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Implementation of the "7 Habits of Highly Effective Concept

People "in Profession Lecturer

Yusuf Hamdan
There are seven habits proposed by Stephen R. Covey in order for human life to be
effective, ie
living proactively as a personal vision, starting with the final picture of life as a form
personal leadership, prioritizing the main as a form of ability to do
priority, think win-win in the running of interpersonal leadership, understand
other people first then will be understood others, do the synergy
communicate effectively and creatively, and update itself constantly. Seventh
these highly relevant habits are implemented in the life of the professors
profession. Three habits
the first is the things that the lecturer needs to have to make himself effective
internally in dealing with his duties as a lecturer. The next three habits
are important things for lecturers to make themselves externally, in
relationships with fellow lecturers, students, and others. Habit last
it is important to develop the sensitivity of a lecturer in an effort
mengantsipasi various changes in the profession he lived.
dozens of endorsements contained in the book
original (edition of Indonesia published Bina Rupa
Literacy in 1997 under the title The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People, 7 Human Habits
Highly Effective ). Warren Bennis, an expert
the leadership who wrote the book On Becoming
A Leader , says that Covey has written
a remarkable book about the human condition
with skillful and understanding, who
useful for personal life as well as organization.
Edward A. Brennan, President of Sears, Roeburk
and Company, states, "The seven habits are
keys to success for people in all walks of life. It is
very thought-provoking " . No less one
educational character, William Rolfe Kerr, praised the book
that. He says, "Stephen R. Covey's book
teaches with power, conviction, and feeling. Both
the content and the methodology of these prin-
ciples form a solid foundation for effective com-
munication " . That is the excerpt of the statement
1. Introduction: Know the Concept
7 Habits
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,
Restoring The Character Ethic, published on
1989 new edition published 1997 is a book
got a lot of attention. Has become
inspiration for training in various fields
life and has been translated into
dozens of languages around the world, as well
led to a number of awards for
the author.
What is so special about this book? This book
expressed Stephen's views
R. Covey on the principles of how
individuals can lead effective lives.
Principles Covey submitted
in such a way as to invite admiration
various circles.
The admiration reflected, among other things, within

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figures contained in the face skin of Covey's book,
which shows how interesting this book is
the attention of many people.
This paper does not mean to make
book scales. This brief description is intended
to lead to one discussion
ideas that are quite important
and fundamental of Covey regarding
human development. What do you want
achieved by it by the writing of the book is
a complete success for mankind, good
in karer and family life, that is
as long as it is considered by so many people
as two things that can not be reconciled.
His statement always reads: choose a career, or
family. Through those seven human habits
very effective, Covey wanted to reject the thesis.
Before entering into the discussion
seven habits of highly effective people (hereafter
written 7 H), Covey redefined some
concept, that is about habit ,
maturity ( maturity ), and effectiveness ( effective-
ness ).
Habit defined Covey as
"The intersection of knowledge ( knowledge
which deals with what to do and why ),
skills ( skill , which pertains to how
to do ), and desire ( desire , pertaining to
want to do ) ".
The knowledge element is
elements of the custom pertaining to
individual knowledge of what can be
done and why should be done, as for
skill is a pertinent element
with how to do it, whereas
desire ( desire ) with respect to encouragement
or motivation why something is done. Element
first and second is the custom part
human being that is external (studied),
while the element of desire / motivation is yang
coming from within. An act, will be
individual habits if they have all three elements
it and done consistently.
Regarding individual development towards
maturity, Covey has the concept of the ma-
turity continuum . The continuum of maturity begins
from the stage of dependence of the individual ( dependence )
on the environment, towards independence (indepen-
dence ), then toward interdependence
( interdependence ). In order for individuals who are
depending on the others can be increased to
level of independence, the individual must run three
customs ( habit 1, 2, and 3) that are related
with individual internal conditions. If individual
can make these three habits become
part of himself, then he will be independent and reach for
personal victory.
Independence is not the highest level
individual development in the Covey concept.
A new self can handle
herself. He still has to develop
his ability to connect with others
because humans live in mutual conditions
depend on each other. With three supplies
other habits ( habit 4, 5, and 6), individuals will
reached the highest level in the matu-
rity continuum, which is interdependence
has been equipped with the ability to work in groups,
cooperation, and communication. At the mutual level
Depending on this, individuals are able to cooperate without
losing his self.
Individuals who have successfully made the habit
1 to 6 parts of him have not yet become
human being because he has to renew
habits at all times. Awareness
Figure 1
Habit / Habit
Source: Covey, 1997: 48

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Yusuf Hamdan . Implementation of the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
Concept in Profession Lecturers
and willingness to renew each
when it is the last habit in concept
The last concept Covey describes
as the introduction to 7 Hs is effectiveness or
effectiveness . Covey explained
effectiveness through the concept of production ( production
denoted by P) and production ability
( production capacity , abbreviated PC). Personal or
Effective organizations are the ones who can keep up
balance between pruduksi (P) with
production capability (PC). Effort
optimizing the production achieved through
optimization of production capabilities (see Covey,
1997: 47-53).
Figure 2
7 Habits Concept and Maturity Continuum from SR Covey

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2. Lecturer Profession
Lecturer, as one element in the system
higher education, has an important role.
Quality of education and teaching, research,
and community service as a function
major colleges depend greatly
on the quality of lecturers. The higher the quality of lecturers,
then the higher the quality of college tridharma
Viewed as one type of work,
lecturers can be said as a profession.
As Keraf says, "Profession is
work undertaken as a principal activity
to earn a living and yang
relying on a skill "(Keraf, 1991: 44),
because the work of lecturers has fulfilled the requirements-
requirements of the profession, namely:
(1) To run it requires skill
(2) Conducted as main activity;
(3) To earn an income
In order to become a lecturer really,
can indeed be categorized as a
profession, then everyone who holds office
it should bend over backwards
the above requirements, especially the requirements
meet certain skills, and make
lecturer's job as main activity.
We realize, in fact, various
special skills that must be possessed by
a lecturer is still largely ignored. Work
as a lecturer also sometimes still
treated as a side job,
so that a lecturer is not really,
really nurture and develop themselves
so his work is not worth mentioning as
a profession.
Therefore, being a lecturer is one
professional challenges. Who is really interested?
really willing and able to develop themselves
to be a good and effective lecturer, undoubtedly
they will become professional lecturers.
On the contrary, who is his impulse to be
lecturers just want to just relax,
avoid heavy and busy jobs,
undoubtedly they will become an amateur lecturer.
Against this background, this article
intends to convey ideas for
help peers seek to find
ways to improve professionalism within
duty as a lecturer.
3. Purpose of Writing
This paper aims to discuss what the concept
The 7 Habit of Highly Effective People , as well
how the application of the concept in
professors lecturers. With this discussion, it is expected
lecturers can draw principles
self-development of the '7 Habits ' concept
initiated by Stephen R. Covey, and
apply it in carrying out his profession.
Thus, it is expected that the lecturers
experiencing the process of empowerment, so deep
like karer as a lecturer they can
practicing a more effective life as well
managed to become individuals who have per-
sonal power , success in karer, so too
in family life.
4. Become an Effective Lecturer: Implementation
Concept 7 Habits
The "7 H" concept that Stephen R.
Covey consists of 7 effective human habits
as shown in Table 1.
Habit -1: Be Proactive. 'Be a human being
proactive. ' This habit is called the principles of
personal vision, because it involves change
personal vision of self and environment.
Habit -2: Begin with the End in Mind. 'Start
with the end in mind. ' This habit is called
as the principles of personal leadership,
principle of personal leadership, because with
habit-2 individuals will be able to direct themselves
through strength from within.
Habit -3: Put First Things First. ' Put it first
the main.' This habit is known by principles
of personal management , because of this habit
giving individuals the ability to
define issues and make priorities.

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Yusuf Hamdan . Implementation of the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
Concept in Profession Lecturers
Habit -4: Think Win / Win. 'Thinking win-
win.' This habit is called the principles of
interpersonal leadership, because it involves
wider leadership dimension than mere
for self, but interpersonally.
Habit -5: Seek First to Understand Then to
be Understood 'Trying to understand it first
first, then understood. ' Habit this
referred to as the principles of empathic communi-
cation, because it involves a variety of attitudes and
empathetic communication behavior within
interpersonal communication.
Habit- 6: Synergize. 'Synergy.' Habit this
known as principles of creative communi-
cation, as it relates to ability
individuals can create an atmosphere of cooperation
creative in interpersonal communication.
Habit -7 : Sharpen the Saw. 'Heed a saw.'
This habit is called the principles of balanced
self-renewal, or principles of self-renewal
which is balanced, ie one related habit
with self-renewal that must continue
Table 1
Concept 7 Habits
Habit -1: Be Proactive
Be human proactive , this habit is called as
principles of personal vision, because it involves a change of vision
personal self and environment.
Habit -2: Begin with the End
in Mind
Start with the end in mind , this habit is referred to as
principles of personal leadership, leadership principles
personally, as with individual habits will be able to steer
himself through strength from within.
Habit -3: Put First Things
First , the habit is known as the principles of
personal management , because this habit provides the ability
individuals to define issues and make priorities.
Habit -4: Think Win / Win
Thinking win-win , this habit is called as principles
of interpersonal leadership, because it involves dimensions
wider leadership than just for oneself,
but interpersonally.
Habit -5: Seek First to
Understand Then to be
Try to understand first, then later
understandable . This habit is called the principles of empathic
communication, because it involves various attitudes and behaviors
empathetic communication in interpersonal communication.
Habit- 6: Synergize
Synergy , this habit is known as the principles of creative
communication, as it relates to ability
individuals can create an atmosphere of creative cooperation within
interpersonal communication.
Habit -7 : Sharpen the Saw
Hone a saw , this habit is called the principles of balanced
self-renewal, or principles of self-renewal
balanced, ie a habit associated with renewal
the self that must continue to be carried by the individual in variety
dimension in a balanced way.

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done by individuals in various dimensions
in a balanced way.
4.1 Habit -1: Be Proactive
The proactive term in the "7 H" frame is not
just means to have the initiative (popularly
interpreted by the ball pick), but rather
contains a deeper and wider understanding.
Covey defines proactive people as people
who is responsible for what is
he did, for every act which
done based on the values that
believed, has been taken into consideration
deep, and careful. The opposite is proactive
is a reactive person, that is who they are
his actions are driven and directed by
his feelings, by the people who are in
its surroundings, and by its current conditions
it, as well as its environment.
Proactive people are aware of social pressures,
so with so many people
just a mirror of his social environment
(subject to the laws of determinism), both on a regular basis
genetic, physical, and environmental. A who
proactive will not simply give up against
social pressure, but rather proactively
putting forward his potential. He would
take the initiative, and never willing to be made
In response to the things that come from
outside, proactive people do not follow the psychic flow
stimulus-response, but between mechanisms
stimulus and responses she is able to insert
steps to exercise his / her right of freedom to
choose, as aware of self as
a noble being who has ability
imagination, consciousness, and free will.
Because his actions are the result of his choice
alone, then he is able to bear all
the consequences.
Proactive people will look the difference from or-
reactive of how to spend
time and energy. People are proactive to use
time and energy for those affairs
is in the 'circle of influence', ie everything
which can be controlled, while people
reactive time spent on the 'circle
caring ', ie everything that can not
controlled (Covey, 19997: 65-87).
Because the concept of the circle of influence and
This concern, every thing will be wrong
one controlling area. First, direct con-
trol, which is a direct controllable problem
by individuals without any other participation. Second,
indirect control, that is the problem that can be
controlled indirectly, that is
control should be done together
with others. Third, no control, that is the problem
which can not be controlled at all (Anonymous,
http: //www.leadru .com).
In order to handle the first problem
effectively, people have to change
his habit to deal with the second problem,
and people have to change ways
influence others. Furthermore, for
handle the third problem, people have to change
In living life as a lecturer,
one can be proactive armed
awareness and willingness to run
profession of lecturers in a responsible manner.
His actions will be based on
the noble motivation of a well-educated educator
the values of dedication to science,
not running his profession on pressure
environment. By being proactive, one
lecturers will be more able to control their emotions,
because it will be relatively free from all the complications
always emotional expressions
faced, both in the process of teaching and learning,
also in contact with his colleagues.
Proactive lecturers will use their time
for his controllable affairs,
for example trying to increase the number
attendance in teaching, quality of teaching materials,
including his scientific work; improve quality
association with fellow scientists, always looking
the latest sources of information on specialization
which he is engaged in (focus on that problem
are in direct control) .
Conversely, reactive lecturers will forget on

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Yusuf Hamdan . Implementation of the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
Concept in Profession Lecturers
his duties as a demanding lecturer
professionalism, time and spend
its energy for the "essentials" that are outside
control, good problems in the immediate environment,
as well as the distant environment; talking about
ulcers of management, discussing which means
not owned, where the concerned is not
has no effect at all ( no control ).
The intervention of a lecturer to
matters outside him can only be
done limited to the affairs of indirect control,
ie subject that can be controlled but not
directly, he has the ability
affects decision making, but must
together with others.
According to the "7H" theory, someone who is
spending time in circles
concern, will decrease its effectiveness.
Conversely, if he spends his time on
circle of influence, then its effectiveness will be
more increasing. From the emotional side, the lecturer
always focus on the circle of influence will feel
more successful, while the lecturers are always focused
on a circle of concern, will feel himself
as victims of the people who are in
surrounding, but feel helpless to
do the resistance.
The solution offered the concept of "7H" for
this problem is changing the vision. For
handle problems in the direct control area ,
a lecturer should change the habit-
bad habits that are not effective, be
effective good habits ( habit 1,2,3).
For example, in terms of appointments. Promise to go to
in the category of direct control, willing to promise or
not promised entirely dependent on
individual. However, so many humans
who can not keep the promises that have been
he made. When a person does not keep an appointment, no
alone has hurt the feelings of others, further
his nature has undermined his personal integrity,
issuing good qualities of his personality. When
events are repeated constantly, then
his actions will become a habit.
Because good habits are not integrated
into him, a person like this is known as
personal who have no integrity.
To handle problems in the indirect area
control , a lecturer must be able to change
bad habits become habits-
good habits that are effective in relating
interpersonally ( habits 4, 5, and 6). If the runway
live together with colleagues also with
students have not based on the basic assumption that
positive, if the way communication has not been empathic, if
in relation to others have not been able
participate to realize the synergy, then
those habits will make him
helpless in handling indirect issues
control. The challenge for the concerned
is to improve the paradigm of cooperation, the foundation
communication, and creative cooperation.
As for menanagani problem on
area no control, no way but with
cultivate a plural attitude, be aware and willing
receiving a diverse life, though
among the multitudes some are not
If these principles can be held firm
by a lecturer, not excessive if the lecturer
the concerned is referred to as the lecturer
visionary, that is the personal educator who is
independent, dare to refuse
dictation is not relevant from the environment, believe
self conveys views
personality based on noble values
he believes.
4.2 Habit -2: Begin with the End in Mind
Second good habit, begin with the end in
mind, start with the end in mind, called
Covey as the habit of personal leadership,
habits of personal leadership. The point
This custom is that humans can live effectively
if able to run leadership against
him. Who should run
that leadership? No other is the picture
about the end of his life.
According to the concept of "7 H", nothing more
worthy of leadership to the individual
except for the purpose of his own life. Someone who

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want to live effectively must be willing and courageous
imagine, visualize, then
write down the end of his life later. Without
the final picture of life, one can not live
effective because of the strong influence that will outside
invites moving in a different direction from that
The final picture of life, like a compass for
ships that are sailing in the middle of the ocean.
It is okay for the waves to blast the ship
here and there, but the ship will always be directed-
right back by na-
khoda towards the island
aim. Life is too
frenzy without kepe-
strong leadership and
firm. A will
easy to change course
if you do not have a grasp-
an obvious one. With
the final picture of life-
man always
have leadership
personal. He knows the direction
which will be addressed,
ga every action measured
whether or not it is important
the final picture of life
(Covey, 1997: 97-107).
In management
we know the importance
good purpose for the individual
or organization. According to Siregar and Samadhi
(1998: 17), achievement of objectives, other than determined
by human quality, is also determined by quality
the goal. A good goal should be specific,
realistic, measurable, and time-limited. While
according to Koontz and Weihrich (1998: 93), in
a step management organization becomes
chaotic if there is no clear purpose.
The existence of a clear purpose is influential
to the effectiveness of one's life. Concept
"7H" says that everything inside
life is created twice, all things are cre-
ated twice. The first creation is mentally deep
the human mind, the second creation physically.
Failure after failure experienced by humans
much due to the failure of creation
first. Many humans are aground in the middle
journey karernya for real since
early does not have a clear purpose. A no
will get to Jakarta, if in his mind he is not
want to go and be in Jakarta. Someone who
want to build a dream house, for the first
the first time he built the house first
in his mind, then he strives
make it happen physically.
Are pencip-
first for
individual? Who is it?
which formulates
final picture kehi-
dupan individual? If
a child was asked
want to be what later,
usually there is an answer
standard dictated
by environment:
want to be a doctor,
engineer, or who
more general, wanted
become a human being
useful for nusa,
nation, and religion.
The first creation
for the common individual-
its done by
environment, however
so this creation is often a form of coercion
the will of the environment against the individual without
consider carefully what is there
in the individual, his circumstances, his expectations
in the future.
In the concept of "7 H", this first creation
should be checked, and generally it should
rewritten. Such as scenarios, written
the environment may be too many scenes of horror,
while individuals love tenderness.
The environment demands that human roles
mediocre, while individuals desire to be
a prominent man in his field. There is no
another way to tidy up the first creation,
Box 1. Example of a Personal Mission Statement
Personal Mission Statement
At the end of life, I want to be recorded as
an intellectual who has a profession
as a lecturer who has credibility:
competent in my field of specilization
indicated by the degree of plenary scholarship
(DR), with teacher academic rank
great (Professor), trusted by the community
because I run the profession ethically,
based on faith in Almighty God,
as well as adhering to the principle of salih charity
always willing to help advance
community through teaching and learning process,
research activities, lectures, and
dissemination activities of other sciences through writing
in the mass media, and the writing of books.

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Yusuf Hamdan . Implementation of the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
Concept in Profession Lecturers
besides the individual must rewrite the scenario.
Unnecessary scenes should be discarded;
"Sken-sken" that is lacking, should be added.
Rewrite the first creation technically
means making a "Personal Mission Statement" (PMP).
In the beginning, it was natural for a lecturer
feel unsettled about what to have
lived in his profession. Family demands
encourage one to be a trader (searching
profit). The bureaucratic orientation of our society
encouraging people to be workers (searching
'kalungguhan'), and certainly many other demands
from the environment for a lecturer to
perform certain roles. However,
a lecturer should proactively formulate
return personal mission in carrying out his profession
based on the values it believes to be
a person who runs a profession of knowledge spreaders
For example, maybe a lecturer
write the PMP as shown in Box 1.
4.3 Habit -3: First Things First
The third habits of First Things First, first
the main or important one, is known as the prin-
ciples of personal management, principles
self-management pri-
badi. If habits
the second one is hit-
with the creator-
an first in
mind, then kebia-
third saan,
with creation
the second, that is
how to do-
judkan imagination
into action (every-
jemen). Habit
third is
a testing ground for
free will
individual in the middle
dictation atmosphere
environment. In this event the independence of the individual
thoroughly tested, personal integrity at stake.
The ability to sort and choose affairs-
an important affair for achieving the goal of becoming
one very skill and skill
important in this regard.
The specific concept Covey introduced
in this habit is assessing the relevance of one
affairs through judgment of important and
he urged. To that end, "7 H" introduces a con-
sep time matrix as shown in Figure 3.
According to the concept of "7 H", time is owned
humans are used for the affairs that exist
in a time matrix divided into four
quadrant, that is Quadrant I, II, III, and IV. Quadrant I
contains important and urgent matters, that is
important matters that must be addressed immediately.
While Quadrant II is a matter of which
important, but not urgent. That is on
Quadrant III is a problem that is not important
but urgent. While in Quadrant IV
is a matter that is not important nor does it
Quadrant I affairs can not be avoided
human. Affairs are important and precarious.
For example a child is severely ill, can not be postponed
on the grounds of doing more
first. Kua-
dran I belong to
in the category of crisis.
Affairs are important,
can not be left behind-
right, and no
much more time
to do-
his. Many are
experiencing stress un-
to handle the
is this. College student
which is up
study period and
threatened DO, people
who owe that
have to pay, and
Figure 3
Time Matrix
Not Urgent

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The affairs of Quadrant II are matters
important, therefore unavoidable, must be
done. However, time is available for
plan handling it well because
time is available quite freely. For business-
affairs in Quadrant II, management principles
can apply. Based on the concept of "7 H", people
who want to improve its effectiveness then
should focus the time and energy to
Quadrant II by reducing the allocation of time
for other quadran.
The affair in the Quadrant III is
urgent but insignificant matters.
A number of phone rings, no guests
invited, important affairs of others, and
etc. While the affairs are not
important is not as urgent as daydreaming,
chatting that is not clear the focus, speak
about the weaknesses of others,
analyzing issues beyond competence,
other. For matters in the Quadrant
III and IV, one must be able to say 'No'.
The more a person can say no
for all matters in the Quadrant
III and IV, the more time to add
deal with problems in Quadrant II. More success
deal with problems in Quadrant II, the less
volume of affairs in Quadrant I. (Covey, 1997: 145-
The impact of time concentration in Quadrant II,
reject as much affairs in the Quadrant
III and IV, someone's life will be much more
effective. Feel successful, and serene, without
excessive stress stress.
For a lecturer, the time matrix of "7H"
this is very important, because a lot of work-
work of lecturers who set a deadline,
such as teaching, testing, testing, making
research, postgraduate studies, promotion,
writing a paper for a journal. By applying
time matrix, a lecturer will feel
that the time is never less, willing
doing positive, useful things, and
bring results, without feeling depressed.
People who are able to apply the principle
Quadrant II-yes, Quadrant III and IV-No, are or-
who have understood the meaning of priority and understand
time value. That time the variable value is from zero
to infinity. The higher one
appreciate the time, the higher the value. But,
the lower one appreciates the time,
the more empty its value.
As the completeness of time management, '7H'
recommends that to operate the concept
Quadrant time, man must identify
the roles to be performed, and
set goals for each of those roles.
A lecturer may want to run
roles as teachers, mentors, researchers, and
writers (this role certainly varies on each
person). So that the roles can work with
well, then for each must be set
goals to be achieved. From the goals
it can be made a timely use schedule
with the quadrant principle of time (by giving
marks K1, 2, 3, and 4) for each activity
will be done. In multiplying
utilization of time, a person must also be trained
in the skill of delegating, because
with delegation means multiplying
available time.
A lecturer who can complete
his personality with three effective habits, that is
be proactive to get a personal vision,
start with the end in mind to have
personal leadership, and able to give priority
the main (important) in order to apply the scale
priorities, will move from the personal level
depending become an independent person, because
already experiencing personal triumph
Covey referred to as private victory!
4.4 Habit -4: Think Win / Win
The fourth habit of concept "7 H"
is think win / win, or thinking win-
win. This custom is called Principles
of interpersonal leadership, or principles
interpersonal leadership. If we look
carefully, ranging from discussion of habit
The fourth through sixth habit,
Covey shifted the focus of attention of the dimensions

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in a Profession Lecturer
personal to interpersonal.
Think win-win as a habit
the fourth, as well as the first habit
in the context of interpersonal relationships,
stressed to the discussion about
leadership. A person certainly can not be
achieving effectiveness on issues that are
in indirect control, without the help of others.
Help other people can not be achieved without
run leadership.
In the fourth habit, in the description
the various types of relationship patterns
interpersonal, Covey suggested six forms
interpersonal relationships, namely:
Win / Win
Lose / Lose
Win / Lose
Lose / Win
Win / Win or No Deal
On the relations that Win / Win , respectively
the parties can reach agreement
win-win solution. Each party also
basing relation to the award
on the third alternative as the best path. No
impose his will, but not
surrender to the power of others.
They are willing to exchange ideas for
find a better alternative thoughts of
mind both.
Patterns of relationship Win / Lose is based
the relationship are aware of the position and
power. One party wishes
impose a victory over the other.
While the pattern of relationships Lose / Win is
opposite of Win / Lose , where one party willing
sacrifice for the benefit or welfare
the other party. The Lose / Lose more
an overview of the results of the relationship between two parties
equally principled Lose / Win
which encourages all parties to experience
defeat. There is a maxim that is appropriate for
This situation, which is' lost ashes win so
Party that holds the principle Win in
relationships with other parties concerned only
victory for himself regardless of the or-
Another ang, and without taking into account the costs and
its costs. Anyway every
he relates to another, should he
winner. The pattern of relationships that last are
Win / Win or No Deal , is a pattern of relationships
is based on the belief that that would
positive impact of interpersonal relations
just that provide benefits to
all parties, but it is not, so form-
Other forms of relationship that are likely to be
Think "win-win" not just
tactics or strategy, but one principle
must be believed by people who crave
success in relationships with others.
The principle of thinking "win-win" requires
personal integrity, adult ( mature ),
and have a mental 'abundance' ( abundance
mentality ), who believe that victory is not
belonging to one party only, but can
enjoy together. Think "win-win"
can not happen if these individuals do not have
his appreciation of others and their
his views. Covey, 1997: 204.216;
A lecturer who think "win-
win "will not be worried by the difference-
differences, both with peers
as well as students, because he believes that
truth does not belong to man, but one who
can be obtained together. Lecturers
think "win-win" will not
positioning itself as a player who is entitled
monopolize the truth in the midst
the bustle of the dissemination of knowledge,
but would humbly realize who
had the right to get to the station of science, perhaps
from a different door.
Lecturers who think "win-win" not
to worry about the deterioration of authority
Academic due respect the opinion of peers
or a student who shows spark
the truth, because the award given
to others is a manifestation
his maturity as a person. If I can

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M EDIA T OR , Vol. 4 1 2003
up to the tops of the climb
intellect, others had the right and
have the same opportunities.
4.5 Habit -5: Seek First to Understand,
then be Understood
The fifth habit is known principles
of empathic communicaiton, or principles
empathic communication. According to the concept of "7 H",
empathic communication skills is one
ability which is very important in life.
The importance of empathic communication skills
represented in this kind of expression, " if you want
Effectively berinteraksi with me, to influence me, you
first need to understand me " (http: // .
One form of communication skills
emphatically demonstrated through ability
listen empathetically. Most people
listen in order to be able
provide answers. When someone speaks, we
may ignore it, listen to
pretension, selectively. Few of us
that is capable of listening to others
empathetic. Whereas empathic ability is
provided that there is transparency and trust in
Empathic ability is one that
materialized from a sincere desire to understand or-
Another ang along with the phrase: understand
before you give advice, diagnosis
before you prescribe. Any suggestions
delivered in communications
based on the circumstances of others, just follow
estimates of pure thought about others, not
will be effective. That does not come from
professional communication, but from the amateurs.
As is true in trading, the ama-
teur salesman sells products, the professional
salesman sells solutions to needs and problems.
According to the concept of "7 H", one must
avoid giving responses
Biographical order to have empathic skills.
Biographical response is a response by
our perspective. By doing so we will likely
evaluate, investigate, give advice,
interpret (Covey, 1997: 237-246).
Very empathetic communication skills
important in running a lecturer profession. In
teaching and learning, few of us
oriented to the needs of students;
understand what they know and want,
then from there we present the information
they need. We still prefer to be
center of attention, but participants should
educate the limelight. Change
educational paradigm of lecturer centered to
student centered seemingly everywhere yet
goes well. In the practice of learning
teach, that occurred more that
otherwise. A change of paradigm is more appropriate
said as a slogan rather than a picture
reality. In a posteriori , professors have had
assumptions diangggap itself
good, presenting material appropriate knowledge
they wish without being too concerned about the
what feels and thinks students
who will receive it.
The same thing can also happen in the process
the guidance of scientific writing as writing
essay. Frequent counseling process runs
such that a student drowning
in greatness tutor, making
various pithy idea that originally grew on
the student as novice researchers, in
gradually sinking in academic power
guardian. In order for the guidance process thesis
be a form of empathic communication, the professor
more patient must listen to the voice of reality
without the perception of bias. Having understood correctly
the problem is, just give instructions to
where students must tread.
If the lecturer is indulging in his heart,
no matter what MA-feeling and thinking
hasiswa, really lecturers still being
Amateur ( sells products ). Instead, lecturer
more oriented to the learner (mahasis-
wa), wait to hear what they need,
then that is a true professional lecturer ( sells solu-
tions ). Lecturer like it had been run principle
diagnose before you prescribe.

Page 13
Yusuf Hamdan . Application of the concept of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
in a Profession Lecturer
4. 6 Habit -6: Synergize
The sixth habit, synegize, or synergies,
known as the principles of creative communi-
cation, or the principles of creative communications.
Why say that? For communication
creative and executed to achieve synergies, the
the integration process that generates more
than the sum of the parts
The description of the synergy taking explanations
from Gestalt psychology, which postulates that
Overall it was more / bigger than
the number of parts . However, in
reality only a few people who have
a lot of experience in synergy, because
most people have formed in patterns
defensive and protective communication. new synergies
possible when a person has a threshold
a high tolerance for uncertainty.
The synergy also will only work if there is
willingness of us to ignore the formalities format-
old mat, and are willing to explore the use of formalities
mat-new format. To obtain synergies, the
should be open and authentic. When we open ourselves
to influence others, we gain
deeper understanding and
creating new choices.
The results are often beyond the synergistic cooperation
the sum mathematically. In synergy,
1 plus 1 results are not two, but three!
Why? If A has a good idea, B
too, and they are willing to communicate
synergistically by exchanging ideas
them, it will produce new ideas
not the idea of A or B, but the idea
C synergy idea of both. Now, in
next to their ideas, no one
new ideas are the result of creative communication process
Lowest level of communication is
current lack of mutual trust between the
characterized by an atmosphere communicating
defensive, protective, and use of language
legalistic used incase something
or circumvent something if the atmosphere
becomes unpleasant. The level of communication
being is when adults
communicate with respect for one
with others. While most communication
high is synergistic communication, which
characterized by compromises to find
The third alternative. The third alternative is generated
of the synergy process is often better than the view
the original of each party. alternative searches
The third meaning of the paradigm shift
think mentally dichotomous yes / no to think
empathetic to achieve synergies.
The essence of synergy is appreciated
differences. Effective people are those
are aware of the limitations of understanding
while aware of the wealth of existing resources
which can be obtained through interaction with or-
Another ang. (Covey, 1997: 264: 272; http: // ).
The sixth habit taught the outside
unusual for a professor. to establish
effective cooperation, lecturers must have the attitude
pluralist, have a willingness to respect others
as a fellow human being glorified
creator. Further than that, capable
appreciate the diversity of views. If
lecturers do not have awareness and pluralist attitude,
then he will feel safe to confining
limited in his knowledge. He does not
want to see the atmosphere outside, because him
atmosphere as it was made under threat of authority
academic. In the middle of the development
fast, he felt it would soon be
human silly, not many know,
many understand. Lecturer like that worry right
look silly in the middle of the audience.
He would prefer to fortify
lack of self with all kinds of rules. If
there is no corresponding rule for
interests, he was willing to make interpretations
specifically about the rules so that appropriate
interests. Thus, if he
interact with others (colleagues and
students) will tend to use-pattern
the pattern of one-way communication, not communication
creative to obtain synergies. Will try

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M EDIA T OR , Vol. 4 1 2003
impose his views, rather than willing
understand and appreciate the views of others.
Such an attitude gives a false sense of security,
because it gradually makes itself irrelevant
with the environment. He did not get much
benefit from interaction with one another, as
rigid stance in defending
opinion of his opinion although manifestly
is outdated. Not willing to accept the view
others even more relevant and more actual.
This attitude is an act of impoverishment
themselves intellectually.
A professor who has this attitude
should immediately realized his mistake.
Monopolize the truth of science in addition to inappropriate
is also not possible. Sources of knowledge
knowledge is now open to any or-
ang through various means of communication. Even,
there is a tendency of increasing importance agen-
new socialization agents (generally a medium of communication)
compared to the agents of socialization old
(Such as educational institutions). In
The rapid development of society,
creative communication patterns to obtain
synergies be the most appropriate choice in order
a lecturer who is able
maintain its existence.
If a teacher is able to equip themselves
with custom 4 ( think win / win ), habit 5
( Seek first to understand than to be understood ),
and customs 6 ( synergize ), the lecturers
will be able to overcome the problems that
located in the area of indirect control, in which
to address the problem should
in collaboration with others. with third
This habit will experience a lecturer
progress one level again. Now not only he has
become independent (habit 1, 2, and
3), but have other skills to work
in an atmosphere of mutually dependent life
( Interdependence ). He will not be awkward for
perform interpersonal leadership,
run empathic communication, and
synergize. A lecturer who successfully
running habit 4, 5, and 6 will memproleh
public victory, public victory!
4.7 Habit -7: Sharpen the Saw
The seventh habit of concept "7 H",
Sharpen the Saw , Develop your saws, known as
principles of balanced self-renewal, principles
the principle of balanced self-renewal.
This habit is the completeness of
habit 1 to 6. A person who has
have the habits, good for him
alone or good habits in
the scope of interpersonal relationships, should have
self-awareness to constantly update
his capabilities, because otherwise
all under their control could be obsolete and not
used anymore. Aspects of the principle of the six habits
Effective human may survive,
but the strategies, techniques, and tactics do
may change from time to time.
Self-renewal must be done
self-balanced in four dimensions, namely in terms of
physical, spiritual, mental, and social. The first-
all are in physical terms. An individual must
have a willingness to constantly update
physical health. There are three important areas
in maintaining physical health, ie endur-
ance . In terms of physical health is obtained from
regular aerobic exercise. The second area of
Physical maintenance is to maintain
and increase the flexibility of the body. Enhancement
flexibility derived from stretching exercises
muscle, so that the physical has flexible power and no
quick injury. The third region of
Physical maintenance is to preserve and
increase body strength. physical strength
obtained from the exercises on a regular load.
Updates on the spiritual aspects regarding
with the values that we believe in the
and the central core value system of an individual.
Updates in this spiritual aspect may impact
on a personal mission statement reconciliation, because
personal mission statement after it was written for the first
time then to be refined over time
to time.
Updates to the mental dimension do
to always pay attention to spiritual food.
By following television shows that

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Yusuf Hamdan . Application of the concept of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
in a Profession Lecturer
meaningful, watch artistic performances, as well as
reading books that led to the birth
personal inspiration, or enlightening
(Covey, 1997: 287-299;
In the life of a teacher, a willingness
to continually renew itself is one
absolute thing to do. In physical terms,
a professor is required to have fitness
excellent body. Nowadays a lot of offers
if the practices of the body to get
good health, in the form of bids from
fitness center , fitness clubs like
Yoga clubs, gyms, and even a variety of clubs
that harness the flow in to
Lecturers are fit, physically fit,
fresh and energetic, much will be more attractive
compared to lecturers lackluster, dull, and
looked sickly. The process of teaching and learning can be more
success with the support of physical health
A lecturer must also maintain and
improve spiritual health. He must always
renew its commitments in accordance
with the development of knowledge and
Also understanding appreciation of values
into his grip. commitment to
values that are believed will continue to be
guides in their profession.
Commitment to update themselves Men-
tal rightly no doubt on
person who works as a lecturer;
habit of reading books, studying journalism
cutting-edge scientific journals, visit
library, see performances
art, and other mental nourishment. However,
many other reality shows. Let us
check out our private spaces at home. Maybe
will be a lot of other objects that become
home decoration a lecturer of the object
The most precious to him: books .
The update itself on the social dimension of its form
will be more diverse at each individual faculty.
However, the point is that a lecturer will
always willing to maintain and improve
social commitment, both in programs
community empowerment as well as in various
forms of activity in charitable institutions.
5. Conclusion
Based on the above, it can be concluded
as follows:
1. The principles contained in draft
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
is the concept of self-development
which is based on an understanding of the
how people can live with
effective, both in career and family.
The effective life based on the
number of values that should be part
a person's life by Covey
simplified into the seven habits
effective people, consisting of customs
for (1) a proactive life as a personal vision,
(2) start with an overview of the end of life,
as a form of personal leadership, (3)
The main advance as a form of
ability to prioritize. Third
habits are things that need to be
owned by individuals to make effective self
own (internal conditions). In addition, a
people still have to improve themselves
in order to live effectively with customs (4)
think win-win in the running
interpersonal leadership, (5) understand the
others first, and only then will
understand the other person, and (6) do
synergies, communicate effectively and
creative to generate a third alternative.
Effective human habits terminated
with customs (7) to renew themselves. All
the ability of the habit of 1 to 6
be less meaningful if it is not accompanied by
willingness to constantly renew themselves.
2. Principles "7 H" can be applied in
many facets of life, including in
practicing a profession as a lecturer. A
lecturers will not be able to meet the criteria
professionalism if he can not run
life as a lecturer effectively.
The principles stated Stephen R.

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M EDIA T OR , Vol. 4 1 2003
Covey will be very useful if it can be
applied thoroughly and consistently
in treading a career as a lecturer.
Covey, Stephen R. 1997. The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People, Restoring the Character
Ethic . London: Simon & Sschuster Inc.
Keraf, A. Sonny. 1991 Business Ethics, Membangunn
Business Image As Noble Profession .
Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
Koontz, Harold and Heinz Weichrich. 1988. Man-
agement . Ninth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., Singapore.
Siregar, Ali Basyah and TMA Ari Samadhi. 1988.
Management . Bandung: Institute of Technology

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