SODE UserGuide

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SODE // User Guide

02. December 2015

1 About SODE
The SimObject Display Engine SODE is a SimConnect module that enables developers of FS
sceneries to create interactive objects by providing a basic framework of logic instructions. The
actual implementation into a useful object using these instructions is done by the scenery developer.
The implementations can range from simple conditional visibility objects (seasonal, weather, time,
etc) to more complex systems like PAPI, pilot-controlled lighting and triggered animations.
In the latest release, SODE also provides a custom jetway control system and a solution for
automatic visual docking guidance systems A-VDGS.

2 Installation
After installation of the basic SODE files, you need to launch the SODE Platform Manager to
register SODE with your individual simulator platforms. All platforms will be served by the same
SODE executable. In other words, you can not run two sims in parallel with SODE support. The
first platform started is the one SODE is running for.

2.1 SODE Platform Manager

The SODE Platform Manager handles all necessary file editing (exe.xml, dll.xml, fsx.cfg,
simconnect.cfg) for the various platforms. The program will list each installed platform in its own
tab, indicating the installation path and the path to the exe.xml and dll.xml files.

2.1.1 Register/Unregister
This action will inform the platform about the existance of SODE on your system and will create
the necessary configuration file entries in order to launch SODE during start-up of the platform.
2.1.2 Activate/Deactivate
For temporary deactivation of SODE, you can use this action. The platform still knows about
SODE, but it will not launch it.

2.1.3 Tools
There are two tools available:
1. Show Log: Opens the SODE.log that is helpful for troubleshooting when problems arise.
2. Fix 'Third-Party Software' Error: Can be used to fix the annoying FSX 3rd party module
pop-up message during start-up, which prevents SimObjectAnimationModule.dll and hence
the entire sim platform from running.

3 The In-Game Text Menu

For objects that need user interaction (triggered objects), a special text menu is being used. You can
access it either via the platform's top menu bar under 'Add-ons' SODE, where the text menu
commands are displayed or you can just use those short cut commands, e.g. 'Tab+S'.
Remarks: At the moment, Drzewiecki Design uses a custom text menu which is called with
'SHIFT+D'. Refer to their documentation.

The text menu looks like this:

It lists the available interactive objects in a 12km radius. The [V] stands for triggered visibility, the
[A] for a triggered animation.
If there are stands (parking positions) available with special objects, e.g. a SODE jetway, the first
option in the menu enables you to select one of them.

4 The Jetway Control System

One of the key features of the SODE framework is the jetway control system. It offers a flexible
operation of one or multiple jetways serving multiple aircraft doors.
Like the built-in platform IK-jetway system (CTRL+J), SODE jetways read the exit position from
the aircraft.cfg. The exits must be properly defined there.
Also, the jetway hood is not just a fixed animation as in the built-in system, but tries to approximate
the aircraft fuselage so that the hood connects to the aircraft nicely. For this eye-candy feature,
additional parameters are read from a special AircraftParameters.ini file. If there is no entry found
in this file for your aircraft currently in use, the jetway will still dock, but will not extend the

4.1 Operation
First, you need to select the desired stand through the menu. This will activate the jetway and/or
VDGS if available. Then, you will be shown the avaiable options for that selected stand, i.e. jetway
operation and/or VDGS activation/deactivation.

4.2 The Jetway doesn't move! - Troubleshooting

4.2.1 Link between SODE and Jetway Control System not established
The sharing of data between the main SODE module (exe) and the Animation module (dll) is not
possible. SODE has a built-in functionality to check this connection, found in the top menu bar of
the simulator:
A text prompt at the top should announce the following if the dll connection can be established:

If not, then the dll is most probably not loaded. Check the dll.xml file if the entry for the
SimObjectAnimationModule.dll is existing and confirm that it is not disabled in the xml:

4.2.2 SimObject Container of the Jetway not properly configured

Double-check if the sim.cfg in which the jetway is defined, has the Module=SODE line in it's
[General] section.
Also, check that there is a jetway.cfg with meaningful content in the jetway model subfolder, e.g.
model.MyJetway. If the jetway.cfg is missing, the SODE.log contains error messages refering to

4.2.3 Aircraft specific Information missing

Concerning aircraft data, three information pieces must be present to get things moving:
1. aircraft.cfg of the add-on aircraft must contain a proper 'atc_model' entry in the [General]
section. Ideally, this would be the ICAO aircraft type designator, such as B738 or A333
and so on...
2. aircraft.cfg of the add-on aircraft must contain at least one valid main exit in the [Exits]
section. The last parameter denotes the exit type and a zero defines a main exit, for example:
exit.0 = 0.4, 45.50, -6.0, 7.0, 0

3. AircraftParameters.ini must contain door parameters for the corresponding ICAO aircraft
type designator, e.g. [B738]
Add-On Aircraft SODE
aircraft.cfg AircraftParameters.ini SimObjectDisplayEngine.exe
[General] [A343]
atc_model=A343 1L = 2.0, -0.15, 4.0, 1.1, 1.2

exit.0 = 0.4, 45.50, -6.0, 7.0, 0

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