Testing of Turbo Generator: Chapter-1Introduction

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Dept. of EEE 1 AITS- HYD


A Generator is a rotating Electromagnetic device producing electrical power

takingmechanical input from prime mover (Gas Turbine / Steam Turbine) and
magnetic energyfrom excitation.Generator Design will be conforming to
International Standards like IEC & Nationalstandards like BS, VDE, IS
etc.Generators driven by steam or gas turbines have cylindrical/ round rotors with
slotsinto which distributed field windings are placed. These round rotor generators
are usuallyreferred to as turbo generators and they usually have 2 or 4 poles.
Generators driven byhydraulic turbines have laminated salient pole rotors with
concentrated field winding and alarge number of poles.Testing is the most
important process to be done on a machine after it is designed.The testing of
machine is necessary primarily to establish that the machine performancecomplies
with customer specifications. Tests ensure that the piece of equipment concerned
issuitable for and capable for performing duty for which it is intended.Testing has
to be done on a machine at every step in its manufacturing process for the
company to certify it to be a
deliverable good.
Test brings out the impact of processvariations. Testing is done in simulations
which tend to closely resemble the practicalscenario under which the machine
works.Testing provides the experimental data like the efficiency, losses,
characteristics,temperature limits etc. for the use of design office, both as
confirmation of design forecastand also as basic information for the production of
future designs.


To ensure that all functional requirements are fulfilled, and to estimate
the performance of generator, the turbo generators are required to undergo some te
sts. Fortesting, the turbo generator was mechanically coupled to a drive motor-
motor generator set

with gearbox. The rotor was excited by thyristor converter system located in an
independenttest room and the operation was controlled from the test gallery.The
following first two tests will be conducted on the stator and rotor before
assemblingand the third and final routine tests will be conducted after assembling
the turbo generator.a.

Tests conducted on Stator b.

Tests conducted on Rotor

Testing is the most important process to be conducted on a machine after it
isdesigned. The testing of machine is necessary primarily to establish that the
machine performance complies with the customer specifications. Tests ensure that
the piece ofequipment concerned is suitable for and capable for performing duty
for which it is intended.Testing is done under condition simulating closely as
possible to those, which will apply
when the set is finally installed with a view to demonstrate to purchasers
representative its
satisfactory operation.Test provides the experimental data like efficiency, losses,
characteristics,temperature limits, etc. for the use of design office, both as
confirmation of design forecastand also as basic information for the production of
future designs.With ever increasing rating of the modern turbo generators and
reliability of service
expected, testing at manufacturers works has becom
e of paramount importance. Themachine performance is evaluated from the results
of the equivalent tests.
Advantages of testing

Provides data for optimization of design2.

Provides quality assurance3.

Meets the requirement of legal and contract requirements.4.

Reduction in rework cost.5.

Ensures process capability and develops checklist.6.

Increases confidence levels in manufacture.7.

Establishes control over raw materials.8.

Helps in building of safety and general operation and manual.


1.4. THEME
Testing is an activity, which basically evaluates a component, and or a product
(builtup of component assemblies) as to whether it has the technical capability that
has been builtinto it by way of design, materials, and technological processes
employed whilemanufacturing and workmanship.

As such, testing activities can broadly be classified in to a number of categories as


Type tests. b.

Routine tests.c.

Process tests
The characteristics of testing:

Provides quality assurance.2)

Meets the requirements of legal & contract requirements.3)

Ensures process capability & develops checklist.4)

Have an approved procedure.5)

Check the equipment before use.6)

Calibrate the test equipment & instruments.7)

Ensure interlocks of the equipment


The definition and objective of the project as well as the design of the project
which is followed by the implementation and testing phases is studied in detail.
Finally the project
has been concluded successfully and also the future enhancements of the project w
ere shown.The organization of the project is as follows by1.


Literature survey3.

System development4.

Analysis of a turbo generator is studied and the precise results are shown in order
toensure that the turbo generator chosen is deliverable good.

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