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Title: Ngram Analysis Lesson Plan

Grade: 9
Overall Goal: In this lesson, students will use Google Ngram to compare the frequency of given
controversial key terms throughout different time periods in history. Through the process of
analyzing word frequency in different words throughout different years, students will be able to
understand how media affects public opinion. They will choose a specific time period of 10 years
from 1800 to 2000 throughout time and then pick an article or work from that time period
discussing the issue. They will then note the authors use of rhetoric devices to discuss how the
argument is presented and how it could persuade an audience. The overall goal of this
assignment is for students to learn more about how the media plays a large part in public opinion
as certain events determine the frequency of a topic within media. Students will also be able to
deconstruct their time period of ten years and determine specific rhetorical devices used to
address the audience.

Standards Learning Objective Assessment

9-10.RN.3.3 Determine an Analyze the use of different Students will turn in

authors perspective or purpose rhetorical devices through a rhetorical analysis
in a text, and analyze how an turning in annotated articles paper covering an
author uses rhetoric to advance that clearly point out and article of their
that perspective or purpose. explain the tactics used. choice from that
Understand the effects of time period.
the devices used by turning Students will also
in a canvas post about how turn in annotated
these devices tie into the article pointing out
authors main argument. these devices within
the authors work.

9-10.ML.2.2 Analyze and Understand how the Students must

interpret the changing role of popularity of an issue can address how the
the media over time in focusing rise and fall throughout time media outlets were
the public's attention on events through the use of Google. persuasive in their
and in forming their opinions on Note what historical depiction of the
issues. circumstances could spark assigned term.
the frequency of word use to
increase throughout time.

Key Terms & Definitions:

Rhetoric devices - a specific approach that an author uses in order to convey the
meaning of their message to an audience.
Annotation - A helpful note or comment in the text written by the reader for later
Frequency - The amount of time a specific occurrence takes place
Deconstruction - Taking apart a problem and forming it into smaller pieces

Lesson Introduction (Hook, Grabber):

To start the lesson, students will be required to brainstorm a controversial term, and predict the
trend of its use on a blank Ngram map provided in class based upon their background
knowledge of historical events.. They will then be introduced to Ngram and required to type their
chosen words into the program and asses the accuracy of their predictions. After having a few
minutes to review the Ngram chart and compare it to their predictions, they will enter a canvas
post (one paragraph in length) that notes what years the use of their word peaked and provides
an inference as to why based on historical knowledge. If a student is unsure about why a words
peak is placed in the period in which it is, they will be allowed 5 minutes to do light research in
order to provide an ample explanation.

An example of this may include if a student choose the word genocide. When typed into
Ngram, it is clearly seen that the use of this word increases greatly directly after the holocaust. In
this case the student would note the accuracy of their prediction through pattern recognition of
the current trends, and note that the Jewish population was most likely the most common group
referred to in use of this word during its peak based on common historical knowledge.

Lesson Main:

Students will first choose a specific term from a list of controversial terms. They will then form
groups of three and be assigned one of the following topics: abortion, gun control, gay marriage,
sexuality, marijuana, muslim & immigration, marijuana, prostitution, racism. They will plug this
term into Ngram in order to find out the frequency with which this term appeared in media over
time, starting in 1800 and ending in the year 2000. The students may then choose a specific time
period of 10 years they will focus on for their project. This allows them to practice the
computational thinking skill of decomposition as students are able to take a large variety of data
and break it down into ten year segments that can be further studied and researched.

Once the students have chosen their time period, they must argue why the term either did / did
not make a frequent appearance at this point in time. This will allow students to practice the
computational thinking skill of pattern recognition as they study their ten year time period in the
context of the history surrounding it in comparison to other blocks of time. The students must find
an article from their selected time block that supports their argument. Within this article, students
will perform a rhetoric analysis in order to identify the specific rhetorical devices the author uses
in support/opposition to the chosen term.

Upon being assigned their word and looking at their Ngram data, students will be given four
additional days in class to further their research on this time period. Part of the final product that
would be assessed at the end of the week would include a printed version of their Ngram chart
with their focused time period highlighted. They will also turn in the article that they chose to go
along with their time period that include detailed annotations that actively point out rhetorical
devices used by the author to address the audience. Finally, they will turn in a collective 5-7 page
rhetorical analysis paper in which they address which devices were used by the author and how
they were useful in addressing an audience in this time period. This paper will also include a
paragraph containing light research in how the frequency of the word differed in comparison to
their time periods displayed on the Ngram chart in order to address the skills of decomposition
and pattern recognition. This paragraph does not require heavy research, but simply provides the
opportunity for students to compare their ten year time period with other points in the history of a
words use.

Lesson Ending:

At the end of the project, students will be required to turn in a collective journal of all of their
work. This will include a printed copy of their Ngram chart with their targeted time period circled,
an annotated article pointing out the rhetorical devices found, and their rhetorical analysis paper
that explains how these devices are used to pursue the audience and uses historical evidence to
show how the audience was responding to works of that nature throughout that time period.

Assessment Rubric:

Resources / Artifacts:

List of Terms:
Gun control
Gay marriage
Muslim, Arab, Mexico, Immigration


1. Differentiation for ability levels

In order to ensure that learners of all ability levels are able to fully and actively participate
in the activity, the instructor should ensure that each group is made up of a mix of both
high and low level learners, so that the high level learners can assist the low level

2. Differentiation for demographics

As the activity does deal with controversial topics, it is quite likely that one or more of the
topics discussed could be seen as offensive to students of different demographics.
Therefore, should any student feel uncomfortable at any point in time, they will have the
choice to either switch groups or complete an alternative assignment.

3. Differentiation for languages
Students who struggle with English as a new language will be allotted extra time if
necessary in order for them to get the full experience of the project. Also, the instructor
should ensure that any students struggling with English are in groups with students who
will be able to help and guide them, in order to foster a learn-from-each-other

4. Differentiation for access & resources
Some students may not have access to the internet in order to use Ngrams. If that is the
case students will have the opportunity to come in before school, after school or during
lunch to have the ability to research and work on their project.

Anticipated Difficulties:

There could be difficulty in finding an article to analyze if students pick an earlier time period that
is closer to 1800. Resources could be limited and more difficult to find as they age. Working in
groups of 3 could also prove to be a difficulty for some as certain students may end up taking on
a greater workload than others. This could be resolved by students being graded individually
rather than a whole, so that one students slacking does not affect anothers.

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