable to or our final conclusion that 6$, &0.
or smaller than the energy spacing of its lower Finally, we consider a system with E,=O; the
quantum states. Hence T, is no smaller than the prototype is black-body radiation for which $p
energy spacing of the lower levels of the degrees as well. Equation (18) seems to say that for
of freedom in question. Let us estimate this spac- 0& T ~Tb,$, &0 in violation of the GSL. However,
ing. thermodynamic methods are actually inapplicable

in this range due to the prevalence of quantum with entropy by regarding N as a random variable
fluctuations. '
Specifically, fluctuations are negli- subject to some probability distribution (P).
gible and ordinary thermodynamics applicable to a Clearly p0=0 because no quanta corresponds to no
system only if Th /7, where r is a character- system. The statistical mean of any function f(N)
istic time for change if the system is disturbed is just (f&=PPf(N); the entropy associated
from equilibrium. "
For black-body radiation with the distribution is just (see paper I)
confined to dimensions 5, v =b and we need TT,
for thermodynamics to apply. If indeed TT~,
AS~ is positive as is evident from (18) with C(T)
~T'. By contrast, if TET the entropy is ill de- We are especially interested in that normalized
fined" and the GSL is made meaningless by the distribution which maximizes S for given (N&. I' t
fluctuations. To conclude, me have shown that for
a system describable by thermodynamics,
in agreement with the GSL.
h$~ & 0


pliers to be

p=(e -1)e ",
is easily found by the method of Lagrange multi-

From (23} it follows that

Thus far our arguments have not depended criti- S =&N&in&N&-&N-1&ln&N-1&. (25)
cally on the choice ~ ln2 for the numerical coeffici-
ent in formula (1) for S .
Any similar but not One easily finds now that the quantity (N)ln2-S
much smaller number would have served just as is non-negative and vanishes only for (N)= 2.
well. %'e nom show that the above choice is unique We conclude that (b.S, ) =- (aS &-S~0 with the
in alloming "generalized reversible" processes equality possible only if the lower bound in (15) is
for which b, $,=0 as well as those with 6$, &0. For attained, if b=k/m, and if the distribution (24) is
a system describable by thermodynamics h$~= 0 realized with (N)= 2. Note that any choice other
is not a real possibility: %'e made it clear that 'ln2 in (1) would either result in (b,S~& being
than ,
the positive term in h$, far outweighs the negative negative sometimes, or would exclude the possi-
ones. Hence me must consider microscopic sys- bility the "best"
(aS,)=0 altogether. Thus ,'ln2 is
tems, i.e., systems composed of a small number choice. The result (AS ) &0 means that the GSL is
of quanta. %'e regard such a system as a small always satisfied in the mean (weak form of GSL}.
wave packet. The results of Sec. II will still apply if It need not always be satisfied in particular in-
me think of T8 ~ as the expectation value of the cor- stances. For example, if the distribution (24) is
responding normal-ordered quantum field opera- realized with (N)=2 (S =2ln2), the strong form
tor " of the GSL, b$-$ &0, can break down in an in-
The lower bound for the 4$ associated with the stance for mhich in fact K=1, since 6$ &21n2 is
absorption of the system by the hole is given by then possible. Thus the GSL is a statistical 1am

(15). It should be attainable at least in the case susceptible to violations due to large fluctuations.

of a Kerr hole as shown in paper I. %'e first sup- In this it is no different from the OSL. In the
pose that the packet contains N identical bosons macroscopic limit of large (N) the strong form of
of mass m, all in the same quantum state. For the GSL becomes a statistical certainty. This is
some packets b=h/m should be a real possibility seen as follows. For large (N), S =ln(N). Thus
(it would correspond to a sort of minimum-uncer- the probability P, that 6$ -$ &0 is no greater
tainty packet); otherwise b&b/m. If we neglect in- than the sum of the p~ from N=1 to the next larger
teractions, p=Nm so that according to (15) integer to (ln(N))/ln2. One easily finds that P
&(In2} '(ln(N)}/(N&. Thus a violation of the strong
b, $ &N ln2. form of the GSL becomes improbable for large
(N). This again has a familiar ring to it.
Since m does not appear in (22), this relation VVhen the packet contains different types of quanta
should remain valid even for the case m=0 to in different states, the lower bound (22) for ASb
which our arguments are not strictly applicable. will not be attainable in general since b ~g/m for
According to (22), AS is not smaller than the the smallest m mhile p contains all the various m.
equivalent of one "bit" per quantum. It was this In order for the system to be specified by the vari-
feature which prompted us in paper I to choose ous occupation numbers, the available one-quan-
the coefficient in (1) as we did. tum states must be agreed on and the information
Once the state of the quanta is agreed on, the conveyed with the system. The simplest way to
packet is uniquely determined by %'e endow it
do this is to always have at least one quantum

Occupying each available state, i.e., po= 0 for each the hole individually. It is clear that the rate of
state. The entropy is maximized, first by taking tunnelling is sensitive to the wavelength: The
the distributions for various states as statistically shorter the wavelength, the higher the rate. In
independent, and then by choosing (24) for each steady state, the spectrum of the radiation must
(boson} quantum state. The previous analysis harmonize with this rate, and so will no longer be
can be applied and leads to the conclusion that of Planck type as for T Tb(it would be of Planck
(bS, )&0 and that sS, is almost always positive type only if the rate were wavelength-independent).
for large occupation numbers. In this way we This means that the radiation cannot be in thermo-
again demonstrate the validity of the GSL indepen- dynamic equilibrium with the cavity, for if it were
dently of Sec. III. the spectrum would be of Planck type. %'e may
conclude that irreversible processes will go on in
V. MORE GENERAL SITUATIONS the cavity material (and perhaps in the radiation
also), which will generate additional entropy. This
One may be interested in situations more gen- extra entropy must be allowed for in applying the
eral than those discussed above. For example, GSL which, in the spirit of the second law, need
one might ask whether the GSL holds for the case hold only for a closed system: black hole, radi, a-
of some tenuous matter accreting onto a station- tion, and cavity. To prove that the extra entropy
ary black hole from all directions. One might suffices to make the GSL work in the regime in
think that the law would hold if each small element question would be a difficult problem in nonequili-
of matter causes an increase in black-hole area brium statistical mechanics which we shall not
at least equivalent to its own entropy. But this
condition may be neither necessary nor meaning- factors conspire in favor of the GSL. "
pursue. But it is clear that the various physical

ful. First, it might be impossible to identify the One is also interested in whether the GSL holds
increase in area ascribable to a given element; for the process of black-hole formation. Since
however, this identification is possible in the case one must here give up the assumption of a station-
of steady-state accretion. Second, the Quid de- ary hole, this case is certainly the most difficult
scription of the matter assumed above may be in- to discuss. What sort of framework would be re-
appropriate: In some regime the smallest repre- quired to construct a proof of the GSL for this, or
sentative elements may be larger than the hole. for that matter, for any situation more complicated
And third, entropy may be generated in the black- than those treated in Secs. II-IVV %'e have repeat-
hole exterior as an organic part of the whole pro- edly seen that quantum effects play a prominent
cess; this extra entropy cannot be ignored. %'e role in the operation of the law: The GSL is at its
illustrate some of these points with an example. ' roots a quantum law. We have also seen that the
Consider a Kerr hole of mass R immersed in a GSL is a statistical law. It seems, therefore, that
black-body radiation "bath*' within a cavity of tem- such a proof could be obtained only in the context
perature T. %'e assume that the cavity does not of quantum-statistical mechanics in curved space-
rotate so that the radiation has zero angular mo- time. Since this discipline does not yet exist, we
mentum, and that the process of accretion has shall simply have to assume, on the strength of
reached a steady state. Then [see paper I, Eqs. the arguments of paper I, and in the absence of
(8), (16}, and (18)] to radiation of energy F. (as evidence to the contrary, that the GSL is valid gen-
measured from infinity) going down the hole there erally.
corresponds CS=Z/7 , where 7 is a certain
characteristic temperature. For given M, T~ VI PREDICTING WITH THE GSL
'PE(Mln2) '. Now far from the hole the entropy-

& ,

to-energy ratio of the radiation will be the usual
one, &T '. Since the accretion onto the hole
One may make predictions with the GSL; two
simple examples follow. Consider first a cold
takes place in steady state, it is plain that togeth- nonrotating assembly of N nucleons. If its mass
er with energy E, entropy 5=~3ET ' flows in. Thus
for T ~~ ~ 45bh-5 ~~0 and the GSL ls valid for
exceeds a critical mass of the order of
will collapse spontaneously,
presumably to form

each stage of the inflow. a Schwarzschild black hole. However, in principle

One should not conclude that for T&, Tthe GSL smaller masses can also be induced to coDapse.
is violated because in this regime a new feature One way to accomplish this" would be to artificially
must be taken into account. Indeed, for T&3Tbh, compress the central portion of the system into
the typical wavelength in the radiation, 8/T, is a "seed" black hole which would then gobble up the
alx eady larger than the size of the hole ~2M. Thus rest of the nucleons. The energy expended in
the radiation no longer flows in as a fluid would, "seeding" can be made negligible. The initial com-
but rather most wavelengths in it must tunnel into mon entropy of the system is at least as large as

the spin-degeneracy entropy of the spin--,' nuclei; ordinary thermal radiation). If our geon collapses
thus S&Nln2 (see Sec. III). If the mass of the final to a Schwarzschild hole, its mass M will be con-
Schwarzschild hole is M, then by (1) served. The S will again be given by (26), and
the GSL now predicts that
$bh (26)
The GSL predicts that $-$o-0, or M. -,'Nh. Be- M & 3bE(Tln2) ~
=0.96AET ' (27)
cause of the binding energy of the initial system
and the possible mass loss to gravitational waves, The geon's effective radius R must clearly exceed
we must have M&Nm, where m is the nucleon the characteristic wavelength in the radiation
rest mass. These relations imply that N& ,'g/m' =8/T. Hence (27) is seen to be a necessary con-
and 2M&h/m. dition for M'/R, the geon's gravitational binding
Thus according to the GSL, induced collapse to energy, to exceed E. That is, (27) is a necessary
a black hole is possible only if no fewer than condition for the geon to be able to collapse rather
'b/m'=10" nucleons participate Th. is corres-
, than explode.
ponds to M&10 "Mo (10"g) and a gravitational We have seen how the GSL makes very reason-
radius exceeding the Compton length of the nu- able (if not astounding) predictions for processes
cleon. This is reasonable result, for if 2M&I/M, of black-hole formation. This success supports
the "seed" hole would necessarily be smaller than the view that it must be generally valid for such
the Compton length, and the nucleons would have processes.
great difficulty in falling in. ' Collapse could then Note added in Proof. The argument leading to
Eq. (14) is perfectly valid if the system's intrinsic
probable process. "
take place only via quantum tunnelling, a very im-
If such collapse did take place angular momentum s is zero. If s10 the position
nevertheless, it could be classed as a statistical of the c.m. as computed in the inertial frame is at
violatjon of the GSL. a distance y = vx sJ p ' from that computed in the

As a second example we consider a spherical rest frame, where v is the relative velocity between
thermal geon, that is, a spherical body of thermal the frames [C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, and J. A.
Wheeler, Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco,
tional field."
radiation holding itself together by its own gravita-
The local temperature within it 1973), p. 161]. However, for macroscopic sys-
will not be strictly constant due to gravitational tems y b, so in this case at least the effect of 5
effects, but we shall replace it by an effective is negligible. To see why y &=b consider first
constant value T. The total radiation energy E is macroscopic rotation, which necessarily involves
not a very precise concept when strong gravita- velocities much smaller tha, n unity. Then s p, b,
~ ~

tional fields are present, but we shall use it nev- so that y b. If instead of macroscopic rotation
ertheless. Now the total entropy of the radiation we have all N spine aligned, ~s~= 'NK But b8'+
should be approximately S=&ET ' (same as for =Nk/p, so that again y b.

*Work supported in part by National Science Foundation tetrad indices by i or j, and time one by 0.
under Grant No. GP-32039. Our implicit assumption of thermodynamic equilibrium
~D. Christodoulou, Phys. Bev. Lett. 25, 1596 (1970); is no restriction: For nonequilibrium S is smaller than
Ph. D. thesis, Princeton University, 1971 (unpublished). at equilibrium. Thus if DS~ &0 for the equilibrium
2B. Carter, Nat. Phys. Sci. 238, 71 (1972). system, then automatically ES~ &0 for the nonequili-
J. D. Bekenstein, Ph. D. thesis, Princeton University, brium one.
1972 (unpublished) . ~40rdinary binding energies are negligible; the possible
4J. D. Bekenstein, Phys. Bev. D 7, 2333 (1973). exception is gravitational binding energy which we
In Black Holes, edited by B. S. DeWitt and C. M. DeWitt already assumed to be negligible.
(Gordon and Breach, New York, 1973). ~5C. ~lier, Commun. Dublin Inst. Adv. Stud. A 5 (1949).
6J. M. Bardeen, B. Carter, and S. W. Hawking, Commun. The specific heat at constant pressure is singular at
Math. Phys. 31, 161 (1973). phase transitions, but that at constant volume is not.
~S. W. Hawking, Phys. Bev. Lett. ~26 1344 (1971); VL. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics
Commun. Math. Phys. 25, 152 (1972), and Bef. 5. (Addison-Wesley, Beading, Mass. , 1969), 2nd edition,
J. D. Bekenstein, Nuovo Cimento Lett. 4, 737 (1972). pp. 66, 344, 165.
~W. Israel, Nuovo Cimento Lett. 6, 267 (1973). By calculating in an inertial frame we hope to bypass
S. W. Hawking and J. B. Hartle, Commun. Math. Phys. the thorny problem of quantization in curved spacetime.
27, 283 (1972). Another example involving an apparent violation of the
We ignore the increase for v &0 which need not vanish. second law was discussed in Bef. 8. The resolution
' Generic tetrad indices are denoted by a or b, space given there was rightly criticized by L. Basano and

A. Morro, Nuovo Cimento Lett. 6, 193 (1973), and by (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 1971).
Israel (Ref. 9). However, we have independently The existence of a nucleon number below which,
given in paper I a different resolution to which their classically, induced collapse will not occur has been
objections are inapplicable. inferred in a different way by B. K. Harrison, K. S.
Ya. B. Zel'dovich and I. D. Novikov, Sta~s and Relativ- Thorne, M. Wakano, and J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation
ity (Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1971), p. 295. Theory and Gravitational Collapse (Univ. of Chicago
The existence of this "Compton barrier" has been Press Chicago 1965), p. 82.
demonstrated in detail by J. A. Wheeler, in Cortona J. A. Wheeler and E. A. Power, Rev. Mod. Phys.
Symposium on Weak Interactions, edited by L. Radicati ~29 480 (1957).

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