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Looking after your younger friends

November 2017 by Heather

Learning Priority: improve English language

Te Whriki goal:
expressing my feelings and ideas using a
range of materials and modes
making sense of my world by generating and
refining working theories

Siham, you are a very friendly girl

and you love helping others. Today
you spent most of the day looking
after Bissan and Rayan. They loved
looking up to you and following your
instruction. You are a very patient
and good teacher. I love this in your
personality. After you had helped
teach these girls how to sing an
Arabic song, you had them
climbing on the climbing frame
with you then on to colouring
pictures, all the time tutoring
them in how to do each activity.
Lovely to watch. You make Allah
happy by being such a loving and
caring girl. Keep up the great work always looking after and
caring for those younger than you are.
Looking after your younger friends

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