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Questions Using the Taxonomy of Socratic Questions Based on Critical Thinking


Critical Thinking: The Art of Socratic Questioning (Nars and Rey Caranguian)
Part 1:
1. Is there any proof that the information of the state of Philippine economy is
accurate? Can it be proven?
Part II:
1. What points of view are relevant to the issue of foreign debts?
Part III:
1. What is fiscal policy? What does the notion infer for workers in the public and
private sectors?

Additional Questions
Part 1
2. What is implied when an economist says, the state of the Philippine Economy is
Accurate? (implication and consequence)
Part II
2. Having several electronic & print information sources on Philippine foreign debts,
which among these sources are accurate and trustworthy? (Questioning accuracy)

Part III
2. Can you propose amendments to the Philippine fiscal policy? (Spontaneous Socratic

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