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Information as of 7 April 2015 has been used in preparation of this directory.


The Central Intelligence Agency publishes and updates the online directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments weekly.
The directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the world as is considered practical, some of
them not officially recognized by the United States. Regimes with which the United States has no diplomatic exchanges are indicated by the initials

Governments are listed in alphabetical order according to the most commonly used version of each country's name. The spelling of the personal
names in this directory follows transliteration systems generally agreed upon by US Government agencies, except in the cases in which officials have
stated a preference for alternate spellings of their names.

NOTE: Although the head of the central bank is listed for each country, in most cases he or she is not a Cabinet member. Ambassadors to
the United States and Permanent Representatives to the UN, New York, have also been included.
Key To Abbreviations

Adm. Admiral
Admin. Administrative, Administration
Asst. Assistant
Brig. Brigadier
Capt. Captain
Cdr. Commander
Cdte. Comandante
Chmn. Chairman, Chairwoman
Col. Colonel
Ctte. Committee
Del. Delegate
Dep. Deputy
Dept. Department
Dir. Director
Div. Division
Dr. Doctor
Eng. Engineer
Fd. Mar. Field Marshal
Fed. Federal
Gen. General
Govt. Government
Intl. International
Lt. Lieutenant
Maj. Major
Mar. Marshal
Mbr. Member
Min. Minister, Ministry
NDE No Diplomatic Exchange
Org. Organization
Pres. President
Prof. Professor
RAdm. Rear Admiral
Ret. Retired
Sec. Secretary
VAdm. Vice Admiral
VMar. Vice Marshal
Last Updated: 13 Mar 2015

Pres. Ashraf GHANI Ahmadzai

CEO Abdullah ABDULLAH, Dr.
First Vice Pres. Abdul Rashid DOSTAM
Second Vice Pres. Sarwar DANESH
First Deputy CEO Khyal Mohammad KHAN
Second Deputy CEO Mohammad MOHAQQEQ
Min. of Agriculture, Irrigation, & Livestock (Acting) Saleem Khan KUNDUZI
Min. of Border & Tribal Affairs (Acting) Sayed Ahmad HAQBIN, Dr.
Min. of Commerce & Industry (Acting) Mohammad Shakir KARGAR
Min. of Communications (Acting) Hesamuddin HESAM
Min. of Counternarcotics (Acting) Harun Rashid SHERZAD
Min. of Defense (Acting) Enayatullah NAZARI
Min. of Economy (Acting) Hakam Khan HABIBI
Min. of Education
Min. of Energy & Water (Acting) Ghulam Farooq QARIZADA
Min. of Finance Eklil Ahmad HAKIMI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Salahuddin RABBANI
Min. of Hajj & Islamic Affairs Faiz Muhammad OSMANI
Min. of Health Ferozuddin FEROZ
Min. of Higher Education (Acting) Mohammad Osman BABURI
Min. of Information & Culture (Acting) Ghulam Nabi FARAHI
Min. of Interior Noor ul-Haq ULUMI, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Justice (Acting) Said Yusuf HALIM
Min. of Martyred, Disabled, Labor, & Social Affairs (Acting) Wasil Noor MOHMAND
Min. of Mines & Petroleum Daud SABA
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs (Acting) Karim BAZ, Dr.
Min. of Public Works (Acting) Noor Gul MANGAL
Min. of Refugees & Repatriation Sayed Hussain Alemi BALKHI
Min. of Rural Rehabilitation & Development Nasir Ahmad DURRANI
Min. of Transportation & Civil Aviation (Acting) Ghulam Ali RASIKH
Min. of Urban Development (Acting) Hamid JALIL
Min. of Women's Affairs (Acting) Hasan Bano GHAZANFAR
National Security Adviser Mohammad Hanif ATMAR
Dir. Gen., National Directorate of Security Rahmatullah NABIL, Gen.
Dir. Gen. (Acting), Independent Directorate for Local Governance Abdul Matin BEG
Governor (Acting), Da Afghanistan Bank Noorullah DELAWARI
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Zahir TANIN
Last Updated: 17 Sep 2013

Pres. Bujar NISHANI

Prime Min. Edi RAMA
Dep. Prime Min. Niko PELESHI
Min. of Agriculture, Food, & Consumer Protection Edmond PANARITI
Min. of Culture Mirela KUMBARO
Min. of Defense Mimi KODHELI
Min. of Economic Development, Trade, & Entrepreneurship Arben AHMETAJ
Min. of Education & Sports Lindita NIKOLLI
Min. of Energy & Industry Damian GJIKNURI
Min. of Environment Lefter KOKA
Min. of Finance Shkelqim CANI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Ditmir BUSHATI
Min. of Health Ilir BEQJA
Min. of Innovation & Public Admin. Milena HARITO
Min. of Integration Klajda GJOSHA
Min. of Interior Sajmir TAHIRI
Min. of Justice Nasip NACO
Min. of Local Govt. Affairs Bled CUCI
Min. of Relations With Parliament Ilirjan CELIBASHI
Min. of Social Welfare & Youth Erion VELIAJ
Min. of Transport & Infrastructure Edmond HAXHINASTO
Min. of Urban Development & Tourism Englantina GJERMENI
Governor, Bank of Albania Ardian FULLANI
Ambassador to the US Gilbert GALANXHI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ferit HOXHA
Last Updated: 11 May 2014

Pres. Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA

Prime Min. Abdelmalek SELLAL
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Abdelwahab NOURI
Min. of Commerce Amara BENYOUNES
Min. of Communication Hamid GRINE
Min. of Culture Nadia LABIDI
Min. of Energy Youcef YOUSFI
Min. of Finance Mohamed DJELLAB
Min. of Fisheries & Fishing Resources Sid Ahmed FERROUKHI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Ramtane LAMAMRA
Min. of Health, Population, & Hospital Reform Abdelmalek BOUDIAF
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Mohamed MEBARKI
Min. of Housing, Urban Planning, & the City Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE
Min. of Industry & Mines Abdesalam BOUCHOUAREB
Min. of Interior & Local Govts. Tayeb BELAIZ
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Tayeb LOUH
Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security Mohamed GHAZI
Min. of National Defense Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA
Min. of National Education Nouria BENGHEBRIT
Min. of National Planning & Environment Dalila BOUDJEMAA
Min. of National Solidarity, Family, & Women's Affairs Mounia MESLEM
Min. of Postal Services & Information & Communication Technologies Zohra DERDOURI
Min. of Public Works Abdelkader KADI
Min. of Relations With the Parliament Khelil MAHI
Min. of Religious Affairs & Endowments Mohamed AISSA
Min. of Sports Mohamed TAHMI
Min. of Tourism & Craft Industry Nouria Yasmina ZERHOUNI
Min. of Transport Amar GHOUL
Min. of Vocational Training Nouredine BEDOUI
Min. of War Veterans (Moudjahidine) Tayeb ZITOUNI
Min. of Water Resources Hocine NECIB
Min. of Youth Abdelkader KHOMRI
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Finance in Charge of the Budget Hadji Baba AMMI
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs in Charge of Maghreb & African
Affairs Abdelkader MESSAHEL
Sec. Gen. of the Govt. Ahmed NOUI
Governor, Bank of Algeria Mohamed LAKSACI
Ambassador to the US Abdallah BAALI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sabri BOUKADOUM
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2015

Head of State (Co-Prince) Francois HOLLANDE

Head of State (Co-Prince) Joan-Enric VIVES i SICILIA, Bishop
Head of Govt. Antoni MARTI Petit
Min. of Culture Albert Esteve GARCIA
Min. of Economy & Territorial Planning Jordi ALCOBE Font
Min. of Education & Youth Roser SUNE Pascuet
Min. of Finance & Public Admin. Jordi CINCA Mateos
Min. of Foreign Affairs Gilbert SABOYA Sunye
Min. of Health & Wellness Cristina RODRIGUEZ Galan
Min. of Justice & Interior Xavier ESPOT Zamora
Min. of the Presidency Antoni RIBERAYGUA Sasplugas
Min. of Tourism & Environment Francesc CAMP Torres
Ambassador to the US Narcis CASAL de Fonsdeviela
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Narcis CASAL de Fonsdeviela
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2014

Pres. Jose Eduardo DOS SANTOS

Vice Pres. Manuel Domingos VICENTE
Min. of Agriculture Afonso Pedro CANGA
Min. of Commerce Rosa Escorcio PACAVIRA DE MATOS
Min. of Culture Rosa Maria MARTINS DA CRUZ E SILVA
Min. of Defense Joao Manuel Goncalves LOURENCO
Min. of Economy Abraao Pio dos Santos GOURGEL
Min. of Education Mpinda SIMAO
Min. of Energy & Water Joao Baptista BORGES
Min. of Environment Maria de Fatima Monteiro JARDIM
Min. of External Relations Georges Rebelo CHIKOTI
Min. of Family & Women Promotion Maria Felomena de Fatima Lobao TELO DELGADO
Min. of Finance Armando MANUEL
Min. of Fisheries Victoria Christopher Francisco Lopes de Barros NETO
Min. of Former Combatants & Veterans of War Candido Pereira dos Santos VAN DUNEM, Maj. Gen.
Min. of Geology, Mines, & Industry Manuel Francisco QUEIROS
Min. of Health Jose Vieira DIAS VAN-DUNEM
Min. of Higher Education Adao do NASCIMENTO
Min. of Hotels & Tourism Pedro MUTINDE
Min. of Industry Bernarda Goncalves Martins Henriques DA SILVA
Min. of Interior Angelo de Barros Veiga TAVARES
Min. of Justice & Human Rights Rui Jorge Carneiro MANGUEIRA
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs Rosa Luis de Sousa MICOLO
Min. of Petroleum Jose Maria Botelho de VASCONCELOS
Min. of Planning Job GRACA
Min. of Public Admin., Employment, & Social Security Antonio Domingos da Costa Pitra NETO
Min. of Science & Technology Maria Candida TEIXEIRA
Min. of Social Communication Jose Luis DE MATOS
Min. of Telecommunications & Information Technology Jose Carvalho DA ROCHA
Min. of Territorial Admin. Bornito de Sousa Baltazar DIOGO
Min. of Transport Augusto da Silva TOMAS
Min. of Urbanism & Housing Jose Antonio Maria DA CONCEICAO E SILVA
Min. of Welfare & Social Reintegration Joao Baptista KUSSUMUA
Min. of Youth & Sports Goncalves Manuel MUANDUMBA
Min. in the Office of the Presidency, Civil Affairs Edeltrudes Mauricio Fernandes GASPAR DA COSTA
Min. in the Office of the Presidency, Military Affairs Manuel Helder "Kopelipa" VIEIRA DIAS
Sec. of the Council of Ministers Frederico Manuel dos Santos e Silva CARDOSO
Governor, National Bank of Angola Jose de Lima MASSANO
Ambassador to the US Agostinho NETO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ismael Abraao GASPAR MARTINS
Antigua and Barbuda
Last Updated: 7 Jan 2015

Governor Gen. Rodney WILLIAMS

Prime Min. Gaston BROWNE
Senior Min. Lester BIRD
Min. of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries, & Barbuda Affairs Arthur NIBBS
Min. of Education, Science, & Technology Michael BROWN
Min. of Finance Gaston BROWNE
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Trade Charles FERNANDEZ
Min. of Health & the Environment Molwyn JOSEPH
Min. of Information, Broadcasting Telecommunications, & Information
Technology Melville NICHOLAS
Min. for Legal Affairs, Labor, Immigration, & Police Steadroy BENJAMIN
Min. of Public Utilities, Civil Aviation, & Transportation Robin YEARWOOD
Min. of Social Transformation & Human Resource Development Samantha Nicole MARSHALL
Min. of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment, & Energy Asot Anthony MICHAEL
Min. of Trade, Commerce & Industries, Sports, Culture, & Community
Services Paul Chet GREENE
Min. of Works & Housing Eustace Sylvester LAKE
Attorney Gen. Steadroy BENJAMIN
Ambassador to the US Deborah Mae LOVELL
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Walton Alfonso WEBSON
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2015


Vice Pres. Amado BOUDOU
Chief of Cabinet Jorge CAPITANICH
Min. of Agriculture, Fishing, & Livestock Carlos CASAMIQUELA
Min. of Culture Teresa PARODI
Min. of Defense Agustin Oscar ROSSI
Min. of Economy & Public Finance Axel KICILLOF
Min. of Education Alberto SILEONI
Min. of Federal Planning, Public Investment, & Services Julio DE VIDO
Min. of Foreign Relations & Worship Hector Marcos TIMERMAN
Min. of Health Juan Luis MANZUR
Min. of Industry Debora Adriana GIORGI de Ordonez
Min. of Interior Anibal Florencio RANDAZZO
Min. of Justice & Human Rights Julio Cesar ALAK
Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security Carlos TOMADA
Min. of Science, Technology, & Productive Innovation Lino BARANAO
Min. of Security Cecilia RODRIGUEZ
Min. of Social Development Alicia KIRCHNER
Min. of Tourism Carlos Enrique MEYER
Pres., Central Bank Alejandro VANOLI
Ambassador to the US Maria Cecilia NAHON
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Maria Cristina PERCEVAL
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2015

Pres. Serzh SARGSIAN

Prime Min. Hovik ABRAHAMYAN
Dep. Prime Min. Vache GABRIELYAN
President's Chief of Staff Vigen SARGSIAN
Min. of Agriculture Sergo KARAPETIAN
Min. of Culture Hasmik POGHOSIAN
Min. of Defense Seyran OHANIAN
Min. of Diaspora Hranush HAKOBIAN
Min. of Economy Karen CHSHMARITYAN
Min. of Education & Science Armen ASHOTIAN
Min. of Energy & Natural Resources Ervand ZAKHARYAN
Min. of Finance Gagik KHACHATRYAN
Min. of Foreign Affairs Eduard NALBANDIAN
Min. of Health Armen MARADYAN
Min. of Intl. Economic Integration & Reforms Vache GABRIELYAN
Min. of Justice Hovhannes MANUKYAN
Min. of Labor & Social Affairs Artem ASATRIAN
Min. of Nature Protection Aramayis GRIGORYAN
Min. of Sport & Youth Affairs Gabriel GHAZARYAN
Min. of Territorial Admin. & Emergency Situations Armen YERITSIAN
Min. of Transport & Communication Gagik BEGLARIAN
Min. of Urban Development Narek SARGSYAN
Chmn., Central Bank of Armenia Artur JAVADIAN
Ambassador to the US Tigran SARGSIAN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Zohrab MNATSAKANYAN
Last Updated: 26 Jun 2013

Governor Fredis REFUNJOL

Prime Min. Michiel Godfried EMAN
Min. of Culture Michelle HOOYBOER-WINKLAAR
Min. of Finance & Economic Affairs Mike DE MEZA
Min. of Infrastructure Benny SEVINGER
Min. of Justice & Education Arthur DOWERS
Min. of Public Health & Sport Richard VISSER
Min. of Tourism, Transportation, & Labor Otmar ODUBER
Attorney Gen. Taco STEIN
Pres., Central Bank J. R. SEMELEER
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2015

Governor Gen. Peter John COSGROVE

Prime Min. Anthony John ABBOTT
Dep. Prime Min. Warren Errol TRUSS
Min. for Agriculture Barnaby Thomas Gerald JOYCE
Min. for the Arts George Henry BRANDIS
Min. for Communications Malcom Bligh TURNBULL
Min. for Defense Kevin James ANDREWS
Min. for Education Christopher Maurice PYNE
Min. for Employment Eric ABETZ
Min. for the Environment Gregory Andrew HUNT
Min. for Finance Mathias Hubert Paul CORMANN
Min. for Foreign Affairs Julie Isabel BISHOP
Min. for Health Sussan Penelope LEY
Min. for Human Services Marise Ann PAYNE
Min. for Immigration & Border Protection Peter Craig DUTTON
Min. for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Gregory SCULLION
Min. for Industry & Science Ian Elgin MACFARLANE
Min. for Infrastructure & Regional Development Warren Errol TRUSS
Min. for Justice Michael Fayat KEENAN
Min. for Small Business Bruce Frederick BILLSON
Min. for Social Services Scott John MORRISON
Min. for Sport Sussan Penelope LEY
Min. for Trade & Investment Andrew John ROBB
Min. for Veterans Affairs Michael John Clyde RONALDSON
Treasurer Joseph Benedict HOCKEY
Asst. Treasurer Joshua Anthony FRYDENBERG
Min. Assisting the Prime Min. for the Centenary of ANZAC Michael John Clyde RONALDSON
Min. Assisting the Prime Min. for the Public Service Eric ABETZ
Min. Assisting the Prime Min. for Women Michaelia Claire CASH
Special Min. of State Michael John Clyde RONALDSON
Chief of Staff, Prime Minister's Office Peta CREDLIN
Attorney Gen. George Henry BRANDIS
Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia Glenn Robert STEVENS
Ambassador to the US Kim Christian BEAZLEY
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Gillian Elizabeth BIRD
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2014

Pres. Heinz FISCHER

Chancellor Werner FAYMANN
Vice Chancellor Michael SPINDELEGGER
Min. for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, & Water Management Andrae RUPPRECHTER
Min. for Economics, Family, & Youth Reinhold MITTERLEHNER
Min. for Education, Arts, & Culture Gabriele HEINISCH-HOSEK
Min. for European, Intl., & Integration Affairs Sebastian KURZ
Min. for Finance Michael SPINDELEGGER
Min. for Health Alois STOEGER
Min. for Interior Johanna MIKL-LEITNER
Min. for Justice Wolfgang BRANDSETTER
Min. for Labor, Social Affairs, & Consumer Protection Rudolf HUNDSTORFER
Min. for National Defense & Sports Gerald KLUG
Min. for Science & Research Reinhold MITTERLEHNER
Min. for Transportation, Innovation, & Technology Doris BURES
Governor, Austrian National Bank Ewald NOWOTNY
Ambassador to the US Hans Peter MANZ
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Martin SAJDIK
Last Updated: 16 Jun 2014

Pres. Ilham ALIYEV

Prime Min. Artur RASIZADE
First Dep. Prime Min. Yaqub EYYUBOV
Dep. Prime Min. Ismat ABBASOV
Dep. Prime Min. Ali AKHMEDOV
Dep. Prime Min. Elchin EFENDIYEV
Dep. Prime Min. Ali HASANOV
Dep. Prime Min. Abid SHARIFOV
Min. of Agriculture Heydar ASADOV
Min. of Communications & Information Technology Ali ABBASOV
Min. of Culture & Tourism Abulfaz GARAYEV
Min. of Defense Zakir HASANOV, Col. Gen.
Min. of Defense Industry Yavar JAMALOV
Min. of Ecology & Natural Resources Huseyngulu BAGIROV
Min. of Economy & Industry Shahin MUSTAFAYEV
Min. of Education Mikayil JABBAROV
Min. of Emergency Situations Kamaladdin HEYDAROV
Min. of Energy Natiq ALIYEV
Min. of Finance Samir SHARIFOV
Min. of Foreign Affairs Elmar MAMMADYAROV
Min. of Health Oqtay SHIRALIYEV
Min. of Internal Affairs Ramil USUBOV, Col. Gen.
Min. of Justice Fikret MAMEDOV
Min. of Labor & Social Security Salim MUSLUMOV
Min. of National Security Eldar MAHMUDOV
Min. of Sports & Youth Azad RAHIMOV
Min. of Taxation Fazil MAMEDOV
Min. of Transport Ziya MAMMADOV
Chmn., National Bank Elman RUSTAMOV
Ambassador to the US Elin SULEYMANOV
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Yashar Teymur oglu ALIYEV
Bahamas, The
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2013

Governor Gen. Arthur FOULKES

Prime Min. Perry Gladstone CHRISTIE
Dep. Prime Min. Philip DAVIS
Min. of Agriculture, Marine Resources, & Local Govt. Alfred GRAY
Min. of Education, Science, & Technology Jerome FITZGERALD
Min. of the Environment & Housing Kendred DORSETT
Min. of Finance Perry Gladstone CHRISTIE
Min. of Financial Services Ryan PINDER
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Immigration Frederick MITCHELL
Min. for Grand Bahama Michael DARVILLE
Min. of Health Perry GOMEZ
Min. of Labor & National Insurance Shane GIBSON
Min. of Legal Affairs Allyson MAYNARD GIBSON
Min. of National Security Bernard NOTTAGE
Min. of Social Services Melanie GRIFFIN
Min. of Tourism Obediah WILCHCOMBE
Min. of Transport & Aviation Glenys Hanna MARTIN
Min. of Works & Urban Development Philip DAVIS
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Culture Daniel JOHNSON
Attorney Gen. Allyson MAYNARD GIBSON
Governor, Central Bank Wendy CRAIGG
Ambassador to the US Cornelius SMITH
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Elliston RAHMING
Last Updated: 12 Dec 2014

King HAMAD bin Isa Al Khalifa

Prime Min. KHALIFA bin Salman Al Khalifa
First Dep. Prime Min. SALMAN Bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Dep. Prime Min. ALI bin Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa
Dep. Prime Min. Jawad bin Salim al-ARAIDH
Dep. Prime Min. KHALID bin Abdallah Al Khalifa
Dep. Prime Min. MUHAMMAD bin Mubarak Al Khalifa
Min. of Education Majid bin Ali Hasan al-NUAYMI
Min. of Energy Abd al-Husayn MIRZA
Min. of Finance AHMAD bin Muhammad bin Hamad bin Abdallah Al Khalifa
Min. of Foreign Affairs KHALID bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Al Khalifa
Min. of Health Sadiq bin Abd al-Karim al-SHIHABI
Min. of Housing Basim bin Yacub al-HAMAR
Min. of Human Rights & Social Development FAYQA bint Said al-Salih, Dr.
Min. of Industry & Commerce Zayid bin Rashid al-ZAYANI
Min. of Interior RASHID bin Abdallah bin Ahmad Al Khalifa
Min. of Justice & Islamic Affairs KHALID bin Ali Al Khalifa
Min. of Labor Jamil Muhammad Ali HUMAYDAN
Min. of the Royal Court KHALID bin Ahmad bin Salman Al Khalifa
Min. of the Royal Court for Follow-Up Affairs AHMAD BIN ATIYATALLAH Al Khalifa
Min. of Royal Court Affairs ALI bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa
Min. of Transportation & Telecommunication KAMAL bin Ahmad Muhammad
Min. of Works, Municipal Affairs, & Urban Planning ISSAM bin Abdallah Khalaf
Min. of State for Defense Affairs Yusuf bin Ahmad bin Husayn al-JALAHMA
Min. of State for Follow-Up Affairs Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-MUTAWA
Min. of State for Foreign Affairs Ghanim bin Fadhil al-BUAYNAYN
Min. of State for Human Rights Affairs Salah ALI, Dr.
Min. of State for Information Affairs Isa bin Abd al-Rahman al-HAMMADI
Min. of State for Interior Affairs Adil Khalifa Hamad al-FADHIL
Min. of State for Shura Council & Parliament Affairs Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad al-FADHIL
Attorney Gen. ALI bin Fadhil al-Buaynayn
Governor, Central Bank of Bahrain Rashid bin Muhammad al-MARAJ
Ambassador to the US ABDALLAH bin Muhammad bin Rashid Al Khalifa
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jamal Faris al-RUWAYI
Last Updated: 13 Jan 2015

Pres. Abdul HAMID

Prime Min. Sheikh HASINA
Min. of Agriculture Matia CHOWDHURY
Min. of Civil Aviation & Tourism Rashed Khan MENON
Min. of Commerce Tofail AHMED
Min. of Cultural Affairs Asaduzzaman NOOR
Min. of Defense Sheikh HASINA
Min. of Disaster Management & Relief Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury MAYA
Min. of Education Nurul Islam NAHID
Min. of Environment & Forest Anwar Hossain MONJU
Min. of Expatriates' Welfare & Overseas Employment Khandaker Mosharraf HOSSAIN
Min. of Finance Abu Maal Abdul MUHITH
Min. of Fisheries & Livestock Sayedul HAQUE
Min. of Food Qamrul ISLAM
Min. of Foreign Affairs A. H. Mahmood ALI
Min. of Health & Family Planning Mohammad NASIM
Min. of Home Affairs
Min. of Housing & Public Works Mosharraf HOSSAIN
Min. of Industries Amir Hossain AMU
Min. of Information Hasanul Haq INU
Min. of Information & Communication Technology
Min. of Labor & Employment Mujibul Haque CHUNNU
Min. of Land Shamsher Rahman SHARIF
Min. of Law Anisul HAQUE
Min of Liberation War AKM Mojammel HAQUE
Min. of Local Govt., Rural Development, & Cooperatives Syed Ashraful ISLAM
Min. of Planning AHM Mostafa KAMAL
Min. of Posts & Telecommunications
Min. of Power, Energy, & Mineral Resources Sheikh HASINA
Min. of Primary & Mass Education Mustafizur Rahman FIZAR
Min. of Public Admin. Sheikh HASINA
Min. of Railways Mujibul HUQ
Min. of Religious Affairs Motiur RAHMAN
Min. of Road Transport & Bridges Obaidul QUADER
Min. of Rural Development & Cooperatives Moshiur Rahman RANGA
Min. of Science & Technology
Min. of Shipping Shahjahan KHAN
Min. of Social Welfare Syed Mohsin ALI
Min. of Textiles & Jute Emajuddin PRAMANIK
Min. of Water Resources Anisul Islam MAHMUD
Governor, Bangladesh Bank Atiur RAHMAN
Ambassador to the US Akramul QADER
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Abdulkalam Abdul MOMEN
Last Updated: 12 Mar 2015

Governor Gen. Elliot BELGRAVE

Prime Min. Freundel STUART
Dep. Prime Min.
Min. of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, & Water Resource Management David ESTWICK
Min. of Culture, Sports, & Youth Stephen LASHLEY
Min. of Education, Science, Technology, & Innovation Ronald JONES
Min. of Environment & Drainage Denis LOWE
Min. of Finance & Economic Affairs Christopher SINCKLER
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade Maxine Pamela Ometa MCCLEAN
Min. of Health John BOYCE
Min. of Home Affairs Adriel BRATHWAITE
Min. of Housing, Lands, & Rural Development Denis KELLMAN
Min. of Industry, Intl. Business, Commerce, & Small Business
Development Donville INNISS
Min. of Labor, Social Security, & Human Resource Development Esther BYER-SUCKOO
Min. of National Security Freundel STUART
Min. of Public Service Freundel STUART
Min. of Social Care, Constituency Empowerment, & Community
Development Steven BLACKETT
Min. of Tourism & Intl. Transport Richard SEALY
Min. of Transport & Works Michael LASHLEY
Min. of Urban Development Freundel STUART
Min. in the Office of the Prime Min. Darcy BOYCE
Min. of State in the Office of the Prime Min. Patrick TODD
Attorney Gen. Adriel BRATHWAITE
Governor, Central Bank DeLisle WORRELL
Ambassador to the US John E. BEALE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
Last Updated: 12 Jul 2013

The spellings of names of Belarusian officials reflect widely recognized Russian spellings.

Pres. Aleksandr LUKASHENKO

Prime Min. Mikhail MYASNIKOVICH
First Dep. Prime Min. Vladimir SEMASHKO
Dep. Prime Min. Anatoliy KALININ
Dep. Prime Min. Petr PROKOPOVICH
Dep. Prime Min. Mikhail RUSYY
Dep. Prime Min. Anatoliy TOZIK
Min. of Agriculture & Food Leonid ZAYATS
Min. of Architecture & Construction Anatoliy NICHKASOV
Min. of Communications & Information Technology Nikolay PANTELEY
Min. of Culture Borys SVETLOV
Min. of Defense Yuriy ZHADOBIN
Min. of Economics Nikolay SNOPKOV
Min. of Education Sergey MASKEVICH
Min. of Emergency Situations Vladimir VASHCHENKO
Min. of Energy Aleksandr OZERETS
Min. of Finance Andrey KHARKOVETS
Min. of Foreign Affairs Vladimir MAKEY
Min. of Forestry Mikhail AMELYANOVICH
Min. of Health Vasiliy ZHARKO
Min. of Housing & Municipal Services Andrey SHORETS
Min. of Industry Dmitriy KATERINICH
Min. of Information Oleg PROLESKOVSKIY
Min. of Internal Affairs Igor SHUNEVICH
Min. of Justice Oleg SLIZHEVSKIY
Min. of Labor & Social Security Marianna SHCHETKINA
Min. of Natural Resources & Environmental Protection Vladimir TSALKO
Min. of Sports & Tourism Aleksandr SHAMKO
Min. of Taxes & Duties Vladimir POLUYAN
Min. of Trade Valentin CHEKANOV
Min. of Transport & Communication Anatol SIVAK
Chief, Presidential Admin. Andrey KOBYAKOV
Chmn., Ctte. for State Security (KGB) Valery VAKULCHIK
State Sec., Security Council Leonid MALTSEV
Prosecutor Gen. Aleksandr KONYUK
Chmn., National Bank Nadezhda YERMAKOVA
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Andrey DAPKYUNAS
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2014

Prime Min. Charles Yvon MICHEL
Dep. Prime Min. Alexander DE CROO
Dep. Prime Min. Jan JAMBON
Dep. Prime Min. Kris PEETERS
Dep. Prime Min. Didier REYNDERS
Min. of Budget Herve JAMAR
Min. of Defense & Civil Service Steven VANDEPUT
Min. of Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda, Telecommunication,
& Post Alexander DE CROO
Min. of Employment, Economy, & Consumers Kris PEETERS
Min. of Energy, Environment, & Sustainable Development Marie-Christine MARGHEM
Min. of Finance Johan VAN OVERTVELDT
Min. of Foreign & European Affairs Didier REYNDERS
Min. of Justice Koen GEENS
Min. of the Middle Class, Self-Employed, Small & Medium-Sized
Enterprises, Agriculture, & Social Integration Willy BORSUS
Min. of Mobility Jacqueline GALANT
Min. of Pensions Daniel BACQUELAINE
Min. of Public Enterprise & Development Cooperation Jean-Pascal LABILLE
Min. of Security & Interior Jan JAMBON
Min. of Social Affairs & Public Health Maggie DE BLOCK
Governor, National Bank of Belgium Luc COENE
Ambassador to the US Johan VERBEKE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Benedicte FRANKINET
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2014

Governor Gen. Colville YOUNG, Sir

Prime Min. Dean Oliver BARROW
Dep. Prime Min. Gaspar VEGA
Min. of Communications Melvin HULSE
Min. of Culture Jose Manuel HEREDIA, Jr.
Min. of Economic Development, Commerce, Industry, & Consumer
Protection Erwin CONTRERAS
Min. of Education, Youth, & Sports Patrick FABER
Min. of Energy, Science, Technology, & Public Utilities Joy GRANT
Min. of Finance & Economic Development Dean Oliver BARROW
Min. of Foreign Affairs Wilfred Peter ELRINGTON
Min. of Forestry, Fisheries, Sustainable Development, & Indigenous
Peoples Lisel ALAMILLA
Min. of Health Pablo MARIN
Min. of Housing Michael FINNEGAN
Min. of Human Development, Social Transformation, & Poverty
Alleviation Anthony MARTINEZ
Min. of Information, Broadcasting, & Public Utilities Elvin PENNER
Min. of Labor, Local Govt., & Rural Development Godwin HULSE
Min. of Natural Resources & Agriculture Gaspar VEGA
Min. of National Security, Police, and Belize Defense Force John Birchman SALDIVAR
Min. of Public Services & Elections & Boundaries Charles GIBSON
Min. of Tourism & Culture Jose Manuel HEREDIA, Jr.
Min. of Works & Transport Rene MONTERO
Attorney Gen. Wilfred Peter ELRINGTON
Governor, Central Bank Glenford YSAGUIRRE
Ambassador to the US Nestor MENDEZ
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Lois Michele YOUNG
Last Updated: 3 Oct 2014

Pres. Thomas YAYI Boni

Prime Min. Pascal KOUPAKI
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Fisheries Issa AZIZOU
Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Admin. & Institutional Reform Aboubakar YAYA
Min. of Climate Change, Reforestation, & Protection of Natural &
Forestry Resources Raphael EDOU
Min. of Communications & Information Technologies Jean DANSOU
Min. of Culture, Literacy, Artisans, & Tourism Jean-Michel Herve ABIMBOLA
Min. of Development, Economic Analysis, & Forecasting Marcel Alain de SOUZA
Min. of Economy & Finance Komi KOUTCHE
Min. of Energy, Oil & Mining Research, Water, & Development of
Renewable Energy Barthelemy KASSA
Min. of Environment, Sanitation, Housing, & Urban Affairs Christian SOSSOUHOUNTO
Min. for the Evaluation of Public Policies & Privatization Programs Antonin DOSSOU
Min. of Family, Social Affairs, National Solidarity, Disabled Persons, &
the Elderly Naomie AZARIA
Min. of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, Francophonie, & Beninese
Diaspora Nassirou ARIFARI BAKO
Min. of Health Akoko Dorothee KINDE GAZARD
Min. of Industry, Trade, & Small & Medium Business Francoise ASSOGBA
Min. of Interior, Public Security, & Religion Simplice Dossou CODJO
Min. of Justice, Legislation, & Human Rights, Keeper of the Seals, &
Govt. Spokesperson Valentin DJENONTIN-AGOSSOU
Min. of Labor, Social Dialogue, & Administrative & Institutional Reform Aboubakar YAYA
Min. for the Maritime Economy & Port Infrastructure Rufin NANSOUNON
Min. of Maternal & Primary Education Eric Kouagou N'DA
Min. of Microfinance, Youth, & Female Employment Marie-Laurence SRANON
Min. of National Defense Theophile YAROU
Min. of Nursery & Primary Education Eric Kouagou N'DAH
Min. of Public Works & Transportation Natonde AKE
Min. of Relations With Institutions Gustave SONON
Min. of Secondary Education & Vocational Training Alassane Djimba SOUMANOU
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Leisure Saliou Idrissou AFFO
Min. of State for Higher Education & Scientific Research Francois Adebayo ABIOLA
Min. in Charge of Presidential Affairs Issifou KGUI N'DOURO
Governor, Central Bank Evariste Sebastien BONOU
Ambassador to the US Cyrille Segbe OGUIN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jean-Francis Regis ZINSOU
Last Updated: 4 Jan 2013

(British colony)

Governor George FERGUSSON

Premier Craig CANNONIER
Min. of Community & Cultural Development Wayne SCOTT
Min. of Economic Development Grant GIBBONS
Min. of Education Nalton BRANGMAN
Min. of Environment & Planning Sylvan RICHARDS
Min. of Finance Everard Trenton RICHARDS
Min. of Health & Seniors Patricia GORDON-PAMPLIN
Min. of Home Affairs Michael FAHY
Min. of Legal Affairs Mark PETTINGILL
Min. of Public Safety Michael DUNKLEY
Min. of Public Works Trevor MONIZ
Min. of Tourism, Development, & Transport Shawn CROCKWELL
Min. Without Portfolio Leah SCOTT
Attorney Gen. Mark PETTINGILL
Bhutan - NDE
Last Updated: 28 Feb 2014

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel WANGCHUCK

Prime Minister Tshering TOBGAY
Min. of Agriculture Yeshay DORJI
Min. of Economic Affairs Norbu WANGCHUK
Min. of Education Mingbo DUKPA
Min. of Finance Namgay DORJI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Rinzin DORJI
Min. of Health Tandin WANGCHUK
Min. of Home & Cultural Affairs Damcho DORJI
Min. of Information & Communication D. N. DHUNGYEL
Min. of Labor & Human Resources Ngeema Sangay TSHEMPO
Min. of Works & Human Settlements Dorji CHODEN
Chmn., Royal Advisory Council Rinzin GYALTSHEN
Governor, Royal Monetary Authority Daw TENZIN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kunzang C. NAMGYEL
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2015

Pres. Juan Evo MORALES Ayma

Vice Pres. Alvaro GARCIA Linera
Min. of Autonomy Hugo Jose SILES Nunez del Prado
Min. of Communication Marianela PACO Duran
Min. of Culture & Tourism Pablo Cesar GROUX Canedo
Min. of Defense Jorge LEDEZMA Cornejo
Min. of the Economy & Public Finances Luis Alberto ARCE Catacora
Min. of Education Roberto Ivan AGUILAR Gomez
Min. of the Environment & Water Maria Alexandra MOREIRA Lopez
Min. of Foreign Relations & Worship David CHOQUEHUANCA Cespedes
Min. of Govt. Jose Hugo MOLDIZ Mercado
Min. of Health Ariana CAMPERO Nava
Min. of Hydrocarbons & Energy Luis Alberto SANCHEZ Fernandez
Min. of Institutional Transparency & Fighting Corruption Lenny Tatiana VALDIVIA Bautista
Min. of Justice Virginia VELASCO Condori
Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security Jose Gonzalo TRIGOSO Agudo
Min. of Mining & Metals Felix Cesar NAVARRO Miranda
Min. of Planning & Development Rene Gonzalo ORELLANA Halkyer
Min. of the Presidency Juan Ramon QUINTANA Taborga
Min. of Productive Development & Pluralist Economics Ana Veronica RAMOS Morales
Min. of Public Works, Services, & Housing Milton CLAROS Hinojosa
Min. of Rural Development & Lands Nemesia ACHACOLLO Tola
Min. of Sport Tito Roland MONTANO Rivera
Head, Legal Defense of the State Hector Enrique ARCE Zaconeta
Pres., Central Bank Marcelo ZABALAGA
Charge d'Affaires, Embassy, Washington Freddy BERSATTI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sacha Sergio LLORENTI Soliz
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Last Updated: 31 Mar 2015

Bosnia's central government is headed by a tripartite presidency, with one representative of each of the three major ethnic constituencies. The
chairmanship of the presidency rotates among the three presidency members every eight months.

National Govt.

Presidency Chmn. (Serb) Mladen IVANIC

Presidency Member (Bosniak) Bakir IZETBEGOVIC
Presidency Member (Croat) Dragan COVIC
Chmn., Council of Ministers Denis ZVIZDIC
Dep. Chmn., Council of Ministers Vjekoslav BEVANDA
Dep. Chmn., Council of Ministers Mirko SAROVIC
Min. of Civil Affairs Adil OSMANOVIC
Min. of Defense Marina PENDES
Min. of Finance Vjekoslav BEVANDA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Igor CRNADAK
Min. of Foreign Trade Mirko SAROVIC
Min. of Human Rights & Refugees Semiha BOROVAC
Min. of Justice Josip GRUBES
Min. of Security (Acting) Dragan MEKTIC
Min. of Transport & Communication Slavko MATANOVIC
Governor, Central Bank Kemal KOZARIC
Ambassador to the US Jadranka NEGODIC
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mirsada COLAKOVIC

Federation Govt.

Pres. Marinko CAVARA

Vice Pres. Milan DUNOVIC
Prime Min. Fadil NOVALIC
Dep. Prime Min. Jelka MILICEVIC
Dep. Prime Min. Aleksandar REMETIC
Min. of Agriculture, Water Industry, & Forestry Semsudin DEDIC
Min. of Culture & Sports Zora DUJMOVIC
Min. of Development, Entrepreneurship, & Crafts Amir ZUKIC
Min. of Education & Science Elvira CEMALOVIC-DILBEROVIC
Min. of Energy, Mining, & Industry Reuf BAJROVIC
Min. of Environment & Tourism Snjezana SOLDAT
Min. of Finance Jelka MILICEVIC
Min. of Health Vjekoslav MANDIC
Min. of Interior Aljosa CAMPARA
Min. of Justice Mato JOZIC
Min. of Labor & Social Welfare Milan MANDILOVIC
Min. of the Liberation War Veterans & Disabled Veterans Issues Salko BUKVAREVIC
Min. of Refugees & Displaced Persons Edin RAMIC
Min. of Trade Aleksandar REMETIC
Min. of Traffic & Communications Denis LASIC
Min. of Urban Planning Josip MARTIC

Republika Srpska Govt.

Pres. Milorad DODIK

Vice Pres. Josip JERKOVIC
Vice Pres. Ramiz SALKIC
Prime Min. Zeljka CVIJANOVIC
Min. of Agriculture Stevo MIRJANIC
Min. of Economic Relations & Coordination Zlatan KLOKIC
Min. of Education & Culture Dane MALESEVIC
Min. of Finance Zoran TEGELTIJA
Min. of Health & Social Protection Dragan BOGDANIC
Min. of Industry, Energy, & Mining Petar DJOKIC
Min. of Interior Dragan LUKAC
Min. of Justice Anton KASIPOVIC
Min. of Labor & Veterans Affairs Milenko SAVANOVIC
Min. of Public Admin. & Local Self-Govt. Lejla RESIC
Min. of Refugees & Displaced Persons Davor CORDAS
Min. of Science & Technology Jasmin KOMIC
Min. of Trade & Tourism Predrag GLUHAKOVIC
Min. of Transport & Communications Nedjo TRNINIC
Min. of Urban Planning & Ecology Srebrenka GOLIC
Min. of Youth, Families, & Sport Jasmina DAVIDOVIC
Last Updated: 2 Mar 2015

Pres. Seretse Khama Ian KHAMA

Vice Pres. Mokgweetsi Eric MASISI
Min. of Agriculture Christian DE GRAF
Min. of Defense, Justice, & Security Shaw KGATHI
Min. of Education & Skills Development Unity DOW
Min. of Environment, Wildlife, & Tourism Tshekedi KHAMA
Min. of Finance & Development Planning Ontefetse Kenneth MATAMBO
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Pelonomi VENSON-MOITOI
Min. of Health Dorcas MAKGATO-MALESU
Min. of Infrastructure, Science, & Technology Nonofo MOLEFHI
Min. of Labor & Home Affairs Edwin Jenamiso BATSHU
Min. of Lands & Housing Prince MAELE
Min. of Local Govt. Slumber TSOGWANE
Min. of Minerals, Energy, & Water Resources Onokame Kitso MOKAILA
Min. of State Pres. Eric Mothusi MOLALE
Min. of Trade & Industry Vincent SERETSE
Min. of Transport & Communication Tshenolo MABEO
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Culture Thapelo OLOPENG
Attorney Gen. Athalia MOLOKOMME
Governor, Bank of Botswana Linah MOHOHLO
Ambassador to the US Tebelelo Mazile SERETSE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Charles Thembani NTWAAGAE
Last Updated: 6 Apr 2015

Pres. Dilma ROUSSEFF

Vice Pres. Michel Miguel Elias TEMER Lulia
Chief of the Civilian Household of the Presidency Aloizio MERCADANTE Oliva
Sec. Gen. of the Presidency Miguel ROSSETTO
Min. of Agrarian Development Patrus ANANIAS
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Supply Katia Regina de ABREU
Min. of Cities Gilberto KASSAB
Min. of Communications Ricardo BERZOINI
Min. of Culture Juca FERREIRA
Min. of Defense Jaques WAGNER
Min. of Development, Industry, & Trade Armando MONTEIRO
Min. of Education Cid GOMES
Min. of the Environment Izabella TEIXEIRA
Min. of Finance Joaquim LEVY
Min. of Fishing & Aquaculture Helder BARBALHO
Min. of Foreign Relations Mauro Luiz Iecker VIEIRA
Min. of Health Arthur CHIORO
Min. of Justice Jose Eduardo Martins CARDOZO
Min. of Labor & Employment Manoel DIAS
Min. of Mines & Energy Eduardo BRAGA
Min. of National Integration Gilberto Magalhaes OCCHI
Min. of Planning, Budget, & Management Nelson BARBOSA
Min. of Science, Technology, & Innovation Jose Aldo REBELO Figueiredo
Min. of Social Development & Hunger Alleviation Tereza CAMPELLO
Min. of Social Security Carlos GABAS
Min. of Sports George HILTON
Min. of Tourism Vinicius Nobre LAGES
Min. of Transportation Antonio Carlos RODRIGUES
Head, Office of the Inspectorate Gen. Valdir SIMAO
Head, Office of Institutional Security Jose ELITO Carvalho Siqueira
Head, Office of the Solicitor Gen. Luis Inacio Lucena ADAMS
Head, Secretariat of Civil Aviation Eliseu PADILHA
Head, Secretariat of Institutional Relations Pepe VARGAS
Head, Secretariat of Micro- and Small Enterprises Guilherme AFIF DOMINGOS
Head, Secretariat for Social Communication Thomas TRAUMANN
Head, Secretariat of Strategic Affairs Marcelo CORTES NERI
Head, Special Secretariat for Human Rights Ideli SALVATTI
Head, Special Secretariat of Ports Edinho ARAUJO
Head, Special Secretariat for Promotion of Racial Equality Nilma LINO GOMES
Head, Special Secretariat for Women's Rights Eleonora MENICUCCI de Oliveira
Pres., Central Bank Alexandre Antonio TOMBINI
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Antonio de Aguiar PATRIOTA
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2013

Sultan HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir

Prime Min. HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir
Senior Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office Al-Muhtadee BILLAH, Crown Prince
Min. of Communications ABDULLAH bin Bakar
Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports HAZAIR bin Abdullah
Min. of Defense HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir
Min. of Development SUYOI bin Osman
Min. of Education Awang ABU BAKAR bin Apong
Min. of Energy Mohammad YASMIN bin Umar
Min. of Finance HASSANAL Bolkiah, Sir
Min. of Finance II ABDUL RAHMAN bin Ibrahim
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade MOHAMED Bolkiah, Prince
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade II LIM Jock Seng
Min. of Health ADANAN bin Mohd Yusof
Min. of Home Affairs BADARUDDIN bin Othman
Min. of Industry & Primary Resources YAHYA bin Bakar
Min. of Religious Affairs MOHAMMAD bin Abd Rahman
Ambassador to the US YUSOFF bin Abdul Hamid
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Abdul Ghafar ISMAIL
Last Updated: 7 Nov 2014


Vice Pres. Margarita POPOVA
Prime Min. Boyko BORISOV
Dep. Prime Min. in Charge of Coalition Policy & State Admin. Rumyana BACHVAROVA
Dep. Prime Min. in Charge of Demographic & Social Policy Ivaylo KALFIN
Dep. Prime Min. in Charge of European Policies & Institutional Issues Meglena KUNEVA
Dep. Prime Min. in Charge of EU Funds & Economic Policy Tomislav DONCHEV
Min. of Agriculture Desislava TANEVA
Min. of Culture Vezhdi RASHIDOV
Min. of Defense Nikolay NENCHEV
Min. of Economy Bozhidar LUKARSKI
Min. of Energy Temenushka PETKOVA
Min. of Education Todor TANEV
Min. of Environment & Waters Ivelina VASILEVA
Min. of Finance Vladislav GORANOV
Min. of Foreign Affairs Daniel MITOV
Min. of Health Petar MOSKOV
Min. of Interior Veselin VUCHKOV
Min. of Justice Hristo IVANOV
Min. of Labor & Social Policy Ivaylo KALFIN
Min. of Regional Development Lilyana PAVLOVA
Min. of Sports Krasen KRALEV
Min. of Tourism Nikolina ANGELKOVA
Min. of Transport Ivaylo MOSKOVSKI
Chmn., Bulgarian National Bank Ivan ISKROV
Ambassador to the US Elena POPTODOROVA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Stefan TAFROV
Burkina Faso
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2015

Burkina Faso has been under interim leadership since October 2014, when the then President vacated his office. All leaders on the Transitional
National Council are serving in an acting capacity.

Pres. Michel KAFANDO

Prime Min. Yacouba Issac ZIDA
Min. of Agriculture, Water, Sanitation, & Food Security Francois LOMPO
Min. of Animal Resources Jean-Paul ROAMBA
Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Social Security Augustin LOADA
Min. of Communication, in Charge of Relations With the Transitional
National Council, & Spokesperson of the Govt. T. Frederic A. K. NIKIEMA
Min. of Culture & Tourism Jean-Claude DIOMA
Min. of Defense Yacouba Issac ZIDA
Min. of Development of the Digital Economy & Post Nebila Amadou YARO
Min. of Economy & Finance Jean Gustave SANON
Min. of Employment, Professional Development, & Youth Salifou DEMBELE
Min. of Environment & Fisheries Sadou MAIGA
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Regional Cooperation Michel KAFANDO
Min. of Health Amedee Prosper DJIGUIMDE
Min. of Housing & Urbanization Rene BAGORO
Min. of Industry, Commerce, & Artisans Hippolyte DAH
Min. of Infrastructure, Rural Access, & Transportation Daouda TRAORE
Min. of Justice & Human Rights Promotion & Keeper of the Seal Josephine OUEDRAOGO
Min. of Mines & Energy Boubacar BA
Min. of National Education & Literacy Samadou COULIBALY
Min. of Scientific Research & Innovation Jean Noel POODA
Min. of Secondary & Higher Education Filiga Michel SAWADOGO
Min. of Social Action & National Solidarity Bibiane OUEDRAOGO-BONI
Min. of Sports & Leisure David KABRE
Min. of Territorial Admin., Security, & Decentralization Auguste-Denise BARRY
Min. of Women's Affairs Nicole Angeline ZAN-YELEMOU
Min.-Del. in Charge of Budget Amina BAMBARA-BILA
Min.-Del. in Charge of Regional Cooperation Bedializoun Moussa NEBIE
Sec. Gen. of the Govt. & Council of Ministers Alain Thierry OUATTARA
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Der KOGDA
Last Updated: 10 Mar 2014


Vice Pres. NYAN TUN
Vice Pres. SAI MAUK KHAM, Dr.
Min. for Agriculture & Irrigation MYINT HLAING
Min. for Border Affairs THET NAING WIN, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Commerce WIN MYINT
Min. of Communications & Information Technology MYAT HEIN
Min. of Construction KYAW LWIN
Min. for Cooperatives KYAW HSAN
Min. of Culture AYE MYINT KYU
Min. of Defense WAI LWIN, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Education KHIN SAN YI
Min. of Electric Power KHIN MAUNG SOE
Min. of Energy ZEYAR AUNG
Min. of Environmental Conservation & Forestry WIN TUN
Min. of Finance & Revenue WIN SHEIN
Min. of Foreign Affairs WUNNA MAUNG LWIN
Min. of Health PE THET KHIN, Dr.
Min. of Home Affairs KO KO, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Hotels & Tourism HTAY AUNG
Min. of Immigration & Population KHIN YI
Min. of Industry MAUNG MYINT
Min. of Information AUNG KYI
Min. of Labor AYE MYINT
Min. of Livestock & Fisheries OHN MYINT
Min. of Mines MYINT AUNG
Min. of National Planning & Economic Development KAN ZAW
Min. of Rail Transport THAN HTAY
Min. of Religious Affairs HSAN HSINT
Min. of Science & Technology KO KO OO
Min. of Social Welfare, Relief, & Resettlement MYAT MYAT OHN KHIN
Min. of Sports TINT HSAN
Min. for Transport NYAN TUN AUNG
Min. in the Office of the Pres. AUNG MIN
Min. in the Office of the Pres. HLA TUN
Min. in the Office of the Pres. SOE MAUNG
Min. in the Office of the Pres. SOE THEIN
Min. in the Office of the Pres. THEIN NYUNT
Min. in the Office of the Pres. TIN NAING THEIN
Governor, Central Bank of Burma KYAW KYAW MAUNG
Ambassador to the US KYAW MYO HTUT
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York TIN KYAW
Last Updated: 5 Sep 2014


First Vice Pres. Prosper BAZOMBAZA
Second Vice Pres. Gervais RUFYIKIRI
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Odette KAYITESI
Min. of of Basic Education, Secondary Education, Handicrafts, Training,
& Literacy Severin BUZINGO
Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Social Security Annonciate SENDAZIRASA
Min. of Commerce, Trade, Industry, Posts, & Tourism Marie Rose NIZIGIYIMANA
Min. of Communal Development Dieudonne GITERUZI
Min. of East African Community Affairs Hafsa MOSSI
Min. of Energy & Mines Come MANIRAKIZA
Min. of External Relations & Intl. Cooperation Laurent KAVAKURE
Min. of Finance, Plans, & Development Tabu Abdallah MANIRAKIZA
Min. of Good Governance & Privatization Ernest MBERAMIHETO
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Julien NIMUBONA
Min. of Interior Edouard NDUWIMANA
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Pascal BARANDAGIYE
Min. of National Defense & War Veterans Pontien GACIYUBWENGE, Maj. Gen.
Min. of National Solidarity, Human Rights, & Gender Clotilde NIRAGIRA
Min. of Public Health & Fight Against AIDS Sabine NTAKARUTIMANA, Dr.
Min. of Public Security Gabriel NIZIGAMA
Min. of Telecommunications, Information, Communication, & Relations
With Parliament Tharcisse NKEZABAHIZI
Min. of Transport, Public Works, & Equipment Virginie CIZA
Min. of Water, Environment, Territorial Admin., & Urban Planning Jean-Marie NIBIRANTIJE
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Culture Jean-Jacques NYENIMIGABO
Attorney Gen. Pascal BARANDAGIYE
Governor, Central Bank Jean CIZA
Ambassador to the US Angele NIUHIRE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Albert SHINGIRO
Cabo Verde
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2014

Pres. Jorge Carlos de Almeida FONSECA

Prime Min. Jose Maria Pereira NEVES
Min. of Communication Maria Fernanda TAVARES Fernandes
Min. of Culture Mario Lucio Matias de SOUSA Mendes
Min. of Defense Jorge TOLENTINO
Min. of Education & Sports Fernanda Maria de BRITO Marques
Min. of Environment, Housing, & Territorial Admin. Sara Maria Duarte LOPES
Min. of Finance & Planning Cristina Isabel Lopes da Silva Monteiro DUARTE
Min. of Fisheries Adalberto Filomeno Carvalho Santos VIEIRA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Jorge BORGES
Min. of Health Maria Cristina Lopes Almeida FONTES Lima
Min. of Infrastructure & Maritime Economy Jose Maria Fernandes da VEIGA
Min. of Internal Admin. Marisa Helena do Nascimento MORAIS
Min. of Justice Jose Carlos Lopes CORREIA
Min. of Labor, Youth, & Human Services Janira Isabel Fonseca Hopffer ALMADA
Min. of National Defense Jorge Homero TOLENTINO
Min. of Parliamentary Business Rui Mendes SEMEDO
Min. of Public Admin. Romeu Fonseca MODESTO
Min. of Rural Affairs Eva Verona Teixeira ORTET
Min. of Secondary Schools, Science, & Innovation Antonio Leao de Aguair CORREIA E SILVA
Min. of Social Development & Family Felisberto Alves VIEIRA
Min. of Tourism, Industry, & Energy Humberto Santos de BRITO
Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs Jose Luis ROCHA
Governor, Central Bank Carlos BURGO
Ambassador to the US Maria De Fatima Lima Da VEIGA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Fernando Jorge WAHNON FERREIRA
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2014

King Norodom SIHAMONI

Prime Min. HUN SEN
Permanent Dep. Prime Min. MEN SAM AN
Dep. Prime Min. BIN CHHIN
Dep. Prime Min. HOR NAMHONG
Dep. Prime Min. KE KIMYAN
Dep. Prime Min. KEAT CHHON
Dep. Prime Min. SAR KHENG
Dep. Prime Min. SOK AN
Dep. Prime Min. TEA BANH, Gen.
Dep. Prime Min. YIM CHHAI LY
Min. of the Office of the Council of Ministers SOK AN
Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries OUK RABUN
Min. of Commerce SUN CHANTHOL
Min. of Cults & Religious Affairs MIN KHIN
Min. of Culture & Fine Arts PHOEUNG SAKONA
Min. of Economy & Finance AUN PORN MONIROTH
Min. of Education, Youth, & Sport HANG CHUON NARON
Min. of Environment SAY SAMAL
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation HOR NAMHONG
Min. of Health MAM BUN HENG
Min. of Industry, Mines, & Energy CHAM PRASIDH
Min. of Information KHIEU KANHARITH
Min. of Interior SAR KHENG
Min. of Justice ANG VONG VATTANA
Min. of Labor & Vocational Training ITH SAM HENG
Min. of Land Management, Urbanization, & Construction IM CHHUN LIM
Min. of National Defense TEA BANH, Gen.
Min. of Planning CHHAY THAN
Min. of Posts & Telecommunications PRAK SOKHONN
Min. of Public Works & Transportation TRAM IV TOEK
Min. of Relations With the National Assembly, Senate, & Inspection MEN SAM AN
Min. of Rural Development CHEA SOPHARA
Min. of Social Affairs, War Veterans, & Youth Rehabilitation VORNG SAUT
Min. of Tourism THONG KHON
Min. of Water Resources & Meteorology LIM KEAN-HAO
Min. of Women's Affairs Ing Kantha PHAVI, Dr.
Governor, State Bank CHEA CHANTO
Ambassador to the US HEM HENG
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York RY TUY
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2015

Pres. Paul BIYA

Prime Min. Philemon YANG
Dep. Prime Min. Amadou ALI
Dep. Prime Min. Jean NKUETE
Sec. Gen. of the Presidency Ferdinand N'GOH N'GOH
Min.-Delegate at the Presidency in Charge of Defense Edgar Alain Mebe NGO'O
Min. in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency Paul ATANGA NJI
Min. in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency Victor MENGOT
Min. in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency Hamadou MUSTAPHA
Min. in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency Rene Emmanuel SADI
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Menya Lazare ESSIMI
Min. of Basic Education Alim YOUDDOUF
Min. of Civil Service & Admin. Reform Michel Ange ANGOUIN
Min. of Commerce Luc Magloire MBARGA ATANGANA
Min. of Communication Issa Tchiroma BAKARY
Min. of Culture Ama Tutu MUNA
Min. of Economy, Planning, & Regional Development Emmanuel Nganou DJOUMESSI
Min. of Employment & Professional Training Zacharie PEREVET
Min. of Environment & Nature Protection Pierre HELE
Min. of Finance Ousmane Mey ALAMINE
Min. of Foreign Affairs Pierre Moukoko MBONJO
Min. of Forestry & Wildlife Philip Ngwese NGOLE
Min. of Higher Education Jacques Fame NDONGO
Min. of Industry, Mines, & Technological Development Emmanuel BONDE
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Laurent ESSO
Min. of Labor & Social Insurance Gregroire OWONA
Min. of Land Tenure & State Property Jacqueline Koung A BISSIKE
Min. of Livestock & Fisheries Aboubakary SARKI
Min. of National Education Alim YOUSSOUF nee Adidja
Min. of Post & Telecommunications Jean-Pierre Biyiti Bi ESSAM
Min. of Public Health Andre Mama FOUDA
Min. of Public Service & Admin. Reform Emmanuel BONDE
Min. of Public Works Patrice Amba SALLA
Min. of Scientific Research & Innovation Madeleine TCHUENTE
Min. of Secondary Education Louis BAPES BAPES
Min. of Social Affairs Catherine Bakang MBOCK
Min. of Sports & Physical Education Michel ZOA
Min. of Territorial Admin. & Decentralization Hamidou Yaya MARAFA
Min. of Tourism Baba HAMADOU
Min. of Transport Robert NKILI
Min. of Urban Development & Housing Colbert TCHATAT
Min. of Water & Energy Basile Atangana KOUNA
Min. of Women & Family Protection Marie Theresa Abena ONDOA
Min. of Youth Adoum GAROUA
Governor, Central Bank Philibert ANDZEMBE
Ambassador to the US Joseph FOE-ATANGANA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Michel Tommo MONTHE
Last Updated: 4 Mar 2015

Governor Gen. David JOHNSTON

Prime Min. Stephen Joseph HARPER
Min. of Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Bernard VALCOURT
Min. of Agriculture & Agri-Food Gerry RITZ
Min. for the Asia-Pacific Gateway Edward FAST
Min. for the Atlantic Gateway Keith ASHFIELD
Min. of Canadian Heritage & Official Languages Shelly GLOVER
Min. of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Leona AGLUKKAQ
Min. of Citizenship & Immigration Chris ALEXANDER
Min. of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of
Quebec Denis LEBEL
Min. of Employment & Social Development Pierre POILIEVRE
Min. of the Environment Leona AGLUKKAQ
Min. for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario Greg RICKFORD
Min. of Finance Joseph J. OLIVER
Min. of Fisheries & Oceans Gail SHEA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Robert NICHOLSON
Min. of Health Rona AMBROSE
Min. of Industry James MOORE
Min. of Infrastructure, Communities, & Intergovernmental Affairs Denis LEBEL
Min. of Intl. Development Christian PARADIS
Min. of Intl. Trade Edward FAST
Min. of Justice & Attorney Gen. Peter MACKAY
Min. of Labor Kellie LEITCH
Min. of National Defense Jason KENNEY
Min. of National Revenue Kerry-Lynne FINDLAY
Min. of Natural Resources Greg RICKFORD
Min. of Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Steven BLANEY
Min. of Public Works & Govt. Services Diane FINLEY
Min. for Status of Women Kellie LEITCH
Min. of Transport Lisa RAITT
Min. of Veterans Affairs Erin O'TOOLE
Min. of State (Agriculture) Maxime BERNIER
Min. of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) Rob MOORE
Min. of State (Democratic Reform) Pierre POILIEVRE
Min. of State (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern
Ontario) Gary GOODYEAR
Min. of State (Finance) Kevin SORENSON
Min. of State (La Francophonie) Christian PARADIS
Min. of State (Multiculturalism) Tim UPPAL
Min. of State (Science & Technology) Ed HOLDER
Min. of State (Seniors) Alice WONG
Min. of State (Small Business & Tourism) Maxime BERNIER
Min. of State (Social Development) Candice BERGEN
Min. of State (Sport) Bal GOSAL
Min. of State (Western Economic Diversification) Michelle REMPEL
Min. of State of Foreign Affairs & Consular Lynne YELICH
Min. of State & Chief Govt. Whip John DUNCAN
Pres., Treasury Board Anthony Peter CLEMENT
Leader of the Govt. in the House of Commons Peter VAN LOAN
Leader of the Govt. in the Senate Marjory LEBRETON
Governor, Bank of Canada Stephen POLOZ
Ambassador to the US Gary DOER
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Guillermo RISHCHYNSKI
Central African Republic
Last Updated: 7 Apr 2015

Interim Pres. Catherine SAMBA-PANZA

Prime Min. Mahamat KAMOUN
Min. of Agriculture
Min. of Civil Service, Labor, Social Security, & Employment Eloi ANGUIMATE
Min. of Communication & National Reconciliation Antoinette MONTAIGNE
Min. of Defense Marie-Noelle KOYARA
Min. of Economy, Planning, & Intl. Cooperation Florence LIMBIO
Min. of Equipment & Public Works Crepin MBOLIGOUMBA
Min. of Finance & Budget Remi YAKORO
Min. of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, & Francophonie Affairs Toussaint KONGO DOUDOU
Min. of Forestry, Environment, & Tourism Hyacinthe TOUHOUYE
Min. of Geology, Mineral Research, & Hydrology
Min. of the Govt. Gen. Secretariat & Relationships With Institutions Gaston MACKOUZANGBA
Min. of Habitat, Lodging, & Public Building Reconstruction Davi YAMA
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Isabelle GAUDEUILLE
Min. of Mining & Energy Olivier MALIBANGAR
Min. of National Education, Higher Education, & Scientific Research Gisele BEDAN
Min. of Posts & Telecommunications Abdallah Hassan KADRE
Min. of Public Health, Social Affairs, & Humanitarian Action Marguerite SAMBA
Min. of Security, Immigration-Emigration, & Public Order Pastor Josue BINOUA
Min. of Social Affairs Marie Madeline MOUSSA YADOUMA
Min. of Territorial Admin. & Decentralization Aristide SOKAMBI
Min. of Trade, Industry, Handicrafts, & Small & Medium-Size Enterprises Gertrude ZOUTA
Min. of Transport & Civil Aviation Arnaud DJOUBAYE ABAZENE
Min. of Urbanism & Land Reforms Andre Ringui LE GAILLARD
Min. of Waters, Forestry, & Environment
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Culture
Min. of State in Charge of Public Works Herbert Gontran DJONO AHABA
Min. of State in Charge of Rural Development Marie Noelle ANDET-KOYARA
Min., Office of the Prime Min., & Govt. Spokesman
Governor, Regional Central Bank Alphonse KOYAMBA
Ambassador to the US Emmanuel TOUABOY
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ambroisine KPONGO
Last Updated: 2 Jan 2015

Pres. Idriss DEBY Itno, Lt. Gen.

Prime Min. Emmanuel NADINGAR
Min. of Agriculture Albert Pahimi PADACKE
Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Employment Abdoulaye ABAKAR
Min. of Commerce & Industry Youssouf ABASSALLAH
Min. of Communications & Spokesperson for the Govt. Kedallah YOUNOUS
Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports Djibert YOUNOUS
Min. of Defense BICHARA Issa Djadallah
Min. of Economy & Urban Planning Mahamat Ali HASSAN
Min. of Environment & Fisheries Terap Kabak HASSAN
Min. of Finance & Budget BEDOUMRA Kordje
Min. of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, & Intl. Cooperation Moussa FAKI Mahamat
Min. of Good Governance & Public Stabilization Ahmadaye Al-HASSAN
Min. of Higher Learning, Scientific Research, & Professional Training Ahmat TABOYE
Min. of Infrastructure Adoum YOUNOUSMI
Min. of Interior & Public Security Ahmat Mahamat BACHIR
Min. of Justice M'Bailou Naimbaye LOSSIMIAN
Min. of Livestock & Animal Husbandry Ahmat Rakhis MANANI
Min. of Mines & Energy Hassan SALINE
Min. of National Education Abderahim Younous ALI
Min. of Petroleum
Min. of Postal Service, New Technology, & Communications Jean Bawoyeu ALINGUE
Min. of Public Health Toufta BOGUENA
Min. of Social Action, Solidarity, & Family Ngarmbatina Carmel SOU IV
Min. of Territorial Development
Min. of Tourism Development Mahamat Allahou TAHER
Min. of Urban Planning & Housing Djimrangar DADNADJI
Min. of Water Ahmat Mahamat KARAMBAL
Min. in Charge of Auditing Govt. Depts. Mahamat Bechir OKORMI
Min. in Charge of Decentralization Hamid Mahamat DAHALOB
Min. in Charge of Human Rights Abderaman DJASNABAILLE
Min. in Charge of Microfinance & Poverty Reduction Fatime TCHOMBI
Min. & Sec. Gen. of the Govt., in Charge of Relations With the National
Assembly Assia ABBO
Dep. Sec. Gen. of the Govt., in Charge of Relations With the National
Assembly Ousmane Moussa MAHAMAT
Sec. of State for Agriculture Mariam ATTAHIR
Sec. of State for the Economy & Urban Planning, in Charge of
Microfinance & Poverty Azziza BAROUD
Sec. of State for Environment, in Charge of Rural Hydraulics & Livestock Tahar SOUGOUDI
Sec. of State for Finance, in Charge of the Budget Habiba SAHOULBA
Sec. of State for Foreign Relations, Intl. Cooperation, & African
Integration Mahamat BECHIR Okormi
Sec. of State for Higher Education Yaya DJABAYE
Sec. of State for Infrastructure, in Charge of Transport Mahamat Mahamadou ADDY
Sec. of State for the Interior Bichara Issa DJADALLAH
Sec. of State for National Defense, in Charge of War Veterans & Victims Hassan Saleh Al Gadam AL-DJINNEDI
Sec. of State for National Education, in Charge of Basic Education Khadidja HASSABALLAH
Sec. of State for Public Health Mahadie Outhman ISSA
Sec. of State for Social Action Naima ABDELMOUTI
Sec. of State for Urban Development and Housing Raoul Laouna GONG
Ambassador to the US Mahamat Nasser HASSANE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Cherif Mahamat ZENE
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2015

Pres. Michelle BACHELET Jeria

Min. of Agriculture Carlos FURCHE
Min. of Communications & the Press Alvaro ELIZALDE Soto
Min. of Economy, Development, & Tourism Luis Felipe CESPEDES
Min. of Education Nicolas EYZAGUIRRE
Min. of Energy Maximo PACHECO Matte
Min. of the Environment Pablo BADENIER
Min. of Finance Alberto ARENAS de Mesa
Min. of Foreign Affairs Heraldo MUNOZ Valenzuela
Min. of Health Jamie BURROWS
Min. of Housing & Urban Development Paulina SABALL
Min. of Interior & Public Security Rodrigo PENAILILLO Briceno
Min. of Justice Jose Antonio GOMEZ
Min. of Labor & Social Security Javiera BLANCO
Min. of Mining Aurora WILLIAMS
Min. of National Assets Victor OSORIO Reyes
Min. of the National Council for Culture & the Arts Claudia BARATTINI
Min. of National Defense Jorge BURGOS Varela
Min. of the National Service for Women Claudia PASCUAL
Min. of Policy Coordination Ximena RINCON Gonzalez
Min. of Public Works Alberto UNDURRAGA
Min. of Social Development Fernanda VILLEGAS
Min. of Sports Natalia RIFFO
Min. of Transport & Telecommunications Andres GOMEZ-LOBO
Pres., Central Bank Rodrigo VERGARA Montes
Ambassador to the US Juan Gabriel VALDES Soublette
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Cristian BARROS Melet
Last Updated: 8 May 2014

Pres. XI Jinping
Vice Pres. LI Yuanchao
Premier, State Council LI Keqiang
Executive Vice Premier, State Council ZHANG Gaoli
Vice Premier, State Council LIU Yandong
Vice Premier, State Council WANG Yang
Vice Premier, State Council MA Kai
State Councilor, State Council YANG Jing
State Councilor, State Council CHANG Wanquan
State Councilor, State Council YANG Jiechi
State Councilor, State Council GUO Shengkun
State Councilor, State Council WANG Yong
Sec. Gen., State Council YANG Jing
Chmn., Central Military Commission XI Jinping
Chmn., National Development & Reform Commission XU Shaoshi
Min. in Charge of the State Population & Family Planning Commission LI Bin
Min. in Charge of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission WANG Zhengwei
Min. of Agriculture HAN Changfu
Min. of Civil Affairs LI Liguo
Min. of Commerce GAO Hucheng
Min. of Culture CAI Wu
Min. of Education YUAN Guiren
Min. of Environmental Protection ZHOU Shengxian
Min. of Finance LOU Jiwei
Min. of Foreign Affairs WANG Yi
Min. of Housing & Urban-Rural Development JIANG Weixin
Min. of Human Resources & Social Security YIN Weimin
Min. of Industry & Information Technology MIAO Wei
Min. of Justice WU Aiying
Min. of Land & Resources JIANG Daming
Min. of National Defense CHANG Wanquan, Gen.
Min. of Public Security GUO Shengkun
Min. of Science & Technology WAN Gang
Min. of State Security GENG Huichang
Min. of Supervision HUANG Shuxian
Min. of Transportation YANG Chuantang
Min. of Water Resources CHEN Lei
Auditor Gen., National Audit Office LIU Jiayi
Governor, People's Bank of China ZHOU Xiaochuan
Ambassador to the US CUI Tiankai
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York LIU Jieyi

Hong Kong (Special Admin. Region of the People's Republic of China)

Chief Executive LEUNG Chun-ying

Chief Sec. for Admin. Carrie LAM Cheng Yuet-ngor
Sec. for Civil Service Paul TANG Kwok-wai
Sec. for Commerce & Economic Development Gregory SO Kam-leung
Sec. for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Raymond TAM Chi-yuen
Sec. for Development Paul CHAN Mo-po
Sec. for Education Eddie NG Hak-kim
Sec. for Environment WONG Kam-sing
Sec. for Finance John TSANG Chun-wah
Sec. for Financial Services & the Treasury K. C. CHAN Ka-keung
Sec. for Food & Health KO Wing-man, Dr.
Sec. for Home Affairs TSANG Tak-sing
Sec. for Justice Rimsky YUEN Kwok-keung
Sec. for Labor & Welfare Matthew CHEUNG Kin-chung
Sec. for Security LAI Tung-kwok
Sec. for Transport & Housing Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung
Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority Norman CHAN Tak-lam
Chief Justice Geoffrey MA Tao-li
Pres., Legislative Council Jasper TSANG Yok-sing
Commissioner of Police TSANG Wai-hung
Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption Simon PEH Yun-lu
Director of Audit David SUN Tak-kei

Macau (Special Admin. Region of the People's Republic of China)

Chief Executive Fernando CHUI Sai-on

Sec. for Admin. & Justice Florinda Da Rosa Silva CHAN
Sec. for Economics & Finance Francis TAM Pak-yuen
Sec. for Security CHEONG Kuoc Va
Sec. for Social Affairs & Culture CHEONG U
Sec. for Transport & Public Works LAU Si Io
Procurator Gen. HO Chio Meng
Pres., Court of Final Appeal SAM Hou Fai
Pres., Legislative Council HO Iat Seng
Commissioner, Audit HO Veng On
Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption FONG Man Chong
Last Updated: 28 Aug 2014

Pres. Juan Manuel SANTOS Calderon

Vice Pres. German VARGAS Lleras
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Aurelio IRAGORRI Valencia
Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Tourism Cecilia ALVAREZ-CORREA Glen
Min. of Culture Mariana GARCES Cordoba
Min. of Defense Juan Carlos PINZON Bueno
Min. of Education Gina Maria PARODY
Min. of Energy & Mines Tomas GONZALEZ Estrada
Min. of the Environment & Sustainable Development Gabriel VALLEJO Lopez
Min. of Finance & Public Credit Mauricio CARDENAS Santa Maria
Min. of Foreign Relations Maria Angela HOLGUIN Cuellar
Min. of Health & Social Protection Alejandro GAVIRIA Uribe
Min. of Housing & Territorial Development Luis Felipe HENAO Cardona
Min. of Information Technology & Communication Diego MOLANO Vega
Min. of Interior Juan Fernando CRISTO Bustos
Min. of Justice & Law Yesid REYES Alvarado
Min. of Labor Luis Eduardo GARZON
Min. of Transportation Natalie ABELLO
Dir., National Planning Dept. Simon GAVIRIA Munoz
Prosecutor Gen. Eduardo MONTEALEGRE Lynett
Pres., Bank of the Republic Jose Dario URIBE Escobar
Ambassador to the US Luis Carlos VILLEGAS Echeverri
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Maria Emma MEJIA Velez
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2014

Three main islands have been unified into the Union of Comoros, and the presidency of the Union will rotate between the different islands.

Pres. of the Union Ikililou DHOININE

Vice Pres. in Charge of the Min. of Finance, Economy, Budget,
Investment, & External Trade Charged With Privatization Mohamed Ali SOILIHI
Vice Pres. in Charge of the Min. of Health, Solidarity, Social Cohesion, &
Gender Promotion Fouad MOHADJI, , Dr.
Vice Pres. in Charge of the Min. of Regional Planning, Infrastructure,
Urbanism, & Housing Nourdine BOURHANE
Min. of Employment, Labor, Vocational Training, & Women's
Entrepreneurship & Govt. Spokesperson Siti KASSIM
Min. of External Relations & Cooperation in Charge of the Diaspora,
Francophonie, & the Arab World El-Anrif SAID HASSANE
Min. of the Interior, Information, & Decentralization Charged With
Relations With the Institutions Houssen Hassan IBRAHIM
Min. of Justice, Civil Service, Admin. Reform, Human Rights, & Islamic
Affairs & Keeper of the Seals Abdou OUSSENI
Min. of Manufacturing, Environment, Energy, Industry, & Craft Abdou Nassur MADI
Min. of National Education, Research, Culture, & Arts Charged With
Youth & Sports Abdoulkarim MOHAMED
Min. of Posts & Telecommunications & the Promotion of New Information
& Communication Technologies Charged With Transportation & Tourism Bahiat MASSOUNDI
Governor, Central Bank Abdou Mohamed CHANFIOU
Ambassador to the US Soilihi Mohamed SOILIHI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Soilihi Mohamed SOILIHI
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2014

Pres. Joseph KABILA

Prime Min. Augustin MATATA PONYO Mapon
Dep. Prime Min. Alexandre LUBA Ntambo
Dep. Prime Min. Daniel MUKOKO Samba
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Jean-Chrysotome VAHAMWITI
Min. of Budget Daniel MUKOKO Samba
Min. of Communications, Media, & Relations With Parliament Lambert MENDE Omalanga
Min. of Defense & Veterans Affairs Alexandre LUBA Ntambo
Min. of Economy & Trade Jean-Paul NEMOYATO
Min. of Employment, Labor, & Social Welfare Modeste BAHATI Lukwebo
Min. of Energy & Hydraulic Resources Bruno KAPANJI Kalala
Min. of the Environment, Conservation, & Tourism Bavon BAVON N'sa Mputu Elima
Min. of Finance Augustin MATATA PONYO Mapon
Min. of Foreign Affairs, Intl. Cooperation, & Francophone Affairs Raymond TSHIBANDA
Min. of Gender, Family, & Children's Affairs Genevieve INAGOSI
Min. of Health Felix KABANGE Numbi
Min. of Higher Education, University & Scientific Research Chelo LOTSIMA
Min. of Hydrocarbons Crispin ATAMA Tabe
Min. of Industry & Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises Remy MUSUNGAYI Bampale
Min. of Infrastructure, Public Works, Town & Country Planning, Urban
Planning, & Housing Fridolin KASWESHI Musoka
Min. of Interior, Security, Decentralization, & Customary Affairs Richard MUYEJ
Min. of Justice & Human Rights Wivine MUMBA Matipa
Min. of Lands Robert MBUINGA
Min. of Mines Martin KABWELULU Labilo
Min. of Planning & Monitoring the Implementation of Modernity Celestin VUNABANDI
Min. of Post, Telecommunications, & New Information Technologies Tryphon KIN-KIEY Mulumba
Min. of Primary, Secondary, & Vocational Education Maker MWANGU Famba
Min. of Public Service Jean Claude KIBALA
Min. of Social & Humanitarian Affairs & National Solidarity Charles NAWEJ Mundele
Min. of Transportation & Commerce Justin KALUMBA Mwana Ngongo
Min. of Youth, Sports, Leisure, Culture, & Arts Banza MUKALAYI Sungu
Governor, Central Bank Deogratias MUTOMBO Mwana Nyembo
Ambassador to the US Faida Maramuke MITIFU
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ignace GATA MAVITA wa Lufuta
Congo, Republic of the
Last Updated: 21 May 2014

Pres. Denis SASSOU-Nguesso

Min. of State Rodolphe ADADA
Min. of State Isidore MVOUBA
Min. of State Aime Emmanuel YOKA
Min. at the Presidency in Charge of National Defense, Veterans, &
Disabled War Veterans Charles MONDJO
Min. at the Presidency in Charge of Special Economic Zones Alain AKOUALA
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Rigobert MABOUNDOU
Min. of Civic Education & Youth Anatole Collinet MAKOSSO
Min. of Civil Service & State Reformation Guy Brice Parfait KOLELAS
Min. of Commerce, Consumption, & Supplies Claudine MUNARI
Min. of Communications in Charge of Relations With Parliament Bienvenu OKIEMY
Min. of Construction, Town Planning, & Housing Claude Alphonse NSILOU
Min. of Cooperation, Humanitarian Action, & Solidarity Charles Zacharie BOWAO
Min. of Culture & Arts Jean-Claude GAKOSSO
Min. of Energy & Water Henri OSSEBI
Min. of Equipment & Public Works Emile OUOSSO
Min. of Finance, Budget, & Public Portfolio Gilbert ONDONGO
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Basile IKOUEBE
Min. of Health & Population Francois BOVI
Min. of Higher Education Georges MOYEN
Min. of Hydrocarbons Andri Raphael LOEMBA
Min. of Industrial Development & Private-Sector Promotion Isidore MVOUBA
Min. of Interior & Decentrialization Raymond Zephirin MBOULOU
Min. of Justice & Human Rights Aime Emmanuel YOKA
Min. of Labor & Social Security Florent TSIBA
Min. of Land Affairs & Public Domain Pierre MABIALA
Min. of Maritime & Inland Fisheries, in Charge of Aquaculture
Min. of Mines, Mineral Industries, & Geology Pierre OBA
Min. of Planning, Economy, Land Reform, & Integration
Min. of Posts & Technology, in Charge of New Technologies Thierry MOUNGALA
Min. of Primary & Secondary Education, in Charge of Literacy Hellot Mampouya MATSON
Min. for the Promotion of Women & the Integration of Women in
Development Madeleine Yila BOUMPOTO
Min. of Scientific Research & Technical Innovation Bruno Jean Richard ITOUA
Min. of Small & Medium-Size Enterprises, in Charge of Cottage Industry Adelaide MOUGANY
Min. of Social Affairs, Humanitarian Action, & Solidarity Emilienne RAOUL
Min. of Sports & Physical Education Leon Alfred OPIMBAT
Min. of Sustainable Development, Forestry Economy, & Environment Henri DJOMBO
Min. of Technical Education & Professional Skills & Employment Serge Blaise ZONIABA
Min. of Tourism Industries & Environment Josue-Rodrigue NGOUONIMBA
Min. of Transport, Civil Aviation, & Maritime Shipping Jean Baptiste ONDAYE
Min.-Del. for Land Reform & Integration, attached to the Min. of Planning,
Economy, Land Reform, & Integration Josui Rodrigue NGOUONIMBA
Min.-Del. for Maritime Commerce, attached to the Min. of Transport, Civil
Aviation, & Maritime Shipping Martin Parfait Aimi COUSSOUD MAVOUNGOU
Ambassador to the US Serge MOMBOULI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Raymond Serge BALE
Cook Islands
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015

(Self-governing in free association with New Zealand)

Prime Min. Henry PUNA

Dep. Prime Min. Teariki HEATHER
Min. of Agriculture Kiriau TUREPU
Min. of Cultural Development Teariki HEATHER
Min. of Education Teina BISHOP
Min. of Energy & Renewable Energy Henry PUNA
Min. of Finance & Economic Management Mark BROWN
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Immigration Tom MARSTERS
Min. of Health Nandi GLASSIE
Min. of Human Resources Development Teina BISHOP
Min. of Infrastructure & Planning Teariki HEATHER
Min. of Internal Affairs Mark BROWN
Min. of Justice Teariki HEATHER
Min. of Marine Resources Teina BISHOP
Min. of Mineral & Natural Resources Henry PUNA
Min. of Police Henry PUNA
Min. of Telecommunications Mark BROWN
Min. of Tourism Teina BISHOP
Min. of Transport Henry PUNA
Attorney Gen. Henry PUNA
Costa Rica
Last Updated: 19 Feb 2015

Pres. Luis Guillermo SOLIS Rivera

First Vice Pres. Helio FALLAS
Second Vice Pres. Ana Helena CHACON
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Luis Felipe ARAUZ Cavallini
Min. of Culture & Youth Elizabeth FONSECA
Min. of Economy, Industry, & Trade Welmer RAMOS Gonzalez
Min. of Education Sonia Martha MORA
Min. of Environment & Energy Edgar GUTIERREZ
Min. of Finance Helio FALLAS
Min. of Foreign Relations Manuel Antonio GONZALEZ Sanz
Min. of Foreign Trade Alexander MORA Delgado
Min. of Health Maria Elena LOPEZ Nunez
Min. of Housing Rosenda PUJOL Mesalles
Min. of Justice Cristina RAMIREZ Chavarria
Min. of Labor & Social Security Victor MORALES Mora
Min. of Planning & Economic Policy Olga Marta SANCHEZ
Min. of the Presidency Melvin JIMENEZ Marin
Min. of Public Security, Govt., & Police Celso GAMBOA Sanchez
Min. of Public Works & Transportation Carlos SEGNINI Villalobos
Min. of Science & Technology Gisela KOPPER Arguedas
Min. of Social Welfare Carlos ALVARADO Quesada
Min. of Sports Carolina MAURI
Min. of Tourism Wilhelm VON BREYMANN Barquero
Min. of Women's Issues Alejandra MORA
Attorney Gen. Jorge CHAVARRIA Guzman
Pres., Central Bank Olivier CASTRO
Ambassador to the US Shanon Muni FIGUERES Boggs
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Juan Carlos MENDOZA Garcia
Cote d'Ivoire
Last Updated: 13 Mar 2014

Pres. Alassane Dramane OUATTARA

Min. to the Pres. of the Republic & Chief of Staff of the Presidency
Min. to the Pres. of the Republic in Charge of Defense Paul Kofi KOFI
Min. to the Pres. of the Republic in Charge of Relations With Republican
Min. in Charge of Presidential Affairs
Senior Min. & Sec. Gen. of the Presidency of the Republic
Prime Min. Daniel Kablan DUNCAN
Min. to the Prime Min. in Charge of Economy & Finance Niale KABA
Min. of African Integration & Ivoirians Abroad Ally COULIBALY
Min. of Agriculture Mamadou Sangafoa COULIBALY
Min. of Civil Service & Admin. Reform Ibrahima Cisse BACONGO
Min. of Commerce Jean-Louis BILLON
Min. of Communication Affoussiata Bamba LAMINE
Min. of Construction & Housing Mamadou SANOGO
Min. of Culture & Francophone Affairs Maurice Kouakou BANDAMA
Min. of Defense Alassane Dramane OUATTARA
Min. of Economic Infrastructure Patrick ACHI
Min. of Economy, Finance, & Budget Daniel Kablan DUNCAN
Min. of Employment, Social Affairs, & Professional Training Moussa DOSSO
Min. of Environment, Urban Sanitation, & Sustainable Development Remi Alla KOUADIO
Min. of Foreign Affairs Charles Koffi DIBY
Min. of Handicrafts & Promotion of Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises
Min. of Health & HIV/AIDS Control Raymonde Goudou COFFIE
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Gnamien KONAN
Min. of Industry & Mining Jean-Claude BROU
Min. of Interior & Security Hamed BAKAYOKO
Min. of Justice, Human Rights, & Civil Liberties Gnenema Mamadou COULIBALY
Min. of Livestock & Fisheries Kobena Kouassi ADJOUMANI
Min. of National Education & Technical Training Kandia Kamissoko CAMARA
Min. of Petroleum & Energy Adama TOUNGARA
Min. of Planning & Development Albert Mabri TOIKEUSSE
Min. of Post, Information, & Communication Technologies & Govt.
Spokesperson Bruno Nabagne KONE
Min. of Solidarity & the Family Anne Desiree OULOTO
Min. of Tourism Roger KAKOU
Min. of Transports Gaoussou TOURE
Min. of Veteran Affairs & War Victims
Min. of Water & Forestry Babaud DARRET
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Leisure Alain Michel LOBOGNON
Ambassador to the US Daouda DIABATE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Youssoufou BAMBA
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015


Prime Min. Zoran MILANOVIC
First Dep. Prime Min. Vesna PUSIC
Dep. Prime Min. Branko GRCIC
Dep. Prime Min. Milanka OPACIC
Dep. Prime Min. Ranko OSTOJIC
Min. of Admin. Arsen BAUK
Min. of Agriculture Tihomir JAKOVINA
Min. of Construction & Physical Planning Anka MRAK-TARITAS
Min. of Culture Andrea ZLATAR VIOLIC
Min. of Defense Ante KOTROMANOVIC
Min. of Economy Ivan VRDOLJAK
Min. of Entrepreneurship & Trade Gordan MARAS
Min. of Environmental & Nature Protection Mihael ZMAJLOVIC
Min. of Finance Boris LALOVAC
Min. of Foreign & European Affairs Vesna PUSIC
Min. of Health Rajko OSTOJIC
Min. of Interior Ranko OSTOJIC
Min. of Justice Orsat MILJENIC
Min. of Labor & Pension System Mirando MRSIC
Min. of Maritime Affairs, Transport, & Infrastructure Sinisa Hajdas DONCIC
Min. of Regional Development & European Funds Branko GRCIC
Min. of Science, Education, & Sports Zeljko JOVANOVIC
Min. of Social Welfare & Youth Policy Milanka OPACIC
Min. of Tourism Darko LORENCIN
Min. of War Veterans Predrag MATIC
Governor, Croatian National Bank Boris VUJCIC
Ambassador to the US Josko PARO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Vladimir DROBNJAK
Cuba - NDE
Last Updated: 15 Jan 2015

Pres., Council of State Raul CASTRO Ruz, Gen.

First Vice Pres., Council of State Miguel DIAZ-CANEL Bermudez
Vice Pres., Council of State Gladys BEJERANO Portela
Vice Pres., Council of State Mercedes LOPEZ Acea
Vice Pres., Council of State Jose Ramon MACHADO Ventura
Vice Pres., Council of State Ramiro VALDES Menendez
Vice Pres., Council of State Salvador VALDES Mesa
Min. Sec., Council of State Homero ACOSTA Alvarez
Pres., Council of Ministers Raul CASTRO Ruz, Gen.
First Vice Pres., Council of Ministers Miguel DIAZ-CANEL Bermudez
Vice Pres., Council of Ministers Ricardo CABRISAS Ruiz
Vice Pres., Council of Ministers Adel IZQUIERDO Rodriguez
Vice Pres., Council of Ministers Antonio Enrique LUSSON Batlle, Div. Gen.
Vice Pres., Council of Ministers Marino MURILLO Jorge
Vice Pres., Council of Ministers Ulises ROSALES del Toro
Vice Pres., Council of Ministers Ramiro VALDES Menendez
Sec., Executive Ctte., Council of Ministers Jose Amado RICARDO Guerra, Brig. Gen.
Min. of Agriculture Gustavo RODRIGUEZ Rollero
Min. of Communication Maimir MESA Ramos
Min. of Construction Rene MESA Villafana
Min. of Culture Julian GONZALEZ Toledo
Min. of Domestic Trade Mary Blanca ORTEGA Barredo
Min. of Economy & Planning Marino MURILLO Jorge
Min. of Education Ena Elsa VELAZQUEZ Cobiella
Min. of Energy & Mines Alfredo LOPEZ Valdes
Min. of Finance & Prices Lina PEDRAZA Rodriguez
Min. of the Food Industry Maria del Carmen CONCEPCION Gonzalez
Min. of Foreign Trade & Investment Rodrigo MALMIERCA Diaz
Min. of Foreign Relations Bruno RODRIGUEZ Parrilla
Min. of Higher Education Rodolfo ALARCON Ortiz
Min. of Industry Salvador PARDO Cruz
Min. of Interior Abelardo COLOME Ibarra, Corps Gen.
Min. of Justice Maria Esther REUS Gonzalez
Min. of Labor & Social Security Margarita Marlene GONZALEZ Fernandez
Min. of Public Health Roberto MORALES Ojeda
Min. of the Revolutionary Armed Forces Leopoldo CINTRA FRIAS, Corps Gen.
Min. of Science, Technology, & Environment Elba Rose PEREZ Montoya
Min. of Tourism Manuel MARRERO Cruz
Min. of Transportation Cesar Ignacio AROCHA Masid
Attorney Gen. Dario DELGADO Cura
Pres., Central Bank of Cuba Ernesto MEDINA Villaveiran
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Rodolfo REYES Rodriguez
Last Updated: 5 Apr 2014


Min. of Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Environment Nikos KOUGIALIS
Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Tourism Georgios LAKKOTRYPIS
Min. of Communications & Works Marios DIMITRIADIS
Min. of Defense Christoforos FOKAIDIS
Min. of Education & Culture Kostas KADIS
Min. of Finance Charis GEORGIADIS
Min. of Foreign Affairs Ioannis KASOULIDIS
Min. of Health Filippos PATSALIS
Min. of Interior Sokratis CHASIKOS
Min. of Justice & Public Order Ionas NIKOLAOU
Min. of Labor & Social Insurance Zeta AIMILIANIDOU
Governor, Central Bank of Cyprus Chrystallas GIORKATZI
Ambassador to the US Georgios CHACALLI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Nikolaos AIMILIOU
Czech Republic
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2014

Pres. Milos ZEMAN

Prime Min. Bohuslav SOBOTKA
First Dep. Prime Min. Andrej BABIS
Dep. Prime Min. Pavel BELOBRADEK
Min. of Agriculture Marian JURECKA
Min. of Culture Daniel HERMAN
Min. of Defense Martin STROPNICKY
Min. of Education, Youth, & Sport Marcel CHLADEK
Min. of the Environment Richard BRABEC
Min. of Finance Andrej BABIS
Min. of Foreign Affairs Lubomir ZAORALEK
Min. of Health Svatopluk NEMECEK
Min. for Human Rights Jiri DIENSTBIER
Min. of Industry & Trade Jan MLADEK
Min. of the Interior Milan CHOVANEC
Min. of Justice Helena VALKOVA
Min. of Labor & Social Affairs Michaela MARKSOVA-TOMINOVA
Min. for Regional Development Karla SLECHTOVA
Min. of Transportation Dan TOK
Governor, Czech National Bank Miroslav SINGER
Ambassador to the US Petr GANDALOVIC
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Edita HRDA
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2014

Dep. Prime Min. Morten OSTERGAARD
Min. of Agriculture, Food, & Fisheries Dan JORGENSEN
Min. of Business Affairs & Growth Henrik Sass LARSEN
Min. of Children & Equality Manu SAREEN
Min. of Climate, Energy, & Construction Rasmus Helveg PETERSEN
Min. of Cultural Affairs Marianne JELVED
Min. of Defense Nicolai Halby WAMMEN
Min. for Development Cooperation Mogens JENSEN
Min. of Ecclesiastical Affairs Marianne JELVED
Min. of Economic Affairs Morten OSTERGAARD
Min. of Education Christine ANTORINI
Min. of Employment Henrik Dam KRISTENSEN
Min. of Environment Kirsten BROSBOL
Min. for Finance Bjarne CORYDON
Min. of Foreign Affairs Martin LIDEGAARD
Min. of Health & Prevention Nick HAEKKERUP
Min. of Interior Affairs Morten OSTERGAARD
Min. of Justice Mette FREDERIKSEN
Min. of Nordic Cooperation Carsten HANSEN
Min. of Research, Innovation, & Continuing Education Sofie Carsten NIELSEN
Min. of Social Affairs & Integration Manu SAREEN
Min. of Taxation Benny ENGELBRECHT
Min. of Towns, Housing, & Rural Affairs Carsten HANSEN
Min. of Trade & Investment Mogens JENSEN
Min. of Transport Magnus HEUNICKE
Chmn., Board of Governors, Danish National Bank Lars ROHDE
Ambassador to the US Peter TAKSOE-JENSEN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ib PETERSEN
Last Updated: 22 May 2014

Pres. Ismail Omar GUELLEH

Prime Min. Abdoulkader Kamil MOHAMED
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Fisheries Mohamed Ahmed AWALEH
Min. of Communication & Culture Ali Hassan BAHDON
Min. of Defense Hassan Darar HOUFFANEH
Min. of Economy, Finance, & Planning Ilyas Moussa DAWALEH
Min. of Education & Professional Training Djama Elmi OKIEH
Min. of Energy & Water Ali Yacoub MAHAMOUD
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Mahamoud Ali YOUSSOUF
Min. of Habitat, Urban Planning, Environment, & Town Planning Mohamed Moussa Ibrahim BALALA
Min. of Health Kassim Issack OSMAN, Dr.
Min. of Infrastructure & Transport Moussa Ahmed HASSAN
Min. of Interior Hassan Omar Mohamed BOURHAN
Min. of Justice & Penal Affairs Ali Farah ASSOWEH
Min. of Labor Abdi Houssein AHMED
Min. of Muslim Affairs & Charitable Assets Aden Ali ADEN
Min. of the Promotion of Women & Family Welfare & Social Affairs Hasna Barkat DAOUD
Governor (Acting), Central Bank Ahmed OSMAN Ali
Ambassador to the US Roble OLHAYE Oudine
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Roble OLHAYE Oudine
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015

Pres. Charles SAVARIN

Prime Min. Roosevelt SKERRIT
Min. of State in the Prime Minister's Office for Project Planning &
Implementation Miriam BLANCHARD
Min. of Agriculture & Forestry Johnson DRIGO
Min. of Commerce, Enterprise, & Small Business Development Roselyn PAUL
Min. of Education & Human Resource Development Petter Saint-JEAN
Min. of Finance & the Public Service Roosevelt SKERRIT
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Caricom Affairs Francine BARON
Min. of Health & Environment Kenneth DARROUX
Min. of Housing, Lands, & Water Resource Management Reginald AUSTRIE
Min. of Information, Science, Telecommunication, & Technology Kelver DARROUX
Min. of Justice, Immigration, & National Security Rayburn BLACKMOORE
Min. of Kalinago Affairs Cassius DAROUX
Min. of Planning, Economic Development, & Investment John Collin MCINTYRE
Min. of Public Works & Ports Ian PINARD
Min. of Social Services, Family, & Gender Affairs Catherine DANIEL
Min. of Tourism & Urban Renewal Robert TONGE
Min. of Trade, Energy, & Employment Ian DOUGLAS
Min. of Youth, Sports, Culture, & Constituency Empowerment Justina CHARLES
Attorney Gen. Levi PETER
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Vince HENDERSON
Dominican Republic
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2014

Pres. Danilo MEDINA Sanchez

Vice Pres. Margarita CEDENO DE FERNANDEZ
Min. of Agriculture Angel Francisco ESTEVEZ Bourdierd
Min. of the Armed Forces Maximo William MUNOZ Delgado
Min. of Culture Jose Antonio RODRIGUEZ
Min. of Economy, Planning, & Development Juan Temistocles MONTAS Dominguez
Min. of Education Carlos Alberto AMARANTE BARET
Min. of the Environment & Natural Resources Bautista Antonio ROJAS Gomez
Min. of Finance Simon LIZARDO Mezquita
Min. of Foreign Affairs Andres NAVARRO Garcia
Min. of Higher Education, Science, & Technology Ligia AMADA MELO Viuda Cardona
Min. of Industry & Commerce Jose Manuel DEL CASTILLO Savinon
Min. of Interior & Police Jose Ramon FADUL
Min. of Labor Rosa Maritza HERNANDEZ Liriano
Min. of the Presidency Gustavo Adolfo MONTALVO Franco
Min. of Public Admin. Manuel Ramon VENTURA Camejo
Min. of Public Health & Social Welfare Lorenzo Wilfredo "Freddy" HIDALGO Nunez
Min. of Public Works & Communications Gonzalo CASTILLO Terrero
Min. of Sports Jaime David FERNANDEZ Mirabal
Min. of Tourism Francisco Javier GARCIA Fernandez
Min. of Women Alejandrina GERMAN Mejia
Min. of Youth Jorge Felix MINAYA Contreras
Admin. Sec. of the Presidency Jose Ramon PERALTA
Attorney Gen. Francisco DOMINGUEZ Brito
Governor, Central Bank Hector VALDEZ Albizu
Ambassador to the US Anibal de Jesus DE CASTRO Rodriguez
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Francisco Antonio CORTORREAL
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015

Pres. Rafael CORREA Delgado

Vice Pres. Jorge GLAS Espinel
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, & Aquaculture Javier PONCE Cevallos
Min. of Culture Francisco BORJA Cevallos
Min. of Economic & Social Inclusion Betty TOLA
Min. of Education Augusto ESPINOSA
Min. of Electricity & Renewable Energy Esteban ALBORNOZ
Min. of Environment Lorena TAPIA Nunez
Min. of Finance Fausto HERRERA
Min. of Foreign Relations & Integration Ricardo PATINO Aroca
Min. of Foreign Trade Diego AULESTIA Valencia
Min. of Hydrocarbons Pedro MERIZALDE Pavon
Min. of Industry & Competitiveness Ramiro GONZALEZ Jaramillo
Min. of Interior Jose SERRANO
Min. of Justice & Human Rights Ledy ZUNIGA
Min. of Labor Relations Carlos MARX Carrasco
Min. of Mines Javier CORDOVA Unda
Min. of National Defense Fernando CORDERO Cueva
Min. of Public Health Carina VANCE
Min. of Sports Catalina ONTANEDA Vivar
Min. of Telecommunication & Information Augusto ESPIN Tobar
Min. of Tourism Sandy NARANJO
Min. of Transportation & Public Works Paola CARVAJAL
Min. of Urban Development & Housing Maria de los ANGELES Duarte
Min. Coordinator of Economic Policy Patricio RIVERA
Min. Coordinator of Internal & External Security Policy Homero ARELLANO, Adm. (Ret.)
Min. Coordinator of Natural & Cultural Heritage Velasco ANDRADE
Min. Coordinator of Policy Viviana BONILLA
Min. Coordinator of Production Richard ESPINOSA
Min. Coordinator of Social Development Cecilia VACA Jones
Min. Coordinator of Strategic Sectors Rafael PROVEDA Bonilla
National Sec. of Planning & Development Pabel MUNOZ
Sec. Gen. of Public Admin. Vinicio ALVARADO Espinel
Pres., Central Bank Diego MARTINEZ
Ambassador to the US Nathalie CELY Suarez
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Julio Xavier LASSO Mendoza
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2015

Pres. Abdelfattah Said ELSISI

Prime Min. Ibrahim MEHLAB
Min. of Agriculture Salah al-Din HELAL
Min. of Antiquities Mamduh AL-DAMATY
Min. of Civil Aviation Hossam KAMAL
Min. of Communications & Information Technology Khaled ALI-NEGM
Min. of Culture Abdel Wahid al-NABAWY
Min. of Defense Sidqy SOBHY, Col. Gen.
Min. of Education Moheb al-RAFEI
Min. of Electricity Mohamed SHAKER
Min. of Environment Khaled FAHMY
Min. of Finance Hani Qadry DIMIAN
Min. of Foreign Affairs Sameh Hassan SHOUKRY
Min. of Health Adel El-ADAWI
Min. of Higher Education Sayed ABDEL-KHALEK
Min. of Housing Moustafa MADBULI
Min. of Industry & Trade Mounir Fakhry ABDEL-NOUR
Min. of Information Dorreya Sharaf AL-DIN
Min. of Interior Magdi Abd al-GHAFAR
Min. of Intl. Cooperation Nagla AL-ALWANY
Min. of Investment Ashraf SALMAN
Min. of Irrigation Hossam al-Din MOGHAZY
Min. of Justice Mahfouz SABER
Min. of Local & Admin. Development Adel LABIB
Min. of Manpower & Migration Nahed EL-ASHRY
Min. of Military Production Ibrahim YOUNIS, Maj. Gen.
Min. of Petroleum Sherif ISMAIL
Min. of Planning Ashraf EL-ARABY
Min. of Population Hala Mohamed YOUSSEF
Min. of Religious Endowments Mukhtar GOMAA
Min. of Scientific Research Sherif HAMAD
Min. of Social Solidarity Ghada WALY
Min. of Supply Khaled HANAFI
Min. of Technical Education & Training Mohamed Ahmed YOUSSEF
Min. of Tourism Khaled Abbas RAMY
Min. of Transitional Justice & Parliamentary Affairs Ibrahim AL-HENEDI
Min. of Transportation Hany DAHY
Min. of Urban Development Laila Rashid ISKANDER
Min. of Youth & Sports Khaled ABDEL-AZIZ
Governor, Central Bank of Egypt Hisham RAMEZ
Ambassador to the US Mohamed TAWFIK
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Amr Abde-latif ABOULATTA
El Salvador
Last Updated: 15 Dec 2014

Pres. Salvador SANCHEZ CEREN

Vice Pres. Oscar ORTIZ
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Orestes ORTEZ
Min. of Defense David MUNGUIA Payes
Min. of Economy Tharsis Salomon LOPEZ
Min. of Education Carlos CANJURA
Min. of Environment & Natural Resources Lina POHL
Min. of Finance Juan Carlos CACERES Chavez
Min. of Foreign Relations Hugo Roger MARTINEZ Bonilla
Min. of Govt. Ramon VALENCIA
Min. of Health Violeta MENJIVAR
Min. of Justice & Public Security Benito LARA
Min. of Labor & Social Welfare Sandra GUEVARA
Min. of Public Works Gerson MARTINEZ
Min. of Tourism Jose Napoleon DUARTE Duran
Attorney Gen. Luis MARTINEZ
Pres., Central Reserve Bank Oscar CABRERA Melgar
Ambassador to the US Francisco Roberto ALTSCHUL Fuentes
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ruben Ignacio ZAMORA Rivas
Equatorial Guinea
Last Updated: 18 Jul 2014

Pres. Teodoro OBIANG Nguema Mbasogo, Brig. Gen. (Ret.)

First Vice Pres. in Charge of Economic & Financial Affairs Ignacio MILAM Tang
Second Vice Pres. in Charge of Political & Democracy Affairs Teodoro "Teodorin" Nguema OBIANG Mangue
Prime Min. in Charge of Admin. Coordination Vincente Ehate TOMI
First Dep. Prime Min. & Head of Political Affairs & Democracy Clemente Engonga NGUEMA Onguene
Second Dep. Prime Min. in Charge of Social & Human Rights Affairs Lucas Nguema Esono MBANG
Third Dep. Prime Min. in Charge of Human Rights Alfonso Nsue MOKUY
Min. of Agriculture & Forestry Alfredo Mitogo MITOGO
Min. of Education & Science Maria del Carmen EKORO
Min. of Economy, Planning, & Public Investment Conrado Okwenve NDOHE
Min. of Finance & Budgets Marcelino Owono EDU
Min. of Fisheries & the Environment Crescencio Tamarite CASTANO
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Agapito Mba MOKUY
Min. of Health & Social Welfare Diosdado Vicente Nsue MILAN
Min. of Information, Press, & Radio Augustin Nze NFUMU
Min. of Internal Affairs & Local Corporations Clemente Engonga NGUEMA Onguene
Min. of Justice, Religious Affairs, & Penitentiary Institutions Evangelina Filomena Oyo EBULE
Min. of Labor & Social Security Heriberto Miko MBENGONO
Min. of Mines, Industry, & Energy Gabriel Mbega Obiang LIMA
Min. of National Security Nicolas OBAMA Nchama
Min. of Public Works & Infrastructures Juan Nko MBULA
Min. of Social Affairs & the Promotion of Women Maria Lenor Epam BIRIBE
Min. of Trade & Business Promotion Celestino Bonifacio Bakale OBIANG
Min. of Transportation, Technology, Postal Services, &
Telecommunications Francisco Mba Olo BAHAMONDE
Min. of State for National Defense Antonio MBA Nguema, Gen.
Min. of State to the Presidency of the Republic in Charge of the Civil
Cabinet Braulio Ncogo ABEGUE
Min. of State to the Presidency of the Republic in Charge of the Fight
Against the Prevention of HIV/AIDS & Sexually Transmitted Diseases Tomas Mecheba Fernandez GALILEA
Min. of State to the Presidency of the Republic in Charge of Missions Alejandro EVUNA Owono Asangono
Min. of State to the Presidency of the Republic in Charge of Regional
Integration Baltasar Engonga EDJO
Min. in Charge of Relations With the Parliament & Legal Affairs Angel MASIE Mibuy
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Anatolio NDONG MBA
Last Updated: 24 Apr 2014

Pres. ISAIAS Afworki

Vice Pres.
Min. of Agriculture AREFAINE Berhe
Min. of Defense SEBHAT Ephrem
Min. of Education SEMERE Russom
Min. of Energy & Mines AHMED Hajj Ali
Min. of Finance BERHANE Abrehe
Min. of Foreign Affairs OSMAN Saleh Mohammed
Min. of Health AMINA Nurhussein
Min. of Information ALI Abdu
Min. of Justice FOZIA Hashim
Min. of Labor & Human Welfare SALMA Hassen
Min. of Land, Water, & Environment TESFAI Ghebreselassie
Min. of Maritime Resources SALEH Meki
Min. of National Development GHIORGHISH Teklemichael, Dr.
Min. of Public Works ABRAHA Asfaha
Min. of Tourism ASKALU Menkerios
Min. of Trade & Industry
Min. of Transport & Communications WOLDENKIEL Abraha
Governor, Bank of Eritrea (Acting) KIBREAB Woldemariam
Charge d'Affaires, Embassy, Washington BERHANE Gebrehiwet Solomon
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York GIRMA Asmerom Tesfay
Last Updated: 29 Dec 2014

Pres. Toomas Hendrik ILVES

Prime Min. Taavi ROIVAS
Min. of Agriculture Ivari PADAR
Min. of Culture Urve TIIDUS
Min. of Defense Sven MIKSER
Min. of Economic Affairs & Infrastructure Urve PALO
Min. of Education & Research Jevgeni OSSINOVSKI
Min. of Environment Mati RAIDMA
Min. of Finance Maris LAURI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Keit PENTUS-ROSIMANNUS
Min. of Foreign Trade & Entrepreneurship Anne SULLILNG
Min. of Health & Labor Urmas KRUUSE
Min. of the Interior Hanno PEVKUR
Min. of Justice Andres ANVELT
Min. of Social Security Helmen KUTT
Governor, Bank of Estonia Ardo HANSSON
Ambassador to the US Eerik MARMEI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Margus KOLGA
Last Updated: 8 Apr 2014

Pres. MULATU Teshome

Prime Min. HAILEMARIAM Desalegn
Dep. Prime Min. ASTER Mamo
Dep. Prime Min. DEBRETSION Gebre-Michael
Dep. Prime Min. DEMEKE Mekonnen Hassen
Min. of Agriculture TEFERA Deribew
Min. of Cabinet Affairs DEMISSE Shito
Min. of Civil Service ASTER Mamo
Min. of Communication & Information Technology DEBRETSION Gebre-Michael
Min. of Culture & Tourism AMIN Abdulkadir
Min. of Defense SIRAJ Fegessa Shereffa
Min. of Education SHIFERAW Shigute
Min. of Environmental Protection & Forestry BELETE Tafese
Min. of Federal Affairs SHIFERAW Tekle-Mariam
Min. of Finance & Economic Development SUFIAN Ahmed
Min. of Foreign Affairs TEWODROS Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Min. of Govt. Communications Affairs Office REDWAN Hussein
Min. of Health KESETE-BERHAN Admasu
Min. of Industry AHMED Abetew
Min. of Justice GETACHEW Ambaye
Min. of Labor & Social Affairs ABDULFETAH Abdulahi Hassen
Min. of Mines TOLESA Shagi
Min. of Revenue & Customs Authority BEKIR Shale
Min. of Science & Technology DEMITU Hambessa
Min. of Trade KEBEDE Chane
Min. of Transport WORKNEH Gebeyehu
Min. of Urban Development & Construction MEKURIA Haile
Min. of Water & Energy ALEMAYEHU Tegenu
Min. of Women, Children, & Youth Affairs ZENEBU Tadesse
Governor, National Bank of Ethiopia TEKLEWOLD Atnafu
Ambassador to the US GIRMA Birru Geda
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York TEKEDA Alemu Wolde Mariam
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2015


Prime Min. Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA, RAdm. (Ret.)
Min. for Agriculture Inia SERUIRATU
Min. for Education, Heritage, & Arts Mahendra REDDY
Min. for Employment, Productivity, & Industrial Relations Jioji Konusi KONROTE
Min. for Finance, Public Enterprises, Public Service, & Communications Aiyaz SAYED-KHAIYUM
Min. for Fisheries & Forests Osea NAIQAMU
Min. for Foreign Affairs Inoke KUBUABOLA
Min. for Health & Medical Services Jone USAMATE
Min. for Industry, Trade, & Tourism Faiyaz KOYA
Min. for Immigration, National Security, & Defense Timoci Lesi NATUVA
Min. for Information & National Archives of Fiji Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA, RAdm. (Ret.)
Min. for Infrastructure and Transport Pio TIKODUADUA
Min. for Lands & Mineral Resources Mereseini VUNIWAQA
Min. for Local Govt., Housing, & Environment Parveen KUMAR
Min. for Rural & Maritime Development & National Disaster Management Inia SERUIRATU
Min. for Sugar Industry Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA, RAdm. (Ret.)
Min. for Taukei Affairs Josaia Voreqe BAINIMARAMA, RAdm. (Ret.)
Min. for Women, Children, & Poverty Alleviation Rosy Sofia AKBAR
Min. for Youth & Sports Laisenia Bale TUITUBOU
Attorney Gen. Aiyaz SAYED-KHAIYUM
Governor, Reserve Bank Barry WHITESIDE
Ambassador to the US Winston THOMPSON
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Peter THOMSON
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2014

Pres. Sauli NIINISTO

Prime Min. Cai-Goran Alexander STUBB
Dep. Prime Min. Antti RINNE
Min. of Agriculture & Forestry Petteri ORPO
Min. of Culture & Housing Pia VIITANEN
Min. of Defense Carl HAGLUND
Min. of Development Cooperation Sirpa PAATERO
Min. of Economic Affairs Jan VAPAAVUORI
Min. of Education & Communications Krista KIURU
Min. of the Environment Sanni GRAHN-LAASONEN
Min. of Finance Antti RINNE
Min. of Foreign Affairs Erkki Sakari TUOMIOJA
Min. of Foreign Trade & European Affairs Lenita TOIVAKKA
Min. of Health & Social Services Susanna HUOVINEN
Min. of Interior Paivi RASANEN
Min. of Justice Anna-Maja HENRIKSSON
Min. of Labor Lauri IHALAINEN
Min. of Social Affairs & Health Laura RATY
Min. of Transport & Local Govt. Paula RISIKKO
Governor, Bank of Finland Erkki LIIKANEN
Ambassador to the US Ritva Inkeri KOUKKU-RONDE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kai Jurgen Mikael SAUER
Last Updated: 10 Dec 2014

Pres. Francois HOLLANDE

Prime Min. Manuel VALLS
Min. of Agriculture, Agribusiness, & Forestry & Govt. Spokesperson Stephane LE FOLL
Min. of Culture & Communication Fleur PELLERIN
Min. of Decentralization & Civil Service Marylise LEBRANCHU
Min. of Defense Jean-Yves LE DRIAN
Min. of Ecology, Sustainable Development, & Energy Segolene ROYAL
Min. of Economy, Industry, & the Digital Economy Emmanuel MACRON
Min. of Finance & Public Accounts Michel SAPIN
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Development Laurent FABIUS
Min. of Housing & Territorial Equities Sylvia PINEL
Min. of the Interior Bernard CAZENEUVE
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Christiane TAUBIRA
Min. of Labor, Employment, Professional Training, & Social Dialogue Francois REBSAMEN
Min. of National Education, Higher Education, & Research Najat VALLAUD-BELKACEM
Min. of Overseas France George PAU-LANGEVIN
Min. of Social Affairs, Health, & Women's Rights Marisol TOURAINE
Min. of Urban Areas, Youth, & Sports Patrick KANNER
Governor, Bank of France Christian NOYER
Ambassador to the US Gerard ARAUD
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Francois DELATTRE
Last Updated: 18 Jul 2014

Pres. Ali Ben BONGO Ondimba

Prime Min. Daniel ONA ONDO
Min. of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, & Food Security Luc OYOUBI
Min. of Budget & Public Finance Christian MAGNAGNA
Min. for the Civil Service, Admin. Reform, & Modernization of Legal
Framework & Institutions Serge MABIALA
Min. of Culture, Arts, & Civic Education Ida RETENO Assonouet
Min. of Digital Economy, Communication, & Postal Services Blaise LOUEMBE
Min. of Economy & Planning Jean Christophe AKAGHA MBA
Min. of Energy & Water Resources Desire GUEDON
Min. of Family & Social Affairs Honorine Nzet BITEGHE
Min. of Foreign Affairs Emmanuel ISSOZE-NGONDET
Min. of Health Fidele MENGUE M'Engouang
Min. of Interior, Public Security, Immigration, Decrees, & Decentralization Guy-Bertrand MAPANGOU
Min. of Investment Promotion, Infrastructure, Housing, & Territorial
Development Magloire NGAMBIA
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Seraphin MOUNDOUNGA
Min. of Labor, Employment, & Vocational Training Simon NTOUTOUME Emane
Min. of Mines, Industry, & Tourism Regis IMMONGAULT Tatagani
Min. of National Defense Ernest MPOUHO Epigat
Min. of National Education & Technical & Vocational Education Leon NZOUBA
Min. of Oil & Hydrocarbons Etienne NGOUBOU
Min. for Relations With the Institutions & Govt. Spokesperson Denise MEKAMNE
Min. of Small & Medium-Size Enterprises, Artisans, & Commerce Gabriel TCHANGO
Min. of Transport Paulette MENGUE M'Owono
Min. of Water & Forests
Ambassador to the US Carlos Victor BOUNGOU
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Noel Nelson MESSONE
Gambia, The
Last Updated: 15 Jan 2015

Pres. Yahya JAMMEH

Vice Pres. Isatou NJIE-SAIDY
Min. of Agriculture Solomon OWENS
Min. of Basic & Secondary Education Fatou Lamin FAYE
Min. of Defense Yahya JAMMEH
Min. of Energy Edward Saja SANNEH
Min. of Environment, Climate Change, Water Resources, Parks, &
Wildlife Pa Ousman JARJU
Min. of Finance & Economic Affairs Kebba S. TOURAY
Min. of Fisheries Mass Axi GAI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Neneh MACDOUALL-GAYE
Min. of Health & Social Welfare Omar SEY
Min. of Higher Education, Research, Science, & Technology Aboubacar SENGHORE
Min. of Information & Communication Infrastructure Sheriff BOJANG
Min. of the Interior Ousman SONKO
Min. of Justice & Attorney Gen. Mama Fatima SINGHATEH
Min. of Lands & Regional Govt. Momodou Aki BAYO
Min. of Petroleum Yahya JAMMEH
Min. of Presidential Affairs Lamin NYABALLY
Min. of Tourism & Culture Benjamin A. ROBERTS
Min. of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration, & Employment Abdou JOBE
Min. of Transport, Works, & Infrastructure Gala GARBA-JAHUMPA
Min. of Women's Affairs Isatou NJIE-SAIDY
Min. of Youth & Sports Alieu K. JAMMEH
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mamadou TANGARA
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2014


Speaker of Parliament Davit USUPASHVILI
Prime Min. Irakli GARIBASHVILI
First Dep. Prime Min. Giorgi KVIRIKASHVILI
Dep. Prime Min. Kakha KALADZE
Min. of Agriculture Otar DANELIA
Min. of Corrections & Legal Assistance Giorgi MGHEBRISHVILI
Min. of Culture & Monument Protection Mikheil GIORGADZE
Min. of Defense Mindia JANELIDZE
Min. of Economy & Sustainable Development Giorgi KVIRIKASHVILI
Min. of Education & Science Tamar SANIKIDZE
Min. of Energy Kakha KALADZE
Min. of Environmental Protection & Natural Resources Elguja KHOKRISHVILI
Min. of Finance Nodar KHADURI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Tamar BERUCHASHVILI
Min. of Internal Affairs Aleksandre CHIKAIDZE
Min. for Internally Displaced Persons From the Occupied Territories,
Accommodation, & Refugees of Georgia Sozar SUBARI
Min. of Justice Tea TSULUKIANI
Min. of Labor, Health & Social Affairs Davit SERGEENKO
Min. of Regional Development & Infrastructure Davit SHAVLIASHVILI
Min. of Sports & Youth Affairs Levan QIPIANI
State Min. for Diaspora Issues Gela DUMBADZE
State Min. for European & Euro-Atlantic Integration Davit BAKRADZE
State Min. for Reintegration Paata ZAKAREISHVILI
Sec., National Security Council Irine IMERLISHVILI
Chmn., National Bank Giorgi KADAGIDZE
Ambassador to the US Archil GEGESHIDZE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kakha IMNADZE
Last Updated: 13 Nov 2014

Fed. Pres. Joachim GAUCK

Chancellor Angela MERKEL
Vice Chancellor Sigmar GABRIEL
Min. of Defense Ursula VON DER LEYEN
Min. for Economic Cooperation & Development Gerd MUELLER
Min. for Economics & Energy Sigmar GABRIEL
Min. for Education & Research Johanna WANKA
Min. for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction, & Reactor
Security Barbara HENDRICKS
Min. for Family, Seniors, Women, & Youth Manuela SCHWESIG
Min. of Finance Wolfgang SCHAEUBLE
Min. of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter STEINMEIER
Min. for Health Hermann GROEHE
Min. of Interior Thomas DE MAIZIERE
Min. of Justice & Consumer Protection Heiko MAAS
Min. for Labor & Social Affairs Andrea NAHLES
Min. for Nutrition & Agriculture Christian SCHMIDT
Min. for Transportation & Digital Infrastructure Alexander DOBRINDT
Min. Without Portfolio & Chancellery Chief Peter ALTMAIER
Pres., Bundesbank Jens WEIDMANN
Ambassador to the US Peter WITTIG
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Harald BRAUN
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2015

Pres. John Dramani MAHAMA

Min. of Chieftaincy & Traditional Affairs Henry Seidu DAANAA
Min. of Communications Edward Omane BOAMAH
Min. of Defense Mark Owen WOYONGO
Min. of Education Naana Jane OPOKU-AGYEMAN
Min. of Employment & Labor Relations Nii Armah ASHIETEY
Min. of Energy & Petroleum Emmanuel Armah Kofi BUAH
Min. of Environment, Science, Technology, & Innovation Oteng ADJEI
Min. of Finance & Economic Planning Seth TERKPER
Min. of Fisheries & Aquaculture Development Nayon BILIJO
Min. of Food & Agriculture Clement Kofi HUMADO
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Regional Integration Hanna TETTEH
Min. of Gender, Children, & Social Protection Nana Oye LITHUR
Min. of Health Hanny Sherry AYITTEY
Min. of Information & Media Relations Mahama AYARIGA
Min. of Interior Kwesi AHWOI
Min. of Justice & Attorney Gen. Marietta BREW-APPIAH-OPPONG
Min. of Lands & Natural Resources Inusah FUSEINI
Min. of Local Govt. & Rural Development Akwasi Oppong FOSU
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs & Majority Leader Benjamin KUNBOUR
Min. of Roads & Highways Amin Amidu SULEMANI
Min. of Tourism, Culture, & Creative Arts Elizabeth OFOSU-AGYARE
Min. of Trade & Industry Haruna IDDRISU
Min. of Transportation Dzifa ATTIVOR
Min. of Water Resources, Works, & Housing Collins DAUDA
Min. of Youth & Sports Elvis AFRIYIE-ANKRAH
Min. of State, Office of the Pres.
Min. of State, Office of the Pres.
Governor, Bank of Ghana Henry Kofi WAMPAH
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kenneth Kweku KANDA
Last Updated: 16 Mar 2015

Pres. Prokopios PAVLOPOULOS

Prime Min. Alexios TSIPRAS
Dep. Prime Min. Ioannis DRAGASAKIS
Min. of Culture, Education, & Religious Affairs Aristeidis BALTAS
Min. of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping, & Tourism Georgios STATHAKIS
Min. of Finance Ioannis VAROUFAKIS
Min. of Foreign Affairs Nikolaos KOTZIAS
Min. of Health & Social Security Panagiotis KOUROUMBLIS
Min. of Interior & Admin. Reconstruction Nikolaos VOUTSIS
Min. of Justice Nikolaos PARASKEVOPOULOS
Min. of Labor & Social Solidarity Panagiotis SKOURLETIS
Min. of National Defense Panagiotis KAMMENOS
Min. of Productive Reconstruction, Environment, & Energy Panagiotis LAFAZANIS
Min. of State Nikolaos PAPPAS
Min. of State for Corruption Panagiotis NIKOLOUDIS
Min. of State for Govt. Coordination Alexandros FLAMBOURARIS
Govt. Spokesman Gavriil SAKELLARIDIS
Governor, Bank of Greece Ioannis STOURNARAS
Ambassador to the US Christos PANAGOPOULOS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Aikaterini BOURA
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2015

Governor Gen. Cecile LA GRENADE

Prime Min. Keith MITCHELL
Dep. Prime Min. Elvin NIMROD
Min. of Agriculture, Land, Forestry, Fisheries, & the Environment Roland BHOLA
Min. of Carriacou & Petite Martinique Affairs Elvin NIMROD
Min. of Communications & Works, Physical Development, Public Utilities,
& Information Communications Technology Gregory BOWEN
Min. of Economic Development, Trade, Planning, Cooperatives, & Intl.
Business Oliver JOSEPH
Min. of Education & Human Resources Development Anthony BOATSWAIN
Min. of Foreign Affairs Clarice MODESTE-CURWEN
Min. of Health & Social Security Nickolas STEELE
Min. of Labor & Local Govt. Elvin NIMROD
Min. of Legal Affairs Elvin NIMROD
Min. of National Security, Public Admin., Disaster Management, Home
Affairs, Information, & Implementation Keith MITCHELL
Min. of Social Development, Housing, & Community Development Delma THOMAS
Min. of Tourism, Civil Aviation, & Culture Yolande BAIN-HORSFORD
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Ecclesiastical Relations Emmalin PIERRE
Min. of Implementation in the Prime Minister's Office Alexandra OTWAY-NOEL
Min. in the Min. of Communications & Works, Physical Development,
Public Utilities, & Information Communications Technology (ICT) With
Responsibility for ICT Alvin DABREO
Attorney Gen. Cajeton HOOD
Ambassador to the US Ethelstan Angus FRIDAY
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Denis Godwin ANTOINE
Last Updated: 28 Oct 2014

Pres. Otto Fernando PEREZ MOLINA

Vice Pres. Ingrid Roxana BALDETTI Elias
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Food Elmer LOPEZ Rodriguez
Min. of Communications, Infrastructure, & Housing Victor CORADO
Min. of Culture & Sports Dwight Anthony PEZZAROSSI Garcia
Min. of Defense Manuel LOPEZ Ambrosio, Gen.
Min. of Economy Sergio DE LA TORRE
Min. of Education Cynthia DEL AGUILA
Min. of Energy & Mines Erick ARCHILA
Min. of Environment & Natural Resources Michelle MARTINEZ
Min. of Finance Dorval CARIAS
Min. of Foreign Relations Carlos Raul MORALES Moscoso
Min. of Govt. Hector Mauricio LOPEZ BONILLA
Min. of Labor Carlos CONTRERAS
Min. of Public Health & Social Assistance Luis Enrique MONTERROSO
Attorney Gen. Thelma ALDANA
Solicitor Gen. Vladimir Osman AGUILAR Guerra
Sec. Gen. of the Presidency Gustavo MARTINEZ
Pres., Bank of Guatemala Julio Roberto SUAREZ Guerra
Ambassador to the US Julio LIGORRIA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Luis Fernando CARRERA Castro
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2014

Pres. Alpha CONDE

Prime Min. Mohamed Said FOFANA
Min. of Agriculture Emile YOMBOUNO
Min. of Audit, Economic, & Financial Controls Aboubacar Sidiki KOULIBALY
Min. of Commerce Mohamed Dorval DOUMBOUYA
Min. of Communication Togba Cesaire KPOGHOMOU
Min. of Culture & Heritage Ahmed Tidiane CISSE
Min. of Defense Alpha CONDE
Min. of Economy & Finance Kerfalla YANSANE
Min. of Employment, Technical Education, & Vocational Training Damantan Albert CAMARA
Min. of Energy Papa Koly KOUROUMA
Min. of Environment, Waters, & Forests Saramady TOURE
Min. of Fisheries & Aquaculture Moussa CONDE
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Guineans Abroad Francois Lonseny FALL
Min. of Health & Public Hygiene Remy LAMAH, Col.
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Teliwel Bailo DIALLO
Min. of Hotel Management, Tourism, & the Arts Mariame BALDE
Min. of Human Rights & Public Liberties Kalifa Gassama DIABY
Min. of Industry & Small & Medium Enterprises Ramatoulaye BAH
Min. of Information Dirus Diale DORE
Min. of Intl. Cooperation Koutoubou Moustapha SANO
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Me Christian SOW
Min. of Labor & Public Service Fatoumata TOUNKARA
Min. of Literacy & the Promotion of National Languages Bamba CAMARA
Min. of Livestock
Min. of Mines & Geology Mohamed Lamine FOFANA
Min. of Planning Sekou TRAORE
Min. of Pre-University Education Ibrahima KOUROUMA
Min. of Public Works & Transportation Ousmane BAH
Min. of Security & Civil Protection Madifing DIANE
Min. of Social Affairs & Female Promotion Diaka DIAKITE
Min. of Sports Aboubacar Sidiki CAMARA
Min. of Territorial Admin. & Decentralization Alhassane CONDE
Min. of Urbanism, Habitat, & Construction Ibrahima BANGOURA
Min. of Youth & Youth Employment Sanoussy Gbatama SOW
Governor, Central Bank Louceny NABE
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mamadi TOURE
Last Updated: 14 Aug 2014

Pres. Jose Mario VAZ

Prime Min. Domingos Simoes PEREIRA
Min. in the Presidency for the Council of Ministers & Parliamentary Affairs Baciro DJA
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Joao Anibal PEREIRA
Min. of Economics & Finance Geraldo MARTINS
Min. of Energy & Industry Florentino PEREIRA
Min. of Foreign Affairs, Intl. Cooperation, & Communities Mario Lopes DA ROSA
Min. of Internal Admin. Botche CANDE
Min. of Justice Carmelita PIRES
Min. of Media Agnelo REGALA
Min. of National Defense Cadi MANE
Min. of National Education Odete SEMEDO
Min. of Natural Resources Daniel GOMES
Min. of Public Health Valentina MENDES
Min. of Public Service & Admin. Reform Ademir Nelson BELO
Min. of Public Works, Construction, & Urban Planning Jose Antonio DE ALMEIDA
Min. of Trade & Traditional Crafts Antonio Serifo EMBALO
Min. of Women's Affairs, Family, & Social Cohesiveness Bilony NHASSE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Joao SOARES DA GAMA
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2015

Pres. Donald RAMOTAR

First Vice Pres.
Second Vice Pres.
Prime Min. Samuel HINDS
Min. of Agriculture Leslie RAMSAMMY, Dr.
Min. of Amerindian Affairs Pauline CAMPBELL-SUKHAI
Min. of Education Priya MANICKCHAND
Min. of Finance Ashni SINGH, Dr.
Min. of Foreign Affairs Carolyn RODRIGUES-BIRKETT
Min. of Health Bheri RAMSARRAN, Dr.
Min. of Home Affairs Clement ROHEE
Min. of Housing & Water Irfaan ALI
Min. of Human Services & Social Security Jennifer WEBSTER
Min. of Labor Nanda GOPAUL
Min. of Legal Affairs Anil NANDLALL
Min. of Local Govt. & Regional Development Ganga PERSAUD
Min. of Natural Resources & the Environment Robert PERSAUD
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs Samuel HINDS
Min. of Public Service Management Jennifer WESTFORD, Dr.
Min. of Public Works Robeson BENN
Min. of Tourism, Industry, & Commerce
Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports Frank ANTHONY, Dr.
Head, Presidential Secretariat Roger LUNCHEON
Attorney Gen. Anil NANDLALL
Governor, Bank of Guyana Dolly S. SINGH
Ambassador to the US Bayney KARRAN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York George Wilfred TALBOT
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2015

Pres. Michel MARTELLY

Prime Min. Evans PAUL
Min. of Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Rural Development Fresner DORCIN
Min. of Commerce & Industry Hervey DAY
Min. of Communication Rothchild FRANCOIS, Jr.
Min. of Culture Dithny Joan RATON
Min. of Economy & Finance Wilson LALEAU
Min. of Environment Jean Marie Claude GERMAIN
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Worship Pierre Duly BRUTUS
Min. of Haitians Living Abroad Pieriche OLICIER
Min. of Interior & Territorial Collectivities Ariel HENRY
Min. of Justice & Public Security Richard CASIMIR
Min. of National Defense Lener RENAULD
Min. of National Education & Professional Training Nesmy MANIGAT
Min. of Planning & External Cooperation Yves Germain JOSEPH
Min. of Public Health & Population Florence Duperval GUILLAUME
Min. of Public Works, Transport, & Energy Jacques ROUSSEAU
Min. of Social Affairs & Labor Victor BENOIT
Min. of Tourism Stephanie Balmir VILLEDROUIN
Min. of Women's Affairs & Rights Yves Rose MORQUETTE
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Civic Action Jimmy ALBERT
Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. in Charge of Electoral Issues Jean Fritz JEAN-LOUIS
Governor, Bank of the Republic of Haiti Charles CASTEL
Ambassador to the US Paul ALTIDOR
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Denis REGIS
Holy See (Vatican City)
Last Updated: 13 Mar 2015

Supreme Pontiff, Roman Catholic Church FRANCIS, Pope

Sec. of State Pietro PAROLIN, Cardinal
Camerlengo Jean-Louis TAURAN, Cardinal
Sec. for Relations With States Paul GALLAGHER, Archbishop
Apostolic Nuncio to the US Carlo Maria VIGANO, Archbishop
Permanent Observer to the UN, New York Bernardito AUZA, Archbishop
Last Updated: 13 Jan 2015

Pres. Juan Orlando HERNANDEZ Alvarado

Vice Pres. Ricardo ALVAREZ
Min.-Coordinator Gen. Jorge Ramon HERNANDEZ Alcerro
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Jacobo PAZ
Min. of Communications & Govt. Strategy Hilda HERNANDEZ
Min. of Culture, Arts, & Sports Tulio Mariano GONZALES
Min. of Defense Samuel REYES
Min. of Economy Marlon TABORA
Min. of Education Marlon ESCOTO
Min. of Finance Wilfredo CERRATO
Min. of Foreign Relations Arturo CORRALES Alvarez
Min. of Govt. Ricardo ALVAREZ
Min. of Health Yolani BATRES
Min. of Human Rights, Justice, & Decentralization Rigoberto CHANG Castillo
Min. of Inclusion & Social Development Ricardo CARDONA
Min. of Industry & Commerce Jose Adonis LAVAIRE
Min. of Infrastructure & Energy Roberto ORDONEZ
Min. of Labor & Social Security Jorge BOGRAN
Min. of Natural Resources & Environment Jose Antonio GALDAMEZ
Min. of the Presidency Reinaldo SANCHEZ
Min. of Public Works, Transportation, & Housing
Min. of Security Julian PACHECO Tinoco
Min. of Tourism Nelly JEREZ
Attorney Gen. Oscar CHINCHILLA Banegas
Pres., Central Bank Marlon TABORA
Ambassador to the US Jorge Alberto MILLA Reyes
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mary Elizabeth FLORES Flake
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2015

Pres. Janos ADER

Prime Min. Viktor ORBAN
Dep. Prime Min. Zsolt SEMJEN
Min. of Prime Minister?s Office Janos LAZAR
Min. of Agriculture Sandor FAZEKAS
Min. of Defense Csaba HENDE
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade Peter SZIJJARTO
Min. of Human Resources Zoltan BALOG
Min. of Interior Sandor PINTER
Min. of Justice Laszlo TROCSANYI
Min. of National Development Miklos SESZTAK
Min. for National Economy Mihaly VARGA
Governor, National Bank of Hungary Gyorgy MATOLCSY
Ambassador to the US Gyorgy SZAPARY
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Katalin BOGYAY
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2015

Pres. Olafur Ragnar GRIMSSON

Prime Min. Sigmundur David GUNNLAUGSSON
Min. of Education, Science, & Culture Illugi GUNNARSSON
Min. of Environment & Natural Resources Sigrun MAGNUSDOTTIR
Min. of Finance & Economic Affairs Bjarni BENEDIKTSSON
Min. of Fisheries & Agriculture Sigurdur Ingi JONSSON
Min. of Foreign Affairs & External Trade Gunnar Bragi SVEINSSON
Min. of Health Kristjan Thor JULIUSSON
Min. of Industry & Trade Ragnheidur Elin ARNADOTTIR
Min. of Interior Olof NORDAL
Min. of Social Affairs & Housing Eyglo HARDARDOTTIR
Dir., Central Bank of Iceland Mar GUDMUNDSSON
Ambassador to the US Geir Hilmar HAARDE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Einar GUNNARSSON
Last Updated: 6 Jan 2015

A minister of state (independent charge) heads a ministry in lieu of a full minister but is not a member of the Cabinet. The ruling party may
appoint a full minister or minister of state (independent charge), depending on factors such as the seniority of the appointee within the party.

Pres. Pranab MUKHERJEE

Vice Pres. Mohammad Hamid ANSARI
Prime Min. Narendra MODI
National Security Adviser Ajit Kumar DOVAL
Min. of Agriculture Radha Mohan SINGH
Min. of Chemicals & Fertilizers Ananth KUMAR
Min. of Civil Aviation Ashok Gajapathi Raju PUSAPATI
Min. of Communications & Information Technology Ravi Shankar PRASAD
Min. of Consumer Affairs, Food, & Public Distribution Ramvilas PASWAN
Min. of Corporate Affairs Arun JAITLEY
Min. of Defense Manohar PARRIKAR
Min. of Drinking Water & Sanitation Chaudhary Birender SINGH
Min. of Earth Sciences Harsh VARDHAN
Min. of External Affairs Sushma SWARAJ
Min. of Finance Arun JAITLEY
Min. of Food Processing Industries Harsimrat Kaur BEDAL
Min. of Health & Family Welfare Jagat Prakash NADDA
Min. of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises Anant GEETE
Min. of Home Affairs Rajnath SINGH
Min. of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation M. Venkaiah NAIDU
Min. of Human Resource Development Smriti Zubin IRANI
Min. of Information & Broadcasting Arun JAITLEY
Min. of Labor & Employment Narendra Singh TOMAR
Min. of Law & Justice Sadananda GOWDA
Min. of Micro-, Small, & Medium Enterprises Kalraj MISHRA
Min. of Mines Narendra Singh TOMAR
Min. of Minority Affairs Najma HEPTULLA
Min. of Overseas Indian Affairs Sushma SWARAJ
Min. of Panchayati Raj Chaudhary Birender SINGH
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs M. Venkaiah NAIDU
Min. of Personnel, Public Grievances, & Pensions Narendra MODI
Min. of Railways Suresh Prabhkar PRABHU
Min. of Road Transport & Highways Nitin GADKARI
Min. of Rural Development Chaudhary Birender SINGH
Min. of Science & Technology Harsh VARDHAN
Min. of Shipping Nitin GADKARI
Min. of Social Justice & Empowerment Thaawar Chand GEHLOT
Min. of Steel Narendra Singh TOMAR
Min. of Tribal Affairs Jual ORAM
Min. of Urban Development M. Venkaiah NAIDU
Min. of Water Resources, River Development, & Ganga Rejuvenation Uma BHARATI
Min. of Women & Child Development Maneka GANDHI
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Aryuveda, Siddha, Unan, &
Homeopathy Shripad Yesso NAIK
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Coal Piyush GOYAL
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Commerce & Industry Nirmala SITHARAMAN
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Culture Mahesh SHARMA
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Development of North-Eastern
Region Jitendra SINGH
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Environment, Forest, & Climate
Change Prakash JAVADEKAR
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Labor & Employment Bandaru DATTATREYA
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for New & Renewable Energy Piyush GOYAL
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Petroleum & Natural Gas Dharmendra PRADHAN
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Planning Inderjit Singh RAO
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Power Piyush GOYAL
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Science & Technology Jitendra SINGH
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship Rajiv Pratap RUDY
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Statistics & Program
Implementation V. K. SINGH
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Textiles Santosh Kumar GANGWAR
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Tourism Mahesh SHARMA
Min. of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs & Sports Sarbananda SONOWAL
Head, Dept. of Atomic Energy Narendra MODI
Head, Dept. of Space Narendra MODI
Governor, Reserve Bank of India Raghuram RAJAN
Ambassador to the US Subrahmanyam JAISHANKAR
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Asoke Kumar MUKERJI
Last Updated: 12 Jan 2015

Pres. Joko "Jokowi" WIDODO

Vice Pres. Muhammad Jusuf KALLA
Coordinating Min. for the Economy Sofyan DJALIL
Coordinating Min. for Human Development & Culture Puan MAHARANI
Coordinating Min. for Maritime Affairs Indroyono SOESILO
Coordinating Min. for Political, Legal, & Security Affairs Tedjo Edhy PURDIJATNO
Min. of Administrative Reform Yuddy CHRISNANDI
Min. of Agriculture Amran SULAIMAN
Min. of Communication & Information Technology RUDIANTARA
Min. of Cooperatives & Small & Medium Enterprises Anak Agung Gede Ngurah PUSPAYOGA
Min. of Defense RYAMIZARD Ryacudu
Min. of Development of Villages & Underdeveloped Regions &
Transmigration Marwan JAFFAR
Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources SUDIRMAN Said
Min. of Environment & Forestry Siti NURBAYA
Min. of Finance Bambang BRODJONEGORO
Min. of Foreign Affairs Retno Lestari Priansari MARSUDI
Min. of Health Nila F. MOELOEK
Min. of Home Affairs Tjahjo KUMOLO
Min. of Industry Saleh HUSIN
Min. of Justice & Human Rights Yasonna H. LAOLY
Min. of Land & Spatial Planning Ferry Mursyidan BALDAN
Min. of Manpower Hanif DHAKIRI
Min. of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries SUSI Pudjiastuti
Min. of National Development Planning Agency Andrinof CHANIAGO
Min. of Primary & Secondary Education & Culture Anies BASWEDAN
Min. of Public Works & Housing Basuki HADIMULJONO
Min. of Religious Affairs LUKMAN Hakim Saifuddin
Min. of Research & Technology & Higher Education Muhammad NASIR
Min. of Social Affairs Khofifah Indar PARAWANSA
Min. of Sports & Youth Affairs Imam NAHWARI
Min. of State-Owned Enterprises Rini SOEMARNO
Min. of Tourism Arief YAHYA
Min. of Trade Rahmat GOBEL
Min. of Transportation Ignasius JONAN
Min. of Women's Empowerment & Child Protection Yohana Susana YEMBISE
Attorney Gen. H. M. PRASETYO
Cabinet Sec. Andi WIDJAJANTO
Dir., State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Marciano NORMAN
Governor, Bank Indonesia Agus Dermawan Wintarto MARTOWARDOJO
Ambassador to the US Budi BOWOLEKSONO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Desra PERCAYA
Iran - NDE
Last Updated: 2 Apr 2015

Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI, Ayatollah

Pres. Hasan Fereidun RUHANI, Hojjat ol-Eslam
Sec. of the Cabinet Mohsen HAJI-MIRZAIE
Head, Presidential Office Mohammad NAHAVANDIAN
Head, Management and Planning Organization Mohammad Baqer NOBAKHT
First Vice Pres. Eshaq JAHANGIRI
Vice Pres. for Executive Affairs Mohammad SHARIAT-MADARI
Vice Pres. for Legal Affairs Elham AMINZADEH
Vice Pres. for Parliamentary Affairs Majid ANSARI, Hojjat ol-Eslam
Vice Pres. for Science & Technology Sorena SATARI-Khavas
Vice Pres. for Women's & Family Affairs Shahindokht MOLAVERDI
Vice Pres. & Head, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar SALEHI
Vice Pres. & Head, Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, & Tourism
Organization Masud SOLTANIFAR
Vice Pres. & Head, Environmental Protection Organization Masumeh EBTEKAR
Vice Pres. & Head, Martyrs & War Veterans Affairs Foundation Mohammad Ali SHAHIDI, Hojjat ol-Eslam
Min. of Agricultural Jihad Mohammad HOJJATI
Min. of Communication & Information Technology Mahmud VAEZI-Jazai
Min. of Culture & Islamic Guidance Ali JANATI
Min. of Defense & Armed Forces Logistics Hosein DEHQAN
Min. of Economic Affairs & Finance Ali TAYEB-NIA
Min. of Education Ali Asqar FANI
Min. of Energy Hamid CHITCHIAN
Min. of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad ZARIF-Khonsari
Min. of Health, Treatment, & Medical Education Hasan QAZIZADEH-Hashemi
Min. of Industry, Mining, & Trade Mohammad Reza NEMATZADEH
Min. of Intelligence & Security Mahmud ALAVI-Tabar, Hojjat ol-Eslam
Min. of Interior Abdolreza Rahmani-FAZLI
Min. of Justice Mostafa PUR-MOHAMMADI, Hojjat ol-Eslam
Min. of Labor, Cooperatives, & Social Welfare Ali RABIEI
Min. of Petroleum Bijan Namdar-ZANGANEH
Min. of Roads & Urban Development Abbas Ahmad AKHUNDI
Min. of Science, Research, & Technology Mohammad FARHADI
Min. of Sports & Youth Mahmud GUDARZI
Governor, Central Bank of Iran Valiollah SEIF
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Qolam Ali KHOSHRU
Last Updated: 22 Oct 2014

Pres. Fuad MASUM

Vice Pres. Ayad ALLAWI
Vice Pres. Nuri al-MALIKI
Vice Pres. Usama al-NUJAYFI
Prime Min. Haydar al-ABADI
Dep. Prime Min. Baha al-ARAJI
Dep. Prime Min. Salih al-MUTLAQ
Dep. Prime Min. Rowsch SHAWAYS
Min. of Agriculture Falah al-ZAYDAN
Min. of Communications Kazim Hasan al-RASHID
Min. of Culture Firyad RAWANDUZI
Min. of Defense Khalid al-UBAYDI
Min. of Displacement & Migration Jasim Muhammad ALI
Min. of Education Muhammad IQBAL
Min. of Electricity Qasim al-FAHDAWI
Min. of Environment Qutaybah al-JABURI
Min. of Finance Hoshyar ZEBARI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim al-JAFARI
Min. of Health Adilah HUSAYN
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Husayn al-SHAHRISTANI
Min. of Housing & Construction Tariq al-KHAYKANI
Min. of Human Rights Muhammad al-BAYATI
Min. of Industry & Minerals Nasir Kazim Ubayd al-ISSAWI
Min. of Interior Muhammad al-GHABAN
Min. of Justice Haydar al-ZAMILI
Min. of Labor & Social Affairs Muhammad Shia al-SUDANI
Min. of Municipalities & Public Works Abd al-Karim Yunis ILAN
Min. of Oil Adil ABD AL-MAHDI
Min. of Planning Salman al-JUMAYLI
Min. of Science & Technology Faris Yusif JAJU
Min. of Tourism Adil Fahid al-SHIRSHAB
Min. of Trade Milas Abd al-Karim al-Kasnazani al-HUSAYNI
Min. of Transportation Bayan Baqir JABR al-Zubaydi
Min. of Water Resources Muhsin Usfur al-SHAMMARI
Min. of Youth & Sports Abd al-Husayn Abd al-Ridha ABTAN
Min. of State Saman Abdallah SAID
Min. of State for Provincial & Legislative Affairs Ahmad al-JABURI
Min. of State for Women's Affairs Bayan Nuri TAWFIQ
Governor, Central Bank of Iraq (Acting) Ali al-ALLAQ
Ambassador to the US Luqman Abd al-Rahim FAYLI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Muhammad Ali al-HAKIM
Last Updated: 26 Sep 2014

Pres. Michael Daniel HIGGINS

Taoiseach (Prime Min.) Enda KENNY
Tanaiste (Dep. Prime Min.) Joan BURTON
Min. for Agriculture, Food, & the Marine Simon COVENEY
Min. for Arts, Heritage, & Gaeltacht Affairs Heather HUMPHREYS
Min. for Children & Youth Affairs James REILLY
Min. for Communications, Energy, & Natural Resources Alex WHITE
Min. for Defense Simon COVENEY
Min. for Education & Skills Jan O'SULLIVAN
Min. for Enterprise, Jobs, & Innovation Richard BRUTON
Min. for Environment, Community, & Local Govt. Alan KELLY
Min. for Finance Michael NOONAN
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Trade Charles FLANAGAN
Min. for Health Leo VARADKAR
Min. for Justice & Equality Frances FITZGERALD
Min. for Public Expenditure & Reform Brendan HOWLIN
Min. for Social Protection Joan BURTON
Min. for Transport, Tourism, & Sport Paschal DONOHOE
Attorney Gen. Maire WHELAN
Governor, Central Bank of Ireland Patrick HONOHAN
Ambassador to the US Anne Colette ANDERSON
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York David Denis DONOGHUE
Last Updated: 8 Dec 2014

Pres. Reuben RIVLIN

Prime Min. Binyamin "Bibi" NETANYAHU
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Yair SHAMIR
Min. of Communications Binyamin "Bibi" NETANYAHU
Min. of Culture & Sport Limor LIVNAT
Min. of Defense Moshe "Boogie" YA'ALON
Min. of Economy & Trade Naftali BENNETT
Min. of Education Shai PIRON
Min. of Energy & Water Silvan SHALOM
Min. of Environmental Protection
Min. of Finance
Min. of Foreign Affairs Avigdor LIEBERMAN
Min. of Health Yael GERMAN
Min. of Housing & Construction Uri ARIEL
Min. of Immigrant Absorption Sofa LANDVER
Min. of Interior Gilad ERDAN
Min. of Internal (Public) Security Yitzhak AHARONOVITCH
Min. of Intl. Relations, Intelligence, & Strategic Affairs Yuval STEINITZ
Min. of Jerusalem & Diaspora Affairs Naftali BENNETT
Min. of Justice
Min. of Pensioner Affairs Uri ORBACH
Min. of Regional Development of the Negev & Galilee Silvan SHALOM
Min. of Religious Services Naftali BENNETT
Min. of Science & Technology Yaakov PERI
Min. of Tourism Uzi LANDAU
Min. of Transportation, National Infrastructure, & Road Safety Yisrael KATZ
Min. of Welfare & Social Services Meir COHEN
Attorney Gen. Yehuda WEINSTEIN
Governor, Bank of Israel Karnit FLUG
Ambassador to the US Ron DERMER
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ron PROSOR
Last Updated: 3 Feb 2015


Prime Min. Matteo RENZI
Under Sec. for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Graziano DELRIO
Min. of Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry Maurizio MARTINA
Min. of Constitutional Reform Maria Elena BOSCHI
Min. of Cultural Assets & Tourism Dario FRANCESCHINI
Min. of Defense Roberta PINOTTI
Min. of Economic Development Frederica GUIDI
Min. of Economy & Finance Pier Carlo PADOAN
Min. of Education, Universities, & Research Stefania GIANNINI
Min. of Environment, Conservation, & the Seas Gianluca GALLETTI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Paolo GENTILONI
Min. of Health Beatrice LORENZIN
Min. of Infrastructure & Transport Maurizio LUPI
Min. of Interior Angelino ALFANO
Min. of Justice Andrea ORLANDO
Min. of Labor & Social Affairs Giuliano POLETTI
Min. of Public Admin. & Simplification Maria Anna MADIA
Min. of Regions & Autonomous Areas Maria Carmela LANZETTA
Governor, Bank of Italy Ignazio VISCO
Ambassador to the US Claudio BISOGNIERO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sebastiano CARDI
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2014

Governor Gen. Patrick Linton ALLEN

Prime Min. Portia SIMPSON-MILLER
Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries Roger CLARKE
Min. of Education Ronald THWAITES
Min. of Finance, Planning, & the Public Service Peter PHILLIPS
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade Arnold J. NICHOLSON
Min. of Health Fenton FERGUSON
Min. of Industry, Investment, & Commerce Anthony HYLTON
Min. of Justice Mark GOLDING
Min. of Labor & Social Security Derrick KELLIER
Min. of Local Govt. & Community Development Noel ARSCOTT
Min. of National Security Peter BUNTING
Min. of Science, Technology, Energy, & Mining Phillip PAULWELL
Min. of Tourism & Entertainment Wykeham MCNEILL
Min. of Transport, Works, & Housing Omar DAVIES
Min. of Water, Land, Environment, & Climate Change Robert PICKERSGILL
Min. of Youth & Culture Lisa HANNA
Min. Without Portfolio With Responsibility for Housing Morais GUY
Min. Without Portfolio With Responsibility for Information Sandrea FALCONER
Min. Without Portfolio With Responsibility for Public Service Horace DALLEY
Min. Without Portfolio With Responsibility for Sports Natalie NEITA-HEADLEY
Attorney Gen. Patrick ATKINSON
Governor, Central Bank Bryan WYNTER
Ambassador to the US Stephen VASCIANNIE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Earle Courtenay RATTRAY
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2015

Prime Min. Shinzo ABE
Dep. Prime Min. Taro ASO
Chief Cabinet Sec. Yoshihide SUGA
Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries Yoshimasa HAYASHI
Min. of Defense Gen NAKATANI
Min. of Economy, Trade, & Industry Yoichi MIYAZAWA
Min. of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, & Technology Hakubun SHIMOMURA
Min. of the Environment Yoshio MOCHIZUKI
Min. of Finance Taro ASO
Min. of Foreign Affairs Fumio KISHIDA
Min. of Health, Labor, & Welfare Yasuhisa SHIOZAKI
Min. of Justice Yoko KAMIKAWA
Min. of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, & Tourism Akihiro OTA
Min. for Security Legislation Gen NAKATANI
Min. in Charge of the Abduction Issue Eriko YAMATANI
Min. in Charge of Admin. Reform Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. in Charge of "Challenge Again" Initiative Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. in Charge of Civil Service Reform Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. in Charge of Comprehensive Policy Coordination for Revival From
the Nuclear Accident at Fukushima Wataru TAKESHITA
Min. in Charge of "Cool Japan" Strategy Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. in Charge of Economic Revitalization Akira AMARI
Min. in Charge of Industrial Competitiveness Yoichi MIYAZAWA
Min. in Charge of Information Technology Policy Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. in Charge of Internal Affairs & Communications Sanae TAKAICHI
Min. in Charge of Overcoming Deflation & Yen Appreciation Taro ASO
Min. in Charge of Overcoming Population Decline & Vitalizing Local
Economy in Japan Shigeru ISHIBA
Min. in Charge of Rebuilding Education Hakubun SHIMOMURA
Min. in Charge of Reconstruction Wataru TAKESHITA
Min. in Charge of Reducing US Military Bases Burden on Okinawa Yoshihide SUGA
Min. in Charge of Regional Revitalization Shigeru ISHIBA
Min. in Charge of the Response to the Economic Impact Caused by the
Nuclear Accident Yoichi MIYAZAWA
Min. in Charge of Support for Women's Empowerment & Child-Rearing Haruko ARIMURA
Min. in Charge of Total Reform of Social Security & Tax Akira AMARI
Min. of State for Consumer Affairs & Food Safety Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. of State for Disaster Management Eriko YAMATANI
Min. of State for Economic & Fiscal Policy Akira AMARI
Min. of State for Financial Services Taro ASO
Min. of State for Gender Equality Haruko ARIMURA
Min. of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate Haruko ARIMURA
Min. of State for the Nuclear Damage Compensation & Decommissioning
Facilitation Yoichi MIYAZAWA
Min. of State for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Yoshio MOCHIZUKI
Min. of State for Okinawa & Northern Territories Affairs Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. of State for Regulatory Reform Haruko ARIMURA
Min. of State for Science & Technology Policy Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Min. of State for Space Policy Shunichi YAMAGUCHI
Chmn., National Public Safety Commission Eriko YAMATANI
Governor, Bank of Japan Haruhiko KURODA
Ambassador to the US Kenichiro SASAE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Motohide YOSHIKAWA
Last Updated: 3 Mar 2015

Prime Min. Abdullah NSOUR
Dep. Prime Min. Nasser JUDEH
Dep. Prime Min. Mohammad THNEIBAT
Min. of Agriculture Akef ZOUBI
Min. of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs Hayel DAOUD
Min. of Culture Lana MAMKAGH
Min. of Defense Abdullah NSOUR
Min. of Education Mohammad THNEIBAT
Min. of Energy & Mineral Resources Ibrahim SAIF
Min. of the Environment Taher al-SHAKHSHIR
Min. of Finance Umayya TOUKAN
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Expatriate Affairs Nasser JUDEH
Min. of Health Ali HIASAT
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Labib KHADRA
Min. of Information & Communication Technology Majd SHWEIKAH
Min. of Industry, Trade, & Supply Maha ALI
Min. of Interior Hussein MAJALI
Min. of Justice Bassam TALHOUNI
Min. of Labor Nidal QATAMIN
Min. of Municipal Affairs Walid al-MASRI
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs Khalid KHALALDEH
Min. of Planning & Intl. Cooperation Imad FAKHOURY
Min. of Political Development Khalid KHALALDEH
Min. of Public Sector Development Khleif al-KHAWALDEH
Min. of Public Works & Housing Sami HALASEH
Min. of Social Development Reem ABU HASSAN
Min. of Tourism & Antiquities Nayef Al FAYEZ
Min. of Transportation Lina SHABEEB
Min. of Water & Irrigation Hazem NASSER
Min. of State Salameh NEIMAT
Min. of State for Media Affairs & Communication Mohammad MOMANI
Min. of State for Prime-Ministerial Affairs Ahmad ZIADAT
Governor, Central Bank of Jordan Ziad FARIZ
Ambassador to the US Alia Hatough-BOURAN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Dina KAWAR
Last Updated: 12 Nov 2014

Pres. Nursultan NAZARBAYEV

Prime Min. Karim MASIMOV
First Dep. Prime Min. Bakytzhan SAGINTAYEV
Dep. Prime Min. Berdibek SAPARBAYEV
Min. of Agriculture Asylzhan MAMYTBEKOV
Min. of Culture Arystanbek MUKHAMEDIULY
Min. of Defense Imangali TASMAGAMBETOV
Min. of Economic Integration Zhanar AYTZHANOVA
Min. of Education & Science Aslan SARINZHIPOV
Min. of Energy Vladimir SHKOLNIK
Min. of Finance Bakyt SULTANOV
Min. of Foreign Affairs Yerlan IDRISOV
Min. of Health & Social Development Tamara DUYSENOVA
Min. of Internal Affairs Kalmukhanbet KASYMOV
Min. of Investment & Development Aset ISEKESHEV
Min. of Justice Berik IMASHEV
Min. of National Economy Yerbolat DOSAYEV
Sec., Security Council (Acting) Azamat ABDYMOMUNOV
Chmn., Ctte. for National Security (KNB) Nurtay ABYKAYEV
Chmn., National Bank Kayrat KELIMBETOV
Ambassador to the US Kayrat UMAROV
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kayrat ABDRAKHMANOV
Last Updated: 31 Mar 2015

Pres. Uhuru KENYATTA

Dep. Pres. William RUTO
Cabinet Sec. for Agriculture, Livestock, & Fisheries Felix KOSGEY
Cabinet Sec. for Defense Raychelle OMAMO
Cabinet Sec. for Devolution & Planning Ann WAIGURU
Cabinet Sec. for Commerce, Tourism, & East Africa Region Phyllis Jepkosgei Kipkingor-KANDIE
Cabinet Sec. for Education Jacob KAIMENYI
Cabinet Sec. for Energy & Petroleum Davis CHIRCHIR
Cabinet Sec. for Environment, Water, & Natural Resources Judy WAKHUNGU
Cabinet Sec. for Foreign Affairs & Intl. Trade Amina Chawahir MOHAMED
Cabinet Sec. for Health James Wainaina MACHARIA
Cabinet Sec. for Industrialization & Enterprise Development Adan Abdulla MOHAMMED
Cabinet Sec. for Information, Communication, & Technology Fred MATIANGI
Cabinet Sec. for Interior & Coordination of National Govt. Joseph Ole NKAISSERY
Cabinet Sec. for Labor, Social Security, & Services Kazungu KAMBI
Cabinet Sec. for Land, Housing, & Urban Development Charity NGILU
Cabinet Sec. for Mining Najib BALALA
Cabinet Sec. for the National Treasury Henry K. ROTICH
Cabinet Sec. for Sports, Culture, & Arts Hassan WARIO Arero
Cabinet Sec. for Transport & Infrastructure Michael KAMAU
Attorney Gen. Githu MUIGAI
Governor, Central Bank of Kenya
Ambassador to the US Elkanah ODEMBO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Macharia KAMAU
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2014

Pres. Anote TONG

Vice Pres. Teima ONORIO
Min. for Commerce, Industry, & Cooperatives Pinto KATIA
Min. for Communications, Transport, & Tourism Development Rimeta BENIAMINA
Min. for Education, Youth, & Sports Development Maere TEKANENE
Min. for Environment, Lands, & Agricultural Development Tiarite KWONG
Min. for Finance & Economic Development Tom MURDOCH
Min. for Fisheries & Marine Resources Development Tinian REIHER
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Immigration Anote TONG
Min. for Health & Medical Services Kautu TENAUA, Dr.
Min. for Internal Affairs & Social Development Teima ONORIO
Min. for Labor & Human Resource Development Boutu BATERIKI
Min. for the Line and Phoenix Islands Development Tawita TEMOKU
Min. for Public Works & Utilities Waysang KUM KEE
Min. for Women, Youth, & Social Service Tangariki REETE
Attorney Gen. Titabu TABANE
Ambassador to the US Makurita BAARO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Makurita BAARO
Korea, North - NDE
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2014

North Korea is also known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The top positions in the government and the Korean Workers'
Party continue to be held by deceased leaders Kim Il Sung (died 8 Jul 1994) and Kim Jong Il (died 17 Dec 2012), designating them as "eternal"

Eternal Pres. KIM Il Sung

Eternal Gen. Sec., Korean Workers' Party (KWP) KIM Jong Il
First Sec., KWP KIM Jong Un
Eternal Chmn., National Defense Commission (NDC) KIM Jong Il
First Chmn., NDC KIM Jong Un
Supreme Cdr., Korean People's Army (KPA) KIM Jong Un
Vice Chmn., NDC HWANG Pyong So
Vice Chmn., NDC O Kuk Ryol
Vice Chmn., NDC RI Yong Mu
Member, NDC CHO Chun Ryong
Member, NDC CHOE Pu Il
Member, NDC HYON Yong Chol
Member, NDC KIM Won Hong
Member, NDC PAK To Chun
Member, NDC RI Pyong Chol
Min. of People's Armed Forces (directly subordinate to the NDC) HYON Yong Chol
Min. of People's Security (directly subordinate to the NDC) CHOE Pu Il
Min. of State Security (directly subordinate to the NDC) KIM Won Hong
Pres., Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) Presidium KIM Yong Nam
Vice Pres., SPA Presidium KIM Yong Dae
Vice Pres., SPA Presidium YANG Hyong Sop
Honorary Vice Pres., SPA Presidium CHOE Yong Rim
Honorary Vice Pres., SPA Presidium KIM Yong Ju
Sec. Gen., SPA Presidium HONG Son Ok
Member, SPA Presidium HYON Sang Ju
Member, SPA Presidium JON Kyong Nam
Member, SPA Presidium JON Yong Nam
Member, SPA Presidium KANG Myong Chol
Member, SPA Presidium KANG Su Rin
Member, SPA Presidium KIM Jong Sun
Member, SPA Presidium KIM Wan Su
Member, SPA Presidium KIM Yang Gon
Member, SPA Presidium RI Myong Gil
Member, SPA Presidium RYU Mi Yong
Member, SPA Presidium THAE Jong Su
Chmn., SPA CHOE Thae Bok
Vice Chmn., SPA An Tong Chun
Vice Chmn., SPA RI Hye Jong
Premier, Cabinet PAK Pong Ju
Vice Premier, Cabinet KIM Tok Hun
Vice Premier, Cabinet KIM Yong Jin
Vice Premier, Cabinet RI Chol Man
Vice Premier, Cabinet RI Mu Yong
Vice Premier, Cabinet RO Tu Chol
Chief, Cabinet Secretariat KIM Yong Ho
Min. of Agriculture RI Chol Man
Min. of Atomic Energy & Industry RI Je Son
Min. of Chemical Industry RI Mu Yong
Min. of Coal Industry MUN Myong Hak
Min. of Commerce KIM Kyong Nam
Min. of Construction & Building-Materials Industries TONG Jong Ho
Min. of Crude Oil Industry PAE Hak
Min. of Culture PAK Chun Nam
Min. of Electric Power Industry KIM Man Su
Min. of Electronics Industry KIM Jae Song
Min. of Finance CHOE Kwang Jin
Min. of Fisheries RI Hyok
Min. of Foodstuffs & Daily Necessities Industry JO Yong Chol
Min. of Foreign Affairs RI Su Yong
Min. of Foreign Trade RI Ryong Nam
Min. of Forestry HAN Ryong Guk
Min. of Gen. Education KIM Sung Du
Min. of Higher Education THAE Hyong Chol
Min. of Labor JONG Yong Su
Min. of Land & Environment Protection KIM Kyong Jun
Min. of Land & Marine Transport KANG Jong Gwan
Min. of Light Industry AN Jong Su
Min. of Machine-Building Industry RI Jong Guk
Min. of Metal Industry KIM Yong Gwang
Min. of Mining Industry RI Hak Chol
Min. of Physical Culture & Sports RI Jong Mu
Min. of Post & Telecommunications SIM Chol Ho
Min. of Procurement & Food Admin. MUN Ung Jo
Min. of Public Health KANG Ha Guk
Min. of Railways JON Kil Su
Min. of State Construction Control KWON Song Ho
Min. of State Resources Development RI Chun Sam
Min. of Urban Management KANG Yong Su
Chmn., Education Commission KIM Sung Du
Chmn., Investment & Joint Ventures Commission RI Kwang Gun
Chmn., State Economic Development Commission KIM Ki Sok
Chmn., State Planning Commission RO Tu Chol
Chmn., State Science & Technology Commission CHOE Sang Gon
Dir., Central Statistics Bureau RI Sung Ho
Pres., State Academy of Sciences JANG Chol
Pres., Kim Il Sung University THAE Hyong Chol
Pres., Central Bank KIM Chon Gyun
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York JA Song Nam
Korea, South
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2015

The spellings of names of South Korean officials have been changed to reflect widely recognized spellings.

Pres. PARK Geun-hye

Prime Min. LEE Wan-koo
Dep. Prime Min. for Economy CHOI Kyung-hwan
Dep. Prime Min. for Social Affairs HWANG Woo-yea
Min., Office for Govt. Policy Coordination CHOO Kyung-ho
Min. for Agriculture, Food, & Rural Affairs LEE Dong-phil
Min. of Culture, Sports, & Tourism KIM Jong-deok
Min. of Education HWANG Woo-yea
Min. of Employment & Labor LEE Ki-kweon
Min. of Environment YOON Seong-kyu
Min. of Foreign Affairs YUN Byung-se
Min. of Gender Equality & Family KIM Hee-jung
Min. of Govt. Admin. & Home Affairs CHONG Jong-sup
Min. of Health & Welfare MOON Hyung-pyo
Min. of Justice HWANG Kyo-ahn
Min. of Land, Infrastructure, & Transport YOO Il-ho
Min. of National Defense HAN Min-koo
Min. of Oceans & Fisheries YOO Ki-june
Min. of Public Safety & Security PARK In-yong
Min. of Science, Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), &
Future Planning CHOI Yang-hee
Min. of Strategy & Finance CHOI Kyung-hwan
Min. of Trade, Industry, & Energy YOON Sang-jick
Min. of Unification HONG Yong-pyo
Chmn., Anticorruption & Civil Rights Commission LEE Sung-bo
Chmn., Board of Audit & Inspection HWANG Chan-hyun
Chmn., Fair Trade Commission JEONG Jae-chan
Chmn., Financial Services Commission YIM Jong-yong
Chmn., Korea Communications Commission CHOI Sung-joon
Chmn., National Human Rights Commission HYUN Byung-chul
Chmn., Nuclear Safety & Security Commission LEE Un-chul
Chief of Staff, Office of the Pres. LEE Byung-kee
Dir., National Security Office, Office of the Pres. KIM Kwan-jin
Dir., National Intelligence Service LEE Byung-ho
Governor, Bank of Korea LEE Ju-yeol
Ambassador to the US AHN Ho-young
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York OH Joon
Last Updated: 22 Dec 2014

Pres. Atifete JAHJAGA

Prime Min. Isa MUSTAFA
First Dep. Prime Min. Hashim THACI
Dep. Prime Min. Kujtim SHALA
Dep. Prime Min. Branimir STOJANOVIC
Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Rural Development Memil KRASNIQI
Min. of Diaspora Valon MURATI
Min. of Economic Development Blerand STAVILECI
Min. of Education, Science, & Technology Arsim BAJRAMI
Min. of Environment & Spatial Planning Ferid AGANI
Min. for European Integration Bekim COLLAKU
Min. of Finance Avdulla HOTI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Hashim THACI
Min. of Health Imet RRAHMANI
Min. of Infrastructure Lutfi ZHARKU
Min. of Internal Affairs Skender HYSENI
Min. of Justice Hajredin KUCI
Min. of the Kosovo Security Force Haki DEMOLLI
Min. of Labor & Social Welfare Arban ABRASHI
Min. of Local Govt. Admin. Ljubomir MARIC
Min. of Public Admin. Mahir YAGCILAR
Min. of Returns & Communities Aleksandar JABLANOVIC
Min. of Trade & Industry Hykmete BAJRAMI
Min. Without Portfolio Rasim DEMIRI
Min. Without Portfolio Edita TAHIRI
Managing Dir., Central Banking Authority of Kosovo Michel SVETCHINE
Ambassador to the US Akan ISMAILI
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2015

Amir SABAH al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah

Prime Min. JABIR AL-MUBARAK al-Hamad al-Sabah
First Dep. Prime Min. SABAH AL-KHALID al-Hamad al-Sabah
Dep. Prime Min. KHALID al-Jarrah al-Sabah
Dep. Prime Min. Abd al-Muhsin al-MADAJ
Dep. Prime Min. MUHAMMAD AL-KHALID al-Hamad al-Sabah
Dep. Prime Min. for Economic Affairs
Dep. Prime Min. for Legal Affairs Rashid Abd al-Muhsin al-HAMAD
Min. of Commerce & Industry
Min. of Communications Isa Ahmad al-KANDARI
Min. of Defense KHALID al-Jarrah al-Sabah
Min. of Education & Higher Education Badir al-ISA
Min. of Electricity & Water Abd al-Aziz Abd al-Latif al-IBRAHIM
Min. of Finance Anas al-Khalid al-SALIH
Min. of Foreign Affairs SABAH AL-KHALID al-Hamad al-Sabah
Min. of Health Ali Saad al-UBAYDI
Min. of Information SALMAN al-Sabah al-Salim al-Sabah
Min. of Interior MUHAMMAD AL-KHALID al-Hamad al-Sabah
Min. of Justice (Acting) MUHAMMAD Abdallah al-Mubarak al-Sabah
Min. of Oil Ali Salih al-UMAYR
Min. of Public Works Abd al-Aziz Abd al-Latif al-IBRAHIM
Min. of Religious Endowment & Islamic Affairs Yaqub al-SAYN
Min. of Social Affairs & Labor HIND Sabih al-Sabih
Min. of State for Cabinet Affairs MUHAMMAD Abdallah al-Mubarak al-Sabah
Min. of State for Housing Affairs Yasir ABUL
Min. of State for Municipality Affairs Isa Ahmad al-KANDARI
Min. of State for National Assembly Affairs Ali Salih al-UMAYR
Min. of State for Planning & Development HIND Sabih al-Sabih
Min. of State for Youth Affairs SALMAN al-Sabah al-Salim al-Sabah
Governor, Central Bank of Kuwait Muhammad al-HASHIL
Ambassador to the US SALIM al-Abdallah al-Jabir al-Sabah
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mansur Ayad al-UTAYBI
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2015

Pres. Almazbek ATAMBAEV

Prime Min. Joomart OTORBAEV
First Dep. Prime Min. Tayyrbek SARPASHEV
Dep. Prime Min. Valeriy DIL
Dep. Prime Min. Abdyrakhman MAMATALIEV
Dep. Prime Min. Damira NIYAZALIEVA
Min. & Chief of the Govt. Apparatus Nurkhanbek MOMUNALIEV
Min. of Agriculture & Water Management Taalaybek AYDARALIEV
Min. of Culture, Tourism, & Information Altynbek MAKSUTOV
Min. of Defense Abibilla KUDAYBERDIEV, Maj. Gen.
Min. of Economy & Antimonopoly Policies Temir SARIEV
Min. of Education & Science Elvira SARIEVA
Min. of Emergency Situations Kubatbek BORONOV, Maj. Gen.
Min. of Energy & Industry Kubanychbek TURDUBAEV
Min. of Finance Olga LAVROVA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Erlan ABDYLDAEV
Min. of Health Care Talantbek BATYRALIEV
Min. of Internal Affairs Melis TURGANBAEV, Maj. Gen.
Min. of Justice Jyldyz MAMBETALIEVA
Min. of Labor, Migration, & Youth
Min. of Social Development Kudaybergen BAZARBAEV
Min. of Transportation & Communication Kalykbek SULTANOV
Chmn., State Ctte. for National Security (GKNB) Busurmankul TABALDIEV, Col. Gen.
Prosecutor Gen. Indira JOLDUBAEVA
Chmn., National Bank of Kyrgyzstan Tolkunbek ABDYGULOV
Ambassador to the US Kadyr TOKTOGULOV
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Taalaybek KYDYROV
Last Updated: 29 Jul 2014

Lao officials are addressed by the first element in their names.

Pres. CHOUMMALI Saignason, Lt. Gen.

Vice Pres. BOUN-GNANG Volachit
Prime Min. THONGSING Thammavong
First Dep. Prime Min. ASANG Laoli, Maj. Gen.
Dep. Prime Min.
Dep. Prime Min. SOMSAVAT Lengsavat
Dep. Prime Min. THONGLOUN Sisoulit
Min. of Agriculture & Forestry VILAYVANH Phomkhe
Min. of Communications, Transport, Posts, & Construction SOMMATH Pholsena
Min. of Education & Sports PHANKHAM Viphavanh
Min. of Energy & Mining SOULIVONG Daravong
Min. of Finance LIEN Thikeo, Dr.
Min. of Foreign Affairs THONGLOUN Sisoulit
Min. of Home Affairs XAYSI Santivong
Min. of Industry & Commerce KHEMMANI Pholsena
Min. of Information, Culture, & Tourism BOSENGKHAM Vongdara
Min. of Justice CHALEUAN Yapaoher
Min. of Labor & Social Welfare ONECHANH Thammavong
Min. of National Defense SENGNOUAN Xayalath
Min. of Natural Resources & Environment NOULIN Sinbandith
Min. of Planning & Investment SOMDY Douangdy
Min. of Post, Telecommunications, & Communication HIEM Phommachanh
Min. of Public Health EKSAVANG Vongvichit, Dr.
Min. of Public Security
Min. of Public Works & Transport BOUNCHANH Sinthavong, Dr.
Min. of Science & Technology BOVIENGKHAM Vongdara
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office & Head, Public Admin. & Civil Authority BOUNPHENG Mounphosay
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office & Head of Sustainable Development KHAM-OUANE Bouppha
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office & Head, Water Resources &
Environmental Authority KHEMPHENG Pholsena
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office BOUASY Lovansay
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office BOUNHEUANG Duangphachanh
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office BOUNTIEM Phitsamay
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office DOUANGSAVAD Souphanouvang
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office ONNEUA Phommachanh
Min. to the Prime Minister?s Office PHOUPHET Khamphounvong
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office SAISENGLI Tengbliachu
Min. to the Prime Minister's Office SOMMATH Pholsena
Min. & Chmn., National Mekong Ctte. KHAMLOUAD Sitlakone
Min. & Chmn., National Tourism Authority SOMPHONG Mongkhonvilay
Min. & Head of Cabinet, President's Office SOUBANH Sritthirath
Min. & Head of Govt. Secretariats
Chmn., National Narcotics Control Board SOUBANH Sritthirath
Chmn., Planning & Investment Ctte.
Chmn., State Control Commission ASANG Laoli, Maj. Gen.
Chmn., State Inspection Ctte., & Head, Anticorruption Agency BOUNTHONG Chitmani
Governor, Bank of Laos SAMPAO Phaysith
Ambassador to the US SENG Soukhathivong
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York KHIANE Phansourivong
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2014

Pres. Andris BERZINS

Prime Min. Laimdota STRAUJUMA
Min. of Agriculture Janis DUKLAVS
Min. of Culture Dace MELBARDE
Min. of Defense Raimonds VEJONIS
Min. of Economics Dana REIZNIECE-OZOLA
Min. of Education & Science Marite SEILE
Min. of Environmental Protection & Regional Development Kaspars GERHARDS
Min. of Finance Janis REIRS
Min. of Foreign Affairs Edgars RINKEVICS
Min. of Health Guntis BELEVICS
Min. of Interior Rihards KOZLOVSKIS
Min. of Justice Dzintars RASNACS
Min. of Transport Anrijs MATISS
Min. of Welfare Uldis AUGULIS
Governor, Bank of Latvia Ilmars RIMSEVICS
Ambassador to the US Andris RAZANS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Janis MAZEIKS
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2015

Prime Min. Tamam SALAM
Dep. Prime Min. Samir MOQBIL
Min. of Agriculture Akram SHUHAYIB
Min. of Culture Rony ARAYJI
Min. of Defense Samir MOQBIL
Min. of Displaced People Alice SHABTINI
Min. of Economy & Trade Alain HAKIM
Min. of Education Ilyas ABU SAAB
Min. of Energy & Water Arthur NAZARIAN
Min. of Environment Muhammad al-MASHNUQ
Min. of Finance Ali Hasan KHALIL
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Emigrants Gibran BASSIL
Min. of Industry Husayn al-Hajj HASAN
Min. of Information Ramzi JRAYJ
Min. of Interior Nuhad al-MASHNUQ
Min. of Justice Ashraf al-RIFI
Min. of Labor Sejean QAZZI
Min. of Public Health Wael ABU FAOUR
Min. of Social Affairs Rashid DARBAS
Min. of Telecommunications Butrus HARB
Min. of Tourism Michel PHARAON
Min. of Transport & Public Works Ghazi ZUAYTIR
Min. of Youth & Sports Abd al-Mutalib HANAWI
Min. of State for Admin. Reform Nabil DE FREIJ
Min. of State for Parliamentary Affairs Muhammad FNAYSH
Governor, Central Bank of Lebanon Riad SALAMEH
Ambassador to the US Antoine CHEDID
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Nawaf SALAM
Last Updated: 20 Feb 2014


Prime Min. Thomas Motsoahae THABANE
Dep. Prime Min. Mothejoa METSING
Min. of Agriculture & Food Security Lits'oane Simon LITS'OANE
Min. of Communications, Science, & Technology Selibe MOCHOBOROANE
Min. of Defense, Police, & National Security Thomas Motsoahae THABANE
Min. of Development Planning Moeketsi MAJORO
Min. of Education & Training 'Makabelo Priscilla MOSOTHOANE
Min. of Employment & Labor Keketso RANT'SO
Min. of Energy, Meteorology, & Water Affairs Ts'eliso MOKHOSI
Min. of Finance Leketekete Victor KETSO
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Relations Mohlabi Kenneth TSEKOA
Min. of Forestry & Land Reclamation Khotso MATLA
Min. of Gender, Youth, Sports, & Recreation Thesele 'MASERIBANE
Min. of Health Pinkie Rosemary MANAMOLELA, Dr.
Min. of Home Affairs Joang MOLAPO
Min. of Justice & Correctional Services Motlohi MALIEHE
Min. of Law, Constitutional Affairs, & Human Rights Haae Edward PHOOFOLO
Min. of Local Govt. & Chieftainship Affairs Mothejoa METSING
Min. of Mining Tlali KHASU
Min. of Public Service Motloheloa PHOOKO
Min. of Public Works & Transport Lebesa MALOI
Min. of Social Development 'Matebatso DOTI
Min. of Tourism, Environment, & Culture 'Mamahele RADEBE
Min. of Trade & Industry, Cooperatives, & Marketing Sekh'ulumi Paul NTSOAOLE
Min. in the Prime Minister's Office Pitso MAISA
Governor, Central Bank of Lesotho Rets'elisitsoe Adelaide MATLANYANE
Ambassador to the US Eliachim Molapi SEBATANE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kelebone Albert MAOPE
Last Updated: 15 Jan 2015


Vice Pres. Joseph BOAKAI
Min. of Agriculture Florence CHENOWETH
Min. of Commerce & Industry Axel Marcel ADDY
Min. of Education Etmonia David TARPEH
Min. of Finance & Development Planning Amara KONNEH
Min. of Foreign Affairs Augustine Kpehe NGAFUAN
Min. of Gender & Development Julia DUNCAN-CASSELL
Min. of Health & Social Welfare Walter GWENINGALE
Min. of Information, Culture, & Tourism Lewis BROWN
Min. of Internal Affairs Morris DUKULY
Min. of Justice Christiana TAH
Min. of Labor Juah LAWSON
Min. of Land, Mines, & Energy Patrick SENDOLO
Min. of National Defense Brownie SAMUKAI
Min. of Posts & Telecommunications Frederick NORKEH
Min. of Public Works Antoinette WEEKS
Min. of Transportation S. Tornolah VARPILAH
Min. of Youth & Sport Eugene NAGBE
Min. of State for Presidential Affairs Edward MCLAIN, Jr.
Executive Governor, Central Bank of Liberia Joseph MILLS JONES
Ambassador to the US Jeremiah SULUNTEH
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Marjon Vashti KAMARA
Last Updated: 4 Feb 2014

Pres., General National Congress Nuri Abu SAHMAYN

First Dep. Pres., General National Congress
Second Dep. Pres., General National Congress Saleh Muhammad Saleh al-MAKHZOM
Prime Min. Ali ZAYDAN
Dep. Prime Min. Awad Ibrik Ibrahim al-BARASI
Dep. Prime Min. Sadiq Abd al-Karim Abd al-Rahman KARIM
Dep. Prime Min. Abd-al-Salam Muhammad al-Mahdi al-QADI
Min. of Agriculture Salih Muhammad al-MAHJUB
Min. of Communications Usama Abd al-Rafouf SAYALA
Min. of Culture Al-Habib Muhammad al-AMIN
Min. of Defense Abdullah al-THANI
Min. of Economy Mustafa Muhammad al-Sadiq ABU-FUNAS
Min. of Education Ali Muftah OBAID
Min. of Electricity Ali Muhammad MUHARRIQ
Min. of Finance Al-Kilani Abd al-Karim al-JAZI
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Muhammad ABDELAZIZ
Min. of Health Nur al-Din Abd al-Hamid DAGHMAN
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Muhammad Hasan ABU BAKER
Min. of Housing & Utilities Ali Husayn al-SHARIF
Min. of Industry Sulayman Ali Al-Latif Al-FITURI
Min. of Information Yusuf Muhammad SHERIF
Min. of Interior (Acting) Sadiq Abd al-Karim Abd al-Rahman KARIM
Min. of Justice Salah MARGHANI
Min. of Labor & Rehabilitation Muhammad al-Fituri Ahmad SUWALIM
Min. of Local Admin.
Min. for the Missing, Wounded, & Martyrs Ali GADOUR
Min. of Oil Abd al-Bari Ali al-Hadi al-ARUSI
Min. of Planning Al-Mahdi al-Tahir al-Hadi UGHNIYA
Min. of Religious Endowments & Islamic Affairs Muhammad al-Bashir HAMOUDA
Min. of Social Affairs
Min. of Tourism Akram Abd al-Salam Bash IMAM
Min. of Transport Abd al-Qadir Muhammad AHMAD
Min. of Water Resources Al-Hadi Sulayman HANSHI
Min. of Youth & Sports Abd al-Salam Abdallah GHUWAYLA
Governor, Central Bank Sadiq Abd al-KABIR
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ibrahim DABBASHI
Last Updated: 18 May 2011

Head of State HANS ADAM II, Prince

Dep. Prime Min. Martin MEYER
Min. of Construction Martin MEYER
Min. of Cultural Affairs Aurelia FRICK
Min. of Economics Martin MEYER
Min. of Education Hugo QUADERER
Min. of Environmental Affairs, Land-Use Planning, Agriculture, & Forestry Renate MUESSNER
Min. of Family Affairs & Equal Opportunity Klaus TSCHUETSCHER
Min. of Finance Klaus TSCHUETSCHER
Min. of Foreign Affairs Aurelia FRICK
Min. of General Govt. Affairs Klaus TSCHUETSCHER
Min. of Interior Hugo QUADERER
Min. of Justice Aurelia FRICK
Min. of Public Health Renate MUESSNER
Min. of Social Affairs Renate MUESSNER
Min. of Sports Hugo QUADERER
Min. of Transportation Martin MEYER
Chmn., Liechtenstein State Bank Josef FEHR
Ambassador to the US Claudia FRITSCHE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Christian WENAWESER
Last Updated: 3 Nov 2014


Prime Min. Algirdas BUTKEVICIUS
Min. of Agriculture Virginija BALTRAITIENE
Min. of Culture Sarunas BIRUTIS
Min. of Economy Evaldas GUSTAS
Min. of Education & Science Dainius PAVALKIS
Min. of Energy Rokas MASIULIS
Min. of Environment Kestutis TRECIOKAS
Min. of Finance Rimantas SADZIUS
Min. of Foreign Affairs Linas LINKEVICIUS
Min. of Health Rimante SALASEVICIUTE
Min. of the Interior
Min. of Justice Juozas BERNATONIS
Min. of National Defense Juozas OLEKAS
Min. of Social Security & Labor Algimanta PABEDINSKIENE
Min. of Transport & Communications Rimantas SINKEVICIUS
Governor, Bank of Lithuania Vitas VASILIAUSKAS
Ambassador to the US Zygimantas PAVILIONIS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Raimonda MURMOKAITE
Last Updated: 20 Feb 2014

Grand Duke HENRI

Prime Min. Xavier BETTEL
Dep. Prime Min. Etienne SCHNEIDER
Min. of Admin. Simplification Dan KERSCH
Min. of Agriculture, Viticulture, & Rural Development Fernand ETGEN
Min. of Civil Service Dan KERSCH
Min. of Communications & Media Xavier BETTEL
Min. of Consumer Protection Fernand ETGEN
Min. of Culture Maggy NAGEL
Min. of Defense Etienne SCHNEIDER
Min. of Economy & Foreign Trade Etienne SCHNEIDER
Min. of Education, Childhood, & Youth Claude MEISCH
Min. of Environment Carole DIESCHBOURG
Min. of Equality of Opportunity Lydia MUTSCH
Min. of Family & Integration Corinne CAHEN
Min. of Finance, Treasury, & Budget Pierre GRAMEGNA
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Immigration Jean ASSELBORN
Min. of Health & Gender Equality Lydia MUTSCH
Min. of Higher Education, Research, & Professional Training Claude MEISCH
Min. of Housing Maggy NAGEL
Min. of Interior Dan KERSCH
Min. of Internal Security Etienne SCHNEIDER
Min. of Justice Felix BRAZ
Min. of Labor & Employment Nicolas SCHMIT
Min. of Relations With Parliament Fernand ETGEN
Min. of Religious Affairs Xavier BETTEL
Min. of Sports, Humanitarian Aid, & Social Security Romain SCHNEIDER
Min. of Sustainable Development & Infrastructure Francois BAUSCH
Min. of State Xavier BETTEL
Chmn., Luxembourg Central Bank Gaston REINESCH
Ambassador to the US Jean-Louis WOLZFELD
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sylvie LUCAS
Last Updated: 25 Jun 2014

Pres. Gjorge IVANOV

Prime Min. Nikola GRUEVSKI
Dep. Prime Min. Zoran STAVRESKI
Dep. Prime Min. for Economic Affairs Vladimir PESEVSKI
Dep. Prime Min. for European Integration Fatmir BESIMI
Dep. Prime Min. for Framework Agreement Implementation Musa XHAFERI
Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Waterways Mihail CVETKOV
Min. of Culture Elizabeta KANCESKA-MILEVSKA
Min. of Defense Zoran JOLEVSKI
Min. of Economy Bekim NEZIRI
Min. of Education & Science Abdilaqim ADEMI
Min. of Environment & Urban Planning Nurhan IZAIRI
Min. of Finance Zoran STAVRESKI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Nikola POPOSKI
Min. of Health Nikola TODOROV
Min. of Information Society Ivo IVANOVSKI
Min. of Internal Affairs Gordana JANKULOSKA
Min. of Justice Adnan JASHARI
Min. of Labor & Social Policy Dime SPASOV
Min. of Local Self-Govt. Lirim SHABANI
Min. of Transport & Communications Mile JANAKIESKI
Min. Without Portfolio Furkan CAKO
Min. Without Portfolio Visar FIDA
Min. Without Portfolio Goran MICKOVSKI
Min. Without Portfolio Nezdet MUSTAFA
Min. Without Portfolio Jerry NAUMOFF
Min. Without Portfolio Bill PAVLESKI
Min. Without Portfolio Vele SAMAK
Governor, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia Petar GOSEV
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Vasile ANDONOSKI
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015

Pres. Hery Martial RAJAONARIMAMPIANINA Rakotoarimanana

Prime Min. Jean RAVELONARIVO, Gen.
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Roland RAVATOMANGA
Min. of Commerce & Consumer Affairs Henri RABESAHALA
Min. of Communication, Information, & Relations With Institutions Vonison Razafindambo ANDRIANJATO
Min. of Culture & Handicrafts Brigitte Rabemanantsoa RASAMOELINA
Min. of Economy & Planning Herilanto RAVELOHARISON, Gen.
Min. of Employment & Technical & Professional Training Benjamina Ramarcel RAMANANTSOA
Min. of Energy & Hydrocarbons Horace GATIEN
Min. of Environment, Ecology, Maritime Affairs, & Forests Ralava BEBOARIMISA
Min. of Finance & Budget Francois Marie Maurice Gervais RAKOTOARIMANANA
Min. of Fisheries & Fishery Resources AHMADE
Min. of Foreign Affairs Beatrice ATALLAH
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Monique RASOAZANAERA
Min. of Interior & Decentralization Oliver Mahafaly SOLONANDRASANA
Min. of Industry, Private-Sector Development, & Small & Medium
Business Narson RAFIDIMANANA
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Noeline RAZAFINDRAVONONA
Min. of Livestock Anthelme RAMPARANY
Min. of National Defense Dominique Jean Oliver RAKOTOZAFY, Gen.
Min. of National Education Paul Andrianaina RABARY
Min. of Population, Social Protection, & Protection of Women Onitiana REALY
Min. of Posts, Telecommunications, & New Technology Neypatraike Andre RAKOTOMAMONJY
Min. of Public Health Mamy Lalatiana ANDRIAMANARIVO
Min. of Public Security Blaise Richard RANDIMBISOA
Min. of Public Service, Labor, & Social Law Jean de Dieu MAHARANTE
Min. of Public Works & Meteorology Roland Irovana RATSIRAKA
Min. of Tourism, Transport, & Meteorology Ulrich Jacques ANDRIANTIANA
Min. of Water, Hygiene, & Sanitation Johannita Benedicte NDAHIMANANJARA, Dr.
Min. of Youth & Sports Jean Anicet RANDRIAMOSARISOA
Sec. of State in Charge of the National Gendarmerie Didier Gerard PAZA, Gen.
Min. of State in Charge of Infrastructure & Territorial Planning Rivo RAKOTOVAO
Min. in the Office of the Pres. in Charge of Mines & Oil Valarien Joeli LALAHARISAINA
Governor, Central Bank Gaston RAVELOJAONA
Ambassador to the US Jocelyn Bertin RADIFERA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Zina ANDRIANARIVELO-RAZAFY
Last Updated: 23 Feb 2015

Pres. Arthur Peter MUTHARIKA

Vice Pres. Saulos CHILIMA
Min. of Agriculture & Irrigation Allan CHIYEMBEKEZA
Min. of Civil Service, Disaster Management, Public Events, & Statutory
Corporations Saulos CHILIMA
Min. of Defense Arthur Peter MUTHARIKA
Min. of Disability & Elderly Affairs Rachel KACHAJE
Min. of Education, Science, & Technology Emmanual FABIANO
Min. of Finance, Economic Planning, & Development Goodall Edward GONDWE
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation George CHAPONDA
Min. of Gender, Children, Disability, & Social Welfare Patricia KALIATI
Min. of Health Jean KALILANI
Min. of Home Affairs Paul CHIDINGU
Min. of Information, Tourism, & Civic Education Kondwani NANKHUMWA
Min. of Justice & Constitutional Affairs Samuel TEMBENU
Min. of Labor Henry MUSSA
Min. of Lands, Housing, & Urban Development Bright MSAKA
Min. of Local Govt. & Rural Development Trasizio GOWELO
Min. of Natural Resources, Energy, & Mining Atupele MULUZI
Min. of Trade & Industry Joseph MWANAMVEKA
Min. of Transport & Public Infrastructure Francis KASAIRA
Min. of Youth, Sports, & Culture Grace Obama CHIUMIA
Attorney Gen. Alexious NAMPOTA
Governor, Reserve Bank Charles CHUKA
Ambassador to the US Stephen Dick Tennyson MATENSE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Brian Granthen BOWLER
Last Updated: 8 May 2014

King ABDUL HALIM Mu'adzam Shah

Prime Min. NAJIB Razak
Dep. Prime Min. MUHYIDDIN bin Mohamed Yassin
Min. of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry ISMAIL Sabri Yaakob
Min. of Communication & Multimedia AHMAD SHABERY Cheek
Min. of Defense HISHAMMUDDIN Tun Hussein
Min. of Domestic Trade, Cooperative, & Consumerism HASAN Malek
Min. of Education & Higher Learning MUHYIDDIN bin Mohamed Yassin
Min. of Education II IDRIS Jusoh
Min. of Energy, Green Technology, & Water Maximus Johnity ONGKILI
Min. of Federal Territories Tengku ADNAN Tengku Mansor
Min. of Finance NAJIB Razak
Min. of Finance II AHMAD HUSNI Hanadzlah
Min. of Foreign Affairs ANIFAH Aman
Min. of Health S. SUBRAMANIAM
Min. of Home Affairs Ahmad ZAHID Hamidi
Min. of Housing & Local Govt. Abdul RAHMAN Dahlan
Min. of Human Resources Richard RIOT Jaem
Min. of Intl. Trade & Industry MUSTAPA Mohamed
Min. of Natural Resources & Environment G. PALANIEVAL
Min. of Plantation Industries & Commodities Douglas Unggah EMBAS
Min. of Rural Development & Territories SHAFIE Apdal
Min. of Science, Technology, & Innovation Ewon EBIN
Min. of Tourism & Culture NAZRI Abdul Aziz
Min. of Transport (Acting) HISHAMMUDDIN Tun Hussein
Min. of Women, Family, & Community Development ROHANI Abdul Karim
Min. of Works FADILLAH Yusof
Min. of Youth & Sports KHAIRY Jamaluddin Abu Bakar
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office ABDUL WAHID Omar
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office Joseph ENTULU
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office Idris JALA
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office JAMIL KHIR bin Baharom, Maj. Gen. (Ret.)
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office Joseph KURUP
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office Paul LOW Seng Kuan
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office NANCY Shukri
Min. in the Prime Min.'s Office SHAHIDAN Kassim
Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia ZETI Akhtar Aziz
Ambassador to the US AWANG ADEK bin Hussin
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Hussein HANIFF
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015

Pres. Abdulla YAMEEN Abdul Gayoom

Vice Pres. Mohamed JAMEEL Ahmed
Min. of Defense & National Security Moosa Ali JALEEL
Min. of Economic Development Mohamed SAEED
Min. of Education Aishath SHIHAM
Min. of Environment & Energy Thorig IBRAHIM
Min. of Finance & Treasury Abdulla JIHAD
Min. of Fisheries & Agriculture Mohamed SHAINEE
Min. of Foreign Affairs Dunya MAUMOON
Min. of Gender, Family, & Human Rights
Min. of Health Ahmed ZUHOOR
Min. of Home Affairs Umar NASEER
Min. of Housing & Infrastructure Mohamed MUIZZU
Min. of Human Resources, Youth, & Sports Mohamed Maleeh JAMAAL
Min. of Islamic Affairs Mohamed Shaheem Ali SAEED
Min. of the President's Office Mohamed "Mundhu" Hussein SHAREEF
Min. of Tourism, Arts, & Culture Ahmed ADHEEB Abdul Ghafoor
Attorney Gen. Mohamed ANIL
Governor, Maldives Monetary Authority AZEEMA Adam
Ambassador to the US Ahmed SAREER
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ahmed SAREER
Last Updated: 13 Jan 2015

Pres. Ibrahim Boubacar KEITA

Prime Min. Modibo KEITA
Min. of Commerce & Industry Abdel Karim KONATE
Min. of Culture, Handicrafts, & Tourism N'diaye Ramatoulaya DIALLO
Min. of Defense & Veterans Affairs Tieman Hubert COULIBALY
Min. of Digital Economy, Information, & Communication Choguel Kokalla MAIGA
Min. of Economy & Finance Mamadou Igor DIARRA
Min. of Employment, Vocational Training, Youth, & Civic Reconstruction Mahamane BABY
Min. of Energy & Hydraulics Mamadou Frankaly KEITA
Min. of Environment, Sanitation, & Sustainable Development Mohamed Ag ERLAF
Min. of Equipment, Transportation, & Integration Mamadou Hachim KOUMARE
Min. of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, & Intl. Cooperation Abdoulaye DIOP
Min. of Health & Public Hygiene Ousmane KONE
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Mountaga TALL
Min. of Interior & Security Sada SAMAKE, Gen.
Min. of Investment Promotion & the Private Sector Mamadou Gaoussou DIARRA
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Mahamadou DIARRA
Min. of Labor, Civil Service, State Reform, & Institutional Relations Diarra Raky TALLA
Min. of Malians Living Abroad Abdourhamane SYLLA
Min. of Mines Boubou CISSE
Min. of National Education Kenekouo dit Barthelemy TOGO
Min. of National Reconciliation ZAHABI Ould Sidi Mohamed
Min. of Religious Affairs & Worship Thierno Amadou Omar Hass DIALLO
Min. of Rural Development Bocari TRETA
Min. for Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, & Reconstruction of the North Hamadou KONATE
Min. of Sports Housseini Amion GUINDO
Min. of State Property & Land Affairs Mohamed Aly BATHILY
Min. of Territorial Admin. & Decentralization Abdoulaye Idrissa MAIGA
Min. of Territorial Planning Cheickna Seydi Ahamady DIAWARA
Min. of Urban Planning & Housing Dramane DEMBELE
Min. of Women, Child, & Family Affairs Sangare Oumou BA
Ambassador to the US Tiena COULIBALY
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sekou KASSE
Last Updated: 10 Dec 2014

Pres. George ABELA

Prime Min. Joseph MUSCAT
Dep. Prime Min. Louis GRECH
Min. for the Economy, Investment, & Small Business Chris CARDONA
Min. for Education & Employment Evarist BARTOLO
Min. for Energy & Water Conservation Konrad MIZZI
Min. for the Environment, Sustainable Development, & Climate Change Leo BRINCAT
Min. of European Affairs Louis GRECH
Min. of the Family & Social Solidarity Marie-Louise COLEIRO
Min. of Finance Edward SCICLUNA
Min. of Foreign Affairs George VELLA
Min. for Gozo Anton REFALO
Min. of Health Godfrey FARRUGIA
Min. of Home Affairs & National Security Emmanuel MALLIA
Min. for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs, & Civil Liberties Helena DALLI
Min. of Tourism Karmenu VELLA
Min. of Transport & Infrastructure Joe MIZZI
Governor, Central Bank Joseph BONNICI
Ambassador to the US Marisa MICALLEF
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Christopher GRIMA
Marshall Islands
Last Updated: 23 May 2014

Pres. Christopher Jorebon LOEAK

Min. of Assistance to the Pres. Wilbur HEINE
Min. of Education Hilda HEINE
Min. of Finance Dennis MOMOTARO
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade Anton "Tony" DEBRUM
Min. of Health Phillip H. MULLER
Min. of Internal Affairs David KABUA
Min. of Justice Rien MORRIS
Min. of Public Works Hiroshi YAMAMURA
Min. of Resources & Development Michael KONELIOS
Min. of Transportation & Communications Thomas HEINE
Chief Sec. Casten N. NEMRA
Commissioner, Bank of the Marshall Islands Ann Marie MULLER
Ambassador to the US Charles Rudolph PAUL
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Amatlain Elizabeth KABUA
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2015

Pres. Mohamed Ould Abdel AZIZ

Prime Min. Yahya Ould HADEMINE
Min. of Agriculture Brahim M'bareck Ould Mohamed MOKHTAR
Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Tourism Naha Mint Hamdi Ould MOUKNASS
Min. of Communications & Relations With Parliament Izidbih Ould Mohamed MAHMOUD
Min. of Culture & Handicraft Hindou Mint AININA
Min. of Economics & Development Sidi Ould TAH
Min. of Education Ba OUSMANE
Min. of Employment, Vocational Training, & New Technologies Dia Moktar MALAL
Min. of Energy, Oil, & Mines Mohamed Salem Ould BECHIR
Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development Amedi CAMARA
Min. of Equipment & Transportation Isselkou Ould Ahmed IZIDBIH
Min. of Finance Mokhtar Ould DIAY
Min. of Fisheries & Maritime Economy Nany Ould CHROUGHA
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Fatma Vall Mint SOUEINAE
Min. of Habitat, Urban Affairs, & Territorial Admin. Ismael Ould SADEGH
Min. of Health Ammedou Ould Hademine Ould JELVOUNE
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Sidi Ould SALEM
Min. of Interior & Decentralization Mohamed Ould Mohamed RARA
Min. of Islamic Affairs & Religious Education Ahmed Ould Ehil DAOUD
Min. of Justice Sidi Ould ZEINE
Min. of Livestock Development Fatma Mint HABIB, Dr.
Min. of National Defense Diallo Amadou BATHIA
Min. of Public Services & Admin. Modernization Seydina Aly Ould Mohamed KHOUNA
Min. of Social, Child, & Family Affairs Lemina Mint El Khtob Ould MOMMA
Min. of Water, Resources, & Sanitation Mohamed Ould KHOUNA
Min. of Youth & Sports Coumba BA
Min. of Sec. Gen. of the Govt. Hawa TANDIA
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation in Charge of
Maghreb & African Affairs & Mauritanians Abroad Khadijetou Mbareck FALL
Ambassador to the US Mohamed Lemine El HAYCEN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sidi Mohamed Ould BOUBACAR
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2015

Pres. Rajkeswur Kailash PURRYAG

Prime Min. Anerood JUGNAUTH, Sir
Dep. Prime Min. Xavier-Luc DUVAL
Min. of Agro-Industry & Food Security Mahen SEERUTTUN
Min. of Arts & Culture Dan BABOO
Min. of Civil Service Alain WONG
Min. of Commerce, Enterprises, & Cooperatives Sunil BHOLAH
Min. of Education, Tertiary Education, & Human Resources Leela Devi DOOKUN-LUCHOOMUN
Min. of Energy & Public Utilities Ivan COLLENDAVELLOO
Min. of Environment, National Emergency Center, & Beach Authority Raj DAYAL
Min. of Finance & Economic Development Vishnu LUTCHMEENARAIDOO
Min. of Financial Services, Good Governance, & Institutional Reforms Roshi BHADAIN
Min. of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, & Intl. Trade Etienne SINATAMBOU
Min. of Gender Equality, Child Development, & Family Welfare Aurore PERRAUD
Min. of Health & Quality of Life Anil GAYAN
Min. of Home Affairs Anerood JUGNAUTH, Sir
Min. of Housing & Lands Showkutally SOODHUN
Min. of Industry, Commerce, & Consumer Protection Ashit GUNGAH
Min. of Local Govt. Anwar HUSNOO
Min. of the Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Shipping, &
the Outer Islands Prem KOONJOO
Min. of Public Infrastructure & Transportation Nando BODHA
Min. for Rodrigues Island Anerood JUGNAUTH, Sir
Min. of Social Integration Pradeep ROOPUN
Min. of Social Security, National Solidarity, & Reform Institutions Fazila DAUREEAWOO
Min. of Technology, Communication, & Innovation Pravind JUGNAUTH
Min. of Tourism & External Communication Xavier-Luc DUVAL
Min. of Youth & Sports Yogida SAWMINADEN
Attorney Gen. Ravi YERRIGADOO
Governor, Central Bank Ramesh Basant ROI
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2015

Pres. Enrique PENA NIETO

Sec. of Agrarian Reform Jorge Carlos RAMIREZ Marin
Sec. of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, & Nutrition Enrique MARTINEZ y Martinez
Sec. of Communications & Transport Gerardo RUIZ Esparza
Sec. of Economy Ildefonso GUAJARDO Villarreal
Sec. of Energy Pedro JOAQUIN COLDWELL
Sec. of Environment & Natural Resources Juan Jose GUERRA Abud
Sec. of Finance & Public Credit Luis VIDEGARAY Caso
Sec. of Foreign Relations Jose Antonio MEADE Kuribrena
Sec. of Govt. Miguel Angel OSORIO Chong
Sec. of Health Mercedes JUAN LOPEZ
Sec. of Labor & Social Welfare Alfonso NAVARRETE Prida
Sec. of National Defense Salvador CIENFUEGOS Zepeda, Gen.
Sec. of the Navy Vidal Francisco SOBERON Sanz, , Adm.
Sec. of Public Education Emilio CHUAYFFET Chemor
Sec. of Public Service Virgilio ANDRADE Martinez
Sec. of Social Development Maria Del Rosario ROBLES Berlanga
Sec. of Tourism Claudia RUIZ MASSIEU Salinas
Attorney Gen. Arely GOMEZ
Governor, Bank of Mexico Agustin CARSTENS Carstens
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jorge MONTANO Martinez
Micronesia, Federated States of
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2012

Pres. Emanuel "Manny" MORI

Vice Pres. Alik L. ALIK
Sec. of Education Casiano D. SHONIBER
Sec. of Finance & Admin. Finley S. PERMAN
Sec. of Foreign Affairs Lorin S. ROBERT
Sec. of Health & Social Affairs Vita Akapito SKILLING, Dr.
Sec. of Justice Maketo ROBERT
Sec. of Resource & Development Marion HENRY
Sec. of Transportation, Communication, & Infrastructure Francis ITIMAI
Speaker of the Congress Isaac V. FIGIR
Ambassador to the US Asterio R. TAKESY
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jane J. CHIGIYAL
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015

Pres. Nicolae TIMOFTI

Prime Min. Chiril GABURICI
Dep. Prime Min. Stephane BRIDE
Dep. Prime Min. Natalia GHERMAN
Dep. Prime Min. Victor OSIPOV
Min. of Agriculture & Food Industry Ion SULA
Min. of Construction & Territorial Development Vasile BITCA
Min. of Culture Monica BABUC
Min. of Defense Viorel CIBOTARU
Min. of Economy Stephane BRIDE
Min. of Education Maia SANDU
Min. of Environment & Natural Resources Sergiu PAHILOVICI
Min. of Finance Anatol ARAPU
Min. of Foreign Affairs & European Integration Natalia GHERMAN
Min. of Health Mircea BUGA
Min. of Information Technologies & Communication Pavel FILIP
Min. of Internal Affairs Oleg BALAN
Min. of Justice Vladimir GROSU
Min. of Labor, Social Protection, & Family Ruxandra GLAVAN
Min. of Transport & Road Infrastructure Vasile BOTNARI
Min. of Youth & Sport Serghei AFANASENCO
Dir., Security & Intelligence Service Mihai BALAN
Sec., Supreme Security Council Alexei BARBANEAGRA
Prosecutor Gen. Corneliu GURIN
Pres., National Bank Dorin DRAGUTANU
Ambassador to the US Igor MUNTEANU
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Vladimir LUPAN
Last Updated: 26 May 2011

Chief of State ALBERT II, Prince

Min. of State & Pres. of the Governing Council Michel ROGER
Min. for External Relations Jose BADIA
Min. for Finance & the Economy Marco PICCININI
Min. for Health & Social Affairs Stephane VALERI
Min. for the Interior Paul MASSERON
Min. for Public Works, the Environment, & Urban Development Marie-Pierre GRAMAGLIA
Ambassador to the US Gilles NOGHES
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Isabelle PICCO
Last Updated: 5 Jan 2015

Pres. Tsakhia ELBEGDORJ

Prime Min. Chimed SAIKHANBILEG
Dep. Prime Min. Ukhnaa KHURELSUKH
Min. of Construction & Urban Development Damdin TSOGTBAATAR
Min. of Defense Tserendash TSOLMON
Min. of Education, Culture, & Science Luvsannyam GANTMUR
Min. of Energy Dashzeveg ZORIGT
Min. of Environment, Green Development, & Tourism Dulamsuren OYUNKHOROL
Min. of Finance Jargaltulga ERDENEBAT
Min. of Food & Agriculture Radnaa BURMAA
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade Lundeg PUREVSUREN
Min. of Health & Sports Gankhuyag SHIILEGDEMBA
Min. of Industry Dondogdorj ERDENEBAT
Min. of Justice Dambii DORLIGJAV
Min. of Labor Sodnom CHINZORIG
Min. of Mining Rentsendoo JIGJID
Min. of Mongolia Mendsaikhan ENKHSAIKHAN
Min. for Population Development & Social Welfare Sodnomzundui ERDENE
Min. of Road & Transportation Namkhai TUMURKHUU
Min. & Chief of the Govt. Secretariat Sangajav BAYARTSOGT
Governor, Bank of Mongolia Naidansuren ZOLJARGAL
Ambassador to the US Bulgaa ALTANGEREL
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Od OCH
Last Updated: 10 Jun 2014


Prime Min. Milo DJUKANOVIC
Dep. Prime Min. Rafet HUSOVIC
Dep. Prime Min. Vujica LAZOVIC
Dep. Prime Min. Igor LUKSIC
Dep. Prime Min. Dusko MARKOVIC
Min. of Agriculture Petar IVANOVIC
Min. of Culture
Min. of Defense Milica PEJANOVIC-DJURISIC
Min. of Economy Vladimir KAVARIC
Min. of Education & Sports Slavoljub STIJEPOVIC
Min. of Finance Radoje ZUGIC
Min. of Foreign Affairs & European Integration Igor LUKSIC
Min. of Health Miodrag RADUNOVIC
Min. of Human & Minority Rights Suad NUMANOVIC
Min. of Information Society & Telecommunications Vujica LAZOVIC
Min. of the Interior Rasko KONJEVIC
Min. of Justice Dusko MARKOVIC
Min. of Labor & Social Welfare Predrag BOSKOVIC
Min. of Science Sanja VLAHOVIC
Min. of Tourism & Sustainable Development Branimir GVOZDENOVIC
Min. of Transport & Maritime Affairs Ivan BRAJOVIC
Min. Without Portfolio Marjia VUCINOVIC
Ambassador to the US Srdan DARMANOVIC
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Milorad SCEPANOVIC
Last Updated: 10 Nov 2014

Prime Min. Abdelillah BENKIRANE
Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries Aziz AKHANNOUCH
Min. of Communications & Govt. Spokesperson Mustapha EL KHALFI
Min. of Culture Mohamed Amine SBIHI
Min. of Economy & Finance Mohamed BOUSSAID
Min. of Energy, Mines, Water, & Environment Abdelkader AMARA
Min. of Equipment & Transport Aziz RABBAH
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Salaheddine MEZOUAR
Min. of Habous & Islamic Affairs Ahmed TOUFIQ
Min. of Handicrafts, Social Economy, & Solidarity Economy Fatema MAROUANE
Min. of Health El Hossein EL OUARDI
Min. of Higher Education, Scientific Research, & Executive Training Lahcen DAOUDI
Min. of Housing, Town Planning, & Urban Policy Nabil BENABDELLAH
Min. of Industry, Trade, & New Technologies Moulay Hafid ELALAMY
Min. of Interior Mohamed HASSAD
Min. of Justice & Liberties Mustafa RAMID
Min. of Labor & Vocational Training Abdesslam SEDDIKI
Min. of Moroccan Expatriates & Migration Affairs Anis BIROU
Min. of National Education Rachid BELMOKHTAR
Min. of Planning & Development Mohand LAENSAR
Min. of Solidarity, Women, Family, & Social Development Bassima HAKKAOUI
Min. of State Abdellah BAHA
Min. of Tourism Lahcen HADDAD
Min. of Youth & Sport Mohammed OUZZINE
Min. for Relations With Parliament Lahbib CHOUBANI
Sec. Gen. of the Govt. Driss DAHAK
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Economy & Finance in Charge of the Budget Idriss Azami AL IDRISSI
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Energy, Mines, Water, & Environment for the
Environment Hakima EL HITI
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Energy, Mines, Water, & Environment for Water Charafat AFILAL
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Mbarka BOUAIDA
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Higher Education, Scientific Research, &
Executive Training Soumiya BENKHALDOUN
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Industry, Trade, & New Technologies for SMEs &
the Integration of the Informal Sector Mamoun BOUHADHOUD
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Industry, Trade, & New Technologies for Foreign
Trade Mohamed ABBOU
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Infrastructure, Transport, & Logistics for Transport Mohamed Najib BOULIF
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Interior Draiss CHARKI
Min.-Del. to the Min. of National Education Abdeladim GUERROUJ
Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. for Civil Service & Modernization of Public
Admin. Mohamed MOUBDII
Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. for National Defense Abdellatif LOUDIYI
Min.-Del. to the Prime Min. in Charge of General Affairs & Governance Mohamed EL OUAFA
Governor, Bank al-Magrib Abdellatif JOUAHRI
Ambassador to the US Mohammed Rachad BOUHLAL
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Omar HILALE
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2015

Pres. Filipe Jacinto NYUSI

Prime Min. Carlos Agostinho DO ROSARIO
Min. of Agriculture & Food Security Jose Condugua Antonio PACHECO
Min. of Culture & Tourism Silva DUNDURU
Min. of Defense Atanasio NTUMUKE
Min. of Economy & Finance Adriano MALEIANE
Min. of Education & Human Development Luis FERRARO
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Oldemiro Julio Marques BALOI
Min. of Gender, Children, & Social Welfare Cidalia CHAUQUE
Min. of the Interior Jaime MONTEIRO
Min. of Justice & Constitutional & Religious Affairs Abdurremane Lino DE ALMEIDA
Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security Vitoria Dias DIOGO
Min. of Land, Environment, & Rural Development Celso CORREIA
Min. of Mineral Resources & Energy Pedro COUTO
Min. of Public Service & State Admin. Carmelita Rita NAMASHULUA
Min. of Public Works, Housing, & Water Resources Carlos Bonete MARTINHO
Min. of Science, Technology, & Higher, Technical, & Professional
Education Jorge Penicela NHAMBIU
Min. of the Sea, Inland Waters, & Fisheries Agostinho MONDLANE
Min. of Trade & Industry Ernesto TONELA
Min. of Transport & Communications Carlos MESQUITA
Min. of Veterans Affairs Eusebio Lambo GUMBIWA
Min. of Youth & Sport Alberto NKUTUMULA
Chief of Staff to the President's Office Adelaide Anchia AMURANE
Attorney Gen. Beatriz da Consolacao Mateus BUCHILI
Governor, Bank of Mozambique Ernesto GOVE
Ambassador to the US Amelia Narciso Matos SUMBANA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Antonio GUMENDE
Last Updated: 6 Nov 2013

Pres. Hifikepunye POHAMBA

Prime Min. Hage GEINGOB
Dep. Prime Min. Marco HAUSIKU
Min. of Agriculture, Water, & Forestry John MUTORWA
Min. of Defense Nahas ANGULA
Min. of Education David NAMWANDI
Min. of Environment & Tourism Uahehua HERUNGA
Min. of Fisheries & Marine Resources Bernard ESAU
Min. of Foreign Affairs Netumbo NANDI-NDAITWAH
Min. of Gender Equality & Child Welfare Rosalia NGHINDINWA
Min. of Health & Social Service Richard KAMWI
Min. of Home Affairs & Immigration Pendukeni IIVULA-ITHANA
Min. of Information & Broadcasting Joel KAAPANDA
Min. of Justice Utoni NUJOMA
Min. of Labor & Social Welfare Doreen SIOKA
Min. of Lands & Resettlement Alpheus NARUSEB
Min. of Mines & Energy Isak KATALI
Min. of Presidential Affairs Albert KAWANA
Min. of Regional & Local Govt. & Housing & Rural Development Charles Ndaxu NAMOLOH, Maj. Gen. (Ret.)
Min. of Safety & Security Immanuel NGATJIZEKO
Min. of Trade & Industry Calle SCHLETTWEIN
Min. of Veterans Affairs Nickey IYAMBO
Min. of Works, Transport, & Communication Errki NGHIMTINA
Min. of Youth & National Service, Sport, & Culture Jerry EKANDJO
Dir. Gen., National Planning Commission Helmut ANGULA
Attorney Gen. Albert KAWANA
Governor, Central Bank Ipumbu Wendelinus SHIIMI
Ambassador to the US Martin ANDJABA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Wilfried Inotira EMVULA
Last Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Pres. Baron Divavesi WAQA

Min. for Climate Change Baron Divavesi WAQA
Min. for Commerce, Industry, & Environment Aaron COOK
Min. for Education & Youth Charmaine SCOTTY
Min. for Eigigu Holdings Corporation David ADEANG
Min. for Finance & Sustainable Development David ADEANG
Min. for Fisheries Valdon DOWIYOGO
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Trade Baron Divavesi WAQA
Min. for Health Valdon DOWIYOGO
Min. for Home Affairs Charmaine SCOTTY
Min. for Justice David ADEANG
Min. for Land Management Charmaine SCOTTY
Min. for Nauru Air Corporation David ADEANG
Min. for Nauru Phosphate Royalties Trust Shadlog BERNICKE
Min. for Nauru Utilities Corporation Shadlog BERNICKE
Min. for Police, Prisons, & Emergency Services Baron Divavesi WAQA
Min. for Public Service Baron Divavesi WAQA
Min. for Ronphos Aaron COOK
Min. for Sports Valdon DOWIYOGO
Min. for Telecommunications Shadlog BERNICKE
Min. for Transport Valdon DOWIYOGO
Min. Asst. to the Pres. David ADEANG
Ambassador to the US Marlene Inemwin MOSES
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Marlene Inemwin MOSES
Last Updated: 23 Oct 2014

Pres. Ram Baran YADAV, Dr.

Vice Pres. Paramananda JHA
Prime Min. Sushil KOIRALA
Min. for Agricultural Development Hari Prasad PARAJULI
Min. of Commerce & Supplies Sunil Bahadur THAPA
Min. of Constituent Assembly Affairs Navhari ACHARYA
Min. of Culture Deepak Chandra AMATYA
Min. of Defense Sushil KOIRALA
Min. of Education Chitralekha YADHAV
Min. of Energy Radha Kumari GYAWALI
Min. of Environment Sushil KOIRALA
Min. of Federal Affairs Prakash Man SINGH
Min. of Finance Ram Sharan MAHAT
Min. of Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur PANDEY
Min. of Forest & Soil Conservation Mahesh ACHARYA
Min. of Gen. Admin. Lal Babu PANDIT
Min. of Health & Population Khagraj ADHIKARI
Min. of Home Affairs Bamdev GAUTAM
Min. of Industry Mahesh BASNET
Min. of Information & Communications Minendra RIJAL
Min. of Irrigation Narayan Prakash SAUD
Min. of Labor & Employment Tek Bahadur GURUNG
Min. of Land Reforms & Management Dal Bahadur RANA
Min. of Law & Justice Navhari ACHARYA
Min. of Local Development Prakash Man SINGH
Min. of Parliamentary Affairs Navhari ACHARYA
Min. of Peace & Reconstruction Navhari ACHARYA
Min. for Physical Infrastructure & Transportation Bimalendra NIDHI
Min. of Science & Technology Sushil KOIRALA
Min. of Tourism & Civil Aviation Deepak Chandra AMATYA
Min. for Urban Development Narayan KHADKA
Min. of Women, Children, & Social Welfare Neelam K. C. KHADKA
Min. of Youth & Sports Purushottam PAUDEL
Governor, Central Bank Yuvraj KHATIWADA
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Durga Prasad BHATTARAI
Last Updated: 27 Mar 2015

Prime Min. Mark RUTTE
Dep. Prime Min. Lodewijk ASSCHER
Min. of Defense Jeanine HENNIS-PLASSCHAERT
Min. of Economic Affairs Henk KAMP
Min. of Education, Culture, & Science Jet BUSSEMAKER
Min. of Finance Jeroen DIJSSELBLOEM
Min. of Foreign Affairs Albert KOENDERS
Min. of Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation Lilianne PLOUMEN
Min. of Gen. Affairs Mark RUTTE
Min. of Health, Welfare, & Sport Edith SCHIPPERS
Min. of Housing & Civil Service Stef BLOK
Min. of Infrastructure & Environment Melanie SCHULTZ VAN HAEGEN-Maas Geesteranus
Min. of Interior & Kingdom Relations Ronald Hans Anton PLASTERK
Min. of Security & Justice Ard VAN DER STEUR
Min. of Social Affairs & Employment Lodewijk ASSCHER
Pres., The Netherlands Central Bank Klaas Henderikus Willem KNOT
Ambassador to the US Rudolf Simon BEKINK
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Karel Jan Gustaaf VAN OOSTEROM
New Zealand
Last Updated: 5 Nov 2014

Governor Gen. Jeremiah MATEPARAE

Prime Min. John Phillip KEY
Dep. Prime Min. Simon William ENGLISH
Min. for the Accident Compensation Corporation Nikki KAYE
Min. for Arts, Culture, & Heritage Maggie BARRY
Min. of Broadcasting Amy ADAMS
Min. for Building & Housing Nick SMITH
Min. for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Gerard Anthony BROWNLEE
Min. of Civil Defense Nikki KAYE
Min. for Climate Change Issues Timothy John GROSER
Min. of Commerce & Consumer Affairs Paul GOLDSMITH
Min. for Communications Amy ADAMS
Min. for the Community & Voluntary Sector Jo GOODHEW
Min. of Conservation Maggie BARRY
Min. of Corrections Peseta Sam LOTU-IIGA
Min. for Courts Amy ADAMS
Min. of Customs Nicky WAGNER
Min. of Defense Gerard Anthony BROWNLEE
Min. for Disability Issues Nicky WAGNER
Min. for Economic Development Steven JOYCE
Min. of Education Hekia PARATA
Min. of Energy & Resources Simon BRIDGES
Min. for the Environment Nick SMITH
Min. for Ethnic Communities Peseta Sam LOTU-IIGA
Min. of Finance Simon William ENGLISH
Min. for Food Safety Jo GOODHEW
Min. of Foreign Affairs Murray Stuart MCCULLY
Min. of Health Jonathan David COLEMAN, Dr.
Min. of Immigration Michael WOODHOUSE
Min. of Internal Affairs Peter DUNNE
Min. of Justice Amy ADAMS
Min. for Land Information Louise UPSTON
Min. of Local Govt. Paula BENNETT
Min. of Maori Development To Ururoa FLAVELL
Min. for National Security & Intelligence John Phillip KEY
Min. of Pacific Island Peoples Peseta Sam LOTU-IIGA
Min. of Police Michael WOODHOUSE
Min. for Primary Industries Nathan GUY
Min. for Racing Nathan GUY
Min. for Regulatory Reform Steven JOYCE
Min. of Revenue Todd MCCLAY
Min. of Science & Innovation Steven JOYCE
Min. for Senior Citizens Maggie BARRY
Min. for Small Business Craig FOSS
Min. for Social Development Anne TOLLEY
Min. of Sport & Recreation Jonathan David COLEMAN, Dr.
Min. of State Services Paula BENNETT
Min. for State-Owned Enterprises Todd MCCLAY
Min. of Statistics Craig FOSS
Min. for Tertiary Education, Skills, & Employment Steven JOYCE
Min. of Tourism John Phillip KEY
Min. of Trade Timothy John GROSER
Min. of Transport Simon BRIDGES
Min. for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher FINLAYSON
Min. of Veterans Affairs Craig FOSS
Min. for Whanau Ora Te Ururoa FLAVELL
Min. of Women Louise UPSTON
Min. for Workplace Relations & Safety Michael WOODHOUSE
Min. of Youth Nikki KAYE
Attorney Gen. Christopher FINLAYSON
Governor, Reserve Bank of New Zealand Graeme WHEELER
Ambassador to the US Michael Kenneth MOORE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York James Kenneth MCLAY
Last Updated: 15 Sep 2014

Pres. Daniel ORTEGA Saavedra

Vice Pres. Moises Omar HALLESLEVENS Acevedo
Min. of Agriculture & Forestry Ariel BUCARDO Rocha
Min. of Defense Martha Elena RUIZ Sevilla
Min. of Education, Culture, & Sports Miriam RAUDEZ
Min. of Environment & Natural Resources Juana ARGENAL
Min. of Family Marcia RAMIREZ Mercado
Min. of Finance & Public Credit Ivan ACOSTA
Min. of Foreign Relations Samuel SANTOS Lopez
Min. of Govt. Ana Isabel MORALES Mazon
Min. of Health Sonia CASTRO Gonzalez
Min. of Industry, Development, & Commerce Orlando SOLORZANO Delgadillo
Min. of Labor Jeannette CHAVEZ Gomez
Min. of Tourism Mario SALINAS
Min. of Transportation & Infrastructure Pablo MARTINEZ
Sec. of the Presidency
Attorney Gen. Hernan ESTRADA Santamaria
Pres., Central Bank Alberto Jose GUEVARA Obregon
Ambassador to the US Francisco Obadiah CAMPBELL Hooker
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Maria RUBIALES de Chamorro
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2015

Pres. ISSOUFOU Mahamadou

Prime Min. Brigi RAFINI
Min. of State Abouba ALBADE
Min. of State for Agriculture Abdou LABO
Min. of Commerce & Private-Sector Promotion Alma OUMAROU
Min. of Communication & Relations With Institutions Yahouza SADISSOU
Min. of Culture, Arts, & Leisure Ousmane ABDOU
Min. of Employment, Labor, & Social Security Salissou ADA
Min. of Energy & Petroleum Pierre Foumakoye GADO
Min. of Environment, Urban Cleanliness, & Sustainable Development Ada CHAIFOU
Min. of Equipment Ibrahim NOMAO
Min. of Finance Gilles BAILLET
Min. of State for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, African Integration, &
Nigeriens Abroad Kane Aichatou BOULAMA
Min. of Interior, Decentralization, Public Security, & Customary &
Religious Affairs Massaudou HASSOUMI
Min. of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, & Govt. Spokesman Marou AMADOU
Min. of Livestock Mahaman Elhadji OUSMANE
Min. of State for Mines & Industrial Development Omar Hamidou TCHIANA
Min. of National Defense Karidjo MAHAMADOU
Min. of State for Planning, Land Management, & Community
Development Amadou Boubacar CISSE
Min. of Post Office, Telecommunications, & Digital Economy Abdou MANI
Min. of Population, Women's Promotion, & Protection of Children Maikibi Kadidia DANDOBI
Min. of Primary Education, Literacy, Promotion of National Languages, &
Civic Education Ali Mariama Elhadj IBRAHIM
Min. of Professional & Technical Education Chaibou Dan INNA
Min. of Public Health Mano AGHALI
Min. of Public Service & Admin. Reform Laouali CHAIBOU
Min. of Secondary Education Bety Aichatou Habibou OUMANI
Min. of Territorial & Community Development Maman Sani Malam MAMAN
Min. of Tourism & Handicrafts Yahaya Baare Haoua ABDOU
Min. of Transportation Saley SAIDOU
Min. of Urbanism & Housing Habi Mahamadou SALISSOU
Min. of Water & Sewers Wassalke BOUKHARI
Min. of Youth & Sports Abdoulkarim Dan MALLAM
Min. & Chief of Staff to the Pres. Saidou SIDIBE
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Baboucar BOUREIMA
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2015

Pres. Goodluck JONATHAN

Vice Pres. Namadi SAMBO
Min. of Agriculture & Natural Resources Akinwunmi Ayo ADESINA
Min. of Aviation Samuel ORTOM
Min. of Communication Technology Olubusola JOHNSON
Min. of Culture & Tourism Edem DUKE
Min. of Defense Aliyu Mohammed GUSAU, Gen. (Ret.)
Min. of Education Viola ONWULIRI
Min. of Environment Hadiza Ibrahim MAILAFA
Min. of the Federal Capital Territory Bala MOHAMMED
Min. of Finance Ngozi OKONJO-IWEALA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Olugbenga Ayodeji ASHIRU
Min. of Health Onyebuchi CHUKWU
Min. of Industry, Trade, & Investment Olusegun AGANGA
Min. of Information Nuruddeen MUHAMMAD
Min. of Interior Abba MORO
Min. of Justice & Attorney Gen. of the Federation Mohammed Bello ADOKE
Min. of Labor & Productivity Kabiru Tanimu TURAKI
Min. of Lands, Housing, & Development Ama PEPPLE
Min. of Mines & Steel Development Musa Mohammed SADA
Min. of National Planning Commission Shamsudeen USMAN
Min. of National Sports Commission Ibrahim Isa BIO
Min. for Niger Delta Affairs Darius ISHAKU
Min. of Petroleum Resources Diezani ALISON-MADUEKE
Min. of Police Affairs Caleb OLUBOLADE, Capt. (Ret.)
Min. of Power Chinedu Ositadinma NEBO
Min. of Science & Technology Ita Okon Bassey EWA
Min. of Special Duties Ernest OLUBOLADE
Min. of Sports Tamunobaabo Wenike DANAGOGO
Min. of Transport Idris UMAR
Min. of Water Resources Sarah Reng OCHEKPE
Min. of Women's Affairs Zainab MAINA
Min. of Works Mike ONOLEMEMEN
Min. of Youth Development Bolaji ABDULLAHI
Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria Godwin EMEFIELE
Ambassador to the US Adebowale ADEFUYE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Joy OGWU
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2014

Prime Min. Erna SOLBERG
Min. of Children, Equality, & Social Inclusion Solveig HORNE
Min. of Culture & Church Affairs Thorhild WIDVEY
Min. of Defense Ine Marie Eriksen SOREIDE
Min. of Education & Research Torbjorn ROE-ISAKSEN
Min. of the Environment Tine SUNDTOFT
Min. of Finance Siv JENSEN
Min. of Fisheries & Coastal Affairs Elisabeth ASPAKER
Min. of Food & Agriculture Sylvi LISTHAUG
Min. of Foreign Affairs Borge BRENDE
Min. of Health & Social Care Bent HOIE
Min. of Justice & Public Security Anders ANUNDSEN
Min. of Labor Robert ERIKSSON
Min. of Local Govt. & Modernization Jan Tore SANNER
Min. at the Office of the Prime Min. Vidar HELGESEN
Min. of Petroleum & Energy Tord LIEN
Min. of Trade & Industry Monica MAELAND
Min. of Transportation & Communications Ketil SOLVIK-OLSEN
Governor, Norges Bank Oystein OLSEN
Ambassador to the US Kare AAS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Geir Otto PEDERSEN
Last Updated: 9 Oct 2014

Sultan QABOOS bin Said Al Said

Special Representative for His Majesty the Sultan THUWAYNI bin Shihab Al Said
Prime Min. QABOOS bin Said Al Said
Dep. Prime Min. for Cabinet Affairs FAHD bin Mahmud Al Said
Min. of Agriculture Fuad bin Jafar bin Muhammad al-SAJWANI
Min. of Awqaf & Religious Affairs Abdallah bin Muhammad bin Abdallah al-SALIMI
Min. of Civil Service Khalid bin Umar bin Said al-MARHUN
Min. of Commerce & Industry Ali bin Masud bin Ali al-SUNAIDI
Min. of Defense QABOOS bin Said Al Said
Min. of Diwan of the Royal Court KHALID bin Hilal bin Saud al-Busaidi
Min. of Education Madiha bint Ahmad bin Nasir al-SHIBYANIYAN
Min. of Environment & Climate Affairs Muhammad bin Salim bin Said al-TUBI
Min. of Finance QABOOS bin Said Al Said
Min. of Fisheries Muhammad bin Ali al-QATABI
Min. of Foreign Affairs QABOOS bin Said Al Said
Min. of Health Ali bin Muhammad bin MUSA, Dr.
Min. of Heritage & Culture HAYTHAM bin Tariq Al Said
Min. of Higher Education RAWYA bint Saud al-Busaidi
Min. of Housing Muhammad bin Saif al-SHABIBI
Min. of Information Hamad bin Muhammad al-RASHDI
Min. of Interior HAMUD bin Faisal bin Said al-Busaidi
Min. of Justice Abd al-Malik bin Abdallah bin Ali al-KHALILI
Min. of Legal Affairs Abdallah bin Muhammad bin Said al-SAIDI
Min. of Manpower Abdallah bin Nasser bin Abdallah al-BAKRI
Min. of Oil & Gas Muhammad bin Hamad bin Sayf al-RUMHI
Min. of Regional Municipalities & Water Resources Ahmad bin Abdallah bin Muhammad al-SHUHI
Min. of the Royal Office Sultan bin Muhammad al-NUMANI, Gen.
Min. of Social Development MUHAMMAD bin Said bin Said al-Kalbani
Min. of Sports Affairs Saad bin Muhammad bin Said al-Mardhuf al-SAADI
Min. of Tourism Ahmad bin Nasir bin Hamad al-MAHRAZI
Min. of Transport & Communications Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Salim al-FUTAISI
Min. of State & Governor, Muscat Region SAYID al-Mutasim bin Hamud al-Busaidi
Min. of State & Governor, Dhofar Region MUHAMMAD BIN SULTAN bin Hamud al-Busaidi
Min. Responsible for Defense Affairs BADR bin Saud bin Harib al-Busaidi
Min. Responsible for Foreign Affairs Yusuf bin ALAWI bin Abdallah
Sec. Gen., Council of Ministers SHAYKH al-Fadhl bin Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Harthi
Special Adviser to His Majesty Salim bin Abdallah al-GHAZALI
Special Adviser to His Majesty for Culture Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad al-RUWAS
Special Adviser to His Majesty for Economic Planning Affairs Muhammad bin ZUBAYR
Special Adviser to His Majesty for Environmental Affairs SHABIB bin Taymur Al Said
Special Adviser to His Majesty for External Liaison Umar bin Abd al-Munim al-ZAWAWI
Special Adviser to His Majesty for Security Affairs Abdallah bin Salih Khalfan al-HABSI, Lt. Gen.
Governor, Central Bank of Oman QABOOS bin Said Al Said
Executive Pres., Central Bank of Oman Hamud bin Sangur bin Hashim al-ZADJALI
Ambassador to the US Hunaina bint Sultan bin Ahmad al-MUGHAIRI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Lyutha bint Sultan bin Ahmad al-MUGHAIRI
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015

Pres. Mamnoon HUSSAIN

Prime Min. Mohammad Nawaz SHARIF
Min. of Commerce Khurram Dastgir KHAN
Min. of Defense KHAWAJA Muhammad Asif
Min. of Defense Production Rana Tanveer HUSSAIN
Min. of Economic Affairs & Statistics Mohammad Ishaq DAR
Min. of Finance & Revenue Mohammad Ishaq DAR
Min. of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Nawaz SHARIF
Min. of Housing & Works Akram Khan DURRANI
Min. of Human Resources Development Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah RASHIDI
Min. of Human Rights Pervaiz RASHID
Min. of Industries Rais Ghulam Murtaza Khan JATOI
Min. of Information & Broadcasting Pervaiz RASHID
Min. of Interior & Narcotics Control Chaudhry Nisar Ali KHAN
Min. of Interprovincial Coordination Riaz Husain PIRZADA
Min. of Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit-Baltistan Muhammad Barjees TAHIR
Min. of Law & Justice Pervaiz RASHID
Min. of National Food Security & Research Sikandar Hayat Khan BOSAN
Min. of National Harmony Sardar Muhammad Yousaf ZAMAN
Min. of National Heritage Pervaiz RASHID
Min. of Overseas Pakistanis Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah RASHIDI
Min. of Petroleum & Natural Resources Shahid KHAQAN ABBASI
Min. of Planning & Development Ahsan Iqbal CHAUDHARY
Min. of Ports & Shipping Kamran MICHAEL
Min. of Privatization Mohammad Ishaq DAR
Min. for Production Rais Ghulam Murtaza Khan JATOI
Min. of Railways Khawaja Saad RAFIQUE
Min. of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony Sardar Muhammad Yousaf ZAMAN
Min. of Science & Technology Rana Tanveer HUSSAIN
Min. of States & Frontier Regions (SAFRON) Abdul Quadir BALOCH
Min. of Textile Industry Abbas Khan AFRIDI
Min. of Water & Power KHAWAJA Muhammad Asif
Governor, State Bank of Pakistan Ashraf Mahmood WATHRA
Ambassador to the US Jalil Abbas JILANI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Maleeha LODHI
Last Updated: 15 Oct 2013

Pres. Thomas Esang REMENGESAU, Jr.

Vice Pres. Antonio BELLS
Min. of Community & Cultural Affairs Baklai TEMENGIL
Min. of Education Elbuchel SADANG
Min. of Finance
Min. of Health Gregorio NGIRMANG
Min. of Justice Antonio BELLS
Min. of Natural Resources, Environment, & Tourism Flemming Umiich SENGEBAU
Min. of Public Infrastructure, Industries, & Commerce Charles OBICHANG
Min. of State Billy KUARTEI
Chief of Staff to the Pres. Elbuchel SADANG
Attorney Gen. Victoria ROE
Ambassador to the US Hersey KYOTA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Caleb Tyndale Okauchi OTTO
Last Updated: 11 Dec 2014

Pres. Juan Carlos VARELA

Vice Pres. Isabel de SAINT MALO de Alvarado
Min. of Agricultural & Livestock Development Jorge ARANGO Arias
Min. of Canal Affairs Roberto ROY
Min. of Commerce & Industries Meliton ARROCHA Ruiz
Min. of Economy & Finance Dulcidio DE LA GUARDIA
Min. of Education Marcele PAREDES
Min. of Foreign Relations Isabel de SAINT MALO de Alvarado
Min. of Health Francisco Javier TERRIENTES
Min. of Housing Mario ETCHELECU Alvarez
Min. of Govt. Milton COHEN-HENRIQUEZ
Min. of the Presidency Alvaro ALEMAN Healy
Min. of Public Security Rodolfo AGUILERA Franceschi
Min. of Public Works Ramon AROSEMENA
Min. of Social Development Alcibiades VASQUEZ
Min. of Work & Labor Development Luis Ernesto CARLES Rudy
Attorney Gen. Ana BELFON Vejas
Manager, National Bank of Panama Dario BERBEY
Ambassador to the US Emanuel Arturo GONZALEZ-REVILLA Lince
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Laura Elena FLORES Herrera
Papua New Guinea
Last Updated: 8 Sep 2014

Governor Gen. Michael OGIO

Prime Min. Peter Paire O'NEILL
Dep. Prime Min. Leo DION
Min. for Agriculture & Livestock Tommy TOMSCOLL
Min. for Bougainville Affairs Steven Kama PIRIKA
Min. for Commerce, Trade, & Energy Richard MARU
Min. for Communication & Information Technology Jimmy MIRINGTORO
Min. for Community Development, Religion, & Family Affairs Loujaya TONI
Min. for Civil Aviation Davis STEPHEN
Min. for Correctional Services Jim SIMATAB
Min. for Defense Fabian POK, Dr.
Min. for Education Nick KUMAN
Min. for Environment & Conservation John PUNDARI
Min. for Finance James MARAPE
Min. for Fisheries & Marine Resources Mao ZEMMING
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Immigration Rimbink PATO
Min. for Forestry & Climate Change Douglas TOMURIESA
Min. for Health & HIV AIDS Michael MALABAG
Min. for Higher Education, Research, Science, & Technology Delilah GORE
Min. for Housing & Urban Development Paul ISIKIEL
Min. for Justice Kerenga KUA
Min. for Labor & Industrial Relations Benjamin POPOWA
Min. for Lands & Physical Planning Benny ALLAN
Min. for Mining Byron CHAN
Min. for National Planning Charles ABEL
Min. for Petroleum & Energy Nixon DUBAN
Min. for Police Robert ATIYAFA
Min. for Public Enterprises & State Investment Ben MICAH
Min. for Public Service Puka TEMU, Sir Dr.
Min. for Sports & the Pacific Games Justin TKATCHENKO
Min. for Tourism, Art, & Culture Boka KONDRA
Min. for Transport Ano PALA
Min. for Treasury Patrick PRUAITCH
Min. for Works & Implementation Francis AWESA
Attorney Gen. Ano PALA
Governor, Central Bank Loi BAKANI
Ambassador to the US Rupa Abraham MALINA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Robert Guba AISI
Last Updated: 3 Feb 2015

Pres. Horacio CARTES Jara

Vice Pres. Juan AFARA Maciel
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Jorge Raul GATTINI
Min. of Education & Culture Marta Justina LAFUENTE
Min. of Finance Santiago PENA
Min. of Foreign Relations Eladio LOIZAGA Caballero
Min. of Industry & Commerce Gustavo Alfredo LEITE Gusinky
Min. of Interior Francisco Jose DE VARGAS Benitez
Min. of Justice & Labor Sheila Raquel ABED de Zavala
Min. of National Defense Bernardino SOTO Estigarribia
Min. of Public Health & Social Welfare Antonio Carlos BARRIOS Fernandez
Min. of Public Works & Communications Ramon JIMENEZ Gaona
Min. of Women's Affairs Ana Maria BAIARDI Quensnel
Pres., Central Bank Carlos Gustavo FERNANDEZ Valdovinos
Ambassador to the US Fernando PFANNL CABALLERO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Federico Alberto GONZALEZ FRANCO
Last Updated: 20 Feb 2015

Pres. Ollanta Moises HUMALA Tasso

First Vice Pres. Marisol ESPINOZA Cruz
Second Vice Pres.
Prime Min. Ana JARA
Min. of Agriculture Juan Manuel BENITES
Min. of Culture Diana ALVAREZ Calderon Gallo
Min. of Defense Pedro CATERIANO Bellido
Min. of Development & Social Inclusion Paolo BUSTAMANTE
Min. of Economy & Finance Alonso SEGURA Vasi
Min. of Education Patricia SALAS O'Brien
Min. of Energy & Mines Rosa Maria ORTIZ Rios
Min. of Environment Manuel Gerardo Pedro PULGAR-VIDAL
Min. of Foreign Relations Gonzalo GUTIERREZ
Min. of Foreign Trade & Tourism Blanca Magali SILVA Velarde-Alvarez
Min. of Health Anibal VELASQUEZ
Min. of Housing & Construction Milton VON HESSE La Serna
Min. of Interior Jose Luis PEREZ Guadalupe
Min. of Justice Fredy OTAROLA
Min. of Labor Daniel Ysau MAURATE Romero
Min. of Production Piero GHEZZI
Min. of Transportation & Communications Jose GALLARDO Ku
Min. of Women & Vulnerable Populations Marcela Huaita
Pres., Central Reserve Bank Julio VELARDE
Ambassador to the US Harold Winston FORSYTH Mejia
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Gustavo Adolf MEZA-CUADRA Velasquez
Last Updated: 2 Jun 2014

Pres. Benigno AQUINO III

Vice Pres. Jejomar Cabaiatam BINAY
Executive Sec. Paquito OCHOA, Jr.
Chief of Staff Julia ABAD
Sec. to the Cabinet Jose Rene D. ALMENDRAS
Sec. of Agrarian Reform Virgilio DE LOS REYES
Sec. of Agriculture Proceso ALCALA
Sec. of the Budget & Management Florencio ABAD
Sec. of Education, Culture, & Sports Armin LUISTRO, Rev.
Sec. of Energy Carlos Jericho PETILLA
Sec. of Environment & Natural Resources Ramon PAJE
Sec. of Finance Cesar PURISIMA
Sec. of Foreign Affairs Albert DEL ROSARIO
Sec. of Health Enrique ONA, Dr.
Sec. of Interior & Local Govt. Manuel ROXAS II
Sec. of Justice Leila DE LIMA
Sec. of Labor & Employment Rosalinda BALDOZ
Sec. of National Defense Voltaire GAZMIN
Sec. of Public Works & Highways Rogelio L. SINGSON
Sec. of Science & Technology Mario MONTEJO
Sec. of Social Welfare & Development Corazon SOLIMAN
Sec. of Socioeconomic Planning Cayetano PADERANGA
Sec. of Tourism Ramon R. JIMENEZ, Jr.
Sec. of Trade & Industry Gregory DOMINGO
Sec. of Transportation & Communications Joseph Emilio A. ABAYA
National Security Adviser Cesar P. GARCIA, Jr.
Governor, Central Bank of the Philippines Amando TETANGCO, Jr.
Ambassador to the US Jose CUISIA, Jr.
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Libran N. CABACTULAN
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2014

Pres. Bronislaw KOMOROWSKI

Prime Min. Ewa KOPACZ
Dep. Prime Min. Janusz PIECHOCINSKI
Dep. Prime Min. Tomasz SIEMONIAK
Min. of Admin. & Digitization Andrzej HALICKI
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Marek SAWICKI
Min. of Culture & National Heritage Malgorzata OMILANOWSKA
Min. of Economy Janusz PIECHOCINSKI
Min. of Environment Maciej GRABOWSKI
Min. of Finance Mateusz SZCZUREK
Min. of Foreign Affairs Grzegorz SCHETYNA
Min. of Health Bartosz ARLUKOWICZ
Min. of Infrastructure & Development Maria WASIAK
Min. of Interior Teresa PIOTROWSKA
Min. of Justice Cezary GRABARCZYK
Min. of Labor & Social Policy Wladyslaw KOSINIAK-KAMYSZ
Min. of National Defense Tomasz SIEMONIAK
Min. of National Education Joanna KLUZIK-ROSTKOWSKA
Min. of Science & Higher Education Lena KOLARSKA-BOBINSKA
Min. of Sport & Tourism Andrzej BIERNAT
Min. of Treasury Wlodzimierz KARPINSKI
Chief, Office of the Prime Min. Jacek CICHOCKI
Pres., National Bank of Poland Marek BELKA
Ambassador to the US Ryszard SCHNEPF
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Boguslaw WINID
Last Updated: 19 Nov 2014

Pres. Anibal Antonio CAVACO SILVA

Prime Min. Pedro Manuel PASSOS COELHO Mamede
Dep. Prime Min. Paulo Sacadura Cabral PORTAS
Min. of State Maria Luis ALBUQUERQUE
Min. of State Rui Manuel Parente Chancerelle de MACHETE
Min. Asst. Miguel POIARES MADURO
Min. for Agriculture & Sea Maria de Assuncao Oliveira CRISTAS Machado da Graca
Min. for Economy Antonio PIRES DE LIMA
Min. for Education & Science Nuno CRATO
Min. for Employment, Solidarity, & Social Security Pedro MOTA SOARES
Min. for Environment, Territorial Planning, & Energy Jorge MOREIRA DA SILVA
Min. for Finance Maria Luis ALBUQUERQUE
Min. for Foreign Affairs Rui Manuel Parente Chancerelle de MACHETE
Min. for Health Paulo MACEDO
Min. for Internal Admin. Anabela Miranda RODRIGUES
Min. for Justice Paula TEIXEIRA DA CRUZ
Min. for National Defense Jose Pedro AGUIAR-BRANCO
Min. for Parliamentary Affairs Luis MARQUES GUEDES
Min. for Regional Development Miguel POIARES MADURO
Governor, Bank of Portugal Carlos COSTA
Ambassador to the US Nuno Filipe Alves Salvador e BRITO
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Alvaro Jose Costa de MENDONCA E MOURA
Last Updated: 18 Feb 2015

Amir TAMIM bin Hamad Al Thani

Deputy Amir ABDALLAH bin Hamad Al Thani
Prime Min. ABDALLAH bin Nasir bin Khalifa Al Thani
Dep. Prime Min. Ahmad bin Abdallah al-MAHMUD
Min. of Admin. Development Isa Saad al-Jafali al-NUAMI
Min. of Communication & Information Technology Hussa Sultan al-JABIR
Min. of Culture & Heritage Hamad bin Abd al-Aziz al-KAWARI
Min. of Defense TAMIM bin Hamad Al Thani
Min. of Development Planning & Statistics Salih Muhammad Salim al-NABIT
Min. of Economy & Trade AHMAD bin Jasim bin Muhammad Al Thani
Min. of Education & Higher Education Muhammad Abd al-Wahid Ali al-HAMADI
Min. of Endowments & Islamic Affairs Ghayth bin Mubarak al-KUWARI
Min. of Energy & Industry Muhammad Salih al-SADA
Min. of Environment Ahmad Amir Muhammad al-HUMAIDI
Min. of Finance ALI Sharif al-Imadi
Min. of Foreign Affairs KHALID bin Muhammad al-Atiyah
Min. of Interior ABDALLAH bin Nasir bin Khalifa Al Thani
Min. of Justice Hasan Lahdan Saqr al-MUHANNADI
Min. of Labor & Social Affairs Abdallah Salih Mubarak al-KHULAIFI
Min. of Municipal & Urban Planning ABD AL-RAHMAN bin Khalifa bin Abd al-Aziz Al Thani
Min. of Public Health Abdallah bin Khalid al-QAHTANI
Min. of Transportation Jasim Saif Ahmad al-SULAITI
Min. of Youth & Sports Salih bin Ghanim bin Nasir al-ALI
Min. of State for Cabinet Affairs Ahmad bin Abdallah al-MAHMUD
Min. of State for Defense Affairs HAMAD bin Ali al-Atiyah
Governor, Qatar Central Bank ABDALLAH bin Saud Al Thani
Ambassador to the US Muhammad bin Jaham Abd al-Aziz al-KUWARI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sheikha Alya Ahmed Saif AL THANI
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2015

Pres. Klaus IOHANNIS

Prime Min. Victor PONTA
Dep. Prime Min. Liviu Nicolae DRAGNEA
Dep. Prime Min. Gabriel OPREA
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Daniel CONSTANTIN
Min. of Culture (Acting) Victor PONTA
Min. of Economy Constantin NITA
Min. of the Environment & Climate Change Attila KORODI
Min. of EU Funds Eugen Orlando TEODOROVICI
Min. of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Lucian AURESCU
Min. of Health Nicolae BANICIOIU
Min. for Information Society Alexandru-Razvan COTOVELEA
Min. of the Interior Gabriel OPREA
Min. of Justice Robert CAZANCIUC
Min. of Labor, Family, Social Protection, & Elderly Rovana PLUMB
Min. of National Defense Mircea DUSA
Min. of National Education Remus PRICOPIE
Min. of Public Finance Ioana-Maria PETRESCU
Min. of Regional Development & Public Admin. Liviu Nicolae DRAGNEA
Min. of Transport Ioan RUS
Min. for Water, Forests, & Fisheries Doina Adriana PANA
Min. of Youth & Sports Gabriela SZABO
Min.-Del. for Budget Darius-Bogdan VALCOV
Min.-Del. for Energy Razvan-Eugen NICOLESCU
Min.-Del. for Higher Education, Scientific Research, & Technological
Development Mihnea Cosmin COSTOIU
Min.-Del. for Liaison With Parliament Eugen NICOLICEA
Min.-Del. for Romanian Diaspora Bogdan-Dragos-Aureliu-Marian STANOEVICI
Min.-Del. for Small & Medium Enterprises & Tourism Florin-Nicolae JIANU
Min.-Del. for Social Dialogue Aurelia CRISTEA
Governor, National Bank of Romania Mugur ISARESCU
Ambassador to the US Iulian BUGA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Simona-Mirela MICULESCU
Last Updated: 5 Nov 2014

Pres. Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN

Premier Dmitriy Anatolyevich MEDVEDEV
First Dep. Premier Igor Ivanovich SHUVALOV
Dep. Premier Arkadiy Vladimirovich DVORKOVICH
Dep. Premier Olga Yuryevna GOLODETS
Dep. Premier Aleksandr Gennadiyevich KHLOPONIN
Dep. Premier Dmitriy Nikolayevich KOZAK
Dep. Premier Sergey Eduardovich PRIKHODKO
Dep. Premier Dmitriy Olegovich ROGOZIN
Dep. Premier Yuriy Petrovich TRUTNEV
Min. of Agriculture Nikolay Vasilyevich FEDOROV
Min. of Civil Defense, Emergencies, & Natural Disasters Vladimir Andreyevich PUCHKOV
Min. of Communications & Mass Media Nikolay Anatolyevich NIKIFOROV
Min. of Construction, Housing, & Public Utilities Mikhail Aleksandrovich MEN
Min. of Crimean Affairs Oleg Genrikhovich SAVELYEV
Min. of Culture Vladimir Rostislavovich MEDINSKIY
Min. of Defense Sergey Kuzhugetovich SHOYGU
Min. of Economic Development Aleksey Valentinovich ULYUKAYEV
Min. of Education & Science Dmitriy Viktorovich LIVANOV
Min. of Energy Aleksandr Valentinovich NOVAK
Min. of Far East Development Aleksandr Sergeyevich GALUSHKA
Min. of Finance Anton Germanovich SILUANOV
Min. of Foreign Affairs Sergey Viktorovich LAVROV
Min. of Health Veronika Igoryevna SKVORTSOVA
Min. of Industry & Trade Denis Valentinovich MANTUROV
Min. of Internal Affairs Vladimir Aleksandrovich KOLOKOLTSEV
Min. of Justice Aleksandr Vladimirovich KONOVALOV
Min. of Labor & Social Protection Maksim Anatolyevich TOPILIN
Min. of Natural Resources & Ecology Sergey Yefimovich DONSKOY
Min. of North Caucasus Affairs Lev Vladimirovich KUZNETSOV
Min. of Sport Vitaliy Leontyevich MUTKO
Min. of Transportation Maksim Yuryevich SOKOLOV
Min. for Liaison With Open Govt. Mikhail Anatolyevich ABYZOV
Dir., Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Mikhail Yefimovich FRADKOV
Dir., Federal Security Service (FSB) Aleksandr Vasilyevich BORTNIKOV
Sec., Security Council Nikolay Platonovich PATRUSHEV
Procurator Gen. Yuriy Yakovlevich CHAYKA
Chmn., Central Bank of Russia Elvira Sakhipzadovna NABIULLINA
Ambassador to the US Sergey Ivanovich KISLYAK
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Vitaliy Ivanovich CHURKIN
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2015

Pres. Paul KAGAME

Prime Min. Anastase MUREKEZI
Min. of Agriculture & Animal Resources Geraldine MUKESHIMAN
Min. of Cabinet Affairs Stella Ford MUGABO
Min. of Defense & National Security James KABAREBE, Gen.
Min. of Disaster Management & Refugee Affairs Serafine MUKANTABANA
Min. of East African Community Valentin RUGWABIZA
Min. of Education Silas LWAKAMBAMBA
Min. of Family & Gender Oda GASINZIGWA
Min. of Finance & Economic Planning Claver GATETE
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Regional Cooperation Louise MUSHIKIWABO
Min. of Health Agnes BINAGWAHO, Dr.
Min. of Infrastructure James MUSONI
Min. of Internal Security Mussa Fazil HARERIMANA
Min. of Justice Johnston BUSINGYE
Min. of Local Govt. Francis KABONEKA
Min. of Natural Resources Vincent BIRUTA
Min. of Public Service & Labor Judith UWIZEYE
Min. of Sports & Culture Julienne UWACU
Min. of Trade & Industry Francois KANIMBA
Min. of Youth & Information & Communications Technology Jean Philbert NSENGIMANA
Min. in the Office of the Pres. Venatina TUGIREYEZU
Min. of State for Agriculture Tony NSANGANIRA
Min. of State for Economic Planning Uzziel NDAGIJIMANA
Min. of State for Energy & Water Germaine KAMAYIRESE
Min. of State for Foreign Affairs Eugene Richard GASANA
Min. of State for Mining Evode IMENA
Min. of State for Primary & Secondary Education Oliver RWAMUKWAYA
Min. of State for Public Health & Primary Health Care Patrick NDIMUBANZI
Min. of State for Social Affairs Alvera MUKABARAMBA
Min. of State for Technical & Vocational Education & Training Albert NSENGIYUMVA
Min. of State for Transportation Alexis NZAHABWANIMANA
Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Development Board Francis GATARE
Attorney Gen. Johnston BUSINGYE
Governor, National Bank of Rwanda John RWANGOMBWA
Ambassador to the US Mathilde MUKANTABANA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Eugene Richard GASANA
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2015

Governor Gen. Cuthbert Montraville SEBASTIAN

Prime Min. Timothy HARRIS
Dep. Prime Min. Shawn RICHARDS
Senior Min. Vance ARMORY
Min. of Agriculture, Health, Health Insurance, Social Services, Human
Settlements, Community Development, Land & Cooperatives, & Gender
Affairs Eugene HAMILTON
Min. of Education, Youth, & Sports Shawn RICHARDS
Min. of Finance, Sustainable Development, National Security, People
Empowerment, & Constituency Empowerment Timothy HARRIS
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Aviation Mark Anthony Graham BRANTLEY
Min. of Nevis Affairs, Labor, Social Security, & Ecclesiastical Affairs Vance ARMORY
Min. of Public Infrastructure, Posts, Urban Development, & Transport Ian LIBURD
Min. of Tourism, Intl. Trade, Industry, & Commerce Lindsay GRANT
Min. of State With Responsibility for Health, Community Development,
Gender Affairs, & Social Services Wendy PHIPPS
Attorney Gen. Vincent BYRON, Jr.
Ambassador to the US Jacinth HENRY-MARTIN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Delano Frank BART
Saint Lucia
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2015

Governor Gen. Pearlette LOUISY, Dame

Prime Min. Kenny ANTHONY
Min. for Agriculture, Food Production, Fisheries, & Rural Development Moses JEAN BAPTISTE
Min. for Commerce, Business Development, & Consumer Affairs Emma HIPPOLYTE
Min. for Education, Human Resource Development, & Labor Robert LEWIS
Min. for Finance & Economic Affairs Kenny ANTHONY
Min. for Foreign Affairs, Intl. Trade, & Civil Aviation Alva BAPTISTE
Min. for Health, Wellness, Human Services, & Gender Relations Alvina REYNOLDS
Min. for Infrastructure, Ports, & Transport Philip PIERRE
Min. for Legal Affairs, Home Affairs, & National Security Victor Phillip LA CORBINIERE
Min. for Physical Development, Housing, & Urban Development Stanley FELIX
Min. for Public Service, Sustainable Development, Energy, Science, &
Technology James FLETCHER
Min. for Social Transformation, Local Govt., & Community Empowerment Harold DALSON
Min. for Tourism, Heritage, & the Creative Industries Lorne THEOPHILUS
Min. for Youth Development & Sports Shawn EDWARD
Attorney Gen.
Ambassador to the US Michael LOUIS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Menissa RAMBALLY
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015

Governor Gen. Frederick Nathaniel BALLANTYNE, Sir

Prime Min. Ralph Everard GONSALVES
Dep. Prime Min. Girlyn MIGUEL
Min. of Agriculture, Industry, Forestry, Fisheries, & Rural Transformation Saboto CAESAR
Min. of Education Girlyn MIGUEL
Min. of Finance Ralph Everard GONSALVES
Min. of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, & Consumer Affairs Camillo GONSALVES
Min. of Grenadines Affairs Ralph Everard GONSALVES
Min. of Health, Wellness, & the Environment Clayton BURGIN
Min. of Housing, Informal Human Settlements, Lands & Surveys, &
Physical Planning Montgomery DANIEL
Min. of Legal Affairs Ralph Everard GONSALVES
Min. of National Mobilization, Social Development, the Family, Persons
With Disabilities, & Youth Frederick STEPHENSON
Min. of National Reconciliation, the Public Service, Labor, Information, &
Ecclesiastical Affairs Maxwell CHARLES
Min. of National Security Ralph Everard GONSALVES
Min. of Tourism, Sports, & Culture Cecil MCKIE
Min. of Transport, Works, Urban Development, & Local Govt. Julian FRANCIS
Attorney Gen. Judith JONES-MORGAN
Ambassador to the US La Celia Aritha PRINCE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Inga Rhonda KING
Last Updated: 26 Sep 2011

Chief of State Tui Atua Tupua Tupuola Efi TAMASESE

Prime Min. Fatiaalofa Aiono Lupesolia'i Sailele Malielegaoi TUILAEPA
Dep. Prime Min. Fonotoe Pierre Lauofo MEREDITH
Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries Ropati LEMAMEA
Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Labor Fonotoe Pierre Lauofo MEREDITH
Min. of Communication & Information Technology Sofara Aveau TUISUGALETAUA
Min. of Education, Sports, & Culture Magele Mauiliu MAGELE
Min. of Finance Liuga Tiatia FAUMUINA
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Trade Fatiaalofa Aiono Lupesolia'i Sailele Malielegaoi TUILAEPA
Min. of Health Tuitama Talalelei Leao TUITAMA, Dr.
Min. of Justice & Courts Admin. Naomi Mata'afa FIAME
Min. of Natural Resources & Environment Faale Tumaali'i FAAMOETAULOA
Min. of Police, Prisons, & Fire Services Fata Pinati SALA
Min. of Revenue Pule Lameko TUILOMA
Min. of Women, Community, & Social Development Falemoe Lei'ataua TOLOFUAIVALELEI
Min. of Works, Transport, & Infrastructure Enokati Posala MANU'ALESAGALALA
Attorney Gen. Aumua Ming Leung WAI
Governor, Central Bank Atalina ENARI
Ambassador to the US Ali'ioaiga Feturi ELISAIA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Ali'ioaiga Feturi ELISAIA
San Marino
Last Updated: 1 Apr 2013

Captain Regent (Co-Head of State) Denis AMICI

Captain Regent (Co-Head of State) Antonella MULARONI
Sec. of State for Foreign & Political Affairs & for Telecommunications &
Transportation Pasquale VALENTINI
Sec. of Budget & Finance Claudio FELICI
Sec. of Health, Social Security, & Social Affairs Claudio PODESCHI
Sec. of Industry & Trade Marco ARZILLI
Sec. of Interior & Civil Protection Valeria CIAVATTA
Sec. of Justice, Information, & Research Augusto CASALI
Sec. of Labor Francesco MUSSONI
Sec. of Public Education, Culture, & Youth Policies Romeo MORRI
Sec. of Territory, Environment, & Agriculture Gian Carlo VENTURINI
Sec. of Tourism, Sports, & Economic Planning Fabio BERARDI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Daniele BODINI
Sao Tome and Principe
Last Updated: 19 Dec 2014

Pres. Manuel Pinto DA COSTA

Prime Min. Patrice Emery TROVOADA
Min. of Agriculture, Rural Development, & Fisheries Antonio Alvaro DA GRACA DIAS
Min. of Commerce, Tourism, & Industry Demostenes Vasconelos Pires DOS SANTOS
Min. of Defense & Public Security Oscar Aguiar Sacramento e SOUSA, Lt. Col.
Min. of Education, Culture, & Training Jorge Lopes Bom JESUS
Min. of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, & Communities Natalie Pedro da Costa UMBELINA NETO
Min. of Health & Social Affairs Leonel Pinto D'ASSUNCAO PONTES, Dr.
Min. of Internal Affairs & Civilian Protection Raul Antonio DA COSTA CRAVID
Min. of Justice, Public Admin., & Parliamentary Affairs Edite Ramos DA COSTA TEN JUA
Min. of Labor, Solidarity, Women, & Family Affairs Maria Tome De ARAUJO
Min. of National Defense & Internal Order Oscar Aguiar SACRAMENTO E SOUSA, Lt. Col.
Min. of Planning & Finance Helio Silva VAZ D'ALMEIDA
Min. of Public Works, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, & Environment Osvaldo Cravid Viegas D'ABREU
Min. of Trade, Industry, & Tourism Demonstenes Vasconcelos Pires dos SANTOS
Min. of Urban Development, Transportation, & Communications Benjamin Vera CRUZ
Min. of State for Press, Youth, & Sports Albertino Francisco BOA MORTE
Governor, Bank of Sao Tome & Principe
Ambassador to the US Carlos Filomeno Azevedo Agostinho das NEVES
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Carlos Filomeno Azevedo Agostinho das NEVES
Saudi Arabia
Last Updated: 23 Feb 2015

King SALMAN bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

Prime Min. SALMAN bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Dep. Prime Min. MUQRIN bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Second Dep. Prime Min. MUHAMMAD BIN NAYIF bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Min. of Agriculture Abd al-Rahman bin Abd al-Muhsin al-FADHLI
Min. of Civil Service Khalid bin Abdallah al-ARAJ
Min. of Commerce & Industry Tawfiq bin Fawzan al-RABIAH
Min. of Communications & Information Technology Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-SUWAYL
Min. of Culture & Information Adil bin Zayid al-TURAYFI
Min. of Defense MUHAMMAD BIN SALMAN bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Min. of Economy & Planning Muhammad bin Sulayman al-JASIR
Min. of Education Azzam bin Muhammad al-DAKHIL
Min. of Finance Ibrahim Abd al-Aziz al-ASSAF
Min. of Foreign Affairs SAUD al-Faysal bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Min. of Health Ahmad bin Aqil al-KHATIB
Min. of Housing Shawaysh bin Saud al-DHUWAYHI
Min. of Interior MUHAMMAD BIN NAYIF bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Min. for Islamic Affairs, Endowment, Call, & Guidance Salih bin Abd al-Aziz bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim AL AL-
Min. of Justice Walid al-SAMANI
Min. of Labor Adil bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Qadir FAQIYAH
Min. of Municipal & Rural Affairs Abd al-Latif bin Abd al-Malik bin Omar AL AL-SHAYKH
Min. of the National Guard MITIB bin Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Min. of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Ali Ibrahim al-NAIMI
Min. of Pilgrimage Affairs & Religious Trusts Bandar bin Muhammad HAJJAR
Min. of Social Affairs Majid bin Abdallah al-QASABI
Min. of Transport Abdallah bin Abd al-Rahman al-MUQBIL
Min. of Water & Electricity Abdallah bin Abd al-Rahman al-HUSAYN
Min. of State Musaid bin Muhammad al-AYBAN
Min. of State Muhammad bin Abd al-Malik AL AL-SHAYKH
Min. of State Mutalib bin Abdallah al-NAFISA
Min. of State Assam bin Saad bin SAID
Chmn., Supreme Ulama Council Abd al-Aziz bin Abdallah AL AL-SHAYKH
Governor, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Fahd bin Abdallah al-MUBARAK
Ambassador to the US Adil al-Ahmad al-JUBAYR
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Abdallah bin Yahya al-MUALLAMI
Last Updated: 12 Dec 2014

Pres. Macky SALL

Prime Min. Mohammed Abdallah Boun DIONNE
Sec. Gen. of the Govt. Seydou GUEYE
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Infrastructure Papa Abdoulaye SECK
Min. of the Armed Forces Augustin TINE
Min. of Commerce, Entrepreneurship & the Informal Sector Alioune SARR
Min. of Communication & the Digital Economy Cheikh Abiboulaye DIEYE
Min. of Culture & Heritage Abdoul Aziz MBAYE
Min. of Economy & Finance Amadou BA
Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development Mor NGOM
Min. of Fisheries & Maritime Affairs Haidar EL ALI
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Senegalese Abroad Mankeur NDIAYE
Min. of Health & Social Affairs Awa Marie COLL-SECK
Min. of Higher Education & Research Mary Teuw NIANE
Min. of Housing & Urban Development Khoudia MBAYE
Min. of Industry & Mines Aly Ngouille NDIAYE
Min. of Infrastructure, Land Transport, & Inclusion Thierno ALASSANE
Min. of the Interior Abdoulaye Daouda DIALLO
Min. of Investment Promotion & Partnerships Diene Farba SARR
Min. of Justice & Keeper of the Seals Sidiki KABA
Min. of Livestock & Livestock Products Aminata Mbengue NDIAYE
Min. of National Education Serigne Mbaye THIAM
Min. of Planning Abdoulaye BALDE
Min. of Planning & Local Govt. Omar YOUM
Min. for the Promotion of Good Governance, Responsible for Relations
With Institutions; Govt. Spokesperson Abdou Latif COULIBALY
Min. of Public Service, Social Dialogue, & Professional Organizations Mansour SY
Min. of Restructuring & Development of Flood Zones Khadim DIOP
Min. of Sports Mbagnick NDIAYE
Min. of Tourism & Air Transport Oumar GUEYE
Min. of Urban Development & Housing Khoudia MBAYE
Min. of Vocational Training, Learning, & Crafts Talla MAMADOU
Min. of Water & Sanitation Pape DIOUF
Min. of Women, Family, & Children Anta SARR
Min. of Youth, Employment, & Promotion of Civic Values Benoit SAMBOU
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Economy & Finance, in Charge of Budget Mouhamadou Mactar CISSE
Ambassador to the US Babacar DIAGNE
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Fode SECK
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2015

Pres. Tomislav NIKOLIC

Prime Min. Aleksandar VUCIC
First Dep. Prime Min. Ivica DACIC
Dep. Prime Min. Rasim LJAJIC
Dep. Prime Min. Zorana MIHAJLOVIC
Dep. Prime Min. Kori UDOVICKI
Min. of Agriculture & Environmental Protection Snezana BOGOSAVLJEVIC-BOSKOVIC
Min. of Construction, Transportation, & Infrastructure Zorana MIHAJLOVIC
Min. of Culture & Information Ivan TASOVAC
Min. of Defense Bratislav GASIC
Min. of Economy Dusan VUJOVIC
Min. of Education, Science, & Technological Development Srdjan VERBIC
Min. of Energy & Mining Aleksandar ANTIC
Min. of Finance Lazar KRSTIC
Min. of Foreign Affairs Ivica DACIC
Min. of Health Zlatibor LONCAR
Min. of Internal Affairs Nebojsa STEFANOVIC
Min. of Justice Nikola SELAKOVIC
Min. of Labor, Employment, Veteran, & Social Issues Aleksandar VULIN
Min. of Public Admin. & Local Self-Govt. Kori UDOVICKI
Min. of Trade, Telecommunications, & Tourism Rasim LJAJIC
Min. of Youth & Sports Vanja UDOVICIC
Min. Without Portfolio Velimir ILIC
Min. Without Portfolio Jadranka JOKSIMOVIC
Governor, National Bank of Serbia Jorgovanka TABAKOVIC
Ambassador to the US Vladimir PETROVIC
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Milan MILANOVIC
Last Updated: 2 Feb 2015

Pres. James Alix MICHEL

Vice Pres. Danny FAURE
Min. for Defense, Legal Affairs, & Hydrocarbons James Alix MICHEL
Min. for Education Macsuzy MONDON
Min. for Environment, Energy, & Climate Change Didier DOGLEY
Min. for Finance, Trade, & the Blue Economy Jean-Paul ADAM
Min. for Fisheries & Agriculture Wallace COSGROW
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Transport Joel MORGAN
Min. for Health Mitcy LARUE
Min. for Home Affairs Charles BASTIENNE
Min. for Information & Communication Technology, Youth, Civil Society,
& Public Admin. Danny FAURE
Min. for Investment, Entrepreneurship Development, & Business
Innovation Michael BENSTRONG
Min. for Labor & Human Resource Development Idith ALEXANDER
Min. for Land Use & Housing Christian LIONNET
Min. for Social Affairs, Community Development, & Sports Vincent MERITON
Min. for Tourism & Culture Alain ST. ANGE
Governor, Central Bank Caroline ABEL
Ambassador to the US Marie-Louise POTTER
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Marie-Louise POTTER
Sierra Leone
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2014

Pres. Ernest Bai KOROMA

Vice Pres. Samuel SAM-SUMANA
Min. of Agriculture, Food Security, & Forestry Sam SESAY
Min. of Defense & National Security Alfred Palo CONTEH
Min. of Development & Economic Planning Mohammed B. DARAMY
Min. of Education, Science, & Technology Minkailu BAH
Min. of Energy Oluniyi ROBBIN-COKER
Min. of Finance & Economic Development Kaifala MARAH
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Samura Matthew Wilson KAMARA
Min. of Health & Sanitation Miatta KARGBO
Min. of Information & Communication Alpha KANU
Min. of Internal Affairs Joseph Bandabla DAUDA
Min. of Justice & Attorney Gen. Frank KARGBO
Min. of Labor & Social Security Matthew TEAMBO
Min. of Lands, Country Planning, & Environment Musa TARAWALLY
Min. of Local Govt. & Rural Development Diana KONOMANYI
Min. of Marine Resources & Fisheries Allieu Pat SOWE
Min. of Mines & Mineral Resources Minkailu MASARAY
Min. of Political & Public Affairs Ibrahim Kemoh SESAY
Min. of Social Welfare, Gender, & Children's Affairs Moijue KAIKAI
Min. of Sports Paul KAMARA
Min. of Tourism & Cultural Affairs Peter Bayuku KONTE
Min. of Trade & Industry Usman Boie-KAMARA
Min. of Transport & Aviation Balogun KOROMA
Min. of Water Resources Momodu MALIGI
Min. of Works, Housing, & Infrastructure Alimany P. KOROMA
Min. of Youth Affairs Alimamy KAMARA
Resident Min., East William Juana SMITH
Resident Min., North Ali KAMARA
Resident Min., South Muctarr CONTEH
Governor, Central Bank Shehu Sambadeen SESAY
Ambassador to the US Bockari Kortu STEVENS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Vandi Chidi MINAH
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2015

Pres. Tony TAN Keng Yam

Prime Min. LEE Hsien Loong
Dep. Prime Min. Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM
Dep. Prime Min. TEO Chee Hean, RAdm. (Ret.)
Coordinating Min. for National Security, Prime Minister's Office TEO Chee Hean, RAdm. (Ret.)
Min. for Communication & Information YAACOB Ibrahim
Min. for Culture, Community, & Youth Lawrence WONG Shyun Tsai
Min. for Defense NG Eng Hen, Dr.
Min. for Education HENG Swee Keat
Min. for the Environment & Water Resources Vivian BALAKRISHNAN
Min. for Finance Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM
Min. for Foreign Affairs K. SHANMUGAM
Min. for Health GAN Kim Yong
Min. for Home Affairs TEO Chee Hean, RAdm. (Ret.)
Min. for Law K. SHANMUGAM
Min. for Manpower TAN Chuan-Jin
Min. in Charge of Muslim Affairs YAACOB Ibrahim
Min. for National Development KHAW Boon Wan
Min. for Social & Family Development CHAN Chung Sing
Min. for Trade & Industry LIM Hng Kiang
Min. for Transport LUI Tuck Yew
Min., Prime Minister's Office Grace FU Hai Yen
Min., Prime Minister's Office LIM Swee Say
Min., Prime Minister's Office S. ISWARAN
Chmn., Monetary Authority of Singapore Tharman SHANMUGARATNAM
Ambassador to the US Ashok Kumar MIRPURI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Karen TAN
Last Updated: 24 Jul 2014

Pres. Andrej KISKA

Prime Min. Robert FICO
Dep. Prime Min. Robert KALINAK
Dep. Prime Min. Peter KAZIMIR
Dep. Prime Min. Miroslav LAJCAK
Dep. Prime Min. Lubomir VAZNY
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Lubomir JAHNATEK
Min. of Culture Marek MADARIC
Min. of Defense Martin GLVAC
Min. of Economy Pavol PAVLIS
Min. of Education, Science, Research, & Sport Peter PELLEGRINI
Min. of Environment Peter ZIGA
Min. of Finance Peter KAZIMIR
Min. of Foreign & European Affairs Miroslav LAJCAK
Min. of Health Zuzana ZVOLENSKA
Min. of Interior Robert KALINAK
Min. of Justice Tomas BOREC
Min. of Labor, Social Affairs, & Family Jan RICHTER
Min. of Transportation, Construction, & Regional Development Jan POCIATEK
Governor, Central Bank of Slovakia Jozef MAKUCH
Ambassador to the US Peter KMEC
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Frantisek RUZICKA
Last Updated: 10 Dec 2014

Pres. Borut PAHOR

Prime Min. Miro CERAR
Dep. Prime Min. Violeta BULC
Dep. Prime Min. Karl ERJAVEC
Dep. Prime Min. Dejan ZIDAN
Min. of Agriculture, Food, & Forestry Dejan ZIDAN
Min. of Culture Julijana BIZJAK MLAKAR
Min. of Defense Janko VEBER
Min. of Economic Development & Technology Zdravko POCIVALSEK
Min. of Education, Science, & Sport Stanka SETNIKAR CANKAR
Min. of Environment & Spatial Planning Irena MAJCEN
Min. of Finance Dusan MRAMOR
Min. of Foreign Affairs Karl ERJAVEC
Min. of Health Milojka KOLAR CELARC
Min. of Infrastructure Peter GASPERSIC
Min. of Interior Vesna GYORKOS ZNIDAR
Min. of Justice Goran KLEMENCIC
Min. of Labor, Family, Social Affairs, & Equal Opportunity Anja Kopac MRAK
Min. for Public Admin. Boris KOPRIVNIKAR
Min. Without Portfolio for Development, Strategic Projects, & Cohesion Alenka SMERKOLJ
Min. Without Portfolio for Slovenians Abroad Gorazd ZMAVC
Governor, National Bank Bostjan JAZBEC
Ambassador to the US Bozo CERAR
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Andrej LOGAR
Solomon Islands
Last Updated: 28 Jan 2015

Governor Gen. Frank Ofagioro KABUI

Prime Min. Manasseh Damukana SOGAVARE
Dep. Prime Min. Douglas ETE
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Augustine AUGA
Min. of Commerce, Industry, Labor, & Immigration William Bradford MARAU
Min. of Communication & Aviation Aston MEWA
Min. of Culture & Tourism Bartholomew PARAPOLO
Min. of Education & Human Resource Development Derek SIKUA
Min. of Energy, Mines, & Rural Electrification Samson MANEKA
Min. of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management,
Conservation, & Meteorology Samuel MANETOALI
Min. of Finance & Development Planning Snyder RINI
Min. of Fisheries & Marine Resources John MANENIARU
Min. of Foreign Affairs & External Trade Milner TOZAKA
Min. of Forestry & Research Bodo DETTKE
Min. of Health & Medical Services Tautai ANGIKIMUA
Min. of Home Affairs Douglas ETE
Min. of Infrastructure Development Stanley Festus SOFU
Min. of Justice & Legal Affairs Ishmael AVUI
Min. of Lands, Housing, & Survey Andrew MANEPORA'A
Min. of National Development Planning & Aid Coordination Danny PHILIP
Min. of National Unity, Reconciliation, & Peace David Dei PACHA
Min. of Police, National Security, & Correctional Services Peter SHANEL Angovaka
Min. of Provincial Govt. & Institutional Strengthening Dudley KOPU
Min. of Public Service John Dean KUKU
Min. of Rural Development Freda A. B. Tuki SORIACOMUA
Min. of Women, Youth, & Family Affairs Jimson FIAU TANAGADA
Treasurer Snyder RINI
Governor, Central Bank Denton RARAWA
Ambassador to the US Collin David BECK
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Collin David BECK
Last Updated: 24 Feb 2015


Prime Min. Omar Abdirashid Ali SHARMARKE
Dep. Prime Min. Ridwan HIRSI Mohamed
Min. of Agriculture Ahmed Hassan GABOBE
Min. of Animals, Plants, & Pasture Salim Aliyow IBROW
Min. of Commerce & Industry Adan Mohamed NUUR
Min. of Communication & Press Mohamed Ibrahim Haji ADAN
Min. of Constitutional Affairs Hussein Mohamed SHEIKH
Min. of Defense Abdulkadir Sheikh ALI, Gen.
Min. of Education Khadar Bashir ALI
Min. of Energy & Water Mohamed Hassan ADAN
Min. of Finance Mohamed Aden IBRAHIM
Min. of Fishing & Maritime Resources Mohamed Omar EYMOY
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Abdusalam OMER
Min. of Gen. Activities & Rebuilding Nadifo Mohamed OSMAN
Min. of Health Hawa Hassan MOHAMED
Min. of Human Resources & Labor Abdiweli Ibrahim Sheikh MUUDEEY
Min. of Information Mohamed Abdi HAYIR
Min. of Interior & Federalism Abdurahman Mohamed HUSSEIN
Min. of Justice Abdullahi Ahmed JAMA
Min. of Livestock Said Hussein IID
Min. of Mineral Resources & Petroleum Mohamed Mukhtar IBRAHIM
Min. of National Security Abdirizak Omar MOHAMED
Min. of Planning & Intl. Cooperation Abdirahman Yousuf Ali AYNTE
Min. of Ports & Maritime Transportation Nur Farah HERSI
Min. of Public Works & Reconstruction Salah Sheikh Osman MUSE
Min. of Religious Affairs Abdulkadir Sheikh Ali IBRAHIM
Min. of Telecommunications & Posts Guled KASIM
Min. of Transport & Aviation Ali Ahmed JAMA
Min. of Women & Family Affairs Sahra Mohamed Ali SAMATAR
Min. of Work & Social Affairs Numan Sheikh ISAMAIL
Min. of Youth & Sports Mohamed Abdullahi HASSAN
Governor, Central Bank Bashir Isse ALI
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Elmi Ahmed DUALE
South Africa
Last Updated: 24 Nov 2014

Pres. Jacob ZUMA

Dep. Pres. Matamela Cyril RAMAPHOSA
Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries Senzeni ZOKWANA
Min. of Arts & Culture Nkosinathi Emmanuel "Nathi" MTHETHWA
Min. of Basic Education Matsie Angelina MOTSHEKGA
Min. of Communications Faith MUTHAMBI
Min. of Cooperative Governance & Traditional Affairs Pravin Jamnadas GORDHAN
Min. of Defense & Military Veterans Nosiviwe Noluthando MAPISA-NQAKULA
Min. of Economic Development Ebrahim PATEL
Min. of Environmental Affairs Bomo Edna MOLEWA
Min. of Finance Nhlanhla Musa NENE
Min. of Health Pakishe Aaron MOTSOALEDI, Dr.
Min. of Higher Education & Training Bonginkosi Emmanuel "Blade" NZIMANDE
Min. of Home Affairs Malusi Knowledge Nkanyezi GIGABA
Min. of Human Settlements Lindiwe Nonceba SISULU
Min. of Intl. Relations & Cooperation Maite NKOANA-MASHABANE
Min. of Justice & Correctional Services Michael MASUTHA
Min. of Labor Nelisiwe Mildred OLIPHANT
Min. of Mineral Resources Ngoako RAMATHLODI
Min. of Police Nkosinathi NHLEKO
Min. of Public Enterprises Lynne BROWN
Min. of Public Service & Admin. Ohm Collins CHABANE
Min. of Public Works Thembelani "Thulas" NXESI
Min. of Rural Development & Land Reform Gugile Ernest NKWINTI
Min. of Science & Technology Grace Naledi Mandisa PANDOR
Min. of Small Business Development Lindiwe ZULU
Min. of Social Development Bathabile Olive DLAMINI
Min. of Sport & Recreation Fikile April MBALULA
Min. of State Security David Mbanginseni MAHLOBO
Min. of Telecommunications & Postal Services Siyabonga Cyprian CWELE
Min. of Tourism Derek Andre HANEKOM
Min. of Trade & Industry Robert Haydn DAVIES
Min. of Transport Elizabeth Dipuo PETERS
Min. of Water & Sanitation Nomvula MOKONYANE
Min. in the Presidency Jeffrey Thamsanqa RADEBE
Min. in the Presidency - Women Susan SHABANGU
Governor, South African Reserve Bank Elias Lesetja KGANYAGO
Ambassador to the US Ebrahim RASOOL
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Jeremiah Nyamane Kingsley MAMABOLO
South Sudan
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2015

Pres. Salva KIIR Mayardit

Vice Pres. James Wani IGGA
Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, Tourism, Animal Resources, & Fisheries Beda Machar DENG
Min. of Cabinet Affairs Martin Elia LOMORO
Min. of Culture, Youth, & Sports Nadia Arop DUDI
Min. of Defense & Veterans Affairs Kuol MANYANG Juuk
Min. of Education, Science, & Technology John GAI Yoah
Min. of Electricity, Dams, Irrigation, & Water Resources Jemma Nunu KUMBA
Min. of Environment Abdallah Deng NHIAL
Min. of Finance, Commerce, & Economic Planning David Deng ATHORBEI
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Barnaba Marial BENJAMIN
Min. of Gender, Child, & Social Welfare Awut Deng ACUIL
Min. of Health Riek Gai KOK
Min. of Information & Broadcasting Michael Makuei LUETH
Min. of Interior & Wildlife Conservation Aleu Ayieny ALEU, Gen.
Min. of Justice Paulino WANAWILLA Onango
Min. of Labor, Public Service, & Human Resource Development Ngor Kulang NGOR
Min. of Lands, Housing, & Physical Planning Catherine Juan BENEIAH
Min. of the Office of the Pres. Awan Guol RIAK
Min. of the Office of the Pres. for National Security Service Issac Mamour METE, Gen.
Min. of Petroleum, Mining, & Industries Stephen Dhieu DAU
Min. of Telecommunication & Postal Services Rebecca Joshua OKWACHI
Min. of Transport, Roads, & Bridges Kuong Danhier GATLUK
Governor, Central Bank of South Sudan Cornelio Koryom MAYIK
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Francis Mading DENG
Last Updated: 3 Dec 2014

Chief of State FELIPE VI, King

Pres. of the Govt. Mariano RAJOY Brey
Vice Pres. of the Govt. Soraya SAENZ DE SANTAMARIA Anton
Min. of Agriculture, Nutrition, & Environment Isabel GARCIA TEJERINA
Min. of Defense Pedro MORENES Eulate
Min. of Economy & Competitiveness Luis DE GUINDOS Jurado
Min. of Education, Culture, & Sport Jose Ignacio WERT Ortega
Min. of Employment & Social Security Maria Fatima BANEZ Garcia
Min. of Finance & Public Admin. Cristobal MONTORO Romero
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Jose Manuel GARCIA-MARGALLO y Marfil
Min. of Health, Social Policy, & Equality Alfonso ALONSO Arengui
Min. of Industry, Energy, & Tourism Jose Manuel SORIA
Min. of Interior Jorge FERNANDEZ DIAZ
Min. of Justice Rafael CATALA Polo
Min. of the Presidency Soraya SAENZ DE SANTAMARIA Anton
Min. of Transport & Development Ana PASTOR Julian
Governor, Bank of Spain Luis Maria LINDE de Castro
Ambassador to the US Ramon GIL-CASARES Satrustegui
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Roman OYARZUN Marchesi
Sri Lanka
Last Updated: 2 Apr 2015

Pres. Maithripala SIRISENA

Min. of Defense Maithripala SIRISENA
Min. of Education Akila Viraj KARIYAWASAM
Min. of Estate Infrastructure Development P. DIGAMBARAM
Min. of External Affairs Mangala Pinsiri SAMARAWEERA
Min. of Finance Ravi KARUNANAYAKE
Min. of Food Security Gamini Jayawickrama PERERA
Min. of Foreign Employment Thalatha ATHUKORALA
Min. of Health & Indigenous Medicine Rajitha SENERATNE
Min. of Home Affairs Joseph Michael PERERA
Min. of Housing & Samurdhi Sajith PREMADASA
Min. of Industry & Commerce Rishad BATHIYUTHEEN
Min. of Internal Transport Ranjith Madduma BANDARA
Min. of Investment Development & Highways Kabir HASHIM
Min. of Irrigation Duminda DISSANAYAKE
Min. of Justice Wijedasa RAJAPAKSHE
Min. of Lands M. K. D. S. GUNAWARDENA
Min. of Mahaweli Development & Environment Maithripala SIRISENA
Min. of Media Information Gayantha KARUNATILLEKE
Min. of Plantation Industries Lakshman KIRIELLA
Min. of Policy Planning & Economic Development Ranil WICKREMESINGHE
Min. of Ports & Shipping Arjuna RANATUNGA
Min. of Power & Energy Patali Champika RANAWAKA
Min. of Public Administration, Democratic Rule, & Buddha Sasana Karu JAYASURIYA
Min. of Public Security, Christian Religious Affairs, & Disaster
Management A. E. AMARATUNGA
Min. of Resettlement, Reconstruction, & Hindu Religious Affairs D. M. SWAMINATHAN
Min. of Social Services & Welfare Pelisge HARRISON
Min. of Tourism Navin DISSANAYAKA
Min. of Urban Development, Water Supply, & Drainage Rauf HAKEEM
Min. of Women's Affairs Chandrani BANDARA
Governor, Central Bank Arjuna MAHENDRAN
Ambassador to the US Prasad KARIYAWASAM
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Palitha KOHONA
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2015

Pres. Umar Hassan Ahmad al-BASHIR, Field Mar.

First Vice Pres. BAKRI Hassan Salih
Second Vice Pres. Hasabu Mohamed ABDEL RAHIM
Asst. to the Pres. Ibrahim Ahmad 'Abd al-Aziz GHANDOUR
Min. of Agriculture & Irrigation Ibrahim Mahmoud HAMID
Min. of Animal Resources & Fisheries Faisal Hassan IBRAHIM
Min. of Antiquities, Tourism, & Wildlife Mohamed Abdel Karim al-HADD
Min. of Commerce Osman Omer Ali al-SHARIF
Min. of Council of Ministers Ahmed Saad OMAR Khadr
Min. of Culture & Information Al-Tayyib Hassan BADAWI
Min. of Defense ABDEL RAHIM Muhammed Hussein, Gen.
Min. of Environment, Forestry, & Urban Development Hassan Abdel Qader HILAL
Min. of Federal Governance Farah Mustafa ABDALLAH
Min. of Finance & National Economy Badr al-Din Mahmoud ABBAS
Min. of Foreign Affairs Mohammed Ali Ahmed KARTI
Min. of Gen. Education Suad ABDEL RAZIQ Mohamed Sayeed
Min. of Guidance & Religious Endowments al-Fatih Taj al-Sir ABDALLAH
Min. of Health Bahar Idris ABU GARDA
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Sumia Mohamed Ahmed ABU-KASHAWA
Min. of Human Resources, Development, & Labor Ishraqa Sayeed MAHMOUD
Min. of Industry al-Samih AL-SADIQ al-Noor
Min. of Interior ISMAT Abdel Rahman Zain al-Abdin
Min. of Investment Mustafa Osman ISMAIL
Min. of Justice & Prosecutor Gen. Mohamed Boshara DOSA
Min. of Minerals Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed AL-KAROURI
Min. of Petroleum Makawi Mohamed AWAD
Min. of Presidential Affairs Salah al-Din WANASI Muhammad Khayr
Min. of Science & Communications Tahani Abdallah ATIA
Min. of Transportation, Roads, & Bridges ABDEL WAHID Youssef Ibrahim
Min. of Water Resources & Electricity Muataz MUSA Abdallah Salem
Min. of Welfare & Social Security Masheir Mohammed al-Amin ABDALLAH
Min. of Youth & Sports ABDEL HAFIZ al-Sadiq Abdelrahim
Attorney Gen. Ali Mohamed Osman YASSIN
Governor, Central Bank of Sudan Mohamed Khair Ahmed al-ZUBAIR
Charge d'Affaires, Embassy, Washington FATAHELRAMAN Ali Mohamed
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York
Last Updated: 22 Oct 2013

Pres. Desire Delano BOUTERSE

Vice Pres. Robert AMEERALI
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Fisheries Hendrik SETROWIDJOJO
Min. of Defense Lamure LATOUR
Min. of Education & Community Development Shirley SITALDIEN
Min. of Finance
Min. of Foreign Affairs Winston LACKIN
Min. of Interior Soewarto MOESTADJA
Min. of Justice & Police Edward BELFORT
Min. of Labor & Technological Development Michael MISKIN
Min. of Natural Resources Jim HOK
Min. of Public Health Michael BLOKLAND
Min. of Public Works Ramon ABRAHAMS
Min. of Regional Development Stanley BETTERSON
Min. of Social Affairs & Housing Alice AMAFO
Min. of Spatial Planning, Land & Forest Management, & Environment Ginmardo KROMOSOETO
Min. of Sport & Youth Affairs Ismanto ADNA
Min. of Trade & Industry Raymond SAPOEN
Min. of Transport, Communication, & Tourism Valisi PINAS
Governor, Central Bank Gilmore HOEFDRAAD
Ambassador to the US Jaques R. KROSS
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Henry Leonard MAC-DONALD
Last Updated: 21 Jul 2014


Prime Min. Barnabus Sibusiso DLAMINI
Dep. Prime Min. Paul DLAMINI
Min. of Agriculture Moses VILAKATI
Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Trade Gideon DLAMINI
Min. of Economic Planning & Development HLANGUSEMPHI, Prince
Min. of Education Pheneas MAGAGULA
Min. of Finance Martin Gobisandla DLAMINI
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Mgwagwa Sipho Benedict GAMEDZE, Chief
Min. of Health Sibongile NDLELA-SIMELANE
Min. of Home Affairs TSANDZILE, Princess
Min. of Housing & Urban Development Phiwayinkhosi MABUZA
Min. of Information & Communications Technology Dumisani NDLANGAMANDLA
Min. of Justice & Constitutional Affairs Sibusiso SHONGWE
Min. of Labor & Social Security Winnie MAGAGULA
Min. of Natural Resources & Energy Jabulile MASHWAMA
Min. of Public Service Magobetane MAMBA
Min. of Public Works & Transport Lindiwe DLAMINI, Pastor
Min. of Sports, Culture, & Youth Affairs David NGCAMPHALALA
Min. of Tinkhundla Admin. Mduduzi DLAMINI
Min. of Tourism & Environmental Affairs Jabulani MABUZA
Governor, Central Bank Majozi SITHOLE
Ambassador to the US Abednigo Mandla NTSHANGASE, Reverend
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Zwelethu MNISI
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2015


Prime Min. Stefan LOFVEN
Deputy Prime Min. Asa ROMSON
Min. for Children, the Elderly, & Gender Equality Asa REGNER
Min. for Climate & the Environment Asa ROMSON
Min. for Culture & Democracy Alice Bah KUHNKE
Min. for Defense Peter HULTQVIST
Min. for Education Gustav FRIDOLIN
Min. for Employment Ylva JOHANSSON
Min. for Energy Ibrahim BAYLAN
Min. for Enterprise & Innovation Mikael DAMBERG
Min. for Finance Magdalena ANDERSSON
Min. for Financial Markets & Consumer Affairs Per BOLUND
Min. for Foreign Affairs Margot WALLSTROM
Min. for Higher Education & Research Helene Hellmark KNUTSSON
Min. for Home Affairs Anders YGEMAN
Min. for Housing & Urban Development Mehmet KAPLAN
Min. for Infrastructure Anna JOHANSSON
Min. for Intl. Development Cooperation Isabella LOVIN
Min. for Justice & Migration Morgan JOHANSSON
Min. for Public Administration Ardalan SHEKARABI
Min. for Public Health, Health Care, & Sport Gabriel WIKSTROM
Min. for Rural Affairs Sven-Erik BUCHT
Min. for Social Security Annika STRANDHALL
Min. for Strategic Development & Nordic Cooperation Kristina PERSSON
Min. for Upper Secondary School, Adult Education, & Training Aida HADZIALIC
Governor, Swedish Central Bank Stefan INGVES
Ambassador to the US Bjorn LYRVALL
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Bjorn Olof SKOOG
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2015

Pres., Swiss Confederation Simonetta SOMMARUGA

Chief, Federal Dept. of Defense, Civil Protection, & Sports Ueli MAURER
Chief, Federal Dept. of Economic Affairs, Education, & Research Johann SCHNEIDER-AMMANN
Chief, Federal Dept. of Finance Eveline WIDMER-SCHLUMPF
Chief, Federal Dept. of Foreign Affairs Didier BURKHALTER
Chief, Federal Dept. of Home Affairs Alain BERSET
Chief, Federal Dept. of Justice & Police Simonetta SOMMARUGA
Chief, Federal Dept. of Transportation, Communication, & Energy Doris LEUTHARD
Federal Chancellor Corina CASANOVA
Pres., Swiss National Bank Jean STURDER
Ambassador to the US Martin DAHINDEN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Paul SEGER
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2014

Pres. Bashar al-ASAD

Vice Pres. Najah al-ATTAR
Prime Min. Wael al-HALQI
Dep. Prime Min. Walid al-MUALEM
Dep. Prime Min. for Services Affairs Umar Ibrahim GHALAWANJI
Min. of Admin. Development Hassan al-NURI
Min. of Agriculture Ahmad al-QADRI
Min. of Culture Issam KHALIL
Min. of Defense Fahd Jasim al-FURAYJ, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Domestic Trade & Consumer Protection Hassan SAFIYAH
Min. of Economy & Foreign Trade Humam al-JAZIRI
Min. of Education Hazwan al-WAZZ
Min. of Electricity Imad Muhammad Deeb KHAMIS
Min. of Finance Ismail ISMAIL
Min. of Foreign & Expatriate Affairs Walid al-MUALEM
Min. of Health Nizar Wehbe YAZIJI
Min. of Higher Education Muhammad Amer MARDINI
Min. of Housing & Urban Development Muhammad Walid GHAZAL
Min. of Industry Kamal al-Din TUMAH
Min. of Information Umran Ahid al-ZA'BI
Min. of the Interior Muhammad Ibrahim al-SHA'AR, Maj. Gen.
Min. of Justice Najim Hamad al-AHMAD
Min. of Labor Khalaf Sleiman al-ABDULLAH
Min. of Local Admin. Umar Ibrahim GHALAWANJI
Min. of Petroleum & Mineral Wealth Suleiman al-ABBAS
Min. of Presidential Affairs Mansur Fadlallah AZZAM
Min. of Public Works Hussein ARNUS
Min. of Religious Endowments Muhammad Abd al-Sattar al-SAYYID
Min. of Social Affairs Kinda al-SHAMMAT
Min. of Telecommunication & Technology Muhammad Ghazi al-JALALI
Min. of Tourism Bashar Riyad YAZIGI
Min. of Transport Ghazqan KHAYRBIK
Min. of Water Resources Kamal al-SHAYKHAH, Dr.
Min. of State Abdallah Khalil HUSAYN
Min. of State Muhammad Muti'a MUAYYAD, Dr.
Min. of State Jamal Shaaban SHAHEEN
Min. of State Hasib Elias SHAMMAS
Min. of State for Environmental Affairs Nazira Farah SARKIS
Min. of State for National Reconciliation Affairs Ali HAYDAR
Governor, Central Bank Adib MAYALAH
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Bashar al-JAFARI
Taiwan - NDE
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2014

Pres. MA Ying-jeou
Vice Pres. WU Den-yih
Pres., Executive Yuan (Premier) JIANG Yi-huah
Vice Pres., Executive Yuan (Vice Premier) MAO Chi-kuo
Sec. Gen., Executive Yuan LEE Shih-chuan
Dep. Sec. Gen., Executive Yuan HSIAO Chia-chi (a.k.a. James HSIAO)
Spokesperson, Executive Yuan SUN Lih-chyun
Pres., Control Yuan CHANG Po-ya
Pres., Examination Yuan KUAN Chung
Pres., Judicial Yuan RAI Hau-min
Pres., Legislative Yuan WANG Jin-pyng
Min. of Culture LUNG Ying-tai
Min. of Economic Affairs CHANG Chia-juch
Min. of Education CHEN Der-hwa
Min. of Finance CHANG Sheng-ford
Min. of Foreign Affairs LIN Yung-lo (a.k.a. David Yung-lo LIN)
Min. of Health & Welfare CHIU Wen-ta
Min. of Interior CHEN Wei-zen
Min. of Justice LUO Ying-shay
Min. of Labor HAO Feng-ming
Min. of National Defense YEN Ming
Min. of Science & Technology CHANG San-cheng
Min. of Transportation & Communications YEH Kuang-shih
Min. Without Portfolio CHIANG Been-huang
Min. Without Portfolio CHIEN Tai-lang
Min. Without Portfolio DENG Chen-chung (a.k.a. John C. C. DENG)
Min. Without Portfolio FENG Yen (a.k.a. Joyce Yen FENG)
Min. Without Portfolio HSU Chun-ya (a.k.a. Jack HSU)
Min. Without Portfolio KUAN Chung-ming
Min. Without Portfolio LIN Junq-tzer
Min. Without Portfolio TSAI Yu-ling (a.k.a. Jaclyn TSAI)
Min. Without Portfolio YANG Chiu-hsing
Min., Council of Agriculture CHEN Bao-ji
Min., Atomic Energy Council TSAI Chuen-horng
Min., Central Election Commission
Min., Coast Guard Administration WANG Ginn-wang
Min., National Development Council KUAN Chung-ming
Min., Hakka Affairs Council LIU Ching-chung
Min., Council of Indigenous Peoples LIN Chiang-yi (a.k.a. Mayaw Dongi)
Min., Directorate Gen. of Budget, Accounting, & Statistics SHIH Su-mei
Min., Directorate Gen. of Personnel Admin. HUANG Fu-yuan
Min., Environmental Protection Admin. WEI Kuo-yen
Min., Financial Supervisory Commission TSENG Ming-chung
Min., Mainland Affairs Council WANG Yu-chi
Min., Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs Commission TSAI Yu-ling (a.k.a Jaclyn TSAI)
Min., National Communications Commission SHYR Shyr-hau
Min., Overseas Community Affairs Council CHEN Shyh-kwei (a.k.a. Steven S. K. CHEN)
Min., Public Construction Commission HSU Chun-yat (a.k.a. Jack HSU)
Min., Veterans Affairs Commission TUNG Hsiang-lung
Chmn., Fair Trade Commission WU Shiow-ming
Dir., National Palace Museum FUNG Ming-chu
Governor, Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) PERNG Fai-nan
Representative to the US SHEN Lyushun
Last Updated: 2 Apr 2015

Pres. Emomali RAHMON

Prime Min. Qohir RASULZODA
First Dep. Prime Min. Davlatali SAID
Dep. Prime Min.
Dep. Prime Min. Azim IBROHIM
Dep. Prime Min. Marhabo JABBORI
Min. of Agriculture Mahmadtoir ZOKIROV
Min. of Culture Shamsiddin ORUMBEKZODA
Min. of Defense Sherali MIRZO, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Economic Development & Trade Nematullo HIKMATULLOZODA
Min. of Education & Science Nuriddin SAID
Min. of Energy & Water Resources Usmonali USMONZODA
Min. of Finance Abdusalom QURBONOV
Min. of Foreign Affairs Sirojidin ASLOV
Min. of Health & Public Safety Nusratullo SALIMZODA
Min. of Industry & New Technologies Shavkat BOBOZODA
Min. of Internal Affairs Ramazon RAHIMZODA
Min. of Justice Rustam SHOHMUROD
Min. of Labor, Migration, & Public Employment Sumangul TAGHOYZODA
Min. of Transport Sherali GANJALZODA
Chmn., State Committee for National Security Saymumin YATIMOV, Lt. Gen.
Prosecutor Gen. Yusuf RAHMONOV
Dir., Drug Control Agency Rustam NAZARZODA, Lt. Gen.
Chmn., National Bank of Tajikistan Abdujabbor SHIRINOV
Ambassador to the US Farhod SALIM
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mahmadamin MAHMADAMINOV
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2015

Pres. Jakaya Mrisho KIKWETE

Vice Pres. Mohamed Gharib BILAL, Dr.
Prime Min. Mizengo Kayanza Peter PINDA
Pres. of Zanzibar Ali Mohamed SHEIN, Dr.
Min. for Agriculture, Food Security, & Cooperatives Stephen Masatu WASIRA
Min. for Communication, Science, & Technology Makame Mnyaa MBARAWA
Min. for Community Development, Gender, & Children Sofia Mattayo SIMBA
Min. for Defense & National Service Hussein Ali MWINYI, Dr.
Min. for East African Cooperation Harrison George MWAKYEMBE
Min. for Education & Vocational Training Shukuru Jumanne KAWAMBWA
Min. for Energy & Mineral Resources George SIMBACHAWENE
Min. for Finance & Economic Affairs Saada Mkuya SALUM
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Intl. Cooperation Bernard Kamillius MEMBE
Min. for Health & Social Welfare Seif RASHID, Dr.
Min. for Home Affairs Mathias Meinrad CHIKAWE
Min. for Industry, Trade, & Marketing Abdallah Omar KIGODA
Min. for Information, Youth, Culture, & Sports Fenella Ephraim MUKANGARA
Min. for Justice & Constitutional Affairs Asha-Rose Mtengeti-MIGIRO
Min. for Labor & Employment Gaudentia Mugosi KABAKA
Min. for Lands & Human Settlements Development William Vangimembe LUKUVI
Min. for Livestock & Fisheries Titus KAMANI
Min. for Natural Resources & Tourism Lazaro NYALANDU
Min. for Transport Samwel John SITTA
Min. for Water Jumanne Abdallah MAGHEMBE
Min. for Works John Pombe Joseph MAGUFULI
Min. Without Portfolio Mark James MWANDOSYA
Min. of State for Good Governance, President's Office George Huruma MKUCHIKA
Min. of State for Public Service Management, President's Office Celina Ompeshi KOMBANI
Min. of State for Social Relations & Coordination, President's Office Mary Michael NAGU
Min. of State for Environment, Vice President's Office Binilith MAHENGE
Min. of State for Union Affairs, Vice President's Office Samia Hassan SULUHU
Min. of State for Investment & Empowerment, Prime Minister's Office Christopher Kajoro CHIZA
Min. of State for Policy, Coordination, & Parliamentary Affairs, Prime
Minister's Office Jenister MHAGAMA
Min. of State for Regional Admin. & Local Govt., Prime Minister's Office Hawa Abdulrahman GHASIA
Attorney Gen. George Mcheche MASAJU
Governor, Central Bank Benno NDULU
Ambassador to the US Liberata Rutageruka MULAMULA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Tuvako Nathaniel MANONGI
Last Updated: 12 Mar 2015

On 22 May 2014, the Thai military overthrew Prime Minister YINGLAK Chinnawat's government, removing most cabinet members; many
positions were left vacant. Army Gen. PRAYUT Chan-ocha on 21 August was nominated to be interim prime minister, and on 25 August, he
officially assumed the post after receiving a royal endorsement.

King PHUMIPHON Adunyadet

Interim Prime Min. PRAYUT Chan-ocha, Gen.
Dep. Prime Min. PRAWIT Wongsuwan, Gen.
Dep. Prime Min. PRIDIYATHON Thewakun
Dep. Prime Min. THANASAK Patimaprakon, Gen.
Dep. Prime Min. WISSANU Krea-ngam
Dep. Prime Min. YONGYUT Yutthawong
Min. to the Prime Min.'s Office PANADDA Diskun
Min. to the Prime Min.'s Office SUWAPHAN Tanyuwattana
Min. of Agriculture & Cooperatives PETIPONG Pungbun Na Ayutthaya
Min. of Commerce CHATCHAI Sarikanya
Min. of Culture WIRA Rotphotchanarat
Min. of Defense PRAWIT Wongsuwan, Gen.
Min. of Education NARONG Phiphatthanasai, Adm.
Min. of Energy NARONGCHAI Akkharaserani
Min. of Finance SOMMAI Phasi
Min. of Foreign Affairs THANASAK Patimaprakon, Gen.
Min. of Industry CHAKKRAMON Phasukwanit
Min. of Information & Communications Technology PHONCHAI Ruchiprapa
Min. of Interior ANUPHONG Paochinda, Gen.
Min. of Justice PHAIBUN Khumchaya, Gen.
Min. of Labor SURASAK Kanchanarat, Gen.
Min. of Natural Resources & Environment DAOPONG Rattanasuwan, Gen.
Min. of Public Health SOMSAK Chunharat
Min. of Science & Technology PHICHIT Durongkhawerot
Min. of Social Development & Human Security ADUL Sangsingkaew
Min. of Tourism & Sports KOPKAN Watthanawarangkun
Min. of Transport PRACHIN Chantong
Governor, Bank of Thailand PRASAN Trairatworakun
Ambassador to the US PHISAN Manawaphat
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York WIRACHAI Plasai
Last Updated: 14 Aug 2012

Pres. Taur Matan RUAK

Prime Min. Kay Rala Xanana GUSMAO
Vice Prime Min. Fernando "Lasama" de ARAUJO
Min. of the Presidency for the Council of Ministers Hermenegildo "Agio" PEREIRA
Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries Mariano "Assanami" SABINO
Min. of Commerce, Industry, & Environment Antonio da CONCEICAO
Min. of Defense & Security Cirilo Jose CRISTOVAO
Min. of Education Joao Cancio FREITAS
Min. of Finance Emilia Maria Valeria PIRES
Min. of Foreign Affairs Jose Luis GUTERRES
Min. of Health Sergio LOBO, Dr.
Min. of Justice Dionisio Babo SOARES
Min. of Petroleum & Natural Resources Alfredo PIRES
Min. of Public Works Gastao SOUSA
Min. of Social Solidarity Isabel GUTERRES
Min. of State Admin. Jorge da Conceicao TEME
Min. of Tourism Francisco Kalbuadi LAY
Min. of Transportation & Communications Pedro LAY da Silva
Coordinator for Social Affairs Fernando "Lasama" de ARAUJO
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Sofia Mesquita BORGES
Last Updated: 13 Jul 2014


Prime Min. Kwesi Seleagodji AHOOMEY-ZUNU
Min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, & Fisheries Ouro Koura AGADZI
Min. of Arts & Culture Fiatuwo Kwadjo SESSENOU
Min. of Basic Development, Handicrafts, Youth, & Youth Employment Victoire Sidemho TOMEGAH-DODBE
Min. of Civil Service Gourdigou KOLANI
Min. of Commerce & Promotion of Private Sector Bernadette Essossimna LEGZIM-BALOUKI
Min. of Communication Djimon ORE
Min. of Economy & Finance Adji Oteth AYASSOR
Min. of Environment & Forest Resources Andre JOHNSON
Min. of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation Robert DUSSEY
Min. of Grassroots Development, Crafts, Youth, & Youth Employment Sidemeho TOMEGAH-DOGBE
Min. of Health (Acting) Kwesi Seleagodji AHOOMEY-ZUNU
Min. of Higher Education & Research Octave Nicoue BROOHM
Min. of Human Rights, Democracy, & Civic Education Leonardina Rita Doris WILSON DE SOUZA
Min. of Industry, Free Trade Zone, & Technological Innovation Francois Agbeviade GALLEY
Min. of Justice & Keeper of Seals Kofi ESAW
Min. of Labor, Employment, & Social Security John Siabi Kwame NKRUMAH
Min. of Mail & Telecommunication Cina LAWSON
Min. of Mining & Energy Dammipi NOUPOKOU
Min. of Planning, Development, & Territorial Management Mawussi Djossou SEMODJI
Min. of Primary & Secondary Education & Literacy Florent Badjom MAGANAWE
Min. of the Promotion of Women Patricia DAGBAN-ZONVIDE
Min. of Public Service & Admin. Reform Kokou Dzifa ADJEODA
Min. of Public Works Ninsao GNOFAM
Min. of Reform of the State & Modernization of Admin. Elliot OHIN
Min. of Security & Civil Protection Damehane YARK
Min. of Social Action & Promotion of Women & Literacy Dede Ahoefa EKOUE
Min. of Sports & Leisure Bakalawa FOFANA
Min. of State & Foreign Affairs Elliot OHIN
Min. of Technical Education & Professional Training Hamadou Brim BOURAIMA-DIABACTE
Min. of Territorial Admin., Decentralization, & Local Authorities Gilbert BAWARA
Min. of Tourism Padumhekou TCHAO
Min. of Transport Dammipi NOUPOKOU
Min. of Water, Sanitation, & Village Hydraulics Bissoune NABAGOU
Min.-Del. to the Pres. in Charge of Planning, Development, & Spatial
Planning Kokou SEMODJI
Min.-Del. to the Min. of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, & Fisheries in
Charge of Rural Infrastructure Gourdigou KOLANI
Sec. of State to the Prime Min. for Youth & Sports Manzinewe BITHO
Dir., Central Bank Kossi TENOU
Ambassador to the US Limbiye Edawe Kadangha BARIKI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Kodjo MENAN
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2015

Prime Min. Samiuela Akilisi POHIVA
Dep. Prime Min. Siaosi SOVALENI
Min. for Agriculture, Food, Forests, & Fisheries Semisi FAKAHAU
Min. for Commerce, Tourism, & Labor Pohiva TUIONETOA
Min. for Defense Services MA'AFU Tukui'aulahi, Lord
Min. for Education & Training Samiuela Akilisi POHIVA
Min. for Energy & Environment Siaosi SOVALENI
Min. for Finance & National Planning Aisake Valu EKE
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Trade Samiuela Akilisi POHIVA
Min. for Health Saia Mau PIUKALA, Dr.
Min. for Information & Communications Siaosi SOVALENI
Min. for Infrastructure & Works Etuate Sungalu LAVULAVU
Min. for Internal Affairs Sosefo Feao VAKATA
Min. for Justice & Law Sione Vuna FAOTUSIA
Min. for Lands, Natural Resources, & Survey MA'AFU Tukui'aulahi, Lord
Min. for Police, Fire Services, & Prisons Pohiva TUIONETOA
Min. for Public Enterprises Poasi Mataele TEI
Min. for Revenue & Customs Tevita LAVEMAAU
Min for Women, Culture, Youth, & Sports Sosefo Feao VAKATA
Attorney Gen. Neil ADSETT
Governor, National Reserve Bank Sione Ngongo KIOA
Ambassador to the US Mahe 'Uli'uli Sandhurst TUPOUNIUA, Jr.
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mahe 'Uli'uli Sandhurst TUPOUNIUA, Jr.
Trinidad and Tobago
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2015

Pres. Anthony Thomas Aquinas CARMONA

Min. of the Arts & Multiculturalism Lincoln DOUGLAS
Min. of Communication Gerald HADEED
Min. of Community Development Winston PETERS
Min. of Education Tim GOPEESINGH
Min. of Energy & Energy Affairs Kevin RAMNARINE
Min. of the Environment & Water Resources Ganga SINGH
Min. of Finance & the Economy Larry HOWAI
Min. of Food Production Devant MAHARAJ
Min. of Foreign Affairs Winston Chandarbhan DOOKERAN
Min. of Gender, Youth, & Child Development Clifton De COTEAU
Min. of Health Fuad KHAN
Min. of Housing & Urban Development Roodal MOONILAL
Min. of Justice Emmanuel GEORGE
Min. of Labor & Small & Micro-Enterprise Development Errol MCLEOD
Min. of Land & Marine Resources Jairam SEEMUNGAL
Min. of Legal Affairs Prakash RAMADHAR
Min. of Local Govt. Marlene COUDRAY
Min. of National Diversity & Social Integration Roger SAMUEL
Min. of National Security Gary GRIFFITH
Min. of Planning Bhoendratt TEWARIE
Min. of the People & Social Development Glen RAMDHARSINGH
Min. of Public Admin. Carolyn SEEPERSAD-BACHAN
Min. of Public Utilities Nizam BAKSH
Min. of Science & Technology Rupert GRIFFITH
Min. of Sports & Youth Affairs Anil ROBERTS
Min. of Tertiary Education & Skills Training Fazal KARIM
Min. of Tobago Development Delmon BAKER
Min. of Tourism Chandresh SHARMA
Min. of Trade, Industry, & Investment Vasant BHARATH
Min. of Transport Stephen CADIZ
Min. of Works & Infrastructure Surujrattan RAMBACHAN
Min. of State in the Ministry of Local Govt. Rudranath INDARSINGH
Min. of State in the Ministry of Food Production Jairam SEEMUNGAL
Min. of State in the Ministry of the Environment & Water Resources Ramona RAMDIAL
Min. of State in the Ministry of National Diversity & Social Integration Embau MOHENI
Min. of State in the Ministry of National Security Collin PARTAP
Min. of State in the Ministry of the People & Social Development Vernella ALLEYNE-TOPPIN
Min. of State in the Office of the Prime Min. Rodger SAMUEL
Attorney Gen. Anand RAMLOGAN
Governor, Central Bank Ewart WILIAMS
Ambassador to the US Neil PARSAN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Rodney CHARLES
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2015


Prime Min. Habib ESSID
Min. of Agriculture Saad SEDDIK
Min. of Culture Latifa LAKHDAR
Min. of Defense Farhat HORCHANI
Min. of Education Neji JELLOUL
Min. of Employment & Vocational Training Zied LADHARI
Min. of Environment & Sustainable Development Nejib DEROUICHE
Min. of Equipment & Urban Planning Mohamed Salah ARFAOUI
Min. of Finance Slim CHAKER
Min. of Foreign Affairs Taieb BACCOUCHE
Min. of Health Said AIDI
Min. of Higher Education Chiheb BOUDEN
Min. of Industry, Energy, & Mines Zakaria HAMAD
Min. of Interior Mohamed Nejim GHARSALLI
Min. of Investment, Development, & Intl. Cooperation Yassine BRAHIM
Min. of Justice Mohamed Saleh Ben AISSA
Min. of Religious Affairs Othman BATTIKH
Min. of Social Affairs Ahmed Ammar YOUNBAII
Min. of State Property Hatem El EUCHI
Min. of Telecommunications & e-Economy Noomane FEHRI
Min. of Tourism Selma REKIK
Min. of Trade Ridha LAHOUAL
Min. of Transport Mahmoud Ben ROMDHANE
Min. of Women, Family, & Childhood Samira MERAI-FRIAA
Min. of Youth & Sports Maher Ben DHIA
Speaker, People's Representative Assembly Mohamed ENNACEUR
Governor, Central Bank Chedli AYARI
Ambassador to the US M'hamed Ezzine CHELAIFA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mohamed Khaled KHIARI
Last Updated: 18 Mar 2015

Pres. Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN

Prime Min. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU
Dep. Prime Min. Yalcin AKDOGAN
Dep. Prime Min. Bulent ARINC
Dep. Prime Min. Ali BABACAN
Dep. Prime Min. Numan KURTULMUS
Min. of Agriculture, Food, & Animal Breeding Mehmet Mehdi EKER
Min. of Culture & Tourism Omer CELIK
Min. of Customs & Trade Nurettin CANIKLI
Min. of Development Cevdet YILMAZ
Min. of Economy Nihat ZEYBEKCI
Min. of Energy & Natural Resources Taner YILDIZ
Min. of Environment & Urbanization Idris GULLUCE
Min. of EU Affairs & Chief Negotiator Volkan BOZKIR
Min. of Family & Social Policies Aysenur ISLAM
Min. of Finance Mehmet SIMSEK
Min. of Foreign Affairs Mevlut CAVUSOGLU
Min. of Forestry & Water Affairs Veysel EROGLU
Min. of Health Mehmet MUEZZINOGLU
Min. of Interior Sebahattin OZTURK
Min. of Justice Kenan IPEK
Min. of Labor & Social Security Faruk CELIK
Min. of National Defense Ismet YILMAZ
Min. of National Education Nabi AVCI
Min. of Science, Industry, & Technology Fikri ISIK
Min. of Transport, Maritime Affairs, & Communications Feridun BILGIN
Min. of Youth & Sports Akif Cagatay KILIC
Governor, Central Bank Erdem BASCI
Ambassador to the US Serdar KILIC
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Yasar Halit CEVIK
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2015

According to the Turkmen Constitution, the president serves as de facto chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers.


Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Myrat ARTYKOW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Samuhammet DURDYLYYEW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Batyr ERESOW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Annamuhammet GOCYYEW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Baymyrat HOJAMUHAMMEDOW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Rasit MEREDOW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Saltyk SALTYKOW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Palwan TAGANOW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Sapardurdy TOYLYYEW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Maysa YAZMUHAMMEDOWA
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Annageldi YAZMYRADOW
Dep. Chmn., Cabinet of Ministers Akmyrat YEGELEYEW
Min. of Agriculture Carygeldi CARLYYEW
Min. of Communication Bayramgeldi OWEZOW
Min. of Construction & Architecture Gapurberdi BAYRAMMYRADOW
Min. of Culture Annageldi GARAJAYEW
Min. of Defense Begenc GUNDOGDYYEW
Min. of Economics & Development Wepa AWDYLHEKIMOW
Min. of Education Gulsat MAMMEDOWA
Min. of Energy Geldi SARYYEW
Min. of Environmental Protection Babageldi ANNABAYRAMOW
Min. of Finance Muhammetguly MUHAMMEDOW
Min. of Foreign Affairs Rasit MEREDOW
Min. of Health & Medical Industry Nurmuhammet AMANNEPESOW
Min. of Industry Saparmyrat ORAZMYRADOW
Min. of Internal Affairs Isgender MULIKOW
Min. of Justice Begmyrat MUHAMMEDOW
Min. of Labor & Social Protection Bekmyrat SAMYRADOW
Min. of National Security Yaylym BERDIYEW
Min. of Oil & Gas Industry & Mineral Resources Muhammetnur HALYLOW
Min. of Public Works Management & Sanitation Kakageldi GURBANOW
Min. of Railways Bayram ANNAMEREDOW
Min. of Road Transport Maksat AYDOGDYYEW
Min. of Textile Industry Tacmammet GURBANMAMMEDOW
Min. of Trade & Foreign Economic Relations Bayar ABAYEW
Min. of Water Resources Seyitmyrat TAGANOW
Dir., State Agency for the Management & Use of Hydrocarbon Resources Yagsygeldi KAKAYEW
Prosecutor Gen. Amanmyrat HALLYYEW
Chmn., Central Bank Merdan ANNADURDYYEW
Ambassador to the US Mered ORAZOW
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Aksoltan ATAYEWA
Last Updated: 25 Feb 2015

Governor Gen. Iakopa Italeli TAEIA

Prime Min. Enele SOPOAGA
Dep. Prime Min. Vete SAKAIO
Min. for Communications & Transport Monise LAFAI
Min. for Education, Youth, Sports, & Health Fauoa MAANI
Min. for Finance & Economic Development Maatia TOAFA
Min. for Foreign Affairs Taukelina FINIKASO
Min. for Home Affairs & Rural Development Namoliki NEEMIA
Min. for Natural Resources Pita ELISALA
Min. for Public Utilities Vete SAKAIO
Ambassador to the US Aunese Makoi SIMATI
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Aunese Makoi SIMATI
Last Updated: 9 Oct 2014

Pres. Yoweri Kaguta MUSEVENI

Vice Pres. Edward SSEKANDI
Prime Min. Ruhakana RUGUNDA
First Dep. Prime Min. Henry Muganwa KAJURA
Second Dep. Prime Min. Moses ALI
Third Dep. Prime Min.
Min. in Charge of General Duties, Office of the Prime Min. Tarsis KABWEGYERE
Min. of Agriculture, Animal Industry, & Fisheries Tress BUCYANAYANDI
Min. of Defense Crispus KIYONGA
Min. of Disaster Preparedness & Refugees Hilary ONEK
Min. in Charge of East African Affairs
Min. of Education & Sports Jessica Rose Apel ALUPO
Min. of Energy & Minerals Irene MULONI
Min. of Finance & Economic Development Maria KIWANUKA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Sam KUTESA
Min. of Gender, Labor, & Social Affairs Busingye Mary KARORO Okurut
Min. of Health Ruhakana RUGANDA
Min. of Information & Communications Technology John Mwoono NASASIRA
Min. of Information & National Guidance Rosemary NAMAYANJA
Min. of Internal Affairs Aronda NYAKAIRIMA
Min. of Justice & Constitutional Affairs Kahinda OTAFIIRE
Min. for Karamoja Janet Kataaha MUSEVENI
Min. of Lands, Housing, & Urban Development Daudi MIGEREKO
Min. of Local Govt. Adolf MWESIGE
Min. of Oil
Min. of the Presidency Frank TUMWEBAZE
Min. of Public Service Henry Muganwa KAJURA
Min. of Security Wilson MURUULI Mukasa
Min. of Trade, Industry, & Cooperatives Amelia KYAMBADDE
Min. of Transportation & Works Abraham BYANDAALA
Min. of Tourism, Wildlife, & Antiquities Maria MUTAGAMBA
Min. of Water & Environment Ephraim KAMUNTU
Min. Without Portfolio in Charge of Political Mobilization Richard TODWONG
Min. of State for Agriculture Nyiira ZERUBABEL
Min. of State for Animal Industry Bright RWAMIRAMA, Maj.
Min. of State for Bunyoro Affairs Earnest KIIZA
Min. of State for Communication Alintuma NSAMBU
Min. of State for Defense Jeje ODONGO, Gen.
Min. of State for Economic Monitoring Henry BANYENKAZI
Min. of State for Elderly & Disabilities Sulaiman MADADA
Min. of State for Energy Simon D'UJANGA
Min. of State for Environment Flavia MUNAABA
Min. of State for Ethics, Office of the Vice Pres. Simon LOKODO, Reverend
Min. of State for Finance Fred Mandir Jacan OMACH
Min. of State for Fisheries Sentamu Ruth NANKABIRWA
Min. of State for Gender & Culture Rukia ISANGA Nakadama
Min. of State for Health Elioda TUMWESIGYE
Min. of State for Higher Education John Chrysostom MUYINGO
Min. of State for Housing Sam ENGOLA
Min. of State for Industry Shinyabulo James MUTENDE
Min. of State for Information Technology Thembo NYOMBI
Min. of State for Internal Affairs James BABA
Min. of State for International Affairs Henry OKELLO ORYEM
Min. of State for Investment Gabriel Gadison Aridru AJEDRA
Min. of State for Justice Fred RUHINDI
Min. of State for Karamoja Barbara Oundo NEKESA
Min. of State for Labor Rukutana MWESIGWA
Min. of State for Lands Sarah Opendi ACHIENG
Min. of State for Luwero Triangle Sarah KATAIKE
Min. of State for Minerals Peter LOKERIS
Min. of State for Northern Uganda Rebecca Otengo AMUGE
Min. of State for Planning Matia KASAIJA
Min. of State for Primary Education Kamanda BATARINGAYA
Min. of State for Privatization Aston Peterson KAJARA
Min. of State for Public Service Sezi MBAGUTA
Min. of State for Regional Affairs Asuman KIYINGI
Min. of State for Relief & Disaster Preparedness Musa Francis ECHWERU
Min. of State for Sports Charles BAKABULINDI
Min. of State for Teso Affairs Christine Amongin APORU
Min. of State for Tourism & Wildlife Agnes AKIROR
Min. of State for Trade & Antiquities David WAKINONA
Min. of State for Transport Stephen CHEBROT
Min. of State for Urban Planning Justine Lumumba KASULE
Min. of State for Water Resources Betty BIGOMBE
Min. of State for Works John BYABAGAMBI
Min. of State for Youth & Children's Affairs Ronald KIBUULE
Min. of State in the Office of the Vice Pres. Vincent NYANZI
Chief Whip Justine Lumumba KASULE
Attorney Gen. Peter NYOMBI
Governor, Bank of Uganda Emmanuel TUMUSIIME-MUTEBILE
Ambassador to the US Oliver WONEKHA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Richard NDUHUURA
Last Updated: 11 Dec 2014


Chmn., Rada Volodymyr HROYSMAN
Prime Min. Arseniy YATSENYUK
Dep. Prime Min. Vyacheslav KYRYLENKO
Dep. Prime Min. Valeriy VOSHCHEVSKYY
Dep. Prime Min. Hennadiy ZUBKO
Min. of Agrarian Policy & Food Oleksiy PAVLENKO
Min. of the Cabinet of Ministers Hanna ONYSHCHENKO
Min. of Culture Vyacheslav KYRYLENKO
Min. of Defense Stepan POLTORAK, Col. Gen.
Min. of Ecology & Natural Resources Ihor SHEVCHENKO
Min. of Economic Development & Trade Aivaras ABROMAVICIUS
Min. of Education & Science Serhiy KVIT
Min. of Energy & Coal Industry Volodymyr DEMCHYSHYN
Min. of Finance Natalie JARESKO
Min. of Foreign Affairs Pavlo KLIMKIN
Min. of Health Aleksandre KVITASHVILI
Min. of Information Policy Yuriy STETS
Min. of Infrastructure Andriy PYVOVARSKYY
Min. of Internal Affairs Arsen AVAKOV
Min. of Justice Pavlo PETRENKO
Min. of Regional Development, Construction, Housing, & Communal
Services Hennadiy ZUBKO
Min. of Social Policy Pavlo ROZENKO
Min. of Youth & Sport Ihor ZHDANOV
Head, Presidential Admin. Borys LOZHKIN
Chmn., Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine Viktor HVOZD
Chmn., Security Service of Ukraine Valentyn NALYVAYCHENKO
Sec., National Security & Defense Council
Prosecutor Gen. Vitaliy YAREMA
Chmn., National Bank of Ukraine Valeriya HONTAREVA
Ambassador to the US Oleksandr MOTSYK
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Yuriy SERHEYEV
United Arab Emirates
Last Updated: 24 Sep 2014

Pres. KHALIFA bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan

Dep. Prime Min. MANSUR bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan
Dep. Prime Min. SAIF bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan
Min. of Cabinet Affairs Muhammad Abdallah al-GARGAWI
Min. of Culture, Youth, & Community Development NUHAYYAN bin Mubarak Al Nuhayyan
Min. of Defense MUHAMMAD BIN RASHID Al Maktum
Min. of Development & Intl. Cooperation LUBNA al-Qasimi
Min. of Economy Sultan bin Said al-MANSURI
Min. of Education Hussain Ibrahim al-HAMADI
Min. of Energy SUHAIL bin Muhammad al-Mazrui
Min. of Environment & Water Rashid Ahmad bin FAHD
Min. of Finance HAMDAN bin Rashid Al Maktum
Min. of Foreign Affairs ABDALLAH bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan
Min. of Health Abd al-Rahman Muhammad al-UWAIS
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research HAMDAN bin Mubarak Al Nuhayyan
Min. of Interior SAIF bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan
Min. of Justice Sultan bin Said al-BADI
Min. of Labor Saqr Ghubash Said GHUBASH
Min. of Presidential Affairs MANSUR bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan
Min. of Public Works Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-NUAIMI
Min. of Social Affairs Mariam bint Muhammad Khalfan al-RUMI
Min. of State for Federal National Council Affairs Anwar Muhammad GARGASH
Min. of State for Financial Affairs Ubayd Humaid al-TAYIR
Min. of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Muhammad GARGASH
Min. of State Without Portfolio ABDULLAH bin Muhammad Ghubash
Min. of State Without Portfolio Reem Ibrahim al-HASHIMI
Min. of State Without Portfolio Sultan Ahmad Al JABIR
Min. of State Without Portfolio Maitha Salim al-SHAMSI
Governor, Central Bank Mubarak Rashid al-MANSURI
Ambassador to the US Yusif bin Mani bin Said al-UTAYBA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Lana Zaki NUSAYBA
United Kingdom
Last Updated: 25 Sep 2014

Prime Min., First Lord of the Treasury, & Min. for the Civil Service David William Donald CAMERON
Dep. Prime Min. Nicholas William Peter CLEGG
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Gideon Oliver OSBORNE
Sec. of State for Business, Innovation, & Skills John Vincent CABLE
Sec. of State for Communities & Local Govt. Eric PICKLES
Sec. of State for Culture, Media, & Sport Sajid JAVID
Sec. of State for Defense Michael FALLON
Sec. of State for Education & Min. for Women & Equalities Nicky MORGAN
Sec. of State for Energy & Climate Change Edward DAVEY
Sec. of State for the Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs Elizabeth TRUSS
Sec. of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs Philip HAMMOND
Sec. of State for Health Jeremy HUNT
Sec. of State for the Home Dept. Theresa Mary MAY
Sec. of State for Intl. Development Justine GREENING
Sec. of State for Justice & Lord Chancellor Chris GRAYLING
Sec. of State for Northern Ireland Theresa Anne VILLIERS
Sec. of State for Scotland Alistair CARMICHAEL
Sec. of State for Transport Patrick MCLOUGHLIN
Sec. of State for Wales Stephen CRABB
Sec. of State for Work & Pensions George Iain DUNCAN SMITH
Leader of the House of Lords & Lord Privy Seal STOWELL, Baroness
First Sec. of State & Leader of the House of Commons William Jefferson HAGUE
Min. for the Cabinet Office & Paymaster Gen. Francis Anthony Aylmer MAUDE
Chief Sec. to the Treasury Daniel Grian ALEXANDER
Chief Whip & Parliamentary Sec. to the Treasury Michael GOVE
Governor, Bank of England Mark CARNEY
Ambassador to the US Peter John WESTMACOTT, Sir
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Mark Justin LYALL GRANT, , Sir
Last Updated: 6 Mar 2015

Pres. Tabare Ramon VAZQUEZ Rosas

Vice Pres. Raul SENDIC
Min. of Agriculture, Livestock, & Fishing Tabare AGUERRE
Min. of Defense Eleuterio FERNANDEZ HUIDOBRO
Min. of Economy & Finance Danilo ASTORI Saragoza
Min. of Education & Culture Maria Julia MUNOZ
Min. of Foreign Relations Rodolfo NIN NOVOA
Min. of Housing, Land Use, & Environment Eneida DE LEON
Min. of Industry, Energy, & Mines Carolina COSSE
Min. of Interior Eduardo BONOMI
Min. of Labor & Social Welfare Ernesto MURRO
Min. of Public Health Jorge BASSO
Min. of Social Development Marina ARISMENDI
Min. of Tourism Liliam KECHICHIAN
Min. of Transportation & Public Works Victor ROSSI
Pres., Central Bank Mario BERGARA
Ambassador to the US Carlos PITA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Gonzalo KONCKE Pizzorno
Last Updated: 13 Feb 2015

Pres. Islom KARIMOV

Prime Min. Shavkat MIRZIYOYEV
First Dep. Prime Min. Rustam AZIMOV
Dep. Prime Min.
Dep. Prime Min. Elmira BOSITXONOVA
Dep. Prime Min. Gulomjon IBRAGIMOV
Dep. Prime Min. Adham IKROMOV
Dep. Prime Min. Ulugbek ROZIQULOV
Dep. Prime Min. Botir ZOKIROV
Min. of Agriculture & Water Resources Shuhrat TESHAYEV
Min. of Culture & Sports (Acting) Bahodir AHMEDOV
Min. of Defense Qobul BERDIYEV, Col. Gen.
Min. for the Development of Information Technology & Communication Xurshid MIRZOHIDOV
Min. of Economics Galina SAIDOVA
Min. of Emergency Situations Tursunxon XUDOYBERGANOV
Min. of Finance Rustam AZIMOV
Min. of Foreign Affairs Abdulaziz KAMILOV
Min. of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments, & Trade Elyor GANIYEV
Min. of Higher & Secondary Specialized Education Alisher VAHOBOV
Min. of Internal Affairs Adhamjon AHMADBOYEV, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Justice Muzraf IKROMOV
Min. of Labor & Social Security Aziz ABDUHAKIMOV
Min. of Public Education Ulugbek INOYATOV
Min. of Public Health Anvar ALIMOV
Sec., National Security Council Viktor MAHMUDOV, Lt. Gen.
Chmn., National Security Service Rustam INOYATOV, Col. Gen.
Chmn., State Bank Fayzulla MULLAJANOV
Ambassador to the US Baxtiyor GULOMOV
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Muzaffar A. MADRAHIMOV
Last Updated: 16 Mar 2015

Pres. Baldwin LONSDALE

Prime Min. Joe NATUMAN
Dep. Prime Min. Ham LINI Vanuararoa
Min. for Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries David TOSUL
Min. for Climate Change James BULE
Min. for Education Bob LOUGHMAN
Min. for Finance Maki SIMELUM
Min. for Foreign Affairs & Trade Sato KILMAN Livtanvanu
Min. for Health George Andre WELLS
Min. for Infrastructure & Public Utilities Esmon SAE
Min. for Internal Affairs Charlot SALWAI Tabimasmas
Min. for Justice Alfred CARLOT
Min. for Lands, Geology, Mines, Energy, & Water Resources Ralph REGENVANU
Min. for Planning Thomas LAKEN
Min. Responsible for Public Service Commission Joe NATUMAN
Min. for Tourism
Min. for Trade & Commerce Ham LINI Vanuararoa
Min. for Youth & Sports Don KEN
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Odo TEVI
Last Updated: 10 Mar 2015

Pres. Nicolas MADURO Moros

Executive Vice Pres. Jorge Alberto ARREAZA Montserrat
Min. of Agriculture & Lands Jose Luis BERROTERAN
Min. of Air & Water Transportation Giuseppe YOFFREDA
Min. of Commerce Isabel DELGADO
Min. of Communes & Social Movements Elias Jose JAUA Milano
Min. of Communications & Information Jacqueline FARIA
Min. of Culture Reinaldo ITURRIZA
Min. of Defense Vladimir PADRINO Lopez, Gen.
Min. of Economy, Finance, & Public Banks Rodolfo MARCO TORRES, Brig. Gen.
Min. of Education Hector RODRIGUEZ
Min. of Electricity Jesse CHACON
Min. of Foreign Affairs Delcy Eloina RODRIGUEZ Gomez
Min. of Ground Transportation Haiman EL TROUDI
Min. of Health Nancy PEREZ
Min. of Housing, Habitats, & Ecosocialism Ricardo Antonio MOLINA Penaloza
Min. of Indigenous Peoples Aloha NUNEZ
Min. of Industry Jose David CABELLO
Min. of Interior, Justice, & Peace Gustavo Enrique GONZALEZ Lopez
Min. of Labor Jesus MARTINEZ
Min. of Nutrition Yvan Jose BELLO
Min. of the Office of the Presidency & Govt. Performance Monitoring Carmen Teresa MELENDEZ Rivas, Adm.
Min. of Penitentiary Services Maria Iris VARELA Rangel
Min. of Petroleum & Mining Asdrubal CHAVEZ
Min. of Planning Ricardo MENENDEZ
Min. of Tourism Andres IZARRA
Min. of University Education, Science, & Technology Manuel FERNANDEZ
Min. of Women & Gender Equality Andreina TARAZON
Min. of Youth & Sports Antonio ALVAREZ
Prosecutor Gen. Luisa ORTEGA Diaz
Pres., Central Bank Nelson Jose MERENTES Diaz
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Rafael Dario RAMIREZ Carreno
Last Updated: 13 Dec 2013

Vietnamese officials are addressed by the last element in their names..

Pres. Truong Tan SANG

Vice Pres. Nguyen Thi DOAN
Prime Min. Nguyen Tan DUNG
Dep. Prime Min. Hoang Trung HAI
Dep. Prime Min. Pham Binh MINH
Dep. Prime Min. Nguyen Thien NHAN
Dep. Prime Min. Vu Van NINH
Dep. Prime Min. Nguyen Xuan PHUC
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Cao Duc PHAT
Min. of Construction Trinh Dinh DUNG
Min. of Culture, Sports, & Tourism Hoang Tuan ANH
Min. of Education & Training Pham Vu LUAN
Min. of Finance Dinh Tien DUNG
Min. of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh MINH
Min. of Home Affairs Nguyen Thai BINH
Min. of Industry & Trade Vu Huy HOANG
Min. of Information & Communications Nguyen Bac SON
Min. of Justice Ha Hung CUONG
Min. of Labor, War Invalids, & Social Welfare Pham Thi Hai CHUYEN
Min. of National Defense Phung Quang THANH, Sr. Lt. Gen.
Min. of Natural Resources & Environment Nguyen Minh QUANG
Min. of Planning & Investment Bui Quang VINH
Min. of Public Health Nguyen Thi Kim TIEN
Min. of Public Security Tran Dai QUANG, Lt. Gen.
Min. of Science & Technology Nguyen QUAN
Min. of Transport Dinh La THANG
Chmn., Govt. Inspectorate Huynh Phong TRANH
Chmn., Office of the Govt. Vu Duc DAM
Chmn., State Ethnic Minorities Ctte. Giang Seo PHU
Governor, State Bank of Vietnam Nguyen Van BINH
Ambassador to the US Nguyen Quoc CUONG
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Le Hoai TRUNG
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2015

Pres. Abd Rabuh Mansur HADI, Fd. Mar.

Prime Min. Khalid Mahfuz BAHAH
Min. of Agriculture & Irrigation Farid Ahmad MUJAWWAR
Min. of Civil Service & Social Security
Min. of Culture Arwa UTHMAN
Min. of Defense Mahmud Ahmad al-SUBAYHI, Maj. Gen.
Min. of Education Abd al-Latif al-HAKIMI
Min. of Electricity Abdallah Muhsin al-AKWA
Min. of Endowments and Religious Guidance FUAD Umar al-Shaykh Abu Bakr
Min. of Expatriate Affairs Alawi BAFAQIH
Min. of Finance Muhammad Mansur ZAMAM
Min. of Fisheries Fahad Salim KAFAYIN
Min. of Foreign Affairs Abdallah al-SAIDI
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Muhammad MUTAHAR
Min. of Human Rights Izz al-Din al-ASBAHI
Min. of Industry & Trade Muhammad al-SAADI
Min. of Information Nadia al-SAQAF
Min. of Interior Jalal Ali al-RUWAYSHAN, Staff Brig. Gen.
Min. of Justice Khalid BAJUNAYD
Min. of Legal Affairs Muhammad Ahmad al-MIKHLAFI
Min. of Local Admin. Abd al-Raqib al-ASWADI
Min. of Oil & Minerals Muhammad bin NABHAN
Min. of Planning & Intl. Cooperation Muhammad al-MAYTAMI
Min. of Public Health & Population RIYADH Abdallah, Dr.
Min. of Public Works & Roads Wahi Taha AMAN
Min. of Social Affairs & Labor Samira UBAYD
Min. of Technical Education & Vocational Training Abd al-Razaq al-ASHWAL
Min. of Telecommunications & Information Technology Lutfi BASHARIF
Min. of Tourism Muamar Mutahir al-IRYANI
Min. of Transport Badir BASALMA
Min. of Water & Environment Izzi SHURAYM
Min. of Youth & Sports Rafat al-AKHALI
Min. of State Hasan ZAYD
Min. of State for Implementation of National Dialogue Outcomes Ghalib Abdallah Misad MUTLAQ
Governor, Central Bank Muhammad Awadh Ali bin HUMAM
Ambassador to the US
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Khalid Husayn Muhammad al-YAMANI
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2015

Pres. Edgar LUNGU

Vice Pres. Inonge WINA
Min. of Agriculture & Livestock Given LUBINDA
Min. of Chiefs & Traditional Affairs Yamfwa KATEMA
Min. of Commerce Margaret Duduzi MWANAKATWE
Min. of Community Development Emerine KABANSHI
Min. of Defense Edgar LUNGU
Min. of Education Michael KAINGU
Min. of Finance Alexander CHIKWANDA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Harry KALABA
Min. of Gender Nkandu LUO
Min. of Health Joseph KASONDE, Dr.
Min. of Home Affairs Davies MWILA
Min. of Information & Broadcasting Services Chisimba KAMBWILI
Min. of Justice Ngosa SIMBYAKULA
Min. of Labor Fackson SHAMENDA
Min. of Lands & Natural Resources Christabel NJIMBU
Min. of Local Govt. John PHIRI
Min. of Mines & Energy Christopher Bwalya YALUMA
Min. of Tourism & Arts Jean KAPATA
Min. of Transport, Communications, Works, & Supply
Min. of Youth & Sports Vincent MWALE
Attorney Gen.
Governor, Bank of Zambia Denny KALYALYA
Ambassador to the US Palan MULONDA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Patricia Mwaba KASESE-BOTA
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2014

Pres. Robert Gabriel MUGABE

Vice Pres. Emmerson Dambudzo MNANGAGWA
Vice Pres. Phelekezela MPHOKO
Min. of Agriculture, Mechanization, & Irrigation Development Joseph MADE
Min. of Defense Sydney Tigere SEKERAMAYI
Min. of Economic Planning Simon Khaya MOYO
Min. of Energy & Power Development Samuel UNDENGE
Min. of Environment & Water Resources Savior KASUKUWERE
Min. of Finance Patrick Anthony CHINAMASA
Min. of Foreign Affairs Simbarashe MUMBENGEGWI
Min. of Health & Child Welfare David PARIRENYATWA
Min. of Higher & Tertiary Education, Science, & Technology Development Oppah MUCHINGIRI
Min. of Home Affairs Kembo MOHADI
Min. of Industry & Commerce Mike BIMHA
Min. of Information Jonathan MOYO
Min. of Information Communications Technology & Courier Services Supa MANDIWANZIRA
Min. of Justice & Legal Affairs Emmerson Dambudzo MNANGAGWA
Min. of Labor & Social Services Prisca MUPFUMIRA
Min. of Lands Douglas MOMBESHORA
Min. of Local Govt. Ignatius CHOMBO
Min. of Mines & Mining Development Walter CHIDHAKWA
Min. of National Healing, Peace, & Reconciliation Phelekezela MPHOKO
Min. of Primary & Secondary Education Lazarus DOKORA
Min. of Small & Medium Enterprises Sithembiso NYONI
Min. of Sport, Art, & Culture Andrew LANGA
Min. of Tourism Walter MZEMBI
Min. of Transport & Infrastructure Development Obert MPOFU
Min. of Welfare Services for the War Veterans, War Collaborators, & Ex-
Detainees Christopher MUTSVANGWA
Min. of Women's Affairs
Min. of Youth Development, Indigenization, & Economic Empowerment Christopher MUSHOWE
Governor, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe John Panonetsa MANGUDYA
Ambassador to the US Ammon MUTEMBWA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Frederick Musiiwa Makamure SHAVA

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