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Building Climatology

Building Climatology

Objectives and benefits

Modern transparent architecture Building climatology represents the

demands simple, intelligent climati- link between the various design dis-
sation concepts, in order to allow ciplines, and it pursues an integral
environmentally compatible buil- design approach that focuses on the
dings with high user comfort com- complex interactions among the
bined with low investment and facade, the building`s structure and
operating costs and high functiona- the technical plants of the building.
lity. This objective is supported by a
variety of simulation tools.
Building climatology supports the
architect in achieving a comfortable Building climatology consulting
building climate together with an yields an optimal overall solution
energy-saving structural design. that is adjusted to the particular
Here the primary emphasis is on building project and its specific
providing maximum protection requirements. It allows to achieve a
against external factors by means high degree of design reliability,
of passive measures concerning the thereby supporting the realisation
building construction, such as gla- of ecological building concepts.
zed facades, storage masses and so
on. Another essential aspect is the
utilisation of natural resources,
such as natural light, natural venti-
lation, solar heating and geother-
mal heat.

Cover picture:
Administration building
of MEAG GmbH, Munich.
Architects: Denk, Mauder,
Wisiol & Altenberend,
Exemplar for an atrium
with a glazed roof and
adjacent natural
ventilated offices.
Climatisation concepts

The desire for environmen-

tally compatible, energy-
saving buildings where users
feel comfortable requires
new approaches to climati-
sation concepts.

In line with the motto „less

often is more“, the objective
pursued is to achieve more
functionality using less tech-
nology. This is done by
regarding the building as a
total system that interacts
with its environment. For
example the facade, the
structure of the building
and the technical plants of
the building interact with
each other.
Climatisation concept for an atrium with adjacent offices

Within the context of the building

climatology approach, the objective
is to exploit available natural
resources and to match the facade,
the building structure and the tech-
temperature [°C]

nical plants of the building

optimally to each other.

Here the primary emphasis is on

optimisation of the facade´s ener-
ambient air getic properties, activation of the
building´s storage masses and
maximum use of natural lighting
and natural ventilation of the buil-
summer time (MEST) ding´s rooms.
Interior temperature during a period of nice weather according to VDI 2078
(July; 14 warm, sunny summer days) Building simulation is an important
tool for the development of innova-
tive climatisation concepts. It en-
frequencies in a year while operation time [h/a]

without heat discharge during night ables to predict the influence of the
night ventilation by open windows complex interactions between the
building and it´s environment, in
heat discharge by component cooling during night
order to develop an optimal soluti-
on which fulfills the requirements
of investor and user. Various poten-
tial solutions can be evaluated,
compared and analysed in terms of
their cost effectiveness. Furthermo-
re innovative solutions and the uti-
lisation of regenerative sources of
energy can be investigated with
regard to their functionality and
cost effectiveness under the prevai-
temperatures ling general conditions and con-
averaged year (Test Reference Year, Region 8 for Augsburg) straints.

outer sheet (6-mm float SOLAR RA

glass with solar protective
As the link between the building
and its external environment, the
façade is highly significant for the
design of the building. Furthermo- Inner sheet (16-mm
re, it plays a decisive role with fire-resistant sheet with
regard to energy flows and other embedded gel)

interactions between the interior

and exterior of the building. The
demands imposed on the facade
thus arise from a variety of techni- darkening fabric temperature
cal functions. In particular, the (externally specular)
interactions among these technical 60°C
functions are very important and 50°C

compel an integral perspective. ventilation of

Temperature distribution inside a glazed skylight structure roof gap

With regard to climatic conditions

present during the summer months,
limiting solar thermal heat gain via
the transparent areas of the façade
is a key consideration. Here it is
recommended to analyse the sha-
ding situation as the first step, in
order to determine whether a sha-
ding system is necessary. Such an
analysis may also be relevant with
regard to planning permission and
building regulations.

The amount of solar heat gain via a

transparent façade exposed to
intense solar radiation depends on
the choice of glazing materials and Shadows projec-
the shading system. tions by a roof

The shading quality of a façade is

expressed in terms of its solar heat
gain coefficient (shading factor). ly estimated using the solar heat ding system, such an rough esti-
Although an initial, rough value for gain coefficient of the glazing and mate cannot take system-specific
this coefficient can be approximate- the attenuation factor of the sha- properties into account, such as
high levels of reflection from
specular elements of the shading
system. Significantly better
results can be obtained by com-
putational calculations, which
base on the physics of energy
radiation and the spectral distri-
absorption butions of transmission, reflec-
tion and absorption for each of
percent [%]

the façade´s individual layers
(i.e. glass panes and/or shading
system) and which deliver reli-
able values for the specific faca-
de´s properties of the particular

These calculations can also pro-

vide information about the tem-
wavelength [mm] perature profile within the glass
ultraviolet visible
infrared radiation façade under conditions of inten-
radiation light
sive solar radiation.
Typical spectral distributions of transmission, reflection and absorption for a coated pane of glass
Day light

Day light is becoming an increa- Besides, this intensified day lighting

singly important factor in the pro- generally yields a decreased use of
cess of developing buildings that artificial light. However, since the
are energy-efficient and user-friend- availability of natural light is cha-
ly. In architecture, natural light racterized by strong seasonal varia-
represents an essential design fac- tions at our latitudes, a strategy
tor. that strives to exploit day light to
the maximum possible extent must
With good day lighting, changes in also consider adequately the aspec-
the natural light level during the ts of solar shading and glare pro-
day, as well as variations in light tection. The objective is to develop
due to weather conditions and the solutions, which are compatible
seasons, can be percieved at the with the use of the building while
workplace. This maintains the taking local conditions and structu-
connection to the external world. ral factors into account. A ingeni-
Well day lighted rooms with plea- ous day light planning begins in the
sant natural-light atmospheres sig- early conceptual design stage, in
nificantly enhance the sense of per- order to allow the design freedom
sonal well-being. to be fully exploited. During sub-
sequent conceptual and detailed
design stages, various day light
systems or strategies for rational
natural lighting can be investigated
and evaluated in terms of their
functionality and efficiency.

Visualisation of lighting
conditions and shadow-
ing in a long atrium on a
sunny day.
Natural ventilation

Natural ventilation of buildings is a

key factor in climatisation concepts
that aim to achieve low energy con-
sumption and a high level of envi-
ronmental compatibility. Only a
few years ago, a uniform, artificial
interior climate produced by full air
conditioning was regarded as ideal.
Now, by contrast, it is generally
recognised that the sense of perso-
nal well-being and the quality of
the workplace can be significantly
enhanced by providing an increased
influence of ambient air (for in-
stance, to allow daily and seasonal
climatic variations to be experien-
ced) and allowing people to adjust Above:
room climates to suit their personal [m2/h] Ventilating offices and
favorites. Even in office buildings facade gap via sub-
terranean channels.
and administrative buildings, it is AAero = 15 m2

now hardly imaginable to build

AAero = 10 m2
working rooms that do not allow Left:
Intensity of facade ven-
at least occasional natural ventilati- tilation driven by ther-

mal buoyancy (calming,

AAero = 5 m2 necessary airflowrate no wind forces), show-
with 30 % smokers
ing the influence of the
As part of the current trend to- cross-sectional area of
wards transparent architecture, necessary airflowrate
the openings.
natural ventilation is increasingly without smokers

tasked with discharging heat loads

out of the building in addition to
air hygiene aspects.
temperature difference

In the conceptual and detailed

planning of natural ventilation
solutions, appropriate considerati-
on must be given to wind forces as
well as thermal induced buoyancy
forces. Our range of services inclu- Müller-BBM GmbH
des formulating requirements for Robert-Koch-Straße 11
air hygiene, fresh air supply and D-82152 Planegg (near Munich)
heat discharge, determining venti- Telefon 089-8 56 02-0
lation rates and air speeds, dimen- Telefax 089-8 56 02-111
sioning ventilation openings and
developing concepts for control
and regulation.
Müller-BBM GmbH
Lessingstraße 10
D-01465 Dresden-Langebrück
Telefon 03 52 01-725-0
Telefax 03 52 01-725-20
We would like to inform you that
Müller-BBM has a quality manage- Müller-BBM GmbH
ment system which includes our Nollendorfplatz 3–4
headquarters in Planegg (near Mu- D-10777 Berlin
nich) and all branch offices. This Telefon 030-21 79 75-0
management system is based on the Telefax 030-21 79 75-35
international standard ISO 9001
and was certified by the DQS Deut- Müller-BBM GmbH
sche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung Am Bugapark 1
von Managementsystemen mbH. D-45899 Gelsenkirchen
The certificate registration number Telefon 02 09-9 83 08-0
is 5398. Telefax 02 09-9 83 08-11

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