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Bob Jewett

Make Your Own Do-it-yourself help with aiming.

Last month I showed you some pool Diagram 2 shows how to make such a tri- function of trigonometry.
aiming aids. One of them was Colonel C. angle. If you use regular 8.5-by-l 1-inch Suppose your set of balls has less throw,
M. Western's amazing "Pointer," which has typing paper, and you use the 11-inch side or you want to use a different size of paper.
multiple rotating arms, sliders, You will need to somehow cal-
finely engraved scales, and a culate the length for the
mechanical monkey that plays unknown side of the triangle.
the accordion. Well, almost. It Fortunately,
tells you exactly how full to hit has generously agreed to do
any cut shot on the table and these calculations for us for
where the cue ball will then go free. Just go to its Web site,
for any amount of draw or fol- and type into the search win-
low. If you're still scratching dow the formula in the format
your head about how it works, above. If you prefer to spell
you're not alone. As soon as I out "tangent," Google is smart
decipher the 154-page instruc- enough to know what you
tion book, I'll try to make its mean. This will allow you to
operation perfectly clear. figure out the second leg for
In the meantime, here are two any size and angle. As a final
simple devices that you can example, if you want to make
make yourself to help visualize both a 30-degree triangle with 22-inch
aiming and position play. paper, type in "22 * tangent(30
The first will help you find the true degrees)" and you will get 12.7
half-ball angle and aiming align- inches.
ment. This sounds easy anyone In Diagram 3 is an example use
can see the edge of the object ball of the second aid. It is shaped just
and send the cue ball in that direc- like the first, but it tells you where
tion. But in my own case, I found the cue ball is going to go when it
that even though the target is obvi- leaves the object ball for a half-ball
ous, I was off by a little in my cue shot. Placement is a little trickier.
delivery and that cuts to the left were One side is still along the line of the
different than cuts to the right. cue ball's approach, but the circle is
The aiming device is shown in use not placed at the ghost-ball posi-
in Diagram 1. It's formed from two tion. Instead, it is pulled back some.
simple shapes: a triangle and a circle. This is an allowance for the fact that
The circle is placed at the ghost ball the cue ball slides some to the side
location (where the cue ball will just after it hits the object ball,
be when it hits the object ball) and this gives an apparent
with one side of the triangle starting position somewhat
pointed toward the pocket. back from the ghost ball. How
Place the cue ball so it is along far? That depends on your
the extension of the other side speed, cue ball, cloth, object
of the triangle. It it is easier to ball, and a few other things.
see this line if the triangle is What angle should you
fairly large, but you could use a make the triangle? Start with
string to extend the line for a 34 degrees. That should get
small one. you close enough that you can
The circle is the easy part to place the cue ball for a scratch
make, but make sure that its every time on the shot shown.
diameter is exactly the same as Once you have that angle
the ball's: 2.25 inches. The tri- down so that you can split the
angle is a little harder. First you pocket precisely, try placing a
have to decide on the angle. If there is no for one side, the other side has to be 5.85 9 ball, for example, half a diamond from
throw, the angle would be 30 degrees, but inches long. The formula is shown in the the pocket and see if you can set up a bil-
with throw included, the cut angle is per- diagram: 11 * tan(28 degrees), where tan is liard to make the 9. I think you'll be pleas-
haps two degrees less 28 degrees. the standard abbreviation for the tangent antly surprised.

34 B D - JANUARY 2D05
Bob Jewett

Frozen Bank Shots

Heat up the table with your new skills.

In Diagram 1 you'll find a situation that wor- leave the cushion "shorter," or more perpendic-
ries beginners and champions alike. The object ular to the rail.
ball is frozen to the cushion, and the only shot Why is a stun shot the same as left English on
available is a bank shot. Will the cue ball double- the cue ball in this situation? The important fac-
kiss the object ball? After this column, you tor in throw and transfer of sidespin to the
should be a lot more comfortable with this kind object ball is the direction of the motion of the
of problem. cue ball's surface when it hits the object ball.
First, you need to have some organized experi- For the shot shown at A, there will probably be
ence with the shot. Go to a table and try the fol- some cut to the left as seen from the cue ball, so
lowing drill. Place the object ball in a convenient that for a stun shot, the cue ball will be moving
place such as at the first diamond from the cor- to the right when it hits the object ball. This will
ner pocket (A). Place the cue ball where you both throw the object ball to a shorter line and
think you can bank the ball to pocket P without transfer right English to the object ball, which
a double kiss. Mark that spot with a coin, as will also help to shorten the rebound angle.
shown. At first, don't try any technique that you Left English on the cue ball is a surer way to
already know that might help prevent a kiss; just get this effect, because as the hit gets fuller, the
play the cue ball with "collision-induced
follow and just throw" of the plain
enough speed to get stun shot will have
the object ball to the less effect. Also, if
pocket. there is any draw or
If you make the follow on the cue
shot from one loca- ball when it gets to
tion, move the coin a the object ball, that
little farther up the will make the surface
table and try again motion less effective
with the cue ball in in making the shot
the new position. go shorter. To make
Remember that if the left English most
you do get a double effective, try for a
kiss from one posi- stun shot along with
tion, it doesn't neces- the sidespin.
sarily mean that you The third technique
can't make the shot, for extending the
since your aim may march of the coin up
have been off. to a fuller hit is to
Once you have the shoot harder. Until
coin up the table as recently, it was
far as you can get it, believed that shoot-
note where on the ing a bank hard
side cushion you are shooting "from." That is, caused some kind of rail deformation that
note where your stick passes over the rail closest would make the ball rebound at a shorter angle.
to you. In fact, on most tables the speed of the shot does
Next, try some techniques to advance the coin not significantly affect the banking angle for a
farther. For the shot shown, left English should frozen ball.
help. Playing the shot with enough draw to be a Please note that I said "frozen ball." On a slow
stop shot should also help. (A stop shot with a bank shot, if the object ball starts a distance
little cut angle is often called a "stun" shot.) from the cushion, it will have a chance to devel-
Finally, shooting the shot harder should permit a op forward roll before impact. After impact, as
fuller hit. the ball moves away from the cushion, it contin-
The first two methods actually work by the ues to spin toward the cushion. This will tend to
same mechanism. The idea is to get the cue ball carry the ball back toward the cushion, curving
to rub on the object ball to put right English on its path.
it. This will be "reverse" English as the object A very interesting (and useful) phenomenon
ball goes into the cushion, and will make the ball having to do with banking is shown in Diagram

Bob Jewett

2, which looks like a film strip. The images entire sequence took place in l/30th of a cushion to a surprising depth of almost half
are from the Jacksonville Project video, in second, or in the time of a single frame of a an inch. The object ball returns to hit the
which lots of stick/ball/rail interactions standard video. cue ball full, and stops nearly dead in turn.
were captured at rates as high as 12,000 The cue ball hits the object ball, and stops The cue ball is sent back out with a some-
frames per second, which is 400 faster than almost dead. You can see it advance a tiny what reduced speed, due to energy losses in
typical video rates. bit in the next seven frames. During this the cushion and between the balls. Note
The images shown are of a cue ball with time, you can see it rotate in place as the that the cue ball still has its "follow," which
follow approaching an object ball (the 3) follow doesn't have time to take effect. has been turned into draw.
frozen on the cushion. The cue ball is com- What this sequence reveals is how deep Knowing that an object ball sinks so far
ing in at five meters per second, which is the object ball sinks into the cushion before into the cushion makes it clearer why it is
about half of break-shot speed. The frames bouncing back out. While the cue ball is possible to bank short by shooting harder.
shown are 1/500th of a second apart, so the stopped, the object ball travels into the Diagram 2 shows a straight in shot, and
results in a kiss. But for a cut shot, shooting
hard can save you from a kiss, pushing the
object ball deep into the cushion and creat-
ing an effect like that shown in Diagram 3.
In Diagram 3, the cue ball is shown com-
ing into the shot at an angle that would not
let the object ball escape if it reflected from

the rail instantly. (That approach angle for a

full hit is ideally 45 degrees.) What hap-
pens is illustrated by the "multi-exposure"
drawing (on top) which shows successive
positions of the object ball. Initially, it goes
straight away from the cue ball into the
cushion. The cushion gradually turns the
ball back out, and the ball finally emerges
from the cushion some distance down the
table, with no chance for a kiss.
How far down the table will the object
ball be at the end of cushion contact? That
depends on the speed of the shot harder
shot, deeper penetration and the
response of the cushion. I've played on
tables that seemed to return the object ball
much faster than the cushions I am used to,
and a lot of the banks I was sure of got dou-
With this knowledge in hand, try to
advance your coin farther for the shot at A.
Can you move your "starting point" anoth-
er six inches up the side rail? After you
have exhausted the shot at position A, try
the object ball at B. Also, while banks to
the side pockets should work about the
same, try them for good measure.
Finally, see if you can form your observa-
tions into some kind of system or rule of
thumb, even if it is as simple as "If the cue
ball is straight out from the object ball, the
ball has to be at least one diamond up the
rail for the bank to be possible using all

Bob Jewett

Hoppe to It
Custom-fit your own system.

There a r e lots of systems that will tell spin at all (like a stop shot or stun shot) really changing the shot. For the shot dia-
you where the cue ball or object ball will go when it hits the object ball? The problem grammed, it should be clear that if the cue
when you make a shot a certain way. The with playing the shot like a stop shot is that ball starts a foot closer to the object ball
classic kicking system that is shown in it is not easy to have exactly no spin on the along the path it will take to the ball, its
Willie Hoppe's book, "Billiards As It cue ball when it arrives at the object ball. rebound angle will not change. It could also
Should Be Played," works when the cue ball However, it's very easy to have a smooth- start farther back. What's important is the
is coming generally from a corner and hits rolling cue ball, as that's what it does natu- angle of approach. I've placed a marker ball
the opposite side cushion with running rally. even with a diamond (the 2 ball). As long as
English. It tells you where the cue stick is directly
on the third cushion the over that ball when you're
cue ball will hit. You've shooting the shot, the cue
recently seen here a mirror ball should have the same
system and a shortened rebound angle.
mirror system for banking So, we need a way to
object balls off the side specify the cue ball's angle
cushion. Robert Byrne has of approach, labeled as
explained dozens of sys- "Inbound cue ball slope"
tems in his books and arti- on the diagram. One com-
cles, and Walt Harris has mon way would be to note
cataloged even more the line of the shot, and see
dozens in his "Atlas" series where that line crosses the
of books. rails as measured by the
Most players want a little diamonds. For example, on
help on various kinds of the object-ball side, the
shots, and each problem line of the shot crosses the
almost certainly has a cor- diamonds at about 2.8 dia-
responding system that addresses it. If you So what does a system for such a shot look monds from the foot rail, and the other rail
find a pre-fab system that seems to apply to like? If the system simply said that if the cue at about 5.2 diamonds from the foot rail.
your shot, there are a couple of potential ball and object ball are precisely as shown, You would say that the cue ball is "coming
problems. The system may not work well the cue ball will land 17 inches from the from 5.2" whenever you are shooting with
with your equipment that's certainly the side pocket, the system wouldn't be of your stick over that point in the "line of dia-
case for the "corner five" system when much use, except for the one shot in a bil- monds." Similarly, the shot is "going to 2.8"
applied naively to pool tables. Or, the on the other rail.
system may be very inaccurate over a While we could use the line of dia-
large range of cases the plain mirror monds to measure our shots, I prefer to
system for banking springs to mind. give the location by the position of an
Below is a description of how to devel- imaginary ball along the line of the shot
op a system of your own that covers a that is touching the cushion. The marker
particular kind of position shot. Because ball is such a ball. Also note that the shot
you will work out the system on your is set up so that the cue ball will be even
own table with your own stroke, it is far with a diamond when it hits the object
more likely to work for you. ball. We can now specify the inbound
The problem is shown in Diagram 1. slope of the cue ball by the separation of
You need to cut a ball down the side rail, the cue ball at impact and the marker
and you would like to know where on the ball over which the cue stick passes. It is
opposite side the cue ball will hit. exactly two diamonds for the shot dia-
Assume that the shot is played as simply grammed.
as possible, which means without side (In general, the first method, which
spin and so that the cue ball is rolling lion where the balls are exactly as shown. uses the line of the diamonds, is called
smoothly on the cloth (normal top spin or The system has to be of more general use. It "shooting through," while measuring with a
follow) when it hits the object ball. should work for different angles of ball on the nose of the cushion is called
I think you'll agree that sidespin would approach, and maybe different object-ball "shooting opposite." One problem with
complicate the situation, but what about that positions. shooting shots "through" is that they depend
smooth-rolling requirement? Wouldn't it be The first generalization is that the cue ball on how far back on the rail the diamonds are
a simpler case for the cue ball to have no can start from a variety of positions without placed, and there is no standard for that. If

32 BD-MARCH 2005
Bob Jewett

you want to understand systems that use the suring ball until you are confident that the The measuring ball should end up moving
diamonds, it is important to understand the cue ball will hit it whenever you make the down the table some. Record the measure-
difference between through and opposite. shot. ment, and move on to the other marker
Both ways are useful. Learn both.) When you've zeroed in on the landing balls. Note that for marker number 6, we
The first thing to do, now that we have a spot, measure how far down the table the have run out of long rail, so we will have to
framework for measuring, is to gather data. cue ball has travelled from the first to the handle the results slightly differently. I drew
We first want to know where on the second second rail. This is easy to do just freeze up a table: In the first column, I indicated
rail the cue ball will hit when starting "two a "mirror" ball even with the diamond the which marker ball the cue passed over. In
diamonds above" the object ball, as in our cue ball hits on the first rail, and measure the second column, I recorded the number
diagram. Try the shot, and when you make from the center of that ball down to the cen- of inches between the mirror ball and the
it, note where the cue ball hits, place a chalk ter of the measuring ball. measuring ball. Here are my results for my
on the rail there and freeze an object ball That's all for one incoming angle, so next table and balls:
even with the chalk. Now try the same shot measure for other angles. Move the marker Marker Ball Number of Inches
again. Does the cue ball go to the same ball a diamond farther up the table (shown 2 8
place? Make small adjustments to the mea- as the 3 ball), and start a new series of shots. 3 12
4 17
5 20
6 30.5
The farther up the table the cue ball starts,
the farther down the table it goes on the
rebound. This makes some sense, and I sup-
pose you could memorize the numbers for
later use, but let's try to find something sys-
tematic here. Plotting data is often a very
good way to find trends. Let's try plotting
the inbound slope and the rebound slope.
For example, in the first shot, the line of the
cue ball travels two diamonds (25 inches)
down the table while travelling about 48
inches across, if we use the idea of the
"from" and "to" balls. (Do you see why the
distance across the table is not quite 50
inches?) That is a slope of 25/48 or 0.52. On
my table the returning slope is 8/48 or 0.17.
I've done the arithmetic for the other cases
and plotted it in Diagram 2.
The thing to notice immediately is that
when plotted like this, the data form nearly
a straight line that would go through the ori-
gin (0,0) if extended. Whenever this is true,
it means that the two quantities are related
by a simple proportion. In this case, that
proportion is three. This gives us a very sim-
ple way to express the "cross-table angle
system:" When playing a cut down the rail
with no English and a rolling cue ball, on
rebound the cue ball will go down the table
one-third as much as it did getting to the
If you're shooting from three diamonds
"above" the object ball, the cue ball will go
one more diamond down the table while
coming back across the table after the hit.
This immediately suggests a test. Put the
object ball a diamond, minus one ball diam-
eter, from the corner pocket, and shoot
"from" the opposite side pocket. The shot
should scratch, or close to it, every time. If
you happen to encounter this shot, you may
want to play it with something other than
plain follow unless a useful ball is sitting in
that corner pocket.
Next month, I'll look at some details and
extensions of this simple system. In the
meantime, get onto your own table and
make your own measurements. Does your
table also have a 3:1 ratio of slopes?

34 BD-MARCH 2005
Bob Jewett

Do Try This At Home

Here's another set of measurements to get you tuned into your table.

Last month, I described how you could useless. side cushion relative to the "mirror ball."
make your own system that would answer This leads to a question I'll leave up to you The cue ball ranged from the position
the question posed in Diagram 1: If you run to answer: If the object ball starts out from shown in Diagram 1, which I called "2"
the object ball along the long rail, where is the rail a little, how does the rebound angle since it was two diamonds above the posi-
the cue ball going to land on the opposite change? tion of the object ball, to position "6." If the
side cushion? I hope you had time to get to For a similar reason, the cue ball is shown cue ball landed on the mirror ball, it would
a table and try the idea. Have I mentioned starting a fair distance back. This ensures mean that the cue ball went straight across
recently that if you remain in your easy that the cue ball will be rolling smoothly on the table from where it hit the cushion on
chair and just read these columns, you may the cloth as desired, unless you shoot hard the right side.
get better at sitting and reading, but you are or with draw. This removes one more vari- For right English, the return of the cue ball
unlikely to get better at playing pool? able from the test. was always "uphill," which means that it
Last month, the shot had the restriction Although the shot is shown with the object landed on the cue ball's side of the the mir-
that the cue ball should be rolling smoothly ball going along a side cushion, the angles ror ball. The distances above the mirror ball
on the cloth and have no sidespin. The should be the same if the shot is along an for the various starting points were:
remarkably simple result that I got on my end cushion. Can you see how to calculate Marker Ball Number of Inches
table was that for a shot from X diamonds the rebound for an end-rail shot? The ratio 2 25
"above" the object ball, the cue ball will go will be the same as for the side-rail case 3 24
to X/3 diamonds "below" the object ball. (unless your table is wacky), but it's harder 4 25
That is, the cue ball will not come straight to use the end-rail diamonds because there 5 25
off the cushion, but will instead be bent for- aren't enough of them. Get on the table and 6 18.5
ward by the follow and go down the table you'll see what I mean. This is both a very monotonous and a very
some. The factor of one third held over all of A major thing left out of the study so far is interesting result. Except for case 6, the cue
the approach angles I tested. sidespin, which makes the shot harder but is ball always returns to location "2," or along
I'll urge you again to the line of the cue stick
go to your own table and shown in Diagram 1.
make your own tests for There is no reason to
two reasons. First, work- plot the data as I did last
ing on a system like this time, since the obvious
is a very structured, rule is: If a rolling cue
focused form of prac- ball cuts an object ball
tice. All of your atten- down the side rail with
tion is on one factor of outside English, it will
the game. A major point return across the table to
that Dr. Bob Fancher a point two diamonds
makes in his excellent above where it hits the
pool-psychology book, first cushion. This holds
"Pleasures of Small true until the cut is less
Motions," is that you than about 45 degrees,
want to work on one at which point the fol-
thing at a time you low will begin to domi-
will learn it better that nate and curve the cue
way. The other reason is that tables differ. sometimes essential for position. It's time to ball forward. The English needed is "Bob's
My tests were on a pool table with slightly include it. pretty good outside."
worn, clean cloth, and many tables are not I tried the shot with two kinds of English. Is the amount of English a little nebulous?
like that. Similar tests on a carom table gave The first was with follow and "pretty good" Sure. If you try the shot and adjust the spin
a factor of one-fourth for the angle ratio. right English. Your "pretty good" English to get results similar to those above, you
The test is shown with the object ball a will be different from mine, which is why will know what I think of as "pretty good"
long way from the pocket. The main reason it's even more important for you to do your but not yet "extreme." You could then restate
for this is to keep you from cheating the own tests when working with sidespin. I the spin in terms of "cue tips" of English, if
pocket. If the object ball goes in, you know shot relatively softly, so the cue ball was you are familiar with that system.
pretty exactly the line of the object ball. If sure to be rolling smoothly on the cloth Why is the result so constant? It's always
the object ball were only one diamond from when it hit the object ball. possible that I subconsciously adjusted my
a gaping cavern of a pocket, you could take Like last month, I tried starting the cue stroke to make the cue ball land repeatedly
great liberties with the cut angle, and the ball from various positions along the long in the same place, although the result was a
measurement of the rebound angle would be rail, and measured the rebound spot on the surprise to me. One way to explain it is by

Bob Jewett

the balance of three interacting forces. As plotted in Diagram 2. Also shown in the fact that the rebound slope is 0.5 slope units
the object ball is hit fuller, there will be plot is the line for the "ideal reflection case" larger in Diagram 2 than the equal angle
more sidespin relative to the speed into the angle in equal to angle out. The data for slope for all values of cut angle, and the four
cushion, as the object ball will take more inside English show that the rebound angle diamonds of travel of the cue ball across the
speed from the cue ball on a fuller hit. The I got was actually beyond ideal reflection. table.
larger amount of relative spin will tend to How to apply the system? In the shot
make the cue ball come back up the table shown for cue-ball position 2, imagine that
more. Also, for a fuller hit, there will be less the cue ball is coming from 4 instead, and
speed back across the table, which will tend the object ball isn't even there, and that the
to make the spin more effective. Finally, rail will reflect the cue ball perfectly. (That's
with a fuller hit, the follow on the rolling a lot of imagining, but bear with me.) The
cue ball will tend to make the cue ball go result is that the cue ball should land on the
down the table more. Somehow, these three side cushion four diamonds down the table
cancel each other for a fairly wide range of from the mirror ball. That's beyond the end
incoming angles. of the table, but if you imagine the rails
As the hit gets even fuller, the cue ball's extended, you get a spot pretty close to X.
sideways speed is so low that the sidespin If you work with the system a little, I think
cannot take effectively on the rail, and the you'll get a feel for how to apply it even to
follow begins to take over and move the cue angles where the diamonds aren't readily
ball down the table. Unfortunately, I The landing spots were all on the end rail available. In those cases, you have to figure
stopped measuring at position "6" because for cue-ball positions from 2 to 6, which out how to get a rebound angle with a slope
that's where I stopped the no-English mea- went to X and Y respectively. I was sur- half a unit larger than the inbound angle.
surements. I (and you) should return to the prised to get the cue ball to X for the cut Would it be useful to have an inside-
table to find the steepness that will make the shot shown, but sometimes science does English system where the rebound angle
cue ball go straight across the table for this startle. Stated simply, the data say: With equalled the inbound angle? I think it
kind of hit. I suspect it will be from about pretty good inside follow on a cut down the would, since then you are liberated from the
the name plate for the shot diagrammed. side cushion, the rebound angle follows diamonds. See if you can find an amount of
This would give a good rule of thumb to use "angle in = angle out," provided that you spin a little less than "pretty good"
in play. imagine the cue ball starting two diamonds that makes the angles equal on your table.
I also tried inside English. This was also of farther up the table. Go to the table now and do your home-
the "pretty good" variety. The results are The "two diamonds" part is taken from the work.

34 B D - APRIL 2005
Bob Jewett

The Internet offers jaw-dropping pool pics from Austria.

There's a free If you look care-

video clip on the fully, you can also
Web that you have see how much the
to see. Get to your front of the shaft
computer and view has been moved
it before you read down during the
further. You won't shot as the ball has
be sorry. (Well, rotated with draw.
you may be sorry if You can also see
your computer the reflection of
won't read the cue stick in the
Windows Media cue ball.
Videos, but I can't Image 4 reminds
help that.) you to vacuum
The clip is: your table. The
http://www.bsku- dust cloud
nion. at/efler/ between the
Faszination_Dreiband_ retreating ball and the cushion
Windows_ Media_9.wmv. came out of the cushion after
It needs to be typed perfectly the cue ball struck it.
or you won't be able to connect. And finally, Image 5 is even
An alternative link is at the bot- more amazing. This is a still
tom of the page www.sfbilliards. from a video clip shot with a
com/misc.htm, which is easier to very sensitive high-speed
type. infrared imager. The infrared
This remarkable video, entitled imager shows the relative tem-
"Faszination," was made in peratures of objects using dif-
Austria by a group including ferent colors. The tempera-
Robert Leitner and three-cush- ture/color scale is on the right-
ion champion Andreas Efler. hand side of this image. What
Image 1 shows a ball in flight the image shows is a masse shot
hitting a cushion. This is like almost completed, in which the
the diagram I had in a previous cue ball was shot out away from
column on cushion compres- the two object balls. The spin
sion, but it's a lot neater shown then takes, and the cue ball
in high-resolution color. You comes back toward them (to
can see the deep compression of score a billiard). The cue ball is
the rail, and on the video you the one that looks like it is on
can see the cue ball lose its spin fire. In fact, that hot stripe is
on contact. This is a flattish where the tremendous back spin
jump shot to the rail, and the of the masse shot has been rub-
cue ball bounces back at about bing on the cloth and heating
the same elevation as its arrival. the surface of the cue ball. You
In Images 2 and 3, you see a can see the hot stripe develop as
cue tip hitting a ball, with the shot unfolds.
rather amazing flying chalk. The path of the cue ball is
I think that there was extra shown by the lighter blue
chalk applied for effect, and curve, which is where the
in earlier frames you can see cloth has been heated by
the tip shedding chalk as it the passage of the cue ball.
approaches the cue ball. The curve is a parabola
Notice the compression of the same arc that you get
the tip while it is on the ball when you throw a ball up
and how the tip seems to in the air at a steep angle.
have recovered by Image 3. The start of the path is

32 BD MAY 2005
different, though. You can see
the hot, bright stick, which
points to a hot spot on the cloth.
That's where the cue ball was sit-
ting at impact. It jumped on a
shallow angle to the next bright
spot that looks to be about one or
two ball-diameters away, and
then there are three or four more
shorter jumps as the cue ball set-
tles down on the cloth.
While this shallow jumping
behavior has been predicted and
is modeled in simulators like
Virtual Pool, I think this is the
first time it has ever been
Anther segment of the clip is an
infrared sequence that shows a
frozen banked ball that is initial-
ly struck slightly into the cloth,
leaves the table while compress-
ing into the cushion, and then
bumps down on the cloth again
as it leaves the cushion. Another
shows a jump shot with follow in which the stick wiggles like a of "Ambient Sound" music by Sascha Borovcanin. This video is
snake after the hit. intended as entertainment and propaganda for billiards rather
There is a 25-minute DVD that is the full version of the free than as science, but I think it succeeds on all fronts. For more
clip, but for now it is only available in the European PAL format. info, go to or e-mail andreas_efler@
A version that is suitable for U.S. players is in progress. Also available there are framed images of stills from
Language is not much of a problem, as the audio track consists the video.

BD MAY 2005 33
Bob Jewett

By the Books
Parallel aiming through the years.

No matter how many The explanation seemed

times I protest that in the reasonable enough, and I
long run you will have to had already developed a lit-
depend on your pool sense tle feel for angles, and I was
for aiming, people continue more interested in making
to seek out new aiming sys- the masse shot from "The
tems. If you're still develop- Hustler," which is shown in
ing a feel for how much of the back of Willie's book.
the ball to hit on various Joe Tucker's new take on
shots, maybe the systems (or this old method is designed
rather, different versions of to get you involved and
one system) described below keep you involved. For full
will help you. immersion, you will need to
The first aiming system I get a special cue ball and
was exposed to was in Willie object ball set that's made
Mosconi's 1965 book, by Aramith, shown in
"Winning Pocket Billiards," Diagram 3. The balls come
which is still in print 40 packaged with a booklet of
years later. Diagram 1 instructions and drills and
demonstrates the main idea. two disks, shown in
You start with the line from Diagram 4, to help illus-
the pocket to the object ball, trate shots. The disks are
and imagine that line going through the marked like the balls, with angles marked
object ball. That line is white in the pic- from 0 to 9 to the left and right for cut
ture, and a ring has been drawn around the angles from 0 to 90 degrees. It's called the
object ball to aid your imagination. "Aiming by the Numbers Method" and
should be available at better billiard retail-
A line parallel to that white line is drawn
through the cue ball, and a similar ring has The first aiming system ers everywhere.
been drawn around the cue ball. To make How does the system work? First, con-
the shot, all you have to do is drive the cue
ball forward so the two rings touch and
was exposed to was in sider a corner-pocket shot with the object
ball and cue ball in any position. You
they are both pointing towards the pocket.
If you hit the object ball too full, its ring
Willie Mosconi's book. rotate the object ball to align the 0-9 num-
bers so that the 9s are nearest the side
will overlap with, instead of just touching, cushions, and facing away from the pock-
the cue ball's ring. Too thin a hit, and the et. The cue ball is rotated so its 9s also face
rings will not touch. the side rails, and the numbers face the end
In Diagram 2 is Bob with the corner pocket
Byrne's take on this system you're going for. It took
in an illustration from his me a little while to con-
1978 "Standard Book of vince myself that this
Pool and Billiards." He rec- always works out.
ommends this system espe- Now for the amazing
cially for thin hits, where it part. Look on the object
allows you to easily pick out ball for which number is
how much of the cue ball farthest from the pocket.
needs to overlap with the Suppose that's the 3
object ball. (For fuller hits, (which means 30 degrees
Byrne recommends the the angle of the shot
ghost-ball method.) Notice relative to the long cush-
the two parallel lines again, ion). All you have to do is
A and B. make the 3 on the cue
When I first saw the paral- ball contact the 3 on the
lel-lines aiming system, in object ball.
Mosconi's book, I didn't Where did the parallel
really try to work with it. lines go? They are actual-

32 BD-JUNE 2005
Bob Jewett

ly still there, but with the numbers on the tion alone, and not at all by the cue ball. from pocket to object ball to diamond. The
balls, you don't have to visualize them. If This is very different from fractional-ball booklet gives the diamond locations that
you must, draw a line from the object ball aiming. This means that you can figure out correspond to the object-ball numbers, and
to the pocket, and through the 3 in this the object-ball number from the diamond if you invest a little time in memorizing
example. Draw another line from the cen- on the opposite side cushion from the these, you can pick out the object-ball
ter of the cue ball through its correspond- intended pocket, using the straight line number very quickly. Or, you can just use
ing 3. Because the balls the two pop-out
are numbered the way diagrams in the
they are, these two lines booklet, which
are guaranteed to be paral- illustrate all the
lel. diamond intersec-
Note that the numbers tions.
(0-9) don't tell you the For side-pocket
angle of the cut they shots, the system is
just tell you the angle of modified some, but
the parallel lines in the works in much the
Mosconi and Byrne dia- same way. I think
grams. You can actually the whole package
calculate the cut angle by is the clearest,
subtracting the normal most complete
number and the 0-9 num- explanation of any
ber that your stick is aiming system
aligned with on the cue available. Joe
ball. Tucker is also
The booklet that comes developing a more
with the balls also extensive workout
includes extensive drills to book as well as a
work on each of the major training DVD.
angles. Note that the Look for them
object-ball aiming number soon. Bank shots
is determined by its posi- are included.

BD-JUNE 2005 33
Bob Jewett

Target Pool, Revived

Take a new look at this out-of-print training system.

Back in 1992, a very useful learning tool tem that could listen to the student, and a for their jobs just yet. Below is a low-cost
called Target Pool came on the scene. It video camera to check on ball placement alternative that will set you back the price
was developed by Don Wilkie and pro play- and for instant replay. A laser-pointer sys- of a deck of playing cards.
er Kim Davenport. The idea is to shoot a tem showed where on the real table to place The idea is to generate a series of shots
specific set of shots for position, and to the balls and target, as well as the required that will take you all over the table. Rather
land the cue ball as close as possible to the path of the cue ball to the target. The screen than limit the choice to a fixed set, this sys-
center of the target. The main items in the was also used to show the text of the recent tem will create pretty much every shot you
kit are a booklet which describes the shots instructions that the system had given ver- might run into. You will draw cards to
and the system of scoring, and two bull's- bally in case the student wasn't listening at determine the positions of the object ball
eye targets made of thin fabric one for the time. If you want to learn more about and target. The cue ball will be in hand, and
the open table and one that is cut in half for the project, see if you don't feel challenged enough by a
a target against the shot, move the cue
cushion. ball to someplace
There are a inconvenient. Or,
dozen "courses" to you can try to play
play listed in the the easy position
booklet, with 10 perfectly.
shots to try for How to get from
each course, and a playing cards to a
par score based on position on the
Kim's score. A table is shown in
typical shot is Diagram 2. It
shown in Diagram uses a grid system
1, from "Course 6 like the one from
Getting to the Target Pool, modi-
End of the Table." fied to work well
The bull's-eye tar- with cards. Deal
get is shown drawn cards from the
to scale. The required hit shuffled deck, putting any
on the cue ball and other face card (K-Q-J) aside
suggestions are given for until you get a non-face
each shot, and you can see card (ace through 9). That
Kim's average score to try determines how far across
to shoot for. This particular the table you go, in half-
shot requires you to go two diamond steps. If your first
cushions (side-side) for the card is a 5, the position
position. will be somewhere on the
The shots range from centerline of the table as
easy ones that Kim aver- shown. Deal yourself more
ages 5 on, to one monster cards until you hit another
shot that requires the cue non-face card. If it's a red
ball to jump off the first card, start counting from
cushion and then go three the left end of the table, or
more rails to the other end from the right end for
of the table with a par score black cards. The 1 ball is at
of 0.7. Unfortunately, the position for a 5 fol-
Target Pool seems to be out lowed by a red 3. The 3
of production now. ball is at 6,B6, and the 2 ball is at A,B3.
tion/IMM/pooltrainer/. The Web site
In researching this column, I discovered includes a video of the system in action. Go through this procedure twice to get the
that a group at the University of Aalborg in The surface of the pool table becomes a big position of the object ball and the target for
Denmark developed a computerized touch-screen display for control lit by position. To mark the target for position,
instruction system based on Target Pool. the laser system and it shows you your you can either leave the cards near the spot
"The Automated Pool Trainer" had a screen score for the shot after the cue ball stops selected, or use a coin or chalk.
to display the shot, a speech synthesizer to rolling. For the first level of difficulty, you're per-
give instructions, a speech-recognition sys- I don't think pool instructors need to fear mitted to play the shot any way you want to

34 BD JULY 2005
Bob Jewett

make the object ball in a pocket and put the In Diagram 3 is a shot similar to position from the bank may take a few
cue ball on the target. If you don't want to Diagram 1 generated with cards 7, red 3 shots. If I had to bank the ball in Diagram
be bothered with scoring, just practice the followed by 5, black ace. There were two 3, I'd move the cue ball just a little to the
shot until you get the cue ball close to the face cards drawn, so you have to go two left and bank the 2 cross-corner while
target say within the span of your hand, cushions to get to the target (marked X). sending the cue ball to B2 and then to the
or within a ball's width, if you want to go Of course, there may be other paths using X.
for extreme precision. two cushions, such as starting the cue ball While this is a good solo practice, it can
If you run into a shot that also be a two-player game.
you just can't make work, Both players shoot the
like pocketing the 2 ball in same shot with separate
Diagram 2 and putting the cue balls, and closest to the
cue ball where the 1 ball is, target wins the point. It's
make a note of the problem like horseshoes, so if you
and practice it separately shoot second it's OK to
later. knock your opponent away
If you want to be fanatical from the target. Also like
about it, mark a ruler so horseshoes, if neither play-
that within 3 inches is five er is within a certain dis-
points, 6 inches three tance a foot? there is
points, 9 inches for two and no score. The first player
12 inches for one point. gets to choose the number
For the second level of of cushions but not which
difficulty, use the face cards ones; pay no attention to
that you set aside during the face cards. Alternate
the deal. You need to hit one cushion for at A, and going two cushions at Al and A2. who goes first. For more excitement, it can
each face card you've drawn. If you didn't Or you could place the cue ball for a near- be a multi-player game with each player
get any face cards, you have to get from the ly straight shot and follow to the end rail getting two shots, using the two same-col-
object ball to the target without hitting a and upper side cushion at B1 and B2. ored object balls as his cue balls (1-9, 2-10,
rail. If you got three face cards, you need If you happen to get more than three face etc.).
to figure out a three-cushion path. These cards in your deal, you have to bank the Let me know if you try this type of prac-
more complicated paths may not always be object ball, but you're not required to hit tice, and if you come up with any interest-
possible, but see how close you can come. any cushions with the cue ball. To get good ing modifications.
Bob Jewett

Close Quarters
Learn to beat one of Wimpy's favorite proposition shots.

[Bob Jewett is on vacation this month. find that by the time they are half an inch square rails give a better stop than modern
What follows is a reprint of a classic apart, my arm hurts from the unaccus- rails that slope away from the cushion.
Jewett column from August J 993. Ed. ] tomed effort of suddenly stopping the cue The bad news: This shot is not generally
stick. Try this drill on a table now. useful, unless the cue ball is the right dis-
In a past issue [July 1993], I described a At this point, your arm should be sore, tance from the rail. The good news:
system for aiming when the cue ball is you have developed a special stroke for There's another technique that can be used
close to the object ball. This time, I want to very close shots, you've grown to hate the in many close situations. For Shot 1, you
suggest some stroke techniques that will sound and feel of a double hit, and you're can make the 1 ball hit the far rail twice
help you avoid hitting the cue ball a sec- ready to bet that the shot's impossible and still not drive the cue ball over the line.
ond time when the object ball is near. when the balls are only a quarter-inch I first saw this technique when Rene
These techniques will be especially valu- apart. Vingerhoedt, the great Belgian billiard
able in pool's finesse games, 14.1 and one- Now for the trick. fancy-shot artist, gave an exhibition in the
pocket. Place the balls for Shot 1, make a firm room where I was just beginning to learn
Shot 1 in Diagram 1 is a proposition bet closed bridge with a little draw, and with the game. He first shot standard artistic
that I've heard was a favorite of Luther the tip about half an inch from the cue ball. billiard shots. He then announced that he
Lassiter. The cue ball and the 1 ball are on Let the back end of the cue stick rest on the was going to change to his masse cue for
opposite sides of the headstring and a rail. Without moving the stick, slide your the second half of the show, but first he
quarter-inch apart. The goal is to make the grip hand up until your knuckle is pressed would shoot the "Spanish Dance." He
1 ball hit the end rail without the cue going against the outside edge of the rail, and placed the balls just like Shot 1, and took a
over the line. You must use a level stroke. take a very firm grip on the cue. Take a tremendous stroke, smashing the cue ball
First, see how short a stroke you can short backswing, keeping the stick rubbing into the red ball. The red took off at a mil-
develop. Start with the cue ball four inch- on the rail. Your hand will hit the rail and lion miles an hour, but the cue ball just sat
es back. Hitting the end rail should be stop the cue quickly enough to avoid a where it started, spinning and wobbling
easy, and if you use draw, the cue ball double hit. You may need to adjust the tip- that was the "dance" part. Vingerhoedt got
should come back without any forward to-ball starting distance, depending on the out his case, took his cue apart, and
motion after contacting the 1. Move the springiness of your knuckles and how hard screwed his masse cue together. The cue
cue ball gradually closer to the 1 ball. I you're willing to hit the rail. Old-fashioned ball was still dancing.

32 BD-AUGUST 2005
Bob Jewett

How did he do that? With a technique the English, you should be able to land the to have the tip come back to just the right
that is well-known in Europe but still a cue ball on the near (low) side of the 4. If place on the cue ball after having been
mystery to most players in the United the draw takes quickly enough, this tech- pulled clear to the other side of the cue
States. It's called a whipping stroke. It's nique could be used for the proposition in ball. And adding object-ball accuracy to
rather difficult, so let's start with some- Shot 1. this forceful shot will be even tougher.
thing simpler that gives some feeling for Finally try the shot with outside or left Once you've got the timing down, you'll
the shot without having to master the English. This will result in a double hit be able to shoot straight toward the 1 ball
strange whipping motion. even when the balls are an inch or more in Shot 1, leaving the cue ball spinning in
In Shot 2, the idea is to find how close apart, because the cue ball will be moving place. With a little draw beside the
the cue ball can be to the object ball on a into the path of the stick after the collision English, you can bring the cue ball straight
half-ball cut and still avoid a double hit. with the 2 ball. back to the end rail. Best of all, you'll
The 2 ball is placed so it would be touch- Try the same setup for a fuller shot on have the stroke technique to avoid all
ing a ball on the spot, and the 3 and 4 are the 2 ball, and you should get similar forms of double hits.
placed on the diamonds. The 3 ball is there results; right English will help you avoid There's one more facet to this shot
simply to help you place the cue ball on the foul. whip without English. The purpose of
the proper line. Aim through the center of The whipping stroke uses a similar idea, swerving the cue stick is to get it away
the cue ball at the edge of the 2 ball and but it is mostly the stick that's moved to from where the cue ball is going to stop.
slightly into the edge of the 3. Neglecting avoid the second hit. Instead of using a Swerve down is nearly as good as swerve
throw, the 2 ball will be driven straight straight follow-through, the cue is to the side. Aim straight at the 1 ball, start-
across the table, and the cue ball, if cued swerved to the outside of the shot during ing near the center. On the final stroke,
on the equator, will hit the 4 ball. the final stroke. raise the butt of the cue so the tip dips
Practice this shot with a normal follow- In Shot 1, set up for a lot of right English down to the cloth after hitting the cue ball
through, moving the cue ball closer and with the cue stick aimed toward the 4 ball. with draw. The needed stroke is very
closer to the 2 ball until a double hit occurs On the back swing, swerve the butt away short, as in the first drill, since the cue ball
and the cue ball hits the end rail on the far from you (if you're right-handed) and on will be drawing back soon after the hit and
(high) side of the 4 ball. Next, try the same the forward stroke, swerve back, so that at you need to give it room.
progression using extreme-right English the end of the shot, the cue stick is point- Don't be discouraged if you can't get the
on the cue ball. You'll probably find that ed toward the 3 ball. While swerving the action right away. It took me 25 years to
the cue ball can start much closer to the cue, keep your bridge stationary. get a reasonable understanding and feel
object ball because it starts moving to the This outside-in motion is difficult to for the shot after I first saw it in 1966. If
left just after collision, which makes room master, since it goes against the standard you can find an instructor who knows this
for the stick to pass. If you use draw with ideal straight follow-through. It's not easy shot, take a lesson.

BD -AUGUST 2005 33
Bob Jewett

Taking A Lesson Did you learn anything?

I just got back from vacation, part of pion, was the resident carom expert. He Of course, both Bud and I made a mis-
which involved taking some billiard was a careful player, a student of Welker take. As an instructor, he had cast his ideas
lessons. This reminded me of what it was Cochran, and he gave lessons. I signed up. in stone, and could not accept that any of
like to be a student. To be a good student Bud took me to a quiet table, and the les- them might be wrong. As a student, I made
takes as much effort as to be an instructor. son began. About five minutes in, he let the larger mistake. Bud had much to teach.
When I was first learning to play at the me in on the first secret: You can change Some of it was B.S., of course, but I could
student union at have sorted that
Cal Berkeley, out later. The
there were few loss was mine.
books or instruc- You may want
tors available. It to try the experi-
was 1965, ment for your-
Mosconi's second self. With the
book had just cue ball on the
come out, and head spot, shoot
Hoppe's book was straight along
still available and the headstring to
had been for 25 the side cushion
years. If you com- with maximum
pare those two to left or right side
the many books and play the
published just in shot with a loose
the last five years, and tight grip.
you can get some I'm not going to
idea of difficulty tell you which
of self-instruction one Bud thought
back then. should get more
We sort of learned from each other, but spin. There are now camps on both sides
we didn't know much, so we couldn't for spin maximization the "tight-grip-
learn much. I was impressed by players pers" and the "loose-grippers." Let me
know how your test comes out.
who regularly ran five or six at straight
pool. Rumors of a run of 40 at some frat
house were dismissed as unbelievable, or
Its a little unsettling to be Karma. Fifteen years later about 2000
I find myself on the other side of the
drunken bragging.
The nearest people known to give
told that the bridges table. I have a class of three instructor-
candidates who want to learn to teach
pool. I think it's important for them to be
lessons were half an hour away in "The
City." Jimmy Lee would show you about
carom billiards if he liked you, and for a
taught to you by Hoppe able to demonstrate the fundamentals of
stance and stroke, including a basic shoot-
price Tugboat Whaley would pull out his
stack of notebooks on pool and let you in
and Mosconi were wrong, ing sequence. Part of the basic sequence is
to take some warm-up strokes and then
on some secrets. I wish now that I had stop with the cue tip near the cue ball. One
taken that trip more often. Whaley is men-
tioned briefly and dismissively in
but they were. of the candidates would not stop the tip
any closer than about two inches from the
Mosconi's biography, which is ironic cue ball. He was not willing, even after
since Mosconi seems never to have shared repeated requests and explanations of why
his deeper knowledge of the game with the amount of spin on the ball by the firm- it was a good idea to address the cue ball
anyone. It's too bad that Willie never ness of the grip hand. I was incredulous, closely, to bring his tip any closer to the
became a teacher. and insisted on doing the experiment. ball. He would not explain why he was
Fast forward about 20 years, to With a finger-tip grip and then with a unable to bring the tip any closer.
California Billiards in San Jose. It was one white-knuckle grip, I shot the cue ball I suppose that lesson should have ended
of the nicest pool halls in the country, with straight into the cushion with the same then, too. I was clearly not able to reach
a tournament room that had five tables and speed and tip offset. The cue ball, as I had the student. If you have suggestions on
theater seating on two sides. They had expected, angled off the cushion along what I could have done, I'd be glad to hear
tables for carom, pool and snooker. Bud identical paths for the two cases. The les- them. The student himself gave me some
Harris, a former U.S. three-cushion cham- son ended. suggestions, including that I should get

out of instruction. It was one of the surprised by some of them I was. If you find yourself answering "Don't
strangest experiences I've ever had at a Besides safety possibilities, knowing the remember," "Can't tell," "Not much," and
pool table. "equal travel" hit for various positions "What was that lesson about, again?"
Last month, I was in Vienna to visit the should also help your position play. maybe the lesson was not successful. (But
Weingartner Billiard Museum. I had asked I think that, as a student, it's important to let's not try to assign blame for the fail-
Heinrich Weingartner if there was some- ask yourself some questions both immedi- ure.) I think the most important of these is
one who might be willing to show me a lit- ately after a lesson and when you have had "What will I do differently now?" If a les-
tle about the "small" carom games, such a chance to make the lesson part of your son doesn't change how you play, it was
as straight rail and balkline. The perfect game: useless. Since my trip to Vienna, I've
host, Heinrich arranged for the European What was the main idea covered? spent a lot of time on the table doing
balkline champion, Arnim Kahofer, to Is it correct? things I had never done before, and now I
meet me, and we had a very productive What will I do differently now? feel like I'm beginning to learn about
seven hours of lessons. Arnim is a Has my game improved? close caroms.
thoughtful, thorough, and friendly instruc-
tor, and of course he is a master of the
games he teaches.
Almost the first thing he said was that
my bridge was wrong. It's a little unset-
tling to be told that the bridges taught to
you by Hoppe and Mosconi were wrong,
but they were. Since Hoppe's day, the
Europeans seem to have invented a new
bridge that lets you precisely position the
tip for close draw shots. It looks weird,
and I had seen it before on another
European champion, but had dismissed it
as a pointless idiosyncrasy of the shooter.
I now understand the method to the appar-
ent madness.
During the lessons there was even a brief
mention of the tightness of the grip affect-
ing spin, and I made a note to myself to
look into it later.
While most of the techniques and drills
we covered are more useful to billiards
than to pool, there was one that should
help your pool safety play. For the shots
shown in Diagram 1, the idea is to start
with an object ball somewhat away from
the cushion and the cue ball farther out, at
some angle. The goal is to hit the ball and
leave both the cue ball and the object ball
frozen to the cushion. No pocket is
involved at this point. To succeed, you
have to learn how full to hit the object ball
in each case.
There is some theory here. In the case of
Shot A, both the cue ball and object ball
need to travel about the same distance to
get to the rail. If you make a half-ball hit
on the right side of the object ball with a
smoothly rolling cue ball, the object ball
will be cut 30 degrees to the left and the
cue ball will be deflected roughly 30
degrees to the right. The theory of a half-
ball hit in this case says the cue ball and
object ball will travel the same distance.
In Shot B, the cue ball is very close to
the object ball and they are angled at 45
degrees to the cushion. If you play the shot
with stun no draw or follow on the cue
ball when it hits the object ball and cut
the ball 45 degrees, theory says that the
balls should split at 90 degrees and travel
the same distance. Does theory hold up?
Give it a try.
Try other angles as well. I think you'll be


Different Strokes It takes all kinds.

Recently in the Internet discussion drawing or following the length of the the cue stick moves not like a pendulum,
groups, there have been several conversa- table. which naturally has a curve to its motion,
tions about what stroke to use for various The first form of the standard stroke but like a piston, with the tip's motion trav-
shots. Somebody made a statement about which I described above is the classic pen- elling along a straight line. This requires a
there being only three or five strokes. That dulum stroke. The forearm moves like a more complicated arm motion, with the
got me to thinking, and I started a list. pendulum, with the elbow fixed and the elbow moving down and up and down to
First, I think we need to define what a forearm swinging. Many instructors feel keep the stick on a fixed line. This might
stroke is and what separates seem like a minor varia-
one stroke from another. tion, but the required phys-
Saying that someone has a ical motion is very differ-
"sweet," "smooth" or ent from the standard
"flashy" stroke may look stroke. Few players use
good in a non-technical arti- this stroke, but some of
cle, but it doesn't convey them are champions.
any real information. I'll A third stroke is what 1
define a stroke as the call the "rail banger." In
sequence of motions from this, the elbow drops a lot.
addressing the cue ball until The rail, if it happens to be
the stroking arm stops mov- in the right place, will stop
ing. the elbow's descent with a
Are different strokes nec- loud "whack." The tip ends
essary? Yes, there are situa- up in the air, and the
tions on the table where you knuckles sometimes end
really need a different phys- up bloody. For more details
ical approach to the shot. In about the mechanics
addition, there may be involved with these various
strokes used simply to act strokes and some field
as a memory aid without observations, see my
any real physical purpose. February and March 2004
See if you can tell them columns in BD.
apart. Based on the above
What I will call the stan- (somewhat biased) descrip-
dard stroke many players tions, which of these
use it is fairly simple. strokes is needed for good
After some preliminary fid- play?
dling or warm-ups, the cue A stroke that has come
tip is stopped very close to into play relatively recently
the cue ball this is is the power break, used in
"addressing" the cue ball 9-ball. On a table with a
and a final check of the line tight rack, a relatively soft
is made. The stroke then break will almost always
consists of drawing the cue back until the that it is the easiest and most consistent pocket a ball, but with a bad triangle or
ferrule is at the bridge hand, bringing it way to hit a ball. The second form I cloth pocked with craters, you can get bet-
forward through the cue ball at the described, where the elbow drops at the ter results if you crank up the speed, get-
"address" point, and coasting to a stop end, is a natural development as the speed ting more of your body into the shot. If
with the tip six inches or so beyond the of the shot increases. With more power, the your upper body is moving forward at a
point of contact with the cue ball. stick naturally comes forward more at the couple of miles per hour when the stick
There are two common forms of this end of the shot. As the grip hand comes hits the cue ball, you get significantly more
standard stroke, one in which the elbow forward, the forearm closes on the biceps, energy into the ball, assuming you still can
remains stationary and one in which the and it is more comfortable to let the elbow maintain control.
elbow is stationary until the end of the drop a little. This drop should happen after I saw one match in which the breaker fol-
stroke, when it drops about the thickness tip contact, so it doesn't affect how much lowed through so far that the cue tip came
of the upper arm four or five inches. draw or follow you get. to a halt beyond the center of the table. He
The former is generally for softer shots, The next stroke I'd like to describe is was breaking well, and the cue ball was
and the latter for power shots, such as what I call the "piston" stroke, in which hopping back from the 1 ball and stopping

30 BD-OCTOBER 2005
in the middle of the table. On one break, nearly always use rubber wraps which pre- sidespin you want. Then you make the nor-
the cue tip actually hit the cue ball in mid vent any slippage, and snooker players mal stroke, using one of the above tech-
flight over the center spot, a feat which grip their sticks at the end of the butt, and niques or one described below. If all works
required perfect follow-through and a per- if there were any slippage, the stick would well, the angle the stick pivots through is
fect hit on the rack. His opponent didn't drop onto the table. the same as the angle that the cue ball
notice the aerial foul. There can be some variation in the exact squirts away from the line of the stick.
In both forms of the standard stroke that timing of the slip. The tip has to move back If the stick has fairly low squirt, or for
I've described, the cue tip is brought back from the cue ball and that can occur some other reason the pivot point is not at
to the bridge hand before striking the cue before, during or after the slip. Can you your bridge, the pivot needs to be around a
ball. In the "poke stroke," it is only brought see how a slip stroke might be useful? Try different point. One Internet poster says
back part way, and the follow-through is it to see what it feels like. that his pivot point is about halfway
usually shorter. Among the top players, A different kind of slip stroke is the between his two hands, so to use aim-and-
Allen Hopkins is known for using this "stroke slip," in which the stick is released pivot he puts half of the English on by
abbreviated motion. It is often described as during the forward motion and sort of moving his bridge hand to the correct side
ugly, but here's something to consider: thrown through the ball. Mechanically, this and the other half by moving his back
About 10 years ago, a laser that strapped can get a longer straight follow-through hand.
onto the cue stick, named the Laser Shark, without dropping the elbow. This is shown A related stroke motion is what I call the
was being marketed at a trade show. It was in Diagram 2. Can you make the motion "aim-and-swoop" stroke. This is like the
very good at showing any side-to-side work? aim-and-pivot, except it always pivots at
wobble in the mechanics. The company One method of squirt compensation, the bridge, and the pivoting motion is part
reported that the only pro player to show which I call "aim-and-pivot," deserves its of the final stroke. That is, the cue ball is
negligible wobble was Allen Hopkins. own stroke category, although the defining addressed in the center without sidespin,
Do you want to play like Willie motion takes place before the shot, and it then the cue stick is brought back and
Mosconi? Then you have to use the slip can be combined with the above stroke through as the backhand is moved to the
stroke, because he did. As shown in motions. The idea is to aim a shot with no side to achieve sidespin. The tip is still
Diagram 1, during the backstroke, the sidespin, then pivot the cue stick at the moving somewhat to the side as it hits the
hand slips back on the cue stick, then it bridge hand, and then stroke through along cue ball. Some believe they can get extra
grips the stick and the stick is brought for- the new line. For left English, for example, spin on the cue ball this way.
ward as usual. Former U.S. carom champi- you would line up through the center of the In my next column, I'll cover another
on Allen Gilbert also uses this stroke. Note cue ball, and while the tip is near the ball, dozen or so strokes. In the meantime, sort
that it is almost exclusively pool players move your back hand to the right until the out for yourself which of the above are
who use the slip stroke, as carom players tip is out on the ball for the amount of useful to you.

BD-OCTOBER 2005 31

Different Strokes, Part 2

Here are a dozen more motions, from the essential to the esoteric.

Last month, I described 11 different you high enough with more stability. An index and middle fingers with the back of
strokes. Briefly, they were: the standard pen- additional technique I've seen used in some your hand up to the ceiling and your palm
dulum; the pendulum with biceps relief at the positions is to press the hip against the side down. Stick the vertical cue stick between
end; the piston; the rail banger; the full-body of the table, or even to put a leg up on the those two fingers and grip with the sides of
power break; the poke; the slip stroke; the table, if you're that flexible. them. It may help to curl the fingers so more
stroke slip, in which the stick is released Shot A in Diagram 1 is a drill to practice surface area is on the stick. This transforms
before impact; the aim-and-pivot; the two- moderate elevation with accurate aiming. the V-grip into the "eagle claw." The result-
handed pivot, which is a kind of squirt com- The goal is to shoot the object ball straight in ing motion feels a lot more like throwing
pensation for low-squirt sticks; and the aim- and draw the cue ball back to where it starts. than the typical stroke.
and-swoop. You may know Speaking of carom billiards,
some of these by other names. there are several special tech-
For example, the technique of niques that were developed on
"backhand English" involves the pocketless table for close-
either aim-and-pivot or aim-and- ball situations. One is what I
swoop, depending on whom you call the "tap stroke," which is
learned the term from. used when the balls are very
Remember that I defined a close together and a minimum
"stroke" as the sequence of amount of precise motion is
motions from addressing the cue needed on the cue ball. The tap
ball until the stroking arm stops is made without a backstroke at
moving. all, like tapping a key on a key-
Here are another dozen strokes board. You don't need a running
some essential and some just start to press a key or to drive a
bizarre. billiard ball less than an inch.
The sidearm stroke is usually It's hard to get used to if you
seen in players who learned to play at an Begin with the cue ball several ball diame- rarely play softly.
early age. Instead of the forearm hanging ters from the cushion very easy. Make the Shot B in the diagram is a drill to practice
straight down from the elbow, it is held out shot tougher and tougher by moving the cue your soft shots. Start the cue ball in the jaws
to the side with the hand away from the ball nearer to the cushion. Keep track of of a side pocket and an object ball about six
body. Willie Hoppe who started earning your progress toward the rail with a coin or inches from it, straight toward the opposite
his entire family's living through billiards at an object ball. As the cue ball gets closer, side pocket. The goal is to take as many
the age of 7 was one player with this your arm will have to raise. How high can shots as possible to sink the ball in the oppo-
affliction. In modern times, you need look you rise and keep a pendulum position? Stay site side, leaving the cue ball and object ball
no further than Keith McCready, who got flat-footed? Aim well? in position for each subsequent shot. You
into trouble in junior high for asking his The high-arm stroke is also used for some lose if you fail to hit the object ball or dou-
coach to hold onto his horse-choking jump shots, but for even more elevation, ble-hit the cue ball. Ten strokes is poor, 20 is
bankroll. Young players have to get the stick many players move to the dart grip. The fair, 30 is good, and 40 or more is excellent.
up to the table, and it's often done by raising forearm is nearly vertical, or at least in a ver- Once you get to 30 regularly, try challenging
the hand up level with the elbow. Bud Harris tical plane, with the hand up. For a right- a friend. It is not fair to play to hit the side of
told me that Welker Cochran also started handed player, the thumb is on the left side the object ball, just brushing the edge; you
side-armed, but converted to a perfect pen- of the butt with the index finger and maybe must play more or less straight at the ball,
dulum when he got enough height. the middle finger on the right side of the moving it straight toward the pocket. Using
There are times when you need to raise butt. The big advantage of this, over using the thin-hit technique, a hundred shots is not
your arm, perhaps to clear obstacles on your sidearm and a regular grip, is that it's much hard.
side of the cue ball. Do you do it with a easier to keep the stick on the correct line for Another technique from carom for close
sidearm stroke? How straight can you stroke aiming. hits is the "palm slap." Holding the stick
with one? Masse shots also require some kind of loosely, just slap the butt up against your
An alternative way to achieve some eleva- raised-arm position. For the nearly vertical palm. This gets a little forward motion on
tion is to maintain a pendulum arm position shots, many players use a normal grip and the stick and can make very soft to medium-
but to raise the shoulder and elbow by stand- bring the forearm up above the shoulder. soft hits.
ing up higher, which I'll call the high-arm Many carom players half- or nearly full In the August issue (which was a reprint of
position. One fault I've noticed in players, masse shots are common at both three-cush- a 1993 article), I described two other ways to
including myself, is that they tend to go up ion and the small games use a dart grip avoid hitting a close ball, but with a lot more
on their toes to get height. Usually that's not most of the time. Some use a grip you've power. One is the "table stop," in which the
necessary, and a flat-footed stance will get probably never seen. Make a V with your grip hand is positioned so that it will hit the

edge of the table just before the tip hits the ward as far as you can with your left hand
ball, and the springiness of your abused and lift the tip off the table just a little.
knuckles stops the stick before a second hit. Rather than a normal stroke, which would
This is usually not useful in normal play. be real hard with the butt of the stick resting
A second way described in August was on the cloth, jam the heel of your right hand
with what is called a "whipping stroke," in into the stick's bumper, driving the tip into
which the second hit is avoided by getting the bottom of the ball. Jerry can draw the
the shaft off to the side of the cue ball. Some cue ball the length of the table.
of these shots may be fouls, some are cer- A kind of stroke that has been specifically
tainly fouls, but some are with only one con- forbidden is the "drop" or "lift." Suppose
tact of stick to ball. This would be a good you have an object ball a hair from the rail
subject for further study with high-speed and the cue ball straight out from the object
video, and it was covered briefly by the ball but only a peppercorn away. What to
Jacksonville Project, but it's hard to be sure do? One clever person came up with this:
whether extra contacts did or did not occur. Place the stick so it's pointed to shoot the
Another special technique for getting good cue ball straight at the object ball. Stand by
power into a close ball is the "cramp stroke." the rail so the stick is also pointed at you
Move the grip hand far, far forward. Do this and you can look down from above the shot.
by getting into position with the tip near the Move the stick forward a little so the tip is
cue ball, and move your grip as far forward barely under the edge of the cue ball. Pull
as you can possibly move it while in stroking the stick straight up, hitting the cue ball
position my hand goes to nearly the joint with a thin, glancing blow. I defy you to get
of my cue. Now when you stroke, your arm a single hit any other way in this position
can't follow through, because, at the moment while shooting straight at the object ball. A
of impact, your arm is horizontal and your wrinkle is to hold the stick above the cue
elbow, unless it dislocates, will stop further ball and just let it drop. Be ready for an
forward motion. It takes more than a few intense discussion of the rules if you try this
shots to get comfortable with this grip, but I in a game.
find it a very reliable way to hit a close ball Another illegal stroke technique is the
with power. intentional miscue. This can be useful to get
You may have gotten the impression that I out of double hits, to jump over balls, or to
don't recommend using a sidearm stroke if make certain impossible shots, probably by
you can avoid it, and the main reason is that double-hitting the cue ball with the side of
it's hard to keep the stick straight on the line the shaft.
of the shot. For shots with the mechanical Yet another illegal stroke is the push shot.
bridge, a different kind of sidearm is a rec- I'm not talking about double hits, which are
ommended technique. The stick is held near a separate subject. In a push shot, the tip
the end of the butt with a dart-like grip, the pushes rather than strikes the cue ball and
fingers on top and the thumb below. The contact is maintained for a much longer
forearm is horizontal, with the elbow at the time than in a normal shot. There are some
same height as the hand, and perpendicular interesting push-shot trick shots. An
to the stick at the moment of impact. In the- instructor from my area used to teach them
ory, this is a kind of pendulum turned on its to be used in games. Start with the tip very
side, and the stick is moving in a straight line nearly on the cue ball and then gradually
when the tip hits the ball. When was the last accelerate with no backstroke at all. It's sort
time you practiced with the crutch? Would of an extended tap stroke.
you rather eat broken glass? Start counting Finally, there is the "scoop stroke," which
the number of times that you miss shots due I finally understood only a few months ago,
to stretching or shooting opposite-handed, thanks to fellow columnist Dave Alciatore,
and when you get to 10, go to the practice although I had seen it in print a few decades
table. In Shot C, the balls are on the wrong ago. To execute a scoop-stroke jump shot,
side of the table for a normal bridge, and you place the stick on the table and then slide it
have to draw the cue ball back, first one dia- along on the cloth to the base of the ball.
mond, then two, and finally back to the end The stick must be on the cloth for the shot
cushion. Can you do it with a bridge? Try to work. Contrary to my previous thinking,
some angles with sidespin and some follow no miscue is required on the shot, although
shots as well. one may happen. By miscue, I mean slip-
There is a novelty stroke from Jerry ping of the tip on the ball. The cue ball gets
Briesath that Robert Byrne described in into the air because the table helps to push
these pages some time ago which you can it up as the tip is wedged between ball and
use to avoid bridge work. Suppose you have cloth. Another illegal mode.
Shot C and there is no bridge and your left- Did you think there were just one or two
handed shots are nonexistent and you just strokes? Now you know of a couple dozen.
have to get back to the end rail, and you Fortunately, only about a third of them are
can't shoot behind your back (which is a needed in play and worth practicing. If you
stroke I haven't mentioned yet). Put the cue have any other strokes that should be added
stick in position flat on the table, reach for- to the list, please let me know.

BD -NOVEMBER 2005 33
Bob Jewett

Wrong Size, Wrong Shape You should probably have that looked at.

Recently on the Internet discussion group It depends. The difference in size has a cor- feet, just from being that small amount, Pat Johnson of Chicago responding difference in weight, and that lighter.
mentioned a problem he had with his new will make the cue ball rebound off the object Now suppose the poolhall buys new object
cue ball. When he put the cue ball on the ball differently. If you have only a vague balls, but keeps the old cue ball. That would
table and surrounded it with six used object idea of where the cue ball is supposed to go roughly double the relative differences in
balls from the poolhall, he couldn't get all on any particular shot, the difference will not diameters and weights, and for the example
the balls to freeze. There would be gaps be noticed, but the better your position play draw shot I just described, the cue ball
between the object balls, and if he moved the becomes, the more such discrepancies will would come back twice as far (four feet) as
balls around so there was only one gap, it bother you. a standard cue ball against a standard object
was 3/32nd of an inch, as shown in ball. If you instead try to follow with the
Diagram 1. This seemed to show that the light cue ball, you will be similarly surprised
pool balls were smaller than the cue ball. when the ball goes forward only 64 percent
Pat's question was: How much smaller are as far as you were expecting. So three dia-
the object balls?
I made a quick guess that if you divided The better your position monds-length of attempted follow ends up a
whole diamond short.
the gap by 6, the diameters of the object How do these measurements compare to
balls would be smaller than the cue ball by
that amount, or l/64th of an inch. It turns out
play becomes, the more the equipment specifications in the Billiard
Congress of America rule book? Balls are
that I was off by a factor of two. Two other
participants in the newsgroup, Jim (who the discrepancies will supposed to be 2.25 inches in diameter with-
in a tolerance of +/-0.005 inches. (Typical
goes by the user name "JAL") from Indiana
and David Hood from Colorado correctly
pointed out that the ratio is about 3, so Pat's
bother you. high-quality new balls are much more exact
than that.) Assuming that the middle ball in
the cluster is the correct size, this means that
cue ball was a whole l/32nd of an inch larg- the gap when you attempt to freeze six balls
er than the object balls he was trying to play around it can be no more than 0.015 inches,
with. which is about 1/64 of an inch, or the thick-
By a coincidence, just after this online dis- Let's take an example of a draw shot with ness of a business card.
cussion, one of the players in the 14.1 league the small cue ball. If a normal ball is 6 So far, we've been assuming that the object
I play in brought his new cue ball to use in ounces, the small cue ball is only 5.67 balls are all the same size. If a ball has to be
his match. I showed the two players how ounces. (This is calculated from the cube of replaced, this will not be true. The object
much of a gap the cue ball caused between the ratio of the two diameters, if you want to balls we measured above were about 1/24
the surrounding balls, and it looked to be 1/8 try a different case yourself.) Suppose you inch smaller than a new ball. Suppose the 9
of an inch. We ball has to be
then tried putting replaced in that
the house cue ball set. There's no
in the middle of way that you will
the cluster, and we ever get a tight
got a different rack with the new
type of gap. It was 9 ball in the center
between the because the old,
frozen object balls small object balls
and the cue ball, just can't stretch
and it was nearly around it.
as large as the gap Unfortunately,
illustrated in even a l/64th-
Diagram 2. inch gap which
Amazingly you might see
enough, according with new, in-spec
to Jim's and David's analyses, you can find are making a shot where, if you start the cue balls is large enough to make a difference
the difference between the cue ball's and ball with near-maximum draw, it might in how a rack breaks.
object balls' diameters again by dividing the arrive with about half of that after rubbing Many years ago, before I had my first run
gap by 3, even though the gap is made in a on the cloth on the way to the object ball, of 50 at straight pool, I played day and night
very different way. For this example, the and you would get two feet of draw. On the in a rec room with old, worn balls. I thought
house cue ball was smaller by 1 /24 of an inch. same shot, the smaller cue ball will get about I was pretty good because I could draw the
Is 1/24 of an inch enough to worry about? 43 percent more draw and come back three cue ball all over the table. What I didn't real-

ize, even though it was in front of me on mon, and shots were often made or missed across in all directions they are all the
every shot, was that the cue ball was tiny by the little hook the ball took at the end of same, but the shape is clearly not a circle.
compared to the object balls, relatively a low-speed shot. When a billiard ball got Similar weirdnesses can happen in three
speaking. With draw coming so easily and too oval, it had to be turned down with a spe- dimensions. One simple test is to use a per-
naturally, my position play and patterns fectly circular hole just a little larger than the
evolved to where I was using draw on most ball and make sure there is a constant clear-
shots. ance all around the ball no matter which way
Eventually, I got up enough courage and it's turned in the hole.
funds to make a trip to the local poolhall to One tool I've seen in a billiard-supply
try my luck in a competitive match. The cue store is a stand where the ball sits on three
ball there looked a little funny. It seemed ball bearings while a feeler gauge touches
big. It seemed rough, as if someone had the top of the ball. As you rotate the ball on
taken sandpaper to the surface. Maybe it the bearings, the feeler gauge indicates how
was a big barbox cue ball that had migrated many thousandths of an inch the top of the
to a regular table, or perhaps it was an old, ball moves up and down. One precise tech-
mud break ball. In any case, it didn't draw. I nique scientists use is to measure the devia-
was helpless. The local hotshot would miss tion from roundness of a bunch of "great cir-
until the last three balls, because he quickly cles" around the alleged sphere. A great cir-
figured out there was no way I could get cle is a circle on the surface of a sphere that
position two shots in a row. I didn't have my has the same diameter as the sphere, divid-
rent money with me, so the lesson that day ing it into two equal hemispheres, like the
was worth more than the price, although it equator on the Earth. Mathematical tech-
took me a while to figure out what the les- niques allow scientists to connect the circles
son was. cial lathe to make it "true" again, and the together to find the topography of the
I've mentioned here before that cue balls balls became smaller and smaller. sphere, accurate to about 1 part in 10 mil-
can also be off-center or out of round. You Trying to test the roundness of a pool ball lion. I think for the purposes of pool, just
may notice this when the ball is rolling a is far harder than testing the size. You might watching for inconsistent roll-off as the ball
long way to a stop. One time it might roll a measure a bunch of diameters of the ball, but comes to a stop is good enough.
little to the left. The next, along the same even if they are all the same, you can't be Should you worry about all of the above?
path, it might roll to the right. Back when sure that the ball is really round. Look at the Only when your game is ready for these
ivory was the preferred material for carom two-dimensional shape in Diagram 3. details, such as when you can control the roll
balls, this sort of behavior was fairly com- Measure its "diameters" or the distances of the cue ball to better than one diamond.


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