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Subject of SWOT analysis: (define the subject of the analysis here)

• Advantages of proposition?
• Capabilities? • Disadvantages of proposition?
• Competitive advantages? • Gaps in capabilities?
• USP's (unique selling points)? • Lack of competitive strength?
• Resources, Assets, People? • Reputation, presence and reach?
• Experience, knowledge, data? • Financials?
• Financial reserves, likely returns? • Own known vulnerabilities?
• Marketing - reach, distribution, • Timescales, deadlines and pressures?
awareness? • Cashflow, start-up cash-drain?
• Innovative aspects? • Continuity, supply chain robustness?
• Location and geographical? • Effects on core activities, distraction?
• Price, value, quality? • Reliability of data, plan
• Accreditations, qualifications, predictability?
certifications? • Morale, commitment, leadership?
• Processes, systems, IT, • Accreditations, etc?
communications? • Processes and systems, etc?
• Cultural, attitudinal, behavioural?
• Management cover, succession?
• Management cover, succession?

• Market developments?
• Competitors' vulnerabilities?
• Political effects?
• Industry or lifestyle trends?
• Legislative effects?
• Technology development and
• Environmental effects?
• IT developments?
• Global influences?
• Competitor intentions - various?
• New markets, vertical, horizontal?
• Market demand?
• Niche target markets?
• New technologies, services, ideas?
• Geographical, export, import?
• Vital contracts and partners?
• New USP's?
• Sustaining internal capabilities?
• Tactics - surprise, major contracts,
• Obstacles faced?
• Insurmountable weaknesses?
• Business and product development?
• Loss of key staff?
• Information and research?
• Sustainable financial backing?
• Partnerships, agencies, distribution?
• Economy - home, abroad?
• Volumes, production, economies?
• Seasonality, weather effects?
• Seasonal, weather, fashion
Subject of SWOT analysis example: the creation of own distributor
company to access new end-user sectors not currently being


• End-user sales control and

• Right products, quality and
• Customer lists not tested.
• Some gaps in range for certain
• Superior product performance vs
• We would be a small player.
• Better product life and durability.
• No direct marketing experience.
• Spare manufacturing capacity.
• We cannot supply end-users abroad.
• Some staff have experience of end-
• Need more sales people.
user sector.
• Limited budget.
• Have customer lists.
• No pilot or trial done yet.
• Direct delivery capability.
• Don't have a detailed plan yet.
• Product innovations ongoing.
• Delivery-staff need training.
• Can serve from existing sites.
• Customer service staff need training.
• Products have required
• Processes and systems, etc
• Processes and IT should cope.
• Management cover insufficient.
• Management is committed and

• Legislation could impact.
• Could develop new products.
• Environmental effects would favour
• Local competitors have poor
larger competitors.
• Existing core business distribution
• Profit margins will be good.
• End-users respond to new ideas.
• Market demand very seasonal.
• Could extend to overseas.
• Retention of key staff critical.
• New specialist applications.
• Could distract from core business.
• Can surprise competitors.
• Possible negative publicity.
• Support core business economies.
• Vulnerable to reactive attack by
• Could seek better supplier deals.
major competitors.
translating SWOT issues into actions under the six categories

Albert Humphrey advocated that the six categories:

1. Product (what are we selling?)

2. Process (how are we selling it?)
3. Customer (to whom are we selling it?)
4. Distribution (how does it reach them?)
5. Finance (what are the prices, costs and investments?)
6. Administration (and how do we manage all this?)

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