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Organization in a turbulent near-wake

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1991 Fluid Dyn. Res. 7 139


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fluid Dynamics Research 7 (1991) 139-149 139


Organization in a turbulent near-wake

R.A. Antonia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle. N.S W. 2308, Australia

Received 10 June 1990

Abstract, The streamwise evolution of the turbulence structure in the near-wake of a cylinder has been
quantified using data from an array of eight X-probes in the plane of mean shear. The relative probability of
detections of large scale vortical structures on opposite sides of the centreline indicates that the spatial
arrangement of these structures can vary in a continuous manner between a dominant alternating (antisymmet-
ric) mode and an opposing (symmetric) code. At a distance of ten diameters from the cylinder, the contributions
from the alternating mode to the lateral turbulence intensity -;} and Reynolds shear stress w, are appreciable.
These contributions are discussed in the context of the main topological features of this mode. Contributions to?-
and uv from the opposing mode increase with distance from the cylinder, The opposing mode makes a
significant contribution to the longitudinal turbulence intensity, especially near the centreline.

1. Introduction

Renewed attention has been given over the past ten years or so to various aspects of the
structure of a turbulent wake behind a circular cylinder. This attention, prompted primarily by
the increased interest in the organized or coherent aspects of the turbulent motion, has been
directed to both the near-wake (e.g., Cantwell and Coles, 1983; Kiya and Matsumura, 1985;
Hayakawa and Hussain, 1985, 1989; Hussain and Hayakawa, 1987, hereafter referred to as
HH) and far-wake (e.g., Townsend, 1979; Mumford, 1982; Antonia et al., 1987a, 1987b;
Cimbala et al., 1988; Ferre et al., 1990; Bisset et al., 1990a, 1990b).
The above cited far-wake work has, by and large, confirmed the existence of double-roller
eddies, as proposed earlier by Townsend (1956) and Grant (1958), as well as a plausible
relationship between these structures and the spanwise eddies, Estimated contributions from
these eddies to the Reynolds stresses have been made as well as the manner in which these
contributions are apportioned between different arrangements of the eddies relative to the wake
cen treline.
Significant detailed information has been obtained on the three-dimensional topology of the
near-wake (HH) and there has been generally qualitative confirmation, of the loss of organiza-
tion with increasing distance from the cylinder. There are however several questions that need
to be resolved. One of these is the possible connection between the organization in the
near-wake and that in the far-wake. Another question is the contribution the near-wake
organization makes to the Reynolds stresses and how this contribution varies with distance
from the cylinder.
It is the latter issue which is addressed in this paper, the approach being essentially similar
to that used by Antonia et al. (1987b) and Bisset et al, (1990b) in the far-wake. Structures are
first detected on either side of the centreline and the probability of the time delay between
detections is examined in order to quantify the spatial variability in the arrangement of
structures about the centreline. The main focus is on the exactly antisymmetric or alternating
mode and the exactly symmetric or opposing mode, Estimates are presented of the contribu-
tions from these modes to the Reynolds stresses.

0169-5983/91/$3.75 qj 1991 - The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics

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140 R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake

2. Experimental details

A non-return blower-type wind tunnel was used, with the wake-generating cylinder mounted
in the mid-plane of the working section (350 mm X 350 mm X 2.4 m long), 20 em from the exit
plane of the contraction. A stainless steel rod, diameter d = 12.5 mm, spanned the width of the
working section. This resulted in a relatively small blockage of "" 3.6% and an aspect ratio of
28 (for comparison. the corresponding values used by HH were 6% and 34 respectively). The
free stream velocity VI was constant (6.7 mls 0.7%) and the longitudinal pressure gradient
was adjusted to zero by tilting the floor of the working section. The corresponding Reynolds
number R d (= U]dll') was 5.6 X 10 3 (1.3 X 10 4 for HH). The turbulence level in the free
stream was "" 0.05%.
An array of eight X-probes was aligned in the y direction (fig. 1) so that each probe
provided data for u and D, the velocity fluctuations in the x and y directions respectively. The
y separation between adjacent probes was approximately constant ("" 5 0.5 mm): the location
of the probes is shown in fig. 1 with probe 4 located on the centreline.
Wollaston hot wires (Pt~10% Rh), 5 urn in diameter with an etched length of 1.3 mm, were
operated with constant temperature circuits, described in detail in Miller et al. (1987). For the
present operating conditions the frequency response of the circuits was estimated to be "" 16
kHz. The signals from the circuits were offset, amplified and then digitized using a 16 channel,
12 bit data acquisition system, at a sampling frequency of 3 kHz per channel into a PDP 11/34
computer. Digital records of "" 30 s duration were stored on magnetic tapes and later processed
on a VAX 8550 computer.
The X-probe array was mounted on a height gauge and traversed into the free stream for
velocity and yaw calibrations. For these calibrations, a data logging system, built in the
department, was used in conjunction with a personal computer. This computer was used to
monitor the average voltages from all the wires in the array over the duration of each
experiment. The free stream velocity was monitored continuously with a pitot-static tube
connected to a Baratron pressure transducer.

3. Detection of organization and formation of conditional averages

Several methods can be used for detecting the organized motion in the near-wake. HH used
an approximation to the large scale spanwise vorticity while Kiya and Matsumura's detection

Fig. 1. Definition sketch and experimental arrangement. All dimensions are in mm.
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R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake 141

was based on a band-pass filtered v signal with the centre frequency set equal to the vortex
shedding frequency. In the far-wake of a cylinder, Bisset et al. (1990) used a method similar to
that of HH as well as one (WAG or window averge gradient) which focused on sudden changes
in the v signal. It is this latter method which is used here as the contribution to the Reynolds
stresses can be estimated at the same point at which the detection criterion is applied. (In the
vorticity-based detection method, the criterion is applied at a point mid-way between consecu-
tive X-probes.) Also, this method (applied to the temperature fluctuation instead of v) was
used to estimate contributions from the detected motion to the Reynolds stresses in the
far-wake of the cylinder (Antonia et aI., 1987b) and in a turbulent boundary layer (Antonia and
Fulachier, 1989).
In WAG, a window of size (2T + 1) samples is moved through the digital time series v} where
J = 1, 2, ... , N, where N is the total number of samples. The value of WAG at point J is given


where "sign" is equal to + 1 (if v is measured below the centreline) and -1 (above the
centreline). A detection zone begins when WAG} first exceeds f3v ' (f3 is a threshold) and ends
when WAGj < O. The detection instant Jm within each detection zone is identified as the value
of J at which the magnitude of WAGj is largest. A value of 2T + 1 = 11 (samples), correspond-
ing to "" 30% of the average time interval between structures, was used together with f3 = 0.5.
This choice yielded approximately the same average number of detections ("" 2900) or an
average frequency ("" 100 Hz) corresponding to a Strouhal number of "" 0.19. The average
number of detections was approximately independent of x.
Once the detection instants Jm are identified, the conditional average of an instantaneous
quantity F is given by
1 n
( F) k = nL Fj,,, + k ,

where n is the total number of detections and k is the time (in samples, positive or negative)
relative to i; For simplicity, the subscript k is omitted hereafter. F can be written as
where If is the component of F not correlated with the detected motion. If 1= F - F is the
instantaneous fluctuation,

1= t- If'
where I=-( I) is associated with the detected motion. Of particular interest here IS the
conditional average of the product Ig, viz.
where g, like I, stands for either u or v.
A structural average of any quantity ( ) can be defined by
_ 1 k ,

0= k +k +1
1 2
L ( ),

where the double overbar designates an averaging operation which begins k 1 samples before
the detection instant and ends k ; samples after this instant. A value of 14 samples was used for
k ; and k 2 so that the duration (k] + k 2 + 1) corresponds to approximately the average time
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142 R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake

003 u
~ (a) (b) (c)
006( IT""" 0 0006 f- 0
0 0

0 0
002 -
004 - 0004
,,.> f-

r*::J ~ 0
~ ~
001 f- o ~ 002 ro- ~ 0002 - ~ o
o 0 ~ 0 c
c 3

I o o

o ~
0 X
0 8 8o
I 1
8 8 1
8 9 i 0 Ol 8 0
I 1

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
v: y* v:
Fig. 2. Distributions of Reynolds stresses in the range x * = 10 to x * = 60. (a) ~, (b) v*2, (c) ~. (0) x * = 10, (.6.)
20, (0) 30, (0) 40, (X) 50, (0) 60.

interval between structures. The averaging defined by eq. (4) has been applied to all three
quantities that appear in eq. (3).

4. Conventional Reynolds stresses

In view of the relatively coarse separation between adjacent X-probes in the array, profiles
of the conventional Reynolds stresses u 2, v 2, uv were obtained by traversing a single X-probe
(hot wires of same type and dimensions as described in section 2) across the wake at the same
streamwise locations used for the X-probe array. The Reynolds stresses estimated from the
array were in reasonable agreement with those determined with the single X-probe, providing
confidence that the array was operating satisfactorily and dispelling the possibility of flow
blockage by the array.
The distributions of U*2, V*2 and u*v* (an asterisk denotes normalization by U1 or d)
shown in fig. 2 were obtained from the single X-probe traverses. The figure indicates that the
initial region of this flow is dominated by v * 2, the magnitude of v * 2 near the centreline being
almost twice as large as U*2 at x* = 10. The magnitudes of the peak values of the Reynolds
stresses decrease with x* (fig. 3), the rate of decrease for (v*2)max being larger than that for
(u*2)max or (u*v*)max. The (v*2)max and (u*2)max distributions cross over at x " = 30. At this
location, the variations across the wake of u * 2 and v * 2 are nearly the same, implying that the
contribution from the normal stress terms to the total drag of the cylinder becomes small at this
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R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake 143

station. This contribution remains negligible at larger x * because the magnitude of the
difference (V*2 - U*2) is quite small in this region. At x* = 10, (u*v*)max is small compared
with (u*2)max or (v*2)max' The maximum value of the correlation coefficient uU/(U 2)1/2(V2)1/2 is
only :::: 0.27 at this station. It does however increase slowly with x * (to about 0.4 at x * = 60),
commensurate with the relatively slower decay for (u*v*)max than for (u*2)max or (v*2)max (fig.

5. Probability of time delay between detections

A relatively direct indication of the streamwise variation in organization can be inferred

from the relative probability of the duration T between detections on opposite sides of the
centreline. Such a plot is shown in figs. 4a and 4b for three choices of detection locations
(Yp), equidistant from the centreline. In these figures. the relative probability has been scaled
to a maximum of 1.0. To convert the time T into a distance, the transformation ~x = - UeT
was used. A value of 6 m/s (:::: 0.89U1 ) is assumed for Ue independently of the streamwise
location of the array. This assumption was partly based on the work of HH who found that the
advection velocity of the structures was in the range 0.87U, (x * = 10) to 0.89U1 (x * = 40) and
on comparisons (see section 6) between spanwise vorticity contours and the velocity vector field
observed in a frame of reference moving at a chosen value of ~.
Under ideal periodic shedding conditions, the relative probability would assume the form of
a train of pulses separated at the Karman wavelength. When the Reynolds number is relatively
large, such as in the present experiment, the pulses are more likely to have a finite width while
their baseline need not be at zero. This is what is observed in fig. 4. Even at x * = 10 (fig. 4a),
the pulses have a significant width, comparable to the Karman street wavelength (~x * :::: 4.5).
At this location however, the magnitude of the minimum probability is nearly zero at
I Yp* I = 0.45 and increases slightly as I Yp* I increases. At x * = 60, it exceeds 0.5 at the largest
values of Y\:. Also, the side lobes observed in fig. 4a are no longer distinguishable in fig. 4b.
Figure 4 suggests that while the alternating mode is dominant throughout the near-wake region,
the disposition of the vortices about the centreline can vary continuously between an alternat-
ing arrangement and an opposing one. The likelihood of this variation increases as x *
increases. It is likely that this variation reflects the increased jitter or randomization in the
location of the vortical structures as x * increases.

!;x* !;x
100 100

075 075

050 050

025 025

Q3 0 30

Fig. 4. Relative probability of the duration between detections on opposite sides of the centreline. (a) x * = 10:
( - - ) IYp* I = 0.45. ( ... ) 0.83, (---) 1.23. (b) x * = 60: ( - - ) IYp* I ~ 0.45, ( ... ) 0.83. (---) 1.23.
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144 R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake

6. Topological features of the organized motion

It is relatively easy to visualize features of the organized motion from the velocity data
provided by the array of X-probes. Using these data, velocity vectors (instantaneous and/or
conditional) can be viewed in a frame of reference translating with a suitable convection
velocity. Only conditional velocity vectors are shown in fig. Sa for x * = 10, the convection
velocity being equal to U, (:::: 0.89U1 ) . Detections at y * :::: - 0.45 were accepted only if there
were also detections at llx * :::: 2.26 0.32 and llx * = - 2.26 0.32 at y * = + 0.45. From an
initial set of about 2900 detections, a final subset, comprising about 940 detections was used,
i.e. n = 940 in eq. (2). Results are presented here only for the alternating mode at x * = 10 as
the accuracy is largest at this station (the number of opposing mode detections is negligible at
x * = 10). Although the final number of opposing mode detections increases with x ", it is too
small (at x * = 60, there are about 50 detections) for the reliable determination of topological
The patterns in fig. Sa clearly delineate large scale vortical structures on either side of the
centreline. Foci, denoted by the letter F, are identifiable with the centres of these structures
while the saddle points, denoted by the letter S (at the intersections of converging and diverging
separatrices) lie immediately above or below the foci. Because of the y * range of the present
data, saddle points are not as well defined as the foci. The relative locations, in terms of both
llx * and y *, of the foci and saddles agree fairly well with those reported by Kiya and
Matsumura (1985) and HH. Contours of constant values of it * and iJ* (figs. Sb and Sc
respectively) are easy to interpret when viewed together with fig. Sa. In fig. Sb, positive and
negative patterns of it alternate in the llx * direction while opposite-signed patterns occur in
the y * direction, commensurate with viewing the vortices in a translating frame of reference, as
discussed by HH. The iJ contours alternate in sign in the x * direction only, large values of iJ
(of either sign) occuring in the alleyways between adjacent (opposite-signed) vortices. Two
spanwise vorticity contours (w z* = 0.5) are shown in figs. Sb and Sc and also in fig. 6 to give a



1. 00


-1. 00
4.00 2.00 0.00 -2.00 -4.00
Fig. 5. Conditional velocity vectors in a moving frame of reference (U; * ~ 0.89) and contours of u* and {;* at x * = 10.
Bold lines represent contours of (w z* ) : 0.5 (solid) and ~0.5 (dashed). (a) velocity vectors, (b) (u*), (c) (u*). Levels
for (u *): - 0.15 to + 0.15 in steps of 0.05. Levels for (u*): - 0.25 to + 0.25 in steps of 0.05. Solid and dashed lines
represent positive and negative contours respectively.
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R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake 145

y' -::: ~ ~ ~ ~.
4.00 2.00 0.00
-2.00 -4.00

Fig. 6. Contours of ii*2 and (u: 2 ) at x* =10. Bold lines represent contours of (w z* ) : 0.5 (solid) and -0.05 (dashed).
(a) ii*2: 0.01,0.02 and 0.03. (b) (u: 2) : 0.01,0.02 and 0.03.




1. 00



Fig. 7. Contours of s: 2 and (u,* 2) at x * ~ 10. Bold lines represent contours of (w:' ): 0.5 (solid) and - 0.5 (dashed).
(a) fj* 2: 0.02 to 0.06 (step = 0.02). (b) (u,* 2): 0.01 and 0.05 (step = 0.01).

1. 00


1. 00


-1. 00

Fig. 8. Contours of ii "ii"; and (u:u r* ) at x * = 10. Bold lines represent contours of (w z* ) : 0.5 (solid) and - 0.5
(dashed). (a) ii*fj*: 0.01, 0.015, 0.02. (b) (u:ur*): 0.004, 0.008, 0.012. Solid and dashed lines represent
positive and negative contours respectively.

rough indication of the location and extent of the vortices in the Llx * -y * plane. The locations
of the foci, determined from fig. 5a, correspond reasonably well with the centres of the vorticity
contours, thus providing some validation for the present choice of Uc '
Distributions in the (Llx*, y*) plane of fg and (/rgr), with I and g representing either u
or v, are shown in figs. 6, 7 and 8 respectively. Figure 6a shows that the largest contributions
from il 2 occur well away from the centreline towards the edges of the vortical regions. The
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146 R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake

main concentrations of (U;) occur at or near the foci (fig. 6b). This is also true for (u~) (fig.
7b). The peak value of (u~) is larger at ~x*;::; 2.2, 4.4 than at ~x* = 0 (a similar
behaviour was found when vorticity-based detections were used). In contrast to fig. 6a, the
magnitude of i/ (fig. 7a) is large and is spread over a significant portion of the ~x*-Y* space
(the information in fig. 7a essentially reflects that in fig. 5c). Comparison between figs. 6 and 7
indicates that the coherent contribution to (u 2 ) is relatively more important than that to (u 2 ) .
The shape of the fiB contours (fig. 8a) is similar to that previously reported by Kiya and
Matsumura (1985) and HH, the latter noting that the clover-leaf patterns about the foci are the
result of viewing the vortices in a moving frame of reference. As reported by HH, the peak
values of (ufu,) occur near the saddle points, the contours of (u,u,) tending to be drawn in
towards the foci on the opposite side of the centreline. The peak magnitude of (u,u,) is smaller
than that of fiB.
At any given y *, consecutive fiB contours alternate in sign and one may conclude - as did
HH - that the coherent contribution to UlJ is negligible if there is a perfect cancellation of the
positive and negative fiB contours. Closer inspection of the contours in fig. 8a indicates however
that above the wake centreline the largest contour values are negative whereas the largest values
are positive below the centreline. This suggests that the coherent contribution to uu is unlikely
to be small, as estimates in section 7 substantiate.

7. Contributions to the Reynolds stresses from the organized motion

Contributions to the Reynolds stresses were calculated for both alternating and opposing
modes at each X-probe location for y * > O. The detection subsets for the alternating and
opposing modes satisfied the requirement that detections exist at y * = -I yp* 1(~x * = 0) and
at the value of y * at which the contributions were estimated. For the alternating mode,
detections at the latter location were required at ~x * = 2.26 0.32 and ~x * = - 2.26 0.32.
For the opposing mode, detections were required at ~x * = 0 0.32 and ~x * = 2.26 0.32.
For both modes, a value of 0.45 was chosen for I yp* I. Except at the centreline, the resulting
contributions were not significantly altered. when I Yp* I was increased to 0.83. Use of the local
value of y * when forming the detection subset improved the accuracy of the conditional
averages at larger values of x *. For all the structural averages presented here, it was verified
that (fg) was approximately equal to fg (the maximum departure was of order 5% for u? and
u2 and 10% for uu), implying that the selected structures are reasonably representative of the
The final number of detections (nah for the alternating mode, n opp for the opposing mode)
depended on both x* and on y*. An example of the dependence on x* of the ratio nah/nopp
is shown in fig. 9 for y * = 1.23. The streamwise decrease of this ratio is quite rapid over the
first 30 diameters, in agreement with the increase in the minimum value of the distributions (for
y* = 1.23) in fig. 4 between x* = 10 (fig. 4a) and x* = 60 (fig. 4b).
Contributions from the opposing mode at x * = 10 are shown as a function of y * in fig. 10.
Also shown are the contributions inferred from the data of Kiya and Matsumura (1985) which
were obtained at x * = 8 for a slightly higher Reynolds number (1.6 X 10 4 ) than in the present
experiment. The agreement between the two data sets is quite good in the case of contributions
to u 2 and u2 , the distributions indicating that the alternating mode makes a very significant
contribution to u2 everywhere across the wake while the contribution to ;? increases from zero
at the centreline to ;::; 40% in the outer wake. The negligible contribution to u 2 at y * = 0
implies that the incoherent motion contributes practically all of u 2 at this location. Kiya and
Matsumura's contributions to uu decrease from 100% at the centreline to zero in the outer
wake. The present contributions to uu are generally larger than those to u2 At y * = 0.45 and
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R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake 147


0 40
"'0 30
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 9. Streamwise variation of ratio of alternating mode to opposing mode detections at y * = 1.23.

y * = 0.83, they exceed uv by nearly a factor of two. This trend is not however inconsistent with
the contours in fig. 8 since, as noted earlier, negative contours of uiJ are dominant in the region
y * > 0 (fig. 8a) while fig. 8b indicates that intruding positive (urv r) contours can make a
significant contribution (of opposite sign) to uv. Estimated contributions to uv are likely to be
less accurate than contributions to u 2 or v 2 resulting from the sensitivity of the phase between u
and v to the alignment procedure during conditional averaging.
Figure 11 shows the variation with respect to x* of (ji)alt/fg and (ji)opp/fg at y* = 1.23.
As expected, the contributions from the alternating mode decrease fairly rapidly up to x * =:: 30.
Beyond this location, the decay is small. In this region, the contributions from the opposing
mode become important although they are still somewhat smaller than the alternating mode
values in the case of v 2 and uv. Contributions to u 2 from the two modes are comparable in this
region. Although data for the opposing mode are shown at x * = 10 and x * = 20, these
estimates are relatively uncertain because n opp is small at these stations.
A more direct indication of the relative importance of the two modes across the wake is
given by the ratio @alt/@opp, which is plotted i~ terms of y * (fig. 12) at x * = 50. Note that
the ratio is generally larger than 1 in the case of v 2 but smaller than 1 in the case of u 2 This
result is reasonable if the opposing mode enhances u and weakens iJ whereas the alternating
mode enhances iJ and weakens ii. This effect is largest at or near the centreline. All that can be
said in the case of uv is that the two modes make comparable contributions in the outer part of
the wake while the alternating mode seems more prevalent near the centreline.

20 r--------::-T"------r----......--------,
o o

........... f=v,g=v

1-0 >c,-J\ ' ............. .A.


05 10 15 20
Fig. 10. Contributions from the alternating mode to the Reynolds stresses at x * = 10. (D) f == g = u, (.6.) f == g = v, (<
f = u, g = v. Kiya and Matsumura (1985): ( - - ) , f == g = u; (---) f == g = v; (---) f = u, g = v.
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148 R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turbulent near-wake


08 l-

Ilf~ 06 I-
'" ~

I '"
1.2' 04 l- '" '0" '"
':::. .. 0
.. i



30 40


Fig. 11. Streamwise variation of contributions from the alternating and opposing modes to Reynolds stresses at
y * = 1.23. (0) f == g = u, (L>.) f == g = v,
f = u, g = v. Open and closed symbols are for the alternating and opposing
modes respectively.

It is of interest to compare the present contributions to the Reynolds stresses with those
obtained in the far-wake. In the latter case, the numerical contributions from the organized
(mainly alternating) motion were approximately as follows (table 1 of Antonia et aI., 1987):
10% to u 2 , 22% to u 2 and 20% to uu. This order is somewhat similar to that at the largest values
of x * in the near-wake, although the present magnitudes are larger for u 2 and uu and smaller
for u 2 The weakening in the contributions to if and uu seems reasonable if the organization in
the far-wake is weaker than in the near-wake. The larger contributions to u 2 in the far-wake
could be explained in terms of the increased importance of the opposing mode. The present
results tend to indicate that the ratio (fff)alt/(fff)opp decreases with x * fo~ both a2 and iP.
Another possibility is that, in a spectral context, the main contribution to u 2 resides at lower
wavenumbers than the contributions to u2 or uu. The investigation of Browne et ai. (1989)
suggested the onset in the near-wake of an organized motion of a wavelength greater than that
of the Karman street. It is possible that this new organization, which may be linked with that in
the far-wake accounts for a significant portion of u 2 This possibility would require further
investigation as no attempt was made here to detect this larger-wavelength motion.

'" f=v,g=v

20 l-

II@ 15 -
'" '"
's 10 - 0
0 '"
II@ 0 0
05 -

o f=u,g=u

0 I I I
0 05 10 15 20
Fig. 12. Ratios of coherent contributions to the Reynolds stresses from the alternating mode to those from the opposing
mode at x * = 50. (0) f == g = u, (L>.) f == g = v, (<)) f = u, g = v.
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R.A. Antonia / Organization in a turhulent near-wake 149

8 Conclusions

The streamwise evolution of the organization in the turbulent near-wake of a circular

cylinder has been quantified in terms of the relative importance of alternating and opposing
modes. The ratio of the relative frequencies of these modes decreases with increasing distance
from the cylinder.
The contributions from the opposing mode to the Reynolds stresses were first identified as
part of the topology of this mode and then directly estimated by averaging over an effective
streamwise distance corresponding to the average wavelength of the vortex street. At x * = 10,
the topology indicates that the coherent contributions to u2 and uu occur at essentially different
spatial locations from the incoherent contributions.
The alternating mode contributes significantly to u2 and uu. Contributions from the oppos-
ing mode tend to become more important relative to those of the alternating mode, as x *
increases. The contributions to u 2 from the opposing mode are especially important near the
wake centreline.


I am grateful to Dr. D.A. Shah, Dr. S. Rajagopalan and D.K. Bisset for their contributions
to the experiment, data collection and analysis. The financial support of the Australian
Research Council is appreciated.


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